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Which movies have you watched more than once and enjoyed them every time?
birdingnut comments on Jul 1, 2018:
Overboard, Tremors, Star Wars, Back to the Future, Galaxy Quest, Clueless, Groundhog Day, The Gods Must be Crazy, etc.
It's been three years since my marriage failed.
birdingnut comments on Jul 1, 2018:
Sounds rough. Maybe new friends will help you recover, or at least be distracted for a while.
Someone asked god,"I'm not quite sure what you just spoke, was that a parable, or a very subtle ...
birdingnut comments on Jul 1, 2018:
Hmm..not sure what you're talking about, but welcome to the website! By the way, if you answer the profile questions and write your profile, you'll earn points, and members can get to know you. Commenting on posts and writing your own earns more points. At level two you can private message people, and at level eight you get an agnostic T-shirt. The website uses profile algorithms to find member matches, so the more details one includes, the better the match. Many women prefer to see a written profile talking about interests, hobbies, and backgrounds that can be quickly perused to find compatible partners. In case you didn't know yet, to find members near you, click on the "Meet" button at the top of the page, then on "Members," and enter your preferred search parameters. Or click on the "About" button at the top of the page to find links to FAQ or the website tutorial. Click on the 'Meet" button to find member matches.
I rather enjoy making changes to my home .
birdingnut comments on Jul 1, 2018:
I prepared for future physical limitations by selling the family farm and traveling abroad. I only want to live in a small place when I return to the US, like an urban apartment, so I can have easy access to public transportation, the arts, etc.
Recommendations for what to watch on Netflix please.
birdingnut comments on Jul 1, 2018:
I have the Thai version of Netflix, but you might have some of these in the US. These are just some of my favorites, but you might have different tastes. If you like syfy, there's Travelers, Misfits if you like LGBTQ, there's Champions, Alex Strangelove, the L Word, Frankie and Grace, the Cuban version of One Day at a Time if autism issues/comedy, Atypical British humor: Vexed, Misfits French humor (subtitles) Call my Agent! (hilarious!) If you like violence, humor, and intrigue, I like Ray Donovan, the Blacklist
Dealing with family and loved ones
birdingnut comments on Jul 1, 2018:
I would calmly tell them my beliefs, and if they argue, I'd tell them why I believe that way ONCE, and from then on, if they bring it up, just ignore them or change the subject. If they persist, just act distracted, don't look at them or notice them, and leave as though you remembered you have to do something, then stay away for a while. Only look at them, smile, and interact with them when they speak on neutral subjects and behave kindly. It doesn't take long to train people with this behaviorist technique.
Do you even read the previous responses before you spout your opinion on the topic?
birdingnut comments on Jul 1, 2018:
I often scan through part of the comments if there are a lot of them, but I only care about what I want to say. Plus, I know that few people, if any, are likely to read my own comments, so it doesn't matter what I say.
My personal ofrenda.
birdingnut comments on Jul 1, 2018:
Nice. Too much dusting for me, though.
I am an Activist in the Resistance movement, a throwback to my grandparents involvement in social ...
birdingnut comments on Jul 1, 2018:
Since I'm living in Thailand, all I can do is protest online, but kudos to you for resisting Trump. By the way, if you answer the profile questions and write your profile, you'll earn points, and members can get to know you. Commenting on posts and writing your own earns more points; at level two you can private message people, and at level eight you get an agnostic T-shirt. The website uses profile algorithms to find member matches, so the more details one includes, the better the match. Also many women prefer to see a written profile talking about interests, hobbies, and backgrounds that can be quickly perused to find compatible partners. In case you didn't know yet, to find members near you, click on the "Meet" button at the top of the page, then on "Members," and enter your preferred search parameters. Or click on the "About" button at the top of the page to find links to FAQ or the website tutorial. Click on the 'Meet" button to find member matches.
Been there, we all have.
birdingnut comments on Jul 1, 2018:
Not really...
Can adopting spiritual practice be an adaptive response to trauma?
birdingnut comments on Jul 1, 2018:
Dunno. If your brother is happy, and helping people, that's what matters.
I'm not sure how many people are football fans but I have been a fan of the Steelers since I was a ...
birdingnut comments on Jul 1, 2018:
Hmm..I quit watching the Patriots when Tom Brady choked during the Super Bowl after a perfect 2008 season. Turns out, the Giants figured out Brady's calls so were able to keep sacking him. But when it came out what the constant concussions were doing to the football players..insanity, suicide, early death, brain damage, I wouldn't watch American football on principle. Still, I'm a hypocrite, since I'm following the World Cup in Moscow, despite studies showing that the soccer football "headers" do as much brain damage as the NFL concussions.
How often do you watch movies or read books that express a nuanced opinion about religion?
birdingnut comments on Jul 1, 2018:
I avoid religious topics and just watch movies that appeal to me..historical docudramas, sci-fi, family comedies, LGBTQ movies, etc.
High risk jobs
birdingnut comments on Jul 1, 2018:
I'm an English literature prof, but I've always done dangerous things, such as doing bird photography alone in remote places, driving my motorbike off road alone into the desert to find a particular bird species, riding the waves at the beach alone, etc. When I taught in Mexico in 2001, it was so dangerous that our friends were getting killed by bands of robbers, but I still traveled around alone. Since I moved to Thailand, I've taken teaching jobs in violent remote border provinces where people are constantly killed because nobody else would go. My employer loved that I was willing to go places that nobody else would dare go, and paid me several times the going teaching rate. Perhaps people who do these jobs are sort of daredevils who don't really think about danger. Or maybe they are normal people who are just brave.
Do you have a room in your home that is "your room?
birdingnut comments on Jul 1, 2018:
My entire one room Songkhla apartment is "my room" since I'm single and live alone. I have a bathroom, big bedroom, and a balcony. It's hard for me to grasp that men must obey women and are only "allowed" to have certain rooms for themselves. Women pretty much do what they want and own whatever they want.
Living in the bible belt is especially hard on us.
birdingnut comments on Jul 1, 2018:
Hmm..I'd comment but you haven't yet written your profile so I don't know enough about you. But it sounds dreadful.
They get what they want, and they never want it again....
birdingnut comments on Jul 1, 2018:
Not sure what you mean, but welcome to By the way, this website has a bit of a learning curve so here is some information that might be helpful for dating here. New members are encouraged to earn website points, and help other members get to know them better, by writing an informational profile that includes their hobbies and interests, and answering all the profile questions, since that's the first place many people look when they see a new member. The website uses profile algorithms to find member matches, so the more details one includes, the better the match. Also many women prefer to see a written profile talking about interests, hobbies, and backgrounds that can be quickly perused to find compatible partners. People make comments and write their own posts to earn more points and privileges; for instance, at level two someone can private email people. There are different perks with each level, and when you reach level eight you get an agnostic T-shirt. To find members near you, click on the "Meet" button at the top of the page, then on "Members," and enter your preferred search parameters. Or click on the "About" button at the top of the page to find links to FAQ or the website tutorial. Click on the 'Meet" button to find member matches
One of the last of the nice guys.
birdingnut comments on Jul 1, 2018:
Hi, Roy, and welcome to the website, I hope you do find someone here, and make new friends. By the way, this website has a bit of a learning curve so here is some information that might be helpful for dating here. New members are encouraged to earn website points, and help other members get to know them better, by writing an informational profile that includes their hobbies and interests, and answering all the profile questions, since that's the first place many people look when they see a new member. The website uses profile algorithms to find member matches, so the more details one includes, the better the match. Also many women prefer to see a written profile talking about interests, hobbies, and backgrounds that can be quickly perused to find compatible partners. People make comments and write their own posts to earn more points and privileges; for instance, at level two someone can private email people. There are different perks with each level, and when you reach level eight you get an agnostic T-shirt. To find members near you, click on the "Meet" button at the top of the page, then on "Members," and enter your preferred search parameters. Or click on the "About" button at the top of the page to find links to FAQ or the website tutorial. Click on the 'Meet" button to find member matches
Is the purpose of this site really just dating?
birdingnut comments on Jul 1, 2018:
It seems to be a dating site for intellectuals who want a serious relationship, so the point system encourages discussion and interaction. It's a new website so there usually isn't yet a big selection of members to date for any given location.
Any Latinos in the group?
birdingnut comments on Jul 1, 2018:
Hi, Happy, I'm part Cherokee from my mom's side, and my dad had a great-grandmother who was half Aztec Indian. By the way, if you answer the profile questions and write your profile, you'll earn points, and members can get to know you. Then start commenting on posts and writing your own to earn more points. At level two you can private message people, and at level eight you get an agnostic T-shirt. In case you didn't know yet, to find members near you, click on the "Meet" button at the top of the page, then on "Members," and enter your preferred search parameters. Or click on the "About" button at the top of the page to find links to FAQ or the website tutorial. Click on the 'Meet" button to find member matches.
If you went on a dating site what could you say that would get more attention than the rest of them?
birdingnut comments on Jul 1, 2018:
What kind of dating website, and for which gender, if any? By the way, if you upload a clear, recent photo of yourself, answer the profile questions and write your profile, you'll earn points, and members can get to know you better. Commenting on posts and writing your own earn more points, and at level eight you get an agnostic T-shirt. In case you didn't know yet, to find members near you, click on the "Meet" button at the top of the page, then on "Members," and enter your preferred search parameters. Or click on the "About" button at the top of the page to find links to FAQ or the website tutorial. Click on the 'Meet" button to find member matches.
History religion
birdingnut comments on Jul 1, 2018:
Or, anyone can just google the information, of course.
I post therefore I am.
birdingnut comments on Jul 1, 2018:
Quite a philosophy you have there. By the way, if you answer the profile questions and write your profile in a clear and organized manner, you'll earn points, and members can get to know you. The website algorithm uses profiles to find member matches, so the more details one includes, the better the match. Many women prefer to quickly look at a list of hobbies and interests to see if there's a match with a potential dating partner. Then start commenting on posts and writing your own to earn more points. At level two you can private message people, and at level eight you get an agnostic T-shirt. In case you didn't know yet, to find members near you, click on the "Meet" button at the top of the page, then on "Members," and enter your preferred search parameters. Or click on the "About" button at the top of the page to find links to FAQ or the website tutorial. Click on the 'Meet" button to find member matches.
The closer we get to the 4th of July in Texas, the harder it is to distinguish gun shots from ...
birdingnut comments on Jul 1, 2018:
Jehovahs Witnesses quickly regret coming to my door
birdingnut comments on Jul 1, 2018:
LOL! More effort than I'd ever go to, but I applaud him!
A question for those hoping to find love again.
birdingnut comments on Jul 1, 2018:
I'll never move somewhere to be with a man. If he wants to see me he can do the moving/traveling/getting a new job, etc. If I moved and changed my life for some guy, then he would have the advantage over me. If we broke up, I'd be homeless and the one to deal with the expense of relocating. I'd rather be single.
When you are young, life feels like a race – I can’t wait to go to school, I can’t wait to go ...
birdingnut comments on Jul 1, 2018:
Yup. True. By the way, if you answer the profile questions and write your profile, you'll earn points, and members can get to know you. Then start commenting on posts and writing your own to earn more points. At level two you can private message people, and at level eight you get an agnostic T-shirt. In case you didn't know yet, to find members near you, click on the "Meet" button at the top of the page, then on "Members," and enter your preferred search parameters. Or click on the "About" button at the top of the page to find links to FAQ or the website tutorial. Click on the 'Meet" button to find member matches.
Are Autistic people are more likely to hold atheistic views?
birdingnut comments on Jul 1, 2018:
People With Autism Are More Likely to Be Atheists via @HuffPostScience
Where do free-thinkers gather in KC?
birdingnut comments on Jun 30, 2018:
Well, this website is one place people can gather to have meaningful conversions, but you can google other meet ups in your local area. By the way, answering the profile questions and writing your profile earns website points, and members can get to know you. You've already done much of this. The website algorithm uses profiles to find member matches, so the more details one includes, the better the match. Then start commenting on posts and writing your own to earn more points. At level two you can private message people, and at level eight you get an agnostic T-shirt. In case you didn't know yet, to find members near you, click on the "Meet" button at the top of the page, then on "Members," and enter your preferred search parameters. Or click on the "About" button at the top of the page to find links to FAQ or the website tutorial. Click on the 'Meet" button to find member matches.
Do you have experience with a parent with Alzheimer's/Dementia?
birdingnut comments on Jun 30, 2018:
Experts say that cannabis could cure Alzheimer's if lawmakers would chill out and legalize it. Studies have found that cannabinoids can reduce neuroinflammation and promote neuroprotection. Even more exciting, prolonged administration of cannabinoids continued to reduce inflammation in Alzheimer's patients. These results were again reported in a follow-up study. CBD oil can even generate new neurons in the hippocampus region.
What’s the best way to flirt?
birdingnut comments on Jun 30, 2018:
Most women are flattered when men read their profiles then engage them in conversations on subjects of mutual interest. Showing interest in the women themselves is the most flattering thing you can do. By the way, if you upload a recent, clear photo of yourself, answer the profile questions and write your profile, you'll earn points, and members can get to know you. Then start commenting on posts and writing your own to earn more points, and at level eight you get an agnostic T-shirt. In case you don't know yet, to find members near you, click on the "Meet" button at the top of the page, then on "Members," and enter your preferred search parameters. Or click on the "About" button at the top of the page to find links to FAQ or the website tutorial. Click on the 'Meet" button to find member matches.
What is the main reason why you became a non-beliver or a believer of anything spiritual?
birdingnut comments on Jun 30, 2018:
I realized The Bible was too blood-thirsty and misogynistic to be taken seriously. Then during the 2016 election I realized that white evangelical Christians = white supremacists and I dumped what was left of my Christian upbringing. By the way, if you answer the profile questions and write your profile, you'll earn points, and members can get to know you. Then start commenting on posts and writing your own to earn more points. At level two you can private message people, and at level eight you get an agnostic T-shirt. In case you didn't know yet, to find members near you, click on the "Meet" button at the top of the page, then on "Members," and enter your preferred search parameters. Or click on the "About" button at the top of the page to find links to FAQ or the website tutorial. Click on the 'Meet" button to find member matches.
Neighbor saw this fox on his porch yesterday
birdingnut comments on Jun 30, 2018:
How cute! It looks like a young female gray fox. Here's a trail cam photo of a female gray fox photographed near our farm pond, Morehead, KY
Ladies... what do you see in my eyes ?
birdingnut comments on Jun 30, 2018:
Hi, Merlinseyes, and welcome to the website, I dunno...eyeballs? By the way, this website has a bit of a learning curve so here is some information that might be helpful for dating here. New members are encouraged to earn website points, and help other members get to know them better, by writing an informational profile that includes their hobbies and interests, and answering all the profile questions, since that's the first place many people look when they see a new member. The website uses profile algorithms to find member matches, so the more details one includes, the better the match. Also many women prefer to see a written profile talking about interests, hobbies, and backgrounds that can be quickly perused to find compatible partners. People make comments and write their own posts to earn more points and privileges; for instance, at level two someone can private email people. There are different perks with each level, and when you reach level eight you get an agnostic T-shirt. To find members near you, click on the "Meet" button at the top of the page, then on "Members," and enter your preferred search parameters. Or click on the "About" button at the top of the page to find links to FAQ or the website tutorial. Click on the 'Meet" button to find member matches Levels are mostly a way to help identify and reward those who contribute to the growth of the community. The website also gives more access and benefits depending on level. Links to FAQ:, and a website tutorial:
My bible-thumping MAGA sister is staying with me for about a week.
birdingnut comments on Jun 30, 2018:
I keep advising people to use this behaviorist technique to train relatives to leave you alone. Highly effective, and works quickly. Whenever someone is being offensive..either talking religion or defending Trump policies, pay no attention to them. Act bored and distracted whenever they start to speak on such subjects and leave the area immediately, as though you'd thought of something you had to do. Only look at them, smile, or pay attention when they are acting normally and speaking on neutral subjects. If you are consistent, you can train anyone fairly rapidly. Do whatever you want and if they attack you for it, don't notice them, nod vaguely, and wander off in the middle of their tirade. This technique works just well with animals you are trying to train.
I know you don't care, but here';s the facts. Some of us do care. About facts.
birdingnut comments on Jun 30, 2018:
White supremacists don't care if they are "right" or not, just if they're "white."
We have to find a way to have fun when disagreeing with people, rather than anger! Sara Pascoe
birdingnut comments on Jun 30, 2018:
I prefer to ignore the offending person, wander off, seem bored, and only look at them and pay attention when they speak on neutral subjects. That quickly trains them to avoid religious subjects.
Anthony Kennedy's son was Trump's moneylender at Deutsche Bank
birdingnut comments on Jun 30, 2018:
He and the entire GOP colluding cartel belong in prison.
The second is one I really need to work on. No 3 also.....LOL. I assume
birdingnut comments on Jun 30, 2018:
I disagree with #4. You don't have to be some perfectionist nut case..good enough is good enough. It only matters that you do what makes you happy. If you prefer an immaculate house, then clean it.
A good Christian would have turned the other cheek.
birdingnut comments on Jun 30, 2018:
I love her, LOL!
Just back from a fabulous day camping trip to the beach with a friend and her 4 children.
birdingnut comments on Jun 30, 2018:
Sounds like you had a lot of fun! What kind of inflatable tent did you use? Did you take a photo?
Here in Harrisburg, capital of Pennsylvania about 800 people gathered to protest current laws on ...
birdingnut comments on Jun 30, 2018:
Good for you!
Have you ever talked to someone and was making it obvious that you thought something was bullshit?
birdingnut comments on Jun 30, 2018:
What actually matters is what the people believe in. If someone thinks a rock will help, then it will, since it's us doing anything anyway.
Bristol Indivisible and others, including YAP and APEC from SWVA, held THEIR Families Belong ...
birdingnut comments on Jun 30, 2018:
Good for you!
Why does it seem in modern society that we need some form of validation from others?
birdingnut comments on Jun 30, 2018:
Fitting in is safer than being marginalized. Even in modern society, being gay, bi, poor, obese, elderly, non-white, Muslim, handicapped, or even unattractive, can put people at an extreme social disadvantage.
[] Russian Mummy found
birdingnut comments on Jun 30, 2018:
Awesome find!
Lonely Cures?
birdingnut comments on Jun 30, 2018:
In my case, I love being single and doing things alone. My problem is allowing someone into my life to clog up my fun. But if you prefer being with people, you can google local community groups near you, perhaps ones that do things you already enjoy doing-book club, bird watching, sewing, musical instruments, hiking, ballroom dancing, traveling to local museums, etc. Also, depending on your health, volunteering helping to clean up parks, clear national park trails, serving food at soup kitchens, visiting nursing homes, etc.
Recommendations of books, science articles, websites or some material which gives you more ...
birdingnut comments on Jun 30, 2018:
Hi, Max, and welcome to the website. You can use google search to find books and articles on atheism, plus there are many YouTube videos on that subject. I googled this link just now and you can find others. Top 10 Atheism Books By the way, this website has a bit of a learning curve so here is some information that might be helpful for dating here. New members are encouraged to earn website points, and help other members get to know them better, by writing an informational profile that includes their hobbies and interests, and answering all the profile questions, since that's the first place many people look when they see a new member. The website uses profile algorithms to find member matches, so the more details one includes, the better the match. Also many women prefer to see a written profile talking about interests, hobbies, and backgrounds that can be quickly perused to find compatible partners. People make comments and write their own posts to earn more points and privileges; for instance, at level two someone can private email people. There are different perks with each level, and when you reach level eight you get an agnostic T-shirt. To find members near you, click on the "Meet" button at the top of the page, then on "Members," and enter your preferred search parameters. Or click on the "About" button at the top of the page to find links to FAQ or the website tutorial. Click on the 'Meet" button to find member matches Levels are mostly a way to help identify and reward those who contribute to the growth of the community. The website also gives more access and benefits depending on level. Links to FAQ:, and a website tutorial:
I joined this site because of the Title, Agnostic.
birdingnut comments on Jun 30, 2018:
Yeah, some people here take the differences seriously and become offended if they are mislabeled, while most seem to have an atheist/agnostic blend of beliefs. Most seem to be more atheist-oriented, however. By the way, this website has a bit of a learning curve so here is some information that might be helpful for dating here. New members are encouraged to earn website points, and help other members get to know them better, by writing an informational profile that includes their hobbies and interests, and answering all the profile questions, since that's the first place many people look when they see a new member. The website uses profile algorithms to find member matches, so the more details one includes, the better the match. Also many women prefer to see a written profile talking about interests, hobbies, and backgrounds that can be quickly perused to find compatible partners. People make comments and write their own posts to earn more points and privileges; for instance, at level two someone can private email people. There are different perks with each level, and when you reach level eight you get an agnostic T-shirt. To find members near you, click on the "Meet" button at the top of the page, then on "Members," and enter your preferred search parameters. Or click on the "About" button at the top of the page to find links to FAQ or the website tutorial. Click on the 'Meet" button to find member matches Levels are mostly a way to help identify and reward those who contribute to the growth of the community. The website also gives more access and benefits depending on level. Links to FAQ:, and a website tutorial:
When an ice cream is more than extra calories.
birdingnut comments on Jun 30, 2018:
Yup. I walk to the Songkhla Tesco-Lotus mall every day to buy a KFC vanilla soft serve ice cream cone for 30 cents (10 baht). Strangely, eating one ice cream cone a day improves my symptoms (I am treating cancer with cannabis oil),
Do you believe in law of attraction?
birdingnut comments on Jun 30, 2018:
LOL! Of course it works. For everyone. All the time. Sadly, it brings both bad and good, depending on what people are able to envision for themselves, hence the saying of the rich getting richer even if they suffer a major setback, and the poor staying poor, even if they win the lottery. We are co-creators of our own universe..making our own reality. “Consciousness is fundamental and matter is derived from consciousness." – Max Planck, theoretical physicist who originated quantum theory, 1918 Nobel Prize in Physics
Are (atheists, agnostics) still part of the herd mentality ?
birdingnut comments on Jun 30, 2018:
Yup. Just try to post anything here that is the slightest bit controversial, and you'll quickly see this.
Wasted days and nights
birdingnut comments on Jun 30, 2018:
No. Taking a nap, reading an interesting book, taking a walk, doing meditation, etc are some of the best things you can do.
Some of you might find a gem of an article that's on 2 days Google mind altering.
birdingnut comments on Jun 30, 2018:
If that's your conversation go-to on a first date, I may have spotted the reason you're still single..
Yes indeed..
birdingnut comments on Jun 30, 2018:
:-D Thanks, Charlotte! I owe you one!
I saw the last musical of the season (Gammage Theater in Tempe), "School of Rock".
birdingnut comments on Jun 30, 2018:
Sounds fun. Here in Thailand I watch Netflix for shows, if I can tear myself away from my vast library of Kindle books.
I go out to play some board games and I come home to this.
birdingnut comments on Jun 30, 2018:
I'm so sorry that happened to you!
Take it to the grave?
birdingnut comments on Jun 30, 2018:
Of course. My business is my business. And I don't want to know too much about anyone else either.
True Confession.
birdingnut comments on Jun 30, 2018:
No, you're right. It pollutes the air, terrifies pets, disturbs wildlife, etc. And of course people are hurt each year messing with them.
What impact is the internet having on our culture?
birdingnut comments on Jun 30, 2018:
Several good results..people can skip the control freak doorkeepers and find out natural cures for themselves instead of having to trust the Big Pharm-colluding, toxic-drug-pushing western doctors. People can skip the similarly control freakish, evil record companies and take their original music directly to the people, through YouTube videos. People can skip paying extortion prices for text books and get all the information they want for free, online. Same for getting university degrees, finding jobs, finding a mate, etc. It's giving power back to the people.
What is/ are your favorite movie(s) of all time? Mine is The Dark Knight.
birdingnut comments on Jun 30, 2018:
Hmm..too dark for me. My favorite classic movies would be Star Wars, Tremors, Back to the Future, The Gods Must be Crazy, Groundhog Day, and Overboard. By the way, this website has a bit of a learning curve so here is some information that might be helpful for dating here. New members are encouraged to earn website points, and help other members get to know them better, by writing an informational profile that includes their hobbies and interests, and answering all the profile questions, since that's the first place many people look when they see a new member. The website uses profile algorithms to find member matches, so the more details one includes, the better the match. Also many women prefer to see a written profile talking about interests, hobbies, and backgrounds that can be quickly perused to find compatible partners. People make comments and write their own posts to earn more points and privileges; for instance, at level two someone can private email people. There are different perks with each level, and when you reach level eight you get an agnostic T-shirt. To find members near you, click on the "Meet" button at the top of the page, then on "Members," and enter your preferred search parameters. Or click on the "About" button at the top of the page to find links to FAQ or the website tutorial. Click on the 'Meet" button to find member matches Levels are mostly a way to help identify and reward those who contribute to the growth of the community. The website also gives more access and benefits depending on level. Links to FAQ:, and a website tutorial:
I see too many ridiculous posts about people declaring they don't believe in ridiculous things.
birdingnut comments on Jun 30, 2018:
Exactly. I keep asking people here why they care so much, since it's all nonsense anyway.
I don't understand how ppl my age or any other age get away without knowing basic skills like ...
birdingnut comments on Jun 30, 2018:
I had AAA when I was in the US, and an inexpensive handyman on call, but I can sew things for myself and fix most simple things, as long as I don't have to get oily.
Favorite ice cream flavor!
birdingnut comments on Jun 29, 2018:
Chocolate and pistachio/chocolate chip
Do you regularly meet up with other atheists/agnostics?
birdingnut comments on Jun 29, 2018:
Interesting. When I get back to the US, I plan to use the Facebook meet up/dating app to meet like-minded people at local events of mutual interest. I don't really care if a group is "atheist" or "agnostic" because most educated people in Lexington, KY, are already liberal. Also, I have no wish to read or discuss "atheist" or "religious" books. When I read, I read for my pleasure, and not to prove any points.
How do you deal with today's pain in this difficult world?
birdingnut comments on Jun 29, 2018:
Reading, writing, bird and wildlife photography.
Certainly new here, but happy for such seemingly swell company. Seems like my kind of group.
birdingnut comments on Jun 29, 2018:
Hi, CreativeOrigin, and welcome to the website, I hope you find plenty of new friends here! By the way, this website has a bit of a learning curve so here is some information that might be helpful for dating here. New members are encouraged to earn website points, and help other members get to know them better, by writing an informational profile that includes their hobbies and interests, and answering all the profile questions, since that's the first place many people look when they see a new member. The website uses profile algorithms to find member matches, so the more details one includes, the better the match. Also many women prefer to see a written profile talking about interests, hobbies, and backgrounds that can be quickly perused to find compatible partners. People make comments and write their own posts to earn more points and privileges; for instance, at level two someone can private email people. There are different perks with each level, and when you reach level eight you get an agnostic T-shirt. To find members near you, click on the "Meet" button at the top of the page, then on "Members," and enter your preferred search parameters. Or click on the "About" button at the top of the page to find links to FAQ or the website tutorial. Click on the 'Meet" button to find member matches Levels are mostly a way to help identify and reward those who contribute to the growth of the community. The website also gives more access and benefits depending on level. Links to FAQ:, and a website tutorial:
Pretty much...
birdingnut comments on Jun 29, 2018:
Just reading the Bible should do it..
I think I remember my own conception.
birdingnut comments on Jun 29, 2018:
Maybe. I remembered clearly being in the womb, as did my sister, as well as conversations had by our parents when they found out my mom was pregnant ( dad was NOT happy, and blamed my mom, said he couldn't afford us). My sister was so outraged by my dad's rejection she began making her own clothes and supporting herself from a very young age. In my case, my parents' rejection made me want to escape my family as soon as possible, and to feel like the world would never accept me. I clearly remembered every detail of my birth, what my mom wore, the time of day, the room, the woman attending my mom, what they both wore, what they said to each other, and what they both THOUGHT. But most overwhelmingly, I remembered the odors..of my mom, the room, when I was nursing, etc. Back then, odors were as important as visual stimulation. When I questioned my mom as an adult she admitted the details I'd remembered were true, including her thoughts. But both my sister and I remembered our previous past life just before this one, and the time inbetween reincarnations as well. I had trouble accepting living in this lifetime due to my parents' hostility, and kept retreating to my friends between lives, to hang out with them, every chance I got. I did this from before I could talk, into adulthood.
What's your dream car? Mine is 1969 Super Sport Camaro
birdingnut comments on Jun 29, 2018:
Mine is an electric car that recharges its battery from moving flywheels and gears in the car, and is self-driving. I want a silent, smooth ride, no more stopping at gas stations, and being able to speak to the GPS and tell the car where to go while I read a book in the back. If they don't have one by the time I get to the US and want to buy a car, I can just make my own prototype, since I'm an inventor and know what I want.
I've been looking for the silver lining since Ol' Orange began destroying any trust that people may ...
birdingnut comments on Jun 29, 2018:
Hmmph. One good thing about the Orange Hitler is that more people are registering to vote, and record numbers of women and LGBTQ people are running for office, now that they see that ANYONE can be a better president than he is. And if the Millennium generation comes out to vote in the next election, the GOP party is toast.
What the most iconic toy?
birdingnut comments on Jun 29, 2018:
I voted lego since people can build things with them. I know you've been here a while, but this website has a bit of a learning curve. Here is some information that might be helpful for dating here. New members are encouraged to earn website points, and help other members get to know them better, by writing an informational profile that includes their hobbies and interests, and answering all the profile questions, since that's the first place many women look when they see a new member. The website algorithm uses profiles to find member matches, so the more details one includes, the better the match. Many women prefer to quickly look at a list of hobbies and interests to see if there's a match with a potential dating partner. In case you didn't know yet, to find members near you, click on the "Meet" button at the top of the page, then on "Members," and enter your preferred search parameters. Or click on the "About" button at the top of the page to find links to FAQ or the website tutorial. Click on the 'Meet" button to find member matches
Hey I'm new here how would you rate this app/service? 1 out of 10
birdingnut comments on Jun 29, 2018:
Rate it for what..finding a partner or for interesting conversations? By the way, this website has a bit of a learning curve so here is some information that might be helpful for dating here. New members are encouraged to earn website points, and help other members get to know them better, by writing an informational profile that includes their hobbies and interests, and answering all the profile questions, since that's the first place many people look when they see a new member. The website uses profile algorithms to find member matches, so the more details one includes, the better the match. Also many women prefer to see a written profile talking about interests, hobbies, and backgrounds that can be quickly perused to find compatible partners. People make comments and write their own posts to earn more points and privileges; for instance, at level two someone can private email people. There are different perks with each level, and when you reach level eight you get an agnostic T-shirt. To find members near you, click on the "Meet" button at the top of the page, then on "Members," and enter your preferred search parameters. Or click on the "About" button at the top of the page to find links to FAQ or the website tutorial. Click on the 'Meet" button to find member matches Levels are mostly a way to help identify and reward those who contribute to the growth of the community. The website also gives more access and benefits depending on level. Links to FAQ:, and a website tutorial:
Share a random moment or something unanticipated that happened in the last 3 days that made you love...
birdingnut comments on Jun 29, 2018:
Every night when I look out from my balcony and see the Southern Cross, Apha and Beta Centauri and the Scorpio constellation sprawled across the sky at zenith. Every day when I see the tropical beauty of southern Thailand.
Why are hard-to-believe faiths more popular? Baptists vs. Quakers
birdingnut comments on Jun 29, 2018:
Because the Quakers don't use hate, shame, and fear of hell to bully people sticking to their doctrines. By the way, this website has a bit of a learning curve so here is some information that might be helpful for dating here. New members are encouraged to earn website points, and help other members get to know them better, by writing an informational profile that includes their hobbies and interests, and answering all the profile questions, since that's the first place many people look when they see a new member. The website uses profile algorithms to find member matches, so the more details one includes, the better the match. Also many women prefer to see a written profile talking about interests, hobbies, and backgrounds that can be quickly perused to find compatible partners. People make comments and write their own posts to earn more points and privileges; for instance, at level two someone can private email people. There are different perks with each level, and when you reach level eight you get an agnostic T-shirt. To find members near you, click on the "Meet" button at the top of the page, then on "Members," and enter your preferred search parameters. Or click on the "About" button at the top of the page to find links to FAQ or the website tutorial. Click on the 'Meet" button to find member matches Levels are mostly a way to help identify and reward those who contribute to the growth of the community. The website also gives more access and benefits depending on level. Links to FAQ:, and a website tutorial:
I'm seeing quite a few stories about the nutritional value of cockroach milk.
birdingnut comments on Jun 29, 2018:
A single cockroach milk protein crystal contains more than three times the amount of energy found in an equivalent amount of buffalo milk (which is also higher in calories than regular cow's milk). The crystals are a complete food - they have proteins, fats and sugars, with all the essential amino acids. It's also time released. As the protein in the milk is digested, the crystal releases more protein at an equivalent rate to continue the digestion. An international team of scientists headed by researchers from the Institute of Stem Cell Biology and Regenerative Medicine in India are sequencing the genes responsible for producing the milk protein crystals to replicate them in the lab, using yeast. It could be in powder form and added to soups and made into burgers.
What is the position of religion in philosophy? I want to know your opinion
birdingnut comments on Jun 29, 2018:
Well, there's the philosophy of religion, LOL! By the way, this website has a bit of a learning curve so here is some information that might be helpful for dating here. New members are encouraged to earn website points, and help other members get to know them better, by uploading a recent, clear photo of themselves, writing an informational profile that includes their hobbies and interests, and answering all the profile questions, since that's the first place many people look when they see a new member. The website uses profile algorithms to find member matches, so the more details one includes, the better the match. Also many people prefer to see a written profile talking about interests, hobbies, and backgrounds that can be quickly perused to find compatible partners. People make comments and write their own posts to earn more points and privileges; for instance, at level two someone can private email people. There are different perks with each level, and when you reach level eight you get an agnostic T-shirt. To find members near you, click on the "Meet" button at the top of the page, then on "Members," and enter your preferred search parameters. Or click on the "About" button at the top of the page to find links to FAQ or the website tutorial. Click on the 'Meet" button to find member matches Levels are mostly a way to help identify and reward those who contribute to the growth of the community. The website also gives more access and benefits depending on level. Links to FAQ:, and a website tutorial:
Anybody else have this happen to them?
birdingnut comments on Jun 29, 2018:
I need some advice.
birdingnut comments on Jun 29, 2018:
Most musicians end up teaching or running music stores since there's not a lot of money in performance, unless you become famous, or get a gig in the movie business. My nephew was a child prodigy on the piano, gave performances, played Mozart in a movie when he was eight years old, etc. even taught for a while at a university, but now he runs a piano store.
birdingnut comments on Jun 29, 2018:
I wouldn't. We are our own gods, so don't need any. By the way, I know you've been here a while, but this website has a bit of a learning curve. Here is some information that might be helpful for dating here. New members are encouraged to earn website points, and help other members get to know them better, by writing an informational profile that includes their hobbies and interests, and answering all the profile questions, since that's the first place many women look when they see a new member. The website algorithm uses profiles to find member matches, so the more details one includes, the better the match. Many women prefer to quickly look at a list of hobbies and interests to see if there's a match with a potential dating partner. People make comments and write their own posts to earn more points and privileges; for instance, at level two someone can private email people. There are different perks with each level, and when you reach level eight you get an agnostic T-shirt. In case you didn't know yet, to find members near you, click on the "Meet" button at the top of the page, then on "Members," and enter your preferred search parameters. Or click on the "About" button at the top of the page to find links to FAQ or the website tutorial. Click on the 'Meet" button to find member matches
Is it possible to 'kill yourself' just by thinking about it?
birdingnut comments on Jun 29, 2018:
By the way, I know you've been here a while, but this website has a bit of a learning curve. Here is some information that might be helpful for dating here. New members are encouraged to earn website points, and help other members get to know them better, by writing an informational profile that includes their hobbies and interests, and answering all the profile questions, since that's the first place many women look when they see a new member. The website algorithm uses profiles to find member matches, so the more details one includes, the better the match. Many women prefer to quickly look at a list of hobbies and interests to see if there's a match with a potential dating partner. People make comments and write their own posts to earn more points and privileges; for instance, at level two someone can private email people. There are different perks with each level, and when you reach level eight you get an agnostic T-shirt. In case you didn't know yet, to find members near you, click on the "Meet" button at the top of the page, then on "Members," and enter your preferred search parameters. Or click on the "About" button at the top of the page to find links to FAQ or the website tutorial. Click on the 'Meet" button to find member matches
Is it possible to 'kill yourself' just by thinking about it?
birdingnut comments on Jun 29, 2018:
Of course they can, LOL! I read that a certain percentage of people who died of snake bites were bitten by nonvenomous snakes, or snakes that didn't release poison when they struck. People lost in the mountains have been found "frozen to death" in the open when the temperature never got below 60 degrees. Certain tribes of Native American Indians still choose their day of death when they reach 120 year old, have a ritual party, say good-bye, lie down and die, while still healthy. This used to be the norm in China as well. I've read that most deaths are voluntary, but others don't notice it. Someone will lose a spouse and they'll suddenly die of a minor disease. My parents died within months of each other.
It is kinda scary to think that some people don't believe in evolution, imagine if they somehow ...
birdingnut comments on Jun 29, 2018:
I don't believe in it either. I lean more toward Lloyd Pie's Intervention Theory.
I don't think its "guvment coming to get our guns" that the right-wing paranoids need to fear ...
birdingnut comments on Jun 29, 2018:
Not a safe country to live in right now. I know you've been here a while, but this website has a bit of a learning curve. Here is some information that might be helpful for dating here. New members are encouraged to earn website points, and help other members get to know them better, by writing an informational profile that includes their hobbies and interests, and answering all the profile questions, since that's the first place many women look when they see a new member. The website algorithm uses profiles to find member matches, so the more details one includes, the better the match. Many women prefer to quickly look at a list of hobbies and interests to see if there's a match with a potential dating partner. People make comments and write their own posts to earn more points and privileges; for instance, at level two someone can private email people. There are different perks with each level, and when you reach level eight you get an agnostic T-shirt. In case you didn't know yet, to find members near you, click on the "Meet" button at the top of the page, then on "Members," and enter your preferred search parameters. Or click on the "About" button at the top of the page to find links to FAQ or the website tutorial. Click on the 'Meet" button to find member matches
Mother had a stroke.
birdingnut comments on Jun 29, 2018:
Sorry you're going through this. I already did, and my parents both passed away in 2008. Perhaps you are feeling numb because you are withdrawing to protect yourself ahead of her death.
Military religion.
birdingnut comments on Jun 29, 2018:
From the Military Religious Freedom Foundation On September 1, 2011 the Chief of Staff, General Norton A. Schwartz sent a memorandum for all commanders in which he states, ” Leaders at all levels must balance Constitutional protections for an individuals free exercise of religion or other personal beliefs and its prohibition against governmental establishment of religion”. Further ” They must avoid the actual or apparent use of their position to promote their personal religious beliefs to their subordinates or to extend preferential treatment for any religion.” I know you've been here a while, but has a bit of a learning curve. Here is some information that might be helpful for dating here. New members are encouraged to earn website points, and help other members get to know them better, by writing an informational profile that includes their hobbies and interests, and answering all the profile questions, since that's the first place many women look when they see a new member. The website algorithm uses profiles to find member matches, so the more details one includes, the better the match. Many women prefer to quickly look at a list of hobbies and interests to see if there's a match with a potential dating partner. People make comments and write their own posts to earn more points and privileges; for instance, at level two someone can private email people. There are different perks with each level, and when you reach level eight you get an agnostic T-shirt. In case you didn't know yet, to find members near you, click on the "Meet" button at the top of the page, then on "Members," and enter your preferred search parameters. Or click on the "About" button at the top of the page to find links to FAQ or the website tutorial. Click on the 'Meet" button to find member matches
I made level 7. All it cost me was a job, a relationship and a car. But I've had fun!
birdingnut comments on Jun 29, 2018:
Well, that's what counts, LOL!
birdingnut comments on Jun 29, 2018:
No, but when I lived on our family farm near Morehead, KY, we grew our own organic food, made our own clothes, I raised exotic birds for sale, and gave piano and speed-reading classes on the side, but didn't raise food animals since I was mostly vegetarian..I made yogurt and kefir though.
So after reading some comments on an FB post, I became very curious.
birdingnut comments on Jun 29, 2018:
I had my children at home and didn't have my son circumcised, considering it child abuse. There is no good reason to do this to an innocent newborn baby. As for women's reproductive rights, if men could get pregnant and would take care of a child for 18 years while trying to work and keep up the housework, then he could have a say. Otherwise, no. By the way, this website has a bit of a learning curve so here is some information that might be helpful for dating here. New members are encouraged to earn website points, and help other members get to know them better, by writing an informational profile that includes their hobbies and interests, and answering all the profile questions, since that's the first place many people look when they see a new member. The website uses profile algorithms to find member matches, so the more details one includes, the better the match. People make comments and write their own posts to earn more points and privileges; for instance, at level two someone can private email people. There are different perks with each level, and when you reach level eight you get an agnostic T-shirt. To find members near you, click on the "Meet" button at the top of the page, then on "Members," and enter your preferred search parameters. Or click on the "About" button at the top of the page to find links to FAQ or the website tutorial. Click on the 'Meet" button to find member matches Levels are mostly a way to help identify and reward those who contribute to the growth of the community. The website also gives more access and benefits depending on level. Links to FAQ:, and a website tutorial:
Just passing through again.... []
birdingnut comments on Jun 29, 2018:
How do you view casual see.
birdingnut comments on Jun 29, 2018:
If men mention on this website that they are into casual sex or polyamory I go ahead and block them as I don't want to consider them for dating. I want a steady companion for dancing and hiking, and don't care about the sex part so much. Otherwise, I prefer being single. By the way, this website has a bit of a learning curve so here is some information that might be helpful for dating here. New members are encouraged to earn website points, and help other members get to know them better, by uploading a recent, clear photo of themselves, writing an informational profile that includes their hobbies and interests, and answering all the profile questions, since that's the first place many people look when they see a new member. The website uses profile algorithms to find member matches, so the more details one includes, the better the match. Also many women prefer to see a written profile talking about interests, hobbies, and backgrounds that can be quickly perused to find compatible partners. People make comments and write their own posts to earn more points and privileges; for instance, at level two someone can private email people. There are different perks with each level, and when you reach level eight you get an agnostic T-shirt. To find members near you, click on the "Meet" button at the top of the page, then on "Members," and enter your preferred search parameters. Or click on the "About" button at the top of the page to find links to FAQ or the website tutorial. Click on the 'Meet" button to find member matches Levels are mostly a way to help identify and reward those who contribute to the growth of the community. The website also gives more access and benefits depending on level. Links to FAQ:, and a website tutorial:
How do you start a conversation? I tell my best pun
birdingnut comments on Jun 29, 2018:
Hi, Lorence, and welcome to the website, Many people don't like puns, but I suppose somebody does! By the way, this website has a bit of a learning curve so here is some information that might be helpful for dating here. New members are encouraged to earn website points, and help other members get to know them better, by writing an informational profile that includes their hobbies and interests, and answering all the profile questions, since that's the first place many people look when they see a new member. The website uses profile algorithms to find member matches, so the more details one includes, the better the match. Also many women prefer to see a written profile talking about interests, hobbies, and backgrounds that can be quickly perused to find compatible partners. People make comments and write their own posts to earn more points and privileges; for instance, at level two someone can private email people. There are different perks with each level, and when you reach level eight you get an agnostic T-shirt. To find members near you, click on the "Meet" button at the top of the page, then on "Members," and enter your preferred search parameters. Or click on the "About" button at the top of the page to find links to FAQ or the website tutorial. Click on the 'Meet" button to find member matches Levels are mostly a way to help identify and reward those who contribute to the growth of the community. The website also gives more access and benefits depending on level. Links to FAQ:, and a website tutorial:
"Cartoons Christian Kids Weren't Allowed to Watch" by comedian John Crist. []
birdingnut comments on Jun 29, 2018:
Control freaks much?
First day on agnostic.
birdingnut comments on Jun 29, 2018:
Hi, Prashant, and welcome to the website, I hope you have fun talking to people and make some good friends. By the way, this website has a bit of a learning curve so here is some information that might be helpful for dating here. New members are encouraged to earn website points, and help other members get to know them better, by writing an informational profile that includes their hobbies and interests, and answering all the profile questions, since that's the first place many people look when they see a new member. The website uses profile algorithms to find member matches, so the more details one includes, the better the match. Also many women prefer to see a written profile talking about interests, hobbies, and backgrounds that can be quickly perused to find compatible partners. People make comments and write their own posts to earn more points and privileges; for instance, at level two someone can private email people. There are different perks with each level, and when you reach level eight you get an agnostic T-shirt. To find members near you, click on the "Meet" button at the top of the page, then on "Members," and enter your preferred search parameters. Or click on the "About" button at the top of the page to find links to FAQ or the website tutorial. Click on the 'Meet" button to find member matches Levels are mostly a way to help identify and reward those who contribute to the growth of the community. The website also gives more access and benefits depending on level. Links to FAQ:, and a website tutorial:
Any Pittsburgh people on here? Asking for a friend.
birdingnut comments on Jun 28, 2018:
Hi, Red, and welcome to the website, You can find out by using the website tools. To find members near you, click on the "Meet" button at the top of the page, then on "Members," and enter your preferred search parameters. Or click on the "About" button at the top of the page to find links to FAQ or the website tutorial. Click on the 'Meet" button to find member matches This website has a bit of a learning curve so here is some information that might be helpful for dating here. New members are encouraged to earn website points, and help other members get to know them better, by writing an informational profile that includes their hobbies and interests, and answering all the profile questions, since that's the first place many people look when they see a new member. The website uses profile algorithms to find member matches, so the more details one includes, the better the match. Also many women prefer to see a written profile talking about interests, hobbies, and backgrounds that can be quickly perused to find compatible partners. People make comments and write their own posts to earn more points and privileges; for instance, at level two someone can private email people. There are different perks with each level, and when you reach level eight you get an agnostic T-shirt. Levels are mostly a way to help identify and reward those who contribute to the growth of the community. The website also gives more access and benefits depending on level. Links to FAQ:, and a website tutorial:
Plus, actively condemn those seeking to criminalize debate and disagreement.
birdingnut comments on Jun 28, 2018:
Most people here do this too much. At first, anything I said on this website the least bit controversial, some troll would pop up to dispute me-usually a male, but some women, even if I was relating personal experience, arguing wildly, demanding "proof," and calling any supplied links "fake news," insulting me, jeering. Of course, I no longer wished to interact with them in dating or friendship and finally learned to go to their profiles and hit the "block" button. After that, I blocked anyone who was rude, lewd, or crude, who argued relentlessly, or trolled anyone, even other women. So many obnoxious men were eliminated that I receive far fewer attacks these days.
Eldorado by Tim Botfield - YouTube
birdingnut comments on Jun 28, 2018:
Hi, Tim, Looks like you had fun making that video! By the way, this website has a bit of a learning curve so here is some information that might be helpful for dating here. New members are encouraged to earn website points, and help other members get to know them better, by writing an informational profile that includes their hobbies and interests, and answering all the profile questions, since that's the first place many people look when they see a new member. The website uses profile algorithms to find member matches, so the more details one includes, the better the match. Also many women prefer to see a written profile talking about interests, hobbies, and backgrounds that can be quickly perused to find compatible partners. People make comments and write their own posts to earn more points and privileges; for instance, at level two someone can private email people. There are different perks with each level, and when you reach level eight you get an agnostic T-shirt. To find members near you, click on the "Meet" button at the top of the page, then on "Members," and enter your preferred search parameters. Or click on the "About" button at the top of the page to find links to FAQ or the website tutorial. Click on the 'Meet" button to find member matches Levels are mostly a way to help identify and reward those who contribute to the growth of the community. The website also gives more access and benefits depending on level. Links to FAQ:, and a website tutorial:
Why not?
birdingnut comments on Jun 28, 2018:
Nothing that orange Hitler does surprises me..the idea is to STOP HIM. So far, he has been responding to outraged protests, so keep it up.
Any suggestions on social gatherings for agnostics?
birdingnut comments on Jun 28, 2018:
Hi, Sologal, You can check online for atheist centers that might have information on local groups and events. By the way, this website has a bit of a learning curve so here is some information that might be helpful for dating here, in case you don't know it already. New members are encouraged to earn website points, and help other members get to know them better, by writing an informational profile that includes their hobbies and interests, and answering all the profile questions, since that's the first place many people look when they see a new member. The website uses profile algorithms to find member matches, so the more details one includes, the better the match. People make comments and write their own posts to earn more points and privileges; for instance, at level two someone can private email people. There are different perks with each level, and when you reach level eight you get an agnostic T-shirt. To find members near you, click on the "Meet" button at the top of the page, then on "Members," and enter your preferred search parameters. Or click on the "About" button at the top of the page to find links to FAQ or the website tutorial. Click on the 'Meet" button to find member matches Levels are mostly a way to help identify and reward those who contribute to the growth of the community. The website also gives more access and benefits depending on level. Links to FAQ:, and a website tutorial:
Senate Democratic Leader Sponsors Far-Reaching Marijuana Descheduling Bill - NORML - Working to ...
birdingnut comments on Jun 28, 2018:
At least something. All drugs need to be decriminalized, as was done in Oregon and Portugal. That will kill drug wars in South America and stop gang war crime in the US.


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