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If you believe modern Democrats are the racists of the civil war your history teacher really ...
davknight comments on Nov 14, 2019:
Back in the 1970s, somebody did a genetic study of White Southerners, and Yankees. They found that less than 10 percent of Yankees even had an ancestor living here, while the Civil War was going on. And of Southerners, only about 50 percent had a Civil War era ancestor. As that study was done fifty years ago, we can imagine that even fewer White Americans can claim a Civil War ancestor nowadays. The problem with all this 'beating a dead horse' nonsense, is that the idiots wielding the sticks aren't even descended from people who were living here at the time!
Has anyone tried out a Unitarian Church?
davknight comments on Nov 14, 2019:
Why not just start an Anti-Church, and make yourself its first Anti-Pope? You could declare yourself to be a tax-free organization, preach a bunch of mumbo jumbo, and start rakin in the big bucks!
when i was young i used to take pride in not reading much fiction.
davknight comments on Nov 13, 2019:
"There is a fine line between fiction, and non-fiction"--Rita Mae Brown
My uncle had one and I always thought it was cool.👍😁
davknight comments on Nov 13, 2019:
Do you remember anybody having one of these and actually using one?
davknight comments on Nov 12, 2019:
Reminds me of all the stuff I can't eat, because of the sugar, the starch, the cholesterol, etc.!
The difference racist comments between Canada and US.
davknight comments on Nov 12, 2019:
Back in the 1970s, a bunch of us went to Ottawa one weekend. While in a bar, the locals warned us about the 'Frogs', or French-Canadians. "They'll pick your pockets, and steal your hubcaps!" they said. Later, when we went over to Hull, a French-Canadian working class suburb, the Quebecois warned us about the 'Beefeaters', or English-speaking Canadians"They'll pick your pockets, and steal your hubcaps!" they said. "Hmmm" I thought. This was exposure to a whole new kind of prejudice!
Live on Today, NBC, November 12th, Nicki Haley tells Samantha Guthrie she told Trump that Tillotson...
davknight comments on Nov 12, 2019:
Trump needs Pence, just in case he is convicted of anything, and needs Pence to pardon him. Haley is too much of an opportunist to pardon Trump.
Do you think Trump wins the next election?
davknight comments on Nov 12, 2019:
Nixon won election to his second term, while the Watergate investigation was underway; but was forced to resign early in his second term. It is possible that a similar scenario will unfold for Donnie "Diapers". Either way, let us hope we will be rid of him before he can harm the country, or the integrity of the office, any further!
A forgotten hero stopped the My Lai massacre 50 years ago today - Los Angeles Times
davknight comments on Nov 12, 2019:
And on this Veteran's Day, let us remember and honor all those brave war criminals from Korea, and Vietnam, still walking and living amongst us! (Being sarcastic, of course!).
Why is it so hard to find a lover that shares the same beliefs?
davknight comments on Nov 12, 2019:
" If you wanna catch trout, don't fish in a herring barrel!"--Anne Landers
Medical study proves validity of speaking in tongues - The Christian Post
davknight comments on Nov 12, 2019:
Babbledy babblety Jibberty jabberty!
Does anyone remember the vegetable flavored Jellos of the late sixties? Not me 🤮😬
davknight comments on Nov 12, 2019:
Never heard of vegetable flavored jello!
Oh Wow!!! 😬
davknight comments on Nov 9, 2019:
You're right! 64 plus 1955 equals 2019! How in heck did that happen?
I remember using this, did you?
davknight comments on Nov 9, 2019:
What is it?
How would the mythical Noah's ark crew have perished, first?
davknight comments on Nov 9, 2019:
Eaten by Steakosauruses!
How do you deal with Christmas?
davknight comments on Nov 9, 2019:
Other than watching old black n white versions of "A Christmas Carol", the original "The Grinch Who Stole Christmas", and "The Charlie Brown Christmas", I don't really pay much attention to it.
Good Afternoon My Hippies.
davknight comments on Nov 9, 2019:
I think I used ta work with those guys!
Vintage cereals
davknight comments on Nov 9, 2019:
According to my mom, I threw my first bowl of cereal at the wall. To this day, every time I see a bowl of cereal, my 'cereal killer' instinct takes hold. And I wanna chuck it at the wall! Any wall! However, I do remember seeing at least 12 of the above 21, on store shelves!
Just sayin......
davknight comments on Nov 9, 2019:
Reminds me of my teenage years!
Do you remember this one? I remember the ones with the horses.
davknight comments on Nov 8, 2019:
I liked the horsies too!
Anonymous author writes Trump's decision-making is eroding over time
davknight comments on Nov 8, 2019:
It's all that adderall he snorts!
I just read an article that suggested we genetically adapt a human to living on Mars.
davknight comments on Nov 7, 2019:
Whoever the first colonists are, I predict they will, in four to five generation's time (80-100 earth years), develop a distinctly 'Martian' accent to whatever their Earth language was. (It took that long for British colonists in North America, to develop distinctly 'Colonial' accents). The physical effects of living there will doubtlessly produce a new sub-species of Human as well.
Whatever our reservations as skeptics, whatever our doubts about the admixture of Native American ...
davknight comments on Nov 7, 2019:
All religion is cockamamey! Be it Stone Age, bronze Age, or Iron Age in origin! No exceptions!
I had a coworker today get a call from her mom who is in her ‘70’s about getting a call from the...
davknight comments on Nov 7, 2019:
These phone scams are rampant in Florida. And the callers all have West Indian accents. Somewhere, offshore, this must be a major industry!
When someone says they'll pray for you what's your response? Doesn't matter the reasons.
davknight comments on Nov 7, 2019:
"When the Pilgrims landed at Plymouth Rock, they first prayed to God. Then, they preyed on the Indians"--Mark Twain
Robert Reich nicely explains why traitor Trump needs impeaching... []
davknight comments on Nov 7, 2019:
The "Founding Fathers" would HANG Trump! Not impeach him!
Here's something interesting.
davknight comments on Nov 7, 2019:
One "God" is better for the conduct of government and business. A whole pantheon of the critters gets in the way--too many religious festivals, and 'holy' days!
Press Watch: Every Trump story is about the same thing: His ruthless, limitless power grab | ...
davknight comments on Nov 7, 2019:
He wants the Precious! But we mustn't let him have it!
Who else here was scared to death to go into this room?
davknight comments on Nov 7, 2019:
The hairy hand was the scariest part!
Remembers these AMC cars in 1974? (The AMC Pacer was produced from 1975-1979)
davknight comments on Nov 7, 2019:
As a teen, I had a Jeep made by AMC.
The universe may be conscious, say prominent scientists - Big Think
davknight comments on Nov 7, 2019:
That would make for a great R. Crumb comic!
Police: Man plowed his car into crowd because he thought they were Muslim – ThinkProgress
davknight comments on Nov 5, 2019:
Someone should have told him they sometimes disguise themselves as brick walls, or gather in clusters at the base of steep cliffs!
Progress! The satanic temple makes inroads in the military []
davknight comments on Nov 5, 2019:
Did you know that in a US Army infantry battalion of 700 people, there are 14 in the Chaplain's section of the headquarters company? That is a ratio of 1.4 'witch doctors' per every 70 soldiers! Personally, I think they have way too many 'witch doctors'! I can't remember who it was that said: "There is no greater contradiction than the chaplain of the regiment"?
Remember, remember the fifth of November
davknight comments on Nov 5, 2019:
When Guy Fawkes tried to blow up Parliament?
Florida man attempts to kiss cottonmouth snake.
davknight comments on Nov 5, 2019:
To be fair, we must also remember the Californian who believed that you could befriend bears by strumming the guitar, and singing "I Love You", over and over again. Well, he tried that on an Alaskan Kodiak bear, and was ripped apart and eaten!
To any educators in the group.
davknight comments on Nov 5, 2019:
I can remember a Geology prof, who told us about a student of his who fled his class in tears, when he was lecturing on the geologic age of the Earth. It seems the student was from a fundamentalist Christian background, and had been taught the Earth was created just 4,000 years ago. The prof had to go out in the hallway, and console the poor girl. I can also remember an Anthropology prof, who told us a similar story.
When did the "Post" button become red?
davknight comments on Nov 4, 2019:
Yeah! I just noticed that this morning! I thought maybe it was "watching" me or something!
Do you have any Melmac Dinnerware?
davknight comments on Nov 4, 2019:
Was that the plastic stuff with the speckles in it?
You lookin at me?
davknight comments on Nov 4, 2019:
'Snort' would make a good name for him!
The Andy Griffith Show
davknight comments on Nov 4, 2019:
William Tell The Adventures of Robin Hood Last of the Mohicans The Avengers The Saint
Back due to popular demand, but please stick to subject of dating photos.
davknight comments on Nov 2, 2019:
Or, it could be that women (from the time they're little girls) learn that if they want something, all they have to do is smile.While males typically only smile when they are laughing at, or with someone. Also, some people have over-bites, and are incapable of 'toothy' smiles.
Where's Rudy?
davknight comments on Nov 2, 2019:
A few weeks after being named President Trump’s cybersecurity adviser, Rudy Giuliani visited an Apple Store in San Francisco for help unlocking his iPhone. Giuliani had forgotten the passcode. He entered the wrong one at least 10 times, prompting the phone to lock up, NBC News reported, citing two people familiar with the matter and a photo of an internal Apple store memo. "Very sloppy," a former Apple store employee who was there in February 2017 when Giuliani stopped by told NBC News. "Trump had just named him as an informal adviser on cybersecurity and here, he couldn’t even master the fundamentals of securing your own device." Giuliani took to Twitter to defend his 2017 mishap, saying that "we're all human." "Last I checked the FBI, last year, had to ask Apple to unlock an iPhone too!" Giuliani tweeted on Halloween night. "We’re all human, just maybe not tonight ..." (From AOL News)
"Autistic people don’t need to be fixed.
davknight comments on Nov 2, 2019:
Us Vulcans don't need any 'fixing'. But the Neuro-Typical Earth creatures do need to evolve another hundred-thousand years!
‪Trump changed his residency to fl so he can win the tax release lawsuit ny has on him.
davknight comments on Nov 2, 2019:
I'm thinking he keeps a submarine down there, for when his followers start to realize how 'bigly' they've been had!
I never knew they had these back in the 70s
davknight comments on Nov 1, 2019:
More 1960s I think. It was in the '60s that the toy companies began applying the 'Barbi' doll idea to little boys --'GI Joe', 'Action Man' (in the UK), plus countless 'Old West' variations. I haven't been to an antique toy show in a long time, but I bet that doll/action figure, still in the box, would fetch a hundred bucks or more!
Racial Identity and Reassignment: How would you feel about it?
davknight comments on Oct 29, 2019:
You might be able to alter your appearance. But not your bone structure.
39 funny tweets about trying to get into Yoga. I was a crooked oaf.
davknight comments on Oct 29, 2019:
A yoga class is okay, until somebody farts!
Would you ever date somebody who is religious, if they respected your beliefs and did not try to ...
davknight comments on Oct 28, 2019:
No. Because you can't live or spend time with someone you can't talk to.
Do you remember their names?
davknight comments on Oct 26, 2019:
Huey, Louie, and Dewey?
Wolves are back in Washington State after being nearly exterminated. Hooray!
davknight comments on Oct 25, 2019:
They are lucky they got in before Trump decides to build a wall around Washington!
Alright, I was glancing at a clickbait article claiming that 7 out of 10 people believe the U.
davknight comments on Oct 25, 2019:
Read Hugh Thomas' "The Spanish Civil War".
Have not seen one in a very long time.
davknight comments on Oct 25, 2019:
Weren't they right next to the FBI '10 most wanted' posters?
Lynch (of a mob) kill (someone), especially by hanging, for an alleged offense with or without a ...
davknight comments on Oct 23, 2019:
The term comes from a Virginia judge named Lynch, who, during the Revolutionary War, made a name for himself by hanging Loyalists.
HOLY TRIGGERED, BATMAN! I cannot believe how outraged some atheists get when they see someone ...
davknight comments on Oct 23, 2019:
You might try 'spirited' or 'spritely', instead. (You strike me as a spirited sprite!).
Does democracy need capitalism?
davknight comments on Oct 22, 2019:
Capitalism needs Democracy to justify its control, and keep the mobs away from the gates. But Democracy has no inherent need for Capitalism.
Why so many posts about God?
davknight comments on Oct 22, 2019:
Perhaps many have nagging doubts, and are trying to see if there are others who share their nagging doubts. Not everybody has identified as atheist or agnostic since they were 13. Some are relatively new at shucking off the 'demons' of their youth, and upbringing.
Hahaha !!!
davknight comments on Oct 22, 2019:
I recognize Mick, and Keith, but who is that other guy?
What would a movie about the Trump presidency be titled?
davknight comments on Oct 22, 2019:
American Wingbat
Anybody have any thoughts on what it would be like to have an Atheist president ?
davknight comments on Oct 22, 2019:
Trump is an atheist. He only pretends to be "god-fearing", to garner the evangelical support. Trump is also a fascist. Atheists can be fascist, or communist, or socialist, or social-democrats, or whatever.
Curious - worst break up line you ever heard? I'll start. "I'm bored with you."
davknight comments on Oct 19, 2019:
That all-time winner: "We can still be friends".
My brother had one of these, never liked them. 🎃
davknight comments on Oct 19, 2019:
I always kept two different costumes around. So I could make a second trip, stopping only at the houses that gave out candy I liked! Also, I used a pillow-case as a loot sack; because those paper halloween bags got soggy n busted open, if the sidewalk happened to be wet.
What do you guys think about arranged marriage vs love marriage?
davknight comments on Oct 19, 2019:
Prior to about 1800, MOST marriages amongst Europeans, and Americans, were arranged. Parents began looking for potential husbands for their daughters, once the girl had her first period. This meant that most girls were married off by the time they were 13-15. Males, on the other hand, weren't considered to have a 'lick of sense' until they were 21. And so, it was common for 21-25 yr old men to be married to 13-15 yr old girls.For commoners, potential spouses were found locally. But, since Colonial, and Early American frontier folk generally settled down in close proximity to kin folk, it wasn't uncommon for them to marry cousins The wealthy could afford to be more choosy. Average life expectancy was 45. And such marriages generally lasted until 'death did them part'. The bad thing of course, was that people were married off to mates that they might not have found physically attractive. Wealthy men resolved this by taking 'mistresses' on the side. Poorer men had to settle for tavern maids, and 'harlots'. Did the women keep 'misters' on the side? Many wealthy women did. But rich or poor, they had to be more discreet, as 'what was good for the gander' was not deemed socially appropriate for the 'goose' (i.e. double standard). For those married off to cousins, there was a higher proportion of children born with birth defects. ("Idiot" children, as they were often referred to by census takers of the time). The idea of laissez faire marriages grew out of the eighteenth-century European Enlightenment. And by the time the nineteenth-century came along, arranged marriages became less common. (Except amongst the Rich, who wanted their daughters married off to the sons of other rich folk until well into the twentieth-century. Arranged marriages generally lasted longer (resulting in fewer 'broken homes'). While laissez faire marriages meant a financial bonanza for divorce lawyers!
Seeing little snippets of Trump’s rally in Texas last night: he could say he just shit his pants ...
davknight comments on Oct 19, 2019:
Years from now, we will see Trumpies at airports, selling sharpie pens!
So if NASA does find signs of life (biosignatures) on Mars how do you think the religious community ...
davknight comments on Oct 18, 2019:
I don't know how the religious types will respond, but the Wee Folk who live under the rocks on Mars, are likely to eat the first missionaries to arrive!
Good Times 🤔
davknight comments on Oct 18, 2019:
Bad girl! Bad, bad girl!
That look you get trying to translate gibberish..
davknight comments on Oct 18, 2019:
Did he really say that? His stupidity never ceases to amaze me!
Sweat and tears of not getting the candy you wanted.. those are my memories.
davknight comments on Oct 18, 2019:
The chocolate-covered raisins were pretty good.
So I've recently been looking at the Bible again, and I found a lot of things that contradict, and a...
davknight comments on Oct 17, 2019:
I am DOG the Great and Powerful! The Creator of all things that walketh, talketh, creepeth, slinketh, swimmeth, flyeth, slithereth, or crawleth upon the Earth. It was I who created God, to confuseth you! And the Tree of Knowledge was just a simple metaphor for the Google Machine. Thou shalt not Google, because you might figure out what a fraud I really am! Also, you might find this site, which would be even worse!
Extradite or NOT?
davknight comments on Oct 17, 2019:
There have been incidents like that in the U.S. About ten years back, an Arab diplomat's kid killed a pedestrian with his $100,000 sports car, and got off via 'diplomatic immunity'. A few years before that, a Brazilian diplomat's kid raped and murdered a young woman in Washington D.C. He then hightailed it back to Brazil, untouchable, because of 'diplomatic immunity'. The thing to do, is to abolish 'diplomatic immunity'. If we can't commit crimes in other peoples' countries, without having to answer for it, why should diplomats and their families be immune from prosecution?
Is Trump being unfairly treated?
davknight comments on Oct 17, 2019:
The only fair way to treat a Trump, is with a rotisserie spit straight up his rump All the way through his gizard ample And his fat gob stuffed With a juicy apple
I understand Facebook recently changed its Terms of Service to allow the Trump campaign to post ...
davknight comments on Oct 16, 2019:
Maybe Pompeo "made em an offer that they can't refuse"?
Why are you a humanist?
davknight comments on Oct 16, 2019:
It beats being a bestialist!
‪Over the weekend, State and Energy Department officials were quietly reviewing plans for ...
davknight comments on Oct 16, 2019:
The Cuban Missile Crisis ended when JFK agreed to withdraw U.S. 'Jupiter' IRBMs from Turkey, in exchange for Kruschev withdrawing Russian IRBMs from Cuba. Both sides 'double-crossed' the other. The Russians didn't actually remove all of their missiles from Cuba, until the early 1970s. And the Americans would use Turkey as a dump for storing hydrogen bombs, and later--nuclear-tipped Cruise missiles. Most of the U.S. nukes in Turkey are designed for delivery from F-16s, and B2 bombers.
I sure do, how about you?
davknight comments on Oct 16, 2019:
Most all my shots (rabies, distemper,TB, etc.) were where the person meets the bicycle seat. But I can't see back there. So I don't know?
There is a rising faction amongst the general population that believes that capitalism is inherently...
davknight comments on Oct 15, 2019:
Your argument doesn't explain China. Or Russia, for that matter. Both were backwards, rural countries, until Socialism spurred massive industrial growth. You also don't consider that both Capitalism and Socialism can coexist in the same economic framework. And that Socialism is most successfully applied in already-advanced Capitalist countries.
Why do some men automatically think women should be flattered by cat calling, aggressive advances, ...
davknight comments on Oct 15, 2019:
They never learned during adolescence how to socialize with girls and women. They say we are all the same people we were in high school. But some of us are still the same people we were in JUNIOR high school!
Special forces feel betrayed by trump
davknight comments on Oct 15, 2019:
Could this be Donnie "Diapers" 'Bay of Pigs' moment?
GOP Rep.
davknight comments on Oct 15, 2019:
Bugs the Cynic: One lump, or two, Doc?
Did you ever use 😂🤣
davknight comments on Oct 15, 2019:
I preferred the 'Vapo-Rub', rubadubdub, all over my chest!
Hi, my first post here.
davknight comments on Oct 15, 2019:
Neuro-Typicals ("normal" people) DO seem to be the ones most likely to ascribe to some religious mumbo-jumbo. We Aspies are too intelligent!
Some feedback from the Finnish president on his visit to the United States - The Washington Post
davknight comments on Oct 12, 2019:
The reign of the 'Diapered Don' will be to the U.S., what the Anti-Pope was to the Catholic Church, during the Great Schism. Although, hopefully, his reign will be a short one. And the years 2016-2020 will be remembered as the era of the U.S. plunging into temporary insanity.
Being raised with Liberal progressive thinking parents, both of them advocate for the Legalization ...
davknight comments on Oct 12, 2019:
I oppose legalization, but support de-criminalization of 'funny green hay'. When you legalize it, you give the State something else to tax. The taxes only drive the prices up, making the stuff only accessable to those who can afford it (mainly, rich people, and 'hipsters'). On the other hand, if you de-criminalize it, one can grow their own, in any quantity they wish, or even travel around the country playing 'Johnny Weed Seed', and sowing every field, and forest clearing! All without gluttonous State taxation!
I just blocked two people which is a rarity for me.
davknight comments on Oct 12, 2019:
Do deranged Trumplerites come on here, pretending to be agnostics, and then use the site as a way to "pick up chicks"? Why don't they just go down to the local Drunken Cracker Bar n Grill?
Do you background check online dates prior to meeting in person?
davknight comments on Oct 12, 2019:
Anyone know of a public records search site that REALLY IS FREE, and doesn't want to charge you for seeing the results?
davknight comments on Oct 11, 2019:
I'll bet Joe Pesci could do a pretty good imitation too!
Do people just know know about this site?
davknight comments on Oct 10, 2019:
Many probably find it by accident, like I did!
While we're on the subject! []
davknight comments on Oct 10, 2019:
Funny how I hear that song in my head every time I watch the evening news!
Trump complains Kurdish allies didn't help US in World War II
davknight comments on Oct 10, 2019:
Donnie "Diapers": N dey wernt even at Nakatomi Towers with Bruce Willis!
Can this witless wonder get anymore stupid Donald Trump has said that he will not help the Kurds...
davknight comments on Oct 10, 2019:
Donnie "Diapers" knowledge of history is mainly what he gets from watching 'action movies'. Trumpy is a big fan of action films.Unfortunately, this is typical of the overall population, whose knowledge of history is largely what they've picked up from television, and cinema.
Can this witless wonder get anymore stupid Donald Trump has said that he will not help the Kurds...
davknight comments on Oct 10, 2019:
Kurds served in the Soviet Red Army, and in the British RAF, during the war. Kurdish militias also took part in the overthrow of pro-Nazi regimes in Iraq, and Vichy-controlled French Syria. There was also a Soviet-backed Kurdish state in northern Iran, through which ran Lend-Lease supply routes.
Back in 1968 while I was in my last year of high school, I entered the Lion's Club speech contest.
davknight comments on Oct 9, 2019:
I'd have reminded them that "commerce" is a French term for piracy. And that "Free Enterprise" is an English term for the same thing! (I've often wondered what French tourists must think, when they drive past an American city's "Chamber of Commerce"?).
President's Legal Team to Sue U.
davknight comments on Oct 9, 2019:
Somebody needs to change this kid's diapers!
interesting article on "Online LIDAR Map Leads to Maya-related Discovery" from the New York Times.
davknight comments on Oct 9, 2019:
The sites of French fortresses of Louis XIV's time have been found from studying aerial photos. You can also sometimes locate the sites of ancient forests, using Google Earth.
I wonder how much it would cost today?😏🤔
davknight comments on Oct 9, 2019:
I'd guess around 15-25 bucks!
Not to brag, but I made it onto another blocked list...
davknight comments on Oct 9, 2019:
I think it's more fun to see them screech, holler, and regurgitate their schizo-fascist babblings!
Emaciated grizzly bears in Canada spark greater concerns over depleted salmon population - CNN
davknight comments on Oct 8, 2019:
And they think Greta is scary! Just wait until delegations of angry Grizzly, Kodiak, and Polar Bears start showing up at the UN!
It's pay back time!!
davknight comments on Oct 8, 2019:
That would make a great Halloween Party gag!
Do you think he would
davknight comments on Oct 8, 2019:
Nah! He'd just pretend he was a big baby! (He already wears diapers!).
That's it, that's a goooooood girl.
davknight comments on Oct 8, 2019:
Her and Sarah Sanders may be selling cupcakes from a shop in Brooklyn one day (Ivanka even has a degree from Wharton!). They could call it "Two Dopey Girls"!
Confederate Flag ::: A comment about those who revere the Confederacy, and the Confederate Flag ...
davknight comments on Oct 8, 2019:
The Amazon is burning. The Arctic is melting. Sea levels are rising. Trumplerite fascists are running amuck. I KNOW! Let's all beat a dead horse, and lambast Southerners for events that happened 160 years ago!!