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When you're stuck in English Lit for life!
anglophone comments on Oct 16, 2022:
Shit! What's that man got? Stainless steel balls complete with matching cock?
Black Hole Lights Up Years After Ripping Star to Shreds – “We’ve Never Seen Anything Like This...
anglophone comments on Oct 16, 2022:
Thanks for the heads up. :)
Why are pseudosciences so appealing? []
anglophone comments on Oct 15, 2022:
Pseudoscience, because real science hurts my feeble brain.
Once again the old adage is proven true, That the once persecuted invariably become the best at ...
anglophone comments on Oct 15, 2022:
Yes, Yeshiva University is doing all it can to gives Jews and Jewry a bad name.
Follow me for more advise....
anglophone comments on Oct 15, 2022:
Should I be sniffed my asshole instead?
Fox News Guest Implies Black People Hardwired for Reefer Addiction Joltin’ Joe Biden’s recent...
anglophone comments on Oct 15, 2022:
P.S. Can Faux News please run a piece implying that Caucasians are hard wired for racism?
Fox News Guest Implies Black People Hardwired for Reefer Addiction Joltin’ Joe Biden’s recent...
anglophone comments on Oct 15, 2022:
What else could you possible expect from Fucker Tarlson? Please remember that he is being paid megabucks by Faux News.
Alex Jones faces long odds hiding assets after $1 billion Sandy Hook verdict | Reuters
anglophone comments on Oct 15, 2022:
That unrepentant a$$hole will remain an unrepentant a$$hole for the rest of his life.
Supreme Court rejects former President Donald Trump's request to intervene in Mar-a-Lago documents ...
anglophone comments on Oct 15, 2022:
Trumpty (Fat Ass) Dumpty is beginning to panic. YAY!
Pennsylvania district rejects Satanists' $578 donation for school supplies
anglophone comments on Oct 14, 2022:
Yet those cretins are doubtless happy to accept donations from those who worship the blood god of the Buy Bull! :(
Hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha 😆
anglophone comments on Oct 13, 2022:
"Very stable genius" is a peculiar way of spelling "irrational moron".
TractorKarvan has a completely innovative, challenge accepting and proven team with combined ...
anglophone comments on Oct 13, 2022:
Piss off, spammer!
Marjorie Taylor Greene Calls Alex Jones’ Sandy Hook Awards ‘Attack on Free Speech’ After ...
anglophone comments on Oct 13, 2022:
MTG has absolutely no idea what she is talking about, as usual.
Christian Nationalism is the belief that America should be governed according to the whims of ...
anglophone comments on Oct 13, 2022:
I have no time for any fool, dimwit or cretin who goes around bleating about the existence of his fictional God, and that God should be the guiding light that governs America.
PBS NewsHour - Jury orders conspiracy theorist Alex Jones to pay Sandy Hook families nearly $1 ...
anglophone comments on Oct 12, 2022:
That unrepentant a$$hole will do everything he can to avoid paying.
Danielle Smith; the new Premier of Alberta, says that the unvaccinated are the "most discriminated" ...
anglophone comments on Oct 12, 2022:
Of course I discriminate against all assholes and dimwits that choose to endanger my life! What is *wrong* with Danielle Smith?
[] Jury to Alex Jones: You owe the families almost 1 Billion Dollars!!!
anglophone comments on Oct 12, 2022:
There is no way that that a$$hole is going to pay that to the families!
Osteen, born a Jew.
anglophone comments on Oct 12, 2022:
Is it a fact that God is not limited by facts? Is it a fact that Joel Osteen is a mental defective?
“It seems most people don’t really want the truth.
anglophone comments on Oct 12, 2022:
Which rather begs a question about the nature of truth.
Donald Trump is so Christian he built a wall across the garden of Eden and made Jesus pay for it.
anglophone comments on Oct 11, 2022:
Saint Donald is the patron saint of Rethuglicans.
Which US Senator is the worst racist bigot?
anglophone comments on Oct 10, 2022:
Ladies and gentlemen, I give you Exhibit One, an unrepentant asshole.
Ive never been an angry atheist, until now.
anglophone comments on Oct 9, 2022:
Welcome your anger, and speak of it, exactly as you have done. Know that you are not alone.
I'll just leave this here.
anglophone comments on Oct 9, 2022:
Republicans are largely devoid of cognitive skills.
Do we become less tolerant with age?
anglophone comments on Oct 9, 2022:
I think your analysis is over-simplistic, and I think it fails to take into account the variety of personalities that exist between different couples. Speaking from purely personal experience, I now refuse to feel guilty if my wife takes exception to something that I have said or done in good faith, and I am now extremely likely to bite back at her if I perceive her as having bitten me verbally as a result of her own personal insecurities. From my own perspective, I now acknowledge the need to look after my own mental health first - I have become tired of trying and failing for decades to look after the mental health needs of two people.
If a political party does not have its foundation in the determination to advance a cause that is ...
anglophone comments on Oct 9, 2022:
Try saying that to the millions of Rethuglicans that now infest the United $tates of Absurdity.
COVID deaths higher in Republican states, new study proves
anglophone comments on Oct 9, 2022:
Why am I not in the slightest bit surprised that COVID deaths are higher in Republican states? Why am I not in the slightest bit surprised that willful stupidity and willful ignorance results in higher rates of mortality?
Doctors providing trans care are under increasing threat from far-right harassment campaigns
anglophone comments on Oct 9, 2022:
Mental and emotional defectives will use any excuse to unload their venemous spleen onto other people.
The secret of happiness is t... Please continue the sentence. 😆
anglophone comments on Oct 7, 2022:
... tequila!
Christian preacher: 'If God tells you to kill someone, yes, you should'
anglophone comments on Oct 7, 2022:
It is scary that cognitively challenged people listen to evil bastards such as Mike Winger.
What until they see a typewriter!
anglophone comments on Oct 7, 2022:
Are we supposed to believe this is a step in the right direction
anglophone comments on Oct 7, 2022:
And I can pick cherries just as well as you can, sunshine!
anglophone comments on Oct 7, 2022:
She is a victim of her own willful ignorance, outright arrogance, and culpable stupidity. Serves her right.
Saw this challenge on FB, so thought I might be fun to try it here.
anglophone comments on Oct 6, 2022:
"One God Almighty Fuck Up", Christ J., The Nero Press, CE 60. Jesus Christ asserts his moral rights to this work.
Ultimate irony
anglophone comments on Oct 5, 2022:
Thus speaks a prince of disinformation. By his own terms, he is serving the Prince of Darkness.
Imagine an eternity of blue skies and puffy white clouds, on your knees singing praises to the lord,...
anglophone comments on Oct 5, 2022:
Who in their right mind would want to praise a genocidal psychopath?
This nightmare Christian father has horrible advice for raising good kids
anglophone comments on Oct 4, 2022:
By reading his "rules", Matt Kennedy makes it perfectly clear that he is prepared to murder his children by means of triggering any lethal allergy that they may have. He is a monster.
Yessiree Bob..gots ta giv'em that Ol'timey indocterazation.. []
anglophone comments on Oct 3, 2022:
Those a$$holes need to be sued into oblivion.
How do all the pro vaccine takers reconcile the fact that doctors and scientists who have merit ...
anglophone comments on Oct 3, 2022:
I have no time for any malevolent prick who chooses to risk other people's lives by willfully spreading misinformation.
Marjorie Taylor Greene deceptively tells Trump rally that Democrat 'killings' of Republicans have ...
anglophone comments on Oct 2, 2022:
She will of course refuse to provide evidence in any court of law to substantiate her claims.
Mother bear is getting a bit old....
anglophone comments on Oct 2, 2022:
And I see the vultures now circling Putin the Putrid's soon to be rotting corpse.
What do you think of people who refuse to evacuate?
anglophone comments on Oct 2, 2022:
Darwin Awards, anybody?
Why So Many Spiritual People Refuse To Call Themselves 'Religious' | John Cappello | YourTango
anglophone comments on Oct 2, 2022:
I see the word "spiritual" and its derivatives as being a noise word that hides a major inability to think.
I listened to LK at the BBC this morning It is clear to me that Liz Truss is Not running a ...
anglophone comments on Oct 2, 2022:
Welcome to the widening of the wealth gap! :(
Fucking hilarious.
anglophone comments on Oct 2, 2022:
The number of Karens on aeroplanes seems to have taken off recently.
A Georgia teacher openly bragged about trying to convert students
anglophone comments on Oct 1, 2022:
Mental defectives such as her have no place in any public school.
This fundamentalist Christian mom's chart condemning 'Feminists' is bonkers
anglophone comments on Oct 1, 2022:
It would be wrong to accuse Lori Alexander of using her brain.
[] How concerned should we be about these christian nationalists?
anglophone comments on Oct 1, 2022:
We should be extremely concerned that such mental defectives hold such sway over the mentally incompetent people that infest the country. They are good at rhetoric in the same way as Adolph Hitler.
Christian influencer gets holy water breast implants
anglophone comments on Oct 1, 2022:
Holy water: papal piss.
Southern Baptist leader shocked by Americans' 'pride' in not being Christian
anglophone comments on Sep 30, 2022:
More God? More of a genocidal maniac with catastrophic anger management issues? Cheezus Fucking Christ!
A California Middle School Removed a History Teacher Who Told Her Students That Trump is Still ...
anglophone comments on Sep 28, 2022:
It is an obscenity that such mental defectives are ever employed as teachers in the first place. That school has a lot of searching questions to answer!
Proud Boys, Neo-Nazis, and White Nationalists Protested ‘Drag Bingo’ at Texas Church
anglophone comments on Sep 28, 2022:
People on the far right are so terrified of difference and so catastrophically damaged psychologically that they cannot tolerate other personal value systems.
Bahahaha, Desantis sends migrants to Lawyer Island and gets his ass handed to him. []
anglophone comments on Sep 24, 2022:
De Santis De Turd.
Here's a WTF are they doing.
anglophone comments on Sep 24, 2022:
It is beyond irresponsible that the Platteville police department employed those potentially lethal dimwits as cops in the first place.
Trump Unravels on Fox News, Claims He Can Declassify Docs with His Mind: A Closer Look - YouTube
anglophone comments on Sep 24, 2022:
It is terrifying that there are millions of unhinged idiots who voted for that particular unhinged and dangerous idiot.
Pretty sure the graphic has posted before but the comments were spot on!
anglophone comments on Sep 24, 2022:
What else could you possibly expect from a weapons grade geriatric delinquent and asshole?
Is it fair to be biased
anglophone comments on Sep 23, 2022:
I am always biased in every relationship of which I am a part.
I'm just guessing here but either Chernobyl or photo shop
anglophone comments on Sep 23, 2022:
Shit, man! I've only got *two* hands. :(
Mar-a-Lago special master orders Trump team to back up any claims of FBI 'planting' evidence - ...
anglophone comments on Sep 23, 2022:
Trumpty Dumpty is now drowning in the swamp of his own lies!
Republican Senator Says God Sent Rain to Oklahoma as Payment for Anti-Abortion Laws In a recent ...
anglophone comments on Sep 23, 2022:
"Republican Senator Says God Sent Rain": the said Republican senator is a self-confessed delusional idiot.
He's a very confused individual.
anglophone comments on Sep 23, 2022:
The Tangerine Turd is bad enough, but what really worries me is huge number of shit-for-brains individuals who believe what he says.
I'd buy that.
anglophone comments on Sep 22, 2022:
I am not surprised. The words honesty, decency, integrity and self-doubt are meaningless to Rethuglicans.
MeidasTouch - BREAKING: Trump issues COMPLETELY DERANGED RESPONSE to NY AG Lawsuit []
anglophone comments on Sep 22, 2022:
What else would you expect from Donald the Defective?
Who would have guessed?
anglophone comments on Sep 21, 2022:
They also seem to become a trifle upset when I call them evil lying bastards. Funny that.
[] Woo hoo! trump and his children are going down!
anglophone comments on Sep 21, 2022:
And it couldn't be happening to a nicer man, and I have never told a lie in my life!
Over 1,600 books were banned in U.S. school districts in one year – and the number is increasing
anglophone comments on Sep 21, 2022:
Ban the Bible! Ban the Torah! Ban the Koran! Who in their right minds want such filth on our bookshelves?
Over 1,600 books were banned in U.S. school districts in one year – and the number is increasing
anglophone comments on Sep 21, 2022:
And ... you are afraid of *other* people thinking as well.
Letitia James NY A.
anglophone comments on Sep 21, 2022:
Trumpty Dumpty might start stamping his ineffectual little foot in a rage.
Eric Trump tells lie after lie while claiming Christianity is 'under attack'
anglophone comments on Sep 21, 2022:
You tend to get mentally defective offspring from mentally defective parents.
How agnostic are you?
anglophone comments on Sep 21, 2022:
No such thing as proof in science. I reject the premiss that underlies your question.
Phew! The profile of Victoria756 was such an exhausting read, however, it does appear to be a true ...
anglophone comments on Sep 20, 2022:
After a long and arduous read, and after much serious and deep thought, I am forced howsoever reluctantly to agree with you.
anglophone comments on Sep 20, 2022:
Maybe he was suffering from a lack of cannibalism.
A good definition, not?
anglophone comments on Sep 20, 2022:
In my case it is not courage. In my case it is my blazing anger at the vicious ignorant arrogant assholes who try to ram their particular imaginary genocidal maniac of a god down my throat and the throats of children and vulnerable adults.
Lauren Boebert, World Class Dumfuk....has an irrational fear of Chinese dumplings []
anglophone comments on Sep 20, 2022:
Surely everybody knows about the dangers of wontons, don't they? It's amazing what you can hide in a wonton. As @TheDoubter has observed, she represents well the ill informed masses that infest much of the United $tates of Absurdity, infected as they are with the stupidity virus.
I don't see why Lauren Bobert's such a big problem in America.
anglophone comments on Sep 19, 2022:
Why not a Koranic citizenship test? It would be libelous to accuse her of using her grey cell.
Instead of restricting it by high prices, educate every person in whatever their abilities allow ...
anglophone comments on Sep 19, 2022:
As exemplified by Finland.
Interesting question. Any answers?
anglophone comments on Sep 19, 2022:
Oh, Henry! ;)
A proponent of a Middle-Eastern religion once asked me, as an agnostic, what book I read to guide me...
anglophone comments on Sep 19, 2022:
Anybody that asks me such a question instantly reveals themselves to me as being a mental defective.
If the evidence for an Abrahamic god is confined to a book of fairy tales then what is the logical ...
anglophone comments on Sep 19, 2022:
P.S. The book of fairy tales, a.k.a the Buy Bull, has no evidence for any god, it has only a *claim* for the god of creation and only a *claim* for a number of other gods: "Thou shalt have no other gods before me".
If the evidence for an Abrahamic god is confined to a book of fairy tales then what is the logical ...
anglophone comments on Sep 19, 2022:
Answer: gods other than the Abrahamic god has also been postulated. I will add another god: it is the god of the drip of tea hanging on the spout of the teapot that orbits Barnard's star.
Dear God I just want to say you really like to hide from your children on earth and watch all of us ...
anglophone comments on Sep 19, 2022:
Welcome to the Abrahamic God, a genocidal maniac with catastrophic anger management issues. As @racocn8 observes, it is trivial to demonstrate the non-existence of the said god.
So, what? She's blaming homelessness on atheism?
anglophone comments on Sep 18, 2022:
The Song of the Shit-For-Brains ...
Billboard here in Florida offering sound and practical advice to the faithful.
anglophone comments on Sep 18, 2022:
What a load of wank!
But yet he's done nothing wrong. Hes got to be sweating bullets. []
anglophone comments on Sep 17, 2022:
I think he thinks that he has done nothing wrong, and that all the statements in the Grid article are entirely bogus. I see him as being nothing more than a fantasist in this regard; his reality is nothing more than a fiction of his own devising.
Yeshiva University shuts down all student clubs to thwart one LGBTQ group
anglophone comments on Sep 17, 2022:
Welcome to the immorality and evil of the God Mob.
Yeshiva University, after being told they had to allow an LGBTQ club, has canceled ALL clubs.
anglophone comments on Sep 17, 2022:
Yeshiva University is run by a pathetic evil bunch of homophobes who are clearly terrified of sexual orientations that do not align with their own.
This article by S.
anglophone comments on Sep 16, 2022:
The rise of fascism in the USA is a cause for concern for many. It also raises the question of what has driven that rise in fascism. I see there being no simple answer to that question, but rather a complex of social and economic forces. The social forces include the radicalisation of society by evangelical Christians, the dumbing down of society by an education system that is driven by financial greed, the peddling of lies by QAnon, anti-vaxxers, conspiracy theorists and such like, and the parochialism and xenophobia that is rampant in some parts of the country. The economic forces include politics that deprives the disadvantaged people in society of what they already have, and the widening of the wealth gap by the rich and powerful.
It warms my heart. Am I bad for that?
anglophone comments on Sep 16, 2022:
Serves the arrogant vile vicious dangerous destructive asshole right!
Truckload of dildos spills out onto Oklahoma highway - National Zero
anglophone comments on Sep 16, 2022:
Something of an almighty cock up, perhaps? ;)
Trump warns of 'problems' like 'we've never seen' if he's indicted - POLITICO
anglophone comments on Sep 16, 2022:
I predict that he will continue to deny his own wrongdoing even it is shown beyond all reasonable doubt that he has broken the law.
Christianity to lose majority status in US by 2070, per Pew model
anglophone comments on Sep 16, 2022:
Such a headline might inspire the intellectual and moral degenerates to redouble their efforts to impose their vile god, their vile values and their vile laws on everybody else.
We have become a third world country! []
anglophone comments on Sep 15, 2022:
Welcome to one of the consequences of the widening of the wealth gap by the rich and powerful. :(
'Says the Quiet Part Out Loud': Derek Chauvin Asks Court to Reconsider Verdict, Says ‘Putting Your...
anglophone comments on Sep 15, 2022:
What I fail to understand is how and why the grievously incompetent commanding officers in the police forces around the country are allowed to continue in their jobs. Their failure to control the murderous thugs that are allegedly under their command speaks for itself.
Trump warns of 'problems' like 'we've never seen' if he's indicted - POLITICO
anglophone comments on Sep 15, 2022:
Dangerous, delusional, dick-head, desperate, dictatorial, damnable, demented, dreadful, delinquent, dastardly, ...
I would appreciate it if you would share with me any exception that you have with the following.
anglophone comments on Sep 15, 2022:
I suggest you learn to think analytically.
Kenneth Copeland blamed mass shootings on the end of forced Christian prayers in school - YouTube
anglophone comments on Sep 15, 2022:
It would be wrong to accuse Kenneth Copeland of being overburdened with brains.
For those that came out of religion.
anglophone comments on Sep 15, 2022:
You have yet to reach the milestone of blazing anger at the liars, fools, psychopaths and irredeemably evil bastards that rammed their own vile shit down your throat.
Atheists didn’t finish the job (yet), so God’s Not Dead 5 will come out in 2023
anglophone comments on Sep 14, 2022:
I have very much better things to do with my life than waste it on watching trash films made by trash minds.
He Called 911 Because His Car Was Stuck. The Cops Killed Him.
anglophone comments on Sep 14, 2022:
Lawlessness enforced by lawless people in uniform. Welcome to America, a very third world country.
Please stop dumping on Jesus. []
anglophone comments on Sep 14, 2022:
What peculiar sort of mental defective wants to praise a genocidal maniac?
We all have out priorities.
anglophone comments on Sep 14, 2022:
Nope! It shows that you have a care for every decent person living on this planet!
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