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So are you Americans going to vote Genocide Joe back in at the next election or going to put ...
annewimsey500 comments on Feb 12, 2024:
I just looove me a poll that doesn't attempt to influence the outcome.......good Going (Sarcasm, duuuuuh)
Meow 🦇🦇🦇🦇🦇🦇
annewimsey500 comments on Feb 12, 2024:
Stealing that cat indicates a serious case of Major Stupid!!!
On WOKE Platform Censorship (Videos Included) Blogger, Wordpress, Substack, Bitchute, UGETube ...
annewimsey500 comments on Feb 11, 2024:
Once again, your sources are are without a doubt the most credulous person on the planet. Pathetic and sad, and your only relief is anger. Tell me, do Encyclopedia Brittanica salesman drop by frequently to update your collection?
What does "working hard " mean?
annewimsey500 comments on Feb 11, 2024:
Frugality if you are really poor is a given and doesn't fill the dinner plate, either. I have been very poor as well as "comfortable" and I assure you going below a certain income quickly becomes a downward spiral to even more poverty. Simple Example: not enough money this week to buy the Large Economy Size? You are therefore doomed to pay more for less, Forever........literally.
I don't know how ...
annewimsey500 comments on Feb 11, 2024:
MYOB!!!!!!! ( mind your own business)
Owww!!! My head hurts!!!
annewimsey500 comments on Feb 11, 2024:
The last one on the right...except "better than merely fine"........
Israel announces plans for ethnic cleansing of Rafah Given that Israel has ordered the people of ...
annewimsey500 comments on Feb 11, 2024:
BS, as the actual article does Not say what the headline says it does, or anything even close to it......
And based on what I know he's going to have to pay, they WILL start bouncing.
annewimsey500 comments on Feb 11, 2024:
Looks like yer havin' a Rough day, there, sweetie, and many many more to come I hope!!!!
Greenland is losing so much ice it's getting taller | Live Science
annewimsey500 comments on Feb 11, 2024:
I wonder what our Resident Deny-er, @1patriot, will have to say about this...... Something smart and entertaining, no doubt..... ( sarcasm!!!!)
The Same Billionaires Behind the Super Bowl Are Also Behind the Climate Crisis | Truthout
annewimsey500 comments on Feb 11, 2024:
So if I enjoy a well-made movie, or a band on a night out, or even a good Karaoke DJ, I should destroy my fun because I have to worry about what garage the band is rehearsing in, or where the DJ is buying his programming....? I do not care to be that kind of control freak and ruin every experience, thankyuvurrymuch.
Global warming, climate change, all these things are just a dream come true for politicians.
annewimsey500 comments on Feb 11, 2024:
Soooooo, once again, in this battle of statistics and supposition (and wishful thinking on @1patriots' side, his avatar should be a headless ostrich), I will present: My grandmother's daffodils, now up over 6" ( I posted a pic on here less than 5 days ago) in early February, in Connecticut. Their normal bloom time is mid-to-late March, has been for the past 60+ years, but here they are, because the ground is warm enough for them to assume it is now Spring. I will post pix when they bloom, which should be in about 3 weeks, or a bit less, with the 50's temps we have been having every single day, For contrast, In my childhood, in February, my father would use the 2' or so of snow here always was to build us an authentic-style snow-block igloo complete with entrance tunnel, that would last for weeks........ Go argue with the daffodils, you fool!
Coming out ...
annewimsey500 comments on Feb 11, 2024:
I want that day to come Yesterday, and for awhile there I thought I would see it in my lifetime, but Nooooooooo. I am sad & Disheartened.
It's as plausible of the other animals getting on a ship for 40 days and nights
annewimsey500 comments on Feb 11, 2024:
Seems reasonable, although without fire, how do they make offerings?
If you've not experienced the same as another, why do you deny their experience?
annewimsey500 comments on Feb 11, 2024:
Delusional is still delusional...
Israel announces plans for ethnic cleansing of Rafah Given that Israel has ordered the people of ...
annewimsey500 comments on Feb 11, 2024:
Sooooooo, they did not actually announce any such thing, you merely extrapolated to suit your purposes...good on you.........
Bed bugs. Have you ever slept in a bed full of them?
annewimsey500 comments on Feb 11, 2024:
One reason I love my tiny RV, for sure.
‘Youthful idealism peaks at age twelve and from there graduallly declines to a mature reallism at ...
annewimsey500 comments on Feb 11, 2024:
Mature idealists??? At 23/24??????? What exactly is wrong with this guy??????? Becuz Def Sumthin'
Trump says he would 'encourage' Russia to attack Nato allies who do not pay their bills: []
annewimsey500 comments on Feb 11, 2024:
More dangerous stupidity from DJT...quelle surprise?!!!!
So my sister and I have been streaming an early 1990's TV show on Amazon called "Northern Exposure".
annewimsey500 comments on Feb 11, 2024:
I watched it religiously when it was Hugely popular. Great show!!!!!
annewimsey500 comments on Feb 11, 2024:
I have switched to "a bajillion".
[] Brian JONES: Is He UNDERRATED Or OVERRATED..? | Full Documentary
annewimsey500 comments on Feb 11, 2024:
Looks great in the accompanying pic (SARCASM!!!) ...the bags under my eyes on a bad day, at 75, are miniscule compared to his at what, 30-ish? Holy Crap!!!!! Sad.
Are pastors ethical?
annewimsey500 comments on Feb 11, 2024:
Some are, just like some auto mechanics/doctors/insurance salesmen or lawyers are. Caveat Emptor, people!!!!
I have a friend who was """diagnosed"""" with POLYFIBROMYALGIA RHEUMATICA.
annewimsey500 comments on Feb 11, 2024:
1.Take every spec of aspartame out of her diet! (It is in A Lot of things! 2. If she is on a statin, get off it!!!!!!!!!!!!! It is Known for causing widespread joint/muscle/bone pain. I suffered, and I mean Suffered, for 30+ years, saw specialists... "intractable severe fibromyalgia" means no pain meds help. Now 3 years off statins and aspartame, at 75, and the "fibro" has disappeared, completely...unless I inadvertently get even a tiny bit of something with aspartame, then I go bedridden-90-year-old for a day and a half or better.
Bill Maher said on his show that 70% of Black Americans marry outside their race.
annewimsey500 comments on Feb 10, 2024:
And he gets that idea from? And did it include Every race they could possibly marry? Because I see plenty of black people totally committed to only marrying within their race in my immediate life. However, once when you fall in love you do Not dismiss the love object because of their color...who would do that???? Oh wait, apparently Bill Maher.......
How to endure?
annewimsey500 comments on Feb 9, 2024:
Either do something to change or STFU...I can proudly say i never whined when I was married to the 2 assholes, it just seemed so stupid to me..and would make me look stupid.
The Insanity of The Left is Illustrated in The Last Two Posts: First A Post in Progressives, ...
annewimsey500 comments on Feb 9, 2024:
Ever hear of Neville Chamberlin, of "peace in our time" fame?
Utah governor says school board member who questioned a student's gender ‘embarrassed the state’...
annewimsey500 comments on Feb 9, 2024:
What a horrible thing to do to Anybody!!!!!!!
We forge the chains we wear in life ...
annewimsey500 comments on Feb 9, 2024:
I love when a victim blames themselves....... not!
End times preacher Sharon Gilbert ...
annewimsey500 comments on Feb 9, 2024:
Eeeeeewwwww, too freaky even for me
Trying to clarify things in my own mind.
annewimsey500 comments on Feb 9, 2024:
If you merely glance at me you will wisely take your blandishments elsewhere....unless, i suppose, suicidal.
After a couple of drinks, it must be freaky. 😂
annewimsey500 comments on Feb 9, 2024:
NO!!!!!!!! Just NO!
An Oklahoma judge who sent more than 500 texts during a murder trial resigns | AP News
annewimsey500 comments on Feb 9, 2024:
Total incompetence & Stunning obliviousness!
1995 Million man march ...
annewimsey500 comments on Feb 9, 2024:
No Nazi flags, either.......
Any contraindication about taking vitamins B-complex, D and C together? Yks.
annewimsey500 comments on Feb 8, 2024:
You need to be careful about amounts of the Fat-Soluble Vitamins like D. Water-soluble ones like C just get pee'd out if you take too much, but the fat-soluble ones can build up in your fat deposits and cause harm over time.
What will cost Republicans the most votes?
annewimsey500 comments on Feb 8, 2024:
Abortion Rights.
Florida lawmakers are trying to shove untrained religious chaplains in public schools -- Friendly ...
annewimsey500 comments on Feb 8, 2024:
I smell golden opportunities for pedophiles here......
Got milk.....
annewimsey500 comments on Feb 8, 2024:
A little old for that isn't he?
Nope, don't want them either.
annewimsey500 comments on Feb 8, 2024:
Good luck with that...see Zeuser's reply below!!!!!!
Russian dressing...
annewimsey500 comments on Feb 8, 2024:
This "Good American" who was soooo concerned about our country as he fomented hatred and discontent every day during every broadcast, now shows his true allegiances........
God's world is horny
annewimsey500 comments on Feb 8, 2024:
So, they're all turning in their guns?
Hummm my guess would be explosive diarrhea after consuming way too much refried beans on Taco ...
annewimsey500 comments on Feb 8, 2024:
OMF'ingGawd!!!!!!!! Butt Ugly doesn't even start to describe it!!!!!!
Hidden death toll of COVID-19 pandemic revealed •
annewimsey500 comments on Feb 8, 2024:
Thank You for posting this!
This one made me LOL.
annewimsey500 comments on Feb 8, 2024:
Excellent question, in fact, who invented that there pit?????!!!!!!!!
Some of these MAGA guys are losing their sheet over something that hasn't even happened yet: ...
annewimsey500 comments on Feb 8, 2024:
Like they were going to hang Pence, right?
The federal appeals court decision n forcefully denying Trump’s claims of presidential immunity ...
annewimsey500 comments on Feb 7, 2024:
Awwwww, poor widdle donny........
Iowa Republican files bill to ban "Satanism on state property" -- Friendly Atheist
annewimsey500 comments on Feb 7, 2024:
No problems whatsoever in Iowa, no poverty, no discrimination, free school lunches, all roads/bridges/etc. in perfect condition, schools all safe & asbestos removed, police all properly trained Educated and at full strength, firefighters ditto, etc etc etc. I guess.....
I thought I’d share with you this new exciting English all girl Indie Rock Band who have recently ...
annewimsey500 comments on Feb 7, 2024:
Sounds like "Fernando"........meh.
If you are not identified with anything, your mind will become part of the larger mind, the cosmos, ...
annewimsey500 comments on Feb 7, 2024:
Roflmao...and what, pray tell, do you identify with? Flapping-gum-itis?
More intended legal action against the USA.
annewimsey500 comments on Feb 7, 2024:
S.African lawyers apparently have no actual job to do, a lay-off for them seems good for taxpayers there.......
Surgery can not change your DNA. You are either XX or XY. FACT ✅
annewimsey500 comments on Feb 7, 2024:
And your DNA gets you better loan rates on a mortgage, or......?
I find it funny that I post all this spiritual stuff and no one cares.
annewimsey500 comments on Feb 7, 2024:
Sarcasm needs to be clearly labeled around you I you know that only Intelligent people have a sense of humor? Scientific Fact!!!
Is television your God?
annewimsey500 comments on Feb 6, 2024:
I just looove how you make ASSumptions clearly based on Your life and then excoriate others about it. You really should think about how pathetic you reveal Your life to be.........
Posted by: Rob Lee “I gathered all vaccine ingredients into a list and contacted Poison Control.
annewimsey500 comments on Feb 5, 2024: medical professional, anywhere, over the phone would talk about child abuse and etc as you "quote", above. What Shameful BS!!!!!!
annewimsey500 comments on Feb 5, 2024:
Anybody who would wear what she is wearing is not getting 3 seconds of my attention...WTactualF ?????????? Xmas pajamas are not to be worn outside the home, or even when it ain't Xmas!
Ted Cruz wants lawmakers to get security escorts through America’s airports - POLITICO
annewimsey500 comments on Feb 4, 2024:
But only in the Cancun terminal?
Weighing up the evidence for the Historical Jesus - The University of Sydney
annewimsey500 comments on Feb 4, 2024:
Ohferpetesake, the Romans were known for Obsessive record-keeping. Think there were lists of the many crucified in any area they occupied? You betcha, and not one Jesus at the times suggested...quelle surprise!
Hard to argue with that logic. 😎👍 []
annewimsey500 comments on Feb 4, 2024:
"Weren't allowed"...By whom? When? Where? You are making yourself look completely ridiculous by posting my 75 years I doubt I have Ever seen such a shitstorm of questioning!!!!!
Cannot post ( okay don't know how) to post memes.
annewimsey500 comments on Feb 4, 2024:
@Polemics and @Diaco......guys, bring it down a notch. Here is my problem, again. This tablet has no mouse, only the touchscreen, therefore no way to highlight & move URL's. ( I have had actual computers in the past and know that process) So even though when I post on here there is indeed a button at the bottom for photos (or whatever, I presume) how do I get the thing I would like to post HERE from wherever it is? I have tried using the "share" symbol at the bottom of, for example, YouTube videos, and nothing happens. ( well, okay, sometimes the video or whatever appears to go Somewhere, but never here!) Now, from this explanation of my problem, if you conclude I am challenged, (and not just technically) so be it, but I will still be grateful for a solution!!!
Steep, off-trail hike: scared and fighting panic.
annewimsey500 comments on Feb 3, 2024:
Not for me, I hate heights and have poor balance on my best days. I would have worn my butt down by staying on it.......
If you remove the mystical beings from religious text, what are your thoughts on religious books?
annewimsey500 comments on Feb 2, 2024:
They take up valuable shelf space and require dusting just like useful and interesting books.
God is not a noun. God is a verb. If you think otherwise then you need to wake up.
annewimsey500 comments on Feb 2, 2024:
OMG it is @fuckyou browbeating us i too whatever his idea of "waking up" is, again. Yawn.
Man is the only animal that laughs and weeps; for he is the only animal that is struck with the ...
annewimsey500 comments on Feb 2, 2024:
I believe elephants weep, and primates wail.
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