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I tend to be overly honest; that often makes people uncomfortable.
Pooska comments on Jan 12, 2018:
I tend to keep my cards close. I've had too many people take advantage of my kindness and try to manipulate. So if I do reach out to someone it takes a lot for me to do it
azzow2 replies on Jan 13, 2018:
People tend to mistake kindness for weakness. Like a tiger on a hunt when some burns me I never forget and wait to pounce when the time is on my side. I absolutely hate when people are taken advantage of. You are smart about protecting your intentions.
Hello from the I.E. Anybody out there?
Akfishlady comments on Jan 12, 2018:
Inland Empire!!! I hate to admit this but I was born there.... (Rivi) Hi from lovely wet and wonderful Washington.
azzow2 replies on Jan 12, 2018:
I heard it on the radio many times never was there lived in Huntington Beach for years.
Apparently in 2013 Oprah made the comment that Athists cannot feel awe and wonder.
buck1977 comments on Jan 12, 2018:
maybe steve harvey can be her running mate.....
azzow2 replies on Jan 12, 2018:
Bill Maher
Apparently in 2013 Oprah made the comment that Athists cannot feel awe and wonder.
azzow2 comments on Jan 12, 2018:
Think we need someone like a Colan Powell to run Ophra has skeletons in her closets.
azzow2 replies on Jan 12, 2018:
Did she have a diet pill issue?
Is anybody interested in investing in the stock market?
HeyHiHullo comments on Jan 12, 2018:
Buy what I use/like... Visa, Home Depot, Disney. Don't care for F.A.N.G. except Goog, which is in funds.
azzow2 replies on Jan 12, 2018:
Anyone else love Godzilla?? :)
azzow2 comments on Jan 12, 2018:
The old school was the best when the voices never matched and the giant turtle would fly around.
azzow2 replies on Jan 12, 2018:
@KKGator when I was in my teens lived in California the loca! college Goldenwest community college would put marathons on of those old martial arts movies that the voice never matched they must have had the same directors.
Hello from the I.E. Anybody out there?
azzow2 comments on Jan 12, 2018:
You have to tell the IE inland Empire not everyone knows that.
azzow2 replies on Jan 12, 2018:
My edit buttons broke Inland
Anyone else love Godzilla?? :)
azzow2 comments on Jan 12, 2018:
The old school was the best when the voices never matched and the giant turtle would fly around.
azzow2 replies on Jan 12, 2018:
@KKGator Has been many years thank you for the name could not recall it.
Got love the free scam.
Sarahroo29 comments on Jan 12, 2018:
Only ignorant people believe those scams.
azzow2 replies on Jan 12, 2018:
Unfortunately they target the elderly and those not schooled with marketing physiology skills.
Is anybody interested in investing in the stock market?
azzow2 comments on Jan 12, 2018:
Have some potinitality good ones costco is my blue chip (SIRI) bought at .60 sold at sold at 5 (SYY) sold it looking sold it to early bought at 26 sold at 46 new age pharmaceuticals got it at .10 a share. Always game for a good tip
azzow2 replies on Jan 12, 2018:
@dc65 think it would be better to drop it takes a long time to regain confidence. If I could figure out who was going to put the holographic tv out I would jump on that. That was a super good decision. I missed a lot that jump like that being too careful.
I wonder if I'm urinating in the breeze here in north-east Louisiana.
azzow2 comments on Jan 12, 2018:
Great part of our country. tTy and do it down wind.
azzow2 replies on Jan 12, 2018:
Can't edit tTy# Try
You have any sick friend's that need help?
azzow2 comments on Jan 12, 2018:
Is a tough disease. Many years back before( Al Gore invented the internet LOL) I spent many hours in the library. A friend of mine was diagnosed with MS so I wanted to better explain what it was to him. In my search I had discovered that they have known since the early 1960's that cancer is a virus....
azzow2 replies on Jan 12, 2018:
@JeffMurray The genetic disposition only gives cancer a path to follow. We all have potential cancers in our bodies pathogens help exploit the cancers in some people's DNA sequence. Looking at cancer through an electron microscope it has very similar ilaos as virus.
Firearms are the Worst Thing to Happen to Humanity.
azzow2 comments on Jan 12, 2018:
No! people in the media neglect to say how many people were saved in a day because shopkeepers are allowed to own guns. That criminal that cop killed how many people would he have hurt if they were not stopped. Many people use guns as a tool to put food on the table farmers use them to protect their...
azzow2 replies on Jan 12, 2018:
@Pooska You left out that you can make one in your house if you have a some powdered porcelain and a kiln.
You have any sick friend's that need help?
azzow2 comments on Jan 12, 2018:
Is a tough disease. Many years back before( Al Gore invented the internet LOL) I spent many hours in the library. A friend of mine was diagnosed with MS so I wanted to better explain what it was to him. In my search I had discovered that they have known since the early 1960's that cancer is a virus....
azzow2 replies on Jan 12, 2018:
@mymysticcrow You better do some more research.
I'm wondering if Dark Matter is nothing more than the expanding stupidity in the universe.
azzow2 comments on Jan 12, 2018:
Thinking of protons nutrons and electrons in an atom would have to thin the same in space matter antimatter dark matter.
azzow2 replies on Jan 12, 2018:
can't edit thin# think
Firearms are the Worst Thing to Happen to Humanity.
azzow2 comments on Jan 12, 2018:
No! people in the media neglect to say how many people were saved in a day because shopkeepers are allowed to own guns. That criminal that cop killed how many people would he have hurt if they were not stopped. Many people use guns as a tool to put food on the table farmers use them to protect their...
azzow2 replies on Jan 12, 2018:
@zanyfish I was in the Navy kind of partial to shooting bad guys.
Can anybody on here get my most obscure joke?
azzow2 comments on Jan 12, 2018:
A pig fell in the mud. are you ROTFLAF yet? A couple were having lunch with an alien couple they discussed about doing partner swap for the evening. So the human female and alien hooked up and started to get busy having sex. The alie disrobed and started to get into it with he human female he was ...
azzow2 replies on Jan 12, 2018:
Had edit and repost my edit button is not functioning.
Why is the Higgs boson considered the god particle is that not counter intuitive for science?
AnneWimsey comments on Jan 12, 2018:
No way does any reptablescientist call it the "God particle"! Check your sources!
azzow2 replies on Jan 12, 2018:
Einstein would use god to explain what was unexplainable think he did it for kicks and giggles he was agnostic.
Why is the Higgs boson considered the god particle is that not counter intuitive for science?
AnneWimsey comments on Jan 12, 2018:
No way does any reptablescientist call it the "God particle"! Check your sources!
azzow2 replies on Jan 12, 2018:
@AnneWimsey My edit delete option is contorted as well.
Any crazy sounds in your house?
Tecolote comments on Jan 12, 2018:
Nothing I can't explain except one. When I flip this one switch in my breaker box off then on, I hear two beeps. The area of the house that switch controls is not near the breaker box. I can't for the life of me figure out what is making those two beeps. Not scary, but definitely a mystery.
azzow2 replies on Jan 12, 2018:
Do you have solar on your house? The metering device makes a beep when you turn the power on or off.
Useless Products
azzow2 comments on Jan 12, 2018:
Checkered paint, left handed smoke shifter. I know inane, was in boy scouts when I was a kid. Almost anything in the As seen on tv store.
azzow2 replies on Jan 12, 2018:
@MrLizard no they never considered me gullible I debunked snipe hunting before I had to spend endless hours looking for it.
I was young when this was going on.
JimBen comments on Jan 12, 2018:
Is that the one where Orson Welles led the Martians in an invasion of Earth? Yeah I remember hearing about that when I was a kid.
azzow2 replies on Jan 12, 2018:
Never heard that one. There was one with a squeaking door at the beginning, can't seem to recall the name of it though
Why do the religious people have a hard time respecting trans women and men?
azzow2 comments on Jan 11, 2018:
Lots of them adhere so deeply to the facilities in the bible, that they believe that by shunning other people's choices that they will convince them to choose the path laid out in the bible.
azzow2 replies on Jan 12, 2018:
@Sarahroo29 Sometimes when people are disliked or they are segregated from being included the rebel and cause turmoil.
Why do the religious people have a hard time respecting trans women and men?
Sacha comments on Jan 11, 2018:
They are ignorant and scared of people that are not like them.
azzow2 replies on Jan 11, 2018:
Part of that is true, something I have notice the leaders will pick on someone that is different to use them as an example of what they believe is wrong.
Cosmic junk?
stinkeye_a comments on Jan 11, 2018:
I read many years ago about a theory that small (house-sized) water-ice comets are continually hitting earth--and pretty much instantly vaporizing (theory was disputed then; may have been proven or completely debunked by now idk evidence was spotty at best). The takeaway is the idea that all of ...
azzow2 replies on Jan 11, 2018:
I had read that they found the potential for the existence of bacteria on a larger meritorite amino acid.
Some had posted a sapiosexual post so I said I would make a poem and include it so here it is to ...
sassygirl3869 comments on Jan 11, 2018:
Cool from one sapiosexual to another.
azzow2 replies on Jan 11, 2018:
Thank you. Have been writing for a while. have them posted one called Granny Dance early work 900 views no comments but 900 views says something about it.
Any one found love here?
azzow2 comments on Jan 11, 2018:
Hard when you live 80 miles out in the country 5000 feet up to just make a date for coffee is an hour and a half depending where I would travel. Have been alone for at least 4 years so to get back in the saddle is tough. Not to mention I am a full time dad and that seems to be a hindrance as well. ...
azzow2 replies on Jan 11, 2018:
@Sadoi Not sure of the reptile they all seem to be hiding.
My mom is 71 she has tumor the size of a 6 month old fetus in side of her.
KKGator comments on Jan 11, 2018:
Hope all goes well!
azzow2 replies on Jan 11, 2018:
Thank you
Any one found love here?
azzow2 comments on Jan 11, 2018:
Hard when you live 80 miles out in the country 5000 feet up to just make a date for coffee is an hour and a half depending where I would travel. Have been alone for at least 4 years so to get back in the saddle is tough. Not to mention I am a full time dad and that seems to be a hindrance as well. ...
azzow2 replies on Jan 11, 2018:
@Sadoi In my fortress instructing young jedi.
My mom is 71 she has tumor the size of a 6 month old fetus in side of her.
BucketlistBob comments on Jan 11, 2018:
Sorry to hear about your mom... wishing the best for her.
azzow2 replies on Jan 11, 2018:
Thank you.
Is your idea of love over romanticized?
azzow2 comments on Jan 8, 2018:
Communication is paramount. If they have the need to lie to you to protect your feelings hope that they can justify the lie with a deep explanation. Commonality if you can relate to experiences. Something important to remember is to not say (I did that) include a scenario .
azzow2 replies on Jan 11, 2018:
@GipsyOfNewSpain They were checking your creativity .
I had thought that silencers were illegal because they were quite and you could kill and not be ...
sassygirl3869 comments on Jan 11, 2018:
Guns are evil to me pure and simple, however why do they allow the sale of silencers? What is their intentional purpose? Anything beneficial about them?
azzow2 replies on Jan 11, 2018:
There many ways to make them a pipe with cotton a rubber garden hose soda bottle other ways do not know them all.
I had thought that silencers were illegal because they were quite and you could kill and not be ...
sassygirl3869 comments on Jan 11, 2018:
Guns are evil to me pure and simple, however why do they allow the sale of silencers? What is their intentional purpose? Anything beneficial about them?
azzow2 replies on Jan 11, 2018:
They were originally made for hunting but as we all know people find miss uses for everything.
Omg! I just found out a good friend of mine died last night when he was hit by a car while riding ...
azzow2 comments on Jan 10, 2018:
Grief is a tough emotion to deal with. Hope the best for his family, and that your grief find solace.
azzow2 replies on Jan 10, 2018:
@Sadoi I can't give you a real hug OOO takes a lot to be strong. If you try to rationalize it it will drive you crazy. The best thing is to reflect on the memories hold them dear for those travel with you every where.
Before the American Dream there was the Egyptian Dream. Work Harder.
azzow2 comments on Jan 10, 2018:
Had seen something about how they paid the workers with beer. No wonder they worked so hard they were always wasted.
azzow2 replies on Jan 10, 2018:
@GipsyOfNewSpain Chinese invented beer Egyptian were just better thieves.
I have come to the conclusion dating sites suck.
azzow2 comments on Jan 10, 2018:
I paid the 11 dollars for Got scammers or just bad squirrely matches.
azzow2 replies on Jan 10, 2018:
@sassygirl3869 There is for communicating would not let me send message without payment.
azzow2 comments on Jan 9, 2018:
Had to look that one up I am going to incorporate that with androgynous in a poem one day.
azzow2 replies on Jan 10, 2018:
@Sadoi Wrote this today posted it o Symmetry in sagacity: The androgynous among us engulf the air all around us, with not a sound to be uttered aloud. Epicene is serene to the scene as the evergreens liming around in epitomy. Stealthy are the knavish deep in the wish of intrepidness. Treacherous like argentines dimples sapiosexuals tickle those wrinkles of our complexity. Incongruity of ignorant humanity in it`s chasm of got to want it mentality. Forever transformed by are we by the world in myth and mystery.
Who Are Better Drivers Men or Women?
azzow2 comments on Jan 10, 2018:
This is a loaded question. Statics shows that there more women in the world than men so only logic would say women have more accidents.
azzow2 replies on Jan 10, 2018:
@Jnei looked up the info you sent it is convoluted compared to what Wikipedia says.
Posted pets, said I would post chickens today.
BucketlistBob comments on Jan 10, 2018:
How cool... your a real farmer with animals.... I feel like a dumb city boy
azzow2 replies on Jan 10, 2018:
Love my chickens they are complex to watch with the pecking order the rooster thinks he is in charge the ducks set him straight. Mor of a hobby than a farm. I am going to ge some sheep in the spring. I need to fence off so property first. lots of coyote around.
I am a huge reader.
azzow2 comments on Jan 9, 2018:
Michael Moorcock Elric of Melniboné Is a grate series had no idea the author had such a graphic last name though.
azzow2 replies on Jan 9, 2018:
After the death of his father, Elric is expected to reign as the 428th sorcerer-king of the island kingdom of Melniboné, known as the Dragon Isle. Elric believes that after millennia of dominating their world the Melnibonéans have become decadent, and sees that their empire is crumbling, a shadow of its former glory. Only the capital city, Immyr, has not reverted to wilderness. Melnibonéans are described as a haughty, arrogant race who live only for pleasure and novelty. Slavery and torture are common practices. Elric, a sickly albino, requires potions and magic to sustain his health. He has spent much of his youth on Dreaming Couches, which allowed him to learn from virtual years worth of experiences in a short time. Elric is in love with his cousin, Cymoril. Yyrkoon, Cymoril's brother, also desires Cymoril and opposes Elric. Elric confides to Cymoril that he would like to bring morality and fairness to Melniboné and that he is not interested in cruelty or power, as were his ancestors. Cymoril is supportive of Elric emotionally, but does not understand his ideas. Yyrkoon sees Elric as weak. He acts to eliminate Elric so that he would take the Ruby Throne, as Elric is without heirs, making Yyrkoon his successor. Due to Yyrkoon's treachery, Cymoril is placed in a trance and kidnapped. Elric makes a pact with Arioch, one of the Lords of Chaos and patron of Melniboné, for Arioch's help in finding Cymoril. During a sea battle, Elric is drowned but is brought back by Straacha, the Sea King. Straacha grants use of The Ship That Travels Over Land And Sea to Elric, who seeks the Runeblades; Stormbringer and Mournblade. He finds them in Limbo, but Yyrkoon has followed him. Wielding Stormbringer, a sentient sword that devours souls, Elric defeats Yyrkoon. Rather than putting Yyrkoon to death, Elric relinquishes the throne to him and decides he shall wander the Young Kingdoms alone and learn of the world outside of Melniboné.
What do you have or does it got you?
azzow2 comments on Jan 7, 2018:
Our bodies resonates at 528 hertz that might be the undulation you are referring to. The composition of our bodies are dictated by our environment atmosphere and gravity. We chose to measure time most never put together that time is a man created equation, time is measured to us as a gravitational...
azzow2 replies on Jan 9, 2018:
@icolan Something like how to measure time in space with zero gravity.
Thinking about time travel Einstein said we could only travel forward in time never backwards this ...
resserts comments on Jan 9, 2018:
Can you explain what you mean about not occupying the same space twice? I realize that everything within the universe is in motion, so there's a practical problem of transporting something into the past and have it appear in a spot that isn't a billion light years from earth, but that alone ...
azzow2 replies on Jan 9, 2018:
@resserts Einstein theory said we could not travel back, I was trying to figure why he had said that.
Has anyone ever considered the crimes in children's fairy tales?
GipsyOfNewSpain comments on Jan 9, 2018:
You have to consider those fairy tiles were not made for 21st century america or england or australia. It was a different time with a different moral agenda and a different type of childhood and audience. I stopped looking with today's eyes the classics. They were not written for me.
azzow2 replies on Jan 9, 2018:
Lots of them Hans Christian Andersen wrote to teach young people to be wise about doing foolish things.
Phone rings blocked number.
Sarahroo29 comments on Jan 9, 2018:
I've never gotten a Microsoft call. I did just buy a DELL laptop in Sept. 2017.
azzow2 replies on Jan 9, 2018:
The deal is microsoft a sweepstakes a government agency law enforcement are not going to call you the real ones anyway. Corporations have 1800 numbers for you to call them if you need help a government agency a sweepstakes will send registered mail they would not just call out of the blue ,law enforcement will show up at your door they go for the dramatic.
Phone rings blocked number.
RollyRules comments on Jan 9, 2018:
I love the MS calls!!!! First of all I don't have a POS MS OS.. Secondly, you need to put them on speaker phone. So everyone can join in on the fun... Last time they called, I trapped them for 40 minutes... The fella was going to pul all his hair out.... Picture this....he is telling me ...
azzow2 replies on Jan 9, 2018:
40 is awesome my record was 29 minutes a few years back.
Has anyone ever considered the crimes in children's fairy tales?
Sarahroo29 comments on Jan 9, 2018:
Wouldn't that be taking stories just for entertainment, out of context?
azzow2 replies on Jan 9, 2018:
Yes, It was fun anyway I am a Poet and aspiring writer taking thing out of context is amusing when everyone knows it is fiction.
Phone rings blocked number.
sassygirl3869 comments on Jan 9, 2018:
Fake Microsoft Guy what is his purpose in the story? What was his goal?
azzow2 replies on Jan 9, 2018:
There are tons of gullible people with limited computer knowledge. The scammers cold call trying to trick people into paying a scam fee.
Phone rings blocked number.
jlynn37 comments on Jan 9, 2018:
He is trying to get you to send money so he can fix imaginary issue on your computer. Microsoft does NOT call ANYONE concerning computer problems. If you have a Microsoft computer and you have problems, YOU call Microsoft.
azzow2 replies on Jan 9, 2018:
I know the fake microsoft calls about 2 times a month Th fake grants department was calling a few times a day. The one guy called about 4:00 my time the day before Turkey day. I let him run his spiel. When he was done I asked if the government was on over time, he must not have caught it right away started to tell me some b.s. he stopped mid word said what do you mean. I said that it is about 6:00 on the east coast the government starts to shut down around 4:00 especially going into a holiday . He called me a and slammed the receiver. The best one so far the fake mega lottery sweepstakes called told me that i had won 700,000 and all I had to do is pay 399$ for a government stamp to deliver it to me. That guy was kind of nervous, because I had translated the phone he was calling from. I told him that I was going to give his location to the nirobi police.
Are you smarter than a 5th Grader?
azzow2 comments on Jan 9, 2018:
Nope could not fight my way out of a paper paradox even in a hexagonal.
azzow2 replies on Jan 9, 2018:
@HeyHiHullo Kind of lucky retired at a young age. I do not have a mortgage home is paid off. I am working on writing a novel got stalled during the kids winter break from school. Still have to get geared up to start writing again. Sometimes writing poems gets me going writing again. I know what I want to write but am trying to do it logically. Have read tons of novels, not all authors work with a logical progression.
Flat Earthers
azzow2 comments on Jan 9, 2018:
Tell them to prepare for the tilt.
azzow2 replies on Jan 9, 2018:
@Sadoi Do not let the bash you they are simpletons. You are the realest, your intellectual capacity is way superior.
Thinking about time travel Einstein said we could only travel forward in time never backwards this ...
resserts comments on Jan 9, 2018:
Can you explain what you mean about not occupying the same space twice? I realize that everything within the universe is in motion, so there's a practical problem of transporting something into the past and have it appear in a spot that isn't a billion light years from earth, but that alone ...
azzow2 replies on Jan 9, 2018:
Sorry forgot to add a detail the The matter in the universe is made of string and superstring when that string is disturbed it fundamentally changes it remains string , it is not like a rubber band it stays string but the configuring becomes altered.
Thinking about time travel Einstein said we could only travel forward in time never backwards this ...
resserts comments on Jan 9, 2018:
Can you explain what you mean about not occupying the same space twice? I realize that everything within the universe is in motion, so there's a practical problem of transporting something into the past and have it appear in a spot that isn't a billion light years from earth, but that alone ...
azzow2 replies on Jan 9, 2018:
The Earth orbits the sun, the Sun orbits the Black hole the black hole is not stationary it has an orbit itself, the Galaxy is always changing shape the galaxy has an orbit, the Galaxy bumps other Galaxies changing its orbit. This is not something that you can timelapse with a camera.
Opinion, please....
azzow2 comments on Jan 8, 2018:
azzow2 replies on Jan 9, 2018:
@AsRealAsItGets Think it you were closer I would get to know you . I just adore ancient aliens and through the wormhole.
The dating pool has gotten so shallow that if you have a spare 15,000 dollars laying around you can ...
Bam85 comments on Jan 9, 2018:
Be my luck it would short circut and try to kill me.
azzow2 replies on Jan 9, 2018:
Was thinking the same thing dang thing haywire and melt get stuck to you how would ever explain that you had to be rescued from a molten pile of sex bot.
What do all the different colored stars next to people who live nearby me stand for?
azzow2 comments on Jan 9, 2018:
I can't even answer because I live in the middle of nowhere and do not have anyone near by me.
azzow2 replies on Jan 9, 2018:
@HeyHiHullo I am 80 miles from the closest walmart or populated city.
What do you have or does it got you?
azzow2 comments on Jan 7, 2018:
Our bodies resonates at 528 hertz that might be the undulation you are referring to. The composition of our bodies are dictated by our environment atmosphere and gravity. We chose to measure time most never put together that time is a man created equation, time is measured to us as a gravitational...
azzow2 replies on Jan 8, 2018:
@icolan Looked this up thought to share:Fundamental to these precise measurements are atomic clocks. By measuring very stable and precise frequencies of light emitted by certain atoms (examples include hydrogen, cesium, rubidium and, for DSAC, mercury), an atomic clock can regulate the time kept by a more traditional mechanical (quartz crystal) clock. It’s like a tuning fork for timekeeping. The result is a clock system that can be ultra stable over decades.
Cosmic junk?
ErichZannIII comments on Jan 8, 2018:
It's more likely that Abiogenesis occurred. Primordial pools of nucleic acids, proteins and other building blocks existed and were struck by lighting, recombining them and creating the first living organism (albeit single celled).
azzow2 replies on Jan 8, 2018:
I have heard that theory before as well. They did that in a laboratory back in the 1970's
The Next Democratic Presidential Candidate?
GipsyOfNewSpain comments on Jan 8, 2018:
DD-214 or not my candidate. My apologies for those not in my camp. I understand even if you served. I realize the possibility I may be living in another country by 2020 chilling because when you Retire... you earned your every move.
azzow2 replies on Jan 8, 2018:
@GipsyOfNewSpain Midway battle group we were 16 days before the the Kuwait liberation began. Did you know the Saudis wanted to give us all 10,000 dollars at the time?
Food—what’s your story?
azzow2 comments on Jan 7, 2018:
I can bake very well I once made a cheese took it to work the guys kept asking where I bought it one of the guys that was a friend, never tell them you made it. I just simply used Fanny Farners recipe except I added a 1/2 cup of sugar to the crust and added 2 tablespoons of triple sec. I can also ...
azzow2 replies on Jan 8, 2018:
@RoadGoddess Mine do from time to time. I think it is a good way to teach them some basic chemistry as well. Got them to help peel potatoes on Turkey day they have fun.
The Next Democratic Presidential Candidate?
GipsyOfNewSpain comments on Jan 8, 2018:
DD-214 or not my candidate. My apologies for those not in my camp. I understand even if you served. I realize the possibility I may be living in another country by 2020 chilling because when you Retire... you earned your every move.
azzow2 replies on Jan 8, 2018:
Right it Should be a person with military background running the military. I am a Veteran as well Desert Shield Desert Storm.
When I hear people complaining about a politician, I often wonder if they put as much effort into ...
sassygirl3869 comments on Jan 8, 2018:
They did with taking away the required mandate for Obamacare, not funding the CHIP Program, and now Paul Ryan wants to fuck with my personal safety net as a cancer survivor-Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid. By the way Obamacare saved my life.
azzow2 replies on Jan 8, 2018:
Just saying impeaching the president is not going to solve the problem. I know about your recovery had read that in earlier post.
Should you be fully able to defend your atheism/ agnosticism ?
azzow2 comments on Jan 8, 2018:
The psychosis that the religious people have often turns to violent conflict. They justify what they do in harmful ways as god's work. I often think of the Witch trials Salem often comes up, facts are people all over were tried for being witches. So even though most of the people being convicted ...
azzow2 replies on Jan 8, 2018:
@MichaelSpinler I see, don't think I will ever have tat problem seeing I have been doubting since I was very young. It would take some concrete evidence then I would doubt that as well.
America Science Illiterate :(
azzow2 comments on Dec 17, 2017:
Chemistry starts in the kitchen. Applied physics when you get in and drive the car (frictions, potential and kinetic energies), botany in the garden, Climate change has been happening for millions of years no real argument to be had there. If needs be place blame for global warming the dinosaurs ...
azzow2 replies on Jan 8, 2018:
@tsjames If people would state that the fertilizer that drains into the ocean that is killing the plant life that helps clean the air it would be a tad more believable.
America Science Illiterate :(
azzow2 comments on Dec 17, 2017:
Chemistry starts in the kitchen. Applied physics when you get in and drive the car (frictions, potential and kinetic energies), botany in the garden, Climate change has been happening for millions of years no real argument to be had there. If needs be place blame for global warming the dinosaurs ...
azzow2 replies on Jan 8, 2018:
@JimBen Just think that it is a political agenda from both major parties. There is other explanation cited Milankovitch cycles cattle population the sun's orbit we orbit the sun in turn has its own orbit 200 years ago oil was just discovered so if it started 200 years ago had to be other factors. Just think politician will cram anything down the throat of the population for a vote.
America Science Illiterate :(
azzow2 comments on Dec 17, 2017:
Chemistry starts in the kitchen. Applied physics when you get in and drive the car (frictions, potential and kinetic energies), botany in the garden, Climate change has been happening for millions of years no real argument to be had there. If needs be place blame for global warming the dinosaurs ...
azzow2 replies on Jan 8, 2018:
Next question what effect do the cattle bring into the equation and is the amount of cattle any different than the amount of wildlife 200 years ago been equated in?
Should churches pay taxes? Ask Pat Robertson.
azzow2 comments on Jan 7, 2018:
In some respects the better churches from what I gather put out just as much as they collect with food banks clothing donations buss passes and counselling etc.
azzow2 replies on Jan 8, 2018:
@GreenAtheist From what I have read NAFTA could have been on the table since Kennedy all the earlier presidents were smart enough to skirt it except for Clinton I guess he need a way to pay ll the sex scandles off.
Has this crossed your mind?
JLFowler comments on Jan 8, 2018:
Was it ones and zeros or on and off(s)? Binary is represented by ones and zeros but its really a bunch of signal no signals.
azzow2 replies on Jan 8, 2018:
it may be but those numbers are planet specific would be like us looking at old Mandarin norway by any means could you figure it out without a cipher.
azzow2 comments on Jan 7, 2018:
From what I have heard the increase in veganism and vegetarians is that. The life of more animals is taken because the farmers need to protect their crops against pest rats squirrels raccoons skunks birds etc. There is also fundamental reasons to eat some sort of protein. We have rather large ...
azzow2 replies on Jan 8, 2018:
@CMilena not in the quantities required to support a healthy brain. Often people on low protein diets require lithium and serotonin to maintain stable mental health.
I have abstained from alcohol since being a single parent and being responsible.
dwayneboggan comments on Jan 8, 2018:
I had to sober up once upon a time ,so I did. I went for several years without drinking any thing with alcohol in it until one day at the grocery store I spied NA beer. It took about 1/2 hour until I convinced myself that it would be OK to drink this beer without alcohol, after all it is the alcohol...
azzow2 replies on Jan 8, 2018:
I have never encounter that effect. Stay lucid to protect and set an example for my kids.
Should churches pay taxes? Ask Pat Robertson.
azzow2 comments on Jan 7, 2018:
In some respects the better churches from what I gather put out just as much as they collect with food banks clothing donations buss passes and counselling etc.
azzow2 replies on Jan 8, 2018:
@GreenAtheist Clinton is the NAFTA guy sold our jobs to asia for peanuts Bush's name is nowhere on that agreement.
Say that your status changed and you are no longer mortal and you possessed the abilities of a ...
Rugglesby comments on Jan 8, 2018:
No way, but it may be possible to look around at people you know. How do they treat their pets and kids? My parent always treated us as less, because we were their children. Respect your elders , obey your parents, I am almost 60 and my mothers still sprouts it,.
azzow2 replies on Jan 8, 2018:
I lived that subservient life to my stepfather.
Say that your status changed and you are no longer mortal and you possessed the abilities of a ...
sassygirl3869 comments on Jan 8, 2018:
Me too. The whole idea doesn't appeal to me.
azzow2 replies on Jan 8, 2018:
My story has a moral, look at silverotter11 my reply.
Say that your status changed and you are no longer mortal and you possessed the abilities of a ...
BrigittaCuadros comments on Jan 8, 2018:
That's why their imaginary god hates his worshipers and likes to prank them with war, pestilence and starvation. Other than that, he is a nice guy.
azzow2 replies on Jan 8, 2018:
It is perplexing that the believers can`t put that equation together. They explain away the tragedy as well as the winfalls wit the inane adge god works in mysterious ways.
Say that your status changed and you are no longer mortal and you possessed the abilities of a ...
silverotter11 comments on Jan 8, 2018:
Isn't that that the whole point of the 'Jesus' tales written about in the bible? We are suppose to emulate and be more like a jesus being; kind, loving, accepting of all beings, etc. I for sure would not 2b worshipped. I think the greatest honor would be for subspecies to follow my ideals and try ...
azzow2 replies on Jan 8, 2018:
Actually my point was, in the very unlikely even a deity existed to worship it would more insulting to it than to just carry on with life.
America Science Illiterate :(
azzow2 comments on Dec 17, 2017:
Chemistry starts in the kitchen. Applied physics when you get in and drive the car (frictions, potential and kinetic energies), botany in the garden, Climate change has been happening for millions of years no real argument to be had there. If needs be place blame for global warming the dinosaurs ...
azzow2 replies on Jan 8, 2018:
@tsjames the ellipsis of the earth orbital path get longed and shorter the changes are normal.
I have abstained from alcohol since being a single parent and being responsible.
stinkeye_a comments on Jan 8, 2018:
I had sparkling juice (Welch's) for NYE and honestly I LOVED it, more than I've ever like the taste of any wine. I've never been a big drinker, and can't tolerate it anymore. Never like the taste. At 2.98 per bottle, why go with anything else? Seriously. Delicious.
azzow2 replies on Jan 8, 2018:
I am an experimenter I may just try that.
Do you have pets?
SaintChris comments on Jan 7, 2018:
Before my divorce, the ex and I had two cats, a dog, a rabbit, two hamsters, and a bunch of fish. I do miss them, I do *not* miss the cats knocking my drink off the table, nor do I miss having to lint roll pet hair off my clothes daily. I love animals, been a vegetarian for 18 years, but no pets ...
azzow2 replies on Jan 8, 2018:
Those chores would be annoying but somehow I look past because the joy my kids get from the animals is the best feeling a man can have only next to the joy of a woman's company.
Should churches pay taxes? Ask Pat Robertson.
azzow2 comments on Jan 7, 2018:
In some respects the better churches from what I gather put out just as much as they collect with food banks clothing donations buss passes and counselling etc.
azzow2 replies on Jan 8, 2018:
@GreenAtheist That guy did a lot of damage to this country NAFTA would have neglected Bosnia if he could have cut the military. He was the first president in history to be mooned by the veterans O bomb Was the second.
If you could travel anywhere for free right now where would you go?
Sacha comments on Jan 7, 2018:
Sail around the coast of Croatia, Portugal, Spain and France. South Korea and Vietnam. The whole of South America, Cuba, Mexico, St Maarten. Tahiti, Mauritius and the Seychelles. Namibia, South Africa. Hong Kong, China, The Philippines, India, Sri Lanka Basically everywhere.
azzow2 replies on Jan 7, 2018:
I would add Bora Bora Tasmania Anatolia. Nice list you have there.
I have abstained from alcohol since being a single parent and being responsible.
RandyWells comments on Jan 7, 2018:
I have done the same when my 1st child was born. I have 2, and been a single parent for 8 years. I drink sociably, but I'm anti social ;) lol also alcoholism runs in my family and I recognize that. I drank like a fish in my 20's but not hardly for 14 years now
azzow2 replies on Jan 7, 2018:
Been down the path you traveled takes a strong will to change, like I always refer to kids make you be a better person.
Do you have pets?
Plainjane comments on Jan 7, 2018:
You have a zoo! How lovely! Animals just make everything better.
azzow2 replies on Jan 7, 2018:
They trust unquestionable have tons of affection can make you laugh know when something is no quite right always greet you with . With my cat she is kind of sassy she is the only one that has different moods.
Do you have pets?
Jnei comments on Jan 7, 2018:
Oh, i adore ferrets - lovely, loving, intelligent and fun creatures. I've had nine of them over the years and was heartbroken when I had to leave them with my wife when we separated.
azzow2 replies on Jan 7, 2018:
They are so playful the girl she rushes at you knowing that you are 100 times her size with playfulness. I often wear red socks every so often if I am distracted she will come bite my big toe she never hurts but it does get your attention. I keep a large glass of ice water on my desk when she gets out of her cage that is the first thing she goes for sticks her head right in then looks at me like I got it.
I have abstained from alcohol since being a single parent and being responsible.
TommyMeador comments on Jan 7, 2018:
I'm not sure but I have heard that non-alcoholic drinks are actually just low in alcohol content.
azzow2 replies on Jan 7, 2018:
This is true of beer I know first hand I work in the production plant of Stroh's brewery for about 10 years. Not certain of the wine factor though.
I have abstained from alcohol since being a single parent and being responsible.
RobAnybody comments on Jan 7, 2018:
Avoid Fronti at the least. Appalling muck. My understanding is that the fumes from the alcohol carry the volatiles from the grape juice to your various taste (mostly smell) organs, so N/A wine is very uninteresting.
azzow2 replies on Jan 7, 2018:
That is somewhat that I originally thought. Thank you.
What do you have or does it got you?
azzow2 comments on Jan 7, 2018:
Our bodies resonates at 528 hertz that might be the undulation you are referring to. The composition of our bodies are dictated by our environment atmosphere and gravity. We chose to measure time most never put together that time is a man created equation, time is measured to us as a gravitational...
azzow2 replies on Jan 7, 2018:
@icolan If this is the case what point to the chronographers start synchronizing time in space from?
This has always been a mystery to me.
ErichZannIII comments on Jan 7, 2018:
How do you mean? The Rosetta Stone was important for diplomats of the day. They weren't abandoning their own language or heritage, but learning other people's language and heritage.
azzow2 replies on Jan 7, 2018:
@FortyTwo Best answer
This has always been a mystery to me.
ErichZannIII comments on Jan 7, 2018:
How do you mean? The Rosetta Stone was important for diplomats of the day. They weren't abandoning their own language or heritage, but learning other people's language and heritage.
azzow2 replies on Jan 7, 2018:
Why did it take hundreds of years to break the hieroglyphic codes then?
Do have friends to keep you entertained, or do you entertain yourself?
HippieChick58 comments on Jan 6, 2018:
I live alone except for my cats. I do work full time and I have grown kids in the area. However, I have always entertained myself, and I made sure my kids could entertain themselves. They only told me once or twice that they were bored. I'd find something really boring for them to do or just ...
azzow2 replies on Jan 7, 2018:
Sounds like me I have 6 year old twins a boy and girl they are a job in it self. Then a cat, 2 ferrets 2 large dogs then in my coop 4 ducks and 7 chickens. My house is under construction by me, I have a lot to repair. I go slow because of my back issues. Then I write poetry from time to time on top of all that I am trying to author a novel .
If you were a mad robot scientist. What would you do to make a perfect cyborg mate?
Hominid comments on Jan 5, 2018:
The male token answer is to have a Stepford Wife. Which makes your question restricted to only one scenario. That's okay... I'll just reply by saying that an intelligent woman's brain is the sexiest part of her body.
azzow2 replies on Jan 6, 2018:
I am a writer, think I would pay attention to that. Must have been a late night entry.
If you were a mad robot scientist. What would you do to make a perfect cyborg mate?
Hominid comments on Jan 5, 2018:
The male token answer is to have a Stepford Wife. Which makes your question restricted to only one scenario. That's okay... I'll just reply by saying that an intelligent woman's brain is the sexiest part of her body.
azzow2 replies on Jan 6, 2018:
I understand you earlier comment about more than one. On a physoclogy level the daughter wife grandmother level and the different complexities that come with each interaction.
Do you support Trump?
Plainjane comments on Nov 4, 2017:
I support his impeachment.
azzow2 replies on Jan 5, 2018:
I believe those missiles were impregnated with computer viruses that set the Iran missile program many years. The amount of hybrid cars is not as many as you would claim there is about the same ratio as nationalized health care around 7%. O bomb gave the farmers in Syria guns to protect themselves hence arming al qaeda. Then when the taliban nerve gassed Syria the O bom admiration refused to help because all the farmers (wink wink al qaeda were armed). To boot O bomb pulled the troops out of Iraq before that a sugnifiate Iraq military could be trained and in turn the terrorist regime began. Going green is important what happens when companies are forced to comply, they close up shop and move costing in some cases thousands of jobs. Wait till the companies start the mass exodus from California because Jerry Clown Brown forced them to go green. They forced Amazon out a few years back killed something like 10,000 jobs.
If you were a mad robot scientist. What would you do to make a perfect cyborg mate?
TommyMeador comments on Jan 4, 2018:
I would make the personality traits variable. When I got tired of one trait, I could switch to another. Keep it interesting. :)
azzow2 replies on Jan 4, 2018:
Very true with a complex intellect I can can confer and see the potentiality for boredom.
If you were a mad robot scientist. What would you do to make a perfect cyborg mate?
Hominid comments on Jan 4, 2018:
Can I have more than one?
azzow2 replies on Jan 4, 2018:
As many as you like, although I would hate to think would happen in the event of an orgy was going on and they malfunctioned.
Hello all, I was chatting with my 12 year old son on the way to GameStop today about reincarnation.
azzow2 comments on Jan 3, 2018:
Does he like science?
azzow2 replies on Jan 3, 2018:
@MoniB The event horizon theory Stephen Hawking is something to think about. There is also this professor Peter van Nieuwenhuizen basically he is the first person to exploit the string theory and superstring theory. These are good building blocks to energy and energy dispersal. The other thing that is somewhat help full is explaining that a living body is a biochemical battery.
Check out the latest fashion of satanic sports wear.
Rudy1962 comments on Jan 1, 2018:
I suppose a joke about santa and satan having the same letters would be cheesy and juvenile.
azzow2 replies on Jan 2, 2018:
A joke about krampus like that might bite you in the rumpus. (For those of you who do not who krampus is it was a folk creature invented by the Germans to scare children into behaving. Also known as the anti Santa).
Global warming
JWDiaz comments on Jan 1, 2018:
What scares me is that people don't realize that after the warming comes to an end, the cooling starts. What I'm really afraid of is the next ice age. I'm not afraid for me, I'm afraid for my little ones. Remember, nature will do as it pleases regardless of how much we think we can influence it.
azzow2 replies on Jan 2, 2018:
Thought Tesela CEO was on the future escape plan.
What makes you break out your soapbox?
JackPedigo comments on Jan 1, 2018:
This is a bad habit for me and not just with religion; guns, environmental issues, women's issues, and more. The one thing that really gets me going is that so many liberals, who are supposed to be open minded, actually being closed minded regarding some of their emotion based "causes". My ...
azzow2 replies on Jan 1, 2018:
I know what you are talking about. I take no political sides if they had a box for how I think, I would bet very few people would check the box. The biggest issue that no one ever addresses is how Congress and Senate is permitted to hold oil futures and stocks in companies that control our economy.Not saying that there should be a forbid on making money for them, there should be a cap on how much stocks, bonds and futures anyone of them can hold including family members.
Anyone else out there disabled?
Wolverine47 comments on Dec 24, 2017:
I’m a disabled veteran with a traumatic brain injury. I would like to think I’m a very nice person but in my travel’s I have met some people with disabilities that were total assholes. I say it all depends on the person.
azzow2 replies on Jan 1, 2018:
Was with the Midway battle group on an AFS in Desert Shield & Desert Storm. If someone is looking to cause you trouble you just shout, why would you mess with a vet throw the disabled in there would bet more times another vet will come to help you.
Have wondered about this.
Hope4Zoe comments on Jan 1, 2018:
azzow2 replies on Jan 1, 2018:
Now that you sent this link I vaguely remember something I had read about another island east of Komodo existing except the dragons had gone extinct .
Happy New Year everyone! Stay safe out there! :)
azzow2 comments on Dec 31, 2017:
Live long and prosper! Live in the moment and celebrate the coming year.
azzow2 replies on Jan 1, 2018:
I had just recently seen the episode where Data got the sex chip installed and Diana had been influenced by some alien placebo. Was definitely a thought provoking episode.


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