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Is organised religion dangerous, just a harmless benign fantasy or somewhere in between?
birdingnut comments on Jun 25, 2018:
Hi, Flanman, and welcome to the website, Yup..religion is the source of most wars, "ethnic cleansing," persecution, and evil in this world over the centuries. By the way, this website has a bit of a learning curve so here is some information that might be helpful for dating here. New members are encouraged to earn website points, and help other members get to know them better, by writing an informational profile that includes their hobbies and interests, and answering all the profile questions, since that's the first place many people look when they see a new member. The website uses profile algorithms to find member matches, so the more details one includes, the better the match. Also many women prefer to see a written profile talking about interests, hobbies, and backgrounds that can be quickly perused to find compatible partners. People make comments and write their own posts to earn more points and privileges; for instance, at level two someone can private email people. There are different perks with each level, and when you reach level eight you get an agnostic T-shirt. To find members near you, click on the "Meet" button at the top of the page, then on "Members," and enter your preferred search parameters. Or click on the "About" button at the top of the page to find links to FAQ or the website tutorial. Click on the 'Meet" button to find member matches Levels are mostly a way to help identify and reward those who contribute to the growth of the community. The website also gives more access and benefits depending on level. Links to FAQ:, and a website tutorial:
Yeah, America is a "christian" nation.
birdingnut comments on Jun 25, 2018:
Hi, Redneck, and welcome to the website, Actually, they ARE acting like the "Christian" god when they are cruel to people. The Hebrew god of the Bible ordered a man stoned to death for picking up a stick on Saturday, commanded rebellious children to be stoned to death, said that fathers could sell their daughters into slavery to get money, told Moses to kill every man, woman, child and animal of tribes that didn't immediately surrender to them. By the way, this website has a bit of a learning curve so here is some information that might be helpful for dating here. New members are encouraged to earn website points, and help other members get to know them better, by writing an informational profile that includes their hobbies and interests, and answering all the profile questions, since that's the first place many people look when they see a new member. The website uses profile algorithms to find member matches, so the more details one includes, the better the match. Also many women prefer to see a written profile talking about interests, hobbies, and backgrounds that can be quickly perused to find compatible partners. People make comments and write their own posts to earn more points and privileges; for instance, at level two someone can private email people. There are different perks with each level, and when you reach level eight you get an agnostic T-shirt. To find members near you, click on the "Meet" button at the top of the page, then on "Members," and enter your preferred search parameters. Or click on the "About" button at the top of the page to find links to FAQ or the website tutorial. Click on the 'Meet" button to find member matches Levels are mostly a way to help identify and reward those who contribute to the growth of the community. The website also gives more access and benefits depending on level. Perks for each level: Links to FAQ:, and a website tutorial:
Question for those that believe in an all powerful god.
birdingnut comments on Jun 25, 2018: of the many reasons religious people are trained to check their brains at the church door. If God is all powerful and in control of everything, why pray? Why go to work? Why take medicine, if being sick is "god's will." You have to be brain numbed to accept such nonsense. By the way, this website has a bit of a learning curve so here is some information that might be helpful for dating here. New members are encouraged to earn website points, and help other members get to know them better, by writing an informational profile that includes their hobbies and interests, and answering all the profile questions, since that's the first place many people look when they see a new member. The website uses profile algorithms to find member matches, so the more details one includes, the better the match. Also many women prefer to see a written profile talking about interests, hobbies, and backgrounds that can be quickly perused to find compatible partners. People make comments and write their own posts to earn more points and privileges; for instance, at level two someone can private email people. There are different perks with each level, and when you reach level eight you get an agnostic T-shirt. To find members near you, click on the "Meet" button at the top of the page, then on "Members," and enter your preferred search parameters. Or click on the "About" button at the top of the page to find links to FAQ or the website tutorial. Click on the 'Meet" button to find member matches Levels are mostly a way to help identify and reward those who contribute to the growth of the community. The website also gives more access and benefits depending on level. Perks for each level: Links to FAQ:, and a website tutorial:
For those wishing to equate Sarah Huckabee Sanders expulsion from The Red Hen with the gay couple ...
birdingnut comments on Jun 25, 2018:
I agree. I blocked the two homophobic men who commented that being gay is a choice. Not every agnostic is highly intelligent..some are just as racist and homophobic as the alt-right.
I listened to this video on a road trip and it made me so proud! Happy pride my dears.
birdingnut comments on Jun 25, 2018:
I've read about this in articles and numerous books, seen movies and videos before on it but my stomach still twisted when I watched this. I hate being forced to face how cruel our country has been toward anyone not male, cis, hetero, and white. I spent a large part of my childhood sort of believing the BS defender of truth and justice story US history tells about itself. Not completely, being part Cherokee, because of all the reading I did about Native Americans, but I still sort of went along with everything, and knew almost nothing about gender issues. I always assumed I was a cis hetero Christian woman, even when I was married and miserable in my wife role. I didn't find out what I am (nonbinary androgynous partial transmale) until 2014, and I'm 65 years old!
A crippled snow goose and some of the Canada geese with whom he or she has taken up residence on ...
birdingnut comments on Jun 25, 2018:
Nice. But sad for the snow goose.
Soulmates: do they exist?
birdingnut comments on Jun 25, 2018:
There are many definitions of soul mates in mystical teachings, including the idea that two people inhabited the same soul, then the soul split at conception, in a past life. Then when the two halves meet each other in a later reincarnation, they recognize each other, even if they don't know from where, and they are almost identical in their outlooks, preferences and mind sets. I studied reincarnation research for awhile, since I was born remembering one past life, and later remembered at least seven more. I googled a couple of the more major incidents I remembered from those past lives, and my memory of the details was eerily correct. In one book, The Laughing Cherub Guide to Past-life Regression: A Handbook for Real People, by Mary Elizabeth Raines, the author was a hypnotherapist, but some people didn't get well despite her best efforts. One day a patient began regressing under hypnotism and remembering past lives where the original trauma occurred. Dr. Raines learned that when people were healed of their memories in the past lives where the trauma happened, they instantly recovered and never had the problem again. I had some weird and stubborn phobias and fears I'd not been able to shake all my life, so I did a shortened version of her complicated technique. I simply decided to see the past life where the problem originated, and when I saw what happened back then, I'd re-magine the scene as it SHOULD have happened, without the trauma. Instant success! And I didn't even believe in it, and was just trying it out. One trauma I was trying to heal was intense grieving for my daughter-and a feeling of desperation to be with her. It was a problem since she's in her 30s, and living in the US, and I've been in Thailand since 2010. I saw that the problem was that we had originally been one soul that split when we became red-haired warrior twins, who were killed in battle when we were 17 years old. I remembered the battle, location, etc., and googled it, and the memory details were accurate. I still didn't believe it, as all this stuff was just in my head, like an imagined event. Yet, it worked. I stopped grieving for my daughter was able to live happily in Thailand after that. All the other memory re-imaginings worked as well and I was free of many problems I'd had all my life.
Let's see how this goes. Not digging the point system, but whatever.
birdingnut comments on Jun 25, 2018:
Hi, Neat, and welcome to the website, This website has a bit of a learning curve so here is some information that might be helpful for dating here. New members are encouraged to earn website points, and help other members get to know them better, by writing an informational profile that includes their hobbies and interests, and answering all the profile questions, since that's the first place many people look when they see a new member. You've already done much of this already. The website uses profile algorithms to find member matches, so the more details one includes, the better the match. Many women prefer to see a written profile talking about interests, hobbies, and backgrounds that can be quickly perused to find compatible partners. People make comments and write their own posts to earn more points and privileges; for instance, at level two someone can private email people. There are different perks with each level, and when you reach level eight you get an agnostic T-shirt. To find members near you, click on the "Meet" button at the top of the page, then on "Members," and enter your preferred search parameters. Or click on the "About" button at the top of the page to find links to FAQ or the website tutorial. Click on the 'Meet" button to find member matches Levels are mostly a way to help identify and reward those who contribute to the growth of the community. The website also gives more access and benefits depending on level. Perks for each level: Links to FAQ:, and a website tutorial:
I've lived too long.
birdingnut comments on Jun 25, 2018:
I like medium or short hair on men.
At several points in my life, I have been afforded the presence of mind and self awareness to ...
birdingnut comments on Jun 25, 2018:
Well, you're thirty now and probably starting to think about the future and what things will be like in 20 years if you don't change anything. Most people get traveling and acting foolish out of their systems during their 20's and maybe even their early 30s, then most marry and get down to raising children and investing, etc. My daughter lives in Lexington, KY, and I lived on our family farm in nearby Morehead for 27 years, so I plan to move back to Lexington when I leave Thailand (I moved here in 2010). You've been on a while, but this website has a bit of a learning curve. Here is some information that might be helpful for dating here. New members are encouraged to earn website points, and help other members get to know them better, by writing an informational profile that includes their hobbies and interests, and answering all the profile questions, since that's the first place many women look when they see a new member. The website algorithm uses profiles to find member matches, so the more details one includes, the better the match. Many women prefer to quickly look at a list of hobbies and interests to see if there's a match with a potential dating partner. In case you didn't know yet, to find members near you, click on the "Meet" button at the top of the page, then on "Members," and enter your preferred search parameters. Or click on the "About" button at the top of the page to find links to FAQ or the website tutorial. Click on the 'Meet" button to find member matches
Dealing with a stalker
birdingnut comments on Jun 25, 2018:
When my ex husband started stalking me, I threatened to tell his new girlfriend, and he quit. If you can find her Facebook for instance, it would quickly show the people in her life who might influence her, then threaten to tell her mother, employer, or whoever. Be sure to document her stalking activities because they always deny it.
Nothing like an apparent domestic violence situation waking you up in the middle of a good sleep.
birdingnut comments on Jun 25, 2018:
I'm sorry that happened. Here in Thailand I live in apartment buildings but I usually feel like I'm the only one in the building. The walls are concrete block so I hear nothing, even though all the rooms have balconies and the sliding screen doors to the balconies stay open year around. The Thai themselves are a quiet, polite people.
Right on, Seth Rogen.
birdingnut comments on Jun 25, 2018:
HAHAHAHAHA Love it. I already loved Seth Rogen, but he shot WAY UP in my estimation. I hope that soon NO restaurant will allow a GOP leader to eat there, and will drum them out everywhere they go.
What percentage do you feel male and what percentage you feel female?
birdingnut comments on Jun 25, 2018:
I'm a nonbinary androgynous female and partial transmale, about 60% male. I used to be genderfluid-switching back and forth between the gender mode perspectives, until I discovered that a local Thai herb, derris scandens (also sold on Amazon and Ebay), gets rid of dysphoria and blends the two gender modes so there was no more tormenting conflict. With me, the derris scandens also stops dysphoria symptoms, clears my eyesight, and protects me from the hot sun and intense light here in southern Thailand. I can go outside an noon when I take it.
Religous beliefs
birdingnut comments on Jun 25, 2018:
I tend to shrug and say I'm sort of Buddhist and Christian-ish, making it clear I'm not serious about any of it. By the way, this website has a bit of a learning curve. Here is some information that might be helpful. New members are encouraged to earn website points, and help other members get to know them better, by uploading a clear, recent photo of just themselves, writing an informational profile that includes their hobbies and interests, and answering all the profile questions, since that's the first place many people look when they see a new member. The website algorithm uses profiles to find member matches, so the more details one includes, the better the match. Some people prefer to quickly look at a list of hobbies and interests to see if there's a match with someone, while others just look at the photo to decide on dating potential. In case you didn't know yet, to find members near you, click on the "Meet" button at the top of the page, then on "Members," and enter your preferred search parameters. Or click on the "About" button at the top of the page to find links to FAQ or the website tutorial. Click on the 'Meet" button to find member matches
I miss being on here...when did summers get so busy?
birdingnut comments on Jun 25, 2018:
Yeah..summers can get that way. No time to stay indoors or online. This website has a bit of a learning curve with some dating info you may have missed before. Members are encouraged to earn website points, and help other members get to know them better, by writing an informational profile that includes their hobbies and interests, and answering all the profile questions, since that's the first place many women look when they see a new member. The website algorithm uses profiles to find member matches, so the more details one includes, the better the match. Many women prefer to quickly look at a list of hobbies and interests to see if there's a match with a potential dating partner. In case you didn't know yet, to find members near you, click on the "Meet" button at the top of the page, then on "Members," and enter your preferred search parameters. Or click on the "About" button at the top of the page to find links to FAQ or the website tutorial. Click on the 'Meet" button to find member matches
Are there songs that have great music but crappy lyrics in your opinion?
birdingnut comments on Jun 25, 2018:
Oh, yeah. It's an innocent nursery rhyme compared to the 1972 song, "Clair," by Gilbert O'Sullivan. The girl he was singing about was the three-year-old daughter of his manager, for whom he had babysat when he was sixteen. Creepy as fork. The giggles of a toddler can be heard on the video. Clair The moment I met you, I swear. I felt as if something, somewhere, Had happened to me, which I couldn't see. And then, the moment I met you, again. I knew in my heart that we were friends. It had to be so, it couldn't be no. But try as hard as I might do, I don't know why. You get to me in a way I can't describe. Words mean so little when you look up and smile. I don't care what people say, to me you're more than a child. Oh Clair. Clair ... Clair If ever a moment so rare Was captured for all to compare. That moment is you in all that you do. But why in spite of our age difference do I cry. Each time I leave you I feel I could die. Nothing means more to me than hearing you say, "I'm going to marry you. Will you marry me? Oh hurray!" Oh Clair Clair ... Clair I've told you before "Don't you dare!" "Get back into bed." "Can't you see that it's late." "No you can't have a drink." "Oh allright then, but wait just a minute." While I, in an effort to babysit, catch up on my breath, What there is left of it. You can be murder at this hour of the day. But in the morning the sun will see my lifetime away. Oh Clair Clair ... Oh Clair
I had no idea that this place existed so imagine my surprise.
birdingnut comments on Jun 25, 2018:
Hi, Paul, and welcome! This website has a bit of a learning curve, so here is some information that might be helpful for dating here. New members are encouraged to earn website points, and help other members get to know them better, by writing an informational profile that includes their hobbies and interests, and answering all the profile questions, since that's the first place many women look when they see a new member. You have already done much of this. The website algorithm uses profiles to find member matches, so the more details one includes, the better the match. Also many women prefer to quickly look at a list of hobbies and interests to see if there's a match with a potential dating partner. In case you didn't know yet, to find members near you, click on the "Meet" button at the top of the page, then on "Members," and enter your preferred search parameters. Or click on the "About" button at the top of the page to find links to FAQ or the website tutorial. Click on the 'Meet" button also to find member matches
Is this decent in public?
birdingnut comments on Jun 25, 2018:
Looks like clothing you'd see being worn in WalMart, in the US. In Thailand, these types of crude meme T-shirts are often sold at discount stalls in outdoor market places, no doubt acquired for almost free. Few Thai know more than a few words of English, so they don't care! I sometimes I stifle a snort when passing someone wearing a crude T-shirt, and sometimes I translate the meme if the T-shirt wearer is a Thai friend.
The question that has plagued mankind for centuries.
birdingnut comments on Jun 25, 2018:
Actually, chickens are highly intelligent and respond to human phrases, so Chinese chickens can at least understand the Chinese that has to do with being fed and taken care of. By the way, this website has a bit of a learning curve so here is some information that might be helpful for dating here. New members are encouraged to earn website points, and help other members get to know them better, by writing an informational profile that includes their hobbies and interests, and answering all the profile questions, since that's the first place many people look when they see a new member. The website uses profile algorithms to find member matches, so the more details one includes, the better the match. Also many women prefer to see a written profile talking about interests, hobbies, and backgrounds that can be quickly perused to find compatible partners. People make comments and write their own posts to earn more points and privileges; for instance, at level two someone can private email people. There are different perks with each level, and when you reach level eight you get an agnostic T-shirt. To find members near you, click on the "Meet" button at the top of the page, then on "Members," and enter your preferred search parameters. Or click on the "About" button at the top of the page to find links to FAQ or the website tutorial. Click on the 'Meet" button to find member matches Levels are mostly a way to help identify and reward those who contribute to the growth of the community. The website also gives more access and benefits depending on level. Perks for each level: Links to FAQ:, and a website tutorial:
I'm a weird silent atheist and i have social anxiety problems.
birdingnut comments on Jun 25, 2018:
Hi, Timmy, and welcome to the website, Many creative, high IQ people have various mental illness and anxiety issues, as it's often associated with high IQ DNA. As for anxiety, you could try inexpensive, natural CBD oil. "A 2010 study found that cannabidiol (CBD oil) could reduce symptoms of social anxiety in people with social anxiety disorder (SAD). Brain scans of participants revealed changes in blood flow to the regions of the brain linked to feelings of anxiety. In this study, cannabidiol not only made participants feel better but also changed the way their brains responded to anxiety. A 2011 study also found that cannabidiol could reduce social anxiety. For that study, researchers looked specifically at cannabidiol to treat anxiety associated with public speaking. A 2015 analysis of previous studies concluded that CBD oil is a promising treatment for numerous forms of anxiety, including social anxiety disorder, panic disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder, generalized anxiety disorder, and post-traumatic stress disorder." By the way, this website has a bit of a learning curve so here is some information that might be helpful for dating here. New members are encouraged to earn website points, and help other members get to know them better, by writing an informational profile that includes their hobbies and interests, and answering all the profile questions, since that's the first place many people look when they see a new member. The website uses profile algorithms to find member matches, so the more details one includes, the better the match. Also many women prefer to see a written profile talking about interests, hobbies, and backgrounds that can be quickly perused to find compatible partners. People make comments and write their own posts to earn more points and privileges; for instance, at level two someone can private email people. There are different perks with each level, and when you reach level eight you get an agnostic T-shirt. To find members near you, click on the "Meet" button at the top of the page, then on "Members," and enter your preferred search parameters. Or click on the "About" button at the top of the page to find links to FAQ or the website tutorial. Click on the 'Meet" button to find member matches Levels are mostly a way to help identify and reward those who contribute to the growth of the community. The website also gives more access and benefits depending on level. Perks for each level: Links to FAQ:, and a website tutorial:
We all have vulnerabilities; how do you feel about yours?
birdingnut comments on Jun 24, 2018:
Not sure if being passive and accepting cancer, Western medicine, and Big Pharm as dictators of how your life should be is the right idea. Landmark Study Shows Half of Cancer Patients are Killed by Chemo — NOT Cancer BBC News - Growing evidence that cannabis oil can cure serious diseases like cancer
All I've heard since before trump became president is Mexicans and crime rapist etc etc build a wall...
birdingnut comments on Jun 24, 2018:
That's because the US Trump administration and all those who support him are RACIST. By the way, this website has a bit of a learning curve so here is some information that might be helpful for dating here. New members are encouraged to earn website points, and help other members get to know them better, by writing an informational profile that includes their hobbies and interests, and answering all the profile questions, since that's the first place many people look when they see a new member. The website uses profile algorithms to find member matches, so the more details one includes, the better the match. Also many women prefer to see a written profile talking about interests, hobbies, and backgrounds that can be quickly perused to find compatible partners. People make comments and write their own posts to earn more points and privileges; for instance, at level two someone can private email people. There are different perks with each level, and when you reach level eight you get an agnostic T-shirt. To find members near you, click on the "Meet" button at the top of the page, then on "Members," and enter your preferred search parameters. Or click on the "About" button at the top of the page to find links to FAQ or the website tutorial. Click on the 'Meet" button to find member matches Levels are mostly a way to help identify and reward those who contribute to the growth of the community. The website also gives more access and benefits depending on level. Perks for each level: Links to FAQ:, and a website tutorial:
Ideal date setting
birdingnut comments on Jun 24, 2018:
Neither. I prefer going for a walk or hike in a park or zoo. By the way, this website has a bit of a learning curve so here is some information that might be helpful for dating here. New members are encouraged to earn website points, and help other members get to know them better, by writing an informational profile that includes their hobbies and interests, and answering all the profile questions, since that's the first place many people look when they see a new member. You've already done much of this! The website uses profile algorithms to find member matches, so the more details one includes, the better the match. Also many women prefer to see a written profile talking about interests, hobbies, and backgrounds that can be quickly perused to find compatible partners. People make comments and write their own posts to earn more points and privileges; for instance, at level two someone can private email people. There are different perks with each level, and when you reach level eight you get an agnostic T-shirt. To find members near you, click on the "Meet" button at the top of the page, then on "Members," and enter your preferred search parameters. Or click on the "About" button at the top of the page to find links to FAQ or the website tutorial. Click on the 'Meet" button to find member matches Levels are mostly a way to help identify and reward those who contribute to the growth of the community. The website also gives more access and benefits depending on level. Perks for each level: Links to FAQ:, and a website tutorial:
Secular Sunday Sermon: "Since man cannot live without miracles, he will provide himself with ...
birdingnut comments on Jun 24, 2018:
Yup. Even children on the playground make up their own little magic religions..complete with chants and songs. Boys will wear the same socks when playing sports, after they have good luck while wearing them, etc. By the way, this website has a bit of a learning curve so here is some information that might be helpful for dating here. New members are encouraged to earn website points, and help other members get to know them better, by writing an informational profile that includes their hobbies and interests, and answering all the profile questions, since that's the first place many people look when they see a new member. The website uses profile algorithms to find member matches, so the more details one includes, the better the match. Also many women prefer to see a written profile talking about interests, hobbies, and backgrounds that can be quickly perused to find compatible partners. People make comments and write their own posts to earn more points and privileges; for instance, at level two someone can private email people. There are different perks with each level, and when you reach level eight you get an agnostic T-shirt. To find members near you, click on the "Meet" button at the top of the page, then on "Members," and enter your preferred search parameters. Or click on the "About" button at the top of the page to find links to FAQ or the website tutorial. Click on the 'Meet" button to find member matches Levels are mostly a way to help identify and reward those who contribute to the growth of the community. The website also gives more access and benefits depending on level. Perks for each level: Links to FAQ:, and a website tutorial:
Who here performs acts of charity?
birdingnut comments on Jun 24, 2018:
I used to donate all the time, but I moved to Thailand in 2010 . Many of the charities I used to donate to were religion based, but I did volunteer to pick up trash in parks and national forests, and donated heavily to PETA and wildlife preservation organizations when I was last in the US.
birdingnut comments on Jun 24, 2018:
OMG, does this app work 4 real? ;-)
birdingnut comments on Jun 24, 2018:
Yes, this website encourages conversation before dating, by using the point system. It is NOT like Tinder or, but is for more intellectual types looking for real relationships, not really handy for casual "hooking up." This website has a bit of a learning curve so here is some information that might be helpful for dating here. New members are encouraged to earn website points, and help other members get to know them better, by writing an informational profile that includes their hobbies and interests, and answering all the profile questions, since that's the first place many people look when they see a new member. The website uses profile algorithms to find member matches, so the more details one includes, the better the match. Also many women prefer to see a written profile talking about interests, hobbies, and backgrounds that can be quickly perused to find compatible partners. People make comments and write their own posts to earn more points and privileges; for instance, at level two someone can private email people. There are different perks with each level, and when you reach level eight you get an agnostic T-shirt. To find members near you, click on the "Meet" button at the top of the page, then on "Members," and enter your preferred search parameters. Or click on the "About" button at the top of the page to find links to FAQ or the website tutorial. Click on the 'Meet" button to find member matches Levels are mostly a way to help identify and reward those who contribute to the growth of the community. The website also gives more access and benefits depending on level. Perks for each level: Links to FAQ:, and a website tutorial:
I'm evidently on a food kick today.
birdingnut comments on Jun 24, 2018:
Monthong durian. Mmmmmmm!
Virtually every Theist, Agnostic, Atheist, and Spiritual Cynic that I know have searched until they ...
birdingnut comments on Jun 24, 2018:
That's natural. Most people do as little as possible to get along in this world and be happy. By the way, this website has a bit of a learning curve so here is some information that might be helpful. New members are encouraged to earn website points, and help other members get to know them better, by writing an informational profile that includes their hobbies and interests, and answering all the profile questions, since that's the first place many people look when they see a new member. It makes it handy for understanding where you're coming from, and what interests you, in case others have the same interests and want to discuss them. People make comments and write their own posts to earn more points and privileges; for instance, at level two someone can private email people. There are different perks with each level, and when you reach level eight you get an agnostic T-shirt. To find members near you, click on the "Meet" button at the top of the page, then on "Members," and enter your preferred search parameters. Or click on the "About" button at the top of the page to find links to FAQ or the website tutorial. Click on the 'Meet" button to find member matches Levels are mostly a way to help identify and reward those who contribute to the growth of the community. The website also gives more access and benefits depending on level. Links to FAQ:, and a website tutorial:
Can an atheist be a Buddhist?
birdingnut comments on Jun 24, 2018:
Of course, since it's technically a philosophy, not a religion, but in most countries people have mixed it with other religions, such as Hinduism, like they have here in Thailand. I know you've been on a while, but this website has a bit of a learning curve. Here is some information that might be helpful for dating here. New members are encouraged to earn website points, and help other members get to know them better, by writing an informational profile that includes their hobbies and interests, and answering all the profile questions, since that's the first place many women look when they see a new member. The website algorithm uses profiles to find member matches, so the more details one includes, the better the match. Many women prefer to quickly look at a list of hobbies and interests to see if there's a match with a potential dating partner. In case you didn't know yet, to find members near you, click on the "Meet" button at the top of the page, then on "Members," and enter your preferred search parameters. Or click on the "About" button at the top of the page to find links to FAQ or the website tutorial. Click on the 'Meet" button to find member matches
I sent the following letter to the editor of the Tampa Bay Times today: Except for those brought ...
birdingnut comments on Jun 24, 2018:
Good for you for making the public more aware, since your goal is to VOTE THE CORRUPT GOP OUT OF OFFICE, and to make sure your liberal friends vote also.
A question: Why do the media cover every statement and tweet that Trump emits?
birdingnut comments on Jun 24, 2018:
The media is just as money hungry as the corrupt, colluding GOP. When they cover Trump's tweets, the entire world pays people who can't stop looking at a car wreck happening in front of them.
I was at Pridefest today.
birdingnut comments on Jun 24, 2018:
Good for you! I wish I could have attended also. I 've been in Thailand since 2010, and not attended any Pride events before, since I was under the impression all my life that I was a Christian, hetero, cis woman. I was wrong.
I’ve attended a catholic college the last four years.
birdingnut comments on Jun 24, 2018:
Of course! The Thai Buddhists here in Thailand are the kindest, most tolerant people I have ever met..a great relief after living in toxic America. By the way, this website has a bit of a learning curve so here is some information that might be helpful for dating here. New members are encouraged to earn website points, and help other members get to know them better, by uploading a clear, recent photo of themselves, writing an informational profile that includes their hobbies and interests, and answering all the profile questions, since that's the first place many people look when they see a new member. The website uses profile algorithms to find member matches, so the more details one includes, the better the match. Also many women prefer to see a written profile talking about interests, hobbies, and backgrounds that can be quickly perused to find compatible partners. People make comments and write their own posts to earn more points and privileges; for instance, at level two someone can private email people. There are different perks with each level, and when you reach level eight you get an agnostic T-shirt. To find members near you, click on the "Meet" button at the top of the page, then on "Members," and enter your preferred search parameters. Or click on the "About" button at the top of the page to find links to FAQ or the website tutorial. Click on the 'Meet" button to find member matches Levels are mostly a way to help identify and reward those who contribute to the growth of the community. The website also gives more access and benefits depending on level. Perks for each level: Links to FAQ:, and a website tutorial:
The time is now.
birdingnut comments on Jun 24, 2018:
Hmm...Me'thinks a bit too much information and sharing. This website has a bit of a learning curve so here is some information that might be helpful for dating here. New members are encouraged to earn website points, and help other members get to know them better, by writing a clear, organized, informational profile that includes their hobbies and interests, and answering all the profile questions, since that's the first place many people look when they see a new member. The website uses profile algorithms to find member matches, so the more details one includes, the better the match. Also many women prefer to see a written profile talking about interests, hobbies, and backgrounds that can be quickly perused to find compatible partners. People make comments and write their own posts to earn more points and privileges; for instance, at level two someone can private email people. There are different perks with each level, and when you reach level eight you get an agnostic T-shirt. To find members near you, click on the "Meet" button at the top of the page, then on "Members," and enter your preferred search parameters. Or click on the "About" button at the top of the page to find links to FAQ or the website tutorial. Click on the 'Meet" button to find member matches Levels are mostly a way to help identify and reward those who contribute to the growth of the community. The website also gives more access and benefits depending on level. Perks for each level: Links to FAQ:, and a website tutorial:
Star Wars 'Anthology' Films Put On Hold - Report []
birdingnut comments on Jun 24, 2018:
So sad. I didn't see the Hans Solo movie myself because I decided I could see it on Netflix, and I was getting short on cash.
Pharmacist refuses to fill medication for miscarriage
birdingnut comments on Jun 24, 2018:
At least she is being advised to SUE. Good idea!
Sometimes, I feel like religion is a state sponsored control mechanism to control the sheep.
birdingnut comments on Jun 24, 2018:
Well, DUH. Of course it is. I know you've been here a while, but this website has a bit of a learning curve. Here is some information that might be helpful for dating here. New members are encouraged to earn website points, and help other members get to know them better, by writing an informational profile that includes their hobbies and interests, and answering all the profile questions, since that's the first place many women look when they see a new member. The website algorithm uses profiles to find member matches, so the more details one includes, the better the match. Many women prefer to quickly look at a list of hobbies and interests to see if there's a match with a potential dating partner. In case you didn't know yet, to find members near you, click on the "Meet" button at the top of the page, then on "Members," and enter your preferred search parameters. Or click on the "About" button at the top of the page to find links to FAQ or the website tutorial. Click on the 'Meet" button to find member matches
New here, not really sure what to expect.
birdingnut comments on Jun 24, 2018:
Hi, Jaimee, and welcome to the website, Comments and website content stay here only. By the way, this website has a bit of a learning curve so here is some information that might be helpful for dating here. New members are encouraged to earn website points, and help other members get to know them better, by writing an informational profile that includes their hobbies and interests, and answering all the profile questions, since that's the first place many people look when they see a new member. The website uses profile algorithms to find member matches, so the more details one includes, the better the match. Also many women prefer to see a written profile talking about interests, hobbies, and backgrounds that can be quickly perused to find compatible partners. People make comments and write their own posts to earn more points and privileges; for instance, at level two someone can private email people. There are different perks with each level, and when you reach level eight you get an agnostic T-shirt. To find members near you, click on the "Meet" button at the top of the page, then on "Members," and enter your preferred search parameters. Or click on the "About" button at the top of the page to find links to FAQ or the website tutorial. Click on the 'Meet" button to find member matches Levels are mostly a way to help identify and reward those who contribute to the growth of the community. The website also gives more access and benefits depending on level. Perks for each level: Links to FAQ:, and a website tutorial:
Where's all my single secular ladies at? :-)
birdingnut comments on Jun 24, 2018:
Hi, Ubik, and welcome to the website, By the way, this website has a bit of a learning curve so here is some information that might be helpful for dating here. New members are encouraged to earn website points, and help other members get to know them better, by writing an informational profile that includes their hobbies and interests, and answering all the profile questions, since that's the first place many people look when they see a new member. The website uses profile algorithms to find member matches, so the more details one includes, the better the match. Also many women prefer to see a written profile talking about interests, hobbies, and backgrounds that can be quickly perused to find compatible partners. People make comments and write their own posts to earn more points and privileges; for instance, at level two someone can private email people. There are different perks with each level, and when you reach level eight you get an agnostic T-shirt. To find members near you, click on the "Meet" button at the top of the page, then on "Members," and enter your preferred search parameters. Or click on the "About" button at the top of the page to find links to FAQ or the website tutorial. Click on the 'Meet" button to find member matches Levels are mostly a way to help identify and reward those who contribute to the growth of the community. The website also gives more access and benefits depending on level. Perks for each level: Links to FAQ:, and a website tutorial:
New here, any new friends in my area?
birdingnut comments on Jun 24, 2018:
Hi, MomeRath, and welcome to the website, I agree with the cartoon, and I home schooled my two kids until they were in middle school, when I had to quit due to divorce and going back to work and to get my Masters. By the way, this website has a bit of a learning curve so here is some information that might be helpful for dating here. New members are encouraged to earn website points, and help other members get to know them better, by writing an informational profile that includes their hobbies and interests, and answering all the profile questions, since that's the first place many people look when they see a new member. The website uses profile algorithms to find member matches, so the more details one includes, the better the match. People make comments and write their own posts to earn more points and privileges; for instance, at level two someone can private email people. There are different perks with each level, and when you reach level eight you get an agnostic T-shirt. To find members near you, click on the "Meet" button at the top of the page, then on "Members," and enter your preferred search parameters. Or click on the "About" button at the top of the page to find links to FAQ or the website tutorial. Click on the 'Meet" button to find member matches Levels are mostly a way to help identify and reward those who contribute to the growth of the community. The website also gives more access and benefits depending on level. Perks for each level: Links to FAQ:, and a website tutorial:
Surely there must be another fouled mouthed, pot smoking, sarcastic, heathen, Deep Purple lovin, ...
birdingnut comments on Jun 24, 2018:
Probably plenty of them on this website! By the way, this website has a bit of a learning curve so here is some information that might be helpful for dating here. New members are encouraged to earn website points, and help other members get to know them better, by writing an informational profile that includes their hobbies and interests, and answering all the profile questions, since that's the first place many people look when they see a new member. Also, the website uses profiles to find member matches, so the more details one includes, the better the match. Then people make comments and write their own posts to earn more points and privileges; for instance, at level two someone can private email people. There are different perks with each level, and when you reach level eight you get an agnostic T-shirt. To find members near you, click on the "Meet" button at the top of the page, then on "Members," and enter your preferred search parameters. Or click on the "About" button at the top of the page to find links to FAQ or the website tutorial. Click on the 'Meet" button to find member matches Levels are mostly a way to help identify and reward those who contribute to the growth of the community. The website also gives more access and benefits depending on level. Perks for each level: Links to FAQ:, and a website tutorial:
Nazis separated me from my parents as a child.
birdingnut comments on Jun 24, 2018:
Orange Hitler belongs in prison, along with all his sycophant GOP enablers.
A while ago I was diagnosed with Scitso-affective disorder wich means a combo of Skiztofrphrenia, ...
birdingnut comments on Jun 24, 2018:
In case you want an inexpensive, natural way to treat this problem, with no addictive elements or side effects: "Doctors currently believe that CBD oil can affect the dopamine system of our brain, while decreasing symptoms of cognitive disorders like schizophrenia. CBD and schizoaffective disorder work through anandamide, a critical neurotransmitter in psychosis. Results from studies point out that CBD can boost levels of serum anandamide, leading to the improvement of the condition. The formal conclusion of the research team was that “inhibition of anandamide deactivation may contribute to the antipsychotic effects of cannabidiol potentially representing a completely new mechanism in the treatment of schizophrenia5”. Pure CBD oil (with little to no THC content) will work wonders on calming the nerves. Science shows that, despite originating from the same plant, THC and CBD interact differently with our brain, with the latter being a potent anti-psychotic. Research shows that pure CBD tincture makes SAD patients more comfortable with speaking in public, even with a better reaction from their audience. One specific study published in the Journal of Psychopharmacology in Oxford a few years ago sums up that “CBD reduces anxiety in SAD and that this is related to its effects on activity in limbic and paralimbic brain areas2“. On a more general level, you can also take CBD oil for panic attacks, extensive stress and even migraines. One of the general causes of depression: lack of chemical balance in the human brain. This directly impacts the central nervous system, which is also known as the endocannabinoid system. When neglected, this system undergoes reduced levels of energy, mood swings and loss of appetite, among others. CBD aids in leveling all of these symptoms, without tightly binding the CB1 receptor and causing intoxication like THC.
"whatever you are, be a good one" Abraham Lincoln
birdingnut comments on Jun 24, 2018:
Good advice! I know you've been here a while, but this website has a bit of a learning curve. Here is some information that might be helpful for dating here. New members are encouraged to earn website points, and help other members get to know them better, by writing an informational profile that includes their hobbies and interests, and answering all the profile questions, since that's the first place many women look when they see a new member. The website algorithm uses profiles to find member matches, so the more details one includes, the better the match. Many women prefer to quickly look at a list of hobbies and interests to see if there's a match with a potential dating partner. In case you didn't know yet, to find members near you, click on the "Meet" button at the top of the page, then on "Members," and enter your preferred search parameters. Or click on the "About" button at the top of the page to find links to FAQ or the website tutorial. Click on the 'Meet" button to find member matches
I'm new here.
birdingnut comments on Jun 24, 2018:
Cute cats! By the way, this website has a bit of a learning curve so here is some information that might be helpful for dating here. New members are encouraged to earn website points, and help other members get to know them better, by writing an informational profile that includes their hobbies and interests, and answering all the profile questions, since that's the first place many people look when they see a new member. Also, the website uses profiles to find member matches, so the more details one includes, the better the match. Then people make comments and write their own posts to earn more points and privileges; for instance, at level two someone can private email people. There are different perks with each level, and when you reach level eight you get an agnostic T-shirt. To find members near you, click on the "Meet" button at the top of the page, then on "Members," and enter your preferred search parameters. Or click on the "About" button at the top of the page to find links to FAQ or the website tutorial. Click on the 'Meet" button to find member matches Levels are mostly a way to help identify and reward those who contribute to the growth of the community. The website also gives more access and benefits depending on level. Perks for each level: Links to FAQ:, and a website tutorial:
Things like this bother me a bit.
birdingnut comments on Jun 24, 2018:
That is an example of being overly politically correct. She was merely writing about what happened to her, and how things were at the time. If you are going to deconstruct all literature, NOTHING would be bland enough to pass the PC police.
Unattended children
birdingnut comments on Jun 24, 2018:
I've seen the video, and everyone is at fault here..the art gallery for not roping off such an expensive art work, having a guard, or at least a warning sign. The mother, for sitting there reading obliviously while her two little boys chased each other through the art works. The two little boys are the least at fault. They were left to their own devices, and boys almost always run and roughhouse when playing. They should have been warned, and kept close to a parent, but nobody said anything to them.
Anyone have any good atheist jokes or puns?
birdingnut comments on Jun 24, 2018:
Hi, Nael, Lewis Black comment, from Me of Little Faith: "Who knew that the Devil had a factory where he made millions of fossils, which his minions distributed throughout the earth, to confuse my tiny brain?" By the way, this website has a bit of a learning curve so here is some information that might be helpful for dating here. New members are encouraged to earn website points, and help other members get to know them better, by writing an informational profile that includes their hobbies and interests, and answering all the profile questions, since that's the first place many people look when they see a new member. The website algorithm uses profiles to find member matches, so the more details one includes, the better the match. Many women prefer to have a detailed profile to glance at to see if a potential romantic interest is compatible with her. Then people make comments and write their own posts to earn more points and privileges; for instance, at level two someone can private email people. There are different perks with each level, and when you reach level eight you get an agnostic T-shirt. In case you don't know yet, to find members near you, click on the "Meet" button at the top of the page, then on "Members," and enter your preferred search parameters. Or click on the "About" button at the top of the page to find links to FAQ or the website tutorial. Click on the 'Meet" button to find member matches Levels are mostly a way to help identify and reward those who contribute to the growth of the community. The website also gives more access and benefits depending on level. Perks for each level: Links to FAQ:, and a website tutorial:
Call me an asshole, but I am blocking any and all Trump supporters on here.
birdingnut comments on Jun 24, 2018:
I always block Trump supporters here. And on Facebook, if any of them identify themselves..even close relatives and cousins. Here on this website I also block ALL people who are rude, crude, or lewd, to either me or other women. I would never want to date or interact with such people anyway. By the way, some people here can be just as aggressively rude as any alt-right Facebook troll, if someone posts something with which they don't agree.
Your favorite dog breed!
birdingnut comments on Jun 24, 2018:
Australian cattle dog
Atheist Republic
birdingnut comments on Jun 24, 2018:
Thanks! I "liked" the website. There are no atheist consulates in Lexington, KY, where I hope to move soon, but maybe they can help me hook up with others anyway. Lexington is full of atheists, so shouldn't be a problem.
What musicians do you wish you had been introduced to earlier?
birdingnut comments on Jun 24, 2018:
Not sure. I don't know I like musicians until I hear them. I follow K-pop, Thai-pop, classical music, US pop, Latin pop, Caribbean, Cuban, bluegrass, jazz, big band, etc. In fact, I can stream any genre or music decade with, whenever I'm online. I'm currently listening to Chopin's Fantaisie in F minor, for instance. By the way, this website has a bit of a learning curve so here is some information that might be helpful for dating here. New members are encouraged to earn website points, and help other members get to know them better, by writing an informational profile that includes their hobbies and interests, and answering all the profile questions, since that's the first place many people look when they see a new member. Also, the website uses profiles to find member matches, so the more details one includes, the better the match. Then people make comments and write their own posts to earn more points and privileges; for instance, at level two someone can private email people. There are different perks with each level, and when you reach level eight you get an agnostic T-shirt. To find members near you, click on the "Meet" button at the top of the page, then on "Members," and enter your preferred search parameters. Or click on the "About" button at the top of the page to find links to FAQ or the website tutorial. Click on the 'Meet" button to find member matches Levels are mostly a way to help identify and reward those who contribute to the growth of the community. The website also gives more access and benefits depending on level.:// Perks for each level: :// Links to FAQ: ://, and a website tutorial: ://
Have you noticed a decline in writing skills?
birdingnut comments on Jun 24, 2018:
Not really. I'm 65 years old, but when I first came to the US for college in 1970, I was shocked at the poor writing and reading skills of most American college students, even in my exclusive, expensive, private college. This was so frustrating for the professors, they ended up calling on me to read when anything was supposed to be read aloud in class, since I seemed to be the only person who could read aloud fluently, without stumbling and struggling over most of the words. When I attended a regular university for my Masters, I discovered that many of the lower level profs seldom read either, and resented it when I showed that I could and did read. Two of them complained about me being in their classes and making them feel ignorant, because they didn't have "time to read" all the stuff I was apparently reading on the subjects. Three different professors told me to change classes for making them feel foolish in class, but I told them I had a class schedule to keep and since they had Ph.Ds surely they knew SOMETHING I didn't know.
Dating Religion Opinions
birdingnut comments on Jun 24, 2018:
I don't care if someone is nominally "Christian" as long as they don't really believe it, but I prefer an agnostic. By the way, this website has a bit of a learning curve so here is some information that might be helpful for dating here. New members are encouraged to earn website points, and help other members get to know them better, by posting a clear, recent of themselves, writing an informational profile that includes their hobbies and interests, and answering all the profile questions, since that's the first place many people look when they see a new member. Also, the website uses profiles to find member matches, so the more details one includes, the better the match. Then people make comments and write their own posts to earn more points and privileges; for instance, at level two someone can private email people. There are different perks with each level, and when you reach level eight you get an agnostic T-shirt. To find members near you, click on the "Meet" button at the top of the page, then on "Members," and enter your preferred search parameters. Or click on the "About" button at the top of the page to find links to FAQ or the website tutorial. Click on the 'Meet" button to find member matches Levels are mostly a way to help identify and reward those who contribute to the growth of the community. The website also gives more access and benefits depending on level.:// Perks for each level: :// Links to FAQ: ://, and a website tutorial: ://
I want to say how much I am enjoying this community.
birdingnut comments on Jun 24, 2018:
I'm glad you're enjoying it! I know you've been here a while, but this website has a bit of a learning curve. Here is some information that might be helpful for dating here. New members are encouraged to earn website points, and help other members get to know them better, by writing an informational profile that includes their hobbies and interests, and answering all the profile questions, since that's the first place many women look when they see a new member. The website algorithm uses profiles to find member matches, so the more details one includes, the better the match. Many women prefer to quickly look at a list of hobbies and interests to see if there's a match with a potential dating partner. In case you didn't know yet, to find members near you, click on the "Meet" button at the top of the page, then on "Members," and enter your preferred search parameters. Or click on the "About" button at the top of the page to find links to FAQ or the website tutorial. Click on the 'Meet" button to find member matches
I need an atheist tree cutter in the NC Triad area. Any recommendations?
birdingnut comments on Jun 24, 2018:
Check Craigslist, Angie's List reviews, google reviews in places like or Most people in business don't advertise being atheist, as it would likely cut off more than half their business.
There is a lot to say about wisdom. Not so much about a high iq. Do you agree?
birdingnut comments on Jun 24, 2018:
People with high IQs are often socially clueless..not as much from ignorance, but from lack of interest. They're mostly too busy pursuing their obsessions, making inventions, directing movies, writing books, etc., to care much about social niceties. Many of them are downright rude, crude, and lewd-not nice people to interact with socially.
Still lost in Tn.
birdingnut comments on Jun 24, 2018:
Hi, Chris, and welcome to the website, I dunno..I love Tennessee..that's where my favorite Walking Horse was bred. This website has a bit of a learning curve so here is some information that might be helpful for dating here. New members are encouraged to earn website points, and help other members get to know them better, by writing an informational profile that includes their hobbies and interests, and answering all the profile questions, since that's the first place many people look when they see a new member. You've already done some of this! Also, the website uses profiles to find member matches, so the more details one includes, the better the match. Then people make comments and write their own posts to earn more points and privileges; for instance, at level two someone can private email people. There are different perks with each level, and when you reach level eight you get an agnostic T-shirt. To find members near you, click on the "Meet" button at the top of the page, then on "Members," and enter your preferred search parameters. Or click on the "About" button at the top of the page to find links to FAQ or the website tutorial. Click on the 'Meet" button to find member matches Levels are mostly a way to help identify and reward those who contribute to the growth of the community. The website also gives more access and benefits depending on level. Perks for each level: Links to FAQ:, and a website tutorial:
I am excited to have found this site and am looking forward to interacting with like minded people.
birdingnut comments on Jun 24, 2018:
Hi, RedViolin, and welcome to the website! This website has a bit of a learning curve so here is some information that might be helpful. New members are encouraged to earn website points, and help other members get to know them better, by writing an informational profile that includes their hobbies and interests, and answering all the profile questions, since that's the first place many people look when they see a new member. You've already done most of this! Also, the website uses profiles to find member matches, so the more details one includes, the better the match. Then people make comments and write their own posts to earn more points and privileges; for instance, at level two someone can private email people. There are different perks with each level, and when you reach level eight you get an agnostic T-shirt. To find members near you, click on the "Meet" button at the top of the page, then on "Members," and enter your preferred search parameters. Or click on the "About" button at the top of the page to find links to FAQ or the website tutorial. Click on the 'Meet" button to find member matches Levels are mostly a way to help identify and reward those who contribute to the growth of the community. The website also gives more access and benefits depending on level. Perks for each level: Links to FAQ:, and a website tutorial:
Ever been to Indonesia?
birdingnut comments on Jun 24, 2018:
Since hemp, and/or any waste plant material, can make biodegradable plastic that sea animals can actually safely eat, this is a Big Oil, Oligarchy problem. VOTE the GOP OUT.
The burden of being a social justice beacon []
birdingnut comments on Jun 24, 2018:
Most admired human being in your lifetime
birdingnut comments on Jun 24, 2018:
Rachel Carson.
Nobody can party like a rock star anymore?
birdingnut comments on Jun 24, 2018:
Hi, Bryan, and welcome to the website, Are you talking about people getting together to get drunk, stoned, and high? Usually, as people get older they begin to pursue careers, have children, travel, etc., so often not as willing to get trashed and arrested. This website has a bit of a learning curve so here is some information that might be helpful. New members are encouraged to earn website points, and help other members get to know them better, by uploading a recent, clear photo of themselves, writing an informational profile that includes their hobbies and interests, and answering all the profile questions, since that's the first place many people look when they see a new member. Also, the website uses profiles to find member matches, so the more details one includes, the better the match. Then people make comments and write their own posts to earn more points and privileges; for instance, at level two someone can private email people. There are different perks with each level, and when you reach level eight you get an agnostic T-shirt. To find members near you, click on the "Meet" button at the top of the page, then on "Members," and enter your preferred search parameters. Or click on the "About" button at the top of the page to find links to FAQ or the website tutorial. Click on the 'Meet" button to find member matches Levels are mostly a way to help identify and reward those who contribute to the growth of the community. The website also gives more access and benefits depending on level. Perks for each level: Links to FAQ:, and a website tutorial:
I've learned that riding my bike helps when I'm stressed.
birdingnut comments on Jun 24, 2018:
Good for you. When I was divorced, I breathed a sigh of relief and moved to Thailand.
If Jesus were alive, he would be on Jerry Springer.
birdingnut comments on Jun 24, 2018:
If he existed at all, you mean.
I'll just leave this here.
birdingnut comments on Jun 24, 2018:
I don't blame them. I wouldn't even want to be in the restaurant if she was there.
New music is highlying overrated.
birdingnut comments on Jun 24, 2018:
Hi,MissMiho , and welcome to the website, much of the today's music is carefully formulated by music producers to attract listeners. This website has a bit of a learning curve so here is some information that might be helpful for dating here. New members are encouraged to earn website points, and help other members get to know them better, by writing an informational profile that includes their hobbies and interests, and answering all the profile questions, since that's the first place many people look when they see a new member. Also, the website uses profiles to find member matches, so the more details one includes, the better the match. Then people make comments and write their own posts to earn more points and privileges; for instance, at level two someone can private email people. There are different perks with each level, and when you reach level eight you get an agnostic T-shirt. To find members near you, click on the "Meet" button at the top of the page, then on "Members," and enter your preferred search parameters. Or click on the "About" button at the top of the page to find links to FAQ or the website tutorial. Click on the 'Meet" button to find member matches Levels are mostly a way to help identify and reward those who contribute to the growth of the community. The website also gives more access and benefits depending on level. Perks for each level: Links to FAQ:, and a website tutorial:
There are two novels that can change a bookish fourteen-year old’s life: The Lord of the Rings and...
birdingnut comments on Jun 24, 2018:
I read the original Gulliver's Travels when I was eight years old-WAY too young for such vicious juvenalian satire, and it soured my entire view of the human race. Now, for instance, whenever I observe boorish, sexual predator political leaders, I only see the Yahoos. I already preferred the company of horses to most people.
How can anyone believe in or put faith in a God that seems to be such a cruel creator?
birdingnut comments on Jun 24, 2018:
Hi, Robbie, and welcome to the website, I agree. I think most religious wing nuts have never read the Bible..they just blindly obey their church leaders, since questioning the authority of their white male leaders is considered heresy. This website has a bit of a learning curve so here is some information that might be helpful if you want to date. New members are encouraged to earn website points, and help other members get to know them better, by writing an informational profile that includes their hobbies and interests, and answering all the profile questions, since that's the first place many people look when they see a new member. Also, the website uses profiles to find member matches, so the more details one includes, the better the match. Then people make comments and write their own posts to earn more points and privileges; for instance, at level two someone can private email people. There are different perks with each level, and when you reach level eight you get an agnostic T-shirt. To find members near you, click on the "Meet" button at the top of the page, then on "Members," and enter your preferred search parameters. Or click on the "About" button at the top of the page to find links to FAQ or the website tutorial. Click on the 'Meet" button to find member matches Levels are mostly a way to help identify and reward those who contribute to the growth of the community. The website also gives more access and benefits depending on level. Perks for each level: Links to FAQ:, and a website tutorial:
It's always the people who can't spell who feel they have the most to say.
birdingnut comments on Jun 24, 2018:
That's because Trumpites are undereducated, low IQ types, who seldom read, and only watch Fox News, so have mush for brains.
Zombie Apocalypse! Here's something to think about and prepare for.
birdingnut comments on Jun 24, 2018:
That bottom Indiana Jones one looks like too much fun..I tweeted the link.
All you need is Love!
birdingnut comments on Jun 24, 2018:
Hi, Laura, and welcome to the website, is the answer to most things. This website has a bit of a learning curve so here is some information that might be helpful in dating here. New members are encouraged to earn website points, and help other members get to know them better, by writing an informational profile that includes their hobbies and interests, and answering all the profile questions, since that's the first place many people look when they see a new member. Also, the website uses profiles to find member matches, so the more details one includes, the better the match. Then people make comments and write their own posts to earn more points and privileges; for instance, at level two someone can private email people. There are different perks with each level, and when you reach level eight you get an agnostic T-shirt. To find members near you, click on the "Meet" button at the top of the page, then on "Members," and enter your preferred search parameters. Or click on the "About" button at the top of the page to find links to FAQ or the website tutorial. Click on the 'Meet" button to find member matches Levels are mostly a way to help identify and reward those who contribute to the growth of the community. The website also gives more access and benefits depending on level. Perks for each level: Links to FAQ:, and a website tutorial:
Does anyone have a natural solution to discourage spiders in the house?
birdingnut comments on Jun 24, 2018:
They come inside to eat insects, so keep your home well-screened. Natural ways to repel spiders from homes:
Agnostic shopping?
birdingnut comments on Jun 24, 2018:
Just do a google search:
I was standing in line at the grocery store looking at the magazines and tabloid newspapers as ...
birdingnut comments on Jun 23, 2018:
Yup. But luckily, like the proverbial clam, he's happy because he doesn't realize he's ignorant. Scientists Have Established a Link Between Brain Damage and Religious Fundamentalism @alternet
On the lighter side, favorite ice cream flavors, anyone?
birdingnut comments on Jun 23, 2018:
Ice cream is always popular! My favorite is chocolate, with chocolate chips, but most flavors are good also..even vanilla.
I see so many posts with great questions and intriguing insights.
birdingnut comments on Jun 23, 2018:
Hi, Gooderer, I agree. Hope you find what you're looking for. I know you've been here a while, but this website has a bit of a learning curve. Here is some information that might be helpful for dating here. New members are encouraged to earn website points, and help other members get to know them better, by writing an informational profile that includes their hobbies and interests, and answering all the profile questions, since that's the first place many women look when they see a new member. Also, the website uses profiles to find member matches, so the more details one includes, the better the match. Many women prefer to quickly look at a list of hobbies and interests to see if there's a match with a potential dating partner. In case you didn't know yet, to find members near you, click on the "Meet" button at the top of the page, then on "Members," and enter your preferred search parameters. Or click on the "About" button at the top of the page to find links to FAQ or the website tutorial. Click on the 'Meet" button to find member matches
An anti-Trump movement is calling for the boycott of these 24 retailers
birdingnut comments on Jun 23, 2018:
Hmm...since I'm a Amazon prime member with all my photos and videos in Amazon drive, and am able to get presents to my relatives from Thailand through Amazon, I will continue using them. Besides, their CEO denounced Trump publicly, so that helps.
And now the outrage is this.
birdingnut comments on Jun 23, 2018:
I wouldn't want to even be NEAR a Trumpite. HORRIBLE people.
People say the right winged Christians aren't truly Christian, and they would denounce or even ...
birdingnut comments on Jun 23, 2018:
That's sickening, but actually very "god-like" behavior, according the Hebrew god of the Bible. This god commanded his leader, Moses, to have a man stoned who picked up sticks on Saturday, to have rebellious children stoned, to kill every human-man, woman, and child, and even animal of tribes that didn't immediately surrender to the armies of Israel, allowed men to sell their daughters into slavery, etc. The new Testament is just as bad..women were commanded to wear veils, stay at home and have children, never talk in church, obey their husbands, etc. By the way, I know you've been here a while, but this website has a bit of a learning curve. Here is some information that might be helpful for dating here. New members are encouraged to earn website points, and help other members get to know them better, by writing an informational profile that includes their hobbies and interests, and answering all the profile questions, since that's the first place many women look when they see a new member. Also, the website uses profiles to find member matches, so the more details one includes, the better the match. Many women prefer to quickly look at a list of hobbies and interests to see if there's a match with a potential dating partner. In case you didn't know yet, to find members near you, click on the "Meet" button at the top of the page, then on "Members," and enter your preferred search parameters. Or click on the "About" button at the top of the page to find links to FAQ or the website tutorial. Click on the 'Meet" button to find member matches
The local paper published two of my bird photos in today's edition! And they only referred to me as...
birdingnut comments on Jun 23, 2018:
Beautiful photos; nice work!
Do you think that one day humans will travel to another galaxy ?
birdingnut comments on Jun 23, 2018:
According to secret government whistle-blowers, and the document "Unacknowledged" - seen on Netflix and YouTube - containing videos of Hillary, Obama, NSA officials, astronauts, and scientists admitting that the US government has been suppressing information on US interactions and use of alien technology since WW ll, after it was captured from the Germans, who back engineered it from two crashed UFOs. The US government keeps it classified and aggressively suppresses all UFO reports-ridiculing the people who report them, so they won't have to share the advanced alien technology. A few years ago, a European hacker was condemned by the NSA for hacking into their database and finding payments to alien US military officers and info on putting down slave rebellions on Mars base factories. 'UFO Hacker' Tells What He Found - NSA furious via @WIRED
Favorite Movies?
birdingnut comments on Jun 23, 2018:
My top five: Star Wars, Tremors, Overboard, Back to the Future, Galaxy Quest. I know you've been here a while, but this website has a bit of a learning curve. Here is some information that might be helpful for dating here. New members are encouraged to earn website points, and help other members get to know them better, by writing an informational profile that includes their hobbies and interests, and answering all the profile questions, since that's the first place many women look when they see a new member. Also, the website uses profiles to find member matches, so the more details one includes, the better the match. Many women prefer to quickly look at a list of hobbies and interests to see if there's a match with a potential dating partner. And, in case you didn't know yet: To find members near you, click on the "Meet" button at the top of the page, then on "Members," and enter your preferred search parameters. Or click on the "About" button at the top of the page to find links to FAQ or the website tutorial. Click on the 'Meet" button to find member matches
President of the US
birdingnut comments on Jun 23, 2018:
The First President Of the United States Was A Black Man (John Hanson)
I just saw a FB video showing a priest slapping a baby at a baptism.. I think it was in France..
birdingnut comments on Jun 23, 2018:
Yup. The father seemed pretty upset and snatched the baby back forcibly, so maybe that couple will dump the church. One can hope..
Well here we go again.
birdingnut comments on Jun 23, 2018:
I'm sorry that happened. You might want to find out where the relationship is going before you invest too much time in it. Most women who are sexually attracted to a man will kiss him after a few dates, so if she doesn't you might want to keep dating others. I know you've been at for a while, but this website has a bit of a learning curve, but this info might be helpful for dating here. New members are encouraged to earn website points, and help other members get to know them better, by writing an informational profile that includes their hobbies and interests, and answering all the profile questions, since that's the first place many women look when they see a new member. Also, the website uses profiles to find member matches, so the more details one includes, the better the match. Many women prefer to quickly look at a list of hobbies and interests to see if there's a match with a potential dating partner. You probably already know this, but just in case: To find members near you, click on the "Meet" button at the top of the page, then on "Members," and enter your preferred search parameters. Or click on the "About" button at the top of the page to find links to FAQ or the website tutorial. Click on the 'Meet" button to find member matches
Where are all the heathens at?
birdingnut comments on Jun 23, 2018:
Hi, Netochka, and welcome to the website, This website has a bit of a learning curve so here is some information that might be helpful for dating here. New members are encouraged to earn website points, and help other members get to know them better, by writing an informational profile that includes their hobbies and interests, and answering all the profile questions, since that's the first place many people look when they see a new member. Also, the website uses profiles to find member matches, so the more details one includes, the better the match. Then people make comments and write their own posts to earn more points and privileges; for instance, at level two someone can private email people. There are different perks with each level, and when you reach level eight you get an agnostic T-shirt. To find members near you, click on the "Meet" button at the top of the page, then on "Members," and enter your preferred search parameters. Or click on the "About" button at the top of the page to find links to FAQ or the website tutorial. Click on the 'Meet" button to find member matches Levels are mostly a way to help identify and reward those who contribute to the growth of the community. The website also gives more access and benefits depending on level. Perks for each level: Links to FAQ:, and a website tutorial:
Is neo-liberalism the prevailing orthodoxy of the modern world?
birdingnut comments on Jun 23, 2018:
Hi, Ru_woke, and welcome to the website, I wish. Right now the fascist, Trump, is president of the US. This website has a bit of a learning curve so here is some information that might be helpful for dating here. New members are encouraged to earn website points, and help other members get to know them better, by writing an informational profile that includes their hobbies and interests, and answering all the profile questions, since that's the first place many people look when they see a new member. Also, the website uses profiles to find member matches, so the more details one includes, the better the match. Then people make comments and write their own posts to earn more points and privileges; for instance, at level two someone can private email people. There are different perks with each level, and when you reach level eight you get an agnostic T-shirt. To find members near you, click on the "Meet" button at the top of the page, then on "Members," and enter your preferred search parameters. Or click on the "About" button at the top of the page to find links to FAQ or the website tutorial. Click on the 'Meet" button to find member matches Levels are mostly a way to help identify and reward those who contribute to the growth of the community. The website also gives more access and benefits depending on level. Perks for each level: Links to FAQ:, and a website tutorial:
Why are there so many people who are lonely?
birdingnut comments on Jun 23, 2018:
Some say it's the result of the American custom of sticking bottles in babies' mouths and dropping them off at the babysitters while the mothers work. Studies show that children who were given prolonged nursing, held and cuddled a great deal, etc. had a happy, optimistic outlook on life, were steady, and loved themselves. At least one study showed it actually changed the babies' genetics to be cuddled. Cuddling Babies Regularly Can Actually Improve Their Genetics, Study Suggests
Hello! How is everyone?
birdingnut comments on Jun 23, 2018:
Hi, Misty, and welcome to the website! This website has a bit of a learning curve so here is some information that might be helpful. New members are encouraged to earn website points, and help other members get to know them better, by writing an informational profile that includes their hobbies and interests, and answering all the profile questions, since that's the first place many people look when they see a new member. Also, the website uses profiles to find member matches, so the more details one includes, the better the match. Then people make comments and write their own posts to earn more points and privileges; for instance, at level two someone can private email people. There are different perks with each level, and when you reach level eight you get an agnostic T-shirt. To find members near you, click on the "Meet" button at the top of the page, then on "Members," and enter your preferred search parameters. Or click on the "About" button at the top of the page to find links to FAQ or the website tutorial. Click on the 'Meet" button to find member matches Levels are mostly a way to help identify and reward those who contribute to the growth of the community. The website also gives more access and benefits depending on level. Perks for each level: Links to FAQ:, and a website tutorial:
Who Loves President Trump?
birdingnut comments on Jun 23, 2018:
Probably nobody, but there are many people who are riding his coattails to gain power and wealth.
High my name is tim i grew up southern babtist my father was a preacher i have ben very educated in ...
birdingnut comments on Jun 23, 2018:
Hi, Tim, and welcome to the website, This website has a bit of a learning curve so here is some information that might be helpful for dating here. New members are encouraged to earn website points, and help other members get to know them better, by writing an informational profile that includes their hobbies and interests, and answering all the profile questions, since that's the first place many people look when they see a new member. Also, the website uses profiles to find member matches, so the more details one includes, the better the match. Then people make comments and write their own posts to earn more points and privileges; for instance, at level two someone can private email people. There are different perks with each level, and when you reach level eight you get an agnostic T-shirt. To find members near you, click on the "Meet" button at the top of the page, then on "Members," and enter your preferred search parameters. Or click on the "About" button at the top of the page to find links to FAQ or the website tutorial. Click on the 'Meet" button to find member matches Levels are mostly a way to help identify and reward those who contribute to the growth of the community. The website also gives more access and benefits depending on level. Perks for each level: Links to FAQ:, and a website tutorial:
I'm terrified to be in debt from it, but I finally applied to go back to college.
birdingnut comments on Jun 23, 2018:
There are many alternatives to going into debt for college; attending a community college for most of your classes, taking advantage of free online classes from all the Ivy League universities that give degrees in everything for free, choosing a career where you become an apprentice and get paid to learn, then earn twice to three times what most people with college degrees make. Jobs You Can Learn By Being an Apprentice, and earn while you learn, then afterward earn more than what people earn with college degrees.
The brain - that 2.
birdingnut comments on Jun 23, 2018:
Right now, I avoid Trump news and violent Netflix shows, trying to choose only happy, comedic shows, although I've been running out of them, so been watching foreign films on Netflix.
Should I travel and seek a different reality?
birdingnut comments on Jun 23, 2018:
I love to move, to travel, live in different countries, but I was born and raised abroad, so that's understandable. Some people are just homebodies. I must say, I quite like living in Songkhla, Thailand. Best place I've lived in so far, even though I soon have to move back to the US.
Im on the phone with my friend who is on at-home dialysis.
birdingnut comments on Jun 23, 2018:
That is so sad. I hope she gets a kidney soon. I keep reading about stem cell research where people are growing their own organs, scientists using humanized pig organs, etc., so I hope research progresses rapidly. Groundbreaking research means pig organs could soon be transplanted into humans
How is this actually a dating site?
birdingnut comments on Jun 23, 2018:
Hi, Captn, and welcome to the website, I don't know what you mean, but this website has a bit of a learning curve so here is some information that might be helpful. New members are encouraged to earn website points, and help other members get to know them better, by writing an informational profile that includes their hobbies and interests, and answering all the profile questions, since that's the first place many people look when they see a new member. You seem to have already done much of this. Also, the website uses profiles to find member matches, so the more details one includes, the better the match. Then people make comments and write their own posts to earn more points and privileges; for instance, at level two someone can private email people. There are different perks with each level, and when you reach level eight you get an agnostic T-shirt. If you don't know yet, to find members near you, click on the "Meet" button at the top of the page, then on "Members," and enter your preferred search parameters. Or click on the "About" button at the top of the page to find links to FAQ or the website tutorial. Click on the 'Meet" button to find member matches Levels are mostly a way to help identify and reward those who contribute to the growth of the community. The website also gives more access and benefits depending on level. Perks for each level: Links to FAQ:, and a website tutorial:
Mirroring The great FBI profiler, John Douglas, said one thing he realized early in his research ...
birdingnut comments on Jun 23, 2018:
Very good article. I always checked people out online first to see if they really held that job, really were divorced, etc. and I asked them about their debts, but that was more difficult to assess.


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