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Anyone ever wonder if the solution to Americas mass shootings was very simple?
Imatheistically comments on Feb 4, 2018:
A mental health screening for any adult wishing to own more then one firearm, and the bullets that go with it should be in order!
dahermit replies on Feb 7, 2018: is o.k. two is a signal that there is mental illness involved! :)
With the new claims of chemical weapons once again being tossed out there, don't believe what the ...
mt49er comments on Feb 6, 2018:
There is only one reason to be absolutely certain that the establishment is lying. Past results.
dahermit replies on Feb 6, 2018:
Agree...Ken Burn's Vietnam series is a testament to that...all the presidential administrations lied to the people during Vietnam war starting with Eisenhower through Nixon. And not to mention the "Weapons of Mass Destruction" B.S. that the G.W. Bush administration perpetrated in order to justify Gulf War II.
Conservatives: What is your most liberal view? Liberals: What is your most conservative view?
DragonDust comments on Feb 6, 2018:
I don't identify as any group other than anime lovers... Though I do use the term atheist... So I'll put down both. My most liberal view is vaginal cosmetic surgery (It's usually minor and isn't harmful)... My most conservative view...I think that profit should stop being looked at as plunder.
dahermit replies on Feb 6, 2018:
@BlueWave Thank you...never heard of it.
Conservatives: What is your most liberal view? Liberals: What is your most conservative view?
DragonDust comments on Feb 6, 2018:
I don't identify as any group other than anime lovers... Though I do use the term atheist... So I'll put down both. My most liberal view is vaginal cosmetic surgery (It's usually minor and isn't harmful)... My most conservative view...I think that profit should stop being looked at as plunder.
dahermit replies on Feb 6, 2018:
@BlueWave Thank you, but that does not answer my question. I would appreciate if someone would just plain, explain it to me.
It's been a year since my stalker got into my house.
Fearlessfreep comments on Feb 6, 2018:
That's fucked up. I'm not a gun owner and I'm not pro gun, but I think I might consider it in your circumstance.
dahermit replies on Feb 6, 2018:
@btroje is better to be raped and stabbed to death rather than have your own gun used against you. I wonder what cops do about that problem.
Conservatives: What is your most liberal view? Liberals: What is your most conservative view?
DragonDust comments on Feb 6, 2018:
I don't identify as any group other than anime lovers... Though I do use the term atheist... So I'll put down both. My most liberal view is vaginal cosmetic surgery (It's usually minor and isn't harmful)... My most conservative view...I think that profit should stop being looked at as plunder.
dahermit replies on Feb 6, 2018:
"My most liberal view is vaginal cosmetic surgery (It's usually minor and isn't harmful)..." Now if someone would just explain what that is...I don't have a clue what is meant by that.
Pat Robertson is recovering after suffering a stroke
commander42 comments on Feb 4, 2018:
This evil piece of shit should have died a long time ago. He and all the TV evangelicals are morally corrupt and all they care about is that you continue to tithe to them. It amazes me on how so many people believe the shit flowing from their mouths.
dahermit replies on Feb 5, 2018:
@RaduB Yes, I remember that one. The illogical nature of his pronouncements never seemed to occur to him. As for Haiti, if the Haitians had angered "God" he would not likely have waited for generations before punishing them with an earthquake. Unless that is, God had been busy when they first did it and hadn't got around to it yet. Robertson also took credit for saving the East Coast from a hurricane by praying.
VirginCotton comments on Feb 3, 2018:
@SamKerry Something is skewed in the numbers isn't there? Something is out of context? Shootings in America are not epidemic, close to 100 million Americans own and carry guns. We are not in danger from guns, we are in danger from government and anti-Second Amendment people.
dahermit replies on Feb 4, 2018:
@marmot84 Good gosh! How did you interpret "oppressive government" as foreign governments? "Oppressive government" refers to OUR OWN government. Our democracy can fail just as Turkey's has and so many others in the past...or do you wish to believe that the current Republican administration will remain benign? I know what they are and I know what they can become...just like in Germany in the 1930's.
astardrifter comments on Feb 3, 2018:
Thank you, NRA. Your profits are totally worth the loss of life (lives). We gotta control the population somehow. Lives evolve into dollars for you. Yay, team.
dahermit replies on Feb 4, 2018:
NRA "profits"? Do they make a profit from selling something? Are they a gun manufacturer? Please explain how they "profit" in your context?
Pat Robertson is recovering after suffering a stroke
commander42 comments on Feb 4, 2018:
This evil piece of shit should have died a long time ago. He and all the TV evangelicals are morally corrupt and all they care about is that you continue to tithe to them. It amazes me on how so many people believe the shit flowing from their mouths.
dahermit replies on Feb 4, 2018:
I don't think he is much as corrupt as he is just stupid. I watched him on T.V. once stating the reason Calcutta had such deplorable slums was that God was punishing them because "they" had named the city after the goddess of the Thuggee, Kali. When a caller disputed his claim, he angrily said: "Have you even ever been to India?" What a stupid response. Evidently, it never occurred to the dullard that all the other major cities in India also have slums...despite not being named after some other god. It appears that one does not have to be very intelligent to obtain a doctorate in "divinity".
School shootings in U.S.: When, where each shooting has occurred in 2018 - ABC15 Arizona
Rufus_Maximus comments on Feb 1, 2018:
At this point it seems like it's become a cultural phenomenon, there isn't another western country where it happens with this kind of staggering frequency. Introducing stricter gun control may be too little too late.
dahermit replies on Feb 4, 2018:
Another thing to consider if you compare the U.S. to other "western" counties is social conditions in those other western counties. People are better off (higher standard of living via socialistic factors) in most of those other western counties as indicated by their lower suicide rates. For instance, the USA ranks 48 in suicides whereas Norway ranks 102, Denmark 105, Netherlands 98, and Germany 105. In other words, those other western counties take better care of their people, reducing stress and the tendency to turn to violence to cope with poverty.
School shootings in U.S.: When, where each shooting has occurred in 2018 - ABC15 Arizona
Rufus_Maximus comments on Feb 1, 2018:
At this point it seems like it's become a cultural phenomenon, there isn't another western country where it happens with this kind of staggering frequency. Introducing stricter gun control may be too little too late.
dahermit replies on Feb 4, 2018:
@Rufus_Maximus But you also seem to have eliminated the other "Western" countries that have way more murders than the U.S. Namely Mexico, Columbia, Nicaragua, Brazil, etc. all of which restrict the private ownership of guns. What I think you mean (and you may dispute this) is that among the Caucasian, civilized countries of the world, there are significant fewer shootings than in the U.S.
I notice a lot of atheist groups, particularly "New Atheists" tend to side with apartheid Israel ...
dahermit comments on Feb 3, 2018:
Most Americans are ignorant of the abuses heaped upon the Palestinians by the Jews. Re: the documentaries "Five Cameras" and "Censored Voices" are two good videos to watch, available from NetFlix. "Five Cameras" refers to the five cameras that a Palestinian had shot from his shoulder by Jewish ...
dahermit replies on Feb 3, 2018:
@WilliamCharles I am very familiar with the USS Liberty incident. They were flying a large American flag and the strafing jets and the gunboat were well within range to see that flag. The U.S. government seemed to want to downplay the incident.
I notice a lot of atheist groups, particularly "New Atheists" tend to side with apartheid Israel ...
WilliamCharles comments on Feb 3, 2018:
I don't consider this too harsh. The actions of the Israelis fits the UN definition of genocide.
dahermit replies on Feb 3, 2018:
Exactly. Jews persecute the Palestinian civils just like the Jews were persecuted for centuries in Europe and Russia. Evidently, the Jewish Zionists did not learn compassion from those experiences.
I notice a lot of atheist groups, particularly "New Atheists" tend to side with apartheid Israel ...
KKGator comments on Feb 3, 2018:
I'm not going to take sides. They need to figure it out for themselves.
dahermit replies on Feb 3, 2018:
Armed Jews against unarmed Arab civilians...gosh, I wonder who will prevail? Jewish settlers sneaking over into Arab villages at night to burn the olive orchards and grape vineyards...supported by the Jewish army. Yup! They can work it out for themselves.
I notice a lot of atheist groups, particularly "New Atheists" tend to side with apartheid Israel ...
Donna_I comments on Feb 3, 2018:
@williamcharles what is justice for the Palestinians?
dahermit replies on Feb 3, 2018:
A start would be to give the land back that the Jews have illeagaly occupied since acquiring it during a war. Arab governments attacked Israel, but the land was owned by civilian Palestinians, not a hostile government.
School shootings in U.S.: When, where each shooting has occurred in 2018 - ABC15 Arizona
Rufus_Maximus comments on Feb 1, 2018:
At this point it seems like it's become a cultural phenomenon, there isn't another western country where it happens with this kind of staggering frequency. Introducing stricter gun control may be too little too late.
dahermit replies on Feb 3, 2018:
"Western" country? Are you suggesting that peoples from counties with very high homicide rates in Africa, Eastern Europe, Central and South America are somehow less civilized or generally inferior to those people in "western" countries? Why would you specify "western" countries?
School shootings in U.S.: When, where each shooting has occurred in 2018 - ABC15 Arizona
Rufus_Maximus comments on Feb 1, 2018:
At this point it seems like it's become a cultural phenomenon, there isn't another western country where it happens with this kind of staggering frequency. Introducing stricter gun control may be too little too late.
dahermit replies on Feb 3, 2018:
@FrayedBear If you think that the map is incorrect do your own internet search(es), using: "Murder rate by county". It should provide you with several other sources of data.
School shootings in U.S.: When, where each shooting has occurred in 2018 - ABC15 Arizona
Rufus_Maximus comments on Feb 1, 2018:
At this point it seems like it's become a cultural phenomenon, there isn't another western country where it happens with this kind of staggering frequency. Introducing stricter gun control may be too little too late.
dahermit replies on Feb 3, 2018:
@FrayedBear You don't hear about it because murders in other countries generally do not strike news directors as particularly newsworthy. In truth, the USA murder rate is not even in the top ten despite the "prevalence of guns." Take a look at this link for an eye-opener:
Homeless Among the Privledged
jlynn37 comments on Feb 2, 2018:
American conservative capitalism on display. (IMHO)
dahermit replies on Feb 2, 2018:
I agree.
School shootings in U.S.: When, where each shooting has occurred in 2018 - ABC15 Arizona
Rufus_Maximus comments on Feb 1, 2018:
At this point it seems like it's become a cultural phenomenon, there isn't another western country where it happens with this kind of staggering frequency. Introducing stricter gun control may be too little too late.
dahermit replies on Feb 2, 2018:
"At this point it seems like it's become a cultural phenomenon..." Exactly...driven by excessive, emotional, and gratuitous reporting which leaves no doubt which targets will engender the maximum societal impact. Candlelight vigils and crying victims on the nightly news for days logically have an impact on would-be shooters who feel bullied and/or disenfranchised.
School shootings in U.S.: When, where each shooting has occurred in 2018 - ABC15 Arizona
Paul628 comments on Feb 1, 2018:
No one **needs** an assault (semi-automatic) weapon. We need to stop all corporate lobbying in Washington so groups like the NRA don't own our lawmakers. We need them to do what's best for us (not being randomly shot to death) and not what is best for themselves. We simply **do not** need to...
dahermit replies on Feb 2, 2018:
@Paul628 "good guy with a gun" mentality isn't working. Who said it was?
School shootings in U.S.: When, where each shooting has occurred in 2018 - ABC15 Arizona
Rufus_Maximus comments on Feb 1, 2018:
At this point it seems like it's become a cultural phenomenon, there isn't another western country where it happens with this kind of staggering frequency. Introducing stricter gun control may be too little too late.
dahermit replies on Feb 2, 2018:
@FrayedBear " are living in a totally fucked up society. That is the problem not guns." I agree with that.
Female body hair. Have you examined your prejudices?
dahermit comments on Feb 1, 2018:
If you stop shaving I think you will find that there are a significant number of women who will look at you unfavorably for not doing so. Women can be worse critics of women than men. Other than that, like it or not, shaved armpits and legs are a beauty norm in our culture. If you go against that...
dahermit replies on Feb 2, 2018:
@GoldenDoll Maybe if you would be specific I would know exactly what you are talking about.
School shootings in U.S.: When, where each shooting has occurred in 2018 - ABC15 Arizona
Rufus_Maximus comments on Feb 1, 2018:
At this point it seems like it's become a cultural phenomenon, there isn't another western country where it happens with this kind of staggering frequency. Introducing stricter gun control may be too little too late.
dahermit replies on Feb 2, 2018:
@FrayedBear Apples and oranges. Australia never had the huge number of guns that we do. When gun owners say "...from my cold dead hands..." take them at their word...they will not give them up. As for the Vegas shooting and if there was one or more person involved is just speculative on your part. As for just "...saving one person..." that is a trite platitude of the anti-gun rhetoric ...there are thousands that could be saved by means other than gun control if that is your legitimate concern.
School shootings in U.S.: When, where each shooting has occurred in 2018 - ABC15 Arizona
Rufus_Maximus comments on Feb 1, 2018:
At this point it seems like it's become a cultural phenomenon, there isn't another western country where it happens with this kind of staggering frequency. Introducing stricter gun control may be too little too late.
dahermit replies on Feb 2, 2018:
@witchymom "Emotional reporting" = gratuitous reports, days after the fact, candlelight vigils, reports on the anniversary, etc. All identify future shooters of the impact such shootings made on society those targets made. Thus, they now know which targets pay the greatest dividend in public impact.
Female body hair. Have you examined your prejudices?
dahermit comments on Feb 1, 2018:
If you stop shaving I think you will find that there are a significant number of women who will look at you unfavorably for not doing so. Women can be worse critics of women than men. Other than that, like it or not, shaved armpits and legs are a beauty norm in our culture. If you go against that...
dahermit replies on Feb 1, 2018:
@GoldenDoll Maybe so, but I am but an observer of an incoherent culture. As for "perpetuating prejudices", you do give me too much credit...I doubt that I have had much effect on anyone.
School shootings in U.S.: When, where each shooting has occurred in 2018 - ABC15 Arizona
Rufus_Maximus comments on Feb 1, 2018:
At this point it seems like it's become a cultural phenomenon, there isn't another western country where it happens with this kind of staggering frequency. Introducing stricter gun control may be too little too late.
dahermit replies on Feb 1, 2018:
@FrayedBear The deaths are likely inevitable inasmuch as there are 315 million or so guns in the U.S. at one needs to used knives and slings. Not even the most avid anti-gun entities suggest that everyone turn in their guns...they advocate instead for more insipid laws that cannot possibly work. Furthermore, when police shootings and suicides are subtracted from the 30,000 or so deaths the anti-gun people claim, the 5,000 or so deaths are not statistically significant and pale in comparison to the deaths vis medical mistakes and drug overdoses, thus death by gun becomes an irrational fear.
School shootings in U.S.: When, where each shooting has occurred in 2018 - ABC15 Arizona
Paul628 comments on Feb 1, 2018:
No one **needs** an assault (semi-automatic) weapon. We need to stop all corporate lobbying in Washington so groups like the NRA don't own our lawmakers. We need them to do what's best for us (not being randomly shot to death) and not what is best for themselves. We simply **do not** need to...
dahermit replies on Feb 1, 2018:
@Paul628 What fear mongering. What I said is true. The fact that there could someday be a threat to the U.S. has nothing to do with that guy in the hotel. Please consider giving up platitudes ("fear mongering") and present a logical argument to support your position.
School shootings in U.S.: When, where each shooting has occurred in 2018 - ABC15 Arizona
Paul628 comments on Feb 1, 2018:
No one **needs** an assault (semi-automatic) weapon. We need to stop all corporate lobbying in Washington so groups like the NRA don't own our lawmakers. We need them to do what's best for us (not being randomly shot to death) and not what is best for themselves. We simply **do not** need to...
dahermit replies on Feb 1, 2018:
@Paul628 I know what the Second Amendment is. If you would read my previous posts in this thread you would understand also. Wheather or not a person would have understood what a modern weapon is from the 1790's, is a moot point...they did not need modern weapons because their weapons matched those of potential threats. The only thing that will counter a modern weapon is another modern weapon. I could give you a half dozen scenarios where privet citizens may be called upon to form into militias to participate in warfare. If you cannot, you live in a dream world. The U.S.A. will not last forever (everything is in flux and always has been) governmental entity ever has...unless you can show me some Etruscians or Carthaginians. If and when our country fades away, the unarmed populace will be subjected to atrocities. Hutu/Tutsi, Serb/Muslim, the failed State of Mexico mean anything to you?
School shootings in U.S.: When, where each shooting has occurred in 2018 - ABC15 Arizona
Paul628 comments on Feb 1, 2018:
No one **needs** an assault (semi-automatic) weapon. We need to stop all corporate lobbying in Washington so groups like the NRA don't own our lawmakers. We need them to do what's best for us (not being randomly shot to death) and not what is best for themselves. We simply **do not** need to...
dahermit replies on Feb 1, 2018:
@Paul628 I am sure that you know what you mean, but I have no idea what you are implying by such brevity. Why don't you explain it to me?
School shootings in U.S.: When, where each shooting has occurred in 2018 - ABC15 Arizona
wordywalt comments on Feb 1, 2018:
It is interesting that 11 of the 15 school shooting events occurred in NRA friendly Republican areas. It seems that these areas care more about guns than they do for their own young people.
dahermit replies on Feb 1, 2018:
A fact that is likely irrelevant inasmuch as the shootings were conducted by angry/bullied youths...which is likely more of a factor than the area they happened in. Also, New Jersey (Sandy Hook) is NOT a gun friendly state. Also consider the extent which modern media publicises the school and other shootings, which in my opinion almost assures that they will be repeated...consider the Bath Michigan Massacre...relative unpublicised and NEVER Repeated. Have you never even heard of it have you? While school shootings and other mass shootings are publicised ad nausium, they are relatively rare and involve way fewer victims than the major causes of death...overdoses and medical mistakes which take many times more lives in the U.S., but are not good fodder for the news outlets.
School shootings in U.S.: When, where each shooting has occurred in 2018 - ABC15 Arizona
Rufus_Maximus comments on Feb 1, 2018:
At this point it seems like it's become a cultural phenomenon, there isn't another western country where it happens with this kind of staggering frequency. Introducing stricter gun control may be too little too late.
dahermit replies on Feb 1, 2018:
It is blown way out of proportion by emotional reporting. Firstly the numbers stress all shootings including justifiable shootings by police and suicide. For your consideration:
School shootings in U.S.: When, where each shooting has occurred in 2018 - ABC15 Arizona
Paul628 comments on Feb 1, 2018:
No one **needs** an assault (semi-automatic) weapon. We need to stop all corporate lobbying in Washington so groups like the NRA don't own our lawmakers. We need them to do what's best for us (not being randomly shot to death) and not what is best for themselves. We simply **do not** need to...
dahermit replies on Feb 1, 2018:
"No one needs an assault (semi-automatic) weapon." The Second Amendment was for the purpose of enabling a civilian population to act as a military in response to an unspecified eventuality (foreign or domestic). If that "eventuality" involved an unspecified military action against the U.S., it would logically be facing "assault weapons, including grenade launchers, machine guns and mortars in that, that is what is used by modern armies. If one cannot live with the idea of civilians having military weapons, one should properly change the Constitution. If one changes the Constitution via interpretation de jour, then one opens a can of worms. Consider how the late Bush administration changed the meaning of the Fifth Amendment (torture) to "advanced interrogation techniques" allowing persons who had not been convicted of a crime, to be so tortured (if you do not think that is torture, research how many detainees died while subjected to "advanced interrogation techniques".
Is it wrong to use child soldiers?
Lancer comments on Jan 30, 2018:
All citizens who are fit to serve must be ready, willing and able to defend their nation. Regardless of race, gender or religion. Any person who would not defend their nation in a time of crisis is irresponsible, reprehensible and morally void of the basic qualities found in a strong and ...
dahermit replies on Jan 30, 2018:
So then, the Germans were right in defending their nation against the alies? What about the Dutch and the Dains...they only put up a brief fight before capitulating. Were they "void of the basic qualities found in a strong and committed citizen? Should they have fought on despite their governments capitulating?
Is it wrong to use child soldiers?
Dwight comments on Jan 30, 2018:
Is it wrong to bite the heads off of new born kittens? Of course its wrong and using children as soldiers is just as wrong. Keep the children safe from harm. Send them away to hide or live with people you trust to care for them. War is wrong. Killing other human beings is wrong. Using children as ...
dahermit replies on Jan 30, 2018:
@Dwight You seemed to have missed my point. I am not talking about the "legal" definition of a minor. What I want to know is what is the physical difference between a "child" soldier and an "adult" soldier. I will give you a hint: There is no difference. A soldier is a is wrong for anyone to be forced into that role. It if is not, please tell me why there is a difference.
Is it wrong to use child soldiers?
Dwight comments on Jan 30, 2018:
Is it wrong to bite the heads off of new born kittens? Of course its wrong and using children as soldiers is just as wrong. Keep the children safe from harm. Send them away to hide or live with people you trust to care for them. War is wrong. Killing other human beings is wrong. Using children as ...
dahermit replies on Jan 30, 2018:
Explain to me how old a soldier has to be before he is no longer a boy and it is then alright to consider him an "adult" soldier.
Well, it finally happened.
birdingnut comments on Jan 26, 2018:
I used to get the flu several times each year whenever we were in the US, and after I moved here for college, I'd sometimes get so sick I could barely breathe. In my early 20s I changed my diet, dropping red meat, white flour, most processed food, switching to organic food whenever possible, and...
dahermit replies on Jan 26, 2018:
I was sick a lot until I gave up vegetables and switched to just the major food groups. Nowadays I am careful to eat from the major food groups each day...the chocolate food group, the pizza food group, the ice cream food group...
How many of you are bothered by second hand smoke?
dahermit comments on Jan 24, 2018:
I feel no obligation to be tolerant of someone who is so inconsiderate that they pollute the air that I must breathe.
dahermit replies on Jan 25, 2018:
In social situations that I must participate in, would also apply to coughing with Bronchitis, Pneumonia, Flu, etc. Sick persons have no business KNOWINGLY spreading their germs. If that is what you mean rather than industrial pollution.
What’s your take on kids not learning cursive any longer?
jlynn37 comments on Jan 24, 2018:
What do mean "kids"? I am 80 and I only sign my name in cursive. Everything else is printing.
dahermit replies on Jan 24, 2018:
Actually, it would be more accurate to refer to it as "hand lettering", in that "printing" is done on a printing press.
What’s your take on kids not learning cursive any longer?
Jenelle comments on Jan 24, 2018:
Teaching children the alphabet, phonics, and the basics of printing letters, forming words, then sentences, then paragraphs correctly takes years, and now standardized testing is done on computers so we’ve got to teach them to type as well (along with all that pesky curriculum so that they can ...
dahermit replies on Jan 24, 2018:
"Organized abandonment."
What’s your take on kids not learning cursive any longer?
Rugglesby comments on Jan 24, 2018:
cursive is and probably always was totally unnecessary.
dahermit replies on Jan 24, 2018:
In the 1700's it was likely a necessary skill inasmuch as so much communication was via letters. As obsolete as Mores Code now. .-. .. --. .... - ..--.. (right?)
Stephen Hawking Says Humanity Won't Survive Without Leaving Earth
jeffy comments on Jan 24, 2018:
Yeah, we have like 4 billion years - I doubt if we will get it together though. And I wonder who gets to go if they do. The way we are going, we will probably be extinct long before the deadline.
dahermit replies on Jan 24, 2018:
We have only about 100 years left according to Hawking.
Stephen Hawking Says Humanity Won't Survive Without Leaving Earth
pilgrim comments on Jan 24, 2018:
I don't see us making it far enough into the future to have a chance to colonize other worlds; from the technological advances necessary for such a venture, to finding a suitable place to hang our hats, I expect that before we can leave we will have either blown ourselves into dust or perhaps ...
dahermit replies on Jan 24, 2018:
I will destroy himself way before he can colonize another planet. Hawking says we have less than one hundred years left before global warming becomes self-sustaining. I suspect he is referring to methane being released via melting of the permafrost. He says that earth will become as hot as Venus. If so, it is over for us inasmuch as the only planet we could reach without speed-of-light (or faster) travel is Mars and Mars is not a very hospitable planet (only one-fourth the sunlight, no protection from cosmic rays, way too cold, etc.).
How many people have still not worked out why Hillary lost?
Knitfreak comments on Jan 22, 2018:
I would love to have a woman president, but a decent woman would be my choice. There are a few... Hillary is not one of them. There are many reasons she lost... she is not personable, has a horrid reputation, stayed with a cheater for power and money instead of teaching her daughter what a strong ...
dahermit replies on Jan 22, 2018:
I agree...she should have dumped her cheating husband. I voted for her reluctantly. Would have been very happy to vote for Sanders or Warren.
Should a man be allowed to force a woman to carry his child?
KKGator comments on Jan 22, 2018:
When men grow a uterus and ovaries, and can gestate a pregnancy all by themselves, THEN and only then, should they have any say whatsoever on the subject of abortion. Women aren't broodmares and no woman should ever be forced to gestate a pregnancy if that is not what she wants to do. The sperm ...
dahermit replies on Jan 22, 2018:
"If any man doesn't like that, they should think about it BEFORE they have sex and behave accordingly." If any woman does not want to get pregnant, THEY should use birth control BEFORE they consent to sex and behave accordingly. Men cannot get is the woman who gets pregnant...therefore SHE should use birth control BEFORE trying to saddle some guy with 18 years of child support.
Should a man be allowed to force a woman to carry his child?
dahermit comments on Jan 22, 2018:
Should a man be forced to be responsible (child support) for a child that he does not want a woman to carry...the other side of the coin.
dahermit replies on Jan 22, 2018:
Blizzard "He can easily give up parental rights to this child." What! Do you mean a man can walk into The Friend of the Court's Office and tell them he is giving up his parental rights and therefore not going to pay child support anymore? Here in Michigan, that guy would find himself in jail for non-payment. Where the heck are you from that a guy could get away with that?
Should a man be allowed to force a woman to carry his child?
dahermit comments on Jan 22, 2018:
Should a man be forced to be responsible (child support) for a child that he does not want a woman to carry...the other side of the coin.
dahermit replies on Jan 22, 2018:
HippieChick58 Using a condom is a woman's answer. Condoms reduce the pleasure of sex for men...that is why men do not use them if they can avoid it. By the same reasoning, it is the woman who gets pregnant...should she does not use birth control?
ARE WE ALONE. So the question,are we alone in the universe?
Rudy1962 comments on Jan 22, 2018:
I think the problem is that everything is so spread out.. Even if one could travel at the speed of light, it could take millions if not billions of years to pay our fellow universe inhabitants a visit. Plus, life forms do not exist forever. It is fun to think of distant civilizations though.
dahermit replies on Jan 22, 2018:
The nearest star (solar system) is four light-years away. Using our fastest rockets for propulsion, it would take us more than 80,000 years to get there. Therefore, if faster-than-light is not possible, you are correct in that the distances are just too great to make a trip there possible.
This is a very thought provoking question/meme.
Firelands1973 comments on Jan 21, 2018:
If he has the password, then he locked the switch. If he doesn't provide the password then he is the murderer, regardless of who put the people in harms way. They are guilty as well. One count of murder for each one. Pretty sure he qualifies for the death penalty. Which he has to know is the ...
dahermit replies on Jan 21, 2018:
Accepting one's death is a whole lot different than submitting to torture.
Hey guys, just for fun. Americans, do not kill me. []
splittingzero comments on Jan 20, 2018:
That was hilarious and as usual, because it's true. What sort of mental laziness prevents Americans from making the change to base ten measurements. A cubic centimeter is the same as a milliliter, a milliliter of water weights exactly one gram. It required a short period of inconvenience to ...
dahermit replies on Jan 20, 2018:
That is strange...I have no problem at all working with English units of measure. All the people my age learned it in grade school. No one has illustrated why metric is "better", just keep on reiterating that base 10 "better". Note that I have lived most of my life during the government-mandated side by side "transition" did not work. We still get quarts and gallons of milk, still drive mph, still use Ferienheit instead of Celcius. Metrics are better in theory, but no one can show how the use of metrics is "better". Furthermore, despite the "transition" Americans still THINK in terms of English units. For instance, it is 40 degrees celsius outside...are you hot or cold? Make a space between your thumb and finger 1/4 of an inch wide. Now make a space between your thumb and you finger 8MM wide.
We Have Reached Peak Pharma. There's Nowhere to Go But Down.
GipsyOfNewSpain comments on Jan 19, 2018:
well... big pharma hates me... because I am not an user.
dahermit replies on Jan 20, 2018:
I am old enough to remember the polio plague that left people like Dick Johnson confined to a wheelchair for the rest of his life unable to move his emaciated arms and legs. I wonder if your statement, " So when you gonna start living instead of being afraid of life-threatening illnesses?" would have made sense to him if he had been able to get the polio vaccine before he got polio. Dick Johnson died from pneumonia due to his body being weakened from paralysis. He got polio in about the eighth grade, died a year or two after high school. He would not have ended up like that for a simple dose of vaccine. So yes, I get vaccinated for flu each year and keep my vaccinations up to date. Because I AM NOT STUPID and am not afraid of needles. If you want to go back to living like they did two hundred years ago, go ahead with the macho attitude... as for me, "Mama didn't raise no fool." We Polish have a saying for people who do not get vaccinated when they are so readily available, they are referred to as having "sh.. for brains".
Do You Believe The World Will End, Or We Face Global Extinction?
ScienceBiker comments on Jan 20, 2018:
Everything dies.
dahermit replies on Jan 20, 2018:
And all civilizational entities disappear...including the USA. Otherwise, we would still have Carthaginians, Etruscans, Phonecians, and Britain would still be an empire.
Do You Believe The World Will End, Or We Face Global Extinction?
sassygirl3869 comments on Jan 20, 2018:
I have to believe Democrats will get back in Washington and Congress will discard all the trump scientific and environmental changes will be reversed.
dahermit replies on Jan 20, 2018:
Note likely...human population is indirectly responsible for the destruction of earth. Humans are not smart enough collectively to stop the overpopulation of the earth. Solar and wind will only slow down the RATE of destruction (they need copper and coal mines, steel mills etc.), not the cause
Do You Believe The World Will End, Or We Face Global Extinction?
Eazyduzzit comments on Jan 20, 2018:
I don’t think all life will end, but I’m sure humans will go extinct. After we’re gone, the earth should heal and the other animals that are left will thrive.
dahermit replies on Jan 20, 2018:
According to Stephen Hawking, the global warming will become self-sustaining (no longer need man-made input, permafrost releasing methane) in 100 years or less and the heat on earth will be like that on effect killing all insect, avian, reptilian, mammalian, etc. life including us and most bacteria. It will be the end of OUR world for sure.
Hey guys, just for fun. Americans, do not kill me. []
splittingzero comments on Jan 20, 2018:
That was hilarious and as usual, because it's true. What sort of mental laziness prevents Americans from making the change to base ten measurements. A cubic centimeter is the same as a milliliter, a milliliter of water weights exactly one gram. It required a short period of inconvenience to ...
dahermit replies on Jan 20, 2018:
Explain to me what the "obvious benefits" are to converting to Metric.
We Have Reached Peak Pharma. There's Nowhere to Go But Down.
GipsyOfNewSpain comments on Jan 19, 2018:
well... big pharma hates me... because I am not an user.
dahermit replies on Jan 20, 2018:
I am 74...son.
We Have Reached Peak Pharma. There's Nowhere to Go But Down.
GipsyOfNewSpain comments on Jan 19, 2018:
well... big pharma hates me... because I am not an user.
dahermit replies on Jan 19, 2018:
Get something life-threatening and you will become a user. Furthermore, I do not believe you have not taken Polio and Small Pox vaccines.
When I watch documentaries about suicides, it makes me feel depressed and reminds me of the lows ...
DoctaJo comments on Jan 19, 2018:
Even if our family and friends aren't there we always have to remember that we are here for a reason and purpose.
dahermit replies on Jan 19, 2018:
With all due respect, there is no evidence that we are " for a reason and a purpose." We are here as a result of nature's mandate for reproduction. We will live for our season (barring accidents, etc.) and then we will die. There is no evidence that there is any other "purpose".
I just watched a program on AHC network that Mussolini is the dictator that gave the Vatican it's ...
Druvius comments on Jan 17, 2018:
The Catholic Church has a lot to answer for. As I am fond of saying, between organised government, organised religion, and organised crime ... at least organised crime is honest about their intentions. On the other hand, Catholics are well represented among The Rightous, people who saved or tried to...
dahermit replies on Jan 18, 2018:
My point was he was not a general. My suggestion is that if you got that wrong, you may have also had other details wrong in your post. Like Stauffenberg being "inspired by his faith" to kill Hitler rather than his motivation being that Hitler was leading the country to a disastrous loss in war...just like Romel and the other officers involved thought. The motivation for killing Hitler was to enable (in their minds) a separate peace with the Western allies...not for any altruistic/religious reason. Germany was losing the war before that attempt was made on his life. Where was their "faith-inspired" attempt on Hitler's life WHILE THEY WERE WINNING? ----"my point".
I just watched a program on AHC network that Mussolini is the dictator that gave the Vatican it's ...
Druvius comments on Jan 17, 2018:
The Catholic Church has a lot to answer for. As I am fond of saying, between organised government, organised religion, and organised crime ... at least organised crime is honest about their intentions. On the other hand, Catholics are well represented among The Rightous, people who saved or tried to...
dahermit replies on Jan 17, 2018:
FYI: Stauffenberg was not a general.
Just thought I'd throw this out there in case I can educate some of you and hopefully clear up some ...
Corvus comments on Jan 17, 2018:
Is this Post about Jack Kevorkian? or assisted suicide?, He did not approve everyone for his assistance. I saw a documentary on read some of the news articles so I may not have a complete picture He may have had heretical ideas but his moment was impetus for the debate. I believe you have the ...
dahermit replies on Jan 17, 2018:
Furthermore, Jack Kevorkian did not solicit for people to aid in their effort to commit suicide...they sought him out.
Firearms are the Worst Thing to Happen to Humanity.
Castlepaloma comments on Jan 12, 2018:
I know most people major in minor things. There must be some deeper thinkers, here.
dahermit replies on Jan 13, 2018:
How "deep" do you want people to think? You throw out a nonsequitur thesis... "guns be bad" and expect some arguments against it? If you want an honest intellectual discussion, suggest a solution to the problem of gun violence and we can go from there. But, I think the problem here is more likely an example of the Dunning-Kruger Effect.
Firearms are the Worst Thing to Happen to Humanity.
dahermit comments on Jan 12, 2018:
I agree without guns there would be almost no violence. But, I don't think Ghengis Khan got the message.
dahermit replies on Jan 12, 2018:
Would difference would it make who of you would be dead if ANY weapon were available. Aside from that, what is your is not like all guns are going to disapear...that genie is out of the lamp. Also, consider that in 100 years we will all be gone anyway according to Stephen Hawking due to the population bomb. Your obsession with guns is a moot point.
Religious liberty group says 'militant atheism' driving effort to remove cross
sassygirl3869 comments on Jan 7, 2018:
Interesting point of view from religious Catholics who defend the cross as being part of American history. Why not erect a statue of the man Jacques Marquette? More accurate than a crucifix.
dahermit replies on Jan 7, 2018:
I was born and raised in the shadow of that Marquette cross. Part of the rhetoric for keeping the cross is that it is a local tradition whereas a statue would not be in keeping with that tradition. Another argument is that Marquette "requested" that a cross be erected where he was buried. Note that Marquette's remains were removed after two years for internment at St. Ignace so nobody is buried at the site in question. I think one of the reasons why a cross was put there instead of a statue is that it was way cheaper to erect a wooden cross (it was wood when I was a kid) than it was to build a statue. Note that the existing structure is not a "crucifix", it is a naked Latin cross...two and one half stories high with its sandstone base...lighted at night.
Stephen Hawking stated that mankind will not last beyond 100 years.
LeighShelton comments on Jan 4, 2018:
cut the population big time
dahermit replies on Jan 4, 2018:
I agree. But that is not likely to happen in time or as the result of a voluntary system. War or pandemic perhaps, but if left to mankind(governments), the population will continue to grow until there is some kind of a collapse.
Is there intelligent life on earth?
Naeem comments on Jan 3, 2018:
"How would we be viewed by a visiting species of extraterrestrials that were truly intelligent?" we will be considered a meal!
dahermit replies on Jan 3, 2018:
Or if the pattern demosntrated by human explorers was the same, as a resource to exploit without regard to human well-being.
In your opinion, is natural selection the best way to improve a species?
VirginCotton comments on Jan 3, 2018:
Natural selection; does that means whatever Nature brings in the form of mutations, if it fits the two criteria for survival, continue? Mutations come, every new number of Chromosomes brings a mutation, it if can survive on its own and reproduce, it becomes viable? In the;survival of the fittest,...
dahermit replies on Jan 3, 2018:
I would like to see an improvement in average intelligence. At this point, according to Stephen Hawkins, we will become extinct in 100 years. As I see it, the ONLY chance to avoid that is for humans to become smarter and act rather than continue to follow nature's default instruction to pump out more babies.
I think atheists are tolerant of the religious. Why aren't the religious tolerant of atheists?
silvereyes comments on Dec 27, 2017:
I think tolerance and acceptance grows with diversity. However, the U.S. is not religiously diverse. It compounds the feeling that they are in the "right."
dahermit replies on Dec 27, 2017:
I agree...not only does it lack religious diversity, but Christianity seems to have managed to become the default state religion.
World's First Sex Robot: A good or a bad idea?
SamL comments on Dec 27, 2017:
I've said it before that people would be happier and healthier when they had more sex. If people are against prostitution then why not sex robots. I believe it would help reduce rape and sexual violence. It will also take money out of many prostitutes pockets. What will they do now for money?
dahermit replies on Dec 27, 2017:
It would reduce rape and sexual violence only if the motivation for such is just sexual. If the motivation for rape and sexual violence is more like domination then a robot will not do.
Should schools teach cursive handwriting?
MsOliver comments on Dec 23, 2017:
Absolutely and I have two reasons: 1) those who are now entering high school with out learning to write cursive also have trouble READING cursive, which cuts them off from an awful lot of primary historic sources such as The Constitution and Bill of Rights unless they have them transcribed into ...
dahermit replies on Dec 24, 2017:
I have the Constitution and the Bill of Rights PRINTED in a pamphlet on my desk as I post this. It is not in the original cursive, but it is a whole lot easier to read.
Should schools teach cursive handwriting?
lerlo comments on Dec 23, 2017:
How else can they sign their name?
dahermit replies on Dec 24, 2017:
A person only needs to learn to sign their name in cursive...which is not the same as teaching cursive in school. Its use (other than a signature), is obsolete.
Why should we have children ?
Rugglesby comments on Dec 24, 2017:
There is no longer any need to have children, in fact it should be discouraged. Living things reproduce, it is what they do, largely what makes them living things. Self replicating molecules ie DNA. Single cell organism undergo mitotic cell division so each offspring is a clone of the original. So ...
dahermit replies on Dec 24, 2017:
As much as I agree, our not having children is not going to save the world from the effects of overpopulation inasmuch as the USA is only a small part of the problem. If we controlled our population China, India, Africa, etc., is not likely to do the same. The best we could hope for is to slow the increased rate of population growth, not stop it. In short, we will have to admit that mankind is doomed no matter what we is already too late, we have lost that fight.
Why should we have children ?
Angelamelek comments on Dec 24, 2017:
I have four ... I value my role of mother above everything even though they have now flown the nest and are independent adults. Not an easy role but very rewarding. If I die tomorrow I feel I have added 4 beautiful but different people to the human community.
dahermit replies on Dec 24, 2017:
Was it a logical decision to have children or was it that you felt compelled by biology and hormones as well as sociological influences? And, would you be able to tell the difference?
Why should we have children ?
Gatovicolo comments on Dec 24, 2017:
To continue the species? To enjoy the pleasure of raising a family? To have the depth of feeling only a child of yours can engender?
dahermit replies on Dec 24, 2017:
We have "continued the species" to the point where we are destroying the world at an alarming rate. The only way people can want to have children now is to avoid/ignore the fact the overpopulation is destroying the world. For each child brought into the world, there is an increase in the rate at which we approach extinction. One only has to become aware to see that happening. On the other hand, inasmuch as mankind is a "goner" anyway, go ahead and pop them out.
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