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I am genuinely interested in intelligent opinions [therealnews.
dare2dream comments on May 4, 2018:
This makes no sense. If Russia wanted to get Trump elected they would want to help progressive third parties siphon away votes from Hillary Clinton. I can see why Green Party candidate Jill Stein went on RT for an interview since she was given little opportunity to be interviewed on major networks. Third parties and their candidates are mostly ignored in the news media. This investigation into Jill Stein is being perpetrated by establishment politicians who want to keep the system rigged.
[] America is not Australia
dare2dream comments on May 4, 2018:
This video is just more fear mongering and misinformation on Faux "news".
“Our best moral stories don’t tell us what is right or wrong in every situation, but they show ...
dare2dream comments on May 3, 2018:
True. Ergo: Moral Relativism.
If there existed a completely secular country, completely free of all religion, whos values and ...
dare2dream comments on May 3, 2018:
I see my duty as staying here and doing my best to make this a better place.
dare2dream comments on May 3, 2018:
If the facility is government operated, this is a violation of the separation of church and state. If you inform FFRF or AU they just might sue them.
Whenever people try to engage me in a conversation about God, or religion, I merely stated that I ...
dare2dream comments on May 3, 2018:
Everyone believes in evidence and reason. That is what gave us our technology. Oddly enough, when it comes to religion, many people brush this rational, evidence based, thinking aside in favor of faith (faith being believing in something regardless of evidence). Faith is what **children** use to believe in Santa. Should **adults** use this same method to believe in a god?
If for a deontologist pulling the lever (in the train dilemma) is a murder too?
dare2dream comments on May 2, 2018:
It's a classic dilemma because it pits utilitarianism against individual rights. The greatest good for the greatest number (utilitarianism) would make the five survive. But the single "fat man" has a right not to be killed. We don't know any details about the individuals involved. What if the single "fat man" is someone who has been spending his life helping others. What if he is a brilliant doctor on the brink of curing cancer? And what if the five are life-long gang members on their way to commit mass murder ?
I'm back, how is everybody today, I took a little break to figure out how to fire back at Trump, NRA...
dare2dream comments on May 1, 2018:
You're right, Mike. We have the numbers in the voting booth. The problem lies in Congress and in state legislatures. The NRA has corrupted the system with their campaign contributions. So, we need to get out the vote and turn over Congress and the legislatures.
Piggy-backing off of @thinkwithme’s and @Kojaksmom’s last posts: what about cyberlove and ...
dare2dream comments on May 1, 2018:
There is a distinction between an emotion (love, infatuation) and a relationship. I could become infatuated or interested in someone on-line, but I would much prefer a real world relationship to a virtual one. I prefer reality to fantasy.
What's a polite way to shut someone down who is preaching to you about Jesus in public?
dare2dream comments on May 1, 2018:
I would just politely tell her the truth. "I used to pray but soon discovered the line was dead." "Why Jesus? There are hundreds of religions being practiced today and hundreds more no longer being practiced. They all claim to be the right religion. They can't all be right." I might end by bringing up the problem of theodicy: "If god is all-good and all-powerful, why doesn't god simply vanquish evil? Why does he allow innocent children to die horrible deaths due to earthquakes, tornadoes, and hurricanes, etc." If she didn't walk away after that, then I would. ;)
A man in Toronto drove a van down a busy sidewalk mowing down as many women as he could.
dare2dream comments on May 1, 2018:
I'm with you. I don't understand it. It makes no sense.
I used the following as a response in one of the groups - g:12 but then it occurred to me that it ...
dare2dream comments on May 1, 2018:
For me, "Magic Pudding" is whatever fulfillment is to you. I think this is a parable about altruism, an important virtue and component to a well lived life. I think I aspire to be the stranger in the story. I am not perfect so I sometimes am not the one giving away fulfillment.
As an atheist/agnostic, what would you do if the Dark Ages were to come back?
dare2dream comments on Apr 30, 2018:
We are still in the Dark Ages. Technology has improved but religion and superstition still rules.
Piggy-backing off of @thinkwithme’s and @Kojaksmom’s last posts: what about cyberlove and ...
dare2dream comments on Apr 30, 2018:
I have said that when face to face, we get to know people from the outside in. On-line, we get to know people from the inside out. Even with long time friends, face to face interactions seem superficial to me. We talk about what's going on, what we did, where we're going. Rarely do I speak from the heart about substantial stuff. On-line, I'm spilling my guts about deep feelings and deep thoughts to total strangers! Ha ha! :D
Time is an illusion - []
dare2dream comments on Apr 30, 2018:
He starts out on the right track and then goes off the rails. I agree with TheAstroChuck that time is the fourth dimension. But I think the point is that the past and future are illusions. Time is like a railroad track. We are on the time-train and the present is the track beneath us. The past is the track behind us. The future is the track in front of us. But it's all the same track. The past, present and future, all exist simultaneously. It is only our perception that is limited.
In the pursuit of happiness, the hard part is knowing when you've caught up.
dare2dream comments on Apr 30, 2018:
"Happiness isn't getting what you want. It's wanting what you have."
So, I got called nigger today.
dare2dream comments on Apr 30, 2018:
Oh my Zeus! In this day and age....
Anybody else see this
dare2dream comments on Apr 30, 2018:
We see what is already in our head or what we want to see. It's called pareidolia. Pareidolia is a psychological phenomenon involving a vague and random stimulus (often an image or sound) being perceived as significant. Common examples include ... a grilled cheese sandwich with the Virgin Mary's face; the imagined perception of a pattern or meaning where it does not actually exist, as in considering the moon to have human features.
The question of the day?
dare2dream comments on Apr 30, 2018:
The Republicans had seven congressional investigations into Hillary and found nothing. It was all made up.
Do you know the 4 Horseman.
dare2dream comments on Apr 30, 2018:
Well, we don't always need four. Three or five will do. I don't think Mahr is in the same league as Dawkins, Dennett, Hitchens and Harris.
When arguing with a faither (a deeply religious person), against the precepts of their religion, ...
dare2dream comments on Apr 30, 2018:
I would like to ask them questions. If god is all-good and all-powerful, why does he not vanquish evil? Why does he allow innocent babies suffer violent deaths due to hurricanes, earthquakes and tornadoes? How fair is it to have infinite punishment for finite sins? What's the point of punishment or reward if people can't learn to do better (heaven or hell), or can't remember what they're being punished or rewarded for (reincarnation)? How much worse is the best person in hell than the worst person in heaven? Is that small difference fair? How can heaven be perfectly blissful if people you love are in hell?
Universal question
dare2dream comments on Apr 30, 2018:
Your reason will be found in your values. ;)
Intolerance How can we be different if we don't respect the beliefs of others?
dare2dream comments on Apr 30, 2018:
We should respect the person and respect their right to their opinion but we don't have to respect their crazy beliefs. So, yes, we should show tolerance and compassion. Yes, we do not have a religious crutch to lean on. But we stand more steadily on evidence, logic, science and reason. I would not call it, "not to logically shatter other peoples beliefs". I would call it disabusing my friends of disillusionment.
Kinda surprised to see nutters here, promoting their supernatural giberish as fact in the middle of ...
dare2dream comments on Apr 30, 2018:
People with an opposing opinion keep the conversation going and me thinking. If everyone thought alike, we would all be just nodding heads.
It's the same shit every time.
dare2dream comments on Apr 29, 2018:
Their arguments are false and are a reaction of the anger and fear instilled in them by the gun lobby. You will never convince the brainwashed. Don't waste your time trying. But we can vote out politicians who support the gun lobby and donate to the organizations that support sensible gun control.
I just saw Trump saying on facebook that because 1 retired old judge said it, all gun control people...
dare2dream comments on Apr 29, 2018:
And we don't WANT to ban ALL guns. I mean the vast majority of pro- control people are okay with responsible gun owners having a single shot bolt action rifle (for example) for hunting or target practice. It's only sensible restrictions we want. There is no need to repeal the 2nd. It guarantees no right to individuals. And the Dept. of Justice could ban assault weapons tomorrow. It was the DoJ that banned fully automatic weapons in the 1920s (or so). No need for an act of Congress.
As someone who is single after decades of marriage & relationships, I'm finding that it's just ...
dare2dream comments on Apr 29, 2018:
I think people can be in a romantic relationship with "no BS, no games and everything discussed beforehand". They just have to be honest and drama-free. Could it be you got a little "gun shy" after some bad experiences? No one can blame you for that! But getting "benefits" without emotional attachment just sounds a bit too shallow and superficial for me. Keeping an "arrangement" on the down low feels a bit sneaky. Just my opinion. But I was married for a lifetime (hers) and single for only the last five.
Has anyone ever belonged...
dare2dream comments on Apr 28, 2018:
I belong to (donate $ to) FFRF, American Humanist Assoc., Americans United for Separation of Church and State, Atheist Community of San Jose, Council for Secular Humanism, ACLU, Humanist Community of Silicon Valley, Military Religious Freedom Foundation, Non-Belief Relief, Reason Alliance, Secular Student Alliance. They say, "Money talks. The rest just squawks". I want to make a difference
Atheist/ Secular Church
dare2dream comments on Apr 27, 2018:
I attended a Unitarian Universalist congregation as an atheist for about a year and a half. They have no creed and are seekers of the truth. They are atheists, deists and god believers. As time went on, I realized they were not a good fit for me and I started going to Humanist meetings and Atheist meetings in my area.
Dating and religion
dare2dream comments on Apr 24, 2018:
No. That would preclude maybe 95% of the prospects. I figure if they can tolerate me, I should be able to tolerate them. “A happy union is not one of perfect partners but the triumph of love over imperfections.” - Unknown​
I"m moving out of the home I've lived in since 1956, and discovered this dogma.
dare2dream comments on Apr 24, 2018:
That's sort of like what Robert G. Ingersoll once said, "With a little soap, baptism is a good thing!" :D
Has anyone read the book "The Secret" and do you belive it?
dare2dream comments on Apr 24, 2018:
I read the book and watched the movie. I believe in positive thinking and in having a good attitude (in a non-supernatural way). We first need to believe we can achieve something before we actually do it. If we think we can not do something, we probably won't even try. But the book goes too far. Thoughts cannot change the world DIRECTLY. Positive thinking only sets us up. The book relies on pseudoscience and supernaturalism. Too much woo woo for me to take literally. As a side comment: religion is like that too. They start our with a good (humanistic) idea and turn it into a fantasy.
Is this site too good?
dare2dream comments on Apr 24, 2018:
I've been searching the Internet for intelligent life for years. Facebook is full of inane, superficial fluff such as stupid pet pics, photos of food and fake news. Not much with substance. Anything I post seems too controversial for everyone else and many people are offended by political and religious opinions I have. Craig's List is just the Wild West of trolling and baiting. Ugh! I think I have found a smart community here who like to talk about things that matter. And I'm glad my opinions haven't hurt or angered anyone.
I recently saw this on another website, and I wondered what the members here think: "Life is ...
dare2dream comments on Apr 24, 2018:
I think that's an exaggeration.
James Shaw, Waffle House Hero and Good Guy Without a Gun?
dare2dream comments on Apr 24, 2018:
The fallacy the NRA uses is that there are good guys with guns and bad guys with guns. The truth is not that black and white. The truth is we all have some good and bad tendencies. When the good guy with a gun gets ticked off he just might use the gun.
James Shaw, Waffle House Hero and Good Guy Without a Gun?
dare2dream comments on Apr 24, 2018:
"The only way to stop a bad guy with a gun is with a good guy with a gun." ~ Wayne LaPierre, CEO and Executive Vice President of the NRA. By the time the good guy with gun kills the bad guy with a gun, there are already two people dead. The disturbed shooter and his victim. IT IS ALREADY TOO LATE! The solution to gun violence must take place BEFORE the first killing. The solution is disarmament.
Why I don't argue....
dare2dream comments on Apr 23, 2018:
Yeah, don't argue. But when they bring the subject up, you have just as much a right to speak your truth too.
As you are aware, this is somewhat difficult.
dare2dream comments on Apr 23, 2018:
When I lost my dear wife to A.L.S. five years ago my life was destroyed. I knew I had to make a new life out of the ashes of the old. How do I do that? I "put myself out there" by joining new social circles, meeting new people and made new friends as well as stayed connected to the old ones. You don't need to "fit in". Join social circles that fit you. Nothing could make me feel better but keeping busy and following my passions was a good distraction!
While many others want to know how to achieve Atheist status, those of us who are, simply revolve ...
dare2dream comments on Apr 23, 2018:
I think I do not "revolve around my own concepts". Atheists are evidence based. The religious are faith based. First of all, everyone is evidence based. We all get up in the morning, check the weather forcast, see blue sky and decide to leave the umbrella home. Science is evidence based. We all know science works. We watch TV. We fly in airplanes. Strangely enough, when it comes to religion, people push all that rational thinking aside in favor of believing in things without evidence. They take it on faith. If someone wants to know how to "achieve atheist status", tell them to quit superstition and gullibly accepting everything they hear.
42: Meaning of life, the universe and everything
dare2dream comments on Apr 23, 2018:
Simply put, meaning is what matters. What matters is determined by our values. Objectively, there is no meaning. The Universe does not care. Subjectively, things matter to us.
So what’s the point?
dare2dream comments on Apr 23, 2018:
The point of anything is not inherent. The point of anything is given to it by us. If you are distressed because you cannot accept the idea of the universe existing without you in it, concider this: when you no longer exist, the universe will subjectively cease to exist also.
How are we to evolve as human beings if we keep thinking and acting like less evolved animals?
dare2dream comments on Apr 23, 2018:
I think if we become more civilized as a species it will come from education not breeding. Morality, ethics are taught.
This looks like fun.
dare2dream comments on Apr 21, 2018:
What if the neo-Nazis held a demonstration and nobody but them showed up? No counter demonstrators. No press. No witnesses. Just them?
Is it important for you to think that you have contributed in some small way to the benefit of ...
dare2dream comments on Apr 21, 2018:
“Be ashamed to die until you have won some victory for humanity.” - Horace Mann “The day we stop helping each other is the day we stop being human beings.” ~ from the movie 2012 ​
For the life of me, I cannot see how any atheist could believe in free will.
dare2dream comments on Apr 21, 2018:
I agree. Free will is an illusion. Everything is a chain of cause and effect since the Big Bang. Free will seems to exist because we are unable to understand all the causes that compell us to choose what we do.
Navy official says the large bible doesn't promote religion in the display.
dare2dream comments on Apr 21, 2018:
I would like to ask the Navy official if the Koran would symbolize prisoner's resolve as well. :D
Have u ever convinced a religious person that what they believe is all myth and does not make sense?
dare2dream comments on Apr 21, 2018:
No. But I think it takes a while to think through all that religious indoctrination. We can plant the questions in thier mind and hope they will get around to it.
Is it important for you to think that you have contributed in some small way to the benefit of ...
dare2dream comments on Apr 21, 2018:
My reasoning goes like this. I am a human being and recognise there are others who are like me. We each feel pain and struggle to live. I want to live in a kind, gentle world where I can thrive. I therefore should do what I can to make this world a better place for myself and others. I find meaning and purpose in helping others.
Prayer vs Science: Calling Their Bluff
dare2dream comments on Apr 20, 2018:
Let's see how closely I can quote George Carlin. "Instead of praying to god I rather wish upon a star. I know the star exists because I can see the star. And, I get the same 50% success rate!"
Prayer vs Science: Calling Their Bluff
dare2dream comments on Apr 20, 2018:
Have you ever performed a QUANTIFICATION TEST on prayer to see HOW WELL prayer works? Try this. Flip a coin 20 times noting the results on a sheet of paper. You should see that you got around half the flips heads and half tails, give or take one or two. This is your control group. Next, do the same exercise but each time you flip the coin pray for heads (or tails). Note on the paper the results of the 20 flips. Your result should show around 10/10, give or take a few. You might say that the power of prayer worked in around 10 of the flips! But compare the results of your prayer group with your control group. The prayer group did NO BETTER than random chance as shown in the control group. There is your power of prayer.
New term "Apatheist".
dare2dream comments on Apr 19, 2018:
Skepticism is my nature. Evidence based Free Thought is my methodology. Agnosticism is my conclusion. Atheism is my opinion. Humanitarianism is my motivation. Regarding Apatheism: I think if a god exists I would want to know that.
Better to have loved and lost than to never have loved at all. Agree or disagree?
dare2dream comments on Apr 18, 2018:
I can't imagine anything worse than never having loved at all. I will also add, every relationship in history was not permanent but temporary. So, pick up the pieces and get out there again!
I dislike dating lists.
dare2dream comments on Apr 16, 2018:
A short list of "must haves" or "must be" can be helpful as is a short list of deal breakers. But I think most people have lists way too long! Most people seem to be looking for an ideal match. Such idealism is impractical. Maybe being more tolerant or flexible or open to new things/people would be more productive. “A happy union is not one of perfect partners but the triumph of love over imperfections.” - Unknown “I believe that the measure of my soul is my capacity to love imperfect people.” ― Joseph Grenny
Do you believe in love at first sight?
dare2dream comments on Apr 16, 2018:
Infatuation can be at first sight but I think of love as being a relationship. Relationships take time and work.
When/how did doubt about God's existence occur?
dare2dream comments on Apr 16, 2018:
I was raised Catholic but it never made much sense to me. I was a curious child and asked many questions. The answers I got about religion seemed inadequate or begged more questions. After a while I quit trying to believe the non-sense. As a mature adult, I had to decide for myself what did make sense. I discovered that evidence, logic and rational thinking works a lot better than just believing something based on faith. Faith is what we use to believe Santa Claus exists. Should we use this same method to believe a god exists?
Your unbelief. How did you get there?
dare2dream comments on Apr 16, 2018:
After being religiously indoctrinated by religion, we have to think our way out of it.
Do you believe there are aliens walking among us?
dare2dream comments on Apr 12, 2018:
Illegal aliens? (Kidding). As a skeptic and critical thinker, I feel I am the alien on this planet. ;)
In this age of technology, how do you feel about internet relationships? Is distant love possible?
dare2dream comments on Apr 11, 2018:
I think it is possible to fall in love on-line but it will be only a one dimensional relationship. For depth and fullness, you would need to know each other in person.
Don't offend the Religious at any cost?
dare2dream comments on Apr 11, 2018:
I aplaud you for trying to not offend anyone. We each represent agnotism, atheism, Humanism. We all need to put our best foot forward so they don't think we all are horrible people. Having said that, I do try to challenge them in a non-offensive way. I explain that we all are evidence based. We all value evidence. When you get up and see the sun shining and the forcast is for clear, we decide to leave the umbrella home. Oddly enough, when it comes to religion, they sweep all that rational thinking aside in favor of faith. Faith is believing in something in spite of evidence to the contrary or no evidence. This is illogical.
"First of all, to me this question implies that, while it’s laudable for the religious to wear ...
dare2dream comments on Apr 11, 2018:
They are using a double standard. They must be thinking that it's okay for them to express their beliefs because they think what they believe is good but what you believe is bad. They simply misunderstand what atheism is.
dare2dream comments on Apr 11, 2018:
I agree with your meme, "Your right to own a gun is amendable". But there is no need to amend the Second Amendment because it grants no right to individuals. The right to bear arms is granted to "Well regulated militias".
Dating different beliefs
dare2dream comments on Apr 11, 2018:
I was married to a Christian for 36 years (until she died 5 years ago). She was not all that outspoken or preachy about it. We both respected each other's right to believe what they thought was best. In other words, it takes tolerance and respect (for the person - not neccessarily the belief).
Anyone else here upset about the power Monsanto holds over the government, news outlets, ...
dare2dream comments on Apr 11, 2018:
Yes! They alter the genetics of crops so they don't make viable seeds. Then the farmers have to buy seed from them every year.​
Getting over someone
dare2dream comments on Apr 11, 2018:
My mom gave me good advice about that long ago. She said the best way to get over a broken heart is to find someone new.
If you received enough money to never need to work again, what would you spend your time doing?
dare2dream comments on Nov 6, 2017:
I'm retired. I love to go out dancing and sometimes take dance lessons. I volunteer at a free breakfast program feeding the hungry and homeless. I help make lunches at the local homeless shelter. I like cruising in my Dodge Challenger hemi.
what is the proof that there is no god in our life?
dare2dream comments on Nov 6, 2017:
It cannot proved nor disproved. But I know theology has too many unresolved problems. The ancient Greek philosopher, Epicurus, points this out with his question: “Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then he is not omnipotent. Is he able, but not willing? Then he is malevolent. Is he both able and willing? Then whence cometh evil? Is he neither able nor willing? Then why call him God?”
Why do you reject the idea of religion?
dare2dream comments on Nov 6, 2017:
I am evidence based instead of faith based. Evidence leads us to truth whereas faith accepts something as true. Children have faith Santa Claus is real but that belief does not make it true.
Why don't you attend atheist events?
dare2dream comments on Nov 6, 2017:
I enjoy going to atheist events because I enjoy the lectures. They are intellectually stimulating. They aren't about "bitching about believers" but about interesting topics like morality, free will vs determinism or social issues. I like meeting others who believe in evidence instead of faith, skeptics instead of gullible people.


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