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Anybody not being able to click on comments?
azzow2 comments on Jan 8, 2018:
Different levels get more privileges could explain.
So.. Ummmm... If you don’t mind my asking, what are your names?
azzow2 comments on Jan 8, 2018:
Darwin Day in Austin
azzow2 comments on Jan 8, 2018:
What a refresh a non religious holiday.
azzow2 comments on Jan 8, 2018:
Think I was in second grade about 7 years old.
What are your thoughts on the CDCs wanting to get everone prepared for nuclear war?
azzow2 comments on Jan 8, 2018:
Did we revert to the 1950's ? In the event of such a conflict the only safe place to be is in Australia the trade winds theory. Figure it the conflict is with Russia figure about 2 warheads per state if China figure 2 warheads per city if you do not get evaporated on impact figure a week with the worst symptoms in agony until you die. There is no preparing there is no known way to cure radiation sickness.
DId you guys hear about Internet prIce Increases ?
azzow2 comments on Jan 8, 2018:
I have Amazon prime and Netflix both are great Epically Amazon because when you order stuff the cost of the shipping is included in the price with Amazon prime. They both have incredible movie and tv show libraries to choose from.
Do you trust easily or do you trust no one?
azzow2 comments on Jan 7, 2018:
Fool me once shame on you,Fool me twice shame on me.
School of Life
azzow2 comments on Jan 7, 2018:
I would be the fundamentals of common sense.
azzow2 comments on Jan 7, 2018:
Brains or chassis? Biometric or electric? Colossal or nano? I don't do it myself but do know some that do. My favorite is the nanobot from Star Trek for medical issues coming to fruition.
What do you think of Wicca?
azzow2 comments on Jan 7, 2018:
Just like any other religion delusions and fantasy.
If you could travel anywhere for free right now where would you go?
azzow2 comments on Jan 7, 2018:
If you are talking about earthly destination I pick Australia. No limits on space travel as far away from the greed on this planet as I could get.
How do you motivate yourself?
azzow2 comments on Jan 7, 2018:
I have a lot of pain. I have taught myself to ignore it, on occasion it is beyond belief. Very good friend of mine taught me a kind of meditation he had learned from his tour in Vietnam. It goes kind of like this you have to put your mind besides yourself. So in essence use your imagination and create a distraction in your mind. This is what I must do on a daily basis or nothing would ever get done.
Should churches pay taxes? Ask Pat Robertson.
azzow2 comments on Jan 7, 2018:
In some respects the better churches from what I gather put out just as much as they collect with food banks clothing donations buss passes and counselling etc.
A lot of the religious people look down on atheist people and consider them to be immoral.
azzow2 comments on Jan 7, 2018:
Don't worry all daughters and nonbelievers look down on religious fanatics like are you for real and hope for them to get a clue. Sorry for the lingo did hang out in California for too many years.
I think that almost anyone who has logic and can think freely will end up as an ‘A.’
azzow2 comments on Jan 7, 2018:
The demigod of all the gods what is that deity splicling?
azzow2 comments on Jan 7, 2018:
The majority of the population wants to live in lala land this is why reality tv is a hit. They can not accept the real a fantasy is more believable to many people. I often joke to my youngest brother that I am going to start a new religion just think of the amount of money you could collect on that. Call it the Raising of the Dragon makeup a ton of false statements brainwash a few government officials and wa la the birth of a new faith.
New research on plant intelligence may forever change how you think about plants | Public Radio ...
azzow2 comments on Jan 7, 2018:
That is interesting. My kids wanted to know if plants pooped oddly enough they do.
Why are some atheists angry?
azzow2 comments on Jan 7, 2018:
I do not feel angry, the religious might be angry with us because we accept what is real provable and coherent.
I am guessing the educational level in this group is higher than average. True or not?
azzow2 comments on Jan 7, 2018:
I have a degree from the school of hard knocks and a masters in tom foolery my doctorate is in sarcasm.
Imagine you could say "take me to Hell" into your GPS. Where on the map would it lead you?
azzow2 comments on Jan 7, 2018:
That is in Michigan well hell's kitchen anyway. Think that some place that stays cold would be misery for me. I can tolerate heat in fact I thrive in the heat, most people I know would rather be cold than hot. May be I am unusual .
A god is just an idea held by similarly-minded people, and, as such, can be fashioned to meet ...
azzow2 comments on Jan 7, 2018:
I had seen a documentary on the god helmet, interesting the poison people spew out of their mouth when low amperage electricity is volted through their skull and into their brain. My best guess at that one was a large amount of dopamine would be released causing ergot like results.
I wish the people on this site would stop being so political.
azzow2 comments on Jan 7, 2018:
Politics is an ancient Greek philosophy unfortunate in today's society it is more like a B rated soap opera, lost all the intellect it was once meant to reflect. I agree with your post.
Food—what’s your story?
azzow2 comments on Jan 7, 2018:
I can bake very well I once made a cheese took it to work the guys kept asking where I bought it one of the guys that was a friend, never tell them you made it. I just simply used Fanny Farners recipe except I added a 1/2 cup of sugar to the crust and added 2 tablespoons of triple sec. I can also cook have made Julia Childs expert class dishes Beef Bourguignon made it so good my family was licking out the pan. My 6 year old twins won't eat my fancy cooking so I have to resort to PB & J's, noodles, sometimes homemade tater tots. I make a very tasty beef stroganoff no recipe just do it out of my head my daughter will eat that.
What are your predictions for the next ten to twenty years?
azzow2 comments on Jan 7, 2018:
A major increase in law enforcement jobs because crime is going to elevate. With companies being forced to go green the jobs are going to be fewer companies will fold or move. The guy out there in the ozarks that exploited the bacteria that can replace petroleum becoming a billionaire. Holographic tv projections are on their way to the general public your doctor will be able to visit you in your home. Would like a cursor lock on computers to help prevent cyber theft. Stem Cell research, exploited so people with medical problems and missing appendages and organs replaced. 3D printers becoming more advanced so you can order thing and they are constructed before you eyes.
Who do you listen to that makes sense?
azzow2 comments on Jan 7, 2018:
My animals, if my problem is so big that I need advice I put the problem in a preverbale nut shell and ponder how the animals would deal with it. Basically I am troubleshooting. When I do this I come to the understanding how the Asian watched the animals to create the different martial art disciplines.
azzow2 comments on Jan 7, 2018:
From what I have heard the increase in veganism and vegetarians is that. The life of more animals is taken because the farmers need to protect their crops against pest rats squirrels raccoons skunks birds etc. There is also fundamental reasons to eat some sort of protein. We have rather large brains our brains need nourishment in the form of protein, neglect from nourishment the brain begins to break down.
Since joining this site, I've seen an excessive amount of posts referencing choice in the held ...
azzow2 comments on Jan 7, 2018:
Cognitive thinking is one of the only places you can exist without outside influences. In your head you can compile whatever you like however those thought have protocols that certain influences and experiences dictate.
azzow2 comments on Jan 7, 2018:
In physiology one of the fundamental things you learn, is to tell a lie is to be creative those that tell the best lies are most intelligent. Lying is also a paramount to survival(example you acquired some wealth as an artifact or treasure. You would not want that known because ultimately, someone would potentiality want to take it from you endangering the welfare of yourself and family.) So you would lie as self preservation. I believe lying is a innate survival tool.
Lapidary thread! Though I've been collecting rocks for a couple decades, I've only been cutting ...
azzow2 comments on Jan 7, 2018:
I have tons of petrified wood on my property thought of doing something like that. Also have a few that I question if they are meteorites have not yet figured what to do with them as to cash in on them, without getting short changed.
What would you like most in a partner?
azzow2 comments on Jan 7, 2018:
Common sense.
Is capitalism just a pathological form of hunter gathering?
azzow2 comments on Jan 7, 2018:
Politics the Greeks elaborated on this philosophy. It is more complex than just a form of survival it is a form of control. Without control complex societies could not exist. The unfortunate effect is that certain groups of people feel a need to control the tools that perpetuate a thriving society (money) again a control factor. The only way to escape the protocols of capitalism or socialism communism is to go live in an island far away from influence.
What do you have or does it got you?
azzow2 comments on Jan 7, 2018:
Our bodies resonates at 528 hertz that might be the undulation you are referring to. The composition of our bodies are dictated by our environment atmosphere and gravity. We chose to measure time most never put together that time is a man created equation, time is measured to us as a gravitational measurement. In other words our time measurement is an earthbound quantity. In space time takes a totally different meaning on larger planets time would be longer on smaller time would be less. As for unending existence we know that even the stars have a exposition and can only burn for a relative short time relating to the age of the universe, there is that pesky time reference again (age) The people that have a different grasp on time are the Hopi indians. Their concept is interesting, difficult to understand when you first learn about it.
Just a little introduction I didn't want to use as my bio: While I was raised in a Christian ...
azzow2 comments on Jan 7, 2018:
I too was forced to attend catholic school. In 2ed grade I could no longer take the falsities that the nuns and priest were forcing. I and my younger brother insisted to my mom that the school was not for us.It took some convincing (mom was raised catholic and she thought that that we need that type of instruction) after several months of complaints my mom took us out and put us in public school.
OK... first post. Don't know what to say... Just talking haha Hi?
azzow2 comments on Jan 7, 2018:
Salutation, you have now entered the layer of realism.
What are your thoughts on Hypnosis?
azzow2 comments on Jan 7, 2018:
You can only be if you are willing go I was told. The weak of mind are easily hypnotized. Brainwashing is different even in some cases intelligent people circum to that.
Do have friends to keep you entertained, or do you entertain yourself?
azzow2 comments on Jan 7, 2018:
I am extroverted however I never need someone to entertain me. Most people are a boar I find myself analyzing them more than conversing. On the very rare occasions that I met someone with a IQ higher than 90 that I can have an in-depth conversation with .
Can you all deal with an atheist Nichiren Buddhist?
azzow2 comments on Jan 6, 2018:
Did not think there was a prerequisite just enjoy join in read.
Sexual relationship or relationship with sex?
azzow2 comments on Jan 6, 2018:
Just depends on how people connect. Some people can really draw interest and give the connection of captivate inquisition where some others are superficial and can only relate on a sexual level.
One advantage of getting older is I get less self conscious of sounding stupid.
azzow2 comments on Jan 6, 2018:
The moon is closer much much smaller and rotates around the earth.
Kids sometimes
azzow2 comments on Jan 6, 2018:
Think it is for joint custody people.
I watched this program about a 6 year old girl got sucked up into a tornado and was found 210 yards ...
azzow2 comments on Jan 6, 2018:
It is a sad state that force feeding the misleading nonsense is a fact in many homes.
Fun article on onions and why they burn your eyes.
azzow2 comments on Jan 6, 2018:
They can burn it you light them on fire too, especially if they have ethanol on them. Chewing gum while slicing onions can help. Remember to use the entire onion and not to fridge it because bacteria will infest in it in 1 day.
Do you think that some people just pretend to be non believers to "rebel" against parents, ...
azzow2 comments on Jan 6, 2018:
Can't say that it is hype, some people are what would be refered to as belongers the have a need to be included, So no matter what is going on they join the hot topic and in most cases have not thought about their choice and have no idea how to back the choice up with well chosen words.
Are people really this dumb?
azzow2 comments on Jan 5, 2018:
The news and news paper are geared a a 6th grade level which is the vast amount of the public. This is why these scammers call pretending to be law enforcement or IRS even charity and grants even the make bla bla so much money a week thing. The scammers make a lot of money because the public is easily fooled.
Bible reality t.v
azzow2 comments on Jan 4, 2018:
They could get a harikrishna host. Give it a title like Fire and Brimstone. Would be a good place for an add about those shoes that you can walk on water with. A snake eating an apple could be the logo. Get t-shirts and cut holes in them and sell them in the gift shop as holly t-shirts.
Anyone ever get the feeling you're going to be forever alone?
azzow2 comments on Jan 4, 2018:
My thing is I know how to be alone, nothing says I have to like it. I often think that I might be a tad complexed to have that enigma of lifelong love or the simulation of such ever come together.
I just had blood work done.
azzow2 comments on Jan 4, 2018:
I would have said who.
Hello all, I was chatting with my 12 year old son on the way to GameStop today about reincarnation.
azzow2 comments on Jan 3, 2018:
Does he like science?
Are you the same person you used to be? Is personality static or changing?
azzow2 comments on Jan 2, 2018:
The only thing that fits me is evolved. I have taken every negative or positive influence that I have experienced or was involved with someone who went through a traumatic change. I have broken bits of the ideas off, incorporate each event to try and improving others thought processes. As any evolving being would do is adjust to the circumstances, and adjust for the margin of errors.
Where would you fall on the line of agnosticism?
azzow2 comments on Jan 2, 2018:
Thinking old school atheist was terminology that described anyone that was not christian. So at one point Hinduism Muslims, Jews and polytheism etc were all considered atheist. The word agnostic was termed nobelief or doubt everything that is not explained through science and common sence. So without a flicker of thought the existence of a deity disintegrates at the inception of the thought.
How does your mind deal with the concept of “nothing.
azzow2 comments on Jan 2, 2018:
It might be a lot like the event horizon as described by Steven Hawking's Theory on the energy around black holes the energy basically becomes densified and repurposed. Then there are the other unexplored dimensional influences, we are unable to explore in our current carbon form.
Does anyone have thoughts on the relationship between free choice/thought and predetermined "plans" ...
azzow2 comments on Jan 2, 2018:
Astrology the stuff you read in the newspaper and print is all premeditation they present an idea around some obscure fact then you read it and you try and antique the situation. I just do it for fun, some live by the sword of predetermined fate. Free Will is much harder to determine because there is always a driving factor behind a preparation most cases it is greed but not always some do thing based on an emotional goal. To feel elated or looking for forgiveness in a past miss deed. Nothing is entirely untangled most people do the emotional response on a subliminal level. You can give a dollar to a homeless person and hope they buy food with it, in the back of your mind you might be contiplating if they are going to use that money for a intoxicating substance. You reward your food server with a tip this is because they helped you have a pleasant meal again an emotional response. I woul state if I had no choice that freewill is a precipitation to cirmstance.
Give your thoughts on feature priorities for 2018!
azzow2 comments on Jan 2, 2018:
Emoji improvement. If an author is quoted a link to the authors bio would be interesting.
Do many find themselves pondering the simplification of our complex society?
azzow2 comments on Jan 2, 2018:
It not complex give the public a beer a spots event some absurd reason to be angry they will have a fist fight in the parking lot, then they will all be friends.
The admistration has twice denied a reply I made on the website.
azzow2 comments on Jan 2, 2018:
Just break out the thesaurus change a few pronouns reconfigure the text then create an idea that only you can understand then when people comment on it just explain your frustration with the complexity of the opaqueing.
Global warming
azzow2 comments on Jan 2, 2018:
What is the expansion and contraction of the earth elliptical path called again. I believe that global thermal change is a naturally occurring pattern that has been going on millions and millions of years. The dinosaurs would have been the biggest offenders spewing methane into the atmosphere for millions of years. The pisants with myopic agendas can sell the public misleading topics to help support agenda in most cases being more ludicrous than used car salespeople are selling a reliable car/truck. Next they will actually try and convince people Al Gore invented the internet ROFLMAO
How do you feel about Emojis?
azzow2 comments on Jan 2, 2018:
They need one for throwing someone off a clif/building driving a car into a wall and squid ink one.
What makes you break out your soapbox?
azzow2 comments on Jan 1, 2018:
Unfortunately the people that wrote the constitution intended to separate church and state, over the years religion siding gets votes so the political entities started incorporating religious ideas in the doctrines. If you read careful back in history people like Ben Franklin did not want one god idea he thought many gods would be better to avoid the prejudice issues (example my religion is better than your bickering) Not exactly certain why they did not listen to Ben Franklin they could have saved many miss doing in our history if the congress would have listened back then. How many senseless deaths could have been avoided?
What would you do in the event of a zombie apocalypse?
azzow2 comments on Jan 1, 2018:
My reaction would be with my finger pointing they do exist then break out with laughter because the chance of something so absurd occuring would be humorous watching the twitching because even if they could stand up, they would like a bowl of jello and to move they would need major assistance.
What is the furthest away you've met someone online and then met in real life?
azzow2 comments on Jan 1, 2018:
So far all the potentials that I have ever met online are fake grifters and scammers. So I can't rightly answer accurately. Had seen you are in Pennsylvania I had lived there at several points in my life in Eire, Monroeville last place was near Allentown left in 2003 had Worked at Stroh's brewery till it closed in 2001.
Living single? Loneliness or freedom?
azzow2 comments on Jan 1, 2018:
The stimulation of sensory input is missing. The bumpy ride of emotion is not missed. The sharing of memories is missed. Levity is missed. Complaining is not missed.
First thing you did this morning? January 1st
azzow2 comments on Jan 1, 2018:
Checked to make sure the Mayans did not miss predict the end of time.
How do you feel this January first morning?
azzow2 comments on Jan 1, 2018:
lucid well I feel that way every morning.
I admit that I think an awful lot about future family life.
azzow2 comments on Jan 1, 2018:
I have determined that that kind of woman is at the farthest reaches of the planet and the chance that we might met is so unlikely that, I would have a better chance winning the mega and powerball lotteries jackpot consecutively ever drawing for an entire year.
Would you ever engage in a polyamorous relationship?
azzow2 comments on Jan 1, 2018:
The risk of contracting a std or genital wart are high enough why compound the risk? The other factor is jealousness of you attention will ultimately create tension.
I wish you what your heart desires (as long as it does no harm to any beings).
azzow2 comments on Dec 31, 2017:
Time what a relative concept. May your journey be enlightening traveling through time on revolution at a time. Nanu Nanu.
Happy New Year everyone! Stay safe out there! :)
azzow2 comments on Dec 31, 2017:
Live long and prosper! Live in the moment and celebrate the coming year.
I am an aspiring Sci-fi novelist.
azzow2 comments on Dec 31, 2017:
I am a poet as well as an aspiring writer. I have started 2 novels and it is a difficult task. To boot I have at least 3 more premises to start collageing on. If I could figure out how to talk the words into a recorder the process would be faster. I find my best thoughts come out when I am typing or at the end of the day laying down. Thought about using a ghostwriter that would work for quick capital but the writing loses something in translation.
Can you recommend a new hobby to me?
azzow2 comments on Dec 31, 2017:
Macrame, Orogimi, Tough one Philosophy, crossbow target practice, cellphone repair, locksmithing, invent something that takes lots of time and if it is successful you get return on your effort.
Did you ever dream about something and it came to fruition?
azzow2 comments on Dec 31, 2017:
Many many times.
Should the U.S. government remove all references to god on monuments, buildings, and money?
azzow2 comments on Dec 31, 2017:
Think to remove the word would be inane too many sheep would be lost with out control. Not as if I agree that facilities should represent ideas. However if church sports and other distractions did not give simple kinds things to do the Earth might be even more populated than it is.
What are your thoughts about euthanasia?
azzow2 comments on Dec 29, 2017:
Something to think about if an animal is in extreme agony if it is old or if it is mad with disease take it to the vet inject it with a lethal dose of phenobarbital put it to sleep, this is considered a humane thing to do. If a human is suffering keep them alive as long as possible to prolong the agony they have to endure.
If you were given the chance, would you want to be famous?
azzow2 comments on Dec 29, 2017:
There is a lot of truth in being the puppet master when the puppet string breaks the mistake is forgiven because of animity. The people with their faces plastered on a tabloid because they made a mistake of presumed mistake, are shamed for it all across the world. Might be famous but go down in history known for making had choices.
What would it be like to be married to you?
azzow2 comments on Dec 28, 2017:
This is tough for me to answer because my mind is a sort of organized chaos I can compartmentalize and at the same time I am being indifferent I can have compassion. Brain never shuts down. I can s take something that is seemingly simple and show how it is more complex than you relize. I am highly alert to settle changes (that theory about hidden in plain sight almost never works on me) if I finish one project be certain several more I have started to unravel. If you can not stimulate me On an intellectual level most likely I will find a way for you to give your self a reason to escape.
Do you believe that we have souls? If so, can you answer why?
azzow2 comments on Dec 27, 2017:
Are you talking about the missing 21 grams from a dead body? Never was quite sure if that measurement was accurate. It could have unexplained physics like when a room is dark the air in it is more dense. Or what you see is not light but the refraction of an object the light bounces off. You never see light only refraction. If you never see light how can it have a speed? Just like time if it is not measured does it actually exist? Energy has a weight just to weigh it is absurd. So 21 grams could just be the half life of the last drop of energy has changed into some other form. Just a perception in realy.
So, I haven't been on here very long, but have seen some interesting posts.
azzow2 comments on Dec 26, 2017:
If I had a nickel for every conversion that I have had with people n 3D that they had almost no idea what I was talking about the, pile would be a mountain. Can't say I can relate to the driven situation, indifferent seems to be my status on most subjects. Passionate about my twins they are the mystery that helps me thrive.
If you could anyone, alive or departed, and why?
azzow2 comments on Dec 25, 2017:
Confucius just thinking of the twist I could make on those proverbs .
What's your most unpopular belief?
azzow2 comments on Dec 25, 2017:
Closure solves emotional turmoil.
What’s something you know you do differently than most people?
azzow2 comments on Dec 24, 2017:
I am an agnostic, but I'm also psychic at times. Does anyone else feel the same way?
azzow2 comments on Dec 24, 2017:
Would not go as far as to say I have esp. I do collect a lot of details from a given situation and can pull out the ones that are not obvious and elaborate on a senior to develop a seeming mysterious encounter. Some of my friend would claim it is something else unexplained. I am too logical to claim for any other explanation.
Anyone else out there disabled?
azzow2 comments on Dec 24, 2017:
Back L5 S1 replaced Disc disease and arthritis in my back sometimes so bad my legs go numb am in constant pain. Never use painkillers other than alive. Some days are better than others.
In your opinion, what is the most fascinating thing happening in the world of science right now?
azzow2 comments on Dec 22, 2017:
They are tracking of trying to anyway waves of energy that travels faster than light speed.
If you could ask 1 question to your future self, what would it be?
azzow2 comments on Dec 21, 2017:
What were the winning lottery numbers?
You are in a time machine.
azzow2 comments on Dec 20, 2017:
No doubt the future like at least 100,000 years.. My be by then most of man kind wil evolve.
Religion Is The Single Most Debilitating Thing With Which Mankind Has Burdened Itself.
azzow2 comments on Dec 20, 2017:
Greed those that control the masses acquires the most wealth. How better to control but by the exploitation of ignorance.
Hi everyone glad to be here
azzow2 comments on Dec 20, 2017:
The ecliptic personalities here is intriguing.
Can you define this phrase???
azzow2 comments on Dec 20, 2017:
Sounds like a skipper of a ship sinking into the whirlpool caused by the ship's decent to the bottom of a body of water.
I noticed that there are a lot of old people on this site and very few Millennials.
azzow2 comments on Dec 20, 2017:
Not exactly sure what age is from my perspective maturity outweigh age by megatons.
Do you support Trump?
azzow2 comments on Dec 20, 2017:
The president is not the real problem the Senate and House representative that have been in office for a very long time have made the same bad choices year after year. Limit the government officials to not buy or own oil futures, pharmacituials, or any thing that controls the economy.
9 Deadly words used by a women
azzow2 comments on Dec 20, 2017:
I want to know what the stateme "men" means?
I would love to know what is your "New Years Resolution"
azzow2 comments on Dec 20, 2017:
I have been single a long time in fact I have not been on a date in several years. My life has taken a drastic change for the better. I have 6 year old twins a boy and a girl. My daughter really needs a woman around. My efforts to find a suitable woman in my life is my resolution.
Is magic real?
azzow2 comments on Dec 20, 2017:
Here is what I tell my 6 year old twin when they ask is magic real. To make magic happen requires thought common sence patients and time. Work to achieve a goal and when it is complete look back at the effort that it took. If you want to call it magic that could sum it up. In history Merlin the wizard was a real man his magic was just as I described he would use science and experience in ways that were not common so he was deemed a wizard.
Does happiness really come from within?
azzow2 comments on Dec 19, 2017:
In the form of endorphins or if your into pain in dopeamine.
How do you deal with Door-knockers?
azzow2 comments on Dec 19, 2017:
I had a friend he would see the Jehovah witness approaching his door, he answers the door in his underwear. Not sure this works for everyone. I would answer the door tell them about a few uncommonly known subjects. Like the earth and moon were equal in size until they collided and formed what we now call the earth and other unusual facts. They made it a point to walk on the other side of the street when they walked past my apartment .
Is it solipsistic in here? Or is it just me?
azzow2 comments on Dec 19, 2017:
Throw a coin in the well, remember that coin was to pay the toll to cross the bridge. Dive down the well to retrieve the coin now how to get out of the well.
The Drunken, Pagan History of Christmas
azzow2 comments on Dec 19, 2017:
This is food for thought Pagans were the people that worshiped Pan.
If You Could Create a Law=Legislation, What Would It Be?
azzow2 comments on Dec 19, 2017:
All schools mandated to have cameras on the exterior of the buildings with a crew that monitors them. An armed veteran firearm /taser on every campus.
Why do so many fall victim to irrational thinking?
azzow2 comments on Dec 19, 2017:
People try to shift ideas by using radical examples. The media reports a shooting making it seem over dramatic, there should be a regulation that makes them have to report the counterintuitive as well. Example Reports say agun man robbed the mini mart killed 5 people. The versa should be Because 100 shopkeepers had guns with permits there shops were not robbed.My point is if people won`t conform to the ideologue standards they tend to show extreme examples to make a point to grab the common person's attention.
Newbie here!
azzow2 comments on Dec 19, 2017:
Have not been on here that long either. Got to level 5 rather quickly, mostly because I am extroverted and enjoy interacting. I have not noticed much difference between devices. I use desktop phone and kindle all seem pretty much the same.
UFOs 'Are Real': Ex-Navy Pilot Describes Encounter With Tic-Tac-Shaped Extraterrestrial
azzow2 comments on Dec 19, 2017:
The secret arsenal of aircraft hidden from public eyes is always a possibility. There are weapons that are beyond belief, the patent office has them on record. The patents are viewable they redact the pertinent info. There is a rail gun that shoots a gigawatt of electric, engines that run on hydrogen that is separated from water. Once found a patent for something called a new cell battery used nuclear waste to make a battery last as long as 500 years. I have no doubt that what that pilot claims to have encountered is something made here on this planet.


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Agnostic, Atheist, Skeptic, Freethinker, Spiritual
Open to meeting women
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