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What is chemistry?
cava comments on Apr 14, 2018:
Unexpected connections. Like coming out and saying the same thing at the same time , finding a picture you just love hanging at their house.. A kind of an un-worked, spontaneous empathy.
Jesus’ last words on the cross, ‘My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?
cava comments on Apr 14, 2018:
When you know its ending, in your heart, will you remain true to your lack of belief? There is a story, the family denies but the priest who heard his confession swears to... that Wallace Steven, the quintessential american poet, converted from life long atheism on his deathbed,
cava comments on Apr 14, 2018:
What somg(s) evoke feelings of love for you? []
cava comments on Apr 14, 2018:
Anyone interested in Exsistentialism.
cava comments on Apr 14, 2018:
Existence precedes essence.
I watch a little of the fireworks coverage last night, and as I watched, it occurred to me that I've...
cava comments on Apr 14, 2018:
Trump claimed "Mission Accomplished", he must be a student of history (not)
Any Sapiosexuals here?
cava comments on Apr 14, 2018:
I went out with a beautiful lady last week, we had a very pleasant dinner, but I had to explain almost everything I said and that was frustrating. On the other hand, it was her aesthetic which first attracted me to her. It not everything but it is something.
Well the clay is dry and now time for the first firing. Pizza or bread anyone?
cava comments on Apr 14, 2018:
I love pizza, hope it turns out well for you.
Anyone else find painting relaxing and stressful at the same time?
cava comments on Apr 14, 2018:
I enjoy plein air painting whenever possible, also painting in studio especially when I have an inspiration. I find that the imagery in some poetry is great inspiration. Watercolor. Love doing portraits, watch Netflix on large TV and stop frame it to sketch faces as I watch a movie...try to get in 3 to 5 quick sketches in an evening. My patience for watching TV is limited so it works out well for me.
Trump just attacked Syria! Get ready for WW3
cava comments on Apr 14, 2018:
"Bombs won't save lives or bring about peace." Jeremy Corbyn
Just-interesting []
cava comments on Apr 13, 2018:
GWF Hegel has detailed summary of Thales in his History of Philosophy. Among other things he set the calendar to 365 days. Hegel's History is good read, but he (same with Russell) is bias towards his own views...I guess most Histories have built in bias.
Vajra - Pleroma (Full album)
cava comments on Apr 13, 2018:
Watch Out Trumpty Dumpty
cava comments on Apr 13, 2018:
Problem is that if he is charged with a Federal Crime, Trump could always tell him the fix (aka his Prez pardon) is in. Bank fraud is a Federal Crime.
What's up with reality?
cava comments on Apr 13, 2018:
What is the most mind blowing book you have ever read?
cava comments on Apr 13, 2018:
Howard Zinn: A People's History of the United States
Still raining, Hendrix []
cava comments on Apr 13, 2018:
Hendrix brought his guitar to life, he let it sing.
Do we need fantasy ? []
cava comments on Apr 12, 2018:
Yes, I agree. Every child ought to believe in something, there is be plenty of time for disillusionment during a life.
I subscribe to the Buddhist belief that there are many paths to the top of the mountain.
cava comments on Apr 12, 2018:
Is there a prize on top?
Philosopher Kings or Democracy?
cava comments on Apr 12, 2018:
No, but Plato was describing what we have learned to call a Utopia. He used it as a pedagogical model to discuss some of his main philosophical considerations such as the determination of what is meant by Justice.
Does anyone like Nietzsche? Can you discuss at length? If so message or whatever you do on here me.
cava comments on Apr 12, 2018:
The Three metamorphoses: The Camel ....load bearer "...which, when laden, hasteneth into the wilderness, so hasteneth the spirit into its wilderness." We all have a 'wilderness' to confront which can lead to second metamorphoses The Lion..self confidence and determination " here the spirit becometh a lion; freedom will it capture, and lordship in its own wilderness. Leads to a new begining The Child...innocence and forgiving "Innocence is the child, and forgetfulness, a new beginning, a game, a self-rolling wheel, a first movement, a holy Yea." "Three metamorphoses of the spirit have I designated to you: how the spirit became a camel, the camel a lion, and the lion at last a child.— Thus spake Zarathustra"
"One of the pillars of Stoic philosophy is not letting circumstances outside your control disturb ...
cava comments on Apr 12, 2018:
I don't like Stoicism because it tries to tell you how to live your life, to neither minimize nor maximize. A sort of middle way path to oblivion.
Why is there no hard core Gothic Hip-Hop?
cava comments on Apr 12, 2018:
Here is one more meaningless story: sitting at the bar, the girl next to me start the ...
cava comments on Apr 12, 2018:
Attracted to you but afraid, otherwise why would she come back and sit next to you and not somewhere else. She's testing you.
cava comments on Apr 12, 2018:
I with Bernie
Guys, your opinion? []
cava comments on Apr 12, 2018:
My take away: "Sadly, modernity has failed to replace traditional codes with anything explicit, or coherent or benign. We’re left with values that are residual, fuzzy, accidental or sniggeringly conspiratorial."
Who is your classical atheist author? Voltaire, D'Holbach, Hume?
cava comments on Apr 12, 2018:
Karl Marx "Religion is the opium of the people"
I never remember dreaming anymore. Does anyone else experience this?
cava comments on Apr 11, 2018:
Some nights lots of dreams some nights not so much. I have read it has to do with how active your brain is in encoding memories, many dreamers wake up slightly which enables encoding of long term memory and allows you to recall the dream when you wake up, others people just don't wake up.
I'm taking the time to read some of the BIG books this year.
cava comments on Apr 11, 2018:
I have been thinking of re-reading Moby Dick, I read it in college and then again after I got out of school, so this will be my third reading. There are few books I have read 3xs...Huckleberry Finn is another.
At Least 23 Ethical Issues Are Dogging EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt | HuffPost
cava comments on Apr 11, 2018:
I like Trevor Noah's profile on Pruitt:
I think beauty is brainwashing because some societies see things beauty such as a more than a foot ...
cava comments on Apr 11, 2018:
No, I think that beauty presents something that opens up, illuminates the beholder. It expands one's conceptions of is possible. Beauty suggests a unique unification of the art object with the beholder.
Erich Fromm is one my favourite philosophers of the 20th century: “Optimism is an alienated ...
cava comments on Apr 11, 2018:
I also like Fromm, he held some strong Marxian positions the following from Marx's Concept of Man by Fromm: "For Marx, as for Hegel, the concept of alienation is based on the distinction between existence and essence, on the fact that man's existence is alienated from his essence, that in reality he is not what he potentially is, or, to put it differently, that he is not what he ought to be, and that he ought to be that which he could be."
I need to start going to this plaza...
cava comments on Apr 11, 2018:
10 minutes is about my tolerance for retail plazas, even when they are not vag
I'm seriously thinking about going on the DASH diet . Anybody have any advice ?
cava comments on Apr 10, 2018:
I have a friend that is using it to help lower his blood pressure, he said it is fine, but he was surprised by the strength of the herbs in dash, so use it sparingly. You can always add more.
My favourite quote from the Bond movie 'Spectre'
cava comments on Apr 10, 2018:
"I'm on the black and he's sittin' in the corner looking all fuckin' biscuit-arsed. When this hard cunt comes in. Obviously fuckin' fancies himself, like. Starts staring at me. Lookin' at me, right fuckin' at me, as if to say, "Come ahead, square go." You ken me, I'm not the type of cunt that goes looking for fuckin' bother, like, but at the end of the day I'm the cunt with a pool cue and he can " Trainspotting
Agree or disagree?
cava comments on Apr 10, 2018:
Reactionary conservatism is absolutist, evangelical nittery.
A color like love maybe you believe light is orange at sunset yellow at dawn maybe...
cava comments on Apr 10, 2018:
Michelangelo depended on line, not color. Love with no limits is too ambiguous.
There’s something soothing about falling asleep to the sound of rolling thunder
cava comments on Apr 10, 2018:
I remember being the mountains where the sound of rolling thunder echoes off the mountains and merges into the next clap, pretty awesome but not easy to sleep. Much rather listen to the sound of gentle ocean waves lapping on the shore. I found it almost impossible to sleep listening to a mockingbird, just as I get used to one of their melodies they change the tune which is totally distracting.
I've seen posts here about downsizing and thought I'd share some pics of my own personal downsizing ...
cava comments on Apr 10, 2018:
Saw what looks like electric baseboard heating, but how about plumbing?
What's your take here?
cava comments on Apr 9, 2018:
pro-life, over political direction I'm pro-choice, its a woman's body & fuck politicians
What is your earliest memory of a film (or scene) that really, really scared you.
cava comments on Apr 9, 2018:
1958 The Blob, I remember going to the Saturday Matinee... holy crap scared me.
To vape or not to vape? What is your personal opinion in vaping?
cava comments on Apr 9, 2018:
It is great for cannabis, no muss no fuss, no roaches, no stinky aroma, no tars and other gross things, just around 80% THC. I don't vape nicotine or other flavors unless I am on vacation and I need to satisfy my oral fixation, and then 3% nic.
China Insists on Control of Religion, Dimming Hope of Imminent Vatican Deal - The New York Times
cava comments on Apr 9, 2018:
I think China's problem with Catholic's has to do with who can name Bishops, the government wants to name them and the Catholic Church does not want to buy into that concept...or at least that's what I recall. The majority of the population of China are religious in a way that sounds very different from the West. They have "folk religion" which apparently, over a billion of them practice in some form or the other.
This Is How Many Hours It Takes to Make a Friend
cava comments on Apr 9, 2018:
Sounds right, except that I think to be a good friend, it has to able to withstand a test of that friendship, where it either stands or falls.
Who's been the best President of the United States in your lifetime?
cava comments on Apr 9, 2018:
Not satisfied with any of them.
Up at 2am.
cava comments on Apr 9, 2018:
Did you have a post apocalyptic dream?
If you lived with a replica of yourself, how long would you still be together ?
cava comments on Apr 9, 2018:
Atheist Economic Policy
cava comments on Apr 9, 2018:
Isn't a reactionary atheist sorta a contradiction in terms?
Anybody like westerns? I am really not into them.
cava comments on Apr 9, 2018:
Lonesome Dove by Larry McMurtry is a novel of the West, one of the best Westerns ever written IMHO, and it was McMurty's best work by far.
Hello, hello
cava comments on Apr 9, 2018:
If you have "become comfortably numb" then perhaps it doesn't really matter to you.
I wasn't sure what category to post this in, so I am putting it here.
cava comments on Apr 9, 2018:
What are your views on the Simulation Theory........anyone?
cava comments on Apr 8, 2018:
If you are think of the possibility of a Matrix like simulation. I think that it does not matter. The only thing that is real is what we perceive and there is no hidden knowable reality behind the phenomenal. The manifest image is our primary reality, the scientific image is secondary, which is not to say less important, simply that it is an abstraction or reduction derived from and therefore dependent on what we observe or what can be known by induction.
Yesterday at Half Price Books, found this one.
cava comments on Apr 8, 2018:
"Can a self, a soul, a consciousness, and "I" arise out of mere matter?" I don't see the alternative, unless you deny consciousness altogether. Rather I think that some form of panpsychism is correct. It not that all matter is conscious, but rather that consciousness emerges as a property of matter if and only if it is properly constituted. It arises out of the correct arrangement of matter.
Getting old sucks lol I drank so much last night I was too hungover to go to pax today lol.
cava comments on Apr 8, 2018:
Cannabis = no hangover no headache, but I get the munchies and I tend to find inane things, hilarious.
This is the voice of bell hooks from a selection of writing contained in a textbook titled Place ...
cava comments on Apr 8, 2018:
I think as I get older that where I've been occupied more of my reverie than where I am.
Is Buddhism a religion?
cava comments on Apr 8, 2018:
Religions are about practices, symbols, beliefs about existence. A deity or deities are sufficient but not necessary conditions.
Do animals have "souls"
cava comments on Apr 8, 2018:
I think that the "soul" is social construction. No animal creates social meanings anywhere near the level needed to create a "soul". A better word might be spirit. Spirit as a dynamic whole, the affirmation of all we have derived, learnt, remembered, shared. Its dynamism works in our life in concert with others...this is its affirmative effect I think. Spirit's construction starts on day 1 and never ends until we end. I don't think that Spirit, as a 'thing' is possible to demonstrate because it is constantly changing, only partial view points are possible.
Like some feedback on this song.
cava comments on Apr 8, 2018:
Depends all circumstances are different. This song was written by Dan Reynolds, who's wife was pregnant at the time, and the band was on tour.
I'm not a nihilist, mostly.
cava comments on Apr 7, 2018:
A true nihilist has no reason to speak, so they specialize :)
Canada and unIted states
cava comments on Apr 7, 2018:
Of course the thing is that the population of Canada is 1/10 of the United States and I think this makes a difference for some of the items listed, but perhaps not all that much. The Federal Minimum Wage is a joke, even Walmart was forced to raise it to $11.00 this year. The USA is getting seriously gypped by the health care industry in my opinion.USA health services are far more expensive than any other developed countries and they are ranked much lower. The Supreme Court is currently hearing a case about non Union members having to pay a fee instead of belonging to a Union. The conservative Court may dish out a hard blow to Unions which will make big business smile. The poor pay for the rich in the USA, it has been ordained by Trump.
Why will prostitution never go away? or will it?
cava comments on Apr 7, 2018:
It ought to be interesting to see what will happen now that Craigslist closed its personal ad section and Backpage web site was seized yesterday. The Gov can't seem to keep it self out of the bedroom.
Why is pornography so popular?
cava comments on Apr 7, 2018:
It separates the person from a sexual encounter and there is safety in that distance. It enables the viewer or reader to escape the shame, the sin vs virtue morality associated with an actual sexual encounter. The victims in literary or visual porn are not hurt, they come back for more and more, similar to De Sade's victims. Emotions in porn are typically simple and direct. When they are not, such as in Anias Nin , DH Lawrence, Henry Miller or the Cocky Boys, and the performance art of Marina Abramović et al it become erotica.
How often do you change your diet, and what is the impetus of change you find the most informative?
cava comments on Apr 7, 2018:
Many dietary supplements are supposed to be healthy and I imagine some are, in fact I take a couple each day, but I would much rather use my diet to enhance my body. My biggest dietary change over the last 2/3 years has been a marked uptake in the consumption of fish (I avoid farmed fish) and the reduction of all kinds of meat especially red meat. I shoot for eating fish 3xs per week, and I usually do it.
Think for yourself, work for change...
cava comments on Apr 7, 2018:
Ed Snowden is not a traitor The NRA is a terrorist organization The USA is a plutocracy
Love and affection.
cava comments on Apr 7, 2018:
We may face oblivion, but that does not mean we are "doomed to hellfire or heaven", it did not make much difference to me before I existed, so why would it make any difference to me after I cease to exist. Man is subject to and a part of nature, which is as impersonal and as close to god as we will get.
How do Americans view Canadians?
cava comments on Apr 6, 2018:
The Canadians I meet here in Florida during the winter months all seem to have big smiles on their faces.
If you could ask one person one questIon, and they had to answer truthfully, who would you ask and ...
cava comments on Apr 6, 2018:
Assuming who but... How they do they see me, what kind of a man am I to them, am I the good, emphatic, the thoughtful intelligent sexy person, I think I am? :) Can they truthfully give it all to me straight up, a person can answer truthfully but leave things out.
Is your reality anyone else's?
cava comments on Apr 6, 2018:
One of our strongest desires/drives is for recognition by others, this desire structures what we desire, we desire what other's desire.
What keeps you continuing on when there isn't any particular internal drive to do so?
cava comments on Apr 5, 2018:
Actually, I think there is a "particular internal drive", it is called self preservation which seems to be shared by all species. It is rather odd from an evolutionary standpoint that humans can over come their natural drive to live and commit suicide.
I am curious what others think: If life were discovered on another world (planet, moon, comet, ...
cava comments on Apr 5, 2018:
According to the Vatican’s News Agency, Pope Francis was delivering a homily during mass in 2014 where he said, “If – for example - tomorrow an expedition of Martians came, and some of them came to us, here... Martians, right? Green, with that long nose and big ears, just like children paint them... And one says, 'But I want to be baptized!' What would happen? … When the Lord shows us the way, who are we to say, 'No, Lord, it is not prudent! No, let's do it this way'... Who are we to close doors? In the early Church, even today, there is the ministry of the ostiary [usher]. And what did the ostiary do? He opened the door, received the people, allowed them to pass. But it was never the ministry of the closed door, never." Also note that the Catholic Church has a long involved history with astronomy dating back to the 1500s. :) And, the Catholic Church is still a significant player in the scientific world, especially in the field of Astronomy. Run primarily by the Jesuits, an order within the Church, the Vatican Advanced Technology Telescope in Arizona is a highly advanced piece of machinery that has discovered many asteroids, exoplanets and galaxies.
How do you measure soul?
cava comments on Apr 4, 2018:
You might as well ask how we can measure love. I think that the soul, free will and a myrad of other human traits are socially constructed by us and they depend on the context where we are thrown and nurtured. The soul is measured by the values given to it by societies where we find ourself. Still no scientist has created life in a test is not from a lack of trying :)
So...what does one who wishes to live in peace and harmony ever care to debate about?
cava comments on Apr 4, 2018:
Food! of course. Italian cuisine is the best Pasta is my Moma.
Has anyone been watching Counterpart on Netflix? I dig it..thoughts?
cava comments on Apr 4, 2018:
I watched the trailer. It lookds great, thanks for posting it.
How many have long term goals?
cava comments on Apr 4, 2018:
Perhaps the best goal is to have no goal beyond a willingness to go with the flow, to continue to learn, experience, love in concert with, and driven by the expectation that life is limited.
I discovered philosophy at 16.
cava comments on Apr 4, 2018:
I am still drawn to philosophy. I have decided for myself that my purpose in life is for others, not myself, that it is only in my relationship with others, the ones I love, that I can find myself, that I can make sense of it all.
There are some music videos that are as memorable as the songs that accompany them.
cava comments on Apr 4, 2018:
What is the music that youth brings to old men, if not the pleasant memories of their past? "Awoke from a long one that came on the heels of a day Where sun would arise and then grant us the kindness of ray Fields full of gladness surrounded by droves that await And look for the grave in everything adorn" I think it was this song.
Do you have some book recommendations on cognitive biases and how to improve rationality?
cava comments on Apr 3, 2018:
Malcolm Gladwell : The Tipping Point Nessian Trleb: Fooled by Rabdomness Good, well written books.
What will make America heal.
cava comments on Apr 3, 2018:
Making the election to public office the public's responsibility. Doing this by making those who are seeking public office to use only a limited amount of public funds to be elected, with no additional monies paid for in support of these candidate's election. Something like that might put the fucking rich assholes out of office and put exemplary citizens in office.
Need new reads please
cava comments on Apr 3, 2018:
I enjoyed "The Metaphysical Club" by Louis Menard Brilliant writer, he follows life and thought of Oliver Wendel Homes, William James, Charles Sanders Peirce and John Dewey. Great book on the American Pragmatists
Watching Sound!
cava comments on Apr 3, 2018:
It was very interesting, thanks for posting it.
You can cut all the flowers but u can not keep spring from coming- Pablo Neruda.
cava comments on Apr 3, 2018:
"The riot of flowers is incessant" Yann Martel, "The Life of Pi"
Can you date someone who is religious???
cava comments on Apr 3, 2018:
I can and I would, Other people's beliefs do not bother me, unless of course they are constantly harking on it, which would be a definite turn off.
Do you think monogamy is important or waste of life?
cava comments on Apr 3, 2018:
I understand that 'serial monogamy' is a thing, but to me it sounds like something that defeats itself at ever turn, so why even call it monogamy?
I like to equate God to the square root of minus one. (Gd=root -1) Why?
cava comments on Apr 3, 2018:
Good point, Going beyond it there is an assumed principal that states that everything must have a reason or a cause. Yet this principal is inductive or solely based on empirical evidence which means that the connection between cause and effect it cannot be deductive, as demonstrated by David Hume Universals or absolutes are secular stand ins for god [who stood in as the obvious guarantor of connection during Hume's time]. Our ability to make sense of the world is probabilistic only, there are no universals, or absolutes that can be deduced empirically. Yet the assumption of universals/absolutes are pragmatical useful ways for understanding of the world.
Humanist EDge: Appreciating Hypatia, Neoplatonist & Proto-Humanist -
cava comments on Apr 2, 2018:
“fables should be taught as fables, myths as myths, and miracles as poetic fantasies. To teach superstitions as truths is a most terrible thing.” Maybe depending on the audience. A good story is worth my suspension disbelief, telling a fable to a child ought to fascinate them, and myths have many ways of living an subverting our beliefs regardless of you calling them names ha, ha
Dabs are good.
cava comments on Apr 2, 2018:
Very pure THC/grass, I vape the oil from time to time varies with strain. 80/85%?
How America's Largest Local TV Owner Turned Its News Anchors Into Soldiers in Trump's War On The ...
cava comments on Apr 2, 2018:
Sinclair is dangerous. He required his media anchors to repeat his manifesto word for word, like in 1984, and they did and I don't think it is joking manner, it is very fascist demonstration of our press and the powers that can sway easily them! I think this threatens our democracy. If he can tell his anchors what to say, then what kind of news do you expect and how will you make your decisions?
I so agree ... What say you about this ?
cava comments on Apr 2, 2018:
We are human and life is complex. Vent when you need to vent and chill when you ought to chill....There's Nothing in the Middle of the Road but Yellow Stripes and Dead Armadillos (Hightower)
When someone looks at me and earnestly says, "I know what I saw," I reply, "No you don't.
cava comments on Apr 2, 2018:
BS, all we know is what we see, all the rest is abstraction from what we see.
Bright sunshine and blue skies today, so it got me thinking ahead to summer.
cava comments on Apr 2, 2018:
Pampero Rum Aniversario, quinine water, 1/4 fresh lime, a large cracked coriander seed and ice.
Catholic Archbishop Says Pedophilia Is 'Spiritual Encounter With God'
cava comments on Apr 2, 2018:
FALSE Snopes However, the claim that Archbishop Hart called sexual abuse a “spiritual encounter with God” is blatantly false. Despite that detail, the claim has been the basis of many subsequent republications and reiterations of Neon Nettle’s article — including one published by the equally dubious — in February 2018.
What is the most adventurous thing you would go do with someone on a first date? (Keep it rated R)
cava comments on Apr 2, 2018:
Go to an R or better rated art movie like:
The Case Against Free Will - YouTube
cava comments on Apr 2, 2018:
His argument seems to boil down to "we can't consciously control what we want" which leads him to deny free will. The thing is that what I want has to be conceptualized, if I don't know what chocolate is then I logically can't want it, and since I always want a lot, how do I decide between my wants, he seems to suggest that I choose just what I want more...but this is not the way I experience it, I consider alternatives and make a choice which is still based on my wants but also my free and reasoned choice between optioins. The emotive answer is no answer IMHO Also, he suggests that we can't be free because we can't know all the causes that effect my choice, but I think rather that it is my lack of knowledge of all the causes that makes my free choice possible.
The post-apocalypse theme has been tackled in various mediums (book, film and video-game).
cava comments on Apr 2, 2018:
Mad Max because his V8 Interceptor is mean.
Are you new to Yoga?
cava comments on Apr 2, 2018:
I like Yoga and I am considering going back to the Shambhava Shoshoni Mountain Center: Meditation Retreat in Colorado in September for a few days. A beautiful location. at 8200 ft, with great people, food and practice. I guess I can put up with all the spiritual twat for a few days.
The Antidote
cava comments on Apr 2, 2018:
Tylenol May Do the Trick
What character traits indicate someone is a "good" person?
cava comments on Apr 1, 2018:
Wow! a lot of ideas: Sugar & spice and everything nice.
Anyone else here feel like Sam Harris is a Trojan horse for Zionism? []
cava comments on Apr 1, 2018:
While I think Seder is on the money in regards to what Sam Harris has to say about Muslims, he is to the best of my knowledge not a Zionist. Here is what is quoted from him by Wikipedia. "I don't think Israel should exist as a Jewish state. I think it is obscene, irrational and unjustifiable to have a state organized around a religion. So I don't celebrate the idea that there's a Jewish homeland in the Middle East. I certainly don't support any Jewish claims to real estate based on the Bible. Though I just said that I don't think Israel should exist as a Jewish state, the justification for such a state is rather easy to find. We need look no further than the fact that the rest of the world has shown itself eager to murder the Jews at almost every opportunity. So, if there were going to be a state organized around protecting members of a single religion, it certainly should be a Jewish state. Now, friends of Israel might consider this a rather tepid defense, but it's the strongest one I've got. I think the idea of a religious state is ultimately untenable." So explain to me how Harris is a "a Trojan horse for Zionism"? I think Seder's attack on Harris's PHD from UCLA is absurd. Seder's countance in his discussion about Harris positon is disturbingly bias to the max. It sounds as bad as the NRA's bull shit from the other side around. Here is a more balanced discussion that is also critical of Maher/Harris and Ben Affleck. I am not over enthused by this commentor either, but he does make sense on this topic, at least he is much fairer than Seder IMHO.
Bat Bugs Evolved Fake Genitals to Avoid Sex Injuries
cava comments on Apr 1, 2018:
These bugs seem to live up to their name. I found the articles use of the word "now" to provoke intterest amusing. "now it appears that the bugs are using gender-bending tactics to defend themselves." "Now evolutionary biologist Klaus Reinhardt of the University of Sheffield in England has discovered that male bat bugs have developed their own versions of female paragenitals to avoid the assaults."
Which makes better art?
cava comments on Mar 31, 2018:
Depends on the artist. I don't think this has to do with negative or positive feelings, but rather the intensity of feeling invested in the work that makes the difference. "Clarity is not one of the properties of emotion" Titcherner. The Aesthetic effect moves in two directions at the same time:
Economist Who Predicted Brexit & Trump Brilliantly Explains Capitalism's Collapse - YouTube
cava comments on Mar 31, 2018:
The speaker may have predicted Brexit and Trump but he clearly was mistaken about France and much for crystal balls. I like Jimmy Dore al lot because he intentionaly goes over the top and he is right it many times, but not all the time.


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