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Trump says he is leaving the hospital after three days [cnn.
davknight comments on Oct 6, 2020:
The preservation of his own ego is more important to him than his, or the public's health. There ought to be a law against people like him even stepping outside the sanitarium unsupervised.
Question: How is holy water made? Answer: Boil the hell out of it!
davknight comments on Oct 5, 2020:
All bottled water sold in supermarkets is distilled tap water. Doesn't matter if label says distilled, purified, or spring water. It's all distilled tap water. Bottled water is like aspirin. It's all chemically identical. The only difference is the price.
With Trump's recovery, perhaps he'll lose the election and spend some more time at his Florida golf ...
davknight comments on Oct 5, 2020:
Fat chance. Trump don't swim, don't float,, don't hike, don't fish, don't camp, don't hunt,, don't work, dont read, don't write, don't do anything but put on a facade. Dogs don't like him. Cats don't like him. Snakes, alligators, and Gila monsters don't like him. Sharks and crocodiles don't like him. They all know he sickens the stomach . Even the buzzards and vultures barf at the very thought!
Who else thinks Trump should go off to his own Island & leave America the f alone?
davknight comments on Oct 4, 2020:
I think more in terms of ice floes. Arctic ice floes, covered in Polar Bear scat. Or, Antarctic ice floes, covered in Penguin pooh.!
The latest Trump updates live claim today that Trump is doing well and might be out of Walter Reed ...
davknight comments on Oct 4, 2020:
Actually, he just left the hospital in a motorcade. Presumably to show he is still the Fuhrer, and still in charge. Nope! He just took a trip around the block, for the benefit of his fan club, outside .Now he's back in the hospital!
So....would they keep him on a ventilator for 30 days, or let mole-eye Mike have a go?
davknight comments on Oct 3, 2020:
I wouldn't put it past him to try and postpone the election, to make up for the time he is quarantined.
So where do you get your morality from if you’re an atheist?
davknight comments on Oct 3, 2020:
Fleetwood Mac: Dont ask me what I think of you I may not give the answer that you want me to!
I can't resist
davknight comments on Oct 3, 2020:
Life's a bleach, ain't it?
I'm sure I speak for all Americans when I say, 'Our thoughts and prayers are with you, Mr.
davknight comments on Oct 3, 2020:
Don't all the phoney condolences make you sick? Imagine the people of Nazi-occupied Europe sending Hitler condolence cards upon learning he'd been hospitalized because of bubonic plague!
I guess the consequences of Trump hanging out with Hope Hicks is removing a lot of hope from a lot ...
davknight comments on Oct 2, 2020:
There's a lot of female hicks out there that harbor secret sex fantasies about Donnie Diapers! I figure they must all share Donnie's Urophage fantasies!
Well just trump and meliania so far but more to come all the kids and jared and miller and Jordon...
davknight comments on Oct 2, 2020:
I'll try not to get my hopes up until he's hooked up to a respirator, gasping his last breath, and foaming at the snout!
Just saw it on CNN and 3 others.
davknight comments on Oct 2, 2020:
He longed for a Nobel Prize, but got the Darwin Award instead! Whoopsy Daisy!
What Did Trump Mean When He Told Proud Boys to ‘Stand Back and Stand By’?
davknight comments on Sep 30, 2020:
I actually don't think he meant anything by it. He tends to babble in sentence fragments of adolescent gibberish, which often contain fragments of his innermost thoughts. "Stand back" could be his Id telling his Ego to feel on the defensive. While "stand ready" could be his Id telling his ego to prepare a counterattack. Trumpy is mentally ill, and babbles like someone who is mentally ill. But it is unsettling that some of his brownshirts apparently mistook his psychobabble as actual marching orders.
Trump and Ivanka could both face prison - AOL News
davknight comments on Sep 29, 2020:
Rack them! Woold them! Spit them! Roast them!
I always get a little boost of happy walking around my neighborhood with my dog.
davknight comments on Sep 28, 2020:
Buy a bag of beef jerky; and every time your dog pees on a Trump sign, reward him with a piece of jerky!
Can you believe what he paid in taxes to the USA America first my ass
davknight comments on Sep 28, 2020:
He's probably paid less in taxes than Al Capone!
Im not afraid of the truth, is anyone else?
davknight comments on Sep 27, 2020:
And the Fuhrer still doesn't have any pants!
'They Hate My Guts': Sen.
davknight comments on Sep 26, 2020:
They say poor Lindsey is going stark, raving, Graham crackers!
Or is it Cheeses?
davknight comments on Sep 26, 2020:
Jesus cheese? None for me, thanks!
While work was slow I was browsing for some posters, and I ran across this gem.
davknight comments on Sep 25, 2020:
They could also photoshop Trump in tar n chicken feathers, being run out of town on a rail!
I didn't write this.
davknight comments on Sep 25, 2020:
The only thing that isn't fake about Trump is his Philistine mentality. He is the arch-typical Philistine!
Have you ever been irritated at someone for popping your “bubble?
davknight comments on Sep 25, 2020:
There are four main dialects of American English--New England (Bahston, Cah Pahk), Northeastern (spoken mainly in about a fifty mile radius of NYC), General American Dialect (basic Websterian English), and Southern. Having lived in six states, I've picked up a little bit of each. Mostly, I speak a patois of General American, and Southern. You speak whatever dialect you grew up hearing. Keep in mind, what you consider English, the English would consider 'Yank'.
May he dies a slow and agonizing death-- he deserves it []
davknight comments on Sep 25, 2020:
At last! Some good news!
The civil war has begun!!! trump cult members yelling and screaming at early voters in ...
davknight comments on Sep 22, 2020:
For dispersing large crowds of Trumparchist crazies, ammonium sulfide capsules work well. Purchased in magic supply shops, the capsules are nonchalantly tossed on the ground. Within the space of a few minutes, the Trumparchist are stepping on them, breaking them open. And the ammonium sulfide reacts with the air to produce a noxious stench, akin to a herd of constipated cows having bowel movements all at once! The crowd will flee from the stench, ideally stepping on more capsules in the process.
“There is really only one question you ever need to direct at someone to work out whether or not ...
davknight comments on Sep 22, 2020:
Dogs, cats, turkey vultures, and squirrels like me. So, I must be okay!
Prison After Presidency?
davknight comments on Sep 22, 2020:
That's easy! We wait until after Trump is out of office. Then, we RICO Act the entire Trump Crime Family!
A perfect example of how old technology can defeat new technology. []
davknight comments on Sep 22, 2020:
Nothing is ever truely obsolete, until it has completely outlived its usefulness!
What make one decide whether there is s God or not?
davknight comments on Sep 22, 2020:
Poverty, as a child.
Why do people believe in the devil when it’s obviously a myth?
davknight comments on Sep 22, 2020:
If you are going to have a 'Great Spirit' to regulate human behavior, it becomes necessary to have an 'Evil Spirit' to explain human's 'bad' behavior. The one is the antithesis of the other.
Trump Pushes to Reap Biometric Data From Immigrants, Americans []
davknight comments on Sep 22, 2020:
I want to see a biometric scan of Trump! I want to know how much hippopottamus dna he has!
What a good doggy
davknight comments on Sep 22, 2020:
The sad thing is, Trump may get aroused by it. We know that getting peed on arouses him. So maybe coprophage turns him on too. Adolph Hitler was supposedly a coprophage.
George Soros is financing the annihilation of law and order in the U.
davknight comments on Sep 22, 2020:
The pro-Trumpy sites on FB are saying the same thing. Are you a Trumparchist too? And is this an attempt to distract attention from Trumpian lunacy, by starting up a conspiratorial rumor?
To make the country a better place what one law would you add to the books?
davknight comments on Sep 22, 2020:
To run for any public office, you must have an IQ of at least 85!
trump and his Fascist AG Barr have declared parts of this country Anarchist Jurisdictions!!! Now ...
davknight comments on Sep 22, 2020:
The whole country is in a state of Trumparchy!
Has the insanity monster taken over our normal normality???
davknight comments on Sep 21, 2020:
Charles Manson thought he was slick for having brainwashed 20 teenage runaways. But he had nothing on Donnie Diapers, who has 40 million or more brainwashed cult members!
Trump’s gene comments ‘indistinguishable from Nazi rhetoric’, expert on Holocaust says | The ...
davknight comments on Sep 21, 2020:
Trump doesnt come from a line of racehorses. Maybe a line of broken-down nags!
Ok...i havent been around for a while, but WTF happened on here?
davknight comments on Sep 19, 2020:
Who bit you in the arse?
Do you think Democracy will stand the test of time?
davknight comments on Sep 19, 2020:
Bourgeois Democracy will be replaced by Social Democracy.
Head of Federal Election Commission calls separation of church and state a ‘fallacy’ and 2020 ...
davknight comments on Sep 19, 2020:
Let the Purges begin! After Biden wins, of course!
I went to an all-girl catholic high school in Ohio and finally agreed to go to the latest reunion, ...
davknight comments on Sep 19, 2020:
I've never been to a single HS reunion, since graduating nearly fifty years ago. But I manage to keep apprised via FB, and It never ceases to amaze me how reactionary many of my classmates turned out. I have no plans to go to the fiftieth reunion. But if I did, I'd avoid all political/ religious discussions. And I would probably leave when all the braggadocio began.
This photo and the article explain why so few men find girlfriends on this site: ...
davknight comments on Sep 18, 2020:
I have been in a few Pentecostal churches, and was quick to notice that the wealthiest, and most influential members of the congregation always sat in the left front pews. From there, the mayor, police chief, and other 'important' men would pick their noses, ball up the mucous, and flick it ( a ritual originating with 18th century English magistrates, who would flick their mucous at the defendents in criminal cases). The most impoverished parishioners, as well as the residents of any homeless shelter the church supported sat in the right front pews, so the whole congregation could glare smugly at them. In the middle pews sat the biggest sinners in town- the drunks, the dopers, the wife- beaters, the dog-beaters, etc. Behind them sat the single adults shopping for partners. Behind them, sat the teenagers, monkeying around with each other. In short, regardless of your station in life, there was a section of pews just for you! In many small towns, church becomes the focal point of socialization. And the preferred place to go, when in search of romance, or just plain monkeying around!
If you think trump and the republicans are not snide, deceitful, liars, and evil false fraudulent ...
davknight comments on Sep 17, 2020:
Looks like the right wing version of the Weekly World News!
Never in their 175 year history has Scientific American endorsed a presidential candidate .
davknight comments on Sep 17, 2020:
We've never had a fascist cult leader in the White House before!
How Atheist Eat Babies! []
davknight comments on Sep 17, 2020:
Ground, formed into patties, and smothered in provolone and parmesano cheese, you get Bambino Parmesano! I like it washed down with a nice Chianti!
Social Media Reacted To A Photo Appearing To Show Ivanka’s Hand Awkwardly Placed In Trump’s ...
davknight comments on Sep 16, 2020:
Picking Daddy's pocket maybe?
So I go back into FB to contest my ban, this is my second time to be banned and request an ...
davknight comments on Sep 16, 2020:
FB is probably pretty busy these days! I got banned from there once, for trolling the Trumpies. I also file lots of complaints against loudmouth Trumpies who threaten violence.
I’ve never watched the Dr.
davknight comments on Sep 15, 2020:
Mar-a-Lago probably wasnt a bad place either, until Trump and his cultists moved in.But if you want to watch cult leaders being interviewed on tv, just watch FOX News!
Tom Cotton 's wife is probably miserable.
davknight comments on Sep 15, 2020:
Oh, his wife is probably as much a dingbat as he is!
davknight comments on Sep 15, 2020:
The United States is carpeted with crazed religious cults. The biggest, and most dangerous, worships a bellowing, orange-haired mad man named Trump!
Is there any practical benefit whatsoever in voting blue (versus not voting or voting third party) ...
davknight comments on Sep 15, 2020:
All votes uncast, or wasted on third party candidates are votes for Trump and his fascists!
Posted by a trump cult member who probably considers themself religious.
davknight comments on Sep 15, 2020:
There is a FB page, called " We Love President Trump", where many of his fans make these Jesus-Trump analagies. It would be hilarious except there are Trump Cultists who really believe this stuff! I troll them without mercy. For a good laugh, or just to troll, you should check it out!
For years I always hear, The US is a Christian nation. Guess what?
davknight comments on Sep 15, 2020:
The whole World calls us an Asshole Nation now!
Posted by a trump cult member who probably considers themself religious.
davknight comments on Sep 14, 2020:
Jesus is Trumpy! Trumpy is Jesus! Helter Skelter! Praise the Lord!
RNC chairwoman says history will vindicate Trump's coronavirus handling
davknight comments on Sep 14, 2020:
History will record the Trump Era as Americas Dark Age.
Venus is hell, but science is seriously for life in its skies Researchers float a hypothesis ...
davknight comments on Sep 14, 2020:
Venus is Earth's future. One day, the Goldilocks Zone will shrink, and only airborne microbes, in asbestos suits and gas masks, will be able to survive a future Earth's atmosphere.
When and how do you reveal past mistakes to new romantic interests?
davknight comments on Sep 14, 2020:
It all boils down to the two rules of life: Never rat on your friends. And always keep your mouth shut!
So, there I was sitting on my front veranda, drinking a well earned coffee, minding my own business.
davknight comments on Sep 12, 2020:
His "God" was trying to say: Thou art damned if thee doeth And damned if thee don't doeth!
I can't stand when the right says "EVERYONE should be responsible for their own health care.
davknight comments on Sep 11, 2020:
I hear ya! Been there, done that. You are by no means alone! One fine day, ours may become one of the Civilized Nations, and adapt a national health care plan, like the developed countries have! In the meantime, keep your chin up, and continue your schooling. (Perhaps your school has a counselor, who can advise you as to resources available to you?). And when you hear Trumpian idiots badmouthing people who aren't rich, just remind them that the biggest welfare cheats there are, are the Rich themselves! And also ask them how that Trumpy Care is working for them!
PLEASE...let us NEVER FORGET! Where were you when it happened?
davknight comments on Sep 11, 2020:
I was driving the 20 mile commute, across Colorado's high plains, to my job. The radio would cut out every time I hit a dip in the ground. But I did hear some djs talking about a plane hitting a skyscraper, which I thought was a part of some joke they were telling. When I got to work, a co-worker was watching it all unfold on CNN. I said to him "Well, I guess it was no joke?". To which, he replied "No. No joke". Then, he remarked that he had a cousin who worked in one of those towers. Then, the second plane impacted. And I felt like someone hit me in the head with a hammer. I'd seen a lot of dramatic/ historic events unfold on television. But nothing like that. And I immediately knew the death toll was going to be enormous. I continued to feel like I'd been hit in the head with a hammer, for the duration of that week. My co-worker called his cousin the next day, and he was alright. He worked high up in the first tower that was hit. Their boss told them "Don't worry! Its just an air conditioning unit, falling off the roof! It happens all the time!" But as their offices started to fill up with smoke, they realized it was something more serious, and they hightailed it down the stairs, and out of the building.
The Indian Government is considering going back to putting flesh-eating turtles in the Ganges, ...
davknight comments on Sep 10, 2020:
Just a few months back, India's PM suggested people drink Ganges River water to prevent covid 19. I was amazed Trump didn't immediately suggest it in one of his press briefings!
I think in some photos of Donald Trump, like two, he looks sort of like Jerry Orbach.
davknight comments on Sep 10, 2020:
Funny. Trump always reminds me of Joe Pesci, trying to sound 'tough'. But Pesci is way too short to portray him in a film.
Does the evidence for reincarnation prove (at least some kind of) 'god' exists?
davknight comments on Sep 10, 2020:
First, cite the proof for reincarnation!
Homeschool religion
davknight comments on Sep 10, 2020:
It is important to be able to recognize mental illness when you encounter it!
Homeschool religion
davknight comments on Sep 10, 2020:
Many University anthropology departments offer a course in World Religions. I took one once. Like abnormal psych classes, it teaches you what you're up against!
What Michael Cohen says Trump will do if defeated. []
davknight comments on Sep 10, 2020:
Trumpy will hold his breath until his face turns blue, and expel a strenuous stream of green shit straight out his bunghole!
This nomination is proof positive that there are crazy people everywhere even in Norway.
davknight comments on Sep 10, 2020:
Both Hitler and Mussolini were nominated for Nobels. Neither got them of course.
WTF, has someone somewhere REALLY gone and lost their tiny mind?
davknight comments on Sep 10, 2020:
Relax! Donnie Diapers has as much a chance at getting a Nobel as would have Idi Amin!
Western civilization question
davknight comments on Sep 7, 2020:
It is a thinly disguised euphamism for such.
“If you pluck the chicken one feather at a time, no one will notice, including the chicken” ...
davknight comments on Sep 7, 2020:
"In America, there is a sucker born every minute"--P T Barnum
“If you pluck the chicken one feather at a time, no one will notice, including the chicken” ...
davknight comments on Sep 7, 2020:
"Propaganda should be directed towards the emotions rather than to the intellect. Propaganda must be popular and it's level must be low enough for it to impress itself on the simplest mind."-- Adolph Hitler, "Mein Kampf"
I was listening on the radio to a bit of a philosophy last evening where the person being ...
davknight comments on Sep 6, 2020:
Religions, Governments, Authority, and Money all cease to wield any power once people stop believing in them.
You knew it was bound to happen.
davknight comments on Sep 5, 2020:
Blubbety blub blub!
A lot of people on the right are focusing on the looters and rioters being bad, yet failing to ...
davknight comments on Sep 5, 2020:
The good news is that four boatloads of Trumplerites are sinking in Lake Travis!
A lot of people on the right are focusing on the looters and rioters being bad, yet failing to ...
davknight comments on Sep 5, 2020:
Radical means getting at the roots of something. "There are a thousand hacking at the branches, to the one who hacks at the roots". Radicalism is anathema to the thinking of the Philistines, to whom all is well, and if someone is having a hard time, it's all their fault. It would never occur to the Philistine to challenge the legitamacy of their own beliefs. Because then they would have to challenge the very system that gave them their comfortable bourgeois existence.
Jeffrey Goldberg: I think Trump is genuinely confused by service
davknight comments on Sep 5, 2020:
Trumpy is confused by REALITY. He sees the World from inside his golden toilet!
Trump: Americans Who Died in War Are ‘Losers’ and ‘Suckers’ - The Atlantic
davknight comments on Sep 5, 2020:
The biggest losers and suckers of course, are Trump's supporters!
Trump to Feds: Stop 'Anti-American' Training on 'Critical Race Theory’ | RealClearPolitics
davknight comments on Sep 5, 2020:
As the election gets closer, the dog whistles get louder.
Why do we like distant train whistles?
davknight comments on Sep 4, 2020:
Because trains are always going somewhere. As a teenager, I taught myself blues harmonica, partly by sitting up on train tracks late at night, and trying to emulate their whistles. I also attracted a lot of dogs, who liked to howl along!
davknight comments on Sep 4, 2020:
Hmm. For one thing, an agnostic church would be an oxymoron. For another, we don't shake down morons for 'offerings'.
The dedication to stupidity is breathtaking to behold.
davknight comments on Sep 3, 2020:
They used to put them in asylums. Then came 'park bench therapy'. Nowadays, group homes are the norm.
God's loophole
davknight comments on Sep 3, 2020:
Trump's anus?
Christian Group Seeks Removal Of Dinosaur From Tucson McDonald's | Tucson, AZ Patch
davknight comments on Sep 3, 2020:
Too bad we can't clone some Velociraptors, and turn em loose on the Trumpies, and the Evangelical wingbats!
Christian Group Seeks Removal Of Dinosaur From Tucson McDonald's | Tucson, AZ Patch
davknight comments on Sep 3, 2020:
"Sorry! But if we find it in the ground, it was up and stomping around, once upon a time!"--the words of an old geology professor of mine, to a student who was upset that the World wasn't 6,000 years old, like her evangelical parents had taught her.
Does anyone else travel long distances in their sleep?
davknight comments on Sep 3, 2020:
Not since I was an acid-dropping teenager! So far as the roaming goes, just call the customer service number, and ask the CSR to look into it. They ought to be able to tell you in a few minutes when and why your phone was roaming.
A facebook friend posted this.
davknight comments on Sep 2, 2020:
Sounds like a childlike defense of usury.
I'm an old man now, but I suspect that I have ASD.
davknight comments on Sep 2, 2020:
About 15 yrs ago, when I was 50, I was being treated for depression, and the shrink strongly implied I had Aspergers, but wouldn't actually diagnose it. I researched it online, took an online Aspy test, and yes, I'm an Aspy! And I suddenly realized why Mr Spock was always my favorite Star Trek character! Why woudn't the shrink diagnose it? I don't know. I think she wanted to encourage me to research it myself, for whatever reason.
Who does China prefer as POTUS - and why? []
davknight comments on Sep 2, 2020:
Actually, if I was Chinese, I'd hope for a Trump victory, knowing that four more years of him would destroy the U.S.!
Joy Reid: 'Trump is openly encouraging more violence'
davknight comments on Sep 1, 2020:
Our Trumpy says that men in black are flying around the country, fomenting all the ant-archy!
A weird cult is moving its operations to Kauai.
davknight comments on Sep 1, 2020:
So long as they don't start having kook kar karavans, you are probably pretty safe!
It is frightening to me that nearly half of Americans think trump is handling the protests ...
davknight comments on Sep 1, 2020:
They felt that way about Nixon too.
Hi! I'm brand new, just signed up yesterday.
davknight comments on Sep 1, 2020:
When you attend church services, simply pretend you are a cultural anthropologist observing the religious rites of a primitive tribe.
I wonder if voting for Trump, McConnell and company at this point amounts to being severely disloyal...
davknight comments on Sep 1, 2020:
The Republican Party has been the party of the extremely stupid rich for over a century now. So, no, their support for Trumpy is simply them being true to form.
Trump says he doesn't want his supporters to confront left-wing protesters
davknight comments on Sep 1, 2020:
Trumpy says 'dark forces' are sending plane-loads of anarchist regurgitaters from city to city, inciting riots and mayhem!
Chew on this for a while, then tell us what you think. []
davknight comments on Sep 1, 2020:
Seventy-five years ago, he would have been in the Hitler Youth!
Credible? []
davknight comments on Sep 1, 2020:
I sure hope so! Not that I have much faith in Biden. But Trumpy has to go! And the White House needs to be completely fumigated of trumpian vermin!
Has anyone read a book & when you were finished you felt sad b/c it was the end?
davknight comments on Sep 1, 2020:
"The Island", by Peter Benchly. Great idea. But the book was too short.
A weird cult is moving its operations to Kauai.
davknight comments on Sep 1, 2020:
Maybe they'll invite Trumpy over for Kool-aid, and chocolate cake?
A weird cult is moving its operations to Kauai.
davknight comments on Sep 1, 2020:
From what I could find on the internet, they sound like real wingbats!
A weird cult is moving its operations to Kauai.
davknight comments on Sep 1, 2020:
Trump will probably claim they are "good people".
The right wing trump cult militias convoys into Portland over the weekend!!! trump supported ...
davknight comments on Aug 31, 2020:
The Kook Kar Karavans are comprised of drunken, beerbellied, petite bourgeois types from suburbia and exoburbia. If they come to your town, greet them with homemade caltrops, spike strips, rotten tomatoes, rotten avocados, and eggs filled with paint! Wrist Rockets firing fried marbles are also useful in letting them know they are unwelcome!