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Capitol Police arrest Virginia man who tried to pass security checkpoint with weapons, ...
anglophone comments on Jan 16, 2021:
The Chief Turd is not known for using what passes for his brain. However, he is famous for his sexism, racism, bullying, puerility, arrogance, xenophobia, stupidity, narcissism and psychopathy.
'I’m facing a prison sentence': US Capitol rioters plead with Trump for pardons [theguardian.
anglophone comments on Jan 16, 2021:
The rule of law means nothing to the Chief Turd or his henchmen/henchwomen.
Missouri Bill Would Jail Librarians Who Let Kids Check Out “Inappropriate” Books | Hemant Mehta ...
anglophone comments on Jan 16, 2021:
Ben Baker has a major personality disorder. He forgets that his pride is a deadly sin.
Man Involved in MI Governor Kidnapping Plot Said God Gave Him Permission to Kill | Beth Stoneburner ...
anglophone comments on Jan 16, 2021:
That man is dangerously deluded. He needs to be locked up in secure accommodation until he comes to his senses, and that means he dies in there, then so be it.
'I’m facing a prison sentence': US Capitol rioters plead with Trump for pardons | US Capitol ...
anglophone comments on Jan 16, 2021:
Fuckwits like her are a symptom of everything that is wrong with the (dis-)United States of America. Her refusal to use her brain, assuming that she even has one, is typical of the racist, sexist, xenophobic, misanthropic, psychopathic, bullying, narcissistic, "fuck you" attitude that is tearing the USA apart.
Posted in Politics so more people will see it. q:569368
anglophone comments on Jan 16, 2021:
I get the following: "Sorry, this post is not available". @Admin may be able to advise on this.
NRA Will File for Bankruptcy and Flee to Texas to Avoid NY Litigation The National Rifle ...
anglophone comments on Jan 16, 2021:
The sooner that the terrorist organisation known as the National Rifle Association is closed down the better!
Minnesota pastor says on video to be ready to 'arm up' as a citizen militia force -
anglophone comments on Jan 15, 2021:
The only thing that such brainless bullies understand is brutality. **Lock him up!**
JFC! A Facebook friend (pastor's wife, who completely dismissed my concerns when I was still a ...
anglophone comments on Jan 15, 2021:
If she is crazy enough to believe in the God of the Bible, she is crazy enough to believe this sort of conspiracy theory. I wonder if she was dropped on her head at birth.
Billionaires behind effort to resist election: []
anglophone comments on Jan 15, 2021:
Perhaps their billions should be converted into dimes and shoved up their major excretory orifices.
bleurowz known to some of you as Amy - has passed away.
anglophone comments on Jan 15, 2021:
Thank you for sharing that sad news. I really valued what she shared with us.
To be agnostic is to not know whether or not god(s) exist.
anglophone comments on Jan 14, 2021:
Given that nobody has ever provided any falsifiable evidence to support the existence claim of any god, it is not possible to assign a probably to the existence of any such god. To assign such a probability is to commit a classification fallacy. Anybody who claims that any god either exists or probably exists is being absurd.
In her radio show, Dr Laura Schlesinger said that, as an observant Orthodox Jew, homosexuality is an...
anglophone comments on Jan 14, 2021:
Is it legal to own a Christian?
Jim Bakker: “I Know I’m Not Wrong” That God Will Soon Destroy a Bunch of Cities | Beth ...
anglophone comments on Jan 14, 2021:
Will somebody please put a sock in his mouth? On second thoughts, don't bother; his particular brand of stupid makes me laugh.
Kentucky Man in Fatal Car Wreck Was Under the Influence of Alcohol and Jesus | Hemant Mehta | ...
anglophone comments on Jan 14, 2021:
" ... Jesus told him that if he would hit the oncoming car, Dalton would be brought back to life and things would be better" ... The man is criminally deranged. He needs to be jailed, and upon release put into secure accommodation until he is no longer a danger to other people.
in case you never looked, here's their website: []
anglophone comments on Jan 13, 2021:
Ah yes, the dregs of the dregs, and they rejoice in drowning in their own shit.
Some concepts are just too complicated for this crowd.
anglophone comments on Jan 13, 2021:
All those people, and not a single grey cell between them.
Tomorrow we will see how many Republican congresspersons have managed to finally grow a pair of ...
anglophone comments on Jan 12, 2021:
I fear that you will be able to count all those balls on the fingers of one hand.
In Unprecedented Joint Letter, Top Military Brass Denounces US Capitol Riot |
anglophone comments on Jan 12, 2021:
This serves as a timely reminder to all existing and previous members of the armed forces in the USA: your primary duty is to the People and the Constitution - you have no place being a member of any rabble.
The deaths of 9,000 infants in Irish homes for unwed mothers proves how little value women had in ...
anglophone comments on Jan 12, 2021:
The Catholic Church is largely blind to its own sins.
Irish Government: Church-Run Homes for Unwed Mothers Led to 9,000 Dead Kids | Hemant Mehta | ...
anglophone comments on Jan 12, 2021:
The people of the Irish Republic have done much in recent years to remove the stranglehold of the Vatican over their country, but they still have much yet to do.
Christian Mommy Blogger Shames Young Women Who “Work Outside of the Home” | Beth Stoneburner | ...
anglophone comments on Jan 12, 2021:
She needs to get a life. She also needs to start using her brain (assuming that she has one).
TN Teacher Sends Former Student Message Condemning Her Same-Sex Relationship | Hemant Mehta | ...
anglophone comments on Jan 12, 2021:
The bigoted bitch needs to get a life.
Okay, I guess/suppose this has been posted before many, many times but here is my suggestion and the...
anglophone comments on Jan 11, 2021:
You touch upon a complex matter in linguistics. English, like every other natural language, changes to serve the changing needs of its speakers. Yes, the Oxford English Dictionary is undoubtedly an icon, but so is Miriam-Webster. Moreover, every lexicographer recognises the limitations that are inherent in all dictionaries. No group is entirely homogeneous. Using what might be regarded as relatively strict interpretations of the words "agnostic" and "atheist", I am atheist about both the God of the Bible and the God or the Torah (I know that neither can exist), and I am agnostic about all other gods (this for the want of both adequate definitions and falsifiable evidence). I am reminded of a splendidly absurd line allegedly spoken to an Englishman in New York: "For a foreigner, you speak pretty good English.", which serves merely to underscore the small mindedness of many in Yankeeland.
Yeah that's pure delusion
anglophone comments on Jan 11, 2021:
Every one of those vile little shits needs to be put into the slammer for the rest of their lives.
Yeah sure they will
anglophone comments on Jan 11, 2021:
There is a worryingly large section of the Repugnicant Party that refuses to condemn Trumpty Dumpty.
New York post reported that National Guard is sending 15,000 troops to Biden inaugural
anglophone comments on Jan 11, 2021:
Will 15,000 troops be able to cope with 150,000 Trumpsters?
NYC bar Association calls for immediate removal of Trump and prosecution of complicit legislators
anglophone comments on Jan 11, 2021:
The sooner that Trump and all his Trumpsters are politically crippled the better.
You'd think people who bitch and gripe about Trump being banned from Twitter, and how it's "imposing...
anglophone comments on Jan 11, 2021:
The people who bitch and moan about Trump being banned from Twitter are not using the brains they were born with. They much prefer prejudice, their prejudice, over the use of common sense.
PGA Removes 2022 Championship From Trump’s N.J. Golf Course - WSJ
anglophone comments on Jan 11, 2021:
The Prize Turd deserves a good kicking in the finances.
Biden Calls Family Of Cop Killed In Capitol Riot While Trump Ignores – Breaking News USA
anglophone comments on Jan 10, 2021:
That's because Donald Trump regards US Capitol Police Officer Brian Sicknick as expendable and worthless.
This was FB posted by a friend, and I found it a worthwhile rant on why we are DONE with drump's ...
anglophone comments on Jan 10, 2021:
Like @AnonySchmoose I also support this "rant".
More Twitter bans bet more are coming
anglophone comments on Jan 10, 2021:
The sooner all those destructive egomaniacs are muzzled the better.
Classy people, those Trumpers. []
anglophone comments on Jan 10, 2021:
I *love* your sense of humour!
More is coming to light
anglophone comments on Jan 10, 2021:
Lock her up.
What seems to make the world go round, be it from religion, politics, raceism, tribalism, us vs ...
anglophone comments on Jan 9, 2021:
The Chief Cretin needs to be dropped into an oubliette.
Former GOP Congressman Denver Riggleman (former military intelligence officer), complied a report ...
anglophone comments on Jan 9, 2021:
That does not surprise me in the slightest. The Cretin in Chief is a magnet for and an enabler of white supremacist hate groups.
Christian Woman Sues Postal Service for Rejecting Her Self-Designed Jesus Stamps | Hemant Mehta | ...
anglophone comments on Jan 9, 2021:
Ms. Susan Fletcher is several trillion grey cells short of brain.
Prayer Group Tells God to “Fight” Justice John Roberts If He Won’t “Bow to You” | Beth ...
anglophone comments on Jan 9, 2021:
The United States of Absurdity is infested with cretins.
They got another one
anglophone comments on Jan 9, 2021:
The sooner the police and courts round up and incarcerate all those vile little shits the better!
A week ago I posted about my younger cousin having COVID-19 and how I was really worried about his ...
anglophone comments on Jan 9, 2021:
La Vie, c'est tout merde de cheval.
anglophone comments on Jan 9, 2021:
La merde de cheval est bonne pour les roses. Peut-être parlez-vous de la merde de Donald Trump?
Does anyone consistently experience a wave of depression if they stay up too late?
anglophone comments on Jan 9, 2021:
Not in my case. If you are talking about clinical depression, it had no connection with when I went to bed. All that any late night did (and still does) to me was leave me feeling exhausted the following day.
Twitter disables Michael Flynn, Sidney Powell accounts for spreading QAnon content - POLITICO
anglophone comments on Jan 9, 2021:
And it's about bloody time that Twitter did that! The way assorted social media platforms have allowed themselves to used to spread fake news, misinformation and conspiracy theories is nothing short of appalling.
Melissa Joan Hart Told Her Son That Only People Who Believe in Jesus Are “Good” | Beth ...
anglophone comments on Jan 9, 2021:
Melissa Joan Hart lacks the brain to see her own bigotry.
For those who remember or are interested.
anglophone comments on Jan 8, 2021:
That's great news! Thanks for sharing it. :)
I ask all fair-minded American citizens to keep in mind concerning our right-wing, conservative ...
anglophone comments on Jan 8, 2021:
I find your question to be over-simplistic. You are all Americans by accident of birth or by naturalisation. I have no time for people who are intolerant of others when that intolerance is driven by their own defects of personality, this regardless of nationality.
Man in Pelosi office arrested
anglophone comments on Jan 8, 2021:
That asshole needs an attitude readjustment.
Not ordinary protesters
anglophone comments on Jan 8, 2021:
Religious people are probably the most obnoxious people on this earth : atheism
anglophone comments on Jan 8, 2021:
I prefer a slightly more nuanced approach. Religious zealots of whatever religious persuasion find me to be the most obnoxious on earth, and I return the compliment likewise, but at least I don't go around murdering other atheists because they happen to be Sunni atheists instead of Shia atheists.
How do we get white supremacists out of the police forces.
anglophone comments on Jan 8, 2021:
Answer: we get all white supremacists out of all legislatures.
There are multitude of religions praying to each of their gods to stop covid 19 from killing people ...
anglophone comments on Jan 7, 2021:
That's because they are all praying to the wrong god. As far as I know, nobody is praying to the Flying Spaghetti Monster (PBUH).
M. A. G. A.
anglophone comments on Jan 7, 2021:
The way to make America great again is to drain the swamp: get rid of the Chief Turd and his dangerous rabble of followers.
Perhaps is time to open a season on those wearing red MAGA hats and carrying "Q" flags.
anglophone comments on Jan 7, 2021:
One response would be to educate them, but that raises the question of how do you educate the willfully ineducable?
For several years we have been complaining and decrying the radicalization of muslims.
anglophone comments on Jan 7, 2021:
"Trumpian radicalization": I *like* that phrase.
US allies say Trump attempted coup with help from federal law enforcement - Business Insider
anglophone comments on Jan 7, 2021:
The more I think about it, the more I come to the same conclusion. It seems obvious to me that Donald Trump deliberately weakened the security around Congress so that his rabble of "storm troopers" could invade the building and threaten members of Congress.
Yep, this is about it
anglophone comments on Jan 7, 2021:
Yep. Such imbeciles last about two minutes with me.
Twitter and Facebook blocks Trump
anglophone comments on Jan 7, 2021:
I expect Trumpty Dumpty will now play the victim card.
About three years ago, I said that if we give Trump enough rope, he would hang himself.
anglophone comments on Jan 7, 2021:
I would dearly love to see him reduced to a quivering wreck for the rest of his life.
No one can say that we weren't warned in 2017 in the book "The Dangerous Case of Donald Trump" which...
anglophone comments on Jan 7, 2021:
But did anybody in the Repugnicant Party listen? Of course not!
Facebook bans President Trump ‘indefinitely’ after Capitol riot - The Verge
anglophone comments on Jan 7, 2021:
It's about bloody time that congenital idiot had a sock shoved into his mouth!
Like that's going to happen... Remove Trump Tonight []
anglophone comments on Jan 7, 2021:
Mike Pence and his fellow wankers lack the balls to do that.
Capitol Stormed by Protestors! Trump's Twitter Suspended! - YouTube
anglophone comments on Jan 7, 2021:
Facebook and Instagram have suspended his account for the remainder of his presidency.
Okay and my sincerest appreciations, etc, to Friends and Members.
anglophone comments on Jan 7, 2021:
Good for you! :)
For 12 hours, huh?
anglophone comments on Jan 6, 2021:
What Twitter and Facebook have failed to learn is that Donald Trump cannot learn.
TN Governor’s Office Will Send Out 12 Prayers in January to Deal with COVID | Hemant Mehta | ...
anglophone comments on Jan 6, 2021:
How come the TN Governor's office became infested with such brainless bozos?
Now what?
anglophone comments on Jan 6, 2021:
To the fascists who stormed Congress: Mussolini would have been proud of you.
In a bit of quandary here and I'm hoping for some helpful suggestions from friends and members.
anglophone comments on Jan 6, 2021:
There is a balance to be struck here, and unfortunately I cannot give you a clear-cut answer. The balance is between your own (and wholly understandable) desire for a quiet life, what your own opinion of just how much her sort of behaviour should be confronted and controlled by society. Only you can answer that question for yourself.
TODAY is the time for action under the 25th Amendment to remove the idiot Trump as mentally unfit.
anglophone comments on Jan 6, 2021:
He should have been removed at least three years ago but the Repugnicant Party refused to do that.
Now what?
anglophone comments on Jan 6, 2021:
This was the inevitable outcome of the way Donald Trump whipped up his support base, also known as the right-wing extremists in the USA. His own party failed to control him because they lacked the foresight to see this coming and the desire to reign him in. The malcontents that Donald trump has stirred up will remain resentful for years if not decades. It will take a very long time do undo the damage that he has done. Joe Biden has an almost impossible task in front of him.
I copped a ripper from a, imo, self-righteous local ardent Catholic woman yesterday while out doing ...
anglophone comments on Jan 5, 2021:
A suggestion for a comeback line: "May *Satan* have mercy on your immortal soul.".
I copped a ripper from a, imo, self-righteous local ardent Catholic woman yesterday while out doing ...
anglophone comments on Jan 5, 2021:
Who let her escape from the local funny farm?
To all of my new found atheist friends: I have been atheist most of my life and basically gave up on...
anglophone comments on Jan 5, 2021:
Welcome. I hope you enjoy your time here. :)
What do you expect to be achieved by this week's pro-Trump DC rally?
anglophone comments on Jan 5, 2021:
We, the people, are united in our stupidity of "Stop the Steal"!
What do you expect to be achieved by this week's pro-Trump DC rally?
anglophone comments on Jan 4, 2021:
Donald Trump's support base needs to be identified for what it is: a bunch of anarchists.
Can you recognize logic when you see it?
anglophone comments on Jan 4, 2021:
I have two principles when it comes to logic in the sense that you use the word. 1. Does it follow the rules of inference? 2. Is the evidence falsifiable? Unless the answer to both questions is "yes", then it is not logic in that sense of the word. Donald Trumps "find me the votes" is irrational. Anybody's choice of any particular god or gods is equally irrational. Both constitute logical fallacies. See also .
"It's not your place to say that," he said. What, because I'm a woman?
anglophone comments on Jan 4, 2021:
You now have a well stocked armoury of comebacks the next time it happens. :)
Researchers Say Christian Nationalism is Making It Harder to End the Pandemic | Hemant Mehta | ...
anglophone comments on Jan 3, 2021:
I did not expect anything else: once a dumb fuck always a dumb fuck.
TN Church Holds Three-Day COVID Super-Spreader Conference in the Name of Jesus | Hemant Mehta | ...
anglophone comments on Jan 3, 2021:
From the article: "How many more people need to die before religious people like these realize they’re contributing to the problem?". The answer is that such people *refuse* to realize that obvious fact.
A Very Confused Indiana Church Has “Documented Proof” That God Answers Prayers | Hemant Mehta | ...
anglophone comments on Jan 3, 2021:
They should present their findings to the American Association for the Advancement of Science. I am sure the audience could do with a good belly laugh!
Researchers Say Christian Nationalism is Making It Harder to End the Pandemic | Hemant Mehta | ...
anglophone comments on Jan 3, 2021:
I have no issue with the determinedly stupid and the willfully ignorant killing themselves by means of Covid-19. However, that does not justify their spreading the disease to other people.
God cannot be omniscient, omnipotent, and have free will simultaneously : atheism
anglophone comments on Jan 2, 2021:
However, the Flying Spaghetti Monster (PBUH) is omniscient and omnipotent and has free will! ;)
Michigan Pastor Blames Man’s COVID Death On Lack Of Faith | Michael Stone
anglophone comments on Jan 2, 2021:
The Bullshit Brigade will stop at nothing when it comes to trying to impose their compulsive stupidity and willful ignorance on everybody else.
Irish Archbishop Condemns “Blasphemous” NYE Comedy Skit Alleging God Raped Mary | Hemant Mehta |...
anglophone comments on Jan 2, 2021:
Of course God raped Mary. Archbishop Eamon Martin is a cognitively challenged prat.
The Christians or religious people that are on this page just to convert people. Stop. : atheism
anglophone comments on Jan 2, 2021:
LOL! If any religious person tries to convert me I laugh in their face. That soon shuts them up.
anglophone comments on Jan 1, 2021:
I have no time for the yammering of the faithfools.
My New Years Resolutions for 2021.
anglophone comments on Jan 1, 2021:
Of Evangeloon's 'tomatoes', I can give you a 200 litre barrel of Agent Orange if you like. ;)
I'm looking for anyone over 18 who knows English to fill-out a 20 question survey on Childhood ...
anglophone comments on Jan 1, 2021:
Done. My parents were not religious, but I was exposed to some horrendous religious experiences by my teachers and other people in society. Thanks for taking the time and trouble to prepare that survey.
Christian Minister: A Boy at My Youth Camp Literally Flew Through the Air | Hemant Mehta | Friendly ...
anglophone comments on Jan 1, 2021:
It's cruel to mock the mentally afflicted, but that won't stop me mocking the mentally afflicted Andre Ashby.
Conservative Writer: Dr.
anglophone comments on Jan 1, 2021:
LOL! Cheryl K. Chumley is immoral because she ignores basic science!
Dennis Prager on Anne Frank: “I Don’t Get My Wisdom from Teenagers” | Hemant Mehta | Friendly ...
anglophone comments on Jan 1, 2021:
I don't get my wisdom from arrogant opinionated ignorant misogynistic deceptive old twats.
Fuck God : atheism
anglophone comments on Jan 1, 2021:
Fuck Zeus, fuck Selene and fuck Eros. ;)
New Florida Board of Education Chair: “I won’t support any evolution being taught as fact at all...
anglophone comments on Jan 1, 2021:
Such culpably ignorant people are extremely dangerous, and they should be locked up in secure accommodation until they come to their senses.
Ft. Worth pastor who preached "Faith over Fear" loses both parents to COVID-19. []
anglophone comments on Jan 1, 2021:
"Faith over fear" is a typical over-reaction by the culpably cognitively challenged. I have no time for such idiots.
I suffer from Bipolar and it sucks... Anyone else have mental health issues?
anglophone comments on Jan 1, 2021:
Clinical depression, which now appears to be resolving after about eight years. Attachment disorder of adulthood, and my grey cell is working its socks off under the guidance of a psychologist - she seems to be being effective where the previous five psychologists have all failed. (Ping @LovinLarge)
The comment facility is currently working for Firefox.
anglophone comments on Dec 31, 2020:
Now fixed. My thanks go to @Admin.
Scottish Local Council Chooses Catholic “Sex Ed” Over Comprehensive Curriculum | Val Wilde | ...
anglophone comments on Dec 31, 2020:
A bunch of old fogies imposing their antiquated views on the lives of future generations is not acceptable.
How did you stop a bad habit? I'm trying to stop hair-twirling.
anglophone comments on Dec 31, 2020:
What follows is merely a suggestion. Rest your hand on a surface, and put something lightweight, such as a paper napkin, on top of it before you start reading (or whatever else you do that fully absorbs your mind). When your hand moves, the weight of the object *may* interrupt your flow of thought sufficiently to trigger a change in your attention. If the paper napkin is too light, try something slightly heavier, such as a glove. Please let me know how you get on - thanks.
I cannot comment on posts. Obviously people some can. What is going on here?
anglophone comments on Dec 30, 2020:
The site is broken. It fails for Firefox and Google Chrome. It works for Microsoft Edge and Opera. It has been reported to <at> Admin. @barjoe's solution does not work on my desktop, though from his words I would guess it works on iPads and tablets.
Racist Business Owner Who Used “China Virus” in Ad: I’m a “Good Christian” | Hemant Mehta ...
anglophone comments on Dec 30, 2020:
Imbeciles are the same the world over.
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