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Living single? Loneliness or freedom?
lalaland52 comments on Jan 1, 2018:
Yes, physical touch is only thing I miss!
azzow2 replies on Jan 1, 2018:
Touch is important. I have animals a cat dogs ferrets and bunnies plus my 6 year old twins, there is nothing like the touch of a lover. I have been alone since 2013 not even been kissed since. Thinking of holding hands and feeling heart beats is long dwelt upon memories.
Happy New Year everyone! Stay safe out there! :)
azzow2 comments on Dec 31, 2017:
Live long and prosper! Live in the moment and celebrate the coming year.
azzow2 replies on Dec 31, 2017:
Did not know, I just like spock, although Mork was pretty entering too.
In your opinion, what is the most fascinating thing happening in the world of science right now?
azzow2 comments on Dec 22, 2017:
They are tracking of trying to anyway waves of energy that travels faster than light speed.
azzow2 replies on Dec 23, 2017: Not the exact answer I wanted to give you the web is polluted with so much nonsense it is difficult to locate specific information. (We know one for certain that is faster than light and that happens to be thought.)
What event would most effect the world if it were removed from history?
TemperedLass comments on Dec 21, 2017:
The moment one realized they could subjugate another to belief in something that had omnipotent power over them. Or electricity/use of fossil fuels.
azzow2 replies on Dec 21, 2017:
They know now that ,many petroleum products can be made out of plant fibers, the world still relies on too much oil. There are bacteria that reproduce rapidly that burn just like petroleum could easily replace oil. The problem these have getting off the ground and stop the oil stranglehold is our government officials are allowed to oil futures, hence controlling oil prices causing econinocial repression.
What event would most effect the world if it were removed from history?
TemperedLass comments on Dec 21, 2017:
The moment one realized they could subjugate another to belief in something that had omnipotent power over them. Or electricity/use of fossil fuels.
azzow2 replies on Dec 21, 2017:
Would you make it happen much earlier or later?
The Drunken, Pagan History of Christmas
azzow2 comments on Dec 19, 2017:
This is food for thought Pagans were the people that worshiped Pan.
azzow2 replies on Dec 20, 2017:
It has been so long ago that I had found that info that I had to do some research to refresh my memory. I can not in a short time locate the references. What I did learn is Pagan was a derogatory term for people that practiced polytheism in the 3rd and 4th centuries, Roman in origin.
Newbie here!
azzow2 comments on Dec 19, 2017:
Have not been on here that long either. Got to level 5 rather quickly, mostly because I am extroverted and enjoy interacting. I have not noticed much difference between devices. I use desktop phone and kindle all seem pretty much the same.
azzow2 replies on Dec 19, 2017:
Lots of interesting people on here. Don't care about the political bashing that much. They make me think of many subjects, that I once pondered over and never really had anyone to banter about with.
What is your favorite beverage?
azzow2 comments on Dec 19, 2017:
I was a beer connoisseur, however I no longer drink being a responsible parent and role model. I do appreciate a st. pauli's girl N/A from time to time. Hot cider in the winter. Water is my ultimate favorite every water has its own flavor. The best by far is well water. The water that comes off of...
azzow2 replies on Dec 19, 2017:
I can taste the suttlest change in the water flavor. I have had people in the past try to substitute the water I was drinking,I know it imadely it was switched . Helps with cooking to because I can do it with food as well, not as defined as I can with water.
Occam's Razor. What are you thoughts on this?
resserts comments on Dec 18, 2017:
I think Occam's Razor is a good rule of thumb. It's not a proof, but the pattern established by simpler solutions being likelier than complex solutions gives it an edge. I could say that my trash got knocked over in a battle between ghosts and paranormal investigators who fought valiantly in the ...
azzow2 replies on Dec 18, 2017:
The old tree fell in the woods, if it was not heard did it make a noise? You can also apply this to time, does it matter if it is not perceived? Great analogy!
Is remote viewing fact or fiction?
Paul628 comments on Dec 17, 2017:
Why haven't these supposed "remote viewers" collected their million dollars from James Randi?
azzow2 replies on Dec 18, 2017:
Houdini would go into psychic shops and de bunk the situation. He would get chased by the mad scammers. He was hated by the psychic community.
Is remote viewing fact or fiction?
BucketlistBob comments on Dec 18, 2017:
It's a bull crap.... if it were true the government would be all over your children trying to find a better way.
azzow2 replies on Dec 18, 2017:
Would be like the mutant academy in x men.
Is remote viewing fact or fiction?
Rdurham comments on Dec 18, 2017:
Fiction the government even try it and found it was very unreliable.
azzow2 replies on Dec 18, 2017:
There was rumors that Russia was using but it was more propaganda than anything.
Is remote viewing fact or fiction?
Rufus_Maximus comments on Dec 18, 2017:
It reminds me of the Bene Gesserit techniques in Dune! In the form you describe it sounds plausible but I very much doubt it's actually possible.
azzow2 replies on Dec 18, 2017:
To do such a task the physics manipulation would be so radical that it would be necessary to rewrite some basic principles.
America Science Illiterate :(
azzow2 comments on Dec 17, 2017:
Chemistry starts in the kitchen. Applied physics when you get in and drive the car (frictions, potential and kinetic energies), botany in the garden, Climate change has been happening for millions of years no real argument to be had there. If needs be place blame for global warming the dinosaurs ...
azzow2 replies on Dec 18, 2017:
The earth has been getting hot and cold for millions of years. There has even been a few events that has even caused it to have been destroyed. the poles have shifted. the oxygen in the atmosphere was much denser at a given point in the age of the dinosaurs. Asteroids have hit the earth changing the overall mass. The Earth is likely close to 400,000,000 years old it is statistically unlikely that 200 years of humans burning fossil fuel has that much effect on it`s thermal cycles.
Is remote viewing fact or fiction?
ErichZannIII comments on Dec 17, 2017:
Some people can accurately predict future events based on a compilation of facts and outcomes of similar past situations. Some people can even make it seem like magic with an ability called Hypercognition. Think Batman, or Sherlock Holmes. It's rare and generally confined to the super intelligent. ...
azzow2 replies on Dec 18, 2017:
I had known it was a myth what is interesting is the different approaches that the logical and illogical came to go defend their opinions of the approaches .
Is remote viewing fact or fiction?
ErichZannIII comments on Dec 17, 2017:
Some people can accurately predict future events based on a compilation of facts and outcomes of similar past situations. Some people can even make it seem like magic with an ability called Hypercognition. Think Batman, or Sherlock Holmes. It's rare and generally confined to the super intelligent. ...
azzow2 replies on Dec 18, 2017:
You are correct Holmes, Sir Authorit Conendoyl Was exceptional at deduction to make it more interesting he was able to make Moriaty just as conving as Holems was rational.
Is remote viewing fact or fiction?
Paul628 comments on Dec 17, 2017:
Why haven't these supposed "remote viewers" collected their million dollars from James Randi?
azzow2 replies on Dec 18, 2017:
I thought the amazing Kreskin had the corner on the market.
Is remote viewing fact or fiction?
silvereyes comments on Dec 17, 2017:
Remote Viewing is like psychic powers or ESP. There isn't good evidence of it being legit. The only way I think we can predict actions is based on samples, concrete facts, and without blindness of who/what we're trying to predict.
azzow2 replies on Dec 17, 2017:
I agree with you that. The profilers in the FBI use a prescribed formula that are based on speculation of how certain personality types will react in a given situation. To be certain because of environmental influence the margin for error is very high.
Hello I am looking for like minded people to talk with about anything.
azzow2 comments on Dec 16, 2017:
What is it you beam to talk about I am skilled in many levels from basic to advanced origami herbs cooking medical some lots of science philosophy physiology movies . Love to read was reading the original wizard of Oz Hollywood twisted that novel around. You question was rather open so I thought I...
azzow2 replies on Dec 16, 2017:
When I was young my mind raced with thoughts My head was always spinning. As I got older My thought are still many, I justs can concentrate more effectively. I have thought of many invention. Just have never carried the thought far enough to have have a positive result. Plants are incredible I am trying to grow Carolina reapers had like 50 of them growing. The stems for some reason get weak and the plant turns brown and dies. To boot the kitten ate some of the seedlings.
An investor gives you "seed money" to start a business. What kind of business would you start?
Hominid comments on Dec 14, 2017:
A brewery. But i'd need a million...
azzow2 replies on Dec 16, 2017:
I worked at Strohs for about 10 years I was in the package department. The work environment in a brewery has a lot of commodity.
Freaky Friday: If you had to body swap with someone else, who would it be?
Buddha comments on Dec 15, 2017:
Can't think of anyone.. The grass is always greener, so they say...
azzow2 replies on Dec 15, 2017:
The grasses is greenest over the septic tank.
An investor gives you "seed money" to start a business. What kind of business would you start?
azzow2 comments on Dec 14, 2017:
The Foundation for the collection of antimatter.
azzow2 replies on Dec 15, 2017:
Would not be the mass but the density that would pose a problem. Would need a containment field off planet.
With the new year approaching and a new year, new you attitude, what changes do you feel would ...
Funeralgirl comments on Dec 14, 2017:
I would love to see churches being taxed, and the fake church of Scientology too, that one for sure. I would like to see zoos and zooquariums closed forever, and people find other ways to entertain themselves and children other that using animals for entertainment. I could go on.... l
azzow2 replies on Dec 14, 2017:
Should include LDS after all that religion was invented in the state of Utah not all that long ago.
Does the thought of living forever almost terrify you when you really think about it?
azzow2 comments on Dec 12, 2017:
Eventually this planet is going to melt and you would be trapped in a pocket of space with nothing to do, you could not even swim to the next planet because there is no resistance to propel yourself.
azzow2 replies on Dec 12, 2017:
That and many other possibilities asteroid collision black hole swallowing the galaxy the magnetosphere intensifying or the reverse. Just a few examples.
What makes you leery about someone?
evestrat comments on Dec 6, 2017:
People who talk catty about others to me when they aren't around ... I'm pretty damn sure they are doing the same thing when I'm not around either ... especially if they are overtly friendly like how @silvereyes described .... awful combination I go along with what is termed the Dark Triad traits...
azzow2 replies on Dec 12, 2017:
I like the hackles up theory except as a parent my hackles are always on stand by. That is why I look for sensory indicators. To boot a little spider sense goes a long way.
Theological scholar explains horrifying reason Trump’s supporters celebrated Armageddon in ...
azzow2 comments on Dec 9, 2017:
What goes on behind closed doors we as the public only find out the true nature of the beast long after the milk is spilled. However a good theory is to make his mark in history just like every president does obomanitaion false claim was bin laden, Bush 911, Clinton nafta bosina impeachment sex ...
azzow2 replies on Dec 11, 2017:
Where should I start right out of the gate he was only the second president out of the gate to get mooned by the Veterans right off he wanted to take our health care away he wanted to make active military pay for their health care out of their own pockets. I was an E1 long ago as I remember the pay was not so good at that rank. Iran was sassing us left and right he just let them carry on with the nuke program. Then there was the creation of the big problem he pulled out of Iraq before an adequate defence could be established and no sooner did he pull the troops out the terrorist started their antics. How about the supply of guns and ammo supplied to the farmers (wink wink al qaeda) in Syria.the people were nerve gassed and he did next to nothing to help the people there. If you think that none of this is true I know a few special forces personnel that would disagree with you as well as some regular military that had seen first hand this stuff go on.
My kids kids like to go to bible studies and I let them because I am able to debunk the redric that ...
Sarahroo29 comments on Dec 10, 2017:
What does "redric" mean? I'm unfamiliar with that terminology.
azzow2 replies on Dec 11, 2017:
Write a lot poems and am trying my hand at a novel. When I write I try to proofread. Sometimes I just get in a rush and later go reread something, I think to myself WTF.
Where are all the good, tolerant, creative, funny, open-minded and available men?
azzow2 comments on Dec 10, 2017:
Went on a reflect journey in search of intelligent life.
azzow2 replies on Dec 10, 2017:
Well I keep trying to figure out how to infiltrate area 51 one of these years they might start tours through there if we get a rational leader.
My kids kids like to go to bible studies and I let them because I am able to debunk the redric that ...
Sarahroo29 comments on Dec 10, 2017:
What does "redric" mean? I'm unfamiliar with that terminology.
azzow2 replies on Dec 10, 2017:
Means I need an editor
Wanna hear something crazy?
Sarahroo29 comments on Dec 10, 2017:
I was raised a Christian. I celebrated my birthday. I stopped about 2 years ago. My remaining few friends don't get me anything or co-workers. Only my family members. 2 years ago, I was in a psychiatric hospital on my birthday. Last year, I worked. No one on FB told me Happy Birthday. I stopped ...
azzow2 replies on Dec 10, 2017:
I think people on Facebook are in la la land my self I can post a poem and almost never get a reply.
My kids kids like to go to bible studies and I let them because I am able to debunk the redric that ...
JackPedigo comments on Dec 10, 2017:
Hopefully, your kids won't be the target of hate from the teacher or the other kids. It happens all too often.
azzow2 replies on Dec 10, 2017:
We are in a very small town not many kids in the class. Teacher understanding of my position is also helpful.
These people throw a temper tantrum and walk out because they can not bend their mind around an ...
jeran0312 comments on Dec 10, 2017:
Taxed for protesting? No. It is incumbent upon us as Americans to be heard and protests are heard. We would not be the nation of free anything if we didnt.
azzow2 replies on Dec 10, 2017:
Nothing is free taxpayers have to pay. Thing that are destroyed during riots. They may be insured by the cities township parishes etc. Pay a premium so when the premiums goes up taxpayers foot the bill.
These people throw a temper tantrum and walk out because they can not bend their mind around an ...
ReadyforaChange comments on Dec 9, 2017:
You must be referring to the clan of Nazis parading around the country? Because if you are referring to those of us trying to save this country from the scourge of the assclowns running it presently, you're barking up the wrong tree dawg.
azzow2 replies on Dec 10, 2017:
What are you saving by protesting. People riot cause damage ruin businesses cause undo stress. There are much better ways to make to effect change. We have a much different world almost everyone has the power of research at their fingertips. Find root core causes. The government will fix a surface problem not the root of the problem.
These people throw a temper tantrum and walk out because they can not bend their mind around an ...
sassygirl3869 comments on Dec 9, 2017:
This is a freethinker site. We don't judge. What gives you that right? People have the right to protest. It's Facist and Nazi type tRUMP antics that you are talking about. Why are you so worried about law enforcement. Watch out for January 2oth tRUMP supporters.
azzow2 replies on Dec 10, 2017:
Not so much the law enforcement but property tax pays their salary. So the more of inane protest go on the more the government has to pay in overtime. Cause and effect.
These people throw a temper tantrum and walk out because they can not bend their mind around an ...
twshield comments on Dec 9, 2017:
This country has a long history of Protest. The boston tea party protesting british merchant ships, protest of vietnam war, protest of civil rights, etc. Isn't this an example of what democracy is?
azzow2 replies on Dec 10, 2017:
The Boston was a farce the real reason was to stop the taxes on molasses that was to make rum so they could stay inebriated. The protest on the Vietnam war caused certain groups to go to airports and beat up and disgraced soldiers coming home that were just doing their jobs. Civil rights incited several riots that caused unnecessary deaths.
This whole Roy Moore thing has struck a few nerves and my mind has been rolling over many ...
azzow2 comments on Dec 8, 2017:
If you get a chance look this guy up he was Darwin's assistant Syms Covington He coined the word agnostic.
azzow2 replies on Dec 8, 2017:
Had new question The word atheist was used to define non christians is there another word that defines a no belief system what so ever.
What is the main reason why you are not religious?
skado comments on Dec 7, 2017:
The main reason I don't believe in magic is because I have enough education to understand where that kind of thinking comes from, but that education also brings the knowledge that believing in magic is not a sufficient definition of religion. Religion is just whatever discipline people use to ...
azzow2 replies on Dec 7, 2017:
I agree with you. I have 6 year old twins they ask if magic is real. My response is to make something happen you have to plan think it through with patients and diligence. If you want to call it magic it happens. They ask is Santa real so as not to burst their innocence bubble. I say Santa is as real as you want to make him in your mind.
What makes you leery about someone?
azzow2 comments on Dec 6, 2017:
Body language. Someone to relaxed in a tense situation. Voice patterns if some is telling a story and it seem rehearsed usually means they practiced because they did not want mistakes hence in most cases, they do this to try and hide a lie. Repeating a story with out embellishing is a cue to being ...
azzow2 replies on Dec 6, 2017:
I do I am the exception not the rule.
I live in a small town in New Mexico was in the post office and they were talking about a billboard ...
BucketlistBob comments on Dec 6, 2017:
Radical behaviour... that's the way things happen. It took that one football player to get on his knees and look at it now.
azzow2 replies on Dec 6, 2017:
Took 9 to change our country on 911
I live in a small town in New Mexico was in the post office and they were talking about a billboard ...
Maya405 comments on Dec 5, 2017:
I like such bill boards, they are so rare.
azzow2 replies on Dec 6, 2017:
Just curious though is not proclaiming a stance in essence declaring an adherence to an idea hence a religion.
I live in a small town in New Mexico was in the post office and they were talking about a billboard ...
JohnGlass comments on Dec 6, 2017:
I disagree. I love that people of no religion let others know that there are others... many others like them out there.
azzow2 replies on Dec 6, 2017:
Was thinking of one of the most notorious atheist of all time da Vinci no records of his true ideas because he would have been killed however only in terms of appease authorities would be claim allegiance to the church.
I hear this hype about the zombie apocalypse are people really that dense?
CC_David comments on Dec 5, 2017:
Does anybody take that idea seriously? I thought it was just an imaginary game people like to play.
azzow2 replies on Dec 5, 2017:
Is interesting what people will think even the educated, lycanthropy is still in the medical journals.
If you could change one rule of your choice?
azzow2 comments on Nov 22, 2017:
No more control, burn all the money. Make everyone equal, teach real history, reveal all the mythology, tours of area 51. Well that is more than 1 but there so many I had throw some extras in.
azzow2 replies on Nov 22, 2017:
Well look how the world carries on with it, murder over it, war over it starve because they didn't have any of it. Repress technology because of it. I don't have an answer just hyphthical.
If you could change one rule of your choice?
silvereyes comments on Nov 22, 2017:
I would change the rule that says you're going to Hell if you worship other Gods or hold other beliefs. That alone would help soften the grip of the religion itself.
azzow2 replies on Nov 22, 2017:
This is some tough info to prove Ben Franklin argued with the senate that it was immoral to worship one deity. In the end of course he lost.


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Agnostic, Atheist, Skeptic, Freethinker, Spiritual
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