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What made you stay here?
birdingnut comments on Apr 4, 2018:
I currently live in Thailand, I'm 65 years old, and I hope to move to Lexington, KY, so I don't actually think I'll meet anyone here I could date. Still, there's the remote chance of finding a compatible partner, and sometimes people post interesting things, so there's that.
Anyone here read the DUNE series of books by Frank Herbert?
birdingnut comments on Apr 4, 2018:
I tried several times to read the series but the writing style annoyed me too much.
What’s the longest you’ve ever gone without food?
birdingnut comments on Apr 4, 2018:
42 days..twice. Plus I used to routinely fast one day a week, or sometimes a week. I still fast 11 hours each skipping lunch.
I have met someone who desires me.
birdingnut comments on Apr 4, 2018:
Overthinking isn't good. Try CBD oil to quiet the fear and doubt.
What specifically does "spiritual but not religious" actually mean?
birdingnut comments on Apr 4, 2018:
It means that even though you no longer believe in Christianity, the Bible, or the Hebrew god, you still believe Einstein and the Law of Thermodynamics, which says we are all made of energy, that time and space are an illusion, that energy can't be destroyed or created, therefore we have always existed and will always exist, in some energy form. Also, there is the well documented research into children aged 2-6 years old who remember past lives in such great detail, they can be independently verified.
Why can't the U.S. have a strong third political Party?
birdingnut comments on Apr 4, 2018:
I agree. My hope is that all the new young people running for office now, to protest Trump, will make a difference.
I'm new to this site and only just beginning to explore. Curious to know what prompted you to join?
birdingnut comments on Apr 4, 2018:
I was trying to escape the alt-rights who kept piling on whenever I mentioned the LGBTQ community or anything to do with science. After I got here, I found out there are plenty of agnostic trolls here, as well, if you post about anything they don't personally endorse, such as supernatural events.
Do you grow food
birdingnut comments on Apr 3, 2018:
I did, when I lived in the US, to have fresh, tasty, organic food. Since I moved to Thailand, the fresh food is so cheap, no need to grow my own.
Day from hell.
birdingnut comments on Apr 3, 2018:
It's said that whatever our inner vibration, it will attract more of the same. For instance; sad, lonely people tend to attract sad, lonely romantic partners. People who are often successful, usually continue this trend, whereas people who have been poor all their lives, usually somehow lose their money, even if they win the lottery.
I’m guiding my office on a hike this Friday as parod a “morale” day, and the trail that won ...
birdingnut comments on Apr 3, 2018:
You could make a polite, firm comment before you start that if someone's religious beliefs conflict with what you're saying, please refrain from commenting. You could mention that although they have a right to their beliefs, others have a right to believe facts and science.
Grocery Shopping Habits Do you shop at a big box such as Walmart, a large chain grocery store, ...
birdingnut comments on Apr 3, 2018:
When I was in the US, I bought bulk organic food from the local health food coop. I raised much of my vegetables, grew sprouts, had fruit trees, etc. Here in Thailand I can buy fresh food so cheaply I don't grow it. But I do buy from tiny nearby Thai shops instead of shopping at the big Tesco-Lotus, a few blocks away.
What's on the other side people talk about?
birdingnut comments on Apr 3, 2018:
Unless you believe Einstein, that we are made of energy, that time and space arean illusion, that energy can't be created or destroyed, etc. In other words, we have always existed and will always exist in some energy form. And what about all the scientific studies done with children 2-6 years old who remembered past lives in great detail, which were verified. Even I remembered a past life when I was born, as well as my sister.
Are we a superior design?
birdingnut comments on Apr 3, 2018:
Not reailly. I agree more with Lloyd Pye and his book, "Intervention Theory Essentials," that the earth has strong evidence of being terraformed and our DNA of being genetically engineered.
Who else is spring cleaning?
birdingnut comments on Apr 3, 2018:
I follow the advice of the book "The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up: The Japanese Art of Decluttering and Organizing," by Marie Condo. She says to put everything of the same category in one all the pencils and pens, all the wrapping paper, all the scissors, etc. Then go through them and select most of them to give away. Only keep or two of each type thing, and only things that, when you pick it up, it brings you joy.
Do you push yourself to do things that scare you?
birdingnut comments on Apr 3, 2018:
Depends. If it must be done, then I try not to think about it and plunge ahead.
Do you seek out novel experiences or do you stick to known comforts?
birdingnut comments on Apr 3, 2018:
Besides what other websites do you spend time on?
birdingnut comments on Apr 3, 2018:
Twitter, Facebook-with several Facebook groups,,, various science and news feed links.
birdingnut comments on Apr 3, 2018:
I didn't allow it done to my son, and if he wants it done later on in life, it's up to him. I've read that it's easier to keep a circumsized penis clean, but most other countries and cultures don't do it, and it doesn't hurt them. Worldwide, 33% of males are circumcised, 70% of whom are Muslim.
Does anyone here also enjoy a dark sense of humor?
birdingnut comments on Apr 3, 2018:
Depends. I don't like gore, graphic sex, jokes about body parts, and other gross skatalogical stuff that so many cis, hetero men seem to like. If a stand-up comedian on Netflix starts talking about his genitals, or child rape, for instance, I not only change to a different comedian, but remember to skip him from then on. If I'm that way, and others feel the same, men who like dark humor might be running off potential women prospects.
How do Believers become Non-Believers
birdingnut comments on Apr 3, 2018:
Could be. A recent study showed that when test participants were taken through a relaxation/visualization session to make them feel safe and secure, their exit survey answers matched those of liberals, although their pre-session surveys showed them to be Conservatives. Since liberals are often nonbelievers, perhaps this technique would also de-religion people also.
Hey, gentlemen, do us both a favor and please add a picture to your profile! It's not so much about...
birdingnut comments on Apr 2, 2018: avatar is a red flag to us. We imagine the worst.
Men, do you agree with this quote from Christopher Hitchens?
birdingnut comments on Apr 2, 2018:
Since I'm gender fluid/bigender, etc. I used to switch back and forth between male and female perspectives. My female side is very independent and choosy..carefully perusing the men courting her for the one who gives her the best advantage. For instance, he could be gorgeous, but if he is poor and uneducated, forget it. But my male side is pathetically co-dependent..longing for a female "master" to tell him what to do and take over his life. This really annoyed my female gender mode side (left brain hemisphere), and before I took derris scandens, a Thai herb I accidentally discovered would stop dysphoria, and blend my genders, my female side used to boss my male side around, and even insult and run off any women hanging around. I suppose if a man has some female traits, he'd feel uneasy and resentful over his dependence on women. Otherwise, most cis, hetero men don't seem to mind, or even notice it.
“We have just enough religion to make us hate, but not enough to make us love one another.
birdingnut comments on Apr 2, 2018:
Religion teaches us to think others deserve our hatred, so any "love" would be pity.
How do you guys rest/relax your brain when tired?
birdingnut comments on Apr 2, 2018:
Read an interesting Kindle book until I get too sleepy to sit up.
Anybody participating in a community garden?
birdingnut comments on Apr 2, 2018:
Sounds wonderful! I used to grow much of my own food when I lived on our KY family farm.
Does someone have to be college educated to be intelligent?
birdingnut comments on Apr 2, 2018:
IQ is mostly hereditary, as was proven in identical twin studies, but can be influenced by diet, opportunities, length of nursing time when an infant. Most great scientists and world changers were either tutored at home, or self-taught, since they couldn't or wouldn't fit in with mindless public school education.
What is your reaction to assertions you don't think are true?
birdingnut comments on Apr 2, 2018:
Why is it MY job to correct every person I see who is "wrong?" I don't knock cigarettes or junk food out of people's hands, lecture Hindus, Muslims, or Christians on their beliefs, etc. The only time I'll say anything is if someone is trying to force me to accept something I don't believe in, and there's no other way to get away from them. Otherwise, what other people believe is none of my business, if it doesn't affect me.
Gospel music. Do any of you still feel something when you hear gospel music?
birdingnut comments on Apr 2, 2018:
Eeew! I couldn't stand Gospel music even decades ago when I hadn't fully decided to dump Christianity. Unless the songs were bluegrass, religious songs annoyed me.
A big thank-you to the site! I just recieved my free "Agnostic.
birdingnut comments on Apr 2, 2018:
Do you mean that when you reach level eight you get a free T-shirt?
What's the best bit of advice you've ever been given?
birdingnut comments on Apr 2, 2018:
Don't spend much time on your ski trip doing'll miss your kneecaps when they're gone...
If you had to list the three biggest issues you think the world faces in order of seriousness, what ...
birdingnut comments on Apr 2, 2018:
The Oligarchs. For all three biggest issues.
Do you normally have a lot of energy? What boosts your energy?
birdingnut comments on Apr 2, 2018:
It boosts energy to take an early morning walk. Also great, a cup of cho-wa tea a day, tiny amounts of MX sarsaparilla powder (powdered root beer), dump most cooked and processed food, dump red meat-most meat, actually, except for fish.
I retired last year.
birdingnut comments on Apr 2, 2018:
I hadn't planned on retiring, but had health issues.
Solve this Riddle
birdingnut comments on Apr 2, 2018:
A public school?
My feline sons. Can’t imagine life without them.
birdingnut comments on Apr 2, 2018:
Wow. Beautiful. They resemble purebred Abyssinian, and Himalayan cats.
What is the most adventurous thing you would go do with someone on a first date? (Keep it rated R)
birdingnut comments on Apr 2, 2018:
I used to make my first dates go on a hike with me and climb Lockegee rock, where you had to climb a sheer rock wall, using toe and handholds. If they couldn't keep up, or complained, there was no second date. I actually found a great three-year boyfriend that way.
What is one original thought you have never heard expressed by anyone else?
birdingnut comments on Apr 2, 2018:
Eating monthong durian is an existential experience; you become one with pure pleasure... Pic: I'm eating monthong durian on Penang Island, Malaysia.
The Antidote
birdingnut comments on Apr 2, 2018:
Yes, if it's legal where you live..otherwise, there's CBD oil..usually legal in most places. Otherwise, I get outside for a long walk.
So, what does everyone do on religious holidays?
birdingnut comments on Apr 2, 2018:
Whatever one usually does on a day off. For me, that means going birding.
Internal echo chamber
birdingnut comments on Apr 2, 2018:
The question we should be asking Christians.
birdingnut comments on Apr 2, 2018:
I don't get this website's obsession with Jesus, being as he didn't exist. Yet nobody picks on Hindus, Muslims, or any other religion. WHO CARES???
Have you ever asked a question on social media that you regretted asking after reading the responses...
birdingnut comments on Apr 2, 2018:
Sure. When I was on an MK (missionary kid) Facebook page, I asked if anyone had met someone LGBTQ in the country where they grew up. After that, so many people piled on, screaming damnation Scriptures at me, telling me I'd go to hell, accusing me of being a troll for mentioning such a subject, that the thread was deleted..700 replies at one count. I got a similar response here when I mentioned teleporting experiences. Agnostic trolls piled on, scorning, mocking, and ridiculing me as hard as they could, implying I was insane. Finally, I began blocking them..probably more than a dozen from that one post.
I have been thinking about switching to vegetarian diet but I lack the will power or would I say the...
birdingnut comments on Apr 2, 2018:
Well, I cut out all red meat at first, and later stopped eating milk products, and all meat except for fish. I finally elminated most animal products but my skin got so dry I had to add a boiled egg per day, for Omega-3 oil.
Paranormal Experiences?
birdingnut comments on Apr 2, 2018:
Sure. I've observed all the stuff you mentioned, and FAR more, but found it's easy to get rid of that spooky stuff..just decide it's gone, and it IS. We are creating our own realities, and when we don't "feed" that weird energy with fear or belief, it vanishes.
I’m a lovely young lady in my 60’s.
birdingnut comments on Apr 2, 2018:
I don't understand the point of your post.
Do we have a soul?
birdingnut comments on Apr 2, 2018:
LOL! Since Einstein and the Laws of Thermodynamics taught us that everything is ultimately energy, that space and time is an illusion, and no energy can be created or destroyed, that means we have always existed, and will always exist in some energy form.
Forest for the trees
birdingnut comments on Apr 2, 2018:
For the parents, what ages were the toughest when raising your teenagers?
birdingnut comments on Apr 2, 2018:
I never rebelled, and in fact was more earnest and religious than my own missionary parents were. My son started talking back and being rude when he was still in diapers (he later tested at 160 IQ), acting like he hoped he'd been adopted. My daughter stayed nice until middle school, then began defying me, doing drugs, running off with friends after her dad left us.
As a relaxed agnostic, I am in the "ignorant and apathetic" camp - I don't know, and I don't care.
birdingnut comments on Apr 2, 2018:
LOL! Good one.
Do you think that Burt Langcaster was an exceptional actor who deserved more recognition by the ...
birdingnut comments on Apr 2, 2018:
He was before my time (I was born in 1952). During his heyday I was still growing up in Haiti. I saw Field of Dreams, but don't remember him specifically.
With out any diplomatic answers,.
birdingnut comments on Apr 2, 2018:
All of the above.
What character traits indicate someone is a "good" person?
birdingnut comments on Apr 2, 2018:
Someone kind, compassionate, responsible. I watched The Intern on Netflix last night, and Robert de Niro played the sort of person I would actually marry..he was all those things I listed, but also witty, intelligent, and 74 years old.
Do you like country living? For those that do, did, ? Or want to
birdingnut comments on Apr 2, 2018:
I love the country but at my age I also want to live close to stuff -theaters, stores, hospitals, etc. I'm currently living in a Songkhla suburb,Thailand
How would everyone feel about being refused a date because you’re an atheist?
birdingnut comments on Apr 2, 2018:
Best to let men do the chasing, since they're wired to be the pursuers, if they are normal, cis, hetero men. If you go after them, they run, unless they have a lot of female traits. Besides, if you let your views be known, then only men who agree with you will ask you out. If you let them.
Have you ever teleported, or known someone who did?
birdingnut comments on Apr 1, 2018:
This thread also discusses teleportation, and several members here describe their own experiences, so it's fairly common.
birdingnut comments on Apr 1, 2018:
Song sparrow, fox sparrow, declaring territory & advertising for the arrival of the women folk.
birdingnut comments on Apr 1, 2018:
Yeah, I miss the Kentucky spring warbler migration since I moved to Thailand in 2010, but here we also get migrants from colder countries north of here. Pics: 1.Flying Chinese Egrets, 2.Breeding Chinese Egret in marsh near Songkhla 3.Zitting Cisticola near Lamnarai, Thailand 4.male breeding Black-winged Stilt, near Ranot, Thailand 5.juvenile Little Grebe, near Ranot, Thailand
cough cough .... ;)
birdingnut comments on Apr 1, 2018:
Well, Easter IS based on a pagan holiday celebrating sex and fertility, so that's more appropriate than a church service.
St Schrodinger
birdingnut comments on Apr 1, 2018:
This guy!!! I adopted him from the shelter that I volunteer at.
birdingnut comments on Apr 1, 2018:
Aw! Congratulations on your new friend.
I am curious if anyone here believes in actual physical (body, car, etc) teleportation?
birdingnut comments on Apr 1, 2018:
Yes. I have spontaneously teleported many times, but not purposely. My husband and I started out on trips to cities in another states several times, and about ten minutes after getting onto the interstate, we'd see the exit signs for our destination city. We knew that people teleported in the Bible..Jesus, his disciples, etc., plus we'd heard stories from other missionaries about people teleporting while traveling to other towns, so we just shrugged and took it as a bonus. For years, as long as my old car's speedometer didn't work, it only took 20-40 minutes to drive from our farm near Morehead, KY, to Lexington, KY, and Cincinnati, OH. I knew these trips were supposed to take several hours each, but it really didn't occur to me I'd been routinely teleporting until I bought a car with a working speedometer, and the trips reverted to taking hours. Also, I was about to be hit head on by a monster wheel pickup truck on a narrow creek road near my place in Morehead, but suddenly was behind the truck. There was no time or room to get past him, since a deep creek was on one side of the road, and a ditch and cliff on the other. Several of my friends, including a brother-in-law, reported similar experiences. I posted these experience a few days ago but was mocked so viciously by so many people I became disillusioned with this website and the supposed "intelligence" of atheists, since many of them acted just like alt-right trolls. Apparently those people don't believe Einstein..that everything is energy, that time and space is an illusion.
What WON'T you do?
birdingnut comments on Apr 1, 2018:
I'd never attend a church again..for any reason.
Pagan Festival,As Is Christmas
birdingnut comments on Apr 1, 2018:
I posted this meme on my Facebook page.
Who remembers when they last seen a paper boy or girl doing a paper round ?
birdingnut comments on Apr 1, 2018:
I haven't been in the US since 2010, but I was already reading the local newspaper online before I left.
For my birthday, I had a coworker give me a bible and a couple of books on Jesus.
birdingnut comments on Apr 1, 2018:
If someone did that to me, I'd respectfuly return them, say I wasn't interested in religion, or just donate them to a library for their monthly used book sales. But even if I donated them, I'd still tell the person, and probably ask them politely NOT to give me any more.
Today I found Jesus/ It was an amazing, downright profound moment for me in my life.
birdingnut comments on Apr 1, 2018:
Yowzers. Now THAT Jesus would be worth following...
I use Google+ a bit, and there are several professed Christians who troll many atheist posts as a ...
birdingnut comments on Apr 1, 2018:
You can block them, report them, etc.
Anyone else have a chronic illness that changed your perspective on life?
birdingnut comments on Apr 1, 2018:
Yes. Suddenly, the stuff that seemed so important before, didn't matter anymore. I am now living one hour at a time, and I'm grateful for any time I feel OK.
The joys of FB and the south on Easter.
birdingnut comments on Apr 1, 2018:
I just hit "hide" on religious posts on Facebook, for the few left after I purged the alt-right.
Tuesday is World Autism Day.
birdingnut comments on Apr 1, 2018:
I've read, and seen for myself, that many/most extremely high IQ people are on the autism spectrum. I seem to have elements of it, my 160 IQ son certainly exhibited many autism behaviors, and my ex had Asperger's traits, plus a few scary behaviors I'd seen in special ed classes I'd taught, with autistic kids...occasionally hitting his head against the wall, screaming and throwing furniture when thwarted, wooden robotlke behavior, extreme social ineptness, etc.
Does culture ever bore you?
birdingnut comments on Apr 1, 2018:
That's why I travel..I crave variety and learning about new cultures! Pic: My daughter and I in 2016 at the 99 ft long reclining Buddha on Ko Yo Island, near Songkhla, Thailand, where I currently live.
What's the funniest joke you've heard?
birdingnut comments on Apr 1, 2018:
A man suspected his son was skipping school, so he hid a lie detector near the dining room table. When the family sat down for dinner, he asked his son, Scott, if he had attended school and when Scott said yes, the lie detector beeped. So the dad asked again, and the son said he'd run off to smoke weed behind the mall. The dad yelled angrily, "Why would you do that? I've never done anything like that before!" And the lie detector machine beeped again. The wife laughed and said, "Ha, ha! Scott is your son, alright!" The machine beeped again.
How much interest is there in starting a group for Spoonies?
birdingnut comments on Apr 1, 2018:
I have two health issues I'm currently treating with dietary changes, herbs, and cannabis oil.
Being that April Fools day is tomorrw I thought this would be a good time for this.
birdingnut comments on Apr 1, 2018:
Hilarious! I tweeted the link to the video.
Mormon Missionaries So last summer, my door was knocked on by three young men, obviously Mormon ...
birdingnut comments on Apr 1, 2018:
LOL! Perfect speech to them!
This starts with a wonderful premise-- but they just kind of let it run for a couple of minutes.
birdingnut comments on Apr 1, 2018:
HAHAHAHA! I posted the YouTube link to Twitter.
Greetings all. New member. How hard was it when you finally gave up on religion?
birdingnut comments on Apr 1, 2018:
They can't. That's why they don't read it.
What do you notice about someone that others tend to not focus on?
birdingnut comments on Apr 1, 2018:
Eyes, energy vibration
Did I screw up?
birdingnut comments on Apr 1, 2018:
Naw. It might have been good, however, to casually mention - at least once- the Christian reason for Easter, then add that the fun egg hunts and candy parts came from paganism.
Just for fun
birdingnut comments on Apr 1, 2018:
I am a distant relative of Pablo Picasso, through my dad's family.
I am an atheist and were going to church tomorrow with the family! If you were in my shoes, would ...
birdingnut comments on Apr 1, 2018:
I wouldn't, but you can do whatever you want. The church will no doubt be beautiful with flowers, and most churches serve coffee and pasteries, so you'll have fun anyway.
"Everything happens for a reason". What are your thoughts on this one.
birdingnut comments on Apr 1, 2018:
False...if you mean some big divine, cosmic meaning reason. But, of course, there are reasons from a scientific perspective.
Friends trying to "save" me!!
birdingnut comments on Apr 1, 2018:
??? Tell them to stop. Tell them you don't believe in it and you find it offensive. Call the post office and block their mail. If your friends treat you so disrespectfully, then they're not really "friends." In fact, I'd find new ones.
In my feelings.
birdingnut comments on Apr 1, 2018:
It's simple, but difficult. Don't sleep with men until you're exclusive. Only accept dates for three days ahead, otherwise, you 're sorry, but you already have plans. End the date first. Never call the man. Ever. Pursuit is the man's job, even though mixed gender men often have a weak male instinct., same as females with strong male traits will sometimes be the aggressor. Cis, hetero women with high levels of female traits, instinctively know how to handle men. If their men mess up, they first withdraw: they already have plans, they found a better apartment, etc. If the men really messed up, the women throw their stuff on the lawn, change the house locks, and move on.
Walking to work I'm approached by an woman with a pamphlet.
birdingnut comments on Mar 31, 2018:
"...and the full moon?" Doesn't sound like a standard Christian thing.
Are you a "hint" dropper in life/relationships?
birdingnut comments on Mar 31, 2018:
Women, especially feel it's rude to come out and say something, believing men will pick up on their subtle hints, as they would do. But men don't. I'm as clueless as cis males, however, and usually advise people to spell things out for me.
Mourning a death
birdingnut comments on Mar 31, 2018:
Not really. Losing someone, even a pet, is very difficult if you were close.
Why is nudity considered "a bad thing"?
birdingnut comments on Mar 31, 2018:
I think it's mostly working class Americans who have these nudity phobias, from church teachings. The more upper class people don't have this, and much of Europe as well.
Today was interesting, my morning starts off with my supervisor handing me a home made tombstone ...
birdingnut comments on Mar 31, 2018:
?? Just thank him, eat the food, toss the flag.
I am frustrated by a hyper religous christian in an email chain I'm cc'd on.
birdingnut comments on Mar 31, 2018:
I don't get it. Why aren't you confronting her, blocking her from your email, mentioning it publically to your group, and/or dumping the email chain?
How will the advent of self-driving cars change your life or the lives of others?
birdingnut comments on Mar 31, 2018:
Are you kidding? I can hardly wait. I realize that it could be hacked, but if not, I would rather program my destination, then sit back and read a book. At my age, I don't want to be driving at night anyway.
I think I have to stay away from Facebook this weekend.
birdingnut comments on Mar 31, 2018:
LOL! I already defriended most of my white evangelical Facebook friends, so I doubt I'll get much of that. Depending on who it is, I may or may not comment on any posts showing religious devotion. If someone does, I usually point out that since 85% of white evangelicals voted for Trump, I blame THEM for all the stupid, evil things their sexual predator president is doing, and the school shootings, since they also voted GOP.
Why do theists believe in their book without reading every book?
birdingnut comments on Mar 31, 2018:
They don't even read their own Bible, much less any other book.
Your personal number
birdingnut comments on Mar 31, 2018:
Doesn't apply to me since I live in Thailand, but even if I were in the US, I use messenger, to save money.
Extended Survey about Atheism - This survey is for atheists/non-believers/agnostics, etc.
birdingnut comments on Mar 31, 2018:
Interesting. I took the survey.
What's your favourite building?
birdingnut comments on Mar 31, 2018: beautiful. My favorite building is a world favorite also..the Sydney Opera House. I loved seeing it when I was there and kept photographing it from the ferry boats as well. Here are pics of the opera house in May 2005, one of me in front of it, one of me on the ferry boat with Sydney bridge and opera house in distance.
Do you consider religious people delusional?
birdingnut comments on Mar 31, 2018:
Well, we all are delusional in some aspect. Many religious people want to feel like things will be OK when they die, want to feel like someone much bigger and stronger is looking out for them (the Bible says the opposite, but most people don't read it). It's like the Christine Baranski quote in Bowfinger, "I think it was a beautiful lie.."
When someone says they will do something but don't ... How do you respond when it's family?
birdingnut comments on Mar 31, 2018:
My family always does exactly what they say they'll do. My kids aren't like that though. Whenever my daughter told me she was going to meet me somewhere, for instance, I simply changed it in my mind to her saying that she'd LIKE to meet me somewhere, but not necessarily.
Have you ever had to give up a hobby or favorite activity because of a change in your relationship ...
birdingnut comments on Mar 31, 2018:
Sure. After my 2010 divorce, I gave up my Kentucky lifestyle and activities and moved to Thailand. I no longer did the stuff I did in the US, but had many new, similar activities. I no longer climbed Lockegee Rock to go birding, but climbed cliffs in Thailand to do so. I no longer rode horses, but I switched to a motorbike.
Estranged family?
birdingnut comments on Mar 31, 2018:
Yes. My family seems disapproving of much of what I diet of health food, my insisting on natural healing methods, the people I choose to date, my assertion that I'm partial transmale, my running off to Thailand to teach ESL, etc. But my belief in their disapproval no doubt causes/contributes to it. If I didn't pay any attention to their insults, or just laughed them off, it might be OK, but I saw some emails they sent to each other about me, and their comments were so unexpectedly cruel and hateful that I lost interest in being around them. Every time I've considered trying harder to relate to them, I remember the stuff they said about me, and feel sick. But my remembering those things is probably the only reason that bad vibration is still around. Paying attention to it keeps it in play.


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Agnostic, Atheist, Secularist, Skeptic
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