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Cars kill people.
azzow2 comments on Sep 10, 2018:
We should really go for the throat sugar is the number 1 consumed substance. We know sugar cause numerous health issues. So if the gun abolishes ninnys strut their stuff threaten to lobby to have sugar classified as a dangerous drug.
Morning all! Taking a mental health day.
azzow2 comments on Sep 11, 2018:
So are you going skydiving or bungee jumping perhaps base jumping J/K have a relaxing day.
Infatuation is ??
azzow2 comments on Sep 11, 2018:
Wise adage.
If not us, then, who??
azzow2 comments on Sep 11, 2018:
The heart of our freedom.
All Kinds of Minds
azzow2 comments on Sep 11, 2018:
I am one of the very few in this little town that is agnostic and I am not quiet about it, I am most likely the topic in the conversation.
Sort of cute and funny. It was sent to me a few years ago by a man I was dating.
azzow2 comments on Sep 11, 2018:
Have a good Wednesday, all!
azzow2 comments on Sep 12, 2018:
Back at you
Self-love is important for us singles.???
azzow2 comments on Sep 12, 2018:
If I am crying at 3:00 am it is mostly because I fell out of bed and the sudden stop woke me up.
Feeding off of @Sheannutt 's post about self-love and picking yourself up at 3am when you're alone ...
azzow2 comments on Sep 12, 2018:
The Dugong never looked better.
Have we meet..... could we?
azzow2 comments on Sep 13, 2018:
Just a suggestion it is easier to read in line format. Have we meet..... could we?... be old friends, that connection from way back when... we use to be, and now we are again... pleasing to each others hearts, hand in hand... we laugh... we cry..we make love... hands no longer in... hearts returned before the end... we say goodnight, until the next... kindred our spirits dance... your name?... A return to the beginning... It is a good write. I had once made them like you did this one. I had them posted on another website that no longer exists. was not getting any attention my poems, as soon as I changed formats. My poems would get hundreds of likes.
I find myself lacking words to describe the world I live in.
azzow2 comments on Sep 13, 2018:
Kids some times can be a little reluctant to do something so I tell them stop pretend to be a liberal and earn what you get. Thought I would give you a laugh. This is a awesome group I agree.
Any guys or gals looking ???
azzow2 comments on Sep 14, 2018:
Oh like a opposite Mary Poppins.
Oh. My. Word. Straights don’t have gay sex?!? []
azzow2 comments on Sep 15, 2018:
She forgot to take her to shut up and pretend to be smart pills for a few days.
In 2004 I still had good income and was thinking of buying a EV, but found there were no electric ...
azzow2 comments on Sep 15, 2018:
I have not ever looked into ev just because I had know that they are not environmentally friendly and if you worked out the extra cost the amount of gas to money ratio was about an even scale.
So, Ive been talking to this guy on a dating site for a couple days.
azzow2 comments on Sep 16, 2018:
Scammer, yes they pirate video form, other people they mostly do it on skype they might have other venues that they use now. Watch the words and body language they won't match up.
I have to keep reminding myself.....
azzow2 comments on Sep 16, 2018:
An abstract so next time someone ask you to describe your self just say abstract that will cover it.
The transition from Separated to Divorced occurred for me last Monday.
azzow2 comments on Sep 16, 2018:
Try the bookstore or library.
To all the single people who can’t cook at least we don’t do this! []
azzow2 comments on Sep 16, 2018:
LOL For all that effort something actually edible could have been cooked.
Good evening folks, I am Carl from Cincinnati
azzow2 comments on Sep 17, 2018:
azzow2 comments on Sep 17, 2018:
Being lonely can be averted if you teach yourself how to be alone.
Yesterday was this day for me
azzow2 comments on Sep 18, 2018:
That could get stuck in your nose lol.
Embrace uncertainty.
azzow2 comments on Sep 18, 2018:
I could be the master of chaos if that is the case.
Yes indeedy.
azzow2 comments on Sep 18, 2018:
Sometimes just to challenge my self I will quit caffeine altogether. I am usually high energy either way.
Table for one.
azzow2 comments on Sep 18, 2018:
Space savers or it could be an establishment that is anti-social.
The latest trick used by the progressive gun controllers... []
azzow2 comments on Sep 18, 2018:
Another idiot with a condom pulled over his head down to his knees. Like all the people that want ammo aren't just going to cross a state border to get it, or are going to load their own or pay a smuggler to bring it to them.
Ok, so no more politics or religion.....does this mean we can talk all we want about SEX?!!! LOL
azzow2 comments on Sep 19, 2018:
Always looking for more knowledge on that subject.
I joined Match yesterday and got two suspicious messages.
azzow2 comments on Sep 20, 2018:
Yes, they will try any deceitful thing for a con.
You can't make someone love you
azzow2 comments on Sep 20, 2018:
Allowing yourself to be vulnerable to emotional cohesion also opens the door to crushing disappointment.
Great ... flash flood warning for my county until 9:30... awesome
azzow2 comments on Sep 21, 2018:
Tied the rowboat to the top of the car.
Take Chances When you're Young
azzow2 comments on Sep 22, 2018:
Now it is choices with considerations. The daredevil is still there reserved for emergency use.
The finished product .. Mexican style chicken soup
azzow2 comments on Sep 22, 2018:
Looks tasty.
Men who never learned to cook
azzow2 comments on Sep 22, 2018:
I love to cook, so many different things to try. I keep threatening to buy my self a wok to home cook Asian authentic. I have dated women in the past that could barely burn cornflakes.
Ths is a very personal post regarding the Brett Kavenaugh accusations of attempted rape.
azzow2 comments on Sep 23, 2018:
Made me think was Bill Clinton charged with rape or some sex crime for that fact? This guy went on and victimized other women and he was untouched. I had a 3 of instances where men had to try to victimize me once was when I was forced to attend Catholic a priest school-age 7, once in boy scouts on a camping trip age 9 and then once again when I was 14 my stepfather's cousin. none of them were successful. However, if they had been I would have most likely would have committed suicide.
As the "Honourable Opposition" becomes increasingly shrill, we should remember:
azzow2 comments on Sep 23, 2018:
The soloistic poison of false dominance.
My appointment for LASIX eye surgery is in less than 12 hours, I’m nervous and excited.
azzow2 comments on Jun 13, 2019:
This will be me at some future point. Just a few months back the eye doctor told me I have the beginning of cataracts.
What is your favorite sport....
azzow2 comments on Jun 15, 2019:
Computer mouse racing.
Happy Fathers Day Everyone.
azzow2 comments on Jun 16, 2019:
The top is me and my dad, Then my dad's mom and dad.
Is it too much to expect one man to be satisfied with one woman?
azzow2 comments on Jun 16, 2019:
As long as your partner can stimulate your brain and keep you excited to be with them there should be no problem also your question could be asked vice versa.
Morning again.
azzow2 comments on Jun 17, 2019:
You might have to change to crunches.
In honor and notice of our beloved MissKathleen posting of Neil Sedaka's famous breakup song in a ...
azzow2 comments on Jun 18, 2019:
Justin Bieber is 25, Tom Cruise is 56.
azzow2 comments on Jun 19, 2019:
Tom Cruise is going to use that Scientology to magically beat that boy down.
The pros and cons of being single! Just ran across these today.
azzow2 comments on Jun 19, 2019:
The list is long it can be summed up by are you willing to share in the good times as well as the bad times and can you accept faults and accept kindness.
It’s been a rough day, various reasons, but I shared on my Facebook that I was sad and asked my ...
azzow2 comments on Jun 19, 2019:
Seems like this week has been a furbar type to me as well.
And that’s what it’s all about...
azzow2 comments on Jun 20, 2019:
Think an am staying a subscriber of "Live long and prosper" .
I had a great opportunity to photograph a Fire Fly. Thought I would share.
azzow2 comments on Jun 20, 2019:
Bioluminescent creatures the only type found above ground in North America very chemically electrifying.
This was the moon in early spring.Almost forgot about this pic
azzow2 comments on Jun 21, 2019:
Almost no light pollution. The sky over the oceans there is absolutely zero light pollution it is very unveiling how the ancient people's found mysticism in it.
What is the best prank that you ever pulled?
azzow2 comments on Jun 22, 2019:
One of the guys that I had worked with did this it was a classical prank. When I worked for Stroh's the machine that fills the bottles has a safety feature. When a bottle burst because of a flaw in the glass this is a rather large boom it is like a fire cracker. So one day my friend Dan and a butcher were slaughtering pigs. Dan had kept one of the eyeballs from earlier that day. Dan just so happened to be near the bottle filler. The supervisor called Dan up to the filler for reasons unknown. Dan still had the eyeballs in his pocket from earlier that day. Just as the supervisor was talking to Dan a bottle burst. Dan took the eyeball out and covered his eye with his hand and displayed the eyeball in his other hand saying my eye. The supervisor passed out.
We’re star dust
azzow2 comments on Jun 24, 2019:
Dust bunnies make the best pets.
And fill them with money!
azzow2 comments on Jun 24, 2019:
Or punching bags.
What's another word for Thesaurus? :)
azzow2 comments on Jun 24, 2019:
antathrous LOL
English is fun.😀
azzow2 comments on Jun 24, 2019:
You cannot and can't fathom the ramifications of the misconstrued grammar.
Yeah, we're good.
azzow2 comments on Jun 26, 2019:
Pour them a cup of coffee and ask them to explain the secrets of the universe with you that usually confuses them lol.
azzow2 comments on Jun 27, 2019:
Your brain puts it in order as if it needs to set the world straight.
All hail Pan! (Lifted from Facebook).
azzow2 comments on Jun 30, 2019:
Only if you bring nymphs.
Umm, hell yes I want him.
azzow2 comments on Jul 1, 2019:
I am familiar with a lot of dog breeds that one I can't seem to identify. He looks like Falko from The Neverending Story movie.
I didn't want anyone to miss the moment - so I screenshot it:
azzow2 comments on Jul 2, 2019:
The emperor Nero's number or the LSD emperor.
Any Chris Delia fans ??
azzow2 comments on Jul 2, 2019:
Don't know of him.
Excellent perspective!
azzow2 comments on Jul 3, 2019:
Why does it have to be the end? The present would be more agreeable.
I have a question that maybe you all can help with.
azzow2 comments on Jul 3, 2019:
Not many places that you can go with religion. You did not mention if the climate was an issue. Most of your conditions would apply here. The one thing that would be the issue is work unless you work out of your home.
I’m looking into the possibilities of two things that could be life-changing for me.
azzow2 comments on Jul 4, 2019:
SSA is how you should file SSDI a temporary fix.
Now we may never know the real reason...
azzow2 comments on Jul 7, 2019:
Information syndrome.
This is ridiculous, it’s july 8th and people are still shooting off fireworks.
azzow2 comments on Jul 8, 2019:
Those Chinese lanterns can be flammable.
STANDING BEHIND YOUR EMPLOYEE My day job as some of you may know is printer repair tech.
azzow2 comments on Jul 10, 2019:
This guy just can not see what a bad example he has set. Karma will catch him.
Leave it to Beaver!
azzow2 comments on Jul 11, 2019:
They did have mis Kitty on Gunsmoke.
If a flower doesn't bloom, do you fix the flower or do you fix the environment?
azzow2 comments on Jul 12, 2019:
A metaphorical answer is the circle of life continues to perpetuate ∞. A more literal answer is everything needs TLC, be it delicate and soft or rugged and corse.
People rarely sit next to me but if I get a chance...
azzow2 comments on Jul 13, 2019:
Is it in unmarked untraceable small bills?
There are times you wish you had a train horn mounted on your car.
azzow2 comments on Jul 14, 2019:
I want a cow pusher!
Hope Everyone is having a happy weekend! I don't know about you but I'm ashamed Trump was tweeting ...
azzow2 comments on Jul 14, 2019:
This tactic has been used in the past by other presidents. The apparition behind the operation is not to scare people to leave the country "after all we are a melting pot of misfits". The point is to get people legal to contribute to the economic system instead of being parasitic to it.
October is coming......I'm ready........
azzow2 comments on Jul 14, 2019:
That looks like a very difficult obstacle course.
A Senior Citizen's Reflection If my body was a car, I would be trading it in for a newer model.
azzow2 comments on Jul 17, 2019:
I love that, I will have to send that to my dad he will get a kick out of it.
azzow2 comments on Jul 17, 2019:
I asked Alexa to cook me dinner . Her reply is I can't do that yet.
The Police.....😉
azzow2 comments on Jul 20, 2019:
So you have been trapped in a picture jail cell this entire time?
Have a happy day
azzow2 comments on Jul 23, 2019:
You could hear yourself better if you were naked.
Can't help to notice that there is not much Muller euphoria at the Politics group.
azzow2 comments on Jul 24, 2019:
I figure he is like all the other political imbeciles looking for their spot in the history books.
azzow2 comments on Jul 27, 2019:
I have go for the friend that complements mine because to match it is way beyond impossible.
Ever been there
azzow2 comments on Jul 28, 2019:
Did that unicorn eat an Hawaiian flag?
Soon it will be here🤗🎃
azzow2 comments on Jul 28, 2019:
Where are all of the sexy witches this time of year anyway? I could use some sexing oops I ment hexing.
Funny meme love it
azzow2 comments on Jul 31, 2019:
Is that a 1 hump or 2 hump?
Buy one take one?🙄
azzow2 comments on Aug 2, 2019:
Now that took brains. How many gullible people fell for that one?
Kinda funny
azzow2 comments on Aug 5, 2019:
Better read it quick those letters are about to peel off the wood squares.
Damn she ugly The family gene pool could use a filter
azzow2 comments on Aug 8, 2019:
Not my kind of humor. Even though I kid a lot I try not to go to the bullying type.
As long as they're all in the same hemisphere I think I'm doing alright.
azzow2 comments on Aug 10, 2019:
I can't get mine in a row either they keep zooming around the pen.
azzow2 comments on Aug 10, 2019:
Sounds like the helium in her skull finally popped.
Hmm. That's a good way to look at it...
azzow2 comments on Aug 13, 2019:
Reminded me of a joke. A pickle a hotdog and a penis were having a conversation. The pickle said I had a hard day I was chopped up and made into relish. The hotdog said you think that was bad I had yellow goop and smelly things sprinkled and was chew up. The penis said you all had it easy. I had a plastic bag shoved my head pushed into a dark cave and had to do pushups until I puked.
Funny uber joke
azzow2 comments on Aug 13, 2019:
Frog orgy in the limo.
Good Morning People.
azzow2 comments on Aug 15, 2019:
Looking for motivation have about 1000 projects that need work.
Sweet. I can't even imagine it though!
azzow2 comments on Aug 15, 2019:
Where is the Morton Salt character weathering the storm in between?
[] 😱 Liberals are racist.
azzow2 comments on Aug 17, 2019:
I personally do not get where they get off placing prejudice on white people there are many races that have privilege because they have worked for it. Just go to the local hospital look around white doctors are the minority. To me the white privilege is a political agenda to have some mud to sling around.
That is my secret😁😅😂
azzow2 comments on Aug 17, 2019:
The vampires are going to file a discrimination suit over that one.
Panicking should be moderate 😅😅😅
azzow2 comments on Aug 22, 2019:
Just call him Kraken as a nickname.
Got a text this morning from someone named "Kelly.
azzow2 comments on Aug 24, 2019:
If you put the image on Google image search she comes up as an escort.
Boiling five pounds of bullshit down to one sentence
azzow2 comments on Aug 25, 2019:
I might be a master of vague rambling, I do compose poems.
😊 😊 😊 😊 😊 😊 😊 😊 😊 😊 Humans Tell Why They Are Atheist--Not ...
azzow2 comments on Aug 29, 2019:
The best one was Emma Thompson.
I guess there is still the weekend.
azzow2 comments on Aug 30, 2019:
This time.
azzow2 comments on Aug 31, 2019:
I thought Europe had universal WiFI transmitted in all major cities.
Trying to get it right.
azzow2 comments on Sep 1, 2019:
Some horns on the cook would spice thing right up.
Just helped my neighbor....
azzow2 comments on Sep 7, 2019:
Some tulip bulbs on top of it makes a good marker of where not to walk.
My new mantra: Sometimes the bravest thing you can do is just get up and face the world everyday.
azzow2 comments on Sep 7, 2019:
So you are telling me is I need to start looking for women with the name World j/k. I learned to be tough from some very brave people they will tell you the hardest part of the day is being responsible to yourself.
My Dad should have done time!
azzow2 comments on Sep 7, 2019:
Seems like that judge has been hitting the bottle.
Just an FYI.
azzow2 comments on Sep 9, 2019:
Too much pow wow. Hope he feels better.


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Agnostic, Atheist, Skeptic, Freethinker, Spiritual
Open to meeting women
  • BirthdayNovember 19
  • Interested InFriends, Dating, Long Term
  • EnjoysMovies, Food, Music, Science, Books, Outdoors, Art, Love, Sex, Pets
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  • Joined Nov 22nd, 2017
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