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If you're having a personal crisis and family or friends say "I'll pray for you" how do you ...
anglophone comments on Jul 14, 2021:
No members of my family are crazy enough to accept any god claim. Those of my friends who might say that to me cease to be my friends upon the instant. In the latter case it would depend on the depth the crisis and might go so far as "Stop trying to ram your genocidal maniac of a god down my throat!".
As some of you may have read, I had a bad experience with a state assigned health worker.
anglophone comments on Jul 14, 2021:
They are God Mobsters in disguise, and Assured Home Health is negligent (at the very least) and may pushing religion (more likely). (Yes, I can be a cynical bastard at times.)
We're number one we're number one, we're number one, Dammit! Barjo brought it to my attention ...
anglophone comments on Jul 13, 2021:
And every antivaxxer will deny all responsibility for this outcome of the Trump Virus.
I'm defiantly happier since I been an Atheist and my mind opening to more things like dating outside...
anglophone comments on Jul 13, 2021:
Treat anybody that you date as if they are a normal decent human being. The members of your religious family are flaunting their own personal insecurities. For what it is worth, I do not see any correlation between skin colour and opportunities for happiness.
Fucking Morons!
anglophone comments on Jul 13, 2021:
Trumpty Dumpty is a no-hoper. He leads other no-hopers into the Land of the Deranged. Like-minded lemmings the lot of them!
The Pope’s Altar Boy, Accused of Sexual Abuse, Was Allowed to Become a Priest | Hemant Mehta | ...
anglophone comments on Jul 13, 2021:
It has been said in the past, and the world needs to be reminded of it again, Catholicism is a refuge for scoundrels.
CPAC Priest: God Created Earth and “That’s All the Science We Need to Know” | Hemant Mehta | ...
anglophone comments on Jul 13, 2021:
Brainless bigots!
Quebecers Are Formally Leaving Catholicism Over the Residential School Crisis | Hemant Mehta | ...
anglophone comments on Jul 13, 2021:
The whole of the Roman Catholic hierarchy will be in denial about its part in its own, and much overdue, downfall.
Kat Kerr, Hank Kunneman, and ‘The Hand of God’ []
anglophone comments on Jul 13, 2021:
Dangerously deranged woman.
Eric Metaxas: If Christians Ran the Country, We’d “Make It Safe” for Others | Hemant Mehta | ...
anglophone comments on Jul 13, 2021:
Eric Metaxas is mentally deranged.
Theocratic Crazies for Trump: []
anglophone comments on Jul 12, 2021:
There is nothing to choose between Christian Crazies and Islamic State.
Aussie friends: Is it true that, in Australia, all beaches are topless?
anglophone comments on Jul 12, 2021:
Well, those are all topless for men, but not generally for women. Australia still suffers from sexism, and it is a very long way from ridding itself of that scourge.
What's up with men who are stuck in the 1950s? This is not Mad Men.
anglophone comments on Jul 11, 2021:
Please feel free to pick and choose from the following (and in my case I would be asking all of these before even considering going on a date with a view to a long term relationship): 1. How important is it to you to contribute to the running of a household? Details, please. 2. It is inevitable that both verbal and non-verbal communications break down from time to time. How do you manage such situations? 3. What in your life fascinates you? 4. Describe your ideal sex life. 5. Did you vote for Trump? A wrong response to any of those is a deal breaker for me.
A plan to reinstate Donald Trump as president circulated at CPAC A 7-point-plan to reinstate ...
anglophone comments on Jul 11, 2021:
The Brigade of Prize Idiots will believe whatever nonsense it suits their useless little brains to believe. The Tea Party has obviously reinvented itself as something even more ludicrous than it previously was.
Around 500 so far, some are already pleading guilty rather than face a public trial.
anglophone comments on Jul 10, 2021:
10 to 15 years hard labour seems about right to me.
Where are all the Climate Change deniers hiding these days while hundreds are dying in the record ...
anglophone comments on Jul 10, 2021:
Climate Change deniers lack the intellect and the moral fibre to admit that they are wrong. They have simply gone underground.
The Evolution of the God Gene by Nicholas Wade “This and other research is pointing to...
anglophone comments on Jul 10, 2021:
Religion, like the appendix, may have been evolutionarily useful. But also like the appendix, it may also wither into uselessness in the future.
Ken Ham Thinks a New “Towel of Babel” Attraction Will Help Defeat Racism | Hemant Mehta | ...
anglophone comments on Jul 9, 2021:
Ken Ham thinks? Go on, pull the other one. It's got bells on!
Do you think that human genetics which gave us higher levels of abstract thought and language, also ...
anglophone comments on Jul 9, 2021:
My no vote comes from my semantic analysis of your question.
Just had a state social worker check on me.
anglophone comments on Jul 8, 2021:
"Yes, there is something wrong with my life, and it is you trying to ram your ridiculous and fictional god down my throat!"
So, pillow for brains Mike Lindell is now saying that the "truth" about Trump winning the election ...
anglophone comments on Jul 8, 2021:
Poor little shit-for-brains!
I am so tired of hypocrisy. This is written by one of my favorites: Thomas Clay Jr on Facebook.
anglophone comments on Jul 7, 2021:
The issue with the hypocrites is that they are blind to their own hypocrisy.
'Like The Mob': Trump In Trouble As Family Member Floats Ivanka Flipping - MSNBC []
anglophone comments on Jul 7, 2021:
"He's not as smart as the Mafia." "They run [the Trump organisation] like a Mafia organised crime organisation except for the competence that they have, ... disrespectful to the Mob." Yes, that sums up Trump's criminality beautifully.
When you want folks to "honk" but you can't spell.
anglophone comments on Jul 6, 2021:
Fuck for Christ's sake?
I have a question about a specific psychiatric hospital.
anglophone comments on Jul 6, 2021:
It sounds like an outpost of the Jesuit sect of the Roman Catholic Church.
anglophone comments on Jul 5, 2021:
You mean to tell me that I am not to follow the orders of my Führer, Herr Donald Trump?
Why Nobody Should Be an Atheist []
anglophone comments on Jul 5, 2021:
The nonsense spouted by the mentally inept never ceases to amuse me. :)
Very gullible indeed
anglophone comments on Jul 5, 2021:
How stupid do you have to be to keep falling for Trump's crap? Answer: Rethuglicanly stupid.
that's a good one
anglophone comments on Jul 5, 2021:
That reminds me of Leroy Anderson: The Typewriter:
When it comes to God I'm not an atheist. I'm currently an Empirical (Weak) Agnostic.
anglophone comments on Jul 4, 2021:
I guess that you are talking about the Biblical God. As it happens, it is trivial to demonstrate that said god cannot exist. The same goes for the God of the Torah. You might like to consider that nobody has produced any falsifiable evidence to support the existence of any other god or gods in the last 5,000 years. Also, are you agnostic about Zeus, Odin, Osiris and Vishnu? If so, why so, and if not, why not?
Trump-appointed judge rejects US Capitol rioter's claim he was 'selectively charged' because he ...
anglophone comments on Jul 4, 2021:
The idiot brigade dislikes being caught out on its idiocy.
I was reading posts on my Face Book page, when I came across this gem, I did farmers markets with ...
anglophone comments on Jul 4, 2021:
Said lady is clearly a mental defective.
Can't argue with that!
anglophone comments on Jul 4, 2021:
Unless ... unless ... the United $tates of Absurdity becomes sufficiently deranged to elect an even more cognitively dysfunctional lunatic as its President.
Atheists, humanists sue Miss. over fee for Godless license plate | Gephardt Daily
anglophone comments on Jul 3, 2021:
Has Mississippi always been governed by congenital idiots who have been elected by congenital idiots?
What Does It Mean to Be Agnostic?
anglophone comments on Jul 3, 2021:
I find the poll to be oversimplistic.
Disturbing Plea Agreement For Former Cop That Murdered Innocent Individual
anglophone comments on Jul 3, 2021:
Assholes in uniform should be banged up for at least 10 years without parole.
We have a number of people on this site, like Captain_Feelgood, who persist in attacking people with...
anglophone comments on Jul 3, 2021:
I simply ignore such people. Captain_Feelcrap has a number of companions in my book of ignorables.
Is religious belief natural or man made?
anglophone comments on Jul 2, 2021:
Children tend to be credulous, and so have a tendency to accept ("believe") what they are told. It is the surrounding culture that indoctrinates them into accepting the existence of one or more deities.
Takeaways from the Trump Organization and Allen Weisselberg indictment - CNNPolitics
anglophone comments on Jul 1, 2021:
I am happy to wait. This may be the first in a very long line of trials, the tail of which may include the trial of Trumpty Dumpty himself.
As the Trump Tribe is Swimming in Conspiracy Theories: Why do conspiracy theories flourish?
anglophone comments on Jul 1, 2021:
Putting it another way, mental midgets find it easier to live with cognitive dissonance than to use their brains.
Goodbye "middle of the road."
anglophone comments on Jun 30, 2021:
Very well played, ma'am. :)
The Catholic Church in Poland Discloses 368 New Allegations of Child Sex Abuse | Hemant Mehta | ...
anglophone comments on Jun 30, 2021:
Only 368 allegations? I am astonished that the number is not very much higher. Ping @MrDragon.
Teenager Hunter Brittain Shot And Killed By Arkansas Cop
anglophone comments on Jun 29, 2021:
Psychopaths with badges are worse than psychopaths without badges.
ok im baked and wanna pose a thought have human beings stopped evolving?
anglophone comments on Jun 29, 2021:
As @Charles1971 has observed, evolution happens faster when the environment changes faster. I very much doubt that we have stopped evolving. We have certainly evolved over the last 2,000 years. Look the the second toe on ancient Greek and Roman sculptures and what is prevalent today (hint: they are shorter these days, but I have no idea why this should be). Your question is not philosophical, it has real meaning. No, it is not a cliché. No, I do not think that you are in the slightest bit crazy (but that does not preclude me being batshit crazy, certainly if you listen to some god freaks). How might we evolve in the future? I have not the faintest idea.
Christian Business Owner Tells Lesbians She Won’t Let Them Rent Wedding Tuxes | Hemant Mehta | ...
anglophone comments on Jun 29, 2021:
The owner is ignorant of her own Bible, and she is a bigot. Perhaps I should point out to her that Jesus hates bigots.
I found this question on an online dating site: "Would you consider dating someone whose religion...
anglophone comments on Jun 28, 2021:
I do not relate to the world in the manner that you describe. The word "spirituality" is a noise word to me - it means nothing to me.
On 80th Anniversary Of Nazi Invasion Of Soviet Union, Putin Claims He Wants 'Partnership' With ...
anglophone comments on Jun 28, 2021:
It's not going to happen while he allows the hackers, scammers and blackmailers in his own country to wreak significant financial and physical damage to other countries via the Internet. It could be argued that he is waging a covert war against Europe.
This god guy ain't doing much to help find the relatives & the victims of Surfside, FloriDuh.
anglophone comments on Jun 27, 2021:
It's almost as if this god guy doesn't exist.
Cannot be titled.
anglophone comments on Jun 27, 2021:
"Daddy, please can we legalise incest?"
Saskatoon Catholic cathedral covered with paint after discovery of 751 unmarked graves
anglophone comments on Jun 26, 2021:
The burning down of Catholic churches has begun: I doubt that the Pope understands the real reason for this hatred and anger against the RCC.
Yes trump please leave
anglophone comments on Jun 26, 2021:
Please depart immediately for Sagittarius A*.
Just found out what it was that woke me at around 4 am yesterday ( Friday) morning.
anglophone comments on Jun 25, 2021:
It's called "being woken up with an (ungodly) bang"! ;)
What would it take for you to believe that god is real and exists?
anglophone comments on Jun 25, 2021:
If any such dimwit asks me a question like that, my answer always leaves them mightily confused: "Falsifiable evidence to support the existence claim of your particular god.". She may have walked away from you, but she is unlikely to walk away from her own special kind of stupid.
Saskatoon Catholic cathedral covered with paint after discovery of 751 unmarked graves
anglophone comments on Jun 25, 2021:
That sort of pushback against the Catholic Church also happens in Western Australia. A middle aged man who was terrorised as a child by the RRC sect of the God Mob destroyed the grave of a local RCC asshole, and no charges were brought.
Priest fire after sermon on the 'good done' by Catholic Church on residential schools []
anglophone comments on Jun 25, 2021:
The good done by the Catholic Church: The teaching of falsehoods as truth. The rape, torture and murder of babies and children. The widening of the health gap between people and nations. The widening of the wealth gap between people and nations. The denial of human rights. The promotion of mental health problems. Yes, that is the good done by the unspeakably vile Catholic Church.
Humanist Leader Mubarak Bala Finally Gets Court Date for His Alleged “Blasphemy” | Hemant Mehta...
anglophone comments on Jun 24, 2021:
In a word, "Fuck Nigeria".
Anti-Vax Preacher: “I’ve Got a Vaccine That’ll Keep You from Eternal Damnation” | Hemant ...
anglophone comments on Jun 24, 2021:
Such evil lying bastards need to have their noses rubbed in their own lies until they wise up.
I’m about 4 years into deconversion from Christianity.
anglophone comments on Jun 24, 2021:
The notion of the Christian God has been exploited for millenia by megalomaniacs, psychopaths and other misfits for the subjugation of the populace. My understanding is that there is no Hell in the Jewish mythology, it is merely a Christian invention. It takes only a moment of study of comparative religion to see the absurdity of all religious claims. Uneducated preachers exploit their unjustified positions of authority to ram their lies down the throats of those who still learning about the world. Such people should be put into an asylum for the mentally ill until they learn the errors of their ways and make amends.
Atheists Sue Mississippi Over Default “In God We Trust” License Plates | Hemant Mehta | Friendly...
anglophone comments on Jun 23, 2021:
Just imagine the uproar if the proclamation was "In Satan We Trust".
Seven justices - including two appointed by Donald Trump - rejected, for the third time, a ...
anglophone comments on Jun 22, 2021:
Why are the Repugs flaunting their faulty foolishness? Easy: they refuse to think and to learn.
Italy's draft law against homophobia draws protest from Vatican over concerns for religious freedoms...
anglophone comments on Jun 22, 2021:
Priests are renown for their buggering of little boys, and the Vatican has issues with a draft law banning homophobia? Hello?
QAnon Already Has 19 Candidates Running for Congress in 2022. []
anglophone comments on Jun 21, 2021:
So those QAnoners will become part of the machinery of government that they despise? How laughable!
Why should the word "atheist" even exist?
anglophone comments on Jun 21, 2021:
All natural languages evolve to meet the needs of their speakers. If English speakers wish to create suitable neologisms, then such words will exist.
Well that nearly stuffed up my Sunday lunch yesterday.
anglophone comments on Jun 20, 2021:
Missouri Man Arrested For Threatening To Kill two Congressmen SPRINGFIELD, Mo.
anglophone comments on Jun 20, 2021:
He is criminally and dangerously demented. He needs to be locked up until he comes to his senses, which probably means he would be incarcerated for the rest of his life.
How do you reply when someone negatively comments on your body?
anglophone comments on Jun 20, 2021:
There are two mutually opposed ways of interacting with people: imposing your own views, values and prejudices on the other person, and seeking to understand the other person's views and values (and prejudices if any). That your date was the former style and you parted company on amicable terms is a tribute to your great ability to always treat other people extremely respectfully. My own reaction matches that of @dalefvictor .
What can I tell my mother whose mother just passed away?
anglophone comments on Jun 20, 2021:
I have seen in another the conflict between the emotional need for comfort seen by some in religion and the intellectual understanding of the finality of death. Only your mother can decide for herself which path she will follow. Affirm her decisions. I have supported one person on his own journey into theism under similar circumstances. I know it sounds trite, but I wish you all the very best in your efforts.
[] funny jesus jokes 😂😂😂
anglophone comments on Jun 20, 2021:
"There's no teenage Jesus". That makes me wonder when Jesus first learned to wank himself, or did one of the 12 do it for him first?
Who believes in life after death
anglophone comments on Jun 19, 2021:
I have no beliefs. My world view is entirely evidence-based, you see.
Why do you identify as being agnostic?
anglophone comments on Jun 19, 2021:
I am not agnostic. I am gnostic that nobody has ever produced any falsifiable evidence to support the existence claims of any those entities.
Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster loses bid for legal recognition as incorporated entity
anglophone comments on Jun 19, 2021:
That South Australian legal authority must be jammed full of [funda]mental[ist] Catholics.
What If Catholic Bishops Chose To Prevent Child Molesters From Giving Communion Instead Of ...
anglophone comments on Jun 19, 2021:
It's never going to happen!
Is being a Trump supporter a deal breaker for you?
anglophone comments on Jun 18, 2021:
"Is being a Trump supporter a deal breaker for you?" Yes, and under all circumstances.
And then they wonder why people are leaving their religion in droves.
anglophone comments on Jun 18, 2021:
The God Mob is again trying to shove its malevolent beliefs and values of everybody else. I am sick and tired of those evil little shits.
Tucker Carlson Called 'Dead Wrong,' 'Tinfoil-Hat' Crazy after his Baseless Claim of FBI Role in ...
anglophone comments on Jun 18, 2021:
Fucker Carlson use his syphilitic balls instead of his minuscule brains.
Christian Pastor: Louisiana’s Cockfighting Ban Violates My Religious Freedom | Hemant Mehta | ...
anglophone comments on Jun 17, 2021:
The Rev. Lloyd Plumbar is violating my religious right to give him a good kicking in the testicles.
Arkansas Lawmaker Calls Trans People an “Abomination” During House Speech | Hemant Mehta | ...
anglophone comments on Jun 17, 2021:
Mary Bentley is herself an abomination.
Florida Will Now Force Kids to Observe a 1-Minute “Moment of Silence” in School | Hemant Mehta |...
anglophone comments on Jun 17, 2021:
Thinks while waiting for 60 boring seconds: "I must NOT write out 500 times 'Randy Fine is an asshole!' "
Viewers crack up laughing over Trump's Fox News rant about saving birds from windmills ...
anglophone comments on Jun 17, 2021:
How very Quixotic of Trumpty Dumpty!
Tony Perkins: Liberals Want to Toss Anti-LGBTQ Christians Into a “Fiery Furnace” | Hemant Mehta ...
anglophone comments on Jun 16, 2021:
Why toss anti-LGBTQ Christians into a fiery furnace? I can think something far worse: forcing them to learn compassion and to use their brains.
21 Republicans vote against awarding medals to police who defended Capitol on Jan. 6 | TheHill
anglophone comments on Jun 16, 2021:
21 people who clearly support insurrection. That they do so when they are allegedly participating in a representative democracy shows their pure and unadulterated bigotry.
Some Indian Villages Are Refusing COVID Vaccines Due to Religious Superstitions | Hemant Mehta | ...
anglophone comments on Jun 14, 2021:
Ignorance is not bliss. Ignorance is lethal.
Cop Busted!: []
anglophone comments on Jun 14, 2021:
Stupid is as stupid does. The other inmates will have a ball giving him a hard time in jail.
There is no christian persecution.
anglophone comments on Jun 13, 2021:
And just look at what Christians did in the name of their evil god to the Cherokee, the Apache, the Navajo, ...
I've decided not to engage conservatives on this site.
anglophone comments on Jun 13, 2021:
I have come to the same position. I would also add that I ignore all those who delight in creating conflict with others.
Do Australians trust religious leaders? []
anglophone comments on Jun 13, 2021:
This Australian has never trusted any religious leader ever since he came to his senses decades ago.
Are you really just mad at “God?
anglophone comments on Jun 12, 2021:
Nah, I am really just mad, no god required! ;)
Extreme religious practices in early childhood development is instilling more harm than any morals.
anglophone comments on Jun 11, 2021:
The evil stops for you when you see and reject all religion for the vile nonsense that it is, and all religious zealots (priests, pastors, mullahs, ayatollahs, popes, bishops, prelates) for the perverts that they are. The evil will persist for as long as there are fools in the world who are stupid enough to believe what God Mobsters tell them.
LOL, that really worked.
anglophone comments on Jun 11, 2021:
"I'm illiterate" and you wrote the sign? Hmm!
Yup take a hint
anglophone comments on Jun 11, 2021:
That is *delicious*!
Ron Johnson said worming medications could be used to prevent COVID-19.
anglophone comments on Jun 11, 2021:
What sort of thick shits voted this particular thick shit into Congress?
Newsmax Panel Flips Out After Student Says “Under Allah” in Pledge at Graduation | Hemant Mehta ...
anglophone comments on Jun 11, 2021:
Such people are incapable using what few grey cells they have.
ACLU: WI School Counselor Told Lesbian Student to “Repent” or She’d “Go to Hell” | Hemant ...
anglophone comments on Jun 11, 2021:
Rachel Wallace needs to have her vagina filled with a quart of quick-setting concrete!
Christian Mommy Blogger: The Goal of Feminists is “Destroying Monogamy” | Beth Stoneburner | ...
anglophone comments on Jun 11, 2021:
I see her as a dangerous arrogant willfully ignorant bitch.
I am so sick of Facebook and their censorship.
anglophone comments on Jun 11, 2021:
Welcome to Suckerberg's financial moralistic paranoia.
anglophone comments on Jun 10, 2021:
The car swerved? Jesus must have been at the wheel.
Nathaniel Veltman Christian terrorist? Why did he kill Muslim family?
anglophone comments on Jun 10, 2021:
He clearly has no feelings for other people. The fact that he killed in cold blood makes him a dangerous psychopath. If it had been a family of African-Americans I think he would have killed them instead.
Marjorie Taylor Greene slams virus research: 'I don't believe in evolution, I believe in God' - ...
anglophone comments on Jun 9, 2021:
The woman is a raving lunatic. My issue with her is that she will influence other mentally incompetent people to eschew Covid-19 vaccination.
The Irish gave the bagpipes to the Scotts as a joke, but the Scotts haven't seen the joke yet.
anglophone comments on Jun 9, 2021:
And the Danes gave us cupcakes and the Yankees gave us Donald Trump and Trish Regan.
Who the fuck could bankrupt a casino?
anglophone comments on Jun 9, 2021:
Who the fuck could bankrupt a casino? Answer: an arrogant dumbfuck of an asshole.
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