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An aged (wo)man is but a paltry thing, A tattered coat upon a stick, unless Soul clasp its hands...
davknight comments on Aug 31, 2020:
May you live a hundred years! And may you drink ten-thousand beers! Happy Birthday to You!!!
Nice Bell Bottoms? ... I thought they were way cool! Did you like them too?
davknight comments on Aug 31, 2020:
I remember that girl! Her belly button too! The extra wide-flared bell bottoms were called 'elephant pants', and were a short-lived fashion trend ca. 1970-'71.
davknight comments on Aug 30, 2020:
I didn't know the Trump campaign had such ardent supporters in New Zealand?!
Secretly recorded audio of Trump’s sister prompts new call for investigation into his admission to...
davknight comments on Aug 29, 2020:
I'd like to know how he got into first grade, after getting kicked out of kindergarten!
Is it important to debate Donald Trump in order for Joe Biden to win?
davknight comments on Aug 29, 2020:
All Biden has to do, to make a fool out of Trump in a debate, is use lots of BIG words! HUGE words, with more than three syllables! Trumpy will be SOOO confused!
😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂 [motherjones.
davknight comments on Aug 29, 2020:
Many Trumplerites have kinky fantasies regarding their Fuhrer.
3-Year-Old Clinging to Unicorn Float is Rescued from Sea in Greece
davknight comments on Aug 28, 2020:
Her and that unicorn will be besties for life!😊
'The Daily Show' trolls Trump with a full page ad in the New York Times
davknight comments on Aug 28, 2020:
Id still like to see a full-length Robert Crumb comic book satire of the Trumps!
Al Gore: If Trump Refuses to Concede, the Military Would Run Him Out
davknight comments on Aug 28, 2020:
Or maybe, a part of them would TRY to bounce him out of the White House. We live in dangerous times!
Trump -- defiant and dark as ever -- claims Biden would destroy America [cnn.
davknight comments on Aug 28, 2020:
Mussolini made his son-in-law, the Count Ciano, Economics Minister.
Just atrocious and unlawful
davknight comments on Aug 27, 2020:
Has anyone noticed that Barron Trump is looking more and more like Herman Munster? Perhaps we should start calling him FrankenTrumpy?
Kellyanne Conway argues Trump is champion for women
davknight comments on Aug 27, 2020:
Only to those who cater to his Urophage fetish.
Kyle Rittenhouse, charged in Kenosha shooting, was obsessed with cops - Insider
davknight comments on Aug 27, 2020:
These are the kinds of twisted authoritarians that Trumplerism and police departments attract.
Holy Hate: The Far Right’s Radicalization of Religion
davknight comments on Aug 25, 2020:
One gets the feeling that their 'God' is an orange-haired Baby Huey, with a Goering belly, and a Mussolini-sized ego. The only things missing are the Himmler boots, and the Charlie Chaplin moustache.
O Fortuna!
davknight comments on Aug 25, 2020:
Guilfoyle did everything but yell "Eine Reich, Eine Volk, Eine Fuhrer!" In her screechfest!
The Failure Convention!!! The president of Death, Despair, and Devastation ask America for four ...
davknight comments on Aug 24, 2020:
Actually, he asked for TWELVE more! He will claim he was " only joking", of course.
Trump says he wants ‘GOD’ in Sunday tweet
davknight comments on Aug 24, 2020:
GOD: Hey Trump! You're toast!
What does A in this version of A-Team stand for?
davknight comments on Aug 24, 2020:
American Asshole!
Aggressive police again provoke rioting by shooting an unarmed black man in the back.
davknight comments on Aug 24, 2020:
At the very least, they need to take away the self-loading pistols, and issue only S&W Barney Fife revolvers, with only ONE bullet each. That would make them alot less trigger-happy.
Just wondering why Donald Trump has never called Putin a nasty little nickname, as he has so many ...
davknight comments on Aug 24, 2020:
Vlad: Because I have the pee tapes!
D Trump has made America great enough, UNICEF is taking care of sick kids of USA for the first time ...
davknight comments on Aug 23, 2020:
We're really getting up there in the World, eh?
California judge orders trump to pay legal fees of Stormy Daniels!! Woohoo!! []
davknight comments on Aug 23, 2020:
And what about all those unpaid golden showers sessions Trumpy stiffed her for???
Well, it happened. Someone that I respect is a Qanon believer. It's so fucking dumb. I just can't.
davknight comments on Aug 23, 2020:
Tell them you are from Kooks Anonymous, and that they must give you their stimulus money. Otherwise, the International Deep State, Cannibal Headhunter, Zombie Baby Basher, Anarcho-Communist, Socialismic Conspiracy will take over the World!
PotUS 45 has been troubled every night now for months by a constant tap, tap, tapping sound that ...
davknight comments on Aug 23, 2020:
It could be an undigested bit of hamberder, or an underdone French fry.
I am going to read more but wanted to ask if anybody knows if the White House and freaking First ...
davknight comments on Aug 22, 2020:
There is a fund that the POTUS has access to. No one knows when it was established, how much is in it, or how much is deposited each year. The POTUS can use it for whatever he/she wants. And the Secret Service bodyguards are allowed to dip into it. The funds are disbursed by the head of the White House Military Office. A former director of which wrote a book back in the 1980s about his experiences, from LBJs presidency through Jimmy Carter's. According to him, JFK used it to build a fallout shelter under his Hyannisport MA home. LBJ used it to make some improvements on his Texas ranch. Nixon used it to build helicopter landing pads at his Key Biscayne, and San Clemente homes. Also to put in anti-shark screens around the swimming area at Key Biscayne. LBJ had a brother named Sam. And whenever he came to DC, he insisted on being picked up by chauffeured limos, and staying in the best hotels in Washington. So, that too, was paid out of the special Exexutive Fund. Jimmy Carter used it to re-model his mom's house, under the pretext of it being a 'national historic site'." Take it while ya canJimmy", his mom allegedly told him. To which, he replied " I will momma! I will!" I'm sure Trumpy was enthralled upon learning it was an added fringe benefit of being the POTUS. But what he dips into it for will have to wait until his chief of the WHMO writes a tell-all book.
Where is the Republican Convention going to be? Any one know?
davknight comments on Aug 22, 2020:
Either a country club, or an airplane hangar.
I try to use as many of these as possible.
davknight comments on Aug 22, 2020:
My favorites: Fat Stupid Orange Dumbo Bellowing Hippopotamus Baby Huey Donnie Diapers
Hey guys.
davknight comments on Aug 22, 2020:
Teach them how to read and write BEFORE they start the public schools. Impress upon them that anything they want to learn about can be learned from BOOKS. Buy them BOOKS, as well as toys. Introduce them to the LIBRARY, and how to use it. In no time at all,they will be formulating their own opinions.
Growing up a Boomer I had to suffer through TV shows my parents liked.
davknight comments on Aug 22, 2020:
My older sister hogged the tv when Dobie Gillis was on. My escape was through the pages of MAD Magazine. However, not too long ago, a local station began showing episodes of Dobie Gillis, and what struck me most was that his Dad was an independent grocer. Independent grocers are almost extinct. It certainly was a different time!
One-on-one with Mike Pence who refers to his wife as 'mother'. []
davknight comments on Aug 21, 2020:
Actually, Abraham Lincoln addressed his wife as "mother". So, I'm guessing it originated in the nineteenth-century.
The Republican Embrace of QAnon Goes Far Beyond Trump
davknight comments on Aug 21, 2020:
Lately, I've taken to going on a hard-core Trumpy FB site, pretending to be from K-Anon (Kooks Anonymous), and trolling the hell out of the Trumpies!
Should Trump be able to 'block' critics on Twitter ? why/not ?
davknight comments on Aug 21, 2020:
He'll never stop me! I've been trolling Baby Huey for years!
Trump Claims That Cats And Dogs Are Receiving Mail-In Ballots, Animals Are Mum
davknight comments on Aug 20, 2020:
Dogs don't like him. And cats like to piss in his hotel rooms, and shit on his golf carts!
Perfect tone and clarity...
davknight comments on Aug 19, 2020:
As kids in our early teens, we used to go up on a railroad embankment, behind a neighborhood drive-in. We'd send a kid we called the 'human squirrel' down to sneak through a hole in the fence, then turn on all the speakers in the back row, so we could hear the movie, as well as see it.
"Let Then Rot": Trump Amplifies Ugly Attack On 'Democrat' Cities | HuffPost
davknight comments on Aug 17, 2020:
He sure would be surprised if all these "blue" States raised a New Continental Army to sweep the country clean of Trumplerite fascists.
When is Jesus coming back? The question on the lips of almost every believer.
davknight comments on Aug 15, 2020:
What's white n silver n shoots across the sky? The Second Cumming of Christ!
Scenario: What would the world be like if we followed religion to the letter?
davknight comments on Aug 14, 2020:
Oh, about like the Thirty Years War, magnified a million times!
We seem to have a sudden influx of pagans, hello, i wonder have you travelled through the humanist ...
davknight comments on Aug 14, 2020:
Pagans, Wiccans, Satanists,Trumplerites, we get em all. It may be a form of therapy for them. They post something stupid to see what we make of it. Well , If it's too stupid, we can always block them.
"The world’s richest people are chartering private jets to set off for holiday homes or specially ...
davknight comments on Aug 14, 2020:
They can run. But they can't hide.
I, for one, think the "national razor" could solve a tremendous number of problems we have today!
davknight comments on Aug 13, 2020:
WOOLD him!
Will Trump seize the opportunity to innoculate Americans with the Russian developed C19 vaccine?
davknight comments on Aug 13, 2020:
I'm still waiting for him to push the Ganges River water mixed with Clorox cure!
Age test 😁 ???
davknight comments on Aug 13, 2020:
Could we say Americans of the 1960s were obsessed with 'disposability'?
Trump and his obstructionist idiot post master General is removing sorting machines from postal mail...
davknight comments on Aug 13, 2020:
It might start looking like Belarus, come November.
"The pandemic is helping the rich get even richer.
davknight comments on Aug 12, 2020:
That works out to approx $243,000 per every man, woman, and child in the U.S. And they are still squabbling over the $1200 stimulus checks!
Thank you Carly Simon ! [bing.]
davknight comments on Aug 11, 2020:
He is dumb as a rock.
davknight comments on Aug 11, 2020:
It makes me wonder if Frank Zappa might have had Trump in mind, when he wrote "Help, I'm a Rock".
Where is trumps b cert I think he was Russian born or adopted by putin
davknight comments on Aug 10, 2020:
During the Cold War, the KGB referred to someone who worked for them as being "Nash"--meaning, " one of ours" Is Donnie "Nash"? He sure acts like it sometimes!
How to safely/efficiently clean-up space 'junk' ?
davknight comments on Aug 10, 2020:
About 20 years ago, somebody came up with the idea of an orbiting spacecraft that would act as a 'vacuum cleaner' for space junk. But nothing has ever come of the idea.
China to sanction 11 American officials in retaliation, says Chinese Foreign Ministry ...
davknight comments on Aug 10, 2020:
They ought to sanction all TRUMP brand name products made in China.
Reminds me of the time my ex and I conspired to give my son a “naughty” Latin phrase to put in ...
davknight comments on Aug 9, 2020:
My favorite is:Post duo animalia ridere coitus--sacerdos asinus. (Only two animals laugh after intercourse--the Priest and the Ass).
Here’s a question for those of you who love and listen to music.
davknight comments on Aug 9, 2020:
Good point! As a teen, I was quick to notice the qualitative difference between studio-produced recordings, and live performances .To me, the Rolling Stones always sounded better on their records, than live. On the other hand, John Mayall sounded great either way.
How to hurt the Trump campaign every day.
davknight comments on Aug 9, 2020:
This is right up my alley! I'm gonna try this!
Question: are there foreign trolls on here?
davknight comments on Aug 9, 2020:
This is an international site. So, I guess we are ALL trolls! As for myself, I am a Troll-a-Trumpy. I troll Trumpies wherever I find them!
TDS is causing unnecessary deaths. I wonder what the final TDS death count will be. [youtube.]
davknight comments on Aug 8, 2020:
Trumpy Troll alert! A Trumplerite is trying to pull your leg!
Were You Raised In A Single Parent Home Or 2 Parent Home
davknight comments on Aug 8, 2020:
My mom was a Great Dane, and my dad was a Chihuahua. (He stood on a chair).
Hackers Flood Reddit With Pro-Trump Takeovers By apparently compromising moderator accounts, the ...
davknight comments on Aug 8, 2020:
Somewhere in Russia...
Do all Christian denominations believe only they will go to heaven?
davknight comments on Aug 8, 2020:
50th anniversary of Goose Lake International Music Festival, held outside of Jackson, MI.
davknight comments on Aug 7, 2020:
I went to Atlanta Pop, and was so stoned, all I can remember is Mark Farmers guitar solo, while undergoing lysergic brain cell enhancement Amid a greenish haze of burning Hemp and wheat straw vapors Lamenting the lack of enough Cold beer mellowing My cannibinoid throat But digging on the sea Of Southern freaks And Canned Heat n bullfrogs Thumping boogie pound Reverberation of the cereberal Guitar extravaganda (I could foam poam further, but it's awkward on this I-phone!).
Scientists Spot Space Junk With Lasers in Broad Daylight []
davknight comments on Aug 7, 2020:
As of 20 years ago, there were an estimated 250,000 pieces of space junk, each orbiting the Earth at 18,000 miles an hour. There must be 350,000 pieces now. And it amazes me that there have been no collisions between satellites and space junk. A loose screw orbiting at that speed would be enough to put a pretty good sized hole in the international Space Station.
I just installed tik tok. I want to see how my totalitarian government can take it away from me.
davknight comments on Aug 7, 2020:
Chinese Intelligence: "We SEE you!"
I hate when he’s called president.
davknight comments on Aug 7, 2020:
I think of him more as the Asshole of America!
This is not a criticism but instead a factoid.
davknight comments on Aug 5, 2020:
And most restaurant and bar owners skim from the till, to lower the amount they pay in taxes. So when wait staff under-report tips, it is just another example of imitation being the sincerest form of flattery.
Does anyone really think Ronald Reagan was a good person []
davknight comments on Aug 5, 2020:
Reagan--Dumb Bush --Dumber Trump--Dumbest
Why would a lifelong atheist suddenly decide to become baptized into Mormonism and be going on a ...
davknight comments on Aug 5, 2020:
His girlfriend won't marry him unless he joins her church.
What do you think are the reasons why some people believe in supernatural beings, some others don't,...
davknight comments on Aug 4, 2020:
Some people are stupid. Some people are kinda stupid. And some people are smart.
Some assistance please.
davknight comments on Aug 3, 2020:
I took a test for an online dating site, almost fifteen years ago. This test had over 150 questions, many quite idiotic. The site declined me membership, claiming I was too far to the left. As an example of my "deviant" attitudes, they cited how I was uninterested in organized sports! Well, I never again applied to one of those sites, having decided that the people who run them are a bunch of damned idiots!
I personally think that laws of gravity are holding us all down.
davknight comments on Aug 3, 2020:
Better yet, they should all jump off Trump Tower!
We alway knew "Umbrella Man" was a white supremacist or some such. []
davknight comments on Aug 2, 2020:
It wouldn't be the first time. During the Vietnam War, the right-wing group Minuteman provided police and FBI with intelligence on anti-war groups, and also served as agents provacateurs at demonstrations.
Wow, summer has gone by fast.
davknight comments on Aug 1, 2020:
If you live in the North country, there's only two more weeks of bug season. And snow season doesn't start for at least four more weeks.So,the last two weeks of August are perfect for camping trips!
Noam Chomsky says Trump is the most dangerous man in human history, rivalled only by (you guessed ...
davknight comments on Aug 1, 2020:
Oh no! Trumpy is too stupid to be placed up there with a Hitler, a Stalin, Ivan the Terrible, Tamerlane, or Ghenghis Khan.
Here are most of the Donate to trump texts that I received today.
davknight comments on Jul 31, 2020:
Don't you wish you could re-route all your Trumpy scamster emails to Nigerian spamsters, and vice versa?
I was wondering, with the alien DNA and demon semen "doctor" hand picked by the president and ...
davknight comments on Jul 30, 2020:
Many are even stupider! Republicans are the epitome of Stupid!
Should Facebook get broken-up ? why/not ?
davknight comments on Jul 30, 2020:
I oppose any attempt at regulating cyber-space. It's as pretentious as trying to regulate Outer Space.
Donald Trump's America is Unrecognizable
davknight comments on Jul 30, 2020:
Dumb Dumbest Dumber Dummy TV
US coronavirus: Nation could see deaths in the 'multiple hundreds of thousands,' group says - CNN
davknight comments on Jul 30, 2020:
If Trumpy gets a second term, and deaths continue at current rate, it could be more like 1.5 MILLION dead from corona!
Dan Crenshaw: Anti-Fascists Are ‘Fascists’, And Also “Communists”
davknight comments on Jul 28, 2020:
By gaslighting to the stupidest, least educated part of the electorate.
Dan Crenshaw: Anti-Fascists Are ‘Fascists’, And Also “Communists”
davknight comments on Jul 28, 2020:
In Trumpian America Red is Blue Blue is Red Truth is Lies Lies are Truth And No Sense makes Sense!
Giant waves of sand are moving on Mars []
davknight comments on Jul 28, 2020:
Those are just the wee folk who live under the rocks rolling in their sleep!
What if he's so scared of being arrested as a civilian that he cashes out before the inauguration ...
davknight comments on Jul 28, 2020:
Nobody that stupid can disappear. His big mouth would give him away, no matter where he went!
A lot of people have been speculating where President trump was drawing his unmarked, masked Federal...
davknight comments on Jul 28, 2020:
Trumpy's Little Green Pigs are nothing more than prison screws and border guards, clad in 'rambo-commancho' gear, to look 'intimidating'.
I came here to find a friend.
davknight comments on Jul 27, 2020:
We miss you too! Welcome back!
Reading the news.
davknight comments on Jul 27, 2020:
Make the Assholes Go Away!
I’m a gun aficionado, and I sometimes post pictures on Facebook of my target after I’ve shot ...
davknight comments on Jul 27, 2020:
Well, you could have used tomatoes instead of paper targets. But its hard to get tight groups in tomatoes! Personally, I always liked to shoot at watermelons, and old junk cars. I loved seeing the watermelons go kersploosh. And shooting up old junk cars was a lot of fun too!
If Biden wins the election, will he be able to repair the damage done by Trump to Americas standing ...
davknight comments on Jul 26, 2020:
Oh no. Donnie Diapers has set US diplomatic relations back about 80 years. It will take the rest of the 21st Century to repair that level of damage.
Black Lives Matter is a neo-Marxist organization. Yes or No?
davknight comments on Jul 26, 2020:
Let's not confuse Liberalism with Marxism.
This was posted earlier.
davknight comments on Jul 26, 2020:
Trumpy Troll Alert!
The Democrats will not win the presidency or Congress until they purge their support for regressive...
davknight comments on Jul 26, 2020:
Trumpy Troll Alert!!!
Trump's mercenary armies: From Stonekettle Station's Jim Wright In a phone interview with Fox ...
davknight comments on Jul 26, 2020:
Trump's Little Green Pigs are nothing more than prison screws, and border guards, dressed to look militaristic and ' frightening'. They are meant to look 'intimidating'. They are also way overpaid, drawing two paychecks--one from DHS, and one from FBP, ICE, or whatever agency they are drawn from. Which is why Trumpy can't afford to create very many of them . But Trumpy likes to overexaggerate the numbers, in the hopes that his threats will stifle dissent.
This is the poster child for white privilege, white supremacy, and hypocracy. Agree or disagree.
davknight comments on Jul 26, 2020:
More like the poster child for bourgeois Philistine stupidity.
The other day I made a post where I was calling Trump a fascist.
davknight comments on Jul 25, 2020:
Trumpy is fat enough to be a Goerring, stupid enough to be an Idi Amin, but not eloquent enough to be a Mussolini, nor crafty enough to be a Hitler.
Not a "chance", it's HERE!
davknight comments on Jul 25, 2020:
Its BEEN here for at least a hundred years! Its just getting stronger, and more blatant.
Least Intelligent President Ever!
davknight comments on Jul 25, 2020:
Dumb Dumber Dumbest Dingbat TV
I agree!!!!!!!
davknight comments on Jul 25, 2020:
Dumb Dummy Dumber Dumbest TV
In America we have a President who is bragging that he passed a competency test as if he were a 16 ...
davknight comments on Jul 24, 2020:
Trumplerite: "mah hawgs n me love our Trumpy! Cuz he's as iggorant as the rest of us!"
McConnell Laughs When Asked If Covid-19 Bill Will Pass by End of Next Week—When Unemployment ...
davknight comments on Jul 24, 2020:
Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette laughed too, when they heard the mobs were coming for them.
The NRA's silence about tRump's Gestapo has been deafening ...
davknight comments on Jul 23, 2020:
Many of Trump's Little Green Pigs belong to the NRA!
Things were not perfect in Norman Rockwell’s time nor were the police, but I definitely don’t ...
davknight comments on Jul 23, 2020:
Trumps Little Green Pigs arent even police! They are prison guards, and border guards!
Hey everyone.. Trump is gonna do daily briefings on the corona virus again! Isn't that great?
davknight comments on Jul 22, 2020:
Maybe people will get so sick of that nasally, whinebaby voice of his, they won't vote for him?
Trumps Unfinished Business Change the Constitution by executive order.
davknight comments on Jul 22, 2020:
Getting his likeness carved into Mount Rushmore? Winning a Nobel Prize?
Why does Trump say things "will get worse before they get better" when Italy, which had first ...
davknight comments on Jul 22, 2020:
To cover himself, for when the death toll reaches a quarter million.