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A photographic collection of pagan costumes associated with the winter solstice.
davknight comments on Dec 24, 2019:
Now imagine walking into a Pentecostal Church , dressed like that!
Fossils of baby herbivorous dinosaurs found in Australia.
davknight comments on Dec 23, 2019:
We've got those things crawling around, all over Florida!
So, sitting on the throne in a Walmart bathroom, i look over & someone has printed, neatly, in black...
davknight comments on Dec 23, 2019:
You should carry a black sharpie pen with you, to change stuff like that to "Dump Trump 2020", or "Trump 2020 years!".
Do you approve capital punishment?
davknight comments on Dec 23, 2019:
I approve of punishing all Capitalist freeloaders, and fascists capitally!
I remember these in grade school.
davknight comments on Dec 23, 2019:
You'd be amazed at all the people under 50, who have never seen a globe before!
Any one remember the Fugs??? []
davknight comments on Dec 23, 2019:
They were popular in Chicago, back in the late '60s-early '70s.
Rather startling implications, genetically - did other hominids die out due to inbreeding? []
davknight comments on Dec 23, 2019:
I remember once asking an anthro professor if our predecessors cross-bred, to produce the hominid types that would eventually replace them? He just flashed me one of those 'Eureka moment' smiles of his, and said "that is the $64,000 question!". So far, there is genetic evidence of Neanderthal-Modern Homo cross-breeding. But the whole subject needs to be studied in greater detail.
If this does not turn your stomach on how trump and the obstructionist republican could care less ...
davknight comments on Dec 21, 2019:
That's what we feed him when we put him in SuperMax! And when he's doing his mandatory forced labor, raking leaves in National Forests!
Name THREE things about yourself and one not true. Let me guess which one's not true.
davknight comments on Dec 21, 2019:
Mairchairologist Numismatist Orthopedic Butcher
Have you ever entered into a relationship with someone who is associated with some kind of religion ...
davknight comments on Dec 21, 2019:
I had a brief close-encounter with a woman who was a fundamentalist Christian. When she started trying to convert me, I fled for my life!
Let's see if this works.
davknight comments on Dec 21, 2019:
According to eighteenth-century British trader, Alexander Henry, the area just south of Waugoshance Point was the site of L'Arbre Croche, the largest Indian town on the Great Lakes. Some people place it at Cross Village. But this is too far south of where Henry says it was ("20 miles southwest of Fort Michilimackinac"). If his reckoning is correct, then there is an undiscovered Indian town near the highway that runs along Lake Michigan, adjacent to present-day Wilderness State Park. As a boy, I once found some arrowheads in that area.
Trump Claims Women Tell Him Dishwashers Don’t Work Right Anymore: President Trump continued ...
davknight comments on Dec 21, 2019:
I doubt Trump has ever operated a dishwasher in his entire life!
My cousin had one a little different from this one.😁
davknight comments on Dec 21, 2019:
I had one of those! But mine was red!
Let's see if this works.
davknight comments on Dec 21, 2019:
We used to call the iron ore freighters "Great Lakes Aircraft Carriers".
Researchers locate what they believe are two mass graves from Tulsa race massacre of 1921 ...
davknight comments on Dec 21, 2019:
An even bigger mass murder took place in Elaine, Arkansas, in the summer of 1919, when several thousand Federal troops, cops, vigilantes, and actual KKK attacked, and wiped out a community of Black sharecroppers, because White landowners were afraid they were becoming 'bolshevised' by the organizing efforts of a sharecropper's union. The death toll was 150 (low side) to 900. There are doubtlessly mass graves yet to be uncovered, in that area. (Read "Red Summer", by Cameron McWhirter). The Army brought along a dozen water-cooled machineguns, to make the slaughter less 'tiresome'.
I was reading some of the things that were passed in Congress and saw this.
davknight comments on Dec 20, 2019:
Note: Not one penny on affordable housing for Humans!
From an American Tweeter “I was paying $550/month for health insurance this year.
davknight comments on Dec 19, 2019:
And don't get bit by a snake in Florida! If the snake doesn't kill you, the hospital bill will ($25,000-$40,000)!
How does one get their ex-pastor to leave them alone?
davknight comments on Dec 18, 2019:
Just tell him you're not that kind of guy!
How can we stop shootings?
davknight comments on Dec 18, 2019:
For one thing, 24/7 news coverage only serves to encourage them!
My mom's best friend had this on her Silver Tree, anybody here had one? 🎄🎄🎄
davknight comments on Dec 18, 2019:
I think they had one of those in my junior high school gym, on those days when they'd play Strawberry Alarm Clock,Question Mark and the Mysterions, and Tommy James and the Shondells records, and make the girls gym class and the boys gym class dance with each other. I didn't even know how, and always got picked last. As did a certain girl with crossed eyes. As a result, I always got paired off with her!
Love this gate!??!
davknight comments on Dec 18, 2019:
Looks to be of Elven craftsmanship.
Why Some Men Still Dress Like They’re 16
davknight comments on Dec 17, 2019:
It took me until I was 35 to outgrow black leather motorcycle jackets. 45 to outgrow long hair. Blue jeans are all I have left!
What are your thoughts on home schooling?
davknight comments on Dec 17, 2019:
I've noticed there are an awful lot of religious cultists who 'home-school'.
Ever notice how The Wizard of Oz is basically about religion?
davknight comments on Dec 17, 2019:
It seems to have been "borrowed" from "Gulliver's Travels", which was meant as a social satire. I still get a chuckle when the Wiz tells the scarecrow that people with "brains" have but one thing the scarecrow doesn't have--a diploma!
Do you remember what gift Santa brought you in 1968? 🎅🤔
davknight comments on Dec 17, 2019:
The only one I can remember from '68 was a .22 pellet rifle. with which, I promptly shot our landlady's cat square on the tail bone. It flattened the pellet, which ricocheted off the cat; but didn't hurt the cat a bit. Instead, it's hindquarters rotated 90 degrees, swung back down, and off it scampered. Cats have tough butts!
Rather a new and different set of thoughts on cave-art and it's many ramifications - I'm not sure I ...
davknight comments on Dec 14, 2019:
I've always speculated that at least some of it was 'gang graffiti', designed to mark out territory, and warn other Humans away.
Old ad, never have I seen this before. 🤔
davknight comments on Dec 14, 2019:
High tech Hi-Fi from the early 1960s!
Woman Whose Son Was Beaten to Death Read the Bible Before Getting Help | David Gee | Friendly ...
davknight comments on Dec 14, 2019:
Christian EMT: " Take two aspirin, and read some babble from the Bibble!"
Today's hike: "Here, Moosie, come!"
davknight comments on Dec 14, 2019:
Just don't get them riled! When I lived in Colorado, we had a lady who was out walking her dogs one morning; and her dogs scared up a Moose calf. Well, the calf's mom showed up. And boy, was she pissed! She chased the woman around a tree, stomping on her a few times, then sauntered back off into the bush, in indignant triumph.
On Wednesday, December 11, Trump signed an executive order making Judaism a nationality.
davknight comments on Dec 13, 2019:
Where, exactly, is the "country" of "Judah"???
Wisdom for today: “Life is too short for shoes that hurt your feet, friends that make you feel bad...
davknight comments on Dec 13, 2019:
Wise words for today!
Woman Stops Planned Parenthood Protest by Chanting "Yeast Infection"
davknight comments on Dec 13, 2019:
Ammonium sulfide capsules, purchased from magic supply shops will break up/disperse any kind of fascist get-together!
Anyone going to the Trump protest in Battle Creek next week? []
davknight comments on Dec 13, 2019:
Whatever you do, don't buy ammonium sulfide stink capsules from a magic supply shop, take them to the 'Big Charade', infiltrate a crowd of Trumplerite fascists, and "accidentally" scatter a few on the ground!
IN HARM'S WAY Philadelphia, Pennsylvania's district attorney said, "Marijuana is not as harmful ...
davknight comments on Dec 13, 2019:
In full agreement!
What does Christmas mean to you?
davknight comments on Dec 12, 2019:
Christmas is just a reminder I can't have eggnog, drink alcohol, or make wassail, on account of my Diabetes.
I'm interested to know if former Christians here began doubting because of particular doctrines like...
davknight comments on Dec 12, 2019:
I think it was Jean Jaques Rousseau, who said: "I can accept the story about the mother and the child. But not the one about the Virgin Birth."
The Man Who Slapped a Female Reporter’s Butt on TV is a Christian Youth Leader | Hemant Mehta | ...
davknight comments on Dec 12, 2019:
Sounds like a sexual fetish to me. In the nineteenth-century, butt fetishists were known as "mashers", and were often chased down the streets, and beaten by angry mobs. (That is, if the victim herself, didn't beat the perp senseless with her parasol).
Dealing with praying?
davknight comments on Dec 11, 2019:
"First, they prayed to God. Then, they preyed on the Indians"--Mark Twain, on the Pilgrims landing on Plymouth Rock
Time Picks Climate Activist Greta Thunberg as 2019 "Person of The Year"
davknight comments on Dec 11, 2019:
Dirty Diapers Donny is gonna be JEALOUS!
When a DNA Test Says You’re a Younger Man, Who Lives 5,000 Miles Away After a bone marrow ...
davknight comments on Dec 11, 2019:
Hmmm. I've got two pieces of cadaver bone in my spine. I wonder if I have three sets of DNA?
What's a great way to make money from home?
davknight comments on Dec 11, 2019:
Buy disassembled bookcases from Walmart. Then, take them home, put them together, and sell them at a profit. There are lots of people looking to buy bookcases, who are too busy, or lazy, to put them together themselves; and are happy to buy them at twice what you paid for them. Advertise on Craigslist, or sell them at outdoor flea markets.
SWEAT IN FINGERPRINTS A Step toward Roadside Sensing – Non-invasive Detection of a THC Metabolite...
davknight comments on Dec 11, 2019:
A little Elmer's Glue could resolve that problem!
Despite my being an atheist, I still like Christmas.
davknight comments on Dec 10, 2019:
Christmas does have its redeeming qualities. For instance, it is the only time of the year in Christendom, when people are relatively nice to one another!
How do you handle talking to a parent when they are politically opposite of you?
davknight comments on Dec 7, 2019:
I try to avoid conversations with the hopelessly stupid.
How were the pyramids really made, and who built the Pyramids?
davknight comments on Dec 7, 2019:
The Great Pyramids were built by conscripted labor, with every village expected to contribute its quota of draftees .For their efforts, the workers received free gruel, and free beer!
God, if you exist, please take trump instead of Jimmy! I am not a gambling man, but I bet trump ...
davknight comments on Dec 7, 2019:
So, whose gonna go to Donnie Diapers' funeral???
Crazy old ad 🤔The gift that keeps on giving?😂
davknight comments on Dec 7, 2019:
That must be the civilian model. The ones made for the military sold for $20,000 apiece!
The Yule Log, not for me🤮
davknight comments on Dec 7, 2019:
GROSS! (blech! yech! yuck! yackerwhacker!,barf! et al! et al!).
Christian prophet: The Illuminati is emitting frequencies that change people’s DNA so they’ll ...
davknight comments on Dec 6, 2019:
Go Illuminati!
Trump’s Pick to Lead Homelessness Council Thinks Free Food Is ‘Enabling’ - VICE
davknight comments on Dec 6, 2019:
I can't wait for the 'sans domiciles' to rise, and give the real 'welfare cheats' their due!
I wonder if they take turns or if there's an individual out house staffer in charge of changing his ...
davknight comments on Dec 5, 2019:
Louis XIV had a Royal Butt Wiper. I don't doubt that Donnie Diapers has an 'aide-de-depends' who totes an extra package or two, wherever our Sun King goes!
What's the worst job anyone can ever have
davknight comments on Dec 4, 2019:
Sewer worker Prison guard Elephant liner Brick chipper Mover Carpet layer Roofer Slaughterhouse worker Chicken druggist Kennel worker Fast food worker Direct care worker Bee keeper Inside car window cleaner in car wash Stamping press operator Punch press operator Noodler on bottling line Injection molding machine operator Dollar store employee Convenience store employee on afternoon, or midnight shift Psychiatric ward attendant
Did you know that the Prime Minister of the U.K. is known as and the British "Donald Trump"?
davknight comments on Dec 3, 2019:
On the 'plus' side, Johnson is better educated, more articulate, and looks 'saner' than Donnie Diapers!
I remember this and did not like it.🤮
davknight comments on Dec 2, 2019:
This must have been before they started puttin that stuff in little plastic tubs.
I never seen one of these, has anyone ever had one? 🤔
davknight comments on Dec 2, 2019:
Now, just imagine thousands of em marchin down your street!
Majority of Republicans say Trump is better president than Lincoln.
davknight comments on Dec 2, 2019:
That's because the majority of Republicans are Philistines. And Philistines are hopelessly mired in ignorance!
Thank god that the holiday is over!
davknight comments on Dec 2, 2019:
Not quite. ThankChristForGluttonyAndDrunkeness begins with Thanksgiving, and ends on New Years Day.
Okay, which one was your favorite as a boy? 🐴
davknight comments on Nov 30, 2019:
Did they make 'Dale Evans', or 'Annie Oakley' versions for the girls?
Okay, which one was your favorite as a boy? 🐴
davknight comments on Nov 30, 2019:
I can remember having the Gene Autry Model 'D', at $1.39. But I'd have been in seventh heaven, to have the Model 'E', with the faux gold-plating!
Happy Thanksgiving Ya'll... []
davknight comments on Nov 30, 2019:
WABX used to play that entire album, every Thanksgiving!
What is a non-religious ritual you commit to?
davknight comments on Nov 27, 2019:
Getting dressed, taking morning meds, having a cup of coffee, watching the morning news to see what stupid stuff Trump tweeted overnight, watching the Weather Channel. Actually, I once had a cat, who was what you could call 'light-activated'. When I'd turn on the kitchen light--bang! zoom! he'd come running into the kitchen, with that "feed me! feed me!" look on his face.
Are There Any Non Believer Humanitarian Activities?
davknight comments on Nov 27, 2019:
What about the 'White Helmets' in Syria?
I see that most a lot of liberals make fun of call out Christians on their BS but are OK if Muslims...
davknight comments on Nov 27, 2019:
I don't consider myself 'liberal', or 'conservative'. And if Christians catch most of the ridicule on here, perhaps it's because most of this site's members live in predominately 'Christian' countries. And I call a dingbat a dingbat, regardless of religious cult affiliation. Allah-walla-ringy-dingy-dingbat! May a lightening bolt from the blue strike me down!
davknight comments on Nov 27, 2019:
I think maybe the female models are taught to pose, standing slightly sideways, to accentuate their curves?
Pictionary Fun: Okay, the last one was too easy. How about this one?
davknight comments on Nov 27, 2019:
The Drunk Tank?
Need to in order to do the deed.
davknight comments on Nov 27, 2019:
Reminds me of me, as a teenager, after sneaking out back at a family Thanksgiving gathering, to smoke a few joints.
Where is the best place to be an agnostic/atheist?
davknight comments on Nov 27, 2019:
Probably anywhere in Europe, China, Cuba, or North Korea.
Anyone here sapiosexual?
davknight comments on Nov 27, 2019:
I'm definitely more attracted to intellect. But I don't know that I find it more sexually arousing. I think I'm just at that age where internal substance attracts me more than 'pretty faces'.
18000 year old puppy found in ice
davknight comments on Nov 27, 2019:
If it turns out to be a domesticated dog, I wonder if it was owned by Homo Sapiens Sapiens? Or Neanderthals? I once asked an anthro professor of mine, if it was possible that Neanderthals could be found in permafrost. He told me he didn't doubt that they migrated that far north.
Love this wagon, who had one?
davknight comments on Nov 27, 2019:
My Dad always drove station wagons. In fact, when I first got my drivers license, he gave me his old '64 Dodge Dart station wagon (with a push-button transmission). He had just bought a new one, and decided to give me the old one. I quickly christened it the 'Water Buffalo', because you could drive through some rather deep puddles, without the wiring shorting out.
Are Non Believers More Prone To Using Profanity?
davknight comments on Nov 26, 2019:
The English armies that rampaged through France, during the Hundred Years War, would have thought themselves 'good Christians'. Yet, in addition to committing rape, pillage, mass murder, and arson,they "God damned" everything. They "God damned" French beer, French wine, French women, etc. So much so, that French soldiers began referring to them as "Goddamns" (which is supposedly the origin of the expression).
Most common/ridicuous argumento pro religion?
davknight comments on Nov 26, 2019:
"Where do you think you'll go when you die?"
davknight comments on Nov 25, 2019:
There must be millions of us out there!
Do you agnostics decorate for Christmas?
davknight comments on Nov 25, 2019:
Nope. But I like to look at others' Christmas light displays. And nativity scenes don't offend my sensibilities in the slightest. In the early 1900s, a group of Wobblies got arrested up in Washington state. And the cops were surprised they had set up a Christmas tree. "I thought you guys were atheists!" one of the cops said. The Wobs replied that they were celebrating the birthday of "the carpenter of Nazareth, and the fisherman of Galilee"
Old ad.....1952 Coca Cola 🎅
davknight comments on Nov 25, 2019:
They don't hire ad artists like that anymore!
I sure did😊
davknight comments on Nov 25, 2019:
I can vaguely remember being bathed in a sink. Any old port in a storm, as they say!
Has anyone seen these "volcanoes" in person?
davknight comments on Nov 25, 2019:
Tribes around the Great Lakes believed a Giant Sturgeon dwelt within them; and would sacrifice a dog to him, whenever they set out across the lakes in their canoes. They just took the dog, and chucked him in the drink. Could be, that's the Great Sturgeon angrily expelling the last piece of plastic someone fed him!
A huge snake from South America now extinct. Thankfully! []
davknight comments on Nov 25, 2019:
I've seen photographs, taken in the early 1900s of rattlers kilt by Appahoosian mountain folk, that measured 20 foot or more, and were thick as a fire-hose!
Old ad....WTF 🤢
davknight comments on Nov 23, 2019:
I've never seen that. But if it was made by Dupont, it probably wasn't any good for you!
I got a job, one Summer, working for a certain manufacturer that makes ATMs and voting machines.
davknight comments on Nov 23, 2019:
Wow! That musta been a scary experience!
Old ad 🤢 Has anybody heard of this or used it?
davknight comments on Nov 23, 2019:
I made arts n crafts paints for many years. One of the substances I put in my batches was lecithin, an amber-colored derivative of soybeans, that I used to call 'puppy poop', and liked to tell people that it was squeezed from constipated puppies. Kraft ' Potato Fudge' looks like it too, got squeezed from constipated puppies! (Borp! Borp! Borp! Borp! Kerploppetyplop!).
September sunset at Seven Mile Point Beach, Keweenaw County, Michigan, USA.
davknight comments on Nov 23, 2019:
Have you ever had a relationship with someone who converted to a religion?
davknight comments on Nov 23, 2019:
I was gonna marry a girl, who suddenly got 'born again', and backed out. This was in due partly, to a fundamentalist girlfriend of hers, and a television evangelist named "Pastor Parsely". It amazes me the propaganda power of these fundamentalist wingbats!
Exclusive: Humans placed in suspended animation for the first time []
davknight comments on Nov 22, 2019:
Still Gonna Die Lyrics Shel Silverstein So you're takin' better care of your body Becoming more aware of your body. Responding to your body's needs. Everything you hear and read about diets, Nutrition and sleeping position and detoxifying your system, And buying machines that they advertise to help you exercise. Herbs to revitalize you if you're traumatized. Soaps that will sanitize. Sprays to deordorize. Liquid to neutralize acids and pesticides. Free weights to maximize your strength and muscle size. Shots that will immunize. Pills to re-energize you. But remember that for all your pain and gain Eventually the story ends the same... You can quite smokin', but you're still gonna die. Cut out cokin', but you're still gonna die. Eliminate everything fatty or fried, And you get real healthy, but you're still gonna die. Stop drinkin' booze, you're still gonna die. Stay away from cooze, you're still gonna die. You can cut out coffee and never get high, But you're still gonna, still gonna, still gonna die. You're still gonna, still gonna, still gonna die. Still gonna, still gonna, still gonna die. You can even give aerobics one more try, But when the music stops playin', you're still gonna die. Put seat belts in your car, you're still gonna die. Cut nicotine tar, you're still gonna die. You can exercise that cellulite off your thigh. Get slimmer and trimmer, but you're still gonna die. Stop gettin' a tan, you're still gonna die. You can search for UFO's up in the sky They might fly you to Mars where you're still gonna die. You're still gonna, still gonna, still gonna die. Still gonna, still gonna, still gonna die. And all the Reeboks and Nikes and Adidas you buy You can jog up to heaven and you're still gonna die. Drink ginseng tonics, you're still gonna die. Try high colonics, you're still gonna die. You can have yourself frozen and suspended in time, But when they do thaw you out, you're still gonna die. You can have safe sex, you're still gonna die. You can switch to Crest, you're still gonna die. You can get rid of stress, get a lot of rest, Get an AIDS test, enroll in EST, Move out west where it's sunny and dry And you'll live to be a hundred But you're still gonna die. You're still gonna, still gonna, still gonna die. Still gonna, still gonna, still gonna die. So you'd better have some fun 'Fore you say bye-bye, 'Cause you're still gonna, still gonna, still gonna die. Bobby Bare did a great version of this song, on one of his albums.
Can smokers & non-smokers coexist, or even date?
davknight comments on Nov 22, 2019:
I could date smokers, back when I smoked. But I quit in 2014, and can't stand the smell of tobacco smoke. So, nope. I couldn't tolerate being around a smoker!
The US provides military aid to 70% of the world’s dictatorships pretending it is in the name of ...
davknight comments on Nov 22, 2019:
US military aid is basically a racket, that dates back to the Lend-Lease. The US provides a country credit with the Federal Reserve Bank. That country then is required to spend the money credited to them, by buying arms from American defense contractors, who then buy much of the equipment and arms they supply, by buying it surplus from the US government (which has what might be called "Uncle Sam's Used Tank Lot", outside Washington D.C.). US military aid is essentially a US government subsidy to the US armaments industry.
IS IT possible, even desirable, to have a long-distance relationship, with one partner that travels?
davknight comments on Nov 22, 2019:
You have to be wary of people with motor homes, or RVs, that plan their stops in towns, where they have "friends", who will let them park their RV for the night, to avoid the cost of RV campgrounds. (I had a distant relative like that once) Also, people from other countries, whom you've met on internet 'pen-pal' sites, who like to avoid hotel tabs by 'visiting' their new 'pen-friends'. In other words, they might have 'musical partners' that they 'drop in' on, in order to have a free place to stay.
This is an international site and not an American one and I have been critical that Americans ...
davknight comments on Nov 22, 2019:
Actually, I think it's more of an English language site ( unless there are versions in other languages??). And Americans (through no fault of their own) just happen to comprise the majority of English-speaking people.
What a difference a day makes....
davknight comments on Nov 22, 2019:
Commodity fetishism gone wild!
Women get so emotional.
davknight comments on Nov 22, 2019:
Trumpy gets extra-whiney, when his 'depends' are wet!
These were always a pain in the butt😖😁
davknight comments on Nov 22, 2019:
Pop in a bottle always seemed to taste better than pop in a can!
Who here had one?
davknight comments on Nov 22, 2019:
I had a '67 'rag-top' Impala once. I also had a '79 Buick LeSabre, and an '84 Blazer.Those are the only GM products I ever owned.
Did the Aztecs ever take the Spanish for the returning deity Quetzalcoatl?
davknight comments on Nov 22, 2019:
It's said that Moctezuma thought so.But most of the names that sixteenth-century MesoAmericans had for the Spaniards translate into English as "the Stinky People", or "People Who Stink". This is because most sixteenth-century Europeans did not bathe, but once a year.
These were always a pain in the butt😖😁
davknight comments on Nov 21, 2019:
Yup! Down at the corner "filling station"! (Back when they had corner filling stations).
Please welcome @belfodil who has just joined the group.
davknight comments on Nov 21, 2019:
Deer masks at Star Carr, what were they for? []
davknight comments on Nov 21, 2019:
Two-thousand years ago, Pictish chieftans wore ceremonial head-gear, made from the skulls of stags. The antlers signified their position in the tribe/clan. This was probably a forerunner. A later Highland battle-cry was "Caber Feigh!", or "Antlers of the Deer!".
My state just passed a law that tells kids they can get things wrong on test as long as it’s for ...
davknight comments on Nov 20, 2019:
I can still remember an exam question on a Geology test, that I got wrong over 20 years ago. The question asked for the name of tropical soil. The correct answer was Laetrile. But suffering from a mental block, I wrote down 'Laetherite'. I wonder, if I claimed I was a 'Laetheran', I could get away with that nowadays?
Why can’t my weed cost this much?? 🤣
davknight comments on Nov 20, 2019:
Ya gotta envy those cats!
Isn't it interesting that there are so many Christian songs about being in the Lord's army?
davknight comments on Nov 20, 2019:
They did that back during the Crusades, and the Thirty Years War!
Who watched this show? I never heard of this show, my answer is no.
davknight comments on Nov 20, 2019:
You never watched Pixie, Dixie, and Jinks the Cat? Dang! You were culturally deprived my dear!