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He has a point
birdingnut comments on Mar 22, 2018:
LOL! But of course, the actual Clinton investigation was for lying on a deposition. Since Bill regularly informed the Chinese agent of what transpired in white house meetings, Bill would have been impeached for treason also, if he hadn't immediately had a "Wag the Dog" scandal with Mona, to distract...
birdingnut replies on Mar 23, 2018:
@evidentialist That was a LONG time ago..before the internet, even. I saved the newspaper and magazine article clippings for years, to show doubters, but they got buggy after a decade, so I threw them out. I'm sure the internet has been wiped by now to remove evidence. I suppose you don't know about the Haiti embargo either. But I lived it.
He has a point
birdingnut comments on Mar 22, 2018:
LOL! But of course, the actual Clinton investigation was for lying on a deposition. Since Bill regularly informed the Chinese agent of what transpired in white house meetings, Bill would have been impeached for treason also, if he hadn't immediately had a "Wag the Dog" scandal with Mona, to distract...
birdingnut replies on Mar 23, 2018:
@WizardBill Bill Clinton's candidacy was funded by the Chinese. In turn, he kept a Chinese agent near the white house and updated information to him. He'd cross the street and call it in. All this was documented and reported in the newspaper..just as the Mona scandal broke. I was also amused to see that the movie, Wag the Dog, had the same plot as real life, and even showed the president hugging the girl love interest in the movie from the same angle and almost identical to the famous photo of Bill and Mona hugging in the newspaper. Since the movie was made over a year before the scandal broke, that means someone had inside information. I also saw first hand what Bill's embargo did to Haiti, all based on lies. HORRIBLE people. I will NEVER forgive them..they killed so many of my friends and almost killed my parents.
Have you ever cheated on an exam? Do you think cheating in a test is moral?
birdingnut comments on Mar 23, 2018:
I don't believe in exams or tests. I think the public school system is destructive, and purposely ineffective, to make more obedient factory workers. Studies show that in classes with only five students to a teacher, for only two hours a day, students were able to advance an entire grade every ...
birdingnut replies on Mar 23, 2018:
@evidentialist That's because the school system doesn't WANT the kids to learn anything..if they did, it would show that public school is wasting time and money. Best to keep students slow and ignorant to keep the public school money coming in. Whenever I substitute taught, I often would teach entire classes to read phonetically, or speed read, when they finished their assigned "busywork." I usually only had about 20 minutes to do it, but luckily, that's all it takes. As long as the kids didn't tell on me, I got away with it. But sometimes overenthusiastic teacher assistants would tell the regular teacher what I'd done, and then the regular teacher would often angrily tell me to not substitute for them again. Other teachers were bewildered when their entire classes of preschoolers suddenly started reading, but usually credited themselves with somehow accidentally teaching them.
Psychic Dreams?
ashley44 comments on Mar 22, 2018:
Sounds an awful lot like religious, superstitious stuff to me.
birdingnut replies on Mar 23, 2018:
@ashley44 LOL! So when people control their bionic limbs and computers with mental commands, you think that's not true? YOU are made of energy, as everything is. We just seem solid.
Psychic Dreams?
ashley44 comments on Mar 22, 2018:
Sounds an awful lot like religious, superstitious stuff to me.
birdingnut replies on Mar 22, 2018:
I believe Einstein; all matter is a form of energy, so since energy can neither be created nor destroyed, we have always existed and will always exist in some energy form. No reason to think energy beings don't exist, and quantum physics already tells us different dimensions exist. "For us believing physicists, the distinction between past, present and future is only a stubbornly persistent illusion." -Einstein.
Has anyone purchased a copy of A Day in the life of Marlon Bundo?
birdingnut comments on Mar 21, 2018:
It's not listed in the Kindle Store.
birdingnut replies on Mar 22, 2018:
@4EvanSake Thanks! It wasn't there yesterday, and I did several searches. Still, the price for such a short story is more than I want to pay, so I'll get it from the library when I get back to the US.
What type of area and housing do you prefer to live in?
Southernbreeze comments on Mar 22, 2018:
Thailand on my list.. Need advise on visa long term
birdingnut replies on Mar 22, 2018:
To get the Thai retirement visa, you'd need to have 20K USD in the bank, or have a 2K a month income.
Favorite books of fiction?
arronpaul46 comments on Mar 22, 2018:
Oh wow you really want to throw the hard ones out there huh? Will have to think about this one. I can not pick just one book. But I can pick the two best chapters of any and all books I have ever read. In the book Time Eoungh For Love. The two chapters Lazarus Long spent living Doras life time. ...
birdingnut replies on Mar 22, 2018:
@arronpaul46 Your behavior is starting to trouble me.
During my workout this morning, I overheard a trainer (non-freethinker) talk to his charge about how...
birdingnut comments on Mar 21, 2018:
LOL! Funny. But of course he only wanted something for himself. Strange that you consider controlling the weather a "god" thing, since the Native Americans routinely controlled it, as well as any white children captives who had been with them over six months before being returned to their white ...
birdingnut replies on Mar 22, 2018:
@DeafGypsy Sure, but anyone can do it..without ceremonies, etc. I used to have to concentrate to stop a storm or make it rain, but after a bit, I could do it with a simple thought. My kids did it, and most men I dated very long were soon doing it also. I made the mistake of mentioning it to a classroom of kids at a private school in Durango, CO. They immediately told it to start snowing. It was April, so I told them that wasn't a good a idea, so we bargained. It could snow two inches, I agreed, than it had to stop. It started snowing within a few minutes and I sent a kid outside with a ruler to measure the snow until it reached two inches, then it stopped. I then let the kids go outside and go sledding and have snowball fights for an hour, then the temperature rose and melted the snow.
Favorite books of fiction?
arronpaul46 comments on Mar 22, 2018:
Oh wow you really want to throw the hard ones out there huh? Will have to think about this one. I can not pick just one book. But I can pick the two best chapters of any and all books I have ever read. In the book Time Eoungh For Love. The two chapters Lazarus Long spent living Doras life time. ...
birdingnut replies on Mar 22, 2018:
Yeah, I also love Robert A. Heinlein, and his "Lazarus Long" universe books. I love all his books, actually, and owned most of them in hard copy, but since I moved to Thailand in 2010, I bought them again in Kindle. John Scalzi writes in a similar manner, and I love all his books also. If you read, try Old Man's War. It is free, if you check it out of the library, or you can buy it on Kindle. Link:
This is my clown, Nene, aka: Neener, Nudeebits, Boo.
birdingnut comments on Mar 21, 2018:
Just stopping by to look at Nene case you posted new ones.
birdingnut replies on Mar 22, 2018:
@DotLewis She turns white in the summer? I never heard of such a thing! So, it's her skin that changes color? Thanks for the pic!
This is my clown, Nene, aka: Neener, Nudeebits, Boo.
birdingnut comments on Mar 21, 2018:
Just stopping by to look at Nene case you posted new ones.
birdingnut replies on Mar 21, 2018:
@DotLewis My theory is, if you have a photogenic dog, people will line up to share in the cuteness. Thanks for taking the trouble to photograph her for our viewing pleasure.
I'm so glad I'm not on FB anymore! I miss some things, like friends from school but not much.
Captnron59 comments on Mar 21, 2018:
I still haven't given it up yet. It's how I found out that I'm going to be a great grandpa in October.
birdingnut replies on Mar 21, 2018:
@Presley1209 Personal visits? LOL! You must live near your relatives. Mine are scattered from Bethel Alaska to PA, and visiting each one of my four siblings would involve paying for airline tickets, hotel, and making them miss work or waste their weekend entertaining me. Not to mention me missing my own work and wasting my own weekend. No thanks.
Id's if you will indulge me. Thanks.
birdingnut comments on Mar 20, 2018:
A bit tricky with poor photo quality, but male breeding green-winged teal, Pied-bill Grebe, probably a gadwall, juvenile Cooper's Hawk, Swamp Sparrow
birdingnut replies on Mar 21, 2018:
@Insectra Eye color and head shape, overall color, shape and arrangement of spots on breast, but admittedly, it's a poor photo. I usually take as many photos of "iffy" birds as I can, then, even if the photo is poor, a particular angle will likely verify or disprove any ID theory. I've not been birding in the US since 2010, and am now into Thailand birds.
Last book I read: The inner life of animals. Best book I've read this year so far.
evestrat comments on Mar 21, 2018:
@birdingnut -- is this something you'd like?? :)
birdingnut replies on Mar 21, 2018:
Thanks! I just checked it out in the Kindle Store, but 1. The price is higher than I want to pay for a book I'm not committed to read. 2. To me, the writing style is cluttered, wordy, feels more like a biology text book than an engaging read. But I might check it out of a library when I get back to the US.
Any fellow bikers on this site?
birdingnut comments on Mar 1, 2018:
Only in the the US, and some other western countries, do people think that riding a motorcycle is a badge of macho-hood. Most people in Thailand, from kids to grandmothers, use motorbikes like family cars, hauling groceries, even adding side cars and canopies to make vendor carts, etc., except ...
birdingnut replies on Mar 21, 2018:
@okiestache I curse US motorbikes in my mind every time some giant, ear-splitting-noise motorbike deafens me on the road here in Thailand, choking me with its fumes. What is it with US Caucasian men anyway? The bigger, noisier, more polluting, the better. I suppose they imagine it makes them seem more "virile."
So this happened: [usatoday.
birdingnut comments on Mar 20, 2018:
Obviously most here think animals are here for our convenience and pleasure in killing them, fishing for them, wearing them, and eating them. We are kind to our pets but think shooting animals during hunting season-when we don't need them for food-or fishing, is great entertainment, since those ...
birdingnut replies on Mar 21, 2018:
@Rangepainter I have already encountered meat eaters, hunters, and fishermen here who say clearly that fish don't feel pain, say that they don't care about animals rights..they just love to eat meat, junk food, etc. They actually mocked me, and laughed about my concerns. Thus proving that being atheist doesn't necessarily make you more compassionate or intelligent.
Do you own pets, or do your pets own you?
Rugglesby comments on Mar 21, 2018:
My pets rule, perfect example is 25 years ago I had tanks with local marine creatures in them. One baby mud crab would bring a mussle to the side and bang it on the glass until someone opened it for him. We eventually released him and he clearlu didn;t want to go, kept following us back out of the ...
birdingnut replies on Mar 21, 2018:
LOL! That's what snakes and lizards do when I stop to stroke them under the chin in the desert or woods. They quiver all over in delight, and when I try to leave, they follow me. My daughter and I kept trying to leave some baby lizards we'd been petting, but they kept leaping back onto us from the tree, whenever we tried. We finally put them back on the tree, then RAN for it.
Should employers do pre-employment drug testing?
birdingnut comments on Mar 20, 2018:
People on medical cannabis would be in trouble. It's oppressive.
birdingnut replies on Mar 20, 2018:
@silvereyes I think all drugs should be decriminalized, like what they did in Portugal. There are so many beneficial natural herbs that could be healing people, but Big Pharm wants to control the medical establishment, gives them kickbacks for prescribing dangerous, toxic synthetic drugs. BAD
So what are you reading?
birdingnut comments on Mar 20, 2018:
This is a partial list of my favorites 1.Misha Burnett "Catskinner" novel series (fantasy, sci-fi, horror) 2.Adolfo Kaminsky: A Forger's Life, by Sarah Kaminsky. (autobiography) 3.Till We Have Faces, by C.S. Lewis, (fiction) 4.Harpo Speaks! by Harpo Marx (autobiography) 5.The Persian ...
birdingnut replies on Mar 20, 2018:
@Reignmond Me, too! Not to put yourself in danger of choking on your food, but have you read Scalzi's book Android's Dream? Just the outrageous opening chapter makes the book worth the trouble.
Do you like to go fishing?
birdingnut comments on Mar 18, 2018:
You do know that hooking a fish injures it, and they often die after being released, if for nothing else, being overstressed. Fish are intelligent, sentient animals that feel pain, as are the hapless grubs people spear on fishing hooks. Seems there is a better way to entertain oneself other ...
birdingnut replies on Mar 19, 2018:
@jioo087 The hook goes into the flesh of the fish when it's being caught for caught and release. People who think animals can't feel pain, who get entertainment from hurting things aren't people I respect.
Dont jump me (read first) I saw a facebook post about that 19 year old dude who felt katy perry had...
NicoleCadmium comments on Mar 16, 2018:
Like many other animals, humans have mating rituals. We're currently in the midst of a process of outlawing them. Yes, predators like Weinstein, Spacey and Cosby need to be dealt with, but once the Internet gets a taste for blood, it wants more. Next thing you know, it's pointing the finger at ...
birdingnut replies on Mar 19, 2018:
@smoyle It doesn't matter. As a white male, you see a peck on the mouth as OK (it's NOT) and Katy Perry was out of line to kiss him after he'd asked her not to. It doesn't matter who does it to whom. I would have kneed a guy in the groin if he tried it, and said something very loudly rude to Katy if she even tried it, or worse.
Hi there! I'm new to this site and just wondering what everyone thinks about it and if you've met ...
Akfishlady comments on Mar 19, 2018:
It's common knowledge that is a athiest discussion group masked as a dating site. Mostly it's new and we are growing for the most part so it's hard to say if its successfully a dating site until more people join. But the discussions are fun and we have a good group of people here. Welcome and I ...
birdingnut replies on Mar 19, 2018:
What he said.
Any birders out here on the west coast want to take a stab at these?
birdingnut comments on Mar 19, 2018:
Flock of giant Canada geese, three whooper swans, adult bald eagle, male breeding ring-necked duck, breeding male northern shoveler duck
birdingnut replies on Mar 19, 2018:
@Akfishlady I blew up the raptor photo 200% and then hit the magnification icon and this time I could see that the white is only a band at the base of the tail, indicating a harrier hawk, so you're right.
Do you like to go fishing?
birdingnut comments on Mar 18, 2018:
You do know that hooking a fish injures it, and they often die after being released, if for nothing else, being overstressed. Fish are intelligent, sentient animals that feel pain, as are the hapless grubs people spear on fishing hooks. Seems there is a better way to entertain oneself other ...
birdingnut replies on Mar 19, 2018:
@HeathenFarmer WOW. Some of the PETA people are irresponsible, but that doesn't mean what they say isn't true. I have zero respect for people who think harming animals is a great recreational activity.
Do you like to go fishing?
birdingnut comments on Mar 18, 2018:
You do know that hooking a fish injures it, and they often die after being released, if for nothing else, being overstressed. Fish are intelligent, sentient animals that feel pain, as are the hapless grubs people spear on fishing hooks. Seems there is a better way to entertain oneself other ...
birdingnut replies on Mar 19, 2018:
@HeathenFarmer Gillnets are cruel also; I meant the types of small casting nets used by the Thai. But catch and release is hooking the fish through its flesh, fighting it until it is tired, etc. then releasing it, injured, exhausted, easy prey for its predators. The Cruelty of Catch-and-Release Fishing
This is my clown, Nene, aka: Neener, Nudeebits, Boo.
birdingnut comments on Mar 15, 2018:
I keep checking here to see if you've posted more photos of Nene.
birdingnut replies on Mar 19, 2018:
@DotLewis I'm so grateful! I often come here and scroll through all her photos. I don't know how I'd control myself if I had such a graceful, photogenic dog!
What is the common cause of your anxiety and how do you feel when it attacks?
birdingnut comments on Mar 18, 2018:
Anything can trigger anxiety, so I take herbs, early morning walks, eat fish, and take a certain calming plant.
birdingnut replies on Mar 18, 2018:
@Bernardo 5-htp, magnesium, St. John's Wort (all 3 found at WalMart), Mexican Sarsaparilla powder (ordered online), derris scandens (Thai herb capsules that can be ordered from amazon) CBD oil works well to stop anxiety, I'm told, but I use the actual plant oil. It's not legal everywhere. Some of these herbs balance my hormones to stop anxiety, so since I'm female bodied with a lot of male brain mapping, these herbs may be correcting a problem that doesn't match yours.
Have you taken tests that proved things aren't as they appear?
TheMiddleWay comments on Mar 18, 2018:
I think this also plays into the fallacy of taking tests to ascertain personality traits. If you were to take a similar test today, chances are the biker would score high and you low. Take it another day, and both of you low. Etc. It's pretty much established, in other words, that personality ...
birdingnut replies on Mar 18, 2018:
In my case, I'm a definite risk taker..riding/training a mustang stallion when I was ten yrs old, without a bridle or saddle, growing up in Haiti, teaching in Mexico and Thailand, taking the most dangerous locations to teach, etc. running several home businesses, etc.
Did any of your university professors bully you in class, give unfair grades, or target you in ...
Jnei comments on Mar 18, 2018:
My university profressors encouraged all students to think for themselves, question everything and challenge them if a student felt the need to do so - precisely as anyone worthy of the title ought to do. School, meanwhile, was a different matter - I was punished many times for daring to argue ...
birdingnut replies on Mar 18, 2018:
I was also punished when I attended public school in the US for the first time at nine, when I kept correcting the teacher. I stood up for myself until finally he became afraid of me, and every time he'd say something he'd look at me nervously, and say, "Isn't that right, Picazo?" I'd look up from my library book and nod vaguely.
Dont jump me (read first) I saw a facebook post about that 19 year old dude who felt katy perry had...
NicoleCadmium comments on Mar 16, 2018:
Like many other animals, humans have mating rituals. We're currently in the midst of a process of outlawing them. Yes, predators like Weinstein, Spacey and Cosby need to be dealt with, but once the Internet gets a taste for blood, it wants more. Next thing you know, it's pointing the finger at ...
birdingnut replies on Mar 18, 2018:
@smoyle Believe me, if you'd tried to give me a "peck on the lips" you might have put yourself at risk of bodily harm. You have no right to decide what is "sexual" to others. White male privilege talking.
Got some photos of your local area's flora, fauna, or scenery?
Tomaf comments on Mar 17, 2018:
Oh wow, I found a pic I took of a bird in Sukhothai, Thailand, in 2005 or 2008, I think.
birdingnut replies on Mar 17, 2018:
City pigeon, but in Thailand, these are actually NATIVE birds, "Rock Doves," LOL! But that is a domesticated one; I've seen huge flocks of wild native pigeons foraging in the fields, and they are so wild it's almost impossible to get a photo of them. Same for Thai native jungle fowl, the ancestors of domestic chickens.
Is it harder for women to get a date or for men?
birdingnut comments on Mar 16, 2018:
This is just my observation, but if you are willing to do the job, even if you're not fully qualified, people will hire you. I think people get the number of dates they actually (subconsciously) want. Due to my male nature, I put out rejection vibes constantly, so men who successfully date me ...
birdingnut replies on Mar 17, 2018:
@arronpaul46 I remember it from when I went dancing in Lexington, KY, bars, but people doing couples line dancing are still doing choreography steps, all pre-planned, and to country music (Ew!). They are using ballroom dance moves, but in a memorized manner. It's to help redneck types who would likely think ballroom dance too highfalutin for them, and women often wear denim pants or skirts with cowboy boots. Because I love to dance so much, I did it briefly until I found places I could do actual ballroom and jitterbug dancing, without the denim and country music, although doing the "two step" is fun..also stolen from the ballroom foxtrot.
Is it harder for women to get a date or for men?
birdingnut comments on Mar 16, 2018:
This is just my observation, but if you are willing to do the job, even if you're not fully qualified, people will hire you. I think people get the number of dates they actually (subconsciously) want. Due to my male nature, I put out rejection vibes constantly, so men who successfully date me ...
birdingnut replies on Mar 17, 2018:
@arronpaul46 The difference between line dancing and ballroom is that in line dancing people dance in rows, all doing steps to predetermined choreography, but in ballroom dance, the man leads the woman through any number of dance step possibilities, based on the music genre and beat. Also, I am an extreme bird and wildlife photographer, meaning that I climb cliffs, wade in swamps, hike mountains, scale cliffs, etc in search of perfect camera shots, moving silently, sneaking up on the animals and birds, and usually alone. I'm not a bird hunter, who would shoot them. I'm not sure which group you were referring to. I would never date any one who enjoyed killing animals.
Dont jump me (read first) I saw a facebook post about that 19 year old dude who felt katy perry had...
NicoleCadmium comments on Mar 16, 2018:
Like many other animals, humans have mating rituals. We're currently in the midst of a process of outlawing them. Yes, predators like Weinstein, Spacey and Cosby need to be dealt with, but once the Internet gets a taste for blood, it wants more. Next thing you know, it's pointing the finger at ...
birdingnut replies on Mar 17, 2018:
YES! The guy could be asexual, demisexual, or even gay, so he could feel violated. NO sexual advances without permission, and the guy had just told Katy he was saving his first kiss for someone special, because of his religious beliefs.
Is it harder for women to get a date or for men?
birdingnut comments on Mar 16, 2018:
This is just my observation, but if you are willing to do the job, even if you're not fully qualified, people will hire you. I think people get the number of dates they actually (subconsciously) want. Due to my male nature, I put out rejection vibes constantly, so men who successfully date me ...
birdingnut replies on Mar 17, 2018:
@arronpaul46 Hey, if someone wants to go extreme birding with me, or loves to ballroom/jitterbug dance, I will probably date them, LOL!
Wondering if anyone else is afraid of this.
Leutrelle comments on Mar 17, 2018:
If you are afraid of a Hitler senerio then I would be more afraid of the people who want to take away our guns. I know that in certain religious hot spots that religious people have the power, and they can hurt you economicly by not hiring those whoo are not religious. I lived in Mormon areas, and ...
birdingnut replies on Mar 17, 2018:
@Leutrelle Sure. I'm guessing you watch Fox News, since you quoted them about people coming to get your guns, LOL! They said that to scare people into not voting for Obama and kept saying it for eight years. But it was really all about racism, as it turned out, since the Trump people don't care that he's a sexual predator, homophobic, xenophobic, etc., as long as he's GOP, white, and male.
As a woman, if you were planning a fall weekend hiking trip, how would you shop for it?
BufftonBeotch comments on Mar 16, 2018:
I can run up flights of stairs here. My lungs were not prepared for the altitude climb needed in the Grand Canyon. I felt like I was strangling. lol. Pathetic sea-level critter
birdingnut replies on Mar 17, 2018:
NObody is prepared for the Grand Canyon. When I was living in Durango, CO, at over 6500 feet, I'd run to the top of the mesa-ANimas Mountain, above the town every morning just before dawn. We often went camping and hiking at the Grand Canyon but I knew not to go too far down the trail, and to leave plenty of time to get back up.
Wondering if anyone else is afraid of this.
Leutrelle comments on Mar 17, 2018:
If you are afraid of a Hitler senerio then I would be more afraid of the people who want to take away our guns. I know that in certain religious hot spots that religious people have the power, and they can hurt you economicly by not hiring those whoo are not religious. I lived in Mormon areas, and ...
birdingnut replies on Mar 17, 2018:
An alt-right, NRA-loving atheist? That's rare.
I'm a big fan of stand up comedy.
marcelr12 comments on Mar 16, 2018:
Well there's the old favorites Eddie Murphy Richard Pryor and George Carlin. I also find myself never being offended by anything Dave Chappelle or John Caparulo says.
birdingnut replies on Mar 17, 2018:
I LOVE Dave Cappelle also. He has three specials on Netflix right now and I've almost memorized them.
Got some photos of your local area's flora, fauna, or scenery?
Tomaf comments on Mar 16, 2018:
WOW, I am sooo jealous. I love Thailand more than you can imagine, and I am envious of anyone who can live there. Where in Thailand do you live? If I could, I would love to live in Thailand and move around the country, living on an island beach for awhile, then in Isaan (Northeast country area) ...
birdingnut replies on Mar 16, 2018:
Wow..someone who has seen Thailand! I've seen that temple, by the way, with some Thai friends, when I taught in Saraburi, Thailand, 2010-11
So who else here loves reptiles; I.e. lizards, snakes, turtles, geckos, etc.?
Zster comments on Mar 16, 2018:
Definite fan here! Mostly of non-venemous snakes, but love lizards, too! Here's my youngest, of five... Siri (Sirius Black), a Mexican black king snake.
birdingnut replies on Mar 16, 2018:
Beautiful! Resembles an eastern Indigo snake. Same family -Colubridae, but different genus.
Was anyone here involved with Televangelism?
VictoriaNotes comments on Mar 15, 2018:
Billy Graham was a televangelist, and he was given an extremely rare honor for a private citizen (Lie in honor at the U.S. Congress) after his death. What does that tell you? "**Lie** in honor" LOL Anyway, back to your question. I was watching televangelist Joyce Meyer back in the 90's. I ...
birdingnut replies on Mar 16, 2018:
@VictoriaNotes Yup..there's money to made in peddling lies and fear, as seen with GOP and DNC leaders.
Was anyone here involved with Televangelism?
VictoriaNotes comments on Mar 15, 2018:
Billy Graham was a televangelist, and he was given an extremely rare honor for a private citizen (Lie in honor at the U.S. Congress) after his death. What does that tell you? "**Lie** in honor" LOL Anyway, back to your question. I was watching televangelist Joyce Meyer back in the 90's. I ...
birdingnut replies on Mar 15, 2018:
Joyce Meyer was pretty ignorant, as are most Pentecostal types. She used to tell the fake science story that eagles grind off their own beaks and pull out their feathers, then grow them back, to explain the Bible verse, "Thy strength shall be renewed like the eagles." Got so sick of their ignorance I quit watching such people on TV.
Ever since a tour guide forgot me in the middle of Cuzco, Peru, I have been traveling solo, even to ...
birdingnut comments on Mar 15, 2018:
Sounds like a fun lifetstyle! I'm similar to you in activities and travels, but those men do exist; I was married to a fit airline pilot who went with me everywhere, even on camel treks in Australia. I've been single and teaching in Thailand since 2010 though, six minutes by motorbike from the ...
birdingnut replies on Mar 15, 2018:
@SynergySeeker Sounds like great work, if you can get it. Do you work for a travel review business?
What brings you joy?
birdingnut comments on Mar 14, 2018:
That's bird species I've not yet photographed, and ripe monthong durian! YUUUUUUM! Pic is me eating durian while visiting Penang Island, Malaysia
birdingnut replies on Mar 15, 2018:
@MarcIveson LOL! Durian is WAY better than Duran Duran music!
What brings you joy?
birdingnut comments on Mar 14, 2018:
That's bird species I've not yet photographed, and ripe monthong durian! YUUUUUUM! Pic is me eating durian while visiting Penang Island, Malaysia
birdingnut replies on Mar 15, 2018:
@Freespirit64 Here's a wikipedia link, with photos-
What brings you joy?
birdingnut comments on Mar 14, 2018:
That's bird species I've not yet photographed, and ripe monthong durian! YUUUUUUM! Pic is me eating durian while visiting Penang Island, Malaysia
birdingnut replies on Mar 15, 2018:
@BookDeath True. I thought it smelled like dead socks until a friend dared me to eat some, and once I did I was hopelessly hooked. Monthong durian is very expensive, but I lived in an area where people grew it, so was able to get it fairly cheap. Durian is probably the reason I stayed so long in Thailand (over seven years) instead of leaving in two years, as I'd planned.
Looking back on the "One that got away", if you have one, what was a sign of impending failure that ...
birdingnut comments on Mar 15, 2018:
Naw. I enjoyed my romantic mistakes and wouldn't change the past if given a choice. All my exes are still fans of mine, and I of most of them.
birdingnut replies on Mar 15, 2018:
@Phyphrus I don't mean I'd go back to them now, just that I wouldn't change the past in any way
This is my clown, Nene, aka: Neener, Nudeebits, Boo.
birdingnut comments on Mar 14, 2018:
Well? Any more photos of your photogenic terrier?
birdingnut replies on Mar 14, 2018:
@DotLewis I'm so jealous! Your dog is like living art..graceful, almost surreal. There's a Thai Dingo feral dog that lives near me here in Songkhla, Thailand, that has a similar, slim, graceful body and is also hairless.
I find it humorous and sad that when I do something such as an act of kindness ie: the other day I ...
birdingnut comments on Mar 14, 2018:
Wow. Good self control. I would have retorted that I wanted my shopping cart back and that she could get one from a "Christian." But probably not. I'm so transmale I'm hard wired to tolerate stuff from women without complaint.
birdingnut replies on Mar 14, 2018:
@MeriMaat Ah. I didn't realize it was a different woman who insulted you. But I still would have said that to the other woman, or asked why, if she was such a great Christian, she didn't get the woman a shopping cart.
What was the most expensive clothing item you owned and how much did it cost?
obtusethevague1 comments on Mar 13, 2018:
I buy everything second hand, except like merch at shows, so probably $25 for a tshirt
birdingnut replies on Mar 13, 2018:
@MarvelAnn Before I went thrift shopping, I'd imagine what item I wanted, and in what size. Then I'd confidently head for the nearest yard sale or thrift shop and look around to spot it. It was always there! My mom and daughter did the same thing,,scoring full length leather coats that fit as though custom made, London tailored suits for my dad, etc. We didn't worry about it..just put in our "orders" to the "universe" and it appeared. Physics indicates that we are participating in creating our own universes/reality: “I regard consciousness as fundamental and matter as derivative from consciousness." – Max Planck, theoretical physicist who originated quantum theory, 1918 Nobel Prize in Physics
(Trigger warning for cis, straight males.
GoldenDoll comments on Mar 13, 2018:
Sorry, but what's "jealous like a girl?" mean? I'm still recovering from my ex's jealous fantasies and have only ever known "jealous like a man" or boy if we continue your example.
birdingnut replies on Mar 13, 2018:
I've never known a man to be jealous unless he was heavy in female traits. All the cis, normal females I know will toss their lovers to the curb if they betray them. They don't put up with anything and will change the locks and toss their man's stuff on the lawn. Most men put up with anything, and that's how I am. Which is why my relationships with men haven't worked out..unlike most women I don't toss them out when they show disrespectful behavior. Since most high creative IQ people are androgyne (mixed gender traits) they usually aren't aware of what normal cis hetero people are like, assuming that everyone of their bio gender feels as they do. That's how I was.
What quality or trait do you have that You really like about yourself?
Donotbelieve comments on Mar 12, 2018:
I smell nice...right now.
birdingnut replies on Mar 13, 2018:
@Archer I used to bury my nose in my horses' manes to sniff their sweet, grassy scent.
(Trigger warning for cis, straight males.
LauraUU comments on Mar 13, 2018:
I wouldn’t have a problem with the jealousy. I’m not jealous and my first husband was. I made rules for myself, told him what they were and that helped. My husband now isn’t jealous and it is better. When we were first dating, I had a male friend that wanted to rent a room from me. I did ask...
birdingnut replies on Mar 13, 2018:
He wasn't jealous of people, and since I'm demisexual, I'm not even sexually attracted to people of any gender. He was jealous of anything that took my attention off him, including my job.
(Trigger warning for cis, straight males.
LeighShelton comments on Mar 13, 2018:
Dangerously passive agressive and jealous like a girl are a huge red flag I think.
birdingnut replies on Mar 13, 2018:
YUP. That's why I was expecting the usual lectures. I plan to have him try derris scandens to see if it relieves his dysphoria as it did mine. Also have him take CBD oil and other cannabis products to keep him from manifesting less social behaviors. If I play it by ear and take precautions maybe I can get away with it for a while at least. I want someone with whom to share expenses in the US, and a dance partner.
If you are a conservative, do consider insulting the president a personal attack on you?
Beach_slim comments on Mar 13, 2018:
No. I wonder if these late night shows talked about Obama all day like they do with Trump?
birdingnut replies on Mar 13, 2018:
Fox News still hasn't let up attacking Obama.
Ok what do I say/?
Whathappensnow comments on Mar 12, 2018:
I don't bother with political correctness. I just get on with my life say what I want, if I offend them, that's their problem not mine. After all, what is politiclly correct one day, might not be politically correct the next.
birdingnut replies on Mar 13, 2018:
So you'd call a transwoman a tranny, or call a woman a "little lady?" I think not. It's good for people to learn respect for others.
(Trigger warning for cis, straight males.
CallMeDave comments on Mar 12, 2018:
I need to go get some air.
birdingnut replies on Mar 13, 2018:
LOL! I should put a "trigger warning" on this post for cis, straight men.
(Trigger warning for cis, straight males.
DanaCNA comments on Mar 13, 2018:
So if you are perfectly happy being single why are you thinking about getting back together?
birdingnut replies on Mar 13, 2018:
It's perfectly safe and affordable to live alone in Thailand, but in the US, not so much. When I return to the US, I'll need a dance and hiking partner and someone with whom to share expenses. I was just going to take my chances of meeting someone, but it's a very long chance of ever meeting anyone to match me. I probably could never return to dating straight men, now that I know I'm partly transmale and see myself as nonbinary.
(Trigger warning for cis, straight males.
silvereyes comments on Mar 12, 2018:
Two hour foot rubs!!! I'm not sure I'd turn that bit away. LOL. You seem to have a pretty clear view of what you want and don't want. Though, if this were a piece asking for advice, I think I'd say you don't have to have everything planned out today. Feel it out and follow your instincts. Is...
birdingnut replies on Mar 12, 2018:
No, but it's exactly what I'll do anyway, LOL!
Why marrying too young can be bad for your emotional health - Calgary - CBC News
birdingnut comments on Mar 12, 2018:
Interesting, but what most people thought anyway. I married just before I turned 20, but we both finished college, and after our divorce, 22 years later, I got another degree and a Masters.
birdingnut replies on Mar 12, 2018:
@Freedompath My getting married didn't mean I began living like an adult. My ex and I both grew up as MKs (missionary kids) in Haiti, and hung with, even rented houses together with other MKs from home, ran around like college brats. We did whatever entered our heads to do..taking off to concerts, to see movies (nobody did drugs, except for pot, but not at my place) having pets, moved to different states, I bought a horse, etc. I didn't get around to getting pregnant until I was 26 yrs old..closer to the "right" time for marriage.
Tell me about your day?
birdingnut comments on Mar 12, 2018:
Hmm..I had a good day. Nice and sunny, sea breeze, Ray Donovan on Netflix, a great new Kindle book by a favorite author.
birdingnut replies on Mar 12, 2018:
@ReBrew2115 Aaw! I'm jealous! That show looks like so much fun to be on! I have a major crush on Kathy Moenning, and also loved her on The L Word as Shane. Jon Voight outdoes himself as a geratric criminal, and sometimes I laugh so hard it hurts as he gallops around after other old bad guys in slow motion.
Trigger warnings and micro-aggression's.
birdingnut comments on Mar 11, 2018:
I disagree. That's like saying we should continue to have white only water fountains and resturants to teach black people the reality of racism.
birdingnut replies on Mar 12, 2018:
@Gilda Not really. I'd still be offended if some guy called me "sweetie" or "little lady," or called a trans friend "tranny." I still prefer people learn how treat to others with respect, and will resent people who make those kinds of "mistakes."
This is my clown, Nene, aka: Neener, Nudeebits, Boo.
Qualia comments on Mar 11, 2018:
She's gorgeous. Would love to see more pics of her. She screams "art dog".
birdingnut replies on Mar 12, 2018:
I agree! More photos!
This is my clown, Nene, aka: Neener, Nudeebits, Boo.
birdingnut comments on Mar 11, 2018:
Aaaaw! I'm jealous! I miss my terriers!
birdingnut replies on Mar 12, 2018:
@DotLewis Some Hairless Terriers have normally furred litter mates so they are almost the same as Rat Terriers except for the hairless gene. I've never owned one, but I've had West Highlands, a Yorkie, Toy Fox, Rat Terrier, Soft-coated Wheaten, and a Jack Russell, so I apparently love terriers! Seems like having a hairless dog would be allergies for humans, no hair on the furniture.
Clothing I designed and sewed.
Spinliesel comments on Mar 11, 2018:
Fleece is so versatile! I just adore the blue gown. You are very talented!
birdingnut replies on Mar 11, 2018:
Thanks! I never use a pattern, but do use samples of clothing that already fits me, to get the size right.
Clothing I designed and sewed.
silverotter11 comments on Mar 11, 2018:
The blue dress is FABulous!!
birdingnut replies on Mar 11, 2018:
Thanks! I got tired of store bought gowns binding my arms and making me overheat, so made my own design.
Got some photos of your local area's flora, fauna, or scenery?
Donotbelieve comments on Mar 11, 2018:
birdingnut replies on Mar 11, 2018:
OMG! How adorable! I especially like the little ring-necked snake!
The term "ladies" Any other women here cringe when they see this?
birdingnut comments on Mar 10, 2018:
I address groups of women as "ladies." Would you prefer I said, "Good evening, Women?" Or, "How are you women tonight?" That sounds creepy, to me.
birdingnut replies on Mar 11, 2018:
@SeaGreen I'm talking about when I post something on this forum just for women. I have to narrow it down, because if I ask what would be a good first date, what the men think is irrelevant. The point is to impress the women, and for most cis, hetero men, who usually only want sex, the date part is only a means to that end.
Got some photos of your local area's flora, fauna, or scenery?
Naills1675 comments on Mar 11, 2018:
I'm moving to Japan this September. Looking forward to visiting Thailand. Here are some pics from my current home in the Black Hills of South Dakota.
birdingnut replies on Mar 11, 2018:
Nice! What is the squirrel eating?
Got some photos of your local area's flora, fauna, or scenery?
ashortbeauty comments on Mar 11, 2018:
And a few from Tampa Florida
birdingnut replies on Mar 11, 2018:
Got some photos of your local area's flora, fauna, or scenery?
MrLizard comments on Mar 11, 2018:
In and near Gainesville, FLlorida, USA. (There is so much more. But no chicken carriers.)
birdingnut replies on Mar 11, 2018:
Nice! I especially love the limpkin and corn snake!
Got some photos of your local area's flora, fauna, or scenery?
Crimson67 comments on Mar 11, 2018:
Everything is still brown here right now. Next month the colors will arrive. These are from our family outing last weekend.
birdingnut replies on Mar 11, 2018:
A few photos of critters and scenery from around my place, near Songkhla, Thailand 1.
Leutrelle comments on Mar 11, 2018:
Thailand looks life paradise:)
birdingnut replies on Mar 11, 2018:
Yeah, it sure it. Sadly, I'm too old to teach here anymore, and plan to leave soon.
What type of outdoor markets, festivals, and state fairs do you like to attend, and why?
Lucy_Fehr comments on Mar 11, 2018:
You're from Louisville? My father's side is from there. Small world
birdingnut replies on Mar 11, 2018:
I have relatives from Louisville, but I spent 27 years living on the family farm near Morehead, KY, and we'd drive to Louisville from there. When I return to the US, I plan to live in Lexington, near my daughter.
What type of outdoor markets, festivals, and state fairs do you like to attend, and why?
BookDeath comments on Mar 11, 2018:
Abingdon has a plethora of outdoor events, and I attend as many as possible! There are the ThursdayJams in the summer, which are FREE and held at the farmers market pavilion downtown and feature at least TWO great bands, plus food trucks and and a beer garden should you wish to indulge. There is the...
birdingnut replies on Mar 11, 2018:
Whoa. You got me ready to move there.
Got some photos of your local area's flora, fauna, or scenery?
Extinction comments on Mar 11, 2018:
A few miles from home in Rocky Mountain National Park in Colorado. Thailand is such an awesome place.
birdingnut replies on Mar 11, 2018:
Hi! I'm a nonbinary, demisexual, partial transmale, but I live as an androgynous female.
ashortbeauty comments on Mar 11, 2018:
Welcome :)
birdingnut replies on Mar 11, 2018:
Hi! I'm a nonbinary, demisexual, partial transmale, but I live as an androgynous female.
obtusethevague1 comments on Mar 11, 2018:
I hope you find everything you're looking for here
birdingnut replies on Mar 11, 2018:
Thanks. I'm just looking for people who have things in common with me.
What is your opinion of Mr. Rogers and the fact that he was a Presbyterian minister?
birdingnut comments on Mar 10, 2018:
I think he made a good choice to abandon the church to help children. Besides, Presbyterians are mostly liberals, and not very religious. There's a joke where a Baptist preacher was annoyed to keep passing his hillbilly neighbor napping on the porch every Sunday morning. But whenever the preacher...
birdingnut replies on Mar 11, 2018:
@TheMiddleWay I meant to say abandoned that vocation. As far as I know, he didn't pastor a church.
Clothing I designed and sewed.
Annaleda comments on Mar 11, 2018:
I make a lot of clothing and such too. It’s fun to design your own stuff.
birdingnut replies on Mar 11, 2018:
Yup-sure is! Store bought clothes never fit me exactly the way I wished, so I designed and made my own.
Clothing I designed and sewed.
Qualia comments on Mar 11, 2018:
Great pics. You are adorable. Love the Santa hoodie.
birdingnut replies on Mar 11, 2018:
Thanks! It was very fleecy and warm.
Clothing I designed and sewed.
Freespirit64 comments on Mar 11, 2018:
You're such a little cutie! That dress is lovely! What kind of fabric?
birdingnut replies on Mar 11, 2018:
Thanks! It was some sort of stretch blend cloth, with glitter on one side. I had to be careful when designing and sewing to make sure none of the scratchy outside of the cloth would touch my skin when I wore it.
Trudeau is an insult to feminism – and to seriousness - The Globe and Mail
birdingnut comments on Mar 10, 2018:
Hmm...we'll give you a great discount if you want to trade Trudeau for Trump!
birdingnut replies on Mar 10, 2018:
@Hellbent Trudeau has his shortcoming, but he's not mocking the handicapped, bragging about sexually assaulting women, insulting his allies, blocking immigration, threatening Muslims, pushing anti-LGBTQ legislation, supporting the NRA while canceling mental illness background checks for gun buyers, praising Nazis, and lying every time he opens his mouth.
It has been a very gloomy birthday.
birdingnut comments on Mar 10, 2018:
Hmm...sounds like you're thinking too much. When that happens, I head outdoors for a hike, turn on music, watch a funny Netflix show, or take herbs that raise the mood. Also, since you're male, it's your role to make the first move..ask women to get a cup of coffee, etc. I read that CBD oil not ...
birdingnut replies on Mar 10, 2018:
@Ceaselessmind CBD oil is legal, but has many of the same benefits of regular cannabis. Furthermore, everyone has a friend of a friend who knows someone, and tiny amounts of cannabis oil definitely stop depression. As for dating, you can still ask men out, or get on a gay dating app. Tinder, if you just want a quick rendezvous. I'm an androgyne female and all my life, women have asked me out, even when I thought I was a cis, hetero female (I'm a partial transmale, and demisexual), so gay people definitely can get dates, even when they're not trying.
How else do you break societal conventions, besides being agnostic?
El-loco comments on Mar 10, 2018:
Why avoid synthetic prescribed drugs? I used to be a pharmacist and you are pissing on my (former) profession.
birdingnut replies on Mar 10, 2018:
You a Big Pharm guy, huh? Before Rockefeller bought the drug companies, people took cannabis and herbs to cure things, prescribed by doctors. This is still common in many Asian countries, but in the US, the doctors are mostly synthetic drug and operation pushers, because there's more money in it, and they get kick-backs.
Every gain has a cost.
birdingnut comments on Mar 10, 2018:
Polluting gasoline cars came about only because of Henry Ford stealing the assembly line concept from one of his workers, and the Stanley brothers being such bad businessmen with their clean, highly powered steam cars. There was the TATA air car, and a water car, Stan Meyer's dune buggy, got 100 ...
birdingnut replies on Mar 10, 2018:
@d_day (sigh) You sound like the alt-right..everything about green energy is "fake news!" I suppose that now you are going to deny that the Stanley steamer race cars could go so fast just on steam power. In 1906, Fred Marriott set the world land speed record at 127.659 mph (205.5 km/h) at the Daytona Beach Road Course, while driving the Stanley Land Speed Record Car, winning the Stanley Motor Carriage Company the Dewar Trophy. Furthermore, Rice University scientists produced steam without boiling water, by adding metal and carbon nanoparticles to the water, heating it with only a few tiny solar screens, which would really make the steam car practical
Who are a few of your movie star/famous person crushes?
AzVixen52 comments on Mar 10, 2018:
I have a mad crush on Simon Baker............I ADORE sleepy eyes , and he has the sleepiest ones I've ever seen! Swoon!!! The accent doesn't hurt, either!
birdingnut replies on Mar 10, 2018:
Me, 2, for his character in The Mentalist, but didn't want to make my list overlong..
OMG!!! Who else is super proud and thinks it's super cute that a U.
evidentialist comments on Mar 7, 2018:
It is a shame so much attention gets wasted on things like this when truly important things squeak right on by.
birdingnut replies on Mar 8, 2018:
@Gnarloc it. I think I'll steal it.
What are your hobbies?
birdingnut comments on Mar 8, 2018:
Beautiful! My hobbies: bird and wildlife photography, writing, art, designing and sewing my own clothes, hiking, swimming, building new invention prototypes, training gaited horses for trail riding, casual jumping, and driving, traveling, jamming with other musicians, reading, ballroom/jitterubg ...
birdingnut replies on Mar 8, 2018:
@misstuffy Cool! Sounds like a dream job! I grew up riding my Haitian mustangs without a bridle or saddle like a Native American, roping half grown wild boars that got into the corn, even driving horse carts on loose reins. I had an Akhal Teke mare throw back that could cruise at 30 mph on the trail, and Haitian people were always riding up and challenging me to race them. She always won by so much the challenger wasn't even in sight, but they'd say I "got the jump" on them so they didn't have to pay off the bet! In the US I continued riding without bridle and saddlle with my horses here. I couldn't ride my TV Walking Horses bareback, though, because Walkers have such steep withers and narrow bodies. Even with Banjo, after he was trained, I just knotted the reins together, threw them down on his neck and used my mind/weight shifts to guide him. When driving, my Walking Horses would even change gaits as I "thought" them..rack, running walk, pace, etc.
LOL .... sobs
resserts comments on Mar 8, 2018:
And so soon after Ben Carson was denied his $30,000+ office dining set. The tragedies just keep coming.
birdingnut replies on Mar 8, 2018:
Describe a (nonsexual) hobby/activity that you love to do, and why you love doing it.
Hokulea comments on Mar 7, 2018:
birdingnut replies on Mar 8, 2018:
Primitive Pokeman!
Describe a (nonsexual) hobby/activity that you love to do, and why you love doing it.
MikeInBatonRouge comments on Mar 6, 2018:
One of my top three leisure loves is green; I love gardening. It is meditative, teaches me to pay attention to little details, has vicariously taught me much about insects, fungal diseases, and plant biology. I have grown roses since age 10, 40 years ago. Where I live, many of the modern ...
birdingnut replies on Mar 8, 2018:
Describe a (nonsexual) hobby/activity that you love to do, and why you love doing it.
Karenl comments on Mar 6, 2018:
I refinish and refunction antiques and sometimes just plain old junk. I love bringing life back to something that has history and it's fun to repurpose the pieces that are just too far gone for their original use. I turn on some good music and let the creative juices flow. I was raised in the high ...
birdingnut replies on Mar 8, 2018:
Sounds awesome. My sister does that.
Describe a (nonsexual) hobby/activity that you love to do, and why you love doing it.
Holysocks comments on Mar 7, 2018:
I love to throw on a backpack and disappear for days, and I love a very hot fire with bits of steel around waiting for me to shape them.
birdingnut replies on Mar 8, 2018:
Any photos of your work?
Where do you stand on education in Liberal Arts?
birdingnut comments on Mar 7, 2018:
I think education should be free, and self-directed. Any textbook can be found for free online and most top universities give free online classes and degrees anyway.
birdingnut replies on Mar 7, 2018:
@citronella Why limit oneself to reading free "text books?" Most of the information I gained at college was from my own research in the library (no Kindle back then), nothing to do with texts. The idea that students should sit in class and be lectured to learn anything comes from the Middle Ages, when books were too expensive to own privately.
Has anyone ever had an encounter with a celebrity?
Jnei comments on Mar 7, 2018:
I once saw Rick Astley in the back of a limo on the motorway.
birdingnut replies on Mar 7, 2018:
R2D2's secret message
What is a (nonsexual) trait/skill you have that contributes to a positive relationship with someone,...
LimeySteve comments on Mar 7, 2018:
Pro - I am open and honest with and about who I am. Con - I'm happy with who I am and will not change for anyone but myself.
birdingnut replies on Mar 7, 2018:
Sadly, that will exclude a relationship with most cis, hetero women, who expect their men to conform to their wishes, and are the ones to choose housing, vacation destinations, date night movies, etc. In fact, most will dump a man in early courtship who isn't eagerly doing her bidding. A study showed that the one common denominator for a long-term hetero relationship was the willingness of the husband to obey the wife. "In John Gottman’s long-term study of 130 newlywed couples, he found that, even in the first few months of marriage, men who allow their wives to influence them have happier marriages and are less likely to divorce than men who resist their wives’ influence. Statistically speaking, when a man is not willing to share power with his partner, there is an 81 percent chance that his marriage will self-destruct." Gottman, John M., and Nan Silver. (1999). “Principle 4: Let Your Partner Influence You,” in The Seven Principles for Making Marriages Work (Chapter Six, 100-127).
When did you KNOW you were agnostic or atheist?
stomato comments on Mar 7, 2018:
I have had doubts most of my adult life. But I had religious parents and siblings so I didn't want to think about it much because I knew they would not understand and think less of me. I raised my kids to be open minded but to make up their own minds. For a short time they went to youth nights at a ...
birdingnut replies on Mar 7, 2018:
I did the same thing, for the same reason.


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Agnostic, Atheist, Secularist, Skeptic
Open to meeting men, women, trans men, genderfluids and others
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