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The plight of the Ignorant and Superstitious.
bbyrd009 comments on Dec 20, 2019:
"In reading through my Bible, I have noted that the people of New Testament times, believed that human beings were Gods..." *I said, "you are elohim...* and fwiw i drive a bus, and to your little child, i am def a "god" :) "and that human beings could return from the dead." just a suggestion, but as we are still talking about ppl dead for over 2k years here at the moment, have they not in a sense "returned from the dead" to us? in the um "spiritual" sense, iow? "My point is that in New Testament times, people were ignorant and superstitious and believed that people were Gods and that people could resurrect from the dead on the basis of very little evidence and lots of faith in the supernatural." until you Read with One Eye, surely
I am often told that god is unknowable.
bbyrd009 comments on Dec 20, 2019:
nice, imo. But see that i can say that i know *of* Yah, even though i cannot say (even according to Scripture) that i *know* Him. an obvious corollary would be that even a scientist would estimate that we are only aware of slightly less than 5% of what we know must exist; recently up from about 4% i guess?
I am bemused that people would talk so much about religion, mostly Christianity, on here.
bbyrd009 comments on Dec 20, 2019:
The Bible does not remain the perennial Best-seller bc religion, nor ignorance, bro
I’m confused about my beliefs on afterlife.
bbyrd009 comments on Dec 20, 2019:
Jesus said "*I came that you might have LIFE,*" not afterlife, yeh? So, some Scriptures to consider, that btw virtually all "Christians" hate, and will not even engage with if you Quote them: *No one has ever gone up to heaven... There is only One Immortal... You and your sons will be here with me* (The then-dead Samuel (accepted), through the Witch of Endor, to Saul (rejected), after coming up from *out of the earth*, and saying *who disturbs my rest*) so yeh, skip the "Death More Abundantly" crap, imo... find the Jesus Who had Two Middle Fingers turned all the way up at the man! :) "baptizing ppl in the Jordan" is of course *sedition* in a theocracy, yeh? and fwiw *Gehenna*--xlated to us (by scribes) as "hell"--is a place on *earth* "the best cure for Christianity is reading the Bible" SClemens
How many of you all are ex-fundamentalist Christians?
bbyrd009 comments on Dec 20, 2019:
reading the Bible for myself :)
How many here think of themselves as skeptical thinkers?
bbyrd009 comments on Dec 16, 2019:
fwiw Paul said to *test everything, and keep what is good,* and we are plainly told that believers *read Paul to their destruction* so, some Scriptures for you to Quote to religious types, who universally hate them :D *No Son of Man may die for another's sins... No one has ever gone up to heaven... There is only One Immortal* just for starters, and one i just recently discovered, !
Christian Youth Minister: We Need to Tell More Kids They’ll Be Tortured in Hell | Hemant Mehta | ...
bbyrd009 comments on Dec 9, 2019:
ha, i guess we need to tell more kids *if you dig a pit for others to fall into, you end up in it yourself* huh. Or maybe more retarded youth ministers, dunno. They tend to be pretty deaf though i guess
California nativity scene depicts Jesus, Mary and Joseph as caged family separated at border
bbyrd009 comments on Dec 9, 2019:
priceless, ty
God belief and religion are not synonymous.
bbyrd009 comments on Dec 9, 2019:
i guess atheism can be a religion too?
God belief and religion are not synonymous.
bbyrd009 comments on Dec 9, 2019:
word, bro. Yah surely hates religion as much as we do i bet
With reference to "god's plan" and why god would do (or not do) certain things, or allow (or not ...
bbyrd009 comments on Nov 21, 2019:
"The best cure for Christianity is reading the Bible." SClemens so dont get me wrong ok, i detest religious ppl almost as much as Yah does :) imo find the Jesus Who appropriated all of the Caesar's titles, "son of God, Messiah," etcetc, with two middle fingers turned alla way up at the man! Baptizing ppl in the Jordan in a theocracy is tantamount to sedition, right?
With reference to "god's plan" and why god would do (or not do) certain things, or allow (or not ...
bbyrd009 comments on Nov 21, 2019:
a couple thought questions, that you might relate to yours: why could a prepubescent teen declare "i hate you" to their parents, the only two ppl supporting them? Arent the decisions of the parents "logical?" Which of the Decalogue do you have issues following? I guess like at least 5 of these predate Moses, likely from Hammurabi's Code. So, it might be impossible for you/us to understand the logic in "all the pain and death that takes place" mostly bc of our unique perspective, which naturally suggests to us that things were better yesterday than they are today, despite the reality that life is better right now than it ever has been, by any measure you might care to use, , these are the good old days :) ps, "logic" rose about the same time "Jesus" did, more or less, right? Before that most everyone thought "naively," or in what we call the "eastern dialectic" now, hence why Orientals play baseball games to deliberate ties and whatnot i guess. ok peace
❤️You are holding a cup of coffee when someone comes along and bumps into you or shakes your ...
bbyrd009 comments on Nov 20, 2019:
"Whatever is inside the cup is what will spill out." nice
I just started going to meetings (12 step recovery) and the higher power thing is kinda jamming me ...
bbyrd009 comments on Oct 24, 2019:
You might give “rational recovery” a try, the drawback being that you don’t have a support group as with 12 step “recovery”
Imagine for a moment that the concept of god never existed, that no one had ever heard of such an ...
bbyrd009 comments on Aug 12, 2019:
"Imagine for a moment that the concept of god never existed" the problem imo is that this is not really cognizant of how our concept of gods and God formed; beliefs do not develop out of thin air, yeh? And fwiw God hates religion more than you do, the OT is a record of the failure of a theocracy, right? "Believers" are roundly condemned throughout the Bible as opposed to Doers who refused to acknowledge a king--Samaritans and other rebel types, iow--and refused to even walk the same side of the street as Priests and Levites if a fellow human was in need. So wisdom might be hidden from the wise after all?
The pointlessness of happy-clappy atheism - UnHerd
bbyrd009 comments on Aug 6, 2019:
good points. a nation is judged by how it treats its least fortunate
Mass shootings. Perhaps it's a societal issue like obesity and religion?
bbyrd009 comments on Aug 6, 2019:
"We need more understanding, and to realize we can not control each other" i guess this will seem apropos of nothing, but eating the fruit of the tree of knowledge...just doesnt work like that, yeh? bc...everybody knows. right? And our egos demand that the dumber we get, the more we profess to know. Ergo we--in an Empire in Decadence--are in this like calcified pinecone state of near drooling insistence that our views are the only valid ones, but at least we're better than Believers eh? lol as to your point, paraphrasing here, "the mass killings will continue until the guns are surrendered" i'm sure. What we dont know, and few will bother to find out, is whether serial killings are some new aberration or are historically correlated, but even as we already know the answer to that we also know that that will not matter, bc what is being reported does, yeh?
You Can't Prove That God Doesn't Exist - Debunked - YouTube
bbyrd009 comments on Jul 29, 2019:
i believe in God--with the caveat "what he said," iow "depends on one's def of God"--and i know for a fact that God does not "exist," ex·ist /iɡˈzist/ verb 1. have objective reality or being. "there existed no organization to cope with espionage" synonyms: live, be alive, be living, have life, breathe, draw breath; More 2. live, especially under adverse conditions. "only a minority of people exist on unemployment benefits alone" synonyms: survive, subsist, live, stay alive, support oneself, eke out a living, eke out an existence; More
God fearing
bbyrd009 comments on Jul 29, 2019:
might be pertinent to see that "wisdom is hidden from the wise" in the Bible, and black turns into white there real easy imo
God fearing
bbyrd009 comments on Jul 29, 2019:
wadr the fear of God is the *beginning* of wisdom, implying "not its end" imo. *there is no fear in love*
bbyrd009 comments on Jul 29, 2019:
and i think your final thought is basically spot on, even though God's "violence" really disappears imo when you go looking for it, i'll run with any Quote you pick for that tho.
bbyrd009 comments on Jul 29, 2019:
imo *who told you that you were naked?* is the beginning and end of God's "violence," and those who teach otherwise are Paul's "wolves," *I know the wolves will rush in as soon as I leave, not sparing the flock*
Talking with my daughter yesterday and she started asking questions about hell and if people do this...
bbyrd009 comments on Jul 28, 2019:
fwiw the hell your daughter fears is not in the Bible anyway--believe it or not--but was translated into It by our Angle/Saxon scribes from the Norse concept, which was the closest analogy they had. Gehenna is on earth, and Tartarus is a Greek god, and these were meant to be analogies anyway, not to be taken literally. Loved your answer tho!
I have a question for the people that are 100% certain that no gods exist. How are you THAT certain?
bbyrd009 comments on Jul 26, 2019:
you have found The Pearl, a very rare thing i guess *he who says he knows, does not* manna is *what is it?* and completely misinterpreted, almost always. *we're sick of this manna, give us some meat!* lol. Its all in There i guess, just in code
What does it mean when men say they are god-fearing men?
bbyrd009 comments on Jul 26, 2019:
it means they are hypocrites, even according to their own Book, yes. *wisdom is hidden from the wise* iow
Without struggle, there can be no satisfaction.
bbyrd009 comments on Jul 26, 2019:
dunno about the "without drama..." part there, hmm
'In God We Trust' Signs Go Up In South Dakota Public Schools, As Required By Law : NPR
bbyrd009 comments on Jul 26, 2019:
i found a great Q to ask proponents of these, "Who is 'we'?"
Mad at god or don't believe?
bbyrd009 comments on Jul 25, 2019:
I accept the likelyhood of a Creative Force that does not comport with our definition of "exist" nor tries to, and i am mostly over it now but i still get raving mad at God now and then
'BLAME' Is it ever useful?
bbyrd009 comments on Jul 23, 2019:
i think so, yup
Does anyone here worry or care about the ripples their actions make, or are you more of a boulder ...
bbyrd009 comments on Jul 17, 2019:
Religion is the most hideous invention in the history of Mankind.
bbyrd009 comments on Jul 16, 2019:
this is all in code in the Bible by the way, your ego thing up there and everything. "Nehushtan" must be "broken up"
Religion is the most hideous invention in the history of Mankind.
bbyrd009 comments on Jul 16, 2019:
I think it Hass to be understood that knowledge was a closely guarded secret back then. The bronze age collapse is largely about the dissemination of knowledge via an alphabet available to the common man, and the priests who made the bronze are just kind of a symbol of that
Was jesus entirely made up
bbyrd009 comments on Jul 13, 2019:
ah, who is "we?"
The cure for Christianity.
bbyrd009 comments on Jul 3, 2019:
Ah, imo he nailed it, "Nehushtan" is the cure for Christianity, yes. "No Son of Man may die for another's sins..." "No one has ever gone up to heaven..." "There is only One Immortal" Christians hate all those, see. "You and your sons will be here with me" So you, too, can Quote the Bible at Christians and send em screaming! Lol
Faith is given, not inborn you agree?
bbyrd009 comments on Jun 29, 2019:
Nice, and they will call it "faith" but it is really only "belief" i guess. Faith implies action?
Maybe I'm looking for the impossible.
bbyrd009 comments on Jun 29, 2019:
i didn't go near as far as you have, but I recall coming to the same conclusion, and google tells me we are not alone there. The Hidden Messages in Water might serve you, just read it myself. Consciousness seems to have a part to play in DNA formation, will be the assertion basically
You have left the camp now and in this you do well, a very hard thing.
bbyrd009 comments on Jun 28, 2019:
Ha embarrassed look might be a good way to put your position in the earth in an Empire in Decline, i mean. Do you want to die like your friends or do you want to die differently, and there is no judgement either way. Not meaning to be harsh, but experientially those are your options. You are allowed to die of some wasting disease if you like, certainly. What are you willing to die for, and why aren't you out doing it? :D
Name Something Christians say when they know they are losing an argument with an atheist.
bbyrd009 comments on Jun 28, 2019:
"When you're arguing with an idiot, make sure they aren't doing the same thing"
Christianity is a fraud religion since it is based on two events that never happened; a virgin birth...
bbyrd009 comments on Jun 28, 2019:
*many will be deceived* is not in there for nothing i guess, ya.
My husband says, google is his god, because it knows everything and always has an answer for his ...
bbyrd009 comments on Jun 28, 2019:
Mostly "I detest Christians" i guess?
God created nature or are we an evolution of bio organisms first?
bbyrd009 comments on Jun 27, 2019:
"My Personal alternatives solutions has been in superfoods and cannabis herb medicines that are ahead of the ridged game. I'm very cautious of Corperationism Government and the powers to be. I'll go by : you are what you think: Plus, Nature is always right. There is only one God that almost everyone worships daily and it's Nome is the Government, not mine. Nobody can lead my life, better than myself. When religious God's, politics all immerge into war, let assholes be assholes. Are you the king of your own domain?" All right out of the Bible :)
According to The Atlantic, there's but a few of us.
bbyrd009 comments on Jun 27, 2019:
I think maybe Christianity Inc. in America has prolly caused most of the disparity? Plus the definition of "God" is becoming more subjective in Europe i think, whereas Americans really haven't got over the old white guy with a beard yet?
As an Atheist who just turned 40 and is single I am now for the first time really grappling with my ...
bbyrd009 comments on Jun 27, 2019:
There is only One Immortal supposedly anyway, so imo you are in way better shape than most believers i guess? lol. An atheist might be uniquely positioned to break out of the bell curve and plant a spike in the earth, why not? We don't much get to choose how we live, but we do get to choose how we die huh.
God created nature or are we an evolution of bio organisms first?
bbyrd009 comments on Jun 27, 2019:
Preparing your whole life to meet God is Mithraism, not Christianity. God hates religion as much as you do I'm sure
Is Billy Mumy god?
bbyrd009 comments on Jun 27, 2019:
Imo that was surely their intent?
Christianity is a fraud religion since it is based on two events that never happened; a virgin birth...
bbyrd009 comments on Jun 27, 2019:
Well so you say, but wadr "the virgin will be with child" would have been understood to be a ref to the Athena wisdom school at the time, and ones "resurrection" is supposed to happen at baptism, but trust me Mithraist Christians are totally ignoring that too. Peace
bbyrd009 comments on May 23, 2019:
Overcome Christophobia yikes, due for a re-write thou, suggestions welcome
bbyrd009 comments on May 1, 2019:
It might, but I think we are called to judge ourselves so to speak in this way, we being basically extracted from Christian stock? Almost all professed Christians are really mithraists anyway; Death More Abundantly
Tried watching a good Friday BBC programme called The Easter Story but found it intensely irritating...
bbyrd009 comments on Apr 19, 2019:
*"...after he has destroyed all dominion, authority and power."* it's in Corinthians somewhere. Don't be letting the deceived ("believers") guide you in your reading imo, those guys in the Bible were all Anarchs on the run from the law ok
Jonathan Gottschall ('The storytelling animal) has pointed out that stories are our most powerful ...
bbyrd009 comments on Apr 4, 2019:
I'm guessing m de Waal just had an overweening desire to become an immortal, like most believers, and so prolly missed that Peter's warning about Paul was for him, "He writes the same way in all his letters, speaking in them of these matters. His letters contain some things that are hard to understand, which ignorant and unstable people distort, as they do the other Scriptures, to their own destruction." That being the same Paul who clearly stated "test everything, and keep what is true."
Scrap religion as a charitable purpose, says National Secular Society | Third Sector
bbyrd009 comments on Apr 4, 2019:
"Tax deductible" really speaks volumes I guess
"Moderns tend to assume that the ancients first began to develop their theologies in response to ...
bbyrd009 comments on Mar 28, 2019:
"Another folly of moderns is to think that the ancients were primitive, superstitious and all together not too clever. In stead, these people were precisely as intelligent as we are today, but their heads weren't filled with the vast library of distractions we treat ourselves to on a daily basis. Our knowledge and their knowledge do not relate like, say, a child's drawing versus the schematic of the space shuttle, but are of similar height and depth but with different focal points. They didn't have iron not because they didn't know how to work it, but simply because that's not what their society was going for. In other words: their men of wisdom had better things to do than figure out how to make steel, and where we today are great at making implements of destruction, they were great at things we know nearly nothing about. What's left of their legacy has for long been dubbed fables and mythology, but most recent times has seen an increasing urge of researchers to brave the truth: we are the stupid ones, not they..." ibid
Has anyone else noticed that Christians are sometimes the most amoral, hypocritical and ...
bbyrd009 comments on Mar 28, 2019:
"Christ I like; Christians, not so much" Gandhi, paraphrased
Gods come into being the same way luck or karma does; as a direct result of anthropomorphizing ...
bbyrd009 comments on Mar 28, 2019:
Nice imo :) The Bible specifically states that there are no "persons" involved, but believers don't wanna read that of course. Any four year old could describe a "spirit" perfectly fine I guess
Paula White: the pastor who helps Trump hear 'what God has to say' | US news | The Guardian
bbyrd009 comments on Mar 28, 2019:
The Bible deems anyone who puts themselves as mediator between you and God "antichrist" fwiw
I'm pretty far left I'm just against religion no matter which one...
bbyrd009 comments on Mar 28, 2019: "after He has *destroyed* all power and authority" Believers hate this one btw
What will cause the apocalypse?
bbyrd009 comments on Mar 28, 2019:
Imo none of the above, and literal Armageddon is as old as Ragnarok. We've been through prolly a couple near-extinctions already, and the world keeps turning I guess
Mom called me this morning at 5am (because fb said I had been online 11 minutes earlier) to debate ...
bbyrd009 comments on Mar 28, 2019:
I'm not sure how open she would be to "Jesus = lucifer" lol, even if it is maybe true in a sense ("...and I create evil;I the LORD do all these things") but some other Scripture might, "there is only One Immortal, no one has ever gone up to heaven," and then maybe you could hit her with the lucifer thing later lol
The world is a better place when humanity strikes out and refutes scientific ignorance, hatred, ...
bbyrd009 comments on Mar 28, 2019: you sound just like this guy!
The Physics and Philosophy of Time - with Carlo Rovelli - YouTube
bbyrd009 comments on Mar 24, 2019:
"The time machine is us" nice
Anyone else ever wonder what percentage of "religious" people are simply faking it to fit in?
bbyrd009 comments on Mar 24, 2019:
Ha ya I notice Xtians don't like getting into that "leave the camp" or "come out of her, my people" stuff very much lol
Was jesus entirely made up
bbyrd009 comments on Mar 24, 2019:
The Bible was written so as to "hide wisdom from the wise" it is said, so you might reflect on that for a bit. "Jesus of Nazareth" (actually Joshua, the most common name then) equates to "John Doe from Nowhere" when you learn to read dialectically, fwiw
Divine Right: Born to Rule.
bbyrd009 comments on Mar 24, 2019:
Congrats, Christ put it like "leave the world" but same diff I guess
Intuition is a constant.
bbyrd009 comments on Mar 2, 2019:
Cool reflections, ty. Fwiw I just finished a study on your "crossroads," although the lexicon is diff it might be of some use to someone,, and anyone in a hurry might start at "Fractals, fractals everywhere."
A nice windy day in Virginia.
bbyrd009 comments on Mar 1, 2019:
Ha so much for that "Lord" term, huh? Scribes :rolleyes *the rain falls on the evil and the good*
Intuition is a constant.
bbyrd009 comments on Mar 1, 2019:
*and the virgin* (obv ref to Athena) *will be with child*
Is universal cooperation possible?
bbyrd009 comments on Feb 23, 2019:
Why evolve the meanest monkey in the jungle and then expect it to change it's mind? It certainly seems counter-intuitive, huh? Excellent points in the op, ty
There's no HATE quite like Xtian LOVE!
bbyrd009 comments on Feb 21, 2019:
*if you dig a ditch for someone else, you end up in it yourself*
I dont use the expression-i dont believe in god, instead i say o reject the idea of a guy in the sky
bbyrd009 comments on Feb 21, 2019:
*Galileans, why do you keep looking up into the sky?*
My Christian Bapist friend is the worst at proving her God is good.
bbyrd009 comments on Feb 21, 2019:
Imo this is likely why *a man's enemies will be those of his own household*, bc friends do not speak the truth to each other. Ps, I wouldn't go telling her that "Eternal" doesn't mean forever, even in the Bible, either!
So . . . If it is the root of all evil . . . .
bbyrd009 comments on Feb 21, 2019:
Ha well it's "love of money" but why ruin a great meme imo :D 501. ( 6 ) c3. ( 6 ) 1023 ( 6 )
bbyrd009 comments on Feb 21, 2019:
501 ( 6 ) c3. ( 6 ) 1023 ( 6 )
Not complaining, nor campaigning for change, simply making an observation about this online meeting ...
bbyrd009 comments on Feb 21, 2019:
Hmm well I'm nominally a sort of "believer," but I guess mostly what William said :)
I was asked a question once upon a time and it had me thinking.
bbyrd009 comments on Feb 21, 2019:
Funny that those with Crohn's lack the necessary organisms in their gut that the rest of us have, in that vein
My all time favorite word is “enthusiasm.
bbyrd009 comments on Feb 21, 2019:
often described as losing the sense of self, but ya!
I was raised in a Mormon family and I currently attend a Unitarian Universalist.
bbyrd009 comments on Feb 21, 2019: for you then :)
I was raised in a Mormon family and I currently attend a Unitarian Universalist.
bbyrd009 comments on Feb 21, 2019:
You might recognize that even in Scripture God is acknowledged as Spirit, and only anthropomorphised for convenience, to make the necessary analogies. Iow there is no "He," iow no ego, no "persons" in God,hence *if you have seen Me, you have seen the Father*. And regardless of any Roman notions of "God in three persons" that will not withstand the Bible either, i can dig up the Quote if you like. Another good thought experiment is to recognize that *you* or for that matter anyone else can manifest whatever "spirit" you might choose, or even not choose, every time you walk into a room, hence why "*you are to become elohim*," and prolly even Jesus calling Himself "Son of Man." Also I guess "*Unknown God*" is a tacit admission, as well as all of the rhetoric @ the omnies. Now of course ppl who are determined to conflate Eternal with Immortal so that they can believe that they might become an immortal too (Mithraists, Cult of Sol Invictus, Christians, etc) are not really even prepared mentally for this discussion, they basically *need* God to be a person, need to imagine that they might be able to ask God some questions or etc someday, but as you seem to be free of that I can at least suggest that you consider "God" to be strictly a convenient appellation for the Creative Spirit, or the Good One, or whatever you're comfortable with there, and trust that there is no God such as most believers require, only the Bible authors knew better than to just say that right out I guess. Let the blind debate a Literal God imo
What is love
bbyrd009 comments on Feb 20, 2019:
love is an action, but often advertised as an emotion i guess
"How on earth can religious people believe in so much arbitrary, clearly invented balderdash?
bbyrd009 comments on Feb 20, 2019:
*"go outside the camp"* is in There for anyone who can stand it i guess :)
Is universal cooperation possible?
bbyrd009 comments on Feb 20, 2019:
Westerners are raised to reason logically, and employ the Hegelian dialectic--an implied winner and loser in any transaction--whereas Easterners use the Eastern or Naive dialectic. Fwiw the Bible can be read either way too, from either pov
In the Bible where Jesus says "He who is without sin the first stone" Two questions come to ...
bbyrd009 comments on Feb 20, 2019:
how might the answer to those make the point any clearer, do you think?
For those who had past experiences of believing in God or whatever you call it, who or what ...
bbyrd009 comments on Feb 20, 2019:
reading the Bible from the Eastern Dialectic, which you'll find does not disagree with you
How do you cope with the possibility of the lack of an afterlife?
bbyrd009 comments on Feb 20, 2019:
*"We do not yet know what we will become"*
Take all the time you want...
bbyrd009 comments on Feb 18, 2019:
they better grasped the meaning of "mythology" back then i guess
I saw this segment today on "CBS Sunday Morning" and I thought it was incredible.
bbyrd009 comments on Feb 10, 2019:
quiet contemplation, or quiet desperation
My wife had to bring the hummingbird feeder inside for an hour or so to partially thaw.
bbyrd009 comments on Feb 9, 2019:
by migrating, in the absence of food
Are they happier because they live in a goddamn dream world where fluffy happy clouds and rainbows ...
bbyrd009 comments on Feb 7, 2019:
if they seek Death More Abundantly rather than *Life, more abundantly,* like most professing "Christians," sure. But they did not get that from the Bible, trust me *He who seeks to save his life will lose it There is only One Immortal No one has ever gone up to heaven you and your sons will be here with me go, and do likewise* see? A sample of all the Bible vv that Christians hate :)
Just had a weird conversation with a co-worker.
bbyrd009 comments on Feb 7, 2019:
Atheism can be a religion too, ya
So many people say that being an atheist is like being in a religion so they feel okay believing in ...
bbyrd009 comments on Jan 31, 2019:
you might be surprised how much the Bible agrees with you here; there is even a parable that shows you as "accepted" in your pov, the parable of the Two Sons. Also, "blind faith" is not advanced in Scripture, as many would like to imagine, and i am not qualified but the Abarim have a good argument for the Scientific Method in Scripture,, you might understand this one better than i did too,
Zeus The Almighty.
bbyrd009 comments on Jan 31, 2019:
fwiw other gods are treated in the Bible, humans are to "be like gods," Zeus is in there too, *equated* with God, and (of course, in the literal sense) most Christians are actually Cult of Sol Invictus without realizing it, and seek immortality in Valhalla with Zeus, too, Jesus is their Hermes, etc. Wadr their "reality" was never in doubt, they are analogies or symbols of what has been observed, not meant to be taken literally, except by "the blind" or "the wise" etc
People are =/= to their religion I am most definitely an infidel in that I have no belief in any ...
bbyrd009 comments on Jan 30, 2019:
"i tell you that many will come from East and West and recline at table with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob in the kingdom" and there is no judgement for beliefs in the Bible that I am aware of
This is an interesting article on "Why do people believe in God" [psychologytoday.
bbyrd009 comments on Jan 30, 2019:
religion and politics, they go together i guess. Pretty sure God hates both
This is just some food for thought.
bbyrd009 comments on Jan 30, 2019:
imo it is happening right now, but i would suggest "supernatural" there over mythical, as we have a diff definition of "myth" now that does not honor the definition of "mythology," which was until very recently the only way humans had to pass truth to the next generation. The Bible is a mythology, and was not meant to be read literally except by "the wise, the blind" as It repeatedly points out
bbyrd009 comments on Jan 30, 2019:
"you can’t judge God by the actions of his people, right?" you can't possibly mis-label people based upon their declarations or professings, right jesus already
bbyrd009 comments on Jan 30, 2019:
"I had learned over time to reduce my expectations to almost nothing." so iow he still had expectations "But then again, Bible-believing Christians like me" who demonstrate that they have not read the Bible with one eye rather than two, as instructed, "According to the Bible, failing to approach these things with earnest expectation would have been a failure on our part: “Without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who seek Him.” —Hebrews 11:6" case in point "The Bible clearly instructed us to pray for certain things with an expectation that God would be faithful to fulfill those “promises” in one way or another." this man is an idiot, and I would refer one to the beginning of the article for the argument against this retarded pov "For example, we were told by both Jesus and James to pray for the sick so that they could be healed, but more often than not they weren’t." bc literal healing is being sought by those who actually seek a remediation of their symptoms and not a cessation of the causes which an actual "prayer" (wish) would provide, revealing their hypocrisy, see. You reap what you sow, and pray to God like santa claus lol, the exact thing you decry in the beginning of the article. You absolutely did expect God to make you happy, you fucking liar "Jesus himself prayed that his followers would remain preternaturally unified as a sign that what he claimed about himself was true, but the sad reality is that the church has splintered into tens of thousands of pieces." this is bc you have the same corrupted, whacko definition of "Church" that the children who go there have and not the real one, which trust me is doing just fine, you just don't know where it is! And if you ever cracked a Bible you would know that the Church is the people, not the building I could go on but I guess you get the point no offense meant to the author, he does make some good points for a Hegelian imo
How do we know? We don't but there certainly isn't evidence that dog does exist.
bbyrd009 comments on Jan 26, 2019:
lol, um...nevermind
Christian TV Host Rick Wiles Declares All Non-Christians Are Children Of Satan | Michael Stone
bbyrd009 comments on Jan 26, 2019:
if Mr Wiles had read his Bible he would have found *"I tell you that many will come from east and west and shall sit down with Abraham, and Isaac, and Jacob, in the kingdom of heaven"*
Daily Blasphemy: “If you ask me, Jesus owes us another crucifixion.
bbyrd009 comments on Jan 21, 2019:
Two Greeks came to worship Jesus, and He *hid from them.* So the Bible is very clear there imo. *No Son of Man may die for another's sins. There is only One Immortal. All go to the same place. You and your sons will be here with me* Yup, just checked, all still in There :)
This is about Women having the right to proper sane health care! Judge blocks Trump’s ...
bbyrd009 comments on Jan 21, 2019:
i know this prolly sounds harsh, but anyone who needs "health care" deserves exactly what they get imo
If Man Obeyed God - YouTube
bbyrd009 comments on Jan 21, 2019:


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