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Dear Mathematics, grow up and solve your own problems.
anglophone comments on Oct 28, 2021:
Am I being particularly obtuse, or is this a right attack of acute triangles, or an acute attack of right triangles?
Texas lawmaker says 850 books ranging from race to sexuality could cause 'discomfort'
anglophone comments on Oct 28, 2021:
Lady Chatterley's Lover A Clockwork Orange 1984 Brave New World The Bible The Quran Mein Kampf Krause needs to crawl back into Trumpy Dumpty's swamp.
Our biggest national security problem is America's "vast and militant ignorance" |
anglophone comments on Oct 28, 2021:
"Vast and militant ignorance" - yes.
Why do ducks have webbed feet?
anglophone comments on Oct 27, 2021:
Why do elephants paint their toenails pink?
Just read this article on my MSN news feed.
anglophone comments on Oct 27, 2021:
Liars, damned liars, politicians, Sky News.
And why are they allowed to do it?....
anglophone comments on Oct 27, 2021:
Puh-leeze do not expect the mental defectives to think for themselves.
Police Officer Says He Falsely Charged Eric Garner After His Death
anglophone comments on Oct 27, 2021:
That PoS (piece of shit) deserves 10 years in solitary confinement.
Montana's attorney general went rogue and sent a state trooper into a hospital after doctors refused...
anglophone comments on Oct 27, 2021:
That is just what happens when you get ignorant twats in positions of power.
Well that just stuffed up my nice and quiet afternoon.
anglophone comments on Oct 27, 2021:
Well done you!
I dreamed that one day I'd become a grumpy old man.
anglophone comments on Oct 27, 2021:
I am now a grumpy old man, no dreaming required.
Men accused of plotting ‘race war’ may be sentenced as domestic terrorists, judge rules - The ...
anglophone comments on Oct 26, 2021:
Another five years in solitary confinement seems like a good idea.
Why is the Republican Governor of Alabama undermining the federal vaccination mandate?
anglophone comments on Oct 26, 2021:
Because she is a dangerous idiot.
I thought the dryer was shrinking my clothes. Turns out it was the refrigerator all along.
anglophone comments on Oct 26, 2021:
So your refrigerator enlisted the support of your mouth to add inches to your girth?
Final exam for high school diploma in Alabama.
anglophone comments on Oct 25, 2021:
You mean there are high school students in Alabama that can write sentences?
Lots of people are kind to others and are great at giving advice, but are really hard on themselves.
anglophone comments on Oct 25, 2021:
Yes, and it is only after 68 years that I am learning to be not quite so hard on myself. Mind you, I now see myself as turning into an irascible old git. (My wife strongly disagrees with this latter view of myself, though.)
The good old days
anglophone comments on Oct 25, 2021:
And then Trish Regan showed up. (And yes, I am partial to cupcakes.)
How does it happen?
anglophone comments on Oct 24, 2021:
Said person is cognitively challenged.
The crematorium will answer that question
anglophone comments on Oct 24, 2021:
Whatever happened to Schrödinger's mouse?
I refuse to get into a battle of wits with an unarmed person (most of the time)
anglophone comments on Oct 24, 2021:
I am with @davers on this one. I am content to leave alone those fools who keep themselves to themselves, but if any damned fool tries to ram his stupidities and his idiocies down my throat I give him a good verbal thrashing.
What dangerous, wrong or false things do Conservatives believe?
anglophone comments on Oct 24, 2021:
Conservatives cannot think. I refer you to @TheoryNumber3's comment.
A Pastor’s Attempt to Shut Down a High School Play Has Completely Backfired | Hemant Mehta | ...
anglophone comments on Oct 24, 2021:
Said pastor is a dangerous controlling prick.
Ive been thinking that on the weekends my daughter is at her Dad's I've been acting like a hermit.
anglophone comments on Oct 24, 2021:
Go for it. Or try vising your local art gallery, museum, park, or theatre group. My local hospital loves volunteers - they assist people who feel less than confident going there (and the reasons for that lack of confidence are many and varied).
School’s Mask Mandate is a “Satanic Ritual,” Claims Christian Parent in Lawsuit | Hemant ...
anglophone comments on Oct 24, 2021:
How come that Christian parent is so well acquainted with Satan? (With my apologies to @think-beyond.)
God Took ‘Prophetess’ Kat Kerr ‘Into the Near Future’ and Showed Her Trump Back in the White...
anglophone comments on Oct 24, 2021:
Kat Kerr is a magnificent source of absurdity!
The Young Turks - Lunatic Pastor Gives Dumbest Vaccine Conspiracy Theory Yet []
anglophone comments on Oct 23, 2021:
That lying asshole needs to have millions of nematode eggs put into his blood stream.
Just had this idea running through my mind and would like to hear what others think about it Here ...
anglophone comments on Oct 23, 2021:
It will never happen. Homo sapiens is far from being sapiens.
Pastor Rick Wiles Warns COVID Vaccine Has Eggs that Hatch into Synthetic Parasites Popular ...
anglophone comments on Oct 23, 2021:
The wily Rick Wiles wiles away his time dreaming up dreadful lies to denude his flock of dinars.
anglophone comments on Oct 23, 2021:
Typo in your first word - you might want to edit your post. (Sorry, I can be a right pain in the circuits and in the lexicon.)
Christian MAGA Cultist: COVID Vaccine Mandates Will Lead Soldiers to “Suicide” | Hemant Mehta | ...
anglophone comments on Oct 22, 2021:
Heretic: somebody who denies God. Science heretic: somebody who disavows science, often with suicidal consequences.
Aw so sad.
anglophone comments on Oct 22, 2021:
Evangeloon, the gift that keeps on giving!
Manitoba Judge Rules Against Churches That Said COVID Restrictions Went Too Far | Hemant Mehta | ...
anglophone comments on Oct 22, 2021:
Conservative Christians are assholes by definition.
Christian Mommy Blogger: Godlessness and Paganism Destroyed “Intact Families” | Hemant Mehta | ...
anglophone comments on Oct 22, 2021:
It would be wrong to accuse Lori Alexander of being overburdened with brains.
Trump's New "Free Speech" Platform Will Ban You for Criticizing It - YouTube
anglophone comments on Oct 22, 2021:
Donald Trump should be banned from this planet.
GOP Activist Who Compared Mask Mandates to the Holocaust Says She Has COVID | Beth Stoneburner | ...
anglophone comments on Oct 22, 2021:
Serves the fucker right! She does not sort of deserve it. She absolutely deserves it. She is the victim of her own willful ignorance.
"NJ man, 21, says ‘God’ made him kill his grandfather with an ax" [nypost.
anglophone comments on Oct 22, 2021:
Mental defective cites his delusion as a justification for committing "murder most foul". While it is easy to condemn that man for being the dangerous idiot that he clearly is, it is perhaps more worthwhile asking the question of what is it that caused him to be like that.
3 reasons why Donald Trump's new social media company is doomed to fail []
anglophone comments on Oct 22, 2021:
It is a brain child of Trumpty Dumpty. Ergo it is doomed to fail.
How do they get away with this?
anglophone comments on Oct 22, 2021:
They are just clever enough to exploit the stupidity of the masses for their own purposes.
I need a snappy comeback: I know there are some very intelligent people on this site, ao I'm calling...
anglophone comments on Oct 22, 2021:
Yes, routinely at the Metropolitan Opera House. And you should see what the conductor uses for a baton!
A man ahead of his time explains why religion hates science so much...
anglophone comments on Oct 21, 2021:
Yet there are still a billion morons in this world who would strangle science.
Brian Tyler Cohen - Jim Jordan left SPEECHLESS as top Democrat demolishes him with must-see ...
anglophone comments on Oct 21, 2021:
That is just what happens when assholes are confronted with their own refusal to use their own brains.
Rick Wiles: The Vaccine Contains an “Egg That Hatches into a Synthetic Parasite” | Beth ...
anglophone comments on Oct 21, 2021:
Rick Wiles, the Prince of Lunatics!
MAGA Doctor Stella Immanuel Claims Satan’s Clones Want to Kill Anti-Vaxxers | Hemant Mehta | ...
anglophone comments on Oct 21, 2021:
There is no way that I would allow such an idiot anywhere near my children.
The Federalist’s Joy Pullmann Says Christians Dying of COVID is Part of God’s Plan Dismissing...
anglophone comments on Oct 21, 2021:
Welcome to the death cult that is Christianity. By her own reasoning she should die by her own hand.
21st October 1966…🇬🇧 The Tragedy of Aberfan: 116 children and 28 adults died as a coal ...
anglophone comments on Oct 21, 2021:
And that tragedy was just one step along the road towards the realisation by the Great British public that the government did *not* know what was best for the people.
I've just watched Four Hours at the Capitol.
anglophone comments on Oct 20, 2021:
It beggars belief that this happened in the first place, and that certain sections of the GQP remain in denial of this insurrection and direct assault on democracy.
GOP Rep.
anglophone comments on Oct 20, 2021:
The man is a depraved and dangerous maniac. He is in urgent need of an attitude readjustment. Repeated and violent hammer blows to the side of his head *might* just be adequate.
Pastor Who Denounced Godless Immorality Arrested for Grooming Underage Girl | Hemant Mehta | ...
anglophone comments on Oct 20, 2021:
Such bigots should be thrown into the slammer until such time as they grow up.
Seems easy lately. You won’t have to wait long!
anglophone comments on Oct 20, 2021:
Hie thee to the Ministry of Insults, thou useless piece of coprolite!
Dem bones, dem bones, dem dry bones.
anglophone comments on Oct 20, 2021:
Clearly a male student. I hear that females prefer cucumbers.
I have an addiction to cheddar cheese. But it's only mild.
anglophone comments on Oct 20, 2021:
Your punishment is to eat 1 kilogram of stinking Gorgonzola.
While you're agnostic/atheist, if someone religious shares, say, the same political views as you, ...
anglophone comments on Oct 20, 2021:
It would all depend on whether or not the other party tried to ram his or her opinion down my throat, so my answer to your question is "yes".
There is currently a 7 metre (23 ft) diameter sculpture hanging in the nave of Durham cathedral.
anglophone comments on Oct 20, 2021:
One minor correction: the scale is 1:500,000.
Whatever you do don't open that door.
anglophone comments on Oct 19, 2021:
I love point 3. :)
Don't know whether to laugh, cry, get truly enraged and go hunt the little mongrels down or what.
anglophone comments on Oct 19, 2021:
Catch them, strip them naked, find a very large patch of particularly prickly brambles, and them all them into the middle of it.
Christian Mom Found Guilty of Starving Baby to Death; She Faces Life in Prison | Hemant Mehta | ...
anglophone comments on Oct 19, 2021:
Their God killed millions - they only killed one between the two of them.
Colin Powell's Death from COVID Argues for More Vaccination, Not Against Them, Experts Say
anglophone comments on Oct 19, 2021:
Try saying that to our resident fuckwit.
Just joined too. I live in Michigan.
anglophone comments on Oct 18, 2021:
Greetings from the Land of the Convict! :)
Preacher: If the Government Executed Gays, I Wouldn’t Have to Condemn Their Sins | Hemant Mehta | ...
anglophone comments on Oct 18, 2021:
If preachers started using their brains I would not need to mock them.
Even though the medical community is already explaining that Powell's death is not a vaccine ...
anglophone comments on Oct 18, 2021:
Facts do not matter to covidiots.
Scientific knowledge continues to push back the boundaries of superstition and religious dogma but ...
anglophone comments on Oct 17, 2021:
"I have already made up my mind, and I'll thank you to not confuse me with facts!"
Tell Texas education system this
anglophone comments on Oct 17, 2021:
I see no difference between the murdering of slaves, the murdering of Jews and the murdering of people of colour. But the fuckwits of the Texa$$ education system are blind to that truth.
Heather Cox Richardson On October 8, the executive director of curriculum and instruction for ...
anglophone comments on Oct 17, 2021:
I have in my life learned to value the questioning of everything. I question the integrity, the morality, the judgment, the honesty and the intelligence of the decision makers in Texa$$.
“Prophetess”: My 1,000,000-Angel Army Will Stop “Critical Race Theory” in School | Beth ...
anglophone comments on Oct 17, 2021:
Demented is as demented does.
Oklahoma Woman Found Guilty of Manslaughter After Miscarriage |
anglophone comments on Oct 17, 2021:
Oklahoma, a state where the lunatics are in charge of the legislature.
Texas Man Who Used Grindr to Rob Gay Men Sentenced to 23 Years
anglophone comments on Oct 17, 2021:
He should be buggered three times a day while he is in the slammer.
If a stranger who's loudly open carrying walked up to the very front of your car, and stared at you ...
anglophone comments on Oct 17, 2021:
It must be terrifying to live in a country where dangerous mental defectives carry guns.
Judge Tosses Lawsuit from Religious Workers Suing Over Maine’s Vaccine Mandate | Hemant Mehta | ...
anglophone comments on Oct 16, 2021:
Of course Christians are being persecuted ... for putting the lives of other people at risk because of their own willful stupidity and their own willful ignorance.
OK everyone, it's time for a lesson in dead languages.
anglophone comments on Oct 16, 2021:
osculum meum asinum φίλησε τον κώλο μου 吻我的屁股
“All women need someone to show a bit of interest every now and then…preferably in a manner ...
anglophone comments on Oct 16, 2021:
Hmm. From the perspective of this particular male, and given some of the comments below, I would demur.
Love of God does not equal existence of God The same way we can show love to an invisible ...
anglophone comments on Oct 15, 2021:
The people that you describe are quite unable to think analytically; they are quite unable to make distinctions between things in their lives. They are also condemned to the making of logical fallacies.
Books on Holocaust should be balanced with 'opposing' views, school leader tells teachers
anglophone comments on Oct 15, 2021:
If we are going down the path of balanced opposing views, then Gina Peddy should also be recommending the Quran, "The God Delusion", Confucianism, Buddhism, Taoism and Shinto. What prize idiots employed her as a school administrator in the first place? Oh, I forgot, this is just what happens in Texa$$!
Jim Bakker: The Enemies of Christianity Will Be “Shooting the Prophets” Soon | Beth Stoneburner ...
anglophone comments on Oct 15, 2021:
The sooner that Jim Bakker is six feet under the better.
Hate-Preacher: Halloween’s Origins Involve Virgin Girls Being “Raped by Demons” | Hemant Mehta...
anglophone comments on Oct 15, 2021:
Greg Locke is a menace. He needs to be contained and controlled in a loony bin.
This is what happens when you let ‘god’ take the wheel []
anglophone comments on Oct 15, 2021:
Should mental defectives have their driving licenses revoked?
David Amess: British MP Stabbed To Death At Meeting
anglophone comments on Oct 15, 2021:
I hope his murderer suffers 20 years of hell in prison.
anglophone comments on Oct 15, 2021:
His ignorance and his arrogance is astounding.
Isaac Asimov wrote in 1980: America suffers from a strong anti-intellectual strain of "my ...
anglophone comments on Oct 15, 2021:
"A cult of ignorance" - yes, and that has extended to include the anti-vaxxers, the xenophobes, and the willfully stupid.
I have comrades!!
anglophone comments on Oct 15, 2021:
"I like cooking with wine. I sometimes even put it in the food."
Franklin Graham: “God Bless” the Lt.
anglophone comments on Oct 15, 2021:
Franklin Graham is in urgent of an attitude readjustment.
What skeptical thinking boils down to is the means to construct and to understand reasoned argument ...
anglophone comments on Oct 14, 2021:
And the fallacious arguments of all god apologists are easy meat.
In this day and age.
anglophone comments on Oct 14, 2021:
Religious fundamentalists of *all* religious traditions suffer from toxic and lethal personal insecurity.
U.S. pastors, advocacy groups mobilize against COVID-19 vaccine mandates | Reuters
anglophone comments on Oct 14, 2021:
The God Mob is alive and well, for the moment. It will soon be very sick.
In Another Unearthed Speech, NC Lt.
anglophone comments on Oct 14, 2021:
Mark Robinson is an ignorant arrogant intolerant fool.
Article on what Ivermectin does to your body.
anglophone comments on Oct 14, 2021:
Sufficient Ivermectin in the human body will kill Covid-19 under the correct circumstances. It works like this. Take the human to a place that where there is sufficient radiation to kill the virus. This may require restraining the human. Administer sufficient Ivermectin to cause the death of the human. Leave the corpse in place. Retire hastily and allow the corpse to decompose.
I've only been on here a few days and I'm already dealing with a fat shamer.
anglophone comments on Oct 14, 2021:
Shame upon those who engage in fat shaming. Shame upon those who engage in age shaming (ageism), gender shaming (misogyny and misandry), genetic shaming (racism), difference shaming (xenophobia) and cognitive shaming (religious fundamentalists). Welcome to this site. :)
Supreme Court signals it will side with Kentucky attorney general in bid to defend restrictive ...
anglophone comments on Oct 13, 2021:
Fuck Texa$$. Fuck $COTU$.
Build the wall....
anglophone comments on Oct 13, 2021:
Will I need a visa to enter Texa$$? Must I recite the Lord's Prayer before I cross its border? Must I demonstrate that I am a god-fearing Christian before I am allowed to enter?
The Ring of Fire - MyPillow CEO Says He's Found People 850 Years Old Who Voted In 2020 Election ...
anglophone comments on Oct 13, 2021:
Moron, maniac, mental midget, malicious, malevolent, misbegotten, menace.
3 months + jail time for Lockdown breach.
anglophone comments on Oct 13, 2021:
Here is a link to the story: I reckon the pair of them should be kept in prison until they grow the fuck up.
So there must be Karma of some sort roaming around this world.
anglophone comments on Oct 13, 2021:
As @KKGator says, play stupid games, win stupid prizes.
Drunk Pastor Allegedly Tried to Kill Two Deputies by Ramming Car into Their Vehicle ...
anglophone comments on Oct 12, 2021:
"It was God that made me do it, Your Honour".
Whiny Conservative Mom Demands Resignation of Principal Who Loves “Iron Maiden” | Hemant Mehta ...
anglophone comments on Oct 12, 2021:
Debbi Lynn is a disgrace to the human species. She needs to be put in secure accommodation for the rest of her meaningless and irrelevant life.
Anti-vaxxers are being mocked in Halloween graveyard displays around the US
anglophone comments on Oct 12, 2021:
Those lunatics need to be mocked for what they are when they ruin the health and lives of other people.
Trump asks U.S. judge to force Twitter to restart his account. Fucking crybaby... []
anglophone comments on Oct 11, 2021:
Trump should be forced into the loony bin where he properly belongs.
Tallahassee’s Police Chief Told Christian Cops to Convert Their Colleagues | Hemant Mehta | ...
anglophone comments on Oct 11, 2021:
What an evil arrogant bastard. He is totally unfit for office.
Today, I allowed myself to be engaged in conversation by a Christian.
anglophone comments on Oct 11, 2021:
I admire your patience. Such people manage to last for as long as two minutes with me. I think I'll ask @KKGator what her secret is to reducing that time.
sometimes the memes just write themselves
anglophone comments on Oct 11, 2021:
Welcome to the (monu)mental stupidity of every god mobster in town!
[] The result of drug and alcohol abuse? Are Trump Supporters Brains Different?
anglophone comments on Oct 11, 2021:
There is a growing body of evidence that the prefrontal cortex of the brains of Trump supporters and their ilk suffer from significant underdevelopment. The amygdala of such people tend to be overdeveloped, so they look to "leader figures" to allay their own "fear of the other", the "other" including but not limited to Latinos, atheists, foreigners and intelligent people, this last including medical professionals, journalists, cosmologists and statisticians. Trumpty Dumpty epitomises a leader figure to such people.
I wanted so badly to mow my yard in my birthday suit.
anglophone comments on Oct 10, 2021:
Yes, in our secluded vegetable patch. It was too damned hot to wear anything apart from footwear, and my skin was protected from the sun by the shade cloth above the vegetables..
Of course they do.
anglophone comments on Oct 10, 2021:
I discriminate against willful ignorance and willful stupidity.
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