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Logical people are asking but the Babble believers don't want to answer....
VeronicaAnn comments on Dec 25, 2020:
I don’t get this... Why is there a debate on what Jesus looked like? How does ANYONE really truly know?
bbyrd009 replies on Dec 25, 2020:
"knowing" is "gnossis," huh. Be nice to have a real discussion on what *tree of knowledge* means...someday, i guess
Logical people are asking but the Babble believers don't want to answer....
aplaceintime comments on Dec 25, 2020:
given there was never any such person he can look like whatever your imagination can dream up.
bbyrd009 replies on Dec 25, 2020:
@St-Sinner fwiw "Jesus of Nazareth" is likely a handy rabbi-way of saying "John Doe, from Nowhere"
I’m an atheist who finds the study of religion fascinating.
xenoview comments on Dec 24, 2020:
Nothing fascinating about religion. It's all made up stories to give the holyman power to control people.
bbyrd009 replies on Dec 24, 2020:
"God is MEAN! If you don't believe in him, he KILLS you!" - my son, age 6, less than three minutes ...
Joanne comments on Dec 24, 2020:
And, the worst part is, he didn't even reveal himself to the people he was killing, yet he still killed them because they didn't worship him. Any decent, fair, god would reveal itself equally to all people, not just a few people making up a little tribe who occupied a little speck of land in the ...
bbyrd009 replies on Dec 24, 2020:
flood mythology exists in virtually every culture on the planet, and no offense but you could not be more wrong
"All of this massive cosmological churning and destruction (which is paralleled, by the way, on our ...
starwatcher-al comments on Dec 16, 2020:
If he-she is in control, and I use control loosely, then he-she is a sadistic bastard.
bbyrd009 replies on Dec 18, 2020:
@The-Krzyz well, i cant think of any reason why they should, if those dont speak to you, but i would say that there is a Legend in there that few are able to even read, that has nothing whatever to do with what we now call religion. Imo if you are sure that you get a Bible verse, you are almost surely wrong. *small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it* contrast with "When we all get to heaven" my point being that believers are the absolute last people one should be going to for Bible wisdom, and there are even verses to that effect, *the heir is under servants while he is a child, and no better than a slave, even though he is the lord of it all* etc
"All of this massive cosmological churning and destruction (which is paralleled, by the way, on our ...
bbyrd009 comments on Dec 17, 2020:
"mass destruction, pitiless extermination, annihilation going on all the time" i mean, seriously? Please give us a brief description of all of the destruction, extermination, and/or annihilation you have personally experienced, if you would? Hopefully you sorta see a point there; that your ...
bbyrd009 replies on Dec 17, 2020:
@jeshuey i mean srsly something like our present pop, 7 billion ppl, have all died, most of them quite horribly! Oh, the humanity! Whatever will we do! lol
"All of this massive cosmological churning and destruction (which is paralleled, by the way, on our ...
bbyrd009 comments on Dec 17, 2020:
"mass destruction, pitiless extermination, annihilation going on all the time" i mean, seriously? Please give us a brief description of all of the destruction, extermination, and/or annihilation you have personally experienced, if you would? Hopefully you sorta see a point there; that your ...
bbyrd009 replies on Dec 17, 2020:
@jeshuey wadr that would be missing the point though, even if it might be entirely true, as i guess is now being debated. Is there even such a thing as "objective reality?" idk
"All of this massive cosmological churning and destruction (which is paralleled, by the way, on our ...
starwatcher-al comments on Dec 16, 2020:
If he-she is in control, and I use control loosely, then he-she is a sadistic bastard.
bbyrd009 replies on Dec 17, 2020:
"then he/she *is*..." the quintessential gnostic declaration eh
"All of this massive cosmological churning and destruction (which is paralleled, by the way, on our ...
jlynn37 comments on Dec 16, 2020:
There is no evidence of a "plan" of any sort. It is random selection by the evolutionary process in nature. Nature does not know nor care what happens in the evolutionary process.
bbyrd009 replies on Dec 17, 2020:
you know manna is called *what is it?* right
"All of this massive cosmological churning and destruction (which is paralleled, by the way, on our ...
bbyrd009 comments on Dec 16, 2020:
this is maybe a little hard to accept (but we do have metrics for it), that being that the world has never been better than it is right now, by any metric you might care to name. If you were to describe your current life to someone from even 100 years ago they would likely suspect you were lying ...
bbyrd009 replies on Dec 17, 2020:
@jeshuey covid, as a threat? hmm. aren't viruses a good thing, remove weak genes from the pool, etc? Why am i not feeling threatened, when i guess everyone else is? i guess im insane or something lol
"All of this massive cosmological churning and destruction (which is paralleled, by the way, on our ...
starwatcher-al comments on Dec 16, 2020:
If he-she is in control, and I use control loosely, then he-she is a sadistic bastard.
bbyrd009 replies on Dec 17, 2020:
anyway, i love how ppl who dont believe a Creator exists, and cannot point to any Creator engendered "sadisms," can simultaneously be so adamantly angry. We seek scapegoats, basically, over self-examination. So i would accuse yall of making god in your own image too, just a diff image, no offense
"All of this massive cosmological churning and destruction (which is paralleled, by the way, on our ...
starwatcher-al comments on Dec 16, 2020:
If he-she is in control, and I use control loosely, then he-she is a sadistic bastard.
bbyrd009 replies on Dec 17, 2020:
@The-Krzyz ah well ppl say all kinda stuff huh? But i submit that that is not Yah anyway, as the Bible plainly delineates, *...and I create evil; I, YHWH, do all these things* so prolly more like Pax or some other god, one of the Catholic ones i guess? The Bible pretty plainly outlines how the religious are the deceived ones, btw
"All of this massive cosmological churning and destruction (which is paralleled, by the way, on our ...
starwatcher-al comments on Dec 16, 2020:
If he-she is in control, and I use control loosely, then he-she is a sadistic bastard.
bbyrd009 replies on Dec 17, 2020:
@starwatcher-al hmm, wouldnt that be "creator?" And "mythology" to me is where all of our truth was stored until just very recently, so the definition has changed i guess like they all do anyway, indeed, why? Yet i repeatedly encounter this emotion around "atheists," anger at a Creator they dont believe exists? Which hey im pissed at Yah too lol, dont get me wrong; but bc gnossis, or iow a faulty perspective based upon some "knowledge" or other
"All of this massive cosmological churning and destruction (which is paralleled, by the way, on our ...
bbyrd009 comments on Dec 16, 2020:
this is maybe a little hard to accept (but we do have metrics for it), that being that the world has never been better than it is right now, by any metric you might care to name. If you were to describe your current life to someone from even 100 years ago they would likely suspect you were lying ...
bbyrd009 replies on Dec 17, 2020:
@The-Krzyz my reply to that would be that pretty much any metric you could formulate can be quantified. I used to refer to for these, but they seem to have recently gone religious, so im a bit at sea there at the moment, but the metrics i recall were pretty much consensus-based, or so it seemed to me? Anyway, to avoid bias, you could identify your metric beforehand, and then go look for data on it. The ones that spring to mind were like violent crime, famine, standard of living (hmm) but like that. my main takeaway was that subjective experience does not = objective experience, but id like to point out here that believers are all pretty much universally moaning about life here/now, waiting for Jesus to take them away, etc, and the pov strikes me, Gnostic, at the very least? i mean you gotta admit "massive cosmological churning and destruction" is pretty subjective too eh? Completely gnossis; based upon facts that we have discovered, and not real-world daily experience?
"All of this massive cosmological churning and destruction (which is paralleled, by the way, on our ...
snytiger6 comments on Dec 16, 2020:
That's why I tell peple that if there were a god, he woldn't be worthy of worshiping.
bbyrd009 replies on Dec 16, 2020:
then please note how all of Yah's "worshippers" were basically annihilated in the NT lol, and understand what you are telling ppl, if you will
"All of this massive cosmological churning and destruction (which is paralleled, by the way, on our ...
Fernapple comments on Dec 16, 2020:
Yes it could be the plan of a creator god, at least one which is not all caring and has no interest in suffering. But it is hard to see it as the plan of an all caring, Abrahamic god of human morality.
bbyrd009 replies on Dec 16, 2020:
suffering is a central theme in Buddhism too i guess; why do we suffer, iyo? I watched a YT by some Italian scientist/philosopher on that, hafta dig it up maybe...
"All of this massive cosmological churning and destruction (which is paralleled, by the way, on our ...
Fernapple comments on Dec 16, 2020:
Yes it could be the plan of a creator god, at least one which is not all caring and has no interest in suffering. But it is hard to see it as the plan of an all caring, Abrahamic god of human morality.
bbyrd009 replies on Dec 16, 2020:
wadr the "god of human morality" thing is pretty well put to rest by the implosion of the theocracy recorded in the NT i think. Strangely enough "suffering" seems to be a central theme though...just one we are not too fond of i guess lol, go figure
"All of this massive cosmological churning and destruction (which is paralleled, by the way, on our ...
starwatcher-al comments on Dec 16, 2020:
If he-she is in control, and I use control loosely, then he-she is a sadistic bastard.
bbyrd009 replies on Dec 16, 2020:
from your pov, maybe, but then who has not expressed hate for a parent? Wouldnt it be better to admit that you are just mad at Yah, and go from there?
"All of this massive cosmological churning and destruction (which is paralleled, by the way, on our ...
xenoview comments on Dec 16, 2020:
We don't now if there is a plan by a god. We have no knowledge any god exist.
bbyrd009 replies on Dec 16, 2020:
if "existence" infers "objective evidence" as most definitions state then i would def say we already have proof that Yah mos def does not "exist?"
"All of this massive cosmological churning and destruction (which is paralleled, by the way, on our ...
jlynn37 comments on Dec 16, 2020:
There is no evidence of a "plan" of any sort. It is random selection by the evolutionary process in nature. Nature does not know nor care what happens in the evolutionary process.
bbyrd009 replies on Dec 16, 2020:
random selection can't be the plan?
If there were an atheist church (for lack of a better word) where the speaker holds up a bible and ...
Marionville comments on Dec 16, 2020:
I don’t need a church...never have, never will. Atheism is NOT a religion, and atheists do not need to ape any religion, or to read an instruction book to know how to live ethically and morally with our fellow humans. I do realise this post is tongue in never let it be said that ...
bbyrd009 replies on Dec 16, 2020:
the similarity of Atheism to Fundamentalism has been fairly well documented, but you might contemplate your statement there (expressed as an Absolute Truth, no less, like a "believer"), "Atheism is NOT a religion," to understand how religion forms in the first place, imo. Now I mean no offense here, and i dunno if atheism is a religion or not, but after all you have come to a site named "agnostic" to insist upon your atheist perspective, right? Which dont get me wrong, free country, but i gotta ask which boxes you are *not* ticking for "religious?"
Yes, there is a war between science and religion
Fernapple comments on Dec 14, 2020:
Putting it simply. I will probably never have absolute truth, but if I work really hard at it, and question everything especially my assumptions, perhaps I can get nearer to it. Science. I have absolute truth given to me, because I am chosen. Religion.
bbyrd009 replies on Dec 14, 2020:
@Fernapple ah ok
I don't understand how people can still think it's reasonable to believe that God, being the ...
bbyrd009 comments on Dec 5, 2020:
the post makes several bad assumptions, beginning with "eternity=forever," which is what believers do, but is not supported by the Bible, not anywhere. "aion" is defined as "a space of time, an age" right. And *Gehenna* is on earth, not in some nebulous "afterlife" that our Norse/Angle translators...
bbyrd009 replies on Dec 14, 2020:
:crickets, of course thought the op sounded fam lol ok bye then
Yes, there is a war between science and religion
Fernapple comments on Dec 14, 2020:
Putting it simply. I will probably never have absolute truth, but if I work really hard at it, and question everything especially my assumptions, perhaps I can get nearer to it. Science. I have absolute truth given to me, because I am chosen. Religion.
bbyrd009 replies on Dec 14, 2020:
nice imo you are aware that you could as easily Quote the Bible for all of your points there?
Yes, there is a war between science and religion
xenoview comments on Dec 14, 2020:
Science is not at war with religion. Science is about discovering how the universe works. Religion is at war with science, because it challenges their faith and god.
bbyrd009 replies on Dec 14, 2020:
but i suggest that their faith is in themselves anyway, and Yah--Who has openly rejected them anyway--is not challenged at all, except maybe by them. A 501 (6) c3 (6) collects via a form 1023 (6), after all :)
If god exists he's the biggest asshole I hope I never meet... : atheism
LisaLisa92806 comments on Dec 9, 2020:
There's plenty of evidence to prove he doesn't exist, except in the minds of the intellectually feeble
bbyrd009 replies on Dec 10, 2020:
@LisaLisa92806 now dont get me wrong ok, i firmly believe that Yah does not "exist" anyway, which implies "objective evidence," but i suggest that that does not necessarily mean that "He" is not very real; i just wouldnt be looking for some Old White Guy in a long white beard, etc
If god exists he's the biggest asshole I hope I never meet... : atheism
LisaLisa92806 comments on Dec 9, 2020:
There's plenty of evidence to prove he doesn't exist, except in the minds of the intellectually feeble
bbyrd009 replies on Dec 10, 2020:
@LisaLisa92806 ha wadr i dont need to prove shit, the onus is on you there "there's plenty of evidence to prove He doesn't exist" and i think the argument against your first evidences is that those were all propagated by *people* right? In most (all) cases, people who were duly elected, even? So i would wadr refer you to 1Sam8, where we are plainly warned what organizing under a king will bring about, and what Yah's response to those hypocrite-prayers will be; *I will not hear your prayers in that day*
If god exists he's the biggest asshole I hope I never meet... : atheism
LisaLisa92806 comments on Dec 9, 2020:
There's plenty of evidence to prove he doesn't exist, except in the minds of the intellectually feeble
bbyrd009 replies on Dec 9, 2020:
ok well im a genius i guess, so hit me with your "proof" and let's see:D
If god exists he's the biggest asshole I hope I never meet... : atheism
Hages comments on Dec 8, 2020:
The God of the Old Testament is the most unpleasant character in all of fiction.
bbyrd009 replies on Dec 9, 2020:
ha but the ppl asked for laws though, see...
Why do so many religious people say "atheism is a religion" or other completely bogus claims about ...
bbyrd009 comments on Dec 5, 2020:
im not too hip on the argument, but the similarity of atheism to fundamentalism has been argued many times i guess; as an atheist, you still have beliefs, right
bbyrd009 replies on Dec 6, 2020:
lol, ok then
I don't understand how people can still think it's reasonable to believe that God, being the ...
CuddyCruiser comments on Dec 5, 2020:
When your brainwashed from the time you were simply become incapable of being reasonable or thinking rationally. What reasonable person would believe a snake talked? That a human was turned to salt? That a body of water was separated by some “supernatural force”?
bbyrd009 replies on Dec 5, 2020:
ha those only make sense symbolically, yes
Why do so many religious people say "atheism is a religion" or other completely bogus claims about ...
DenoPenno comments on Dec 5, 2020:
You didn't know? I'm taking logic and evidence classes all the time but the bibble sez . . . .
bbyrd009 replies on Dec 5, 2020:
...what, exactly? And if the Bible does not in fact say that, then what?
Worst Bible Passages
Triphid comments on Dec 2, 2020:
Hey, and what about the bit where Sky Daddy Gawd has a bad hair day and decides to give that poor bastard Job the hardest, toughest time of his life then blames it ALL on Lucifer and some non-existent bet they had? Or, sending a huge flood to wipe out everything just because he saw humans as his ...
bbyrd009 replies on Dec 5, 2020:
yes, so you are obv reading literally, iow you havent even started reading yet, wadr. Since that never happened, a diff point is being made, most likely, and those who just insist it did happen will miss it
Worst Bible Passages
CuddyCruiser comments on Dec 1, 2020:
The whole book is a crock of shit. I also read the Satanic Bible by Anton Lavey and thought that was just as dumb but a little more funny.
bbyrd009 replies on Dec 5, 2020:
@Triphid ive heard it said that you dont read the Bible, the Bible reads you...but i might ask for an example
Religion explained.
Fred_Snerd comments on Dec 3, 2020:
I feel that way about business and politics as well. Along with religion, it's a trifecta of authoritarianism.
bbyrd009 replies on Dec 5, 2020:
@Triphid the NT is a record of the implosion of a theocracy, after all
Religion explained.
Fred_Snerd comments on Dec 3, 2020:
I feel that way about business and politics as well. Along with religion, it's a trifecta of authoritarianism.
bbyrd009 replies on Dec 5, 2020:
@Fred_Snerd prolly true of any approach yeh
Religion explained.
Fred_Snerd comments on Dec 3, 2020:
I feel that way about business and politics as well. Along with religion, it's a trifecta of authoritarianism.
bbyrd009 replies on Dec 3, 2020:
*...after He has destroyed all rulers, powers, and authority* was not written for nothing, i guess. Pretty sure those institutions *depend* upon religion, at least more often than not
Sunday, ‎October ‎04, ‎2020 in order to Truly - LOVE - Ones Self - One must Truly - KNOW -...
AnneWimsey comments on Oct 4, 2020:
He's Bbbaaaaaaaaacccccccckkkkkkkkk.....
bbyrd009 replies on Dec 3, 2020:
@KWAPELL7 i gotta ask how this "advanced culture" that has not been defined would be different from any group of believers who imagine themselves to be the keepers of the flame, though? Is it possible that they might still be deceived, iyo?
Sunday, ‎October ‎04, ‎2020 in order to Truly - LOVE - Ones Self - One must Truly - KNOW -...
bbyrd009 comments on Oct 6, 2020:
so, you might notice how you really arent interested in engaging here, but rather preaching, so to speak? You seek acolytes, followers, yes? Although this might initially be hard to admit i guess. Not meaning to be discouraging here ok, but it is a part of knowing yourself, and this is a very ...
bbyrd009 replies on Dec 3, 2020:
@KWAPELL7 nescient, good one whats the record for the number of "I"s in a post, im suddenly wondering :) ok just razzing you, best of luck ok with that
Worst Bible Passages
CuddyCruiser comments on Dec 1, 2020:
The whole book is a crock of shit. I also read the Satanic Bible by Anton Lavey and thought that was just as dumb but a little more funny.
bbyrd009 replies on Dec 2, 2020:
dont we often say the same stuff about other works we dont understand though? this is dunning-kruger at its finest i think. What is the Naive Dialectic? Would your pov of the Bible change if you could read in it, rather than the literal?
The whole Adam and Eve story is just hilarious.
xenoview comments on Nov 24, 2020:
An where the hell did the city come from.
bbyrd009 replies on Nov 24, 2020:
ha no but really "Nod" is code, so to speak, but any etymology can define it
Napoleon Dynamite - Patrick Street - Music for a Found Harmonium [youtube.
barjoe comments on Nov 24, 2020:
Feel good dream sequence. Everybody's dreams come true.
bbyrd009 replies on Nov 24, 2020:
@Fred_Snerd it isnt called *what is it?* for nothing i guess :)
Egyptian Researcher: People Become Atheists Because Holy Books Have Obvious Lies | Hemant Mehta | ...
bbyrd009 comments on Nov 24, 2020:
and pps, the Bible does not claim to be holy either, not anywhere; "sacred" is as close as it gets, which i dunno but seems to mean more like "holy to the one holding it sacred" or whatever
bbyrd009 replies on Nov 24, 2020:
@jlynn37 ah well English xlations of the Bible are mostly crap imo, use a Lex at the very least; "Lord" is an Englyshe Landholder?
For those of you who went from being religious to atheist, have you noticed that philosophy has ...
yvilletom comments on Nov 3, 2020:
My father and his father were enslaved to Catholicism. My grandfather had an opportunity to take his children from a Catholic school but could not. He took my father from school so he could work and help keep his two sisters in an RC school. My father married a Methodist and could have left his ...
bbyrd009 replies on Nov 24, 2020:
nice imo fwiw you might note that it is those with your approach, deemed pagans, that are the most praised in the Bible; the "good" Samaritan, the Roman Centurion, etc
Christian Songwriter Is Fed Up With Believers Who Refuse To Wear Masks | HuffPost
evergreen comments on Nov 21, 2020:
So are all the health care workers that are bustin' their butts, and risking their own lives to take care of all the assholes that choose to ignore the virus, contract it, and end up in the hospital !
bbyrd009 replies on Nov 24, 2020:
you gotta believe her aunt was wearing a mask, right honest evergreen, you can believe what you like too, but those ppl will *kill* you, ok
Christian Songwriter Is Fed Up With Believers Who Refuse To Wear Masks | HuffPost
evergreen comments on Nov 21, 2020:
So are all the health care workers that are bustin' their butts, and risking their own lives to take care of all the assholes that choose to ignore the virus, contract it, and end up in the hospital !
bbyrd009 replies on Nov 24, 2020:
@evergreen well, im airing opinions here, ok, i dont know; if you have some defense of allopathy, let's hear it! I smoked Camels for 20 years myself :) "so uninformed" with no support is just a bs put-down, sorry
Christian Songwriter Is Fed Up With Believers Who Refuse To Wear Masks | HuffPost
Sonja44 comments on Nov 21, 2020:
Mask it or casket
bbyrd009 replies on Nov 24, 2020:
@Sonja44 ps, i have a mild case of asperger's, tend to read too literally i guess, so im wondering if you would explain what seems like a disparity to me, "mask it or casket" and "1 in 1000?" ty
Christian Songwriter Is Fed Up With Believers Who Refuse To Wear Masks | HuffPost
Sonja44 comments on Nov 21, 2020:
Mask it or casket
bbyrd009 replies on Nov 24, 2020:
@Sonja44 tell that to deceived ppl who will not live as long as the rest of us anyway? why? fuck symptom-treaters, no offense
A suggested way of viewing good dialogue in oder to counter religion.
Word comments on Nov 20, 2020:
From what I have learned about this sort of topic has been a part of police academy verbal judo and skills for being a good listener. However, I have reasons why I left christianity that this sort of method would not persuade some people highly educated and experienced in christianity. ...
bbyrd009 replies on Nov 23, 2020:
"The best cure for Christianity is reading the Bible" SClemens
Life, Philosophy, and Everything In-Between: Jesus the Great Moral Teacher
Krish55 comments on Nov 18, 2020:
Jesus was a great moral teacher! Don't throw out the baby of his ethics with the bathwater of superstition and religious orthodoxy. When dealing with Christian fanatics, I use Jesus' teachings to contradict what they are saying. Nothing else would work. Jesus is actually a great tool for sowing the ...
bbyrd009 replies on Nov 23, 2020:
@Gwendolyn2018 ya i dunno, but i guess Jesus (Joshua) was the most common male name then
Christian Songwriter Is Fed Up With Believers Who Refuse To Wear Masks | HuffPost
Sonja44 comments on Nov 21, 2020:
Mask it or casket
bbyrd009 replies on Nov 23, 2020:
@Sonja44 hmm and what do you think the normal death rate from coronavirus would have been absent covid 19? Healthy ppl wearing masks for extended periods is a really bad idea imo
Christian Songwriter Is Fed Up With Believers Who Refuse To Wear Masks | HuffPost
Sonja44 comments on Nov 21, 2020:
Mask it or casket
bbyrd009 replies on Nov 23, 2020:
for about 2% of us anyway, right
Christian Songwriter Is Fed Up With Believers Who Refuse To Wear Masks | HuffPost
evergreen comments on Nov 21, 2020:
So are all the health care workers that are bustin' their butts, and risking their own lives to take care of all the assholes that choose to ignore the virus, contract it, and end up in the hospital !
bbyrd009 replies on Nov 23, 2020:
@evergreen well, i think its just that you are describing Codependence, not caring, wadr. They most likely chose that profession to get rich anyway, didn't they? Ppl who actually desire to cure others rather than treat symptoms are all drummed out of med school in year one i guess
When You Take the Bible Literally, This is One of the More Disturbing Passages | Hemant Mehta | ...
DenoPenno comments on Nov 22, 2020:
This is all so ignorant. A lesson at the expense of children showing what happens when you do not believe and take prophets seriously. Strange that so many believe it.
bbyrd009 replies on Nov 23, 2020:
fwiw its actually sublime, and timeless, when read in the correct symbolism
Life, Philosophy, and Everything In-Between: Jesus the Great Moral Teacher
Krish55 comments on Nov 18, 2020:
Jesus was a great moral teacher! Don't throw out the baby of his ethics with the bathwater of superstition and religious orthodoxy. When dealing with Christian fanatics, I use Jesus' teachings to contradict what they are saying. Nothing else would work. Jesus is actually a great tool for sowing the ...
bbyrd009 replies on Nov 23, 2020:
@Gwendolyn2018 "Jesus of Nazareth" is likely a rabbi's way to say "John Doe, from Nowhere"
For people who still have doubt in god this is my basic argument.
bbyrd009 comments on Nov 17, 2020:
*after He has destroyed all rulers, powers, and authority* doesnt sound very imperialistic to me!
bbyrd009 replies on Nov 18, 2020:
@LuciferG0907 i'm having trouble making any sense of that, sorry?
Life, Philosophy, and Everything In-Between: Jesus the Great Moral Teacher
Krish55 comments on Nov 18, 2020:
Jesus was a great moral teacher! Don't throw out the baby of his ethics with the bathwater of superstition and religious orthodoxy. When dealing with Christian fanatics, I use Jesus' teachings to contradict what they are saying. Nothing else would work. Jesus is actually a great tool for sowing the ...
bbyrd009 replies on Nov 18, 2020:
@Krish55 ive learned here that atheism is just a different religion, for most
For people who still have doubt in god this is my basic argument.
JazznBlues comments on Nov 17, 2020:
Pretty sure the Brontosaurus parent has it correct.
bbyrd009 replies on Nov 17, 2020:
"I AM" is quite different from "I exist," i guess
For people who still have doubt in god this is my basic argument.
Willow_Wisp comments on Nov 17, 2020:
All Gods are created by humans. They're the Superman comics of the Bronze Age.
bbyrd009 replies on Nov 17, 2020:
she said, with complete
For 30 years i believed what the bible said about homosexuality and that people that practiced it ...
whiskywoman comments on Nov 9, 2020:
what I don't understand is if the bible says homosexuals go to hell WTF would anyone else care seems to me if gays go to hell there would more room in heaven consider how hard it is to change a habit imagine how hard it is to change your nature
bbyrd009 replies on Nov 9, 2020:
*No one has ever gone up to heaven...* so i suggest that most of the problem is translating the Bible like a believer chooses to, which we could even examine if you were to Quote this "if the bible says homosexuals go to hell" which trust me is not in there, except possibly in some very bad english translation
I posted in the Health and Happiness [agnostic.
JackPedigo comments on Nov 7, 2020:
It is really troubling in this age when we have instant access to information all over the world that people can still be in denial over a massive pandemic. It is said one should not put all their eggs in one basket but that seems to be how we access information. The information age has made a lot ...
bbyrd009 replies on Nov 9, 2020:
@JackPedigo of stress and the resulting suicides, maybe; a virus is going to eventually "infect" the entire pop anyway, re chicken pox, mumps, measles, etc, as "flatten the curve" implies. "New infections" is a chimera, that is followed strictly bc there are idiots eager to follow it, wadr
Religion can kill, even without war. Faith healers should be made culpable! []
bbyrd009 comments on Nov 8, 2020:
vitamin d deficiency is a better marker for breast cancer than a mammogram, ladies
bbyrd009 replies on Nov 9, 2020: so yes, it most likely is, and there's decent evidence that mammograms actually *cause* breast cancer, too, , and anyone interested (iow *not* exhibiting rampant dunning-kruger syndrome) might check out the connection of dying your hair to breast cancer also
I posted in the Health and Happiness [agnostic.
JackPedigo comments on Nov 7, 2020:
It is really troubling in this age when we have instant access to information all over the world that people can still be in denial over a massive pandemic. It is said one should not put all their eggs in one basket but that seems to be how we access information. The information age has made a lot ...
bbyrd009 replies on Nov 8, 2020:
@JackPedigo ya thats what i want, more defectives in the gene pool bc technology, yay will people ever realize that viruses serve a vital function, do you think?
I posted in the Health and Happiness [agnostic.
JackPedigo comments on Nov 7, 2020:
It is really troubling in this age when we have instant access to information all over the world that people can still be in denial over a massive pandemic. It is said one should not put all their eggs in one basket but that seems to be how we access information. The information age has made a lot ...
bbyrd009 replies on Nov 8, 2020:
still not sure if a flu virus that the overwhelming majority survive, and a third dont even exhibit symptoms of, can rightly be called a "pandemic?" Or at least ill say that this is the first in history, near as i can tell
October 25, 1923 The Teapot Dome scandal comes to public attention as Senator Thomas J.
bbyrd009 comments on Oct 26, 2020:
prolly about the last one to goto jail too, huh?
bbyrd009 replies on Nov 3, 2020:
@TimeOutForMe ah; *why* do we need leaders, iyo?
Supreme Court: Amy Coney Barrett’s legitimacy crisis, in just 2 numbers - Vox
St-Sinner comments on Oct 27, 2020:
No use in whining. Start winning and control the levers of power. The whining time should be over sooner or later. We have been doing it for 4 years instead of asking our own Democratic leaders what they should o or change.
bbyrd009 replies on Oct 28, 2020:
"if voting made a difference, they wouldnt let us do it" ?
A recent visit for a haircut at my favorite local Snipit place had me discovering that it is under ...
Lorajay comments on Oct 24, 2020:
That means to me there's some mean sorry people out there that claim to be Christians.
bbyrd009 replies on Oct 25, 2020:
*many will cry "LordLord"* huh
A recent visit for a haircut at my favorite local Snipit place had me discovering that it is under ...
jigsaw comments on Oct 25, 2020:
I would have explained to her that tattoos are not allowed to have according to the bible!
bbyrd009 replies on Oct 25, 2020:
ha well thats OT, but tattoos are still a certain sign, a sign of something maybe eh
Lotsa talk about God/not God.
Mofo1953 comments on Oct 21, 2020:
Gods are the invention of human feeble minds.
bbyrd009 replies on Oct 22, 2020:
doesnt mean that the Big Bang was not created though right; there might very well be a Creator that we cannot prove the existence of, Who does not require obsequious worship
God Does Not Exist (1904) - Benito Mussolini
Storm1752 comments on Oct 18, 2020:
So? Atheists are not necessarily geniuses.
bbyrd009 replies on Oct 20, 2020:
@Storm1752 i missed a period after "atheists" there, sorry
God Does Not Exist (1904) - Benito Mussolini
Storm1752 comments on Oct 18, 2020:
So? Atheists are not necessarily geniuses.
bbyrd009 replies on Oct 20, 2020:
@LucyLoohoo no, im getting that too; in about the same mix as any other culture i guess
To be the messiah, Jesus had to have descended from israel, right?
AmyTheBruce comments on Oct 19, 2020:
Hypothetically, Mary could have had a similar bloodline (cousins marrying cousins?) but yeah, Joseph's bloodline is irrelevant.
bbyrd009 replies on Oct 19, 2020:
@bookofmorons i hear that a lot, but most of it is borrowed from other cultures anyway? I doubt women were treated any worse than at any previous time/culture in history, although i dont know. But i suggest "women" in the Bible is representative of something else anyway
To be the messiah, Jesus had to have descended from israel, right?
Mofo1953 comments on Oct 19, 2020:
there was no jesus.
bbyrd009 replies on Oct 19, 2020:
@Mofo1953 "I am sure that I definitely know more than you" i wasnt aware i posted that, my apologies; but it is interesting to watch someone emote out their ass all day and call it fact, and getting likes too lol. Gee, i wonder what "eating the fruit of the tree of knowledge" means?
God Does Not Exist (1904) - Benito Mussolini
LucyLoohoo comments on Oct 18, 2020:
That last paragraph says it all. Benito--I'm surprised at your intelligence.
bbyrd009 replies on Oct 19, 2020:
ha well hes blaming a God that he doesnt believe in for the ills that man creates, but he does make some good points viz religion imo. The RCC was still a force back then i guess
God Does Not Exist (1904) - Benito Mussolini
Storm1752 comments on Oct 18, 2020:
So? Atheists are not necessarily geniuses.
bbyrd009 replies on Oct 19, 2020:
@RoboGraham ya, i thought agnostics would be a little more open-minded atheists, not so much i guess
To be the messiah, Jesus had to have descended from israel, right?
K9Kohle789 comments on Oct 19, 2020:
That's a hole in the illogic of the bible. Joseph and Mary never acknowledged the father, it was a GHOST. How unlikely is that? A holy one to boot. Aside from the bible being a myth and people to this day are still rewriting it- nothing about the bible is literal.
bbyrd009 replies on Oct 19, 2020:
yet you are interpeting it that way anyway? ok
To be the messiah, Jesus had to have descended from israel, right?
Mofo1953 comments on Oct 19, 2020:
there was no jesus.
bbyrd009 replies on Oct 19, 2020:
and if ppl knew how to read the Bible they would see that written plain, barely disguised not that you know either, there were prolly thousands of them you are just a hater who is accidentally right now and then, mofo how the fuck would any of us know whether there was a literal jesus or not lol
To be the messiah, Jesus had to have descended from israel, right?
Fernapple comments on Oct 19, 2020:
I think that he also had to be of the house of David, as well. But since the two lists do not agree, it certainly is not the perfect word of a perfect god.
bbyrd009 replies on Oct 19, 2020:
ha, you think that was a mistake, an unintentional oversight? lol
To be the messiah, Jesus had to have descended from israel, right?
AmyTheBruce comments on Oct 19, 2020:
Hypothetically, Mary could have had a similar bloodline (cousins marrying cousins?) but yeah, Joseph's bloodline is irrelevant.
bbyrd009 replies on Oct 19, 2020:
@bookofmorons women used to be chattel, still are in much of the world, yet you blame the Bible for misogyny. And pls dont go posting any of the vv that you are reading literally, thus not understanding, ty. You are as deluded as any believer wadr, who also essentially proclaims themselves to be Yah
To be the messiah, Jesus had to have descended from israel, right?
AmyTheBruce comments on Oct 19, 2020:
Hypothetically, Mary could have had a similar bloodline (cousins marrying cousins?) but yeah, Joseph's bloodline is irrelevant.
bbyrd009 replies on Oct 19, 2020:
ha well not to other ppl though. If you guys insist on reading the Bible literally, like a chump, like a believer, then you are natch going to arrive at bad conclusions, jesus' lineage through mary is given, and *there are no male and female in the kingdom* anyway. Plus neither one of them ever literally existed anyway, almost surely have a nice day
Is Social Distancing Weakening Our Immune Systems?
bbyrd009 comments on Oct 16, 2020:
of course it is, if your immune system has never been exposed to a germ then it cannot develop immunity to it. But you may certainly rely on an allopath who will statistically not live as long as you will for your health advice too, if you like. Good points @ "immune boosting" though imo :) but one...
bbyrd009 replies on Oct 19, 2020:
@altschmerz "they did say" that, but then again, they are basically idiots who will not live as long as you will, and i at least suggest that one requires constant exposure to the latest viruses--which are not bacteria, that we might get cholera or something similar from--or else they are at risk. The hygeine hypothesis does not only apply to kids; we do not "magically" start requiring hygeine as we age, and in fact were warned about ten years or so ago that all the "antibacterial" soap (all soap is antibacterial btw) use was dangerous, to say the least--remember? Great way to make superbugs though, which is what we are doing now; participating in our own demise. Furthermore, "fully developed" immune systems (which do not exist, btw) may be greatly strengthened or weakened, depending upon ones--mostly dietary--habits, but this author seems to not understand that? Again tho, kudos for at least the approach to an immune-strengthening regimen, regardless of the fact that it destroys her other arguments. Listen to an allopath ("symptom-treater") on matters of your health at your own risk; or understand why their malpractice insurance is larger than your annual salary
The non-existing Jesus was an animal sacrifice to himself.
Gwendolyn2018 comments on Oct 14, 2020:
Animal and human sacrifices have been in existence for a very long time, no doubt predating written records. Sacrifices were needed to please the gods and the blood was cleansing. Note that the ancients understood the importance of blood as the life-force. Christians say that god had to manifest ...
bbyrd009 replies on Oct 15, 2020:
*No son of man may die for another's sins*
Every so often, when I bite into a perfectly ripe fresh fig, I start to believe there might be a ...
Willow_Wisp comments on Oct 12, 2020:
I may have thought there was a God during orgasm once, hard to tell it was decades ago.
bbyrd009 replies on Oct 12, 2020:
Evangelical leaders like Billy Graham and Jerry Falwell Sr.
Happycanuck comments on Oct 12, 2020:
These guys need to come up with a consistent story. Firstly, does god have or NOT have a plan for everyone? Yes or no. Secondly, Is god ALL knowing and ALL powerful or not? Yes or no. It's simple, people need to stop and think, grab some clarity, get a working B.S. detector. Then more and more ...
bbyrd009 replies on Oct 12, 2020:
contemplate *Esau* as the religious, who need *red stew* and etc, and *Jacob* as the guys you are forwarding
Evangelical leaders like Billy Graham and Jerry Falwell Sr.
LenHazell53 comments on Oct 12, 2020:
I have always found "Chosen People" to be comparable with "Master Race" as a despicably effective rallying cry for the angry envious masses, the victim culture ideologues and the violent fighter in search of a cause for which to justify the spilling of blood ( both their own and other people's)
bbyrd009 replies on Oct 12, 2020:
word that is actually brought out in the Bible, quite plainly, several diff ways
Evangelical leaders like Billy Graham and Jerry Falwell Sr.
xenoview comments on Oct 12, 2020:
Doesn't the bible say the isrealites are their gods chosen?
bbyrd009 replies on Oct 12, 2020:
*Not all who are born Israel are of Israel*
As someone who grew up with physically and mentally abusive parents this always hurts to read.
Triphid comments on Oct 4, 2020:
I know where you are coming from, I had a very nasty abusive, on ALL counts btw, 'mother' ( if anyone in their right mind could her that), I still bear the scars, physical and emotional, from her, BUT I also had a truly wonderful Dad. I swore that I'd NEVER grow up to be anything like that utter ...
bbyrd009 replies on Oct 10, 2020:
@Triphid ah sorry, your point being?
As someone who grew up with physically and mentally abusive parents this always hurts to read.
Triphid comments on Oct 4, 2020:
I know where you are coming from, I had a very nasty abusive, on ALL counts btw, 'mother' ( if anyone in their right mind could her that), I still bear the scars, physical and emotional, from her, BUT I also had a truly wonderful Dad. I swore that I'd NEVER grow up to be anything like that utter ...
bbyrd009 replies on Oct 8, 2020:
@Triphid ha ok "your mom" in quotation marks lol, not literally your mom
As someone who grew up with physically and mentally abusive parents this always hurts to read.
Triphid comments on Oct 4, 2020:
I know where you are coming from, I had a very nasty abusive, on ALL counts btw, 'mother' ( if anyone in their right mind could her that), I still bear the scars, physical and emotional, from her, BUT I also had a truly wonderful Dad. I swore that I'd NEVER grow up to be anything like that utter ...
bbyrd009 replies on Oct 7, 2020:
@Triphid it's pretty common?
As someone who grew up with physically and mentally abusive parents this always hurts to read.
Triphid comments on Oct 4, 2020:
I know where you are coming from, I had a very nasty abusive, on ALL counts btw, 'mother' ( if anyone in their right mind could her that), I still bear the scars, physical and emotional, from her, BUT I also had a truly wonderful Dad. I swore that I'd NEVER grow up to be anything like that utter ...
bbyrd009 replies on Oct 6, 2020:
so im curious if you married "your mom" or no? ty
Sunday, ‎October ‎04, ‎2020 in order to Truly - LOVE - Ones Self - One must Truly - KNOW -...
dumasarok comments on Oct 5, 2020:
I fail to see the humor
bbyrd009 replies on Oct 6, 2020:
@KWAPELL7 "please explain your reluctance to directly address - the Validity & Veracity of the proclamations made there-in -" bc they are Captain Obvious Deepisms that really have no meaning, other than a subjective one, ok, not saying that they are necessarily "bad" or "wrong," they just indicate ego-inflation
Sunday, ‎October ‎04, ‎2020 in order to Truly - LOVE - Ones Self - One must Truly - KNOW -...
bbyrd009 comments on Oct 5, 2020:
so, if you could summarize this in one takeaway sentence, what would it be? ty and hopefully you have an ear for the critiques here; surely you mean well, but it comes across as if you dont really know yourself? peace
bbyrd009 replies on Oct 6, 2020:
@KWAPELL7 "such is the very purpose & function of - LIFE as a human - to KNOW Ones SELF experientially - as Who U Choose to BE -" well so you say, but i suggest that there is a lot of value in completely UNknowing yourself, forgetting yourself completely, as you are, after all, only the center of your own universe, right now. You formed an ego all by yourself eh, you walked in, and you can walk out. ok peace
Sunday, ‎October ‎04, ‎2020 in order to Truly - LOVE - Ones Self - One must Truly - KNOW -...
dumasarok comments on Oct 5, 2020:
Re Are we supposed to actually derive meaning from this ?
bbyrd009 replies on Oct 6, 2020:
@KWAPELL7 here also
Sunday, ‎October ‎04, ‎2020 in order to Truly - LOVE - Ones Self - One must Truly - KNOW -...
AnneWimsey comments on Oct 4, 2020:
He's Bbbaaaaaaaaacccccccckkkkkkkkk.....
bbyrd009 replies on Oct 6, 2020:
@KWAPELL7 notice how youre avoiding the posts you dont want to confront?
Sunday, ‎October ‎04, ‎2020 in order to Truly - LOVE - Ones Self - One must Truly - KNOW -...
Willow_Wisp comments on Oct 4, 2020:
Ick. God isn't emotions. First of all emotions are real. Hormone rush during sex caused a lot of "ritual sex" magic, because we confuse goose bumps with a presence, we see faces in clouds, and we practice our arguments in our brain like a reality simulator. This is why stupid people only act on ...
bbyrd009 replies on Oct 5, 2020:
@KWAPELL7 ok ty
Sunday, ‎October ‎04, ‎2020 in order to Truly - LOVE - Ones Self - One must Truly - KNOW -...
dumasarok comments on Oct 5, 2020:
I fail to see the humor
bbyrd009 replies on Oct 5, 2020:
@KWAPELL7 no thanks, and you are by all means allowed to post whatever you like i guess, ok curious now the essential diff in "validity" and "veracity" tho...k bye ps, superiority complex, ok? not that we dont all struggle with that, in our Hegelian dynamic...but you arent even trying? ok see ya
Sunday, ‎October ‎04, ‎2020 in order to Truly - LOVE - Ones Self - One must Truly - KNOW -...
bbyrd009 comments on Oct 5, 2020:
so, if you could summarize this in one takeaway sentence, what would it be? ty and hopefully you have an ear for the critiques here; surely you mean well, but it comes across as if you dont really know yourself? peace
bbyrd009 replies on Oct 5, 2020:
@KWAPELL7 "as to the summary U requested -I shall offer this abbreviation of the postulate -" wow, so you got it really bad, huh, i mean you go on for another paragraph, and wadr this is the most cogent thing you said. Tryna stay objective here, but are you kidding me? With this? "GOD is LOVE as ENERGY in LIFE - being - All things & No thing - as - Everything - as such is- GOD - Omni"blahblahblah i mean cmon bro, how would you respond if i started bloviating drivel like that at you? Srsly. C'mon.
Sunday, ‎October ‎04, ‎2020 in order to Truly - LOVE - Ones Self - One must Truly - KNOW -...
Willow_Wisp comments on Oct 4, 2020:
Ick. God isn't emotions. First of all emotions are real. Hormone rush during sex caused a lot of "ritual sex" magic, because we confuse goose bumps with a presence, we see faces in clouds, and we practice our arguments in our brain like a reality simulator. This is why stupid people only act on ...
bbyrd009 replies on Oct 5, 2020:
tbh i think Eve might rep emotions, seems to work, "and the two shall become one" etc
Sunday, ‎October ‎04, ‎2020 in order to Truly - LOVE - Ones Self - One must Truly - KNOW -...
dumasarok comments on Oct 5, 2020:
I fail to see the humor
bbyrd009 replies on Oct 5, 2020:
@KWAPELL7 wadr i am reminded of Imelda Marcos' "we love love" speech, which was at least hilarious
Sunday, ‎October ‎04, ‎2020 in order to Truly - LOVE - Ones Self - One must Truly - KNOW -...
dumasarok comments on Oct 5, 2020:
Re Are we supposed to actually derive meaning from this ?
bbyrd009 replies on Oct 5, 2020:
@KWAPELL7 ok well i think "ick" is going to be the inevitable response to a disengaged lecture of that nature, and im sure thats not what you are going for? Tbh im not quite sure *what* you are going for with Deepisms like "choose to be..." and etc, but imo when you start using terms like "thine" you're prolly in trouble anyway :) i mean no offense, ok, and im still fairly objective here, but i feel like i need a shower after reading that. Its gooey ok. imo. Have a good day.


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