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anglophone comments on Jun 3, 2022:
Peter Navarro is blind to his own evil.
So yesterday a man, Michael Louis, bought two guns, took them across Tulsa, walked in to his ...
anglophone comments on Jun 2, 2022:
Welcome to the United $tates of Absurdity where corporate profits matter much more than the mental health of its citizens.
I'm not willing to waste time with emotionally-constipated men.
anglophone comments on Jun 2, 2022:
"Emotionally constipated" - I like that phrase. Hmm. My grey cell has kicked in. Somebody with emotional diarrhea doesn't appeal to me either.
Graduation speaker tells students to honor the Bible by avoiding gay marriage
anglophone comments on Jun 2, 2022:
That man has an unhealthy obsession with other people's sex lives. He needs to see a psychologist.
I, and I hope others too.
anglophone comments on Jun 2, 2022:
Jesus Fucking Christ man! What are you trying to do? Trying to get Marjorie Taylor Greene to start using her solitary grey cell? How could you be so cruel? ;)
Graduation speaker tells students to honor the Bible by avoiding gay marriage
anglophone comments on Jun 2, 2022:
He should be made to swallow a folio-sized edition of the Babble in one go.
Adm. Linda Fagan, first female officer to lead branch of military []
anglophone comments on Jun 2, 2022:
I would like to know why this did not happen 40 years ago.
Five People Dead at Tulsa Medical Center in the 233rd Mass Shooting This Year NPR reports that at...
anglophone comments on Jun 2, 2022:
Another day, another shooting, another hum-ho for the United $tates of Absurdity where life is cheap and the Congressmen and the Congresswomen are more interested in lining their own pockets than looking after the people they purport to represent.
Kirk Cameron Gets Schooled After Wild Rant Full Of Right-Wing Talking Points | HuffPost ...
anglophone comments on Jun 2, 2022:
Kirk Cameron is totally blind to the fact that he is part of the problem about which he is complaining so bitterly.
1 month away: carrying a handgun in public without a permit |
anglophone comments on Jun 1, 2022:
Welcome to the collective insanity of the United $tates of Absurdity. :(
Makes sense to me. 😄
anglophone comments on Jun 1, 2022:
If Man is made in the image of God, then God is a truly cosmic failure when it comes to reason and logic.
Well 2 things have come to light since yesterday.
anglophone comments on Jun 1, 2022:
A Court Issued Authorisation? Wow! And he is now Sectioned? Double wow! (And it has happened sooner than I had expected.)
The secrecy and silence surrounding the horrific sexual and other abuses of children by Catholic ...
anglophone comments on Jun 1, 2022:
Welcome to the lies, deception, arrogance, bullying, inequity, bigotry and evil of the Roman Catholic Church. "Nothing new here, move along now."
I thought I'd spoil your day
anglophone comments on Jun 1, 2022:
And I have a Petri tree in my garden. It has leaves in the summer and fruit in the autumn. The fruit was designed by Bill Gates, and it grows fake meat. It also goes well with the Gazpacho police, which are best cooked with firearms up their fundamental orifices and served on Nazi emblazoned dishes.
I thought I'd spoil your day
anglophone comments on Jun 1, 2022:
There I was, quietly minding my own business, and then **she** appeared on my screen. Oh, FECES! Oh, COPULATION! Oh, TRUMP!
Bloody Norah, it has just gone from the sublime to the ridiculous and now has become ludicrous to ...
anglophone comments on Jun 1, 2022:
He is the author of his own discomfort. He is always take, take, take, and never give, give, give. He is needy and greedy.
A little bit of an interesting development occurred here yesterday afternoon.
anglophone comments on May 31, 2022:
I feel sorry for that poor woman. I am delighted that you saved her from the Pain of Payne. I am delighted that she appeared mightily pleased after she departed your company.
Marjorie Taylor Greene states that there will be no straight people in the few years.
anglophone comments on May 31, 2022:
More demented nonsense from the demented Marjorie Taylor Greene. At least she is being consistent.
The final last ditch defense of the religious apologist, when all else fails, is often the ...
anglophone comments on May 31, 2022:
The issue that I see with the "useful lie" idea is that it first requires the elimination from society all those individuals who engage in the habit critical thought. Then, and only then, would any such "useful lie" be universally accepted.
10 things most Americans don't know about most of America []
anglophone comments on May 31, 2022:
As an Anglo-Aussie with an American step-mother, and having read some of Mark Manson's other work, I will reply in the style of Mark Manson: "Most Americans couldn't give a fuck about the way other countries live, and it fucking shows.".
The Worlds Most Disgusting thing!
anglophone comments on May 30, 2022:
His picture appeared on my computer and I wanted to puke.
Sadly I doubt there will be any knowledge transfer
anglophone comments on May 30, 2022:
That is alleged to have been found in a country outside the U$A. As such, the NRA/GOP must call it as they see it, a pack of filthy foreign lies.
Abbott Cut Mental Health Services Funding in Texas, Then Blames Shootings On Mental Illness
anglophone comments on May 30, 2022:
Abbott's cognitive defects speaks for themselves.
Do you think this message will offend men on Fitness Singles?
anglophone comments on May 30, 2022:
If he is too damned lazy to learn about each person that he might want to approach then he is not worth bothering with. I reckon it takes at least three months of regular exchanges to get a basic understanding of anybody. There are some here that I would refuse to meet. There is a handful of people here that if circumstances were different I could have sex with. With others it would go no further than coffee at a coffee shop.
A member on here, recently asked. Does love exist ?
anglophone comments on May 30, 2022:
I simply could not be bothered to respond to such an inane and pointless question, hence my erstwhile silence in that regard.
Marjorie Taylor Greene Warns Bill Gates Growing Fake Meat in ‘Peach Tree Dishes’ In a recent ...
anglophone comments on May 30, 2022:
If I had my way, I would rub her nose in the excrement of her own monumental ignorance, stupidity and arrogance.
Marjorie Taylor Greene Warns Bill Gates Growing Fake Meat in ‘Peach Tree Dishes’ In a recent ...
anglophone comments on May 30, 2022:
She has taken leave of her senses. Gazpacho/Gestapo. Peach tree dishes/petri dishes. New roncells/ neuron cells. Artificial Intelligence? No intelligence, real, artificial or otherwise.
Well I'm certain to be destined for Hell now, not that there is one any way.
anglophone comments on May 30, 2022:
To be read with the French language in mind: "It's enough to make you fume.". ;)
Well it is not even officially winter here as yet but we have an outside temperature of just 10 ...
anglophone comments on May 29, 2022:
You are a wicked man! Carry on.
The day woujld be incomplete without a mass shooting. NRAmerica []
anglophone comments on May 29, 2022:
Welcome to the AmeriKKKan way of death.
I'm 64.
anglophone comments on May 29, 2022:
"has just quit, over a decade ago"? Huh?
Sorry, I'm on a tear this morning.
anglophone comments on May 29, 2022:
"I know how to treat a woman" are the words of a self-confessing sexist with added arrogance. What is so hard about ask first, listen second, and reply if asked third?
I have started reading mortal sins: sex , crime and the era of catholic scandal .
anglophone comments on May 29, 2022:
Well done you for seeing beyond the outrageous lies and the monumental evil of the Catholic Church. :)
Arming teachers! There seems to be a level of utter stupidity in POTUS45 that is simply ...
anglophone comments on May 29, 2022:
POTUS45 embodies the very worst of the United $tates of America. He is proud of his arrogance, his stupidity and his narcissism, as are all those who adore him. He is draws his inspiration from Benito Mussolini.
Reading so much on this site, I have become interested in why a culture of fear and hate seems to be...
anglophone comments on May 29, 2022:
I think it is perhaps more complex than just religion. My half-baked guess is that a country's leaders have an influence on society. Where leaders embrace pluralism the "fear of the other" becomes less pronounced. Contrapositively, where leaders embrace exceptionalism "fear of the other" becomes more pronounced. William of Orange is example of the former while Adolph Hitler is an example of the latter. The roots of the modern USA can be traced back to people who went to there as free agents: they went there of their own volition. Australia's roots can be traced back to convicts who arrived against their will. I suspect that difference underlies part of the difference between the two countries. On a personal note, I sense that Australians look at what is happening in the USA astonishment verging on disbelief. While both governments are corrupt in their own different fashion, it seems to me that the screams made by the "pro-lifers" (who are in fact "pro-birthers") and the evangelical Christians astonish a significant number of Aussies, and the decline of what might be termed "the fundamentalist brigade" in Australia started perhaps 40 years ago.
This is someone else's FB post from a few years ago, but obviously it still applies.
anglophone comments on May 28, 2022:
The statistics of guns deaths in countries where guns are strictly controlled speak for themselves.
Just sayin' . . .
anglophone comments on May 28, 2022:
"If an adult is shooting people with a gun, ..."
So I have a friend, he is not on here but he is one of the most knowledgeable when it comes to ...
anglophone comments on May 28, 2022:
I think all such angles have already been done to death over the last 300+ years, ever since the start of the Age of Enlightenment, so the best that I can come up with are some ideas that seem to have not had much airing online: - Is the Scientific Method a useful way of addressing the question of God? If so, why so? If not, why not? - How relevant is the consideration of logical fallacies when it comes to claims of God? - Where did the Committee of Little White Mice come from? Good luck! :)
Well, I have been diagnosed with brain tumor, so now have to have more tests, but besides that life ...
anglophone comments on May 28, 2022:
Ouch. Please keep the rest of us posted - thanks.
In case you have not seen a cock in a while, here is a mean one
anglophone comments on May 28, 2022:
Mean cocks do not last very long around here. They get beheaded, plucked, roasted and eaten!
The U.K. has a problem with radicalization, but not shootings. The difference lies in gun access.
anglophone comments on May 28, 2022:
That figures (but it would not make any sense to the corrupt politicians in Congress).
Ted Cruz Vows to Stop Gun Violence by Abolishing Doors & More Terrible Ideas from Terrible Leaders -...
anglophone comments on May 28, 2022:
How about abolishing stupid and corrupt politicians?
Jordan Klepper Debunks The “Good Guy with a Gun” Argument
anglophone comments on May 28, 2022:
Video not available in the Land of the Convict.
In response to the latest school shooting, Herschel Walker, who's running for Senate, suggested ...
anglophone comments on May 27, 2022:
How about shouting at the moon whenever there is a car accident in New York? That would be equally useful. (Why have I never found the sarcasm font? Perhaps I should design one.)
NRA opens gun convention in Texas after school massacre
anglophone comments on May 27, 2022:
But if Uvalde had happened three months earlier the convention would have gone ahead as planned. Hypocrites!
21 dead in Texas 19 of them children while cops hid in the halls for an hour listening to the shots ...
anglophone comments on May 27, 2022:
Welcome to the evil of those who support the murdering of children.
Is it smart to believe in God?
anglophone comments on May 27, 2022:
Francis S. Collins is a world class geneticist who also believes in God. He is a classic case of cognitive dissonance. He is quite capable of applying the Scientific Method when it comes to answering questions in genetics, but he is totally incapable of applying the Scientific Method to answering questions about God. I agree with @MojoDave's view about being programmed very early.
Bet they won't hesitate to be hypocrites
anglophone comments on May 27, 2022:
What? Are you trying to force every Rethuglican to use his or her brain? How could you be so cruel to them?
Arizona lawmaker Rick Gray: Atheism caused the shooting in Uvalde
anglophone comments on May 27, 2022:
Rick Gray is dangerously mentally defective.
anglophone comments on May 27, 2022:
It's not going to happen. The wankers in Austin are too fucking arrogant and too fucking ignorant and too fucking self-absorbed to think outside their own tiny venal boxes.
anglophone comments on May 27, 2022:
I hope he lives long enough to have his own evil rammed down his fucking throat, and I hope he fucking chokes on it!
The Texas elementary mass shooting was the 212th mass shooting in the U.
anglophone comments on May 27, 2022:
Agreed, it is a start, albeit a small start. The cynic within me tells that it will do little to ameliorate the corruption that is endemic to Congress on this matter.
It’s with great sadness that I have to mention the loss of a few further local businesses around ...
anglophone comments on May 27, 2022:
And the keg manufacturer has tanked, and Mr Cooper is out of a job.
anglophone comments on May 27, 2022:
Psalm 137:9 (For those you who like me don't this stuff by heart: )
I guess changing things is not an option....priorities.......
anglophone comments on May 27, 2022:
... and who also laid their lives to protect the profits of the gun manufacturers. ... and who also laid down their lives to further enrich billionaire Congressmen.
Coward Cops REFUSED To Save School Children's Lives During Texas Shooting - YouTube
anglophone comments on May 27, 2022:
I wonder how much the NRA was paying them to stand around doing nothing while children were being killed.
anglophone comments on May 26, 2022:
Ted Cruz has sold his soul to the NRA, and it shows.
Gun stores should start having back to school sales.
anglophone comments on May 26, 2022:
"Sale! The first 200 customers get an additional 1,000 rounds of ammunition absolutely free!"
anglophone comments on May 26, 2022:
"Because [America is] the freest, most prosperous, safest country on Earth." Ted Cruz is a deluded and dangerous liar.
Christian logic
anglophone comments on May 26, 2022:
Go to America. Be killed by a madman badman with a gun, and all brought to you by the courtesy of a Criminally Crazed Congress.
anglophone comments on May 26, 2022:
This is what happens when people are confronted with their own unreason and their own insanity. They cannot face the consequences of thinking through their own personal values.
anglophone comments on May 26, 2022:
"May God bless the flag that forever waves, and the country for which is stands."
The Brown Bess was the standard fire arm during writing of the second amendment.
anglophone comments on May 26, 2022:
Please don't point out relevant facts such as this to your local Rethuglican: it hurts their ugly little brains and they might turn nasty on you.
It is so evident, Beto and most Americans are furious over the killing of people, while the the ...
anglophone comments on May 26, 2022:
"I love my money and my guns more than your children's right to life, and I am in power, so fuck the whole goddamn lot of you!"
Would it be at all possible to persuade ALL or ANY of those who simply want PROTECTION to train to ...
anglophone comments on May 26, 2022:
Tazers have a limited range of up to 45 feet depending on the model. I am unsure of how much protection that would provide.
Here are the gun bills stalled in Congress | The Hill
anglophone comments on May 26, 2022:
No gun bills will ever get through Congress while those who support the killing of innocent people retain a stranglehold on Congress.
The side of Peter Duhhhtton that he wants us to believe is REALLY him from now on.
anglophone comments on May 26, 2022:
No chance. His arrogance and contempt for others is even worse than ScoMo's.
Sickening and apropos
anglophone comments on May 26, 2022:
Yes, that just about sums it up.
Reasons for Many of Our National Gun Crises, Part I I am livid, deeply ...
anglophone comments on May 25, 2022:
Which begs this question: "Why has the Legislature failed to ensure that the Constitution is rewritten every 19 years?".
Prayer without works, and all that shit.
anglophone comments on May 25, 2022:
I have no time for the mental defectives who prefer prayer over action.
19 Children
anglophone comments on May 25, 2022:
Those pictures should be plastered on the wall of every Congressman and Congresswoman who refuses to ban guns.
In light of recent events I have decided to take a stand strongly in support of the Second ...
anglophone comments on May 25, 2022:
Yes, even this old fart in far off Australia knows that the Second Amendment includes the words "well regulated". It's a murderous shame that none of the gun nuts in the United $tates of Absurdity are cognisant of that. The failure of the legislatures in the U$A to honour their duties under that Amendment demonstrates lawlessness at the highest level.
Seeking some feedback on a recent interaction with my best friend of 20 years who is also lives in ...
anglophone comments on May 25, 2022:
It's your body, your morals and your choice. Her attempt to foist her values onto anybody else is an immoral and outrageous act. She should keep her sexual inhibitions to herself - she has no right to dictate to you.
Saying what needs to be said that will unfortunately be ignored again. []
anglophone comments on May 25, 2022:
For as long as Congress persists in its blatant refusal to properly enforce the Second Amendment this insanity, mayhem and murder will continue.
Didn't take them long, did it?
anglophone comments on May 25, 2022:
Gunman kills 19 children, 2 teachers at Texas elementary school | Reuters
anglophone comments on May 25, 2022:
And what does Congress do? It wrings it fucking hands in prayer and does fuck all about solving the problem. Bullets before brains! :(
Sorry about the dick pics.
anglophone comments on May 25, 2022:
I am normally quite comfortable with pornography. I have no issue with naked bodies. However, naked greed, egomania, megalomania and psychopathy crosses the line.
Maybe the US people should stop having children & just shoot at each other.
anglophone comments on May 24, 2022:
Congratulations! You have just become as cynical as I am.
I was a member of this church when he was pastor and some of the things he said in church turned me ...
anglophone comments on May 24, 2022:
Welcome to the evil of God's Own People.
This is so sad! As I cry for the latest victims of a school shooting, I can't stop thinking of the ...
anglophone comments on May 24, 2022:
Every society has its mental and emotional defectives. The USA is no different in that regard. What is different about the USA is that it allows guns into the hands of those defectives. For those gun nuts in Congress their own egomania far outweighs what is to them the cheapness of other people's lives.
Do you think the age for legal firearm purchases should be raised? To what age?
anglophone comments on May 24, 2022:
The minimum age should be 130 years old. (And I don't care if I am coming across as an utterly cynical wretch, because that is exactly the way that I am feeling about all the gun nuts and their idiot supporters in Congress!)
I'm sick and tired of these two!
anglophone comments on May 24, 2022:
"My right to have guns far outweighs your children's right to life."
More kids murdered with guns in Texas. Cuz that's what NRAmerica does.
anglophone comments on May 24, 2022:
Welcome to the New Normal for the New World.
This has been shared a lot but it speaks the truth.
anglophone comments on May 24, 2022:
"I don't need to figure shit out. The Buy Bull gives me all the answers I need."
I never knew angels could die but if that’s true there must be a shit ton of them
anglophone comments on May 24, 2022:
A wank a day keeps the angels away.
This world is terrifying.
anglophone comments on May 24, 2022:
It has reached the point where mental defectives with guns going around and killing people is no longer news. Welcome to the New Normal in the United $tates of Absurdity, the United $tates of Atrocities.
It just never fucking stops.
anglophone comments on May 24, 2022:
The mentally defective legislatures of the United $tates of Absurdity keep allowing mentally defective people to own guns. It's not going to change unless and until the U$A grows the fuck up.
Oh really so you say of course.
anglophone comments on May 24, 2022:
The stupidity of the idiot brigade is boundless.
Typical that the Church would embrace the perpetrator and not his victim! []
anglophone comments on May 24, 2022:
The rottenness of all the rotten churches in the world are supported by all the rottenness of all the rotten legislatures of the world. Until all the rotten legislatures are strangled with the entrails of all the rotten clerics of this world such evil will persist (with all due apologies to Denis Diderot).
It ain't no Toyota but, O what feeling, No mo ScumMo.
anglophone comments on May 24, 2022:
Might there be something similar for Peter Potatohead one day?
About an hour ago decided to take a break from splitting, carrying and stacking firewood and sit on ...
anglophone comments on May 24, 2022:
That is fucking hilarious! On a more sober note, his sense of arrogance, his sense of entitlement and his refusal to do anything to help himself is really rather sad. The psychological pressure is mounting, and I guess you are best placed to both predict and observe any mental breakdown.
Zero evidence to back Clive Palmer’s claim of staff taking ballots home, AEC says | Australia news...
anglophone comments on May 24, 2022:
Clive Palmer is offensive to every decent honest Aussie value.
Violent Airline Worker Gets KO'D After Slapping Black Man - YouTube
anglophone comments on May 23, 2022:
Put anybody in any position of power and there is always the risk of the abuse of that power. Security officers, police officers, priests, nuns and other clerics, financial advisers and presidents. Unless and until society learns to better control that abuse this sort of thing will keep on happening.
Southern Baptist Convention leaders mishandled sexual abuse allegations, report says - CNN
anglophone comments on May 23, 2022:
Welcome to the evil of the unspeakably vile bastards.
Asking the Important Questions
anglophone comments on May 23, 2022:
Were Trump's parents born of the same mother and father? (Asking for a friend.)
Nothing makes sense anymore.
anglophone comments on May 23, 2022:
Welcome to the vile and dangerous insanity of the evangelical Christian.
Yesterday, the Southern Baptist Convention released an exhaustive report on the epidemic of abuse ...
anglophone comments on May 23, 2022:
This sort of thing has been going on to my certain knowledge for the last 60 years, and from what I can make out from history it has almost certainly been going on for the last 200 years, and probably as far back as the First Council of Nicaea in 325 CE, nearly 1,700 years ago. It is called people believing that they can do whatever they want in the name of their particular sky fairy, and they will be forgiven by confessing their sins on Sunday or Saturday depending on their particular religion. Such people are psychopaths and society seems to be at the moment largely powerless to control them. Unless and until society chooses to address the issue of its psychopaths this issue will continue into the foreseeable future.
Oh joy, oh what fun.
anglophone comments on May 23, 2022:
With a bit more effort, he could cause a major leak in the fuel line and let it drip into a hot engine.
17 Sex Tricks Men Learn From Porn That Women Wish We Could Wipe From Your Brain
anglophone comments on May 22, 2022:
May I ask you the following dumb question, please? What motivated you to make this post?
Nowadays it is fashionable to constantly pillory white people and to put Western culture in the ...
anglophone comments on May 22, 2022:
You may wish to critically examine your claims before posting.
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