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Just curious..... Are there any level 10 members on this site?
anglophone comments on Jan 19, 2023:
See @Marionville.
Idaho's 'faith-healing' exemption has led to more senseless child deaths
anglophone comments on Jan 19, 2023:
That law is not going to change while Idaho is infested with lethal mental defectives.
Trump Organization fined $1.6 million for long-running tax fraud scheme
anglophone comments on Jan 19, 2023:
That is small change to that gang of criminals.
You never know...
anglophone comments on Jan 19, 2023:
"I get my coffee and nobody gets hurt."
I think a part of the appeal of religion is from nostalgia.
anglophone comments on Jan 19, 2023:
There may be such appeal for some people, but this writer always had an uneasy relationship with religion. While there is undoubtedly some fine music written because of religion, there is never any nostalgia in it for me.
I just wish ours was worth as much as yours.
anglophone comments on Jan 18, 2023:
An ounce of science outweighs a ton of hocus-pocus every time!
That's how you can tell it's a cult.
anglophone comments on Jan 18, 2023:
Rethuglicans seem to have an issue with the idea of equality before the law. See also @Hippiechick58's comment.
Hello I am new and looking for like minded friends!!
anglophone comments on Jan 18, 2023:
Please fill in your bio. Then we might talk.
Unhinged House GOP Wants to Impeach Biden, Claims Left Is Canceling Cowboys: A Closer Look - YouTube
anglophone comments on Jan 18, 2023:
GOP: a term for any mentally defective and emotionally defective person.
Failed Republican candidate arrested in shootings targeting Democratic politicians' homes - ...
anglophone comments on Jan 18, 2023:
If you cannot win at the ballot box, become Supreme and Glorious Leader by murdering everybody who opposes you.
Whiny message from a Trump supporter. How would you answer?
anglophone comments on Jan 18, 2023:
Oh, I forgot to answer your original question. Sorry about that. My bitchy streak is about to show itself: "You are the sole author of your own misery, and I have no time for losers like you."
Whiny message from a Trump supporter. How would you answer?
anglophone comments on Jan 18, 2023:
"I am a self-declared irrational delusional arrogant prat. Even scumbags like you ought to love me!" Yep, just another Trumpite, the bottom feeders of the U$A.
Do you have an internal dialogue?
anglophone comments on Jan 17, 2023:
My internal monologue is almost perpetual. It is silent whenever I am listening to somebody else.
Since there's no red slash, I'm at a loss as to WTF. Guesses please?
anglophone comments on Jan 17, 2023:
Sex competition ahead. Free entry.
What the fking hell are they talking about?
anglophone comments on Jan 17, 2023:
"It delights me to broadcast the fact that I am total idiot!"
anglophone comments on Jan 17, 2023:
I don't know why I assumed this site would be better than facebook.
anglophone comments on Jan 17, 2023:
I am quite happy to abuse the mental defectives on this site, something which I cannot do on Facebook.
That is pretty amazing!
anglophone comments on Jan 17, 2023:
Which just goes to show that God exists and He can perform miracles! ;)
No one can make this stuff up.
anglophone comments on Jan 17, 2023:
The power of delusion in the mentally defective ...
Holy flying cheeseburger!
anglophone comments on Jan 17, 2023:
Is there a prize for being the most repulsive lying lard-ass on the planet?
Challenge accepted....
anglophone comments on Jan 16, 2023:
Such monu**MENTAL** stupidity never ceases to amaze me.
Shhh... No one tell him!
anglophone comments on Jan 16, 2023:
Okay mate. I will line up 100,000 men ready for you to suck them all completely dry. Is it a deal?
University: Student was stabbed on bus because she is Asian
anglophone comments on Jan 16, 2023:
Billie R. Davis of Bloomington is an example of everything that is wrong with the United $tates of Absurdity. She, and all who who are like, are just as much of a menace to society as any of the suicide bombers that can be found everywhere across the world. Unless, and until, the decision makers at every governmental level in the USA decide to address this particular evil, it will continue to persist in the land of the allegedly free.
Wyoming Republicans Introduce Bill to Phase Out New Electric Car Sales by 2035 Republican ...
anglophone comments on Jan 16, 2023:
It would be wrong to accuse the Republican legislators in Wyoming of being . . . -- wait for it -- . . . bright sparks!
One reason I love talking economics with my son, a respected economist, is that I know his opinions ...
anglophone comments on Jan 15, 2023:
I have learned to recognise willful ignorance when I see it. I no longer waste my time on such mental defectives.
An Iowa Official's Wife Is Charged With 52 Counts of Voter Fraud In US House Race
anglophone comments on Jan 15, 2023:
Should she spend 52 weeks in the slammer?
That's the truth.
anglophone comments on Jan 15, 2023:
You require me to not see that nor to read that? What is so catastrophically wrong with you, sunshine?
14-Year-Old Wants To Go Swimming During Her Period, So Her Sister Teaches Her How Tampons Work, ...
anglophone comments on Jan 15, 2023:
The mother's hangups about sex, bodily functions, morality and normal decent behaviour are truly astonishing. She is in urgent need of an attitude re-alignment.
THE PROGRESSIVE SHIP OF MORALITY HAS BEEN ROCKED Fox News and other conservative media are going ...
anglophone comments on Jan 15, 2023:
I am a man. I wonder how he would feel if I fondled his junk.
Alabama Attorney General Wants Women Who Use Abortion Pills Prosecuted Alabama Attorney General...
anglophone comments on Jan 15, 2023:
His mother should have swallowed.
"So be aware that the priests, by means of terrorizing threats, will seek to cause you to fall away ...
anglophone comments on Jan 14, 2023:
Which shows just how much humanity has learned over the course of the last two millenia: absolutely fuck all!
Supreme Court takes up Christian postal worker's religious claim The employee, who objected to ...
anglophone comments on Jan 14, 2023:
I am a Muslim, and you expect me to work on a Friday? Fuck right off, you infidel scum!
New Text Messages Corroborate Sexual Assault Allegations Against Top GOP Lobbyist Matt Schlapp: ...
anglophone comments on Jan 13, 2023:
Schlapp needs to lose his junk.
Alex Jones Accuses Piers Morgan of 'Mind Control' in Contentious Interview
anglophone comments on Jan 13, 2023:
Alex Jones is delusional and a psychopath. He is also extremely dangerous.
Whooohoo! Here we go! Trump Org.
anglophone comments on Jan 13, 2023:
That is small change to the latter day Al Capone.
What you think when they open their mouth...
anglophone comments on Jan 13, 2023:
When they open their mouth I wonder what drives them to spewing such shit.
MAGA Congressman Rants About ‘Deep State’ Trying to ‘Wipe Out the American Cowboy’
anglophone comments on Jan 12, 2023:
The man is deranged.
Ruin your life day at a time?
anglophone comments on Jan 12, 2023:
I get my coffee and nobody gets hurt.
Lil Dookie
anglophone comments on Jan 12, 2023:
Swampy McSwampy is both intellectually degenerate and morally degenerate. And as @racocn8 says, the real douchebags are his supporters.
7 dollar workers are having a good time lately.
anglophone comments on Jan 12, 2023:
Bugger that!
Arkansas Gov. Sarah Huckabee Sanders bans critical race theory in schools | Fox News
anglophone comments on Jan 11, 2023:
Can we all start teaching "Idiot Politician Theory", please?
A US federal agency is considering a ban on gas stoves | CNN Business
anglophone comments on Jan 11, 2023:
I see the headline behind the link as being clickbait by CNN.
We seem to continue to have our conspiracy theorists on board and some of us are getting tired of ...
anglophone comments on Jan 11, 2023:
Thanks for the link. I found the article to be singularly informative. I previously had no idea of the extent of psychological damage and trauma that was present in conspiracy theorists.
We seem to continue to have our conspiracy theorists on board and some of us are getting tired of ...
anglophone comments on Jan 11, 2023:
I never bought into such nonsense, this for the simple reason that nobody was ever able to provide any testable evidence to support the corresponding claims.
'I am not a Kraken lawyer': Proud Boys attorney fails to convince judge to move trial
anglophone comments on Jan 10, 2023:
Any excuse, no matter how weak and feeble, to try to avoid responsibility for one's own indefensible actions. Such dangerous arrogant idiots deserve everything that is coming to them - they should be grateful they were not shot by a six year old child.
Weather forecast
anglophone comments on Jan 10, 2023:
And the residents of that city will be roasted to a turn, and served complete with baked potatoes, glazed carrots and boiled celeriac.
Report: 188 Catholic clergy members in Kansas are alleged predators
anglophone comments on Jan 9, 2023:
Why am I totally unsurprised? What annoys me is that Predators of Rome are still being allowed to get away with perpetrating such evil.
Cirsten Weldon, anti-vax QAnon promoter who livestreamed with Roseanne Barr, dies of COVID
anglophone comments on Jan 9, 2023:
I have never had any sympathy for lethal stupidity or suicidal stupidity. Such numbskulls are the authors of their own demise.
This is what I needed to hear today.
anglophone comments on Jan 9, 2023:
"Care tasks are morally neutral." "How can I achieve it my way?" "What else might you be worthy of?" (L) (L) (L)
This is so true.
anglophone comments on Jan 9, 2023:
I have no hesitation in giving such mental defectives a withering blast of reason and logic.
Pro-Bolsonaro rioters storm Brazil’s top government offices
anglophone comments on Jan 9, 2023:
Should it now be called "the American Disease"?
I thought this was interesting.
anglophone comments on Jan 8, 2023:
And the world is full of fools who regard the Buy Bull as being true. :( Thanks for the link. :)
Ark. judge arrested, accused of asking defendant’s girlfriend for sex to expedite trial
anglophone comments on Jan 8, 2023:
Castration, debarment, and imprisonment.
Harry is a big hit in England
anglophone comments on Jan 8, 2023:
Jyllands-Posten and Charlie Hebdo, all over again.
In the beginning there was nothing.
anglophone comments on Jan 8, 2023:
"And God said 'Let there be LIGHT!' "And there **was** light! "And you could see for sodding miles!"
Hakeem Jefferies A-Z Speech To the 118th Congress
anglophone comments on Jan 8, 2023:
Woo-Hoo! (L)
Ashli Babbitt’s mother arrested outside of Capitol on second anniversary of Jan.
anglophone comments on Jan 7, 2023:
It was that mother's choice to raise Ashli Babbitt as a suicidally dangerous idiot. I have no sympathy for either woman.
6-year old shoots teacher in NewPort News, VA
anglophone comments on Jan 7, 2023:
It's a pity there is not a sarcasm font. As has been hinted to me by @Julie808, it seems to be becoming a norm to settle grievances with a gun.
Doing outdoor work on Jan 7 in shorts, sandals, and no shirt almost makes living in this shithole ...
anglophone comments on Jan 7, 2023:
Not as good as being in the Australian outback: sandals, a wide brimmed hat, and nothing else. /@Betty
Oh for 14 the drama continues.
anglophone comments on Jan 7, 2023:
Do the red-and-white pills also work as a cure for stupidity, or are they merely a preventative?
House speaker drama: Democrat reads 'The Subtle Art of Not Giving A Fk' book on floor
anglophone comments on Jan 7, 2023:
That is delicious!
Grandpa: What seems to be the problem? 😆
anglophone comments on Jan 7, 2023:
Cynical me is coming to the fore: if I am going at or just marginally (1-2) below the the speed limit, then anybody that tailgates me is an irresponsible irrational asshole. (I may install a rear-facing dashcam against such mental defectives.)
How many of you can ace this basic science quiz?? []
anglophone comments on Jan 7, 2023:
11 here. So much ignorance, so little time. Sigh.
US Government is funding the University of Washington to develop an AI for the specific purpose of ...
anglophone comments on Jan 7, 2023:
Such technology can always be subverted for alternative and malevolent ends.
Ashli Babbitt, the Capitol rioter who was shot while breaking into the Speakers' Lobby on 1/6/2020, ...
anglophone comments on Jan 7, 2023:
Anybody who says of Ashli Babbitt that she was being a peaceful protester has a horribly twisted mind and is a dangerous liar, and is probably a member of QAnon or the Proud Boys. Such people are a menace to society and should be contained and controlled.
House speaker breakthrough: McCarthy picks up 14 GOP votes in 12th round of voting
anglophone comments on Jan 6, 2023:
The wrecking ball that is the Rethuglican Party is finally starting to swing.
I want to get off my chest, it seems like a disproportionate amount of time I run into arguments ...
anglophone comments on Jan 6, 2023:
God-mobster to me: "You **have** to believe in something." Me to god-mobster: "Shut up, you ignorant twat! I am not stupid enough to have beliefs, I have an evidence-based world view, and if you are too moronic to understand what that means then that is your problem, not mine!"
Can't believe someone posted this on FB
anglophone comments on Jan 6, 2023:
Try showing that picture anywhere in Hamline University in St. Paul, get murdered by Muhammad's madmen.
Speaker Fight Overshadows Second Anniversary of January 6
anglophone comments on Jan 6, 2023:
Swampy McSwampy tried the full-frontal attack on democracy two years ago, and he failed. He is now using his Brigade of Idiots to achieve the same end.
Art History professor fired for using ancient paintings of Muhammad in class
anglophone comments on Jan 6, 2023:
All in the name of supporting religious zealotry, bigotry, anti-intellectualism and intolerance. To call the university's administrators a bunch of fucking wankers is a grievous insult to fucking wankers!
Hoist with their own petard The legal ruling that business's do not have serve gay people if it ...
anglophone comments on Jan 6, 2023:
I expect the Christian fucktards will be screaming "Blue murder!" at being given a dose of their own medicine.
[facebook.] From Facebook. Brainwashing at it's finest.
anglophone comments on Jan 6, 2023:
"This content isn't available at the moment" :(
There are still important issues we need to address
anglophone comments on Jan 6, 2023:
Because the government is run by a bunch of misogynistic self-seeking psychopathic a$$holes who are terrified of anybody whose value systems differ in even the slightest degree to their own.
2 Men Accidentally Set Themselves on Fire Trying to Burn Down an Immigration Center
anglophone comments on Jan 6, 2023:
Snigger, smirk, chortle and rejoice at the pain and suffering that such vile little shits bring upon themselves.
McCarthy’s proposed concessions …
anglophone comments on Jan 6, 2023:
Kevin McCarthy, the Monty Python of the House!
So Kevin McCarthy has already become a nine times loser, and he may soon become a 10 times loser.
anglophone comments on Jan 6, 2023:
Update: he has become an 11 times loser:
Louisiana Law Requires ID to View Porn | PCMag
anglophone comments on Jan 6, 2023:
I wonder if Laurie Schlegel gets royalties for his part in numerous homosexual pornographic movies.
Based on this week, this will be a hard one to argue.
anglophone comments on Jan 6, 2023:
What else could you possibly expect from a pack of rebellious warring misanthropes?
A 6 time loser getting ready to go for 7....
anglophone comments on Jan 5, 2023:
He has already achieved 10 losses. Anybody putting money on him achieving 20 losses?
I've ordered three dozen...
anglophone comments on Jan 5, 2023:
Might the result be best called "an almighty cock up"?
Kevin is having to negotiate just to get an adjournment at 8 PM, I mean these guys have fund raisers...
anglophone comments on Jan 5, 2023:
They can never govern. However, they can mis-govern.
Day three of watching Kevin twist in the wind is off to a start.
anglophone comments on Jan 5, 2023:
Intellectual honesty? Social honesty? Fuck all honesty if it gets me that Speaker's Chair!
How does building god a church require borrowing money from donors/ government coffers?
anglophone comments on Jan 5, 2023:
"God" is a synonym for "the glorification of my own ego". That man is a menace to Ghanaian society.
I accidentally used water blessed by a priest to take my laxatives with Holy Shit!
anglophone comments on Jan 5, 2023:
Holy shit. Is that also known as Papal End Product? ;)
Holiday Blues Depression?
anglophone comments on Jan 5, 2023:
As @Betty says, take care of yourself, you are not alone.
It's almost all Kevin, but he's all the rage today
anglophone comments on Jan 4, 2023:
"How to be a Karen" by Kevin McCarthy, RepubliKKKan Press, 2023. Only $239.99 in a bookstore near you!
Prove that you are not a robot. LOL
anglophone comments on Jan 4, 2023:
Would you still keep making advances to any woman who had already rejected you six times? Perhaps the Idiot Man wants to become the Idiot Speaker of the House of Idiots.
"Amen" is actually a Hebrew word meaning "certainly", "truth" or "verily".
anglophone comments on Jan 4, 2023:
Amen, brother!
GOP House sets agenda for first few weeks, and yes, it's ridiculous "That forced birth agenda ...
anglophone comments on Jan 4, 2023:
The GOP is now nothing more than a pack of lying a$$holes.
And that dear children ...
anglophone comments on Jan 4, 2023:
"And I am a vile and evil liar."
“Brazen” Fraud: David Cay Johnston on How Trump’s Tax Returns Show He Fleeced U.
anglophone comments on Jan 4, 2023:
Why am I totally unsurprised?
Scary thought…
anglophone comments on Jan 4, 2023:
Shit! **NO!**
Worst vandalism in Capitol Building since January 6, 2021.
anglophone comments on Jan 4, 2023:
Isn't it time his pants went on fire?
Is it just me or do you also find sadistic evil projected in the “loving” name of the Christian ...
anglophone comments on Jan 4, 2023:
I am sorry for your loss. (Sorry for not coming up with anything better than that over-used, worn-out and trite saying.) You will find psychopaths in every walk of life, and they delight in causing other people pain and suffering.
Glen Beck
anglophone comments on Jan 3, 2023:
Short version: what a plonker! Long version: he lacks the cognitive ability to recognise that he is part of the problem to which he alludes. Bitchy version: he has less intellectual capacity than an inebriated paramecium.
Lukovich nailed this one.
anglophone comments on Jan 3, 2023:
It speaks volumes for the Party of Dregs that they cannot find from among themselves anybody who is competent for the job of Speaker.
Has karma ever been as sweet?
anglophone comments on Jan 3, 2023:
Play stupid games with stupid people, get stupid prizes.
A sad but true observation on today's social-media driven world: "The reason is because ours is ...
anglophone comments on Jan 3, 2023:
Alternative facts are the stock-in-trade of bullies, liars, cheats, Rethuglicans and all similar manner of psychopaths around the world.
McCarthy fails to become speaker after three ballots - YouTube
anglophone comments on Jan 3, 2023:
"The uploader has not made this video available in your country" :(
McCarthy fails to become speaker after three ballots - YouTube
anglophone comments on Jan 3, 2023:
That's what happens when you get involved with a pack of lying evil slimeballs!
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