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coronavirus Trump
davknight comments on Jul 14, 2020:
Lately, I've been calling it Trump Flu!
This very sweet, little fellow belonged to my neighbor a couple of years ago.
davknight comments on Jul 20, 2020:
Typical teenager!
Why does Trump say things "will get worse before they get better" when Italy, which had first ...
davknight comments on Jul 22, 2020:
To cover himself, for when the death toll reaches a quarter million.
Trumps Unfinished Business Change the Constitution by executive order.
davknight comments on Jul 22, 2020:
Getting his likeness carved into Mount Rushmore? Winning a Nobel Prize?
Hey everyone.. Trump is gonna do daily briefings on the corona virus again! Isn't that great?
davknight comments on Jul 22, 2020:
Maybe people will get so sick of that nasally, whinebaby voice of his, they won't vote for him?
The other day I made a post where I was calling Trump a fascist.
davknight comments on Jul 25, 2020:
Trumpy is fat enough to be a Goerring, stupid enough to be an Idi Amin, but not eloquent enough to be a Mussolini, nor crafty enough to be a Hitler.
This is the poster child for white privilege, white supremacy, and hypocracy. Agree or disagree.
davknight comments on Jul 26, 2020:
More like the poster child for bourgeois Philistine stupidity.
I’m a gun aficionado, and I sometimes post pictures on Facebook of my target after I’ve shot ...
davknight comments on Jul 27, 2020:
Well, you could have used tomatoes instead of paper targets. But its hard to get tight groups in tomatoes! Personally, I always liked to shoot at watermelons, and old junk cars. I loved seeing the watermelons go kersploosh. And shooting up old junk cars was a lot of fun too!
What if he's so scared of being arrested as a civilian that he cashes out before the inauguration ...
davknight comments on Jul 28, 2020:
Nobody that stupid can disappear. His big mouth would give him away, no matter where he went!
I was wondering, with the alien DNA and demon semen "doctor" hand picked by the president and ...
davknight comments on Jul 30, 2020:
Many are even stupider! Republicans are the epitome of Stupid!
We alway knew "Umbrella Man" was a white supremacist or some such. []
davknight comments on Aug 2, 2020:
It wouldn't be the first time. During the Vietnam War, the right-wing group Minuteman provided police and FBI with intelligence on anti-war groups, and also served as agents provacateurs at demonstrations.
Some assistance please.
davknight comments on Aug 3, 2020:
I took a test for an online dating site, almost fifteen years ago. This test had over 150 questions, many quite idiotic. The site declined me membership, claiming I was too far to the left. As an example of my "deviant" attitudes, they cited how I was uninterested in organized sports! Well, I never again applied to one of those sites, having decided that the people who run them are a bunch of damned idiots!
TDS is causing unnecessary deaths. I wonder what the final TDS death count will be. [youtube.]
davknight comments on Aug 8, 2020:
Trumpy Troll alert! A Trumplerite is trying to pull your leg!
"The pandemic is helping the rich get even richer.
davknight comments on Aug 12, 2020:
That works out to approx $243,000 per every man, woman, and child in the U.S. And they are still squabbling over the $1200 stimulus checks!
California judge orders trump to pay legal fees of Stormy Daniels!! Woohoo!! []
davknight comments on Aug 23, 2020:
And what about all those unpaid golden showers sessions Trumpy stiffed her for???
The right wing trump cult militias convoys into Portland over the weekend!!! trump supported ...
davknight comments on Aug 31, 2020:
The Kook Kar Karavans are comprised of drunken, beerbellied, petite bourgeois types from suburbia and exoburbia. If they come to your town, greet them with homemade caltrops, spike strips, rotten tomatoes, rotten avocados, and eggs filled with paint! Wrist Rockets firing fried marbles are also useful in letting them know they are unwelcome!
Christian Group Seeks Removal Of Dinosaur From Tucson McDonald's | Tucson, AZ Patch
davknight comments on Sep 3, 2020:
"Sorry! But if we find it in the ground, it was up and stomping around, once upon a time!"--the words of an old geology professor of mine, to a student who was upset that the World wasn't 6,000 years old, like her evangelical parents had taught her.
“If you pluck the chicken one feather at a time, no one will notice, including the chicken” ...
davknight comments on Sep 7, 2020:
"In America, there is a sucker born every minute"--P T Barnum
Homeschool religion
davknight comments on Sep 10, 2020:
It is important to be able to recognize mental illness when you encounter it!
When and how do you reveal past mistakes to new romantic interests?
davknight comments on Sep 14, 2020:
It all boils down to the two rules of life: Never rat on your friends. And always keep your mouth shut!
Posted by a trump cult member who probably considers themself religious.
davknight comments on Sep 15, 2020:
There is a FB page, called " We Love President Trump", where many of his fans make these Jesus-Trump analagies. It would be hilarious except there are Trump Cultists who really believe this stuff! I troll them without mercy. For a good laugh, or just to troll, you should check it out!
If you think trump and the republicans are not snide, deceitful, liars, and evil false fraudulent ...
davknight comments on Sep 17, 2020:
Looks like the right wing version of the Weekly World News!
'They Hate My Guts': Sen.
davknight comments on Sep 26, 2020:
They say poor Lindsey is going stark, raving, Graham crackers!
Well just trump and meliania so far but more to come all the kids and jared and miller and Jordon...
davknight comments on Oct 2, 2020:
I'll try not to get my hopes up until he's hooked up to a respirator, gasping his last breath, and foaming at the snout!
The latest Trump updates live claim today that Trump is doing well and might be out of Walter Reed ...
davknight comments on Oct 4, 2020:
Actually, he just left the hospital in a motorcade. Presumably to show he is still the Fuhrer, and still in charge. Nope! He just took a trip around the block, for the benefit of his fan club, outside .Now he's back in the hospital!
Question: How is holy water made? Answer: Boil the hell out of it!
davknight comments on Oct 5, 2020:
All bottled water sold in supermarkets is distilled tap water. Doesn't matter if label says distilled, purified, or spring water. It's all distilled tap water. Bottled water is like aspirin. It's all chemically identical. The only difference is the price.
Has anyone here looked st the Libertarian and Green party candidates?
davknight comments on Oct 9, 2020:
No Third Party candidate stands a rat's chance! So, we must cast our vote for the lesser of two evils, if we wish to get rid of Trumplerian Fascism!
Trump and his MAGA bullshit
davknight comments on Oct 9, 2020:
Make the Asshole Go Away!
After having a lively argument with a Trump supporter at the park I’m going to report a new rumor ...
davknight comments on Oct 11, 2020:
Why, didn't you know? Our Jesus Trumpy can raise people from the dead! That's where all his zombie followers come from! In addition, a spy gear company, called Trump Industries has invented a drone communications device, which looks exactly like a common bottle-nose fly. It was this device that landed on Mike Pence's head during the recent debate! Jesus Trumpy was telling him what to say, and when to interrupt the whole time! Ain't our Jesus Trumpy a smart guy?
Humpty Dumpty tRumpty claims to be immune to Covid 19.
davknight comments on Oct 12, 2020:
I wanna see Trumpy prove he's a real Superman, by jumping off Trump Tower without a parachute!
Does anyone know how & when to check on a mail-in ballot? (If it was received)
davknight comments on Oct 17, 2020:
Most States have websites for that. Or contact your county board of elections to find out how one can check on whether your vote got received.
Can the USA survive this level of stupid, sustained for this long?
davknight comments on Oct 18, 2020:
It will take most of the 21st century to undo all the damage that Trumplerism has done to US foreign relations
[] The Freak Brothers Cartoon. What do you think folks?
davknight comments on Oct 19, 2020:
I used to read the comic books as a teen. I didn't know it was a cartoon show now.
First covid-19 death linked to Sturgis Motorcycle Rally reported in Minnesota If it only effected ...
davknight comments on Oct 21, 2020:
Plus, all that beer-flavored, carbolic acid soda gives you cancer of the liver, the brain and the beerbelly!
Trump will end his presidency as he began it: Whining.
davknight comments on Oct 22, 2020:
Awww! I wanna see him end it by jumping off Trump Tower without a parachute!
The buffoon in the White House just brokered two Middle East Peace Accords, something that 71 ...
davknight comments on Oct 24, 2020:
Your illogic is very trumpleristic, if not downright trumpian.
Trump Says He Now Identifies as a Non-Denominational Christian, Not Presbyterian | Hemant Mehta | ...
davknight comments on Oct 24, 2020:
That just means he admits he doesn't go to church!
I got off in a wrong political crowd last evening as a political activist.
davknight comments on Oct 24, 2020:
Never try to reason with the innately unreasonable. Ignorance can be fixed, but mass stupidity is a permanent condition.
How much usa knows about recently gnews.
davknight comments on Oct 25, 2020:
Trumpy troll alert!
Spoof 'SNL" Village People Vow to Shave Ivanka's Head if Trump Keeps Using "YMCA."
davknight comments on Oct 26, 2020:
Were this Paris, in 1789, there would be no shortage of volunteers who'd love to give all the Trump women 'new dos'!
Fall is my favorite time of year.
davknight comments on Oct 26, 2020:
Just keep reminding yourself that the Natural World is REAL. And that humans live in a world that is UNREAL.
Screenshot from WebMD. With how many do you identify?
davknight comments on Oct 28, 2020:
All seven of above. Are you sure this isn't an Asperger's test?
"Boogaloo Boi" arrest for attacks on Minneapolis police station confirms far-right role in protest ...
davknight comments on Oct 28, 2020:
I call them boozhy boys, which is a reference to their class background, and to their adolescent obsession with the 'first person shooter-games' they played as teens. It stands to reason that, after years of shooting imaginary weapons at pixels, they begin imagining what it would be like to shoot real guns at live targets.Their bourgeois upbringing however, inhibits them from actually generating the scale of violence that they fantasize about. Their numbers are small and insignificant . And they lack the organization, ideological unity, and discipline necessary to make them a major threat. Doubtlessly, they glory in the attention they get from the media. And you can bet by now, they have become good and riddled with infiltrators and informants from the police, FBI, and ATF (who make it a point to infiltrate groups like theirs). They are drunken frat boys, easily manipulated by police agents provacateurs
Trump Recklessly ‘Jokes’ That Joe Biden Will Be ‘Shot’ Three Weeks After He’s Elected | ...
davknight comments on Oct 28, 2020:
Trump is gonna get that foot of his wrapped inextricably around his trachea one day!
What if you didn't perform any labor to obtain your property?
davknight comments on Oct 29, 2020:
In the US, living big by sucking Labor's blood is known as being "successful".
The thing surprises me most.
davknight comments on Nov 4, 2020:
As of 5 a.m, Biden has 220 electoral votes. Orange Dumbo has 213. How is it "clear" that Orange Dumbo has "won"??? Or are you just a fascist troll trying to spread disinformation ?
It’s not over yet! [redstate]
davknight comments on Nov 5, 2020:
Hey Trump! You're FIRED! Now, go home and get your shine box!
many of you have successfully tracked down old classmates etc. by searching the Internet?
davknight comments on Nov 5, 2020:
Most of what private investigators do is done online nowadays.
Wannabe Native Americans: Found this on Quora - Not my analysis My great grandmother was 100 ...
davknight comments on Nov 5, 2020:
I've always been amused by all the White Americans who claim Native American ancestory, always in fractional parts, and nearly always Cherokee.. (ever notice none claim to be "three quarters Tonkawa", or " three sixteenths Arapahoe"?). Since most White Americans are descended from European immigrants who arrived in the United States sometime between 1890 and 1910, it could be that their children pretended to have Native American ancestors, to make themselves feel less "foreign", to avoid bullying at school; and that this is the origin of the phenomenon?
Ap called it!!!! 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍
davknight comments on Nov 7, 2020:
Plus, we get DOGS back in the White House again! The Biden's have two German Sheperds.
When a stuffed bear asks you for help, you can … ignore him, check your sanity, or give in.😅
davknight comments on Nov 13, 2020:
I had a very large stuffed bear that I bought at a garage sale. I named him Ralph. And this bear could talk! If you asked him his name, he'd say "Raaalph!" If you asked him what the top of a house was called, he'd say "Roof!" And if you asked him what the opposite of smooth was, he'd say "Ruff!"
Catonyx tarijensis: Reconstruction of the cranial anatomy and palaeoneurology of a extinct ...
davknight comments on Nov 15, 2020:
The Mylodons were interesting, in that they grew to 8-9 feet in length, and could walk upright for short distances, using their tail as a sort of third leg to balance on. I've read that Charles Darwin supposedly found a badly decomposed Mylodon, along the coast of Patagonia. If true, then at least some of them managed to survive past their presumed extinction.
Criminals being criminal. []
davknight comments on Nov 16, 2020:
Richard Nixon and his 'plumbers' were a big influence on Stone, who worked for Nixon back in the pre-Watergate days.
A Seattle hiker was brought 'back from the dead' by doctors after his heart stopped for 45 minutes
davknight comments on Nov 17, 2020:
And down, down, down, through a tunnel of honey I spun. Around and around, until out I plopped, betwixt matted hairy pillars. And I looked up. And I saw the face of BEAR, the Almighty. And BEAR looked down at me, and said: '" It is not your time yet! You are not fully digestable. I must chew you up, and feed on your flesh again, before expelling you through the tunnel of heavenly pooh!".
The Republican Party Is Dead. It’s the Trump Cult Now.
davknight comments on Nov 17, 2020:
The Trumpies are all brain-dead zombies anyhow. Maybe the producers of the Walking Dead could hire them as extras?
Giuliani's day in a Pennsylvania courtroom representing Donald Trump
davknight comments on Nov 19, 2020:
He was perspiring so bad, the hair dye was running down his face. Ya gotta lay off the grape juice before ya go into court Rudy!
Should juveniles who commit some of the most heinous crimes from murder to rape be sentenced to life...
davknight comments on Nov 24, 2020:
I'm a Solomon's Justice type.If someone commits murder. Lock them up. And if they complain about the prison meat loaf, just say to them: "Remember that lil old lady you killed? Well, that was her!"
I just found the first academic job that I am barred from applying for due to my lack of faith in ...
davknight comments on Nov 27, 2020:
The Trumpy Supreme Court ruled in July of 2020 that parochial colleges and universities are immune from discrimination lawsuits, because otherwise, their constitutionally guaranteed right to freedom of religion would be violated.
Frozen Bird Found in Siberia is 46,000 Years Old
davknight comments on Dec 3, 2020:
I'm waiting for someone to find a whole family of Neanderthals preserved in that permafrost.
Trump backers, including Flynn, edge toward a call to 'suspend' Constitution to head off Biden ...
davknight comments on Dec 4, 2020:
Flynn is another raving, rabid, Trumplerite fascist dog!
Bloody Norah, wish my Printer-Scanner was working.
davknight comments on Dec 5, 2020:
In the midst of a pandemic, they are wanting money for a new Mercedes??? Talk about gall!
Kellyanne Conway: 'It Looks Like Joe Biden And Kamala Harris Will Prevail'
davknight comments on Dec 5, 2020:
Her and Kayleigh Macaninny can always open up a cupcake shop in Brooklyn! They could call it 'Two Dizzy Dames'!
Trump plans TV stunt on Air Force One on Biden's inauguration: Axios - Business Insider
davknight comments on Dec 7, 2020:
I'd rather see him jump off Trump Tower, without a parachute!
Why do conservatives always lump Marxists, socialists and communists together as if they were all ...
davknight comments on Dec 8, 2020:
Conservatives are the Philistine, or Extremely Stupid faction of the Bourgeoisie, and don't know much of anything really!
What is your best definition of being in love?
davknight comments on Nov 9, 2018:
A twin aching in the heart and loins, for the heart and loins of another?
A question for my American cousins.
davknight comments on Nov 9, 2018:
The 'bible belt' is basically Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, and South Carolina, with pockets of evangelicals elsewhere. The people of this region have been conditioned to think that they can be as sinful as they want, so long as they go to church twice on Sunday, and once on Wednesday.And they will still be able to get front-row seats in Heaven! Their preachers/pastors exert a good deal of influence over them; and if told to vote for particular candidates, they will. So, they can always be counted on to vote for candidates that are opposed to abortion, and anything else their clergy finds reprehensible.
God’s Intelligent Design?
davknight comments on Nov 9, 2018:
Where do you think your tail bone came from? (Old joke in anthropology classes).
Trump declared November 7 as a national day for Victims of Communism.
davknight comments on Nov 10, 2018:
The 1950s are calling; and they want their 'red scare' back!
What would your pet name you?
davknight comments on Nov 10, 2018:
Old Fuzz Face
There is no agnostic vs. atheist! The peeve I have...
davknight comments on Nov 15, 2018:
The basic difference between the Atheist and Agnostic is: The Atheist says, there is no Great Bunny Rabbit, period! The Agnostic says, there is no PROOF of the existence of a Great Bunny Rabbit; and there is no PROOF that there isn't a Great Bunny Rabbit!
NAME A KINK. New shenanigans. (Remember "kinky" is very flexible and subjective.)
davknight comments on Nov 17, 2018:
Raw, uncooked cauliflowers ( got it from a very old MAD magazine!)
Pentagon socialism: The Pentagon’s plan to dominate the economy |
davknight comments on Nov 20, 2018:
The entire military is an excellent example of applied socialism. Their troops are taken care of in every way. Food, clothing, shelter, health care, etc.And all at the taxpayer's expense! (The Pentagon would never admit this of course!).
How soon is too soon?
davknight comments on Nov 20, 2018:
I consider Christmas the only redeeming feature of Christianity. Because it's the only day of the year, when people are reasonably 'nice' to each other!
Do you like music in languages you don't understand?
davknight comments on Nov 20, 2018:
I used to have some old recordings of Cajun dance bands that I enjoyed. Even though my French is beginner's level. I also enjoyed Irish and Scottish folk ballads sung in Gaelic; even though my Gaelic is practically nonexistent.
Do you think Trump has damaged the USA? How long will it take to repair the damage?
davknight comments on Dec 1, 2018:
Offhand, I'd say he's set American foreign relations back at least 70 years, and American responses to Climate Change back by at least 30.
Last night, I encountered the worst patch of black ice on a city street in years, possibly my ...
davknight comments on Dec 4, 2018:
My worst experience on ice was, as a teen, I was driving down an icy residential street, lined with parked cars, went over a hill, then did perfect doughnuts all the way to the bottom, WITHOUT hitting any of the parked cars alongside me.That was an eye-opening experience!
Merry Fucking Xmas from d trump trump brought back Xmas to us with the true republican spirit of ...
davknight comments on Dec 22, 2018:
Only the parts he doesn't need, to prevent a coup!
Another day of waking up to our national nightmare called, "tRump.
davknight comments on Jan 10, 2019:
Probably a coup.
Lindsey Graham is out stumping for the president, for the wall! No end in sight for the government ...
davknight comments on Jan 14, 2019:
Are you saying Graham has gone stark, raving Crackers?
Trump Wants To Reclassify Nuclear Waste As Less Dangerousm| Metro US ...
davknight comments on Jan 23, 2019:
Henceforth, all nuclear waste must be buried at Mara Lago!
What Would You Tell Your 18-Year-Old Self?
davknight comments on Jan 24, 2019:
Keep every gun you buy, because one day, they will be worth a fortune!
Roger Stone has been arrested.
davknight comments on Jan 25, 2019:
Trump will soon be hiding under his bed.
"You only have the constitutional rights you think you have if you have the money to pay for them.
davknight comments on Jan 25, 2019:
With liberty and justice for all. Just us Rich folks that is!
When you map it all out the effect is astounding.
davknight comments on Jan 26, 2019:
When Maduro's 72 hrs are up, we can make it 57. Trump would give nothing more than a casus belli for US military intervention in Venezuela. For no other reason than to show what a "tough" guy he is, to regain some of his lost support.
Most people can’t comprehend this process beyond the first few steps.
davknight comments on Jan 26, 2019:
You can't outlaw Human knowledge. Nor can you keep it secret. If you were whatever Homo Habilus who discovered fire, a million years ago, you could only keep it 'secret' a little while. You can outlaw guns, or drugs. But you can't outlaw the knowledge to manufacture them.
If someone states they hate the ballet, or video games, or art, or any number of other things no one...
davknight comments on Jan 28, 2019:
I noticed that, early on in life. Once, when a co-worker asked "Who are the Lions playing this week?" My response was "The Christians! Next week, they get to play the Goths!" Of course, everyone within earshot just stared dumbfounded at me.
1986: Coverage of the Challenger explosion
davknight comments on Jan 29, 2019:
I was sitting on my couch, watching the 'Today Show' coverage. A thought flashed through my mind. 'Watch it blow up!'. Then, for a brief second, I 'saw' it blow up. It was a very visual image, like i was watching it on TV. Only it was still on the launch pad. Then, it was launched; and a few moments later, it blew up in flight. Then, I could remember feeling guilty about the whole thing. But what could I have done? Anyone else ever have a pre-cognitive experience? I have had a few. Some of which saved my life.
Does anyone else my age like the music that's out there now?
davknight comments on Jan 29, 2019:
Most modern music to me, sounds like someone banging two garbage can lids together.
Is the all-volunteer military a success or failure?
davknight comments on Jan 29, 2019:
From NACLA July 1 2008: Outsourcing the Iraq War: Mercenary Recruiters Turn to Latin America Despite the fact that public sentiment in Latin America has been strongly against the Iraq war since it began, thousands of Latin Americans have the joined the occupation, many of them as private contractors hired by U.S. companies like Blackwater and Triple Canopy. July 1, 2008 Eric Stoner In October, Erik Prince, the 39-year-old CEO of Blackwater Worldwide, a leading private security company operating in Iraq, went into damage-control mode. Blackwater employees in Baghdad’s Nisour Square had killed 17 Iraqi civilians the previous month, causing an uproar and the suspension of official diplomatic convoys throughout the country for four days. Making the rounds with the media and testifying before Congress, Prince repeatedly said that his employees are not mercenaries, as critics contend. Citing the definition of a mercenary as “a professional soldier working for a foreign government,” Prince told the House Oversight Committee that in contrast, Blackwater’s employees are “Americans working for America, protecting Americans.” This statement would come as a surprise—and a slap in the face—to the thousands of Latin Americans and others from outside the United States whom the company has hired to fill its contracts in Iraq since the war began. Greystone Limited, a Blackwater affiliate set up in 2004 in the tax haven of Barbados, has recruited Iraq security guards from countries throughout Latin America, including Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, El Salvador, Honduras, and Panama, as journalist Jeremy Scahill has reported. But Blackwater is far from the only such company hiring “third-country nationals,” or employees who are not from the United States or Iraq. In the interest of improving profit margins, private military firms in Iraq are increasingly turning to the developing world for armed guards. Peter Singer, a leading expert on the private security industry at the Brookings Institution, has estimated that there are citizens from 30 countries employed as security contractors in Iraq. While ex-soldiers from the Balkans, Fiji, Nepal, the Philippines, South Africa, and Uganda are all common in Iraq, Latin America has proven to be a particularly fertile recruiting ground for these companies. Latin America, says Adam Isacson, director of programs at the Center for International Policy, is a predictable site for U.S. mercenary companies to recruit personnel. In “what other region of the world are you going to find reasonably westernized people with military experience, in some cases with combat experience, who will work for low wages, who speak a language that a lot of our own military personnel speak,” he asks, noting that ...
Can someone clear this up for me.
davknight comments on Jan 29, 2019:
Faith is trust. Belief is perception?
Another day, another brew....
davknight comments on Feb 1, 2019:
I once went into a Starbucks, and ordered an ordinary cup of Columbian coffee. The clerk told me they "didn't have any". I left, bewildered; and haven't been in a Starbucks since. I try to keep my coffee consumption down to two cups each morning. And that does it for me. On cold mornings, I find a shot of Irish Whiskey gives it all the zing I need. I once wrote a research paper on coffee consumption. Did you know that, as of 1890, coffee consumption in the U.S. was less than 10 lbs per person, per year? To boost sales, U.S. coffee importers conducted an advertising campaign, featuring posters of Victorian-looking women, with stoned smiles on their faces, sniffing the fumes arising off hot cups of coffee. Thus, by 1900, U.S. coffee consumption increased to 100 lbs per person, per year Nowadays, it's somewhere between 160-170 lbs (which means a lot of it must go down the drain!). Israel is the World's biggest consumer of coffee, closely followed by Sweden.
What’s your favorite movie quote?
davknight comments on Feb 4, 2019:
"Worms n buzzards gotta eat too!" The Outlaw Josey Wales
Why is electoral vote used to determine the outcome of the presidential election when the popular ...
davknight comments on Feb 4, 2019:
The U.S. Senate, and the electoral "college" exist to keep political power in the hands of the upper ten-percent of the population.
May we take a break from all the atheist stuff for a second.
davknight comments on Feb 6, 2019:
Bear and bunny rabbit are sitting on log, taking a dump. Bear says to bunny rabbit: "Does your pooh stick to your fur too, when taking a dump?" Bunny Rabbit: "Oh no! Us Bunnies don't have that problem!" Bear: "Really? Great!" ( picks up bunny, and wipes butt with him).
Do you trust businessmen to look out for your best interests?
davknight comments on Feb 6, 2019:
I think many Trumplerites equate great wealth with great intelligence: "He's a billionaire, aint he?" And Trump uses that mis-idea to make suckers out of them.
Stone age Swiss Army Knife
davknight comments on Feb 7, 2019:
The most unusual stone tool I ever saw was in the park museum of Rocky Mountain National Park. This was a stone twist drill, with right-hand flutes. It was only about 3" in length, and was probably used in drilling holes through seashell ornaments. I don't remember how old it was supposed to be; but human habitation in that region goes back 6,500 years. And pocket knives go back to ancient Rome. Few specimens survive, but at least a few can be seen in the National Knife Museum, in Chattanooga, TN.
Siberian deep freeze breaks 50-year record
davknight comments on Feb 7, 2019:
I'm waiting for Trump to tell them they just need to shovel their snow! Then, it wouldn't be so cold!
Donald Trump has accidentally told an audience of global religious leaders that America’s greatest...
davknight comments on Feb 8, 2019:
His aids ought to design him corks, for both his mouth, and his sphincter, so he can't sputter his idiocy out either end!
As a music lover, I have always envied the mad skills of the talented, even though I don't have the ...
davknight comments on Feb 8, 2019:
Harmonica. Since I was 14. Harmonicas sound awful, until you learn how to play them. So, I'd go up onto railroad tracks, late at night. Or climb up into a tree. When dogs started howling back at me, I knew I was getting good. Bathtubs, and restrooms offered great acoustics too.. There was a certain boy's room at school, that I'd go into when I was skipping a class, and practice my harmonics. Until one day, as I was sneaking back out, I got met with applause by a teacher, and a bunch of students from a class next to the boy's room. Turned out, they could hear me fine! I scurried off embarrassed as heck!
What do you call it when your niece has her first baby.
davknight comments on Feb 8, 2019:
And ta think? We looked like that once!