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My county has declared a State of Emergency for Monday. Why?
annewimsey500 comments on Apr 6, 2024:
One can only Hope...take them Now lord, and no takesy-backsy, either!
Too obnoxious for a Trump rally?!
annewimsey500 comments on Apr 6, 2024:
"Overserved"....when I was a cocktail waitress we used to call that drunk.
Trump's ride after AG James finishes with him.
annewimsey500 comments on Apr 6, 2024:
Seems fitting, seemed fitting in 2016, in fact.
50 Ways To Leave Your Lover cover done New Orleans style. []
annewimsey500 comments on Apr 6, 2024:
My late brother had a nightclub act for over 30 years and he wrote a a version with actually 50 ways and it was one of his most requested numbers. Then he became an attorney....go figure!
Kyle Rittenhouse failed the Marine Corp entrance exam.
annewimsey500 comments on Apr 5, 2024: would think that such a fine upstanding young man would have those pesky exams waived, yes?
It’s such an appropriate song
annewimsey500 comments on Apr 5, 2024:
Seems perfect!
I've always found the concept of existentialism fascinating.
annewimsey500 comments on Apr 5, 2024:
I got born, I endured, life was seriously hell physically, then for 3x longer mentally Awful. Now I am free and happy and enjoying it because I can easily tell the difference. What else counts?
A change of plans
annewimsey500 comments on Apr 5, 2024:
Good for the goose, good for the gander......just like real life!
“Right is right, even if everyone is against it, and wrong is wrong, even if everyone is for ...
annewimsey500 comments on Apr 5, 2024:
Been in the hot seat lots of times in my life for this is Not a popular one!
I've never thought of it this way. He makes a very good point!
annewimsey500 comments on Apr 5, 2024:
Payback is a bitch!!!!!
Are we alone?
annewimsey500 comments on Apr 4, 2024:
I am, and damned happy about it too!
Dear Republican Party ...
annewimsey500 comments on Apr 4, 2024:
Priceless, especially the last lines!
Cannabinoid Hyperemesis Syndrome (CHS): Causes, Symptoms & Treatment
annewimsey500 comments on Apr 4, 2024:
My ex is doomed.......
Is it true about Area 51 that there are extra terrestial specimens hidden and space researches going...
annewimsey500 comments on Apr 4, 2024:
Yeah, lots of them...the movie "Independence Day" was a documentary.
Court returns Trump's 175 million dollar bond... []
annewimsey500 comments on Apr 4, 2024:
Looking like more flim-flam from here......
Just wait until next year!
annewimsey500 comments on Apr 3, 2024:
All True!!!!!
On my bucket list...
annewimsey500 comments on Apr 3, 2024:
But Wait! It talks about that 3rd eye in Revelations!
When you are a fake Christian ...
annewimsey500 comments on Apr 3, 2024:
The Empire ( i.e. world of little people) strikes back....take his money and Run!
Richard Dawkins says Christianity is "fundamentally decent," but Islam "is not" -- Friendly ...
annewimsey500 comments on Apr 3, 2024:
Hasn't he also become a gay-basher lately too? Dementia setting in.......
“Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a ...
annewimsey500 comments on Apr 3, 2024:
Yeah, okay, apparently no bittersweet or greenbrier grows where he lives......
annewimsey500 comments on Apr 3, 2024:
Ummm, it is a Cartoon, do you really think the cartoonist cares if the colored pen they chose to draw the bullets has been somehow vetted? Most cartoons in politics/commentary have an actual point, try looking for it instead or nit-picking...oh, wait, you have and you got Nuthin'..... And I doubt drump would know either.
Have you seen this?
annewimsey500 comments on Apr 2, 2024:
That movie with Elizabeth Taylor!
Robin still has words of wisdom.
annewimsey500 comments on Apr 2, 2024:
I lived that and it is So right.
In the fine old tradition of galling sanctimony, rank hypocrisy, and religious hucksterism.
annewimsey500 comments on Apr 2, 2024:
This was Extremely enjoyable! TFP!
Eight to the Bar - Heart Like a Lion - used to see this band in the late 70's and early 80's while ...
annewimsey500 comments on Apr 2, 2024:
I took saxophone lessons in the 90's from one of their members, whose name sadly escapes me.
When Einstein gave lectures at U.
annewimsey500 comments on Apr 2, 2024:
Now That is a philophy I can get behind!!!!!
Truth Social: Trump's DJT stock plummets days after going public
annewimsey500 comments on Apr 2, 2024:
It is raining outside, but I feel all warm and fuzzy for some reason......
Weird how that works out…
annewimsey500 comments on Apr 2, 2024:
I believe that is actually described in Revelations
Twins!!!! 😂😂😂😂
annewimsey500 comments on Apr 1, 2024:
Anybody got a bucket of water?
Well that was as quick as I expected.
annewimsey500 comments on Apr 1, 2024:
Bradford pear trees are banned in a few states. More are looking to replace, eradicate them.
annewimsey500 comments on Apr 1, 2024:
I am having a problem with this article. My state plants them along highways. There are several just beyond my back fence, which adjoins a 4-lane, and many more in that row beyond my property, maybe 2-3 dozen. They have No aroma of any kind, they are planted about every 25/30 feet overhanging sidewalks where I frequently walk my dog, I think I would notice...... There are No suckers or invaders in my yard and the trees have been there at least 12 years now....very pretty in the Spring.
Don't say anything
annewimsey500 comments on Apr 1, 2024:
Serious hairdressing chops on exhibit!
Happy New Spring Does anyone know if Easter moved around before the Christians stole it?
annewimsey500 comments on Apr 1, 2024:
"Easter" moves a lot, in fact some years it is 3 or more weeks away from the year before.
We live in a world ...
annewimsey500 comments on Apr 1, 2024:
He needs new friends.
A cruel joke for breakfast time
annewimsey500 comments on Apr 1, 2024:
I truly would prefer the Mohegan Sun Casino, 20 minutes from me, is a big manufacturing facility you can watch.....the grandkids loved it, but even though Super-fresh, far too sweet for me.
A new flavour for 2024 []
annewimsey500 comments on Apr 1, 2024:
Not on my list Unless there is a gallon jug of BBQ sauce with it, just like there is at the Haggis Stand at the Scottish Festival in Rhode Island.
Pattie Boyd BREAKS Her SILENCE on Marriages to George Harrison and Eric Clapton []
annewimsey500 comments on Apr 1, 2024:
Talk about Old news.....
Why the Jewish Cabala is Satanic November 26, 2023.
annewimsey500 comments on Apr 1, 2024:
You are a racist asshat, SHAME ON YOU!!!!
Nothing I could add could make this better. []
annewimsey500 comments on Apr 1, 2024:
If that isn't guys in terrible drag I will eat one of those wigs, without ketchup!!!
Guess what is now selling for $24.
annewimsey500 comments on Apr 1, 2024:
There actually are several versions on Amazon, one is the recent drump edition, one was written several years ago and is Sarcasm/Comedy, written at the beginning of the drump era...I think you may be looking that that one.
Monday morning cuteness
annewimsey500 comments on Apr 1, 2024:
Those Eyes!
Nature never ceases to amaze me. the things you see at the Smithsonian
annewimsey500 comments on Apr 1, 2024:
Whales give Birth to live babies. April Fool's Day today........
"Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned." -- Wm. Shakespeare
annewimsey500 comments on Apr 1, 2024:
A rubbing-my-hands-together-with -glee moment for them!!!!!!!
Why on Easter Monday do I receive this message on my phone forwarded from an international ...
annewimsey500 comments on Mar 31, 2024:
Easter Monday is tomorrow...???!
MAGA Crowd Deranged By Satirical Trump Bible So, as we've all heard, Donald Trump has started ...
annewimsey500 comments on Mar 31, 2024:
I really, really, like 2024 so far........
Senator Says the Bible Doesn't Need Donald Trump's Endorsement -- Newsweek
annewimsey500 comments on Mar 31, 2024:
A Real Xian would def see Blasphemy!!!!!! I am more than ready to cast the first stone, And the 500th, or whatever it takes.....
Stem overuse of antibiotics on farm animals to avoid pandemic “much bigger than Covid”, ...
annewimsey500 comments on Mar 31, 2024:
They have been calling for this for well over a decade now, as it has become abundantly clear that the arsenal of antibiotics we used to have no longer work, or work poorly, due to waaay too much use in factory farming (where they are really in many cases necessary) Remember the serious egg shortage not long ago as huge numbers of laying hens had to be destroyed because infested by a resistant strain of Avian Flu? Nothing worked except bulldozing the bodies Deep.
Perhaps some of you saw the excited headlines that time-restricted eating increases the risk of ...
annewimsey500 comments on Mar 31, 2024:
Before I got on my current endocrinologist supervised program, I lowered my Ac1 over 2 points in less than three months (all confirmed with bloodwork) by simply making One change, eating only in an 8-hour window, which I continue today, 5+ years later...even the progression of my Congestive Heart Failure has dramatically slowed, far less than expected, in fact all tests are 100% Unchanged from diagnosis in 2018, when I was given 5-10 years to live tops. I get lifetime alimony and I Will live to be 100!!!!!! Stop stressing your body 24/7 with "grazing" or whatever it is called. We ate for millenia like predators, gorging on a big kill and then going maybe weeks on tiny snacks (mice?) until the next big feast. The Snack industry is keeping people fat and unhealthy with "studies" (find out who funded them???!!!!!!) like these, and Big Pharma then makes a ton of money too!
Slow night at work , u know , everybody is waiting for jesus boy to do his thing , THEN they will ...
annewimsey500 comments on Mar 31, 2024:
These were Great!
Christians erect (another) $240,000 cross in Mississippi -- Friendly Atheist
annewimsey500 comments on Mar 30, 2024:
The money should be spent on food, housing, domestic violence help, and anything else to Help people..nowhere in their babble does it say use money for idolatry, in fact it is firmly against it.
Scammer claimed to be a psychic, witch and Irish heiress, victims say as she faces extradition to UK...
annewimsey500 comments on Mar 30, 2024:
Fools and their money are easily parted. Too bad so sad......
Appeals court tosses voting conviction against Texas woman Crystal Mason -- The Hill
annewimsey500 comments on Mar 30, 2024:
"Ignorance of the law is no excuse" is a well-tested principle in law and has been Forever. WTF??!!!!!!
Modern ‘Sixth Mass Extinction’ Event Will Be Worse Than First Predicted: Report -- Forbes
annewimsey500 comments on Mar 30, 2024:
IMO new/modified species will take over as LIFE is tougher than old boots...we see this in every fossil record.
Man nailed to a cross for the 35th time on Good Friday in brutal tradition -- CBS News
annewimsey500 comments on Mar 30, 2024:
Somebody needs to put a stop to this crap and arrange psychiatric evaluations for the participants and inflicters, STAT.
Such a clean kitty.... []
annewimsey500 comments on Mar 30, 2024:
Holy Cow!
This movement in going it alone is growing in Australia.
annewimsey500 comments on Mar 30, 2024:
And then she died.....and they got king jug ears
annewimsey500 comments on Mar 30, 2024:
Using your "read the room" skills, i see.....
annewimsey500 comments on Mar 30, 2024:
Enter my home, you have forfeited anything and everything.
This is their definitive choice to lead our country?
annewimsey500 comments on Mar 30, 2024:
Totally classless and dangerous rabble-rouser, plain and simple.
A friendly reminder ... to those who would vote republican ...
annewimsey500 comments on Mar 30, 2024:
Careful, you are encouraging them, as this Is one of their their wet dreams
If I accuse you of something, it means I did it!
annewimsey500 comments on Mar 30, 2024:
Absolutely True! And wait! How did those fraudulent votes get the mechanisms that have always been in place to stop such things, not because there was some secret plot going on!
It may be a good Friday
annewimsey500 comments on Mar 30, 2024:
Great stuff!
[] Mick Jagger Is Now 80
annewimsey500 comments on Mar 29, 2024:
"How he lives is sad"???????!!!!! He's 80 ferpetessake...Huge concerns at 80 for most people include fear of falling, usually shortly thereafter fatal. He is still touring, totally astonishing!! Also no botox or plastic surgery, bless his little heart!
I thought that I would try to reconnect with a doctor friend I had known for 15 years.
annewimsey500 comments on Mar 29, 2024:
That's sad.....
Salesman resume
annewimsey500 comments on Mar 29, 2024:
But, but, but, he never met the man..........
Don't worry, the starvation will kill me first.
annewimsey500 comments on Mar 29, 2024:
I want a talking spider!!!!!
I need for someone to explain to my why ...
annewimsey500 comments on Mar 29, 2024:
Good question, many really, Really stupid replies below.
In religious communities, the socially expected condolences and encouragements in times of grief and...
annewimsey500 comments on Mar 28, 2024:
So sorry he is gone, and then if you can tell a cute/funny/SHORT anecdote about them.
Free hat with purchase of a Trump bible.... just add 29.99 for shipping and handling...
annewimsey500 comments on Mar 28, 2024:
I don't want either the MAGA hat or the Babble. The dunce cap could make a nice gift for many people we all know, though...tell them it will be a major collector's item because they spelled drump wrong......
I support women but is this true?
annewimsey500 comments on Mar 28, 2024:
After #1 happens there is an empty space where your worthless ass used to be!
Man's First Friend: The Untold Story of Dogs 😍 It's the most beautiful and touching ...
annewimsey500 comments on Mar 28, 2024:
Long but so worth it! TFP!
Besides extra-terrestial beings, Are there supernatural beings? Unseen forces?
annewimsey500 comments on Mar 28, 2024:
Ummm, when do you plan to return to Earth?
See if you can spot the rat.
annewimsey500 comments on Mar 27, 2024:
Rats are intelligent, playful, family and socially oriented. No non-pyschotic rat would hang out with drunpy
This is for the ladies.
annewimsey500 comments on Mar 27, 2024:
This is a trick question, right? Drug user and narcissistic user Sheen? Get a grip!!!!!
They are on sale. 🤣
annewimsey500 comments on Mar 27, 2024:
Decent price......tender, very little waste, and thigh meat is always juicy......
Test post to this group.
annewimsey500 comments on Mar 26, 2024:
I see your post just fine! BUT no screenshot in any form......... You could maybe run a quick check on your settings?
Is it an honourable thing to do to mock the claims of religitards?
annewimsey500 comments on Mar 26, 2024:
Damn hard not to!!!!
A life lesson which my marriage has drilled into me: People react and respond to what they think ...
annewimsey500 comments on Mar 26, 2024:
That is Exactly why I feel free to give advice, I Know you are only going to hear what you want to hear...every time! Then when you f*ck up, I can happily say I told you so...Such a win-win for me......
Trump’s social media company starts trading on Nasdaq | PBS NewsHour
annewimsey500 comments on Mar 26, 2024:
Yuppers, I have always wanted to put my money into something that has never operated in the black...seems like Such a good idea..... Too Bad Soooooo Sad for those who like sending money to drump.
annewimsey500 comments on Mar 26, 2024:
Atmospheric as cellos are! But wait, is it a cello? Looks a tad small on the 10'' screen of my tablet.......
“Necessity might be the mother of invention, but restriction is the mother of ...
annewimsey500 comments on Mar 26, 2024:
Tell me "No" watch an amazing work-around happen. I like to think I am a female McGyver, because I am,
Trump awards himself some golf trophies.
annewimsey500 comments on Mar 25, 2024:
It is well known that he cheats. In golf too, I see.
Oral Traditions In Abrahamic Religions.
annewimsey500 comments on Mar 25, 2024:
"Five Thousand" was probably 50 at best, much like drump's claims of wealth, right?
Donald Trump needs to find $712m by tonight as part of a civil fraud case.
annewimsey500 comments on Mar 25, 2024:
2024 may become my Favorite Year of All Time!!!!!!
I really can’t, can you?
annewimsey500 comments on Mar 25, 2024:
Potential rapist, Fer sure........
The level of wrongdoing planned by the GOP in sabotaging the upcoming election is not being met with...
annewimsey500 comments on Mar 25, 2024:
There are Ton of safeguards in place to ensure proper elections, always have been. Which is why anyone babbling about faked elections is an Idiot. I myelf volunteer to help and have done so for several major elections.
Don't call yourself Woke or awake till you realize Both parties work for the corporations and only ...
annewimsey500 comments on Mar 24, 2024:
You have Zero idea what "woke" means and this post 100% proves it.
Behave, guys! Actually, count me in.
annewimsey500 comments on Mar 24, 2024:
OMG I just realized I am Fuck Fuckey, TFP?
For all those who thought his stock was going to save his stupid ass... []
annewimsey500 comments on Mar 24, 2024:
The worthlessness on every level is beginning to show even to rabid supporters...Money as always talks.
Seen online and had to share.
annewimsey500 comments on Mar 24, 2024:
How about just the sex, and occasionally go out for pizza....
He really is the stupidest one, isn’t he?
annewimsey500 comments on Mar 24, 2024:
I do believe he has finally had a much-needed chin implant. Too bad no brains were available........
Some surprising names on this list.
annewimsey500 comments on Mar 24, 2024:
To know him is to think WTF.
The Self Balancing Monorail - YouTube
annewimsey500 comments on Mar 24, 2024:
I ain't even standing near that thing, never mind getting in it! IMO "Incredibly clever" means lots of moving parts that can FU.
Between 1644 and 1646 ...
annewimsey500 comments on Mar 24, 2024:
Paranoid schizophrenic Or making a ton of $$$$ off confiscated property seized from the unfortunates...or both?
Saturday morning cuteness, get that away from me!!!
annewimsey500 comments on Mar 24, 2024:
No pic....
A taste of home for me today when I feature the 180 strong Scottish National Fiddle Orchestra in a ...
annewimsey500 comments on Mar 24, 2024:
What a great sound and the videos are wonderful! Plus they are all wearing a tartan! TFP!
[] Will Lisa Murkowski leave the GOP? She's considering it!
annewimsey500 comments on Mar 24, 2024:
Oh, look common sense!
Christians are really strange.
annewimsey500 comments on Mar 24, 2024:
Where do I send the nail gun?????
Praise the...I found it!!!
annewimsey500 comments on Mar 24, 2024:
Or worse, have no idea what to do if they do......
Wolfs milk slime mould. I have never come across it.
annewimsey500 comments on Mar 24, 2024:
Grows on my shady deck (Not pressure-treated wood) every year.
Open to meeting men
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