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Detroit to Ypsilanti Stagecoach!
davknight comments on Apr 15, 2019:
Horses lead the life of Riley nowadays! No milk wagons, beer wagons, or freight wagons to pull. No stagecoaches to lug. Just spendin the mornings watching re-runs of 'Mr Ed' on the big screen tv, out in the horsey barn motel. N runnin around the pasture, playin horsey games with the fillies!
Ladies remember buying these?
davknight comments on Apr 15, 2019:
I haven't seen a 'great pair of legs' in eons. The fashion industry should bring back mini-skirts, mini-dresses, and hot pants. Then the ladies will start wearing nylons again!
How A Trump Proposal Could Reduce 'Happy' Disabled People
davknight comments on Apr 15, 2019:
Where did Dumbo come up with this dumb idea?
Zoltan Kaszas on cats ard dogs - Dry Bar Comedy - YouTube
davknight comments on Apr 15, 2019:
Dogs clean their butts with their tongues, then clean their tongues on their owners' faces. Cats clean their butts with their tongues, then clean their tongues on their paws, which they clean on their owners' laps. Either way, they are telling you what they really think of you. Except cats are more indirect in approach.
Trump says Boeing should fix, then re-brand Max jets Index
davknight comments on Apr 15, 2019:
Trump: "I have a NATURAL GIFT for science!"
I believe this to be factually correct but I’m open to other interpretations
davknight comments on Apr 15, 2019:
The dying Orange Hippo, bellowing defiantly, as he sinks beneath the slime of his own excrement!
Retirement --- How do you feel about it?
davknight comments on Apr 15, 2019:
I was forced to take early retirement, after having been denied SSDI five times. And I'm not especially happy about it!
The USA likes to make a lot of hay about how much they contributed to winning WWII, but when you ...
davknight comments on Apr 15, 2019:
You have a valid point. I call the war in the East "The Great German-Russian War", inasmuch as it was a war of its own. But keep in mind that in Russian schoolbooks, the Soviet Union whipped Nazi Germany. In British schoolbooks, Britain defeated the Nazis. And of course, in US schoolbooks, John Wayne, and Tyrone Power whipped the entire Axis all by themselves. It took a World-wide effort to defeat the Axis. And so, everyone who worked for the various resistance groups, worked in a munitions plant, toted a rifle, or swabbed a deck, can be said to have "won" the war.
Don't you think it is wondering and disappointing that more than 50 % of the world population ...
davknight comments on Apr 15, 2019:
Homo Sapiens Sapiens have clung to religion, in one form or another, since their beginnings. Fifty percent is actually encouraging, considering that a hundred years ago, it would have been more like 99%!
U.S. Trade Deficit Hits Highest Level in History at $891.3B | Fortune
davknight comments on Apr 15, 2019:
Trump: "I am the KING of DEBT!"
I do not believe this would be too safe nowadays🤔
davknight comments on Apr 15, 2019:
Didn't they have bungee cords back in olden times?
I remember getting these in grade school, did you?
davknight comments on Apr 15, 2019:
I can remember my elementary school had an annual end-of-school year ice cream social, where you were allowed to go through the line twice, to get one of those. It was a small amount of ice cream, but sure seemed like a lot, on a hot June afternoon.
Why is it that the fraudulent Church of Scientology still exists?
davknight comments on Apr 13, 2019:
Because it's a swell racket!
Appraise the Lord! Tax the churches.
davknight comments on Apr 13, 2019:
Appraise the Lord! Love it!
Recollections of My Life: Col.
davknight comments on Apr 13, 2019:
The Ghost of Christmas Future came to Trump,in the form of Quadaffi in a grim reaper costume. He pointed out Trump's future to him. Trapped in a drainpipe, by a mob armed with pitchforks, buckets of tar, and sacks of chicken feathers!
Iron Butterfly live at Alaska State Fair 2016. []
davknight comments on Apr 13, 2019:
When I moved to Colorado in 1990, I was surprised to learn that Iron Butterfly was alive n well, and performing there. There are a lot of old rockers living in Colorado! Did you know that "Innagoddadavida" was actually plagiarized from a song entitled "In the Garden of Eden"? I learned that little tidbit from Mack Rebbenack's autobiography. Rebbenack is better known as 'Dr. John'.
Detention facilities for migrant families near empty as crowds left at bus stations and shelters
davknight comments on Apr 13, 2019:
Trump esta loco en la cabeza!
So all in one day yesterday, had an interview, got notice to quit our rental property and was ...
davknight comments on Apr 13, 2019:
"Don't let the bastards grind you down!"--"Vinegar" Joe Stilwell
davknight comments on Apr 13, 2019:
Awww! I wanted ta see Samantha Bee give her a lemon-meringue pie, right in the kisser!
Are human rights universal or linked to a particular culture? -
davknight comments on Apr 13, 2019:
The concept of "human rights" is a product of the eighteenth-century European Enlightenment, which sought to legitimize the rise of Capitalism, and the concept of 'laissez faire, that came with it.
What’s your opinion on open carry?
davknight comments on Apr 13, 2019:
Anywhere except bars, liquor stores, banks, and schools. Retail establishments, and restaurants should be free to post "No Firearms" signs. Common sense must prevail!
I was on the road last night. Do you prefer hotels with or without breakfast?
davknight comments on Apr 13, 2019:
Hotel breakfasts are usually pretty bad. I prefer cheap motels, with 1960's furnishings, cracked plaster walls, and a drunk blonde sprawled on the bed. They should also have a cheap diner, or mom n pop type restaurant close by.
We Need to Admit That the Black Hole Photo Isn’t Very Good - I mean, it’s just not that ...
davknight comments on Apr 13, 2019:
Kind of like looking into the jaws of an orange alligator, that's just about to eat you!
The great lakes are supposed to be high this year and for many years after.
davknight comments on Apr 13, 2019:
Trump: If they'd only drain em regular, they wouldn't have that problem! I know! I have a NATURAL GIFT for science!
We are all first Terrians, then only various tribes.
davknight comments on Apr 13, 2019:
greetingsfellowterrian poamfoamyourheartout forgetall punctuationspacingperiodscommasetc whoneedsem foampoamalways
Good morning all! The attached was sent to me via e-mail from one of my very Republican friends.
davknight comments on Apr 13, 2019:
The Democrats used to represent the Philistines. While the Republicans used to represent the Libertines. So the above are lame arguments, since the Democrats of the time, actually thought like present-day Republicans. When did the switch take place? Back in the early 20th century. What are Philistines and Libertines? Philistines-- Extremely stupid rich people, intent on short-term financial gain. Libertines--Extremely naive rich people, obsessed with applying the concept of laissez-faire to every aspect of human life.
Last day as a teenager.
davknight comments on Apr 12, 2019:
Do something useful with your twenties. Because before you know it, you're thirty. And after thirty, those birthdays just go whizzin by!
I remember doing this, do you?
davknight comments on Apr 12, 2019:
Did you know that during Prohibition, some people would strain shoe polish through white bread, to get the alcohol in it?
For this is all a dream we dreamed one afternoon long ago... []
davknight comments on Apr 12, 2019:
Can we play pup-tent? Can we? Can we?
For whatever reason, she was big in the U.
davknight comments on Apr 12, 2019:
She had two siblings who were musicians. Her brother Mike Quatro played keyboard instruments, and was well-known in the Detroit area in the early '70s. She also had an older sister, who founded an all-female rock band. I think her parents were musicians too.She wouldn't be the only person to achieve musical fame in Detroit, and the UK. I seem to remember a band called SRC, that was popular in Detroit, and the UK, but nowhere else.
Am I the only one here that's painfully agoraphobic?
davknight comments on Apr 12, 2019:
Not at all. It just means you like your privacy, even if others label you a 'recluse'.
I remember my brothers had one of each.
davknight comments on Apr 12, 2019:
I can remember when transistor radios were considered 'high-tech'!
Hanging in my living room ...yes it is an original in mint condition.
davknight comments on Apr 12, 2019:
Archaeologists, digging around my old high school, would turn up thousands of those, plus hash pipes,and roach clips.
davknight comments on Apr 12, 2019:
Ahem. You left out the Yoopers!
In the mid 60's were you part of the IN CROWD (Ramsey Lewis) []
davknight comments on Apr 11, 2019:
In the mid-Sixties, I was a little kid. But I was into MAD magazine!
Not my photo but one of my favorite UP places.
davknight comments on Apr 11, 2019:
I've been there. But not at night. Fantastic picture!
This is a fun competition to reveal how reasonable you are.
davknight comments on Apr 11, 2019:
I won't waste my breath!
Great behind the scene interview video on the Black hole M87 picture (Go women in science!!!) ...
davknight comments on Apr 11, 2019:
Now, how did Trump project an image of his own bunghole way out there???
Who are these guys?
davknight comments on Apr 11, 2019:
I always wondered why no one ever made a cartoon-movie featuring these guys?
Captioned “Pure Michigan”
davknight comments on Apr 11, 2019:
Best practical use of a pothole I ever saw!
Maybe someone here might have a interesting insights on this thought, I have always wondered when ...
davknight comments on Apr 10, 2019:
Once upon a time, brothels could be found in every city and town in America. But then, the Methodists, Baptists, Anti-Saloon League, and Temperance Union moved in. And community life changed. No longer could a town remain half Methodist, and half sinfulness and damnation. The bordellos, 'sportin parlors', and other dens of iniquity were shut down. No longer could a farmer, or worker, bring his thirteen-yr old son to a kindly, understanding madame, to break him in on the birds, bees, n sech! (This was how many a farm boy lost his virginity in the old days). There are still traces left, here and there. I know of one Colorado town, where a nineteenth-century bordello is now part of a community college campus. In another Colorado town, one can see 'cribs' (shantys where independent prostitutes practiced their trade), that now serve as storage sheds in residential backyards. Originally, they sat directly opposite a railroad workers camp. And in the town of Milliken, Colorado, many of the streets are named after prostitutes who once plied their trade there.
Would You Ever "Drive" A Self-Driving Car?
davknight comments on Apr 10, 2019:
When they become the norm, what will the police do in lieu of drunk driving arrests? How will communities make up for the revenue raked in from traffic tickets???
Today marks one year without cigs
davknight comments on Apr 10, 2019:
My first week without them, and my sense of smell returned. By my second week, I found I couldn't stand second-hand smoke. It's been five years now, and I can't even imagine myself smoking again. Keep up the good work!
Religion is a primitive form of social engineering.
davknight comments on Apr 10, 2019:
Religion also provided its "clerics" with a swell way to make a living, off the labor of others!
Is Trump undergoing significant cognitive decline?
davknight comments on Apr 10, 2019:
The dying Orange Hippo bellows in defiance, as he sinks beneath the muck and mire of his own excrement!
Trump Wrongly Blames Obama For Family Separations - YouTube
davknight comments on Apr 10, 2019:
The dying Orange Hippo bellows defiantly, as he sinks ever deeper into the muck and mire of his own excrement.
A world without war?
davknight comments on Apr 9, 2019:
As a rule, predators have their eyes located in the front of their skulls.
I thought this was interesting to see how "the Mitten" state doesn't look too much like a mitten.
davknight comments on Apr 9, 2019:
The rivers were the "highways" into the interior, in those days. And if you were a Jesuit, or voyageur, wanting to travel from Quebec to Michilimackinac, you paddled your canoe up the St Lawrence, to the mouth of the Ottawa River (marked Oulacuase on the map). Then, up the Ottawa, to nearly its headwaters. Then, you portaged ten miles or so, to the little stream connecting with Lake Nipigon. Then across Lake Nipigon, to the river leading into Lake Huron. Then, across Lake Huron to Michilimackinac. ( The canoes in common use were big 16 and 32-man birchbark canoes). Why all the zigzagging? Because you wished to avoid the Iroquois (who weren't real partial to Frenchmen), and because you can't paddle up, and over Niagara Falls.
I thought this was interesting to see how "the Mitten" state doesn't look too much like a mitten.
davknight comments on Apr 9, 2019:
This is a copy of a French map. English maps were just as bad. Europeans still had a lot to learn about North American geography. For example, in 1675, the Frenchman, LaSalle, took a famous canoe trip, down the Mississippi River, to find out whether it emptied into the Gulf of Mexico, or the Pacific Ocean!
Who’s he going to get as a replacement?Himmler’s dead. []
davknight comments on Apr 8, 2019:
Alles ist nacht gut in Trumpland!
Trump fires Secret Service chief Randolph Alles: NBC News
davknight comments on Apr 8, 2019:
Alles nacht gut in Trumpland!
If there existed a completely secular country, completely free of all religion, whos values and ...
davknight comments on Apr 8, 2019:
A completely secular country would be impossible.It would cease being completely secular, once the first boat-load of Pilgrims, or plain-load of Moonies arrived. And a completely secular World won't come about for many hundreds of years into the future. Maybe not even then. I think Humanity would first have to evolve to a higher level.
“If you expect to succeed as a writer, rudeness should be the second-to-least of your concerns.
davknight comments on Apr 8, 2019:
Twenty years ago, a creative writing teacher told me my stuff was so bad, it reminded her of something Charles Bukowski would write. Well, I had heard of Bukowski, but never read his stories. One day, I was browsing in a local library, and ran across one of his books. On the first page I opened it to, was a poem entitled "Your Shit Don't Stink Until You Get In The Paris Review". Suddenly, I was flattered at having been compared to Bukowski!
Enormous 17-foot python captured in Florida national park, setting a record.
davknight comments on Apr 8, 2019:
We oughta make West Palm Beach, and Mar-A-Lago a National Wildlife Preserve for pythons, boa constrictors, spitting cobras, coral snakes, alligators, and crocodiles!
Pretty amazing view of Michigan.
davknight comments on Apr 8, 2019:
Now, imagine all the stars you could see, if you were camping in the northern-most parts of that map!
Republican men are terrified of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez
davknight comments on Apr 8, 2019:
I love the way AOC gets them riled up!
Why don't maps of the United States show maps of Puerto Rico, Guam, and American Samoa as insets ...
davknight comments on Apr 8, 2019:
Shhhhh! You don't wanna remind em we have COLONIES!
Here ya go you hippie freaks!
davknight comments on Apr 8, 2019:
Mad Magazine and Bob Crumb had a heavy influence upon my outlook on life!
How much hairspray was used creating these?
davknight comments on Apr 8, 2019:
Too much!
Have you ever seen this and I was wondering how old it is?
davknight comments on Apr 8, 2019:
Paxton and Gallagher was a wholesale grocery company, founded in 1879. They were also the makers of Butternut Coffee, advertised as "The Coffee that Won the West". Earliest known Butternut coffee cans date between 1910 and 1920. The carrying handle on the top was meant to make the can reuseable as a beer bucket, or a milk pail. Though there are quite a few Butternut cans listed on EBay, I was unable to find the one with the carrying handle. There are probably coffee can collector's groups out there, that could tell you more about it.
What is the worst??
davknight comments on Apr 8, 2019:
That would be a toss-up between "Yummy, Yummy, Yummy" by the Ohio Fruit Gum Company, and "Sky Rockets in Flight / Afternoon Delight" by I've Forgotten! Oh, and I should mention "Grandma Got Run Over by a Reindeer" by Can't Remember!
Pretty amazing view of Michigan.
davknight comments on Apr 8, 2019:
I think there must be intelligent life on that planet!
Old school...
davknight comments on Apr 6, 2019:
Ditty I saw somewhere: Christ is on the cross His blood is dripping Quick! Get another nail! His head is slipping!
Wendy’s Owner Gives Big to Trump While Refusing Farmworkers’ Demands
davknight comments on Apr 6, 2019:
All the Bosses, of all the Syndicates, LOVE their Trumpy!
Christian Activist: God will Curse Children, Grandchildren of Trump Critics | Michael Stone
davknight comments on Apr 5, 2019:
Trumplerism is a communicable form of mass mental-illness!
A repost from another fellow Agnostic.
davknight comments on Apr 5, 2019:
He may be going coup-coup real soon!
davknight comments on Apr 4, 2019:
He picks "only the best, and the brightest!" Go figure?
Arkansas Men Arrested for Taking Turns Shooting Each Other While Wearing Bulletproof Vest After ...
davknight comments on Apr 4, 2019:
Stupid is, as Stupid does!
davknight comments on Apr 4, 2019:
"Robin! Where's the Bat Bong? I need to smoke a few bowls!"
"You may choose to look the other way but you can never say again that you did not know.
davknight comments on Apr 4, 2019:
As German students of the '70s used to say: "Shalome and Napalm!" The Israelis cannot contain and keep separate, two large concentration camps of Palestinians forever. Sooner or later, the bubbles will burst.
US secret deal approved to sell Saudia Arabia nuclear weapon technology.
davknight comments on Apr 4, 2019:
The funny thing is, that without the West, the Saudis would be living in the Late Bronze Age, or the Early Iron Age.
Here's background information on Donald Trump's grandfather and father.
davknight comments on Apr 4, 2019:
Weren't the MacLeods the Clan that taught the other Highland Clans how to play the bagpipes? Could that be the genetic origin of Trump's bag of wind?
Here's background information on Donald Trump's grandfather and father.
davknight comments on Apr 4, 2019:
Ten-thousand lies and counting!
davknight comments on Apr 4, 2019:
I don't care who they pick at their convention. I'll vote for them, just to get rid of the Trump Crime Family!
Janis Lyn Joplin in 1968 Died October 4, 1970 (aged 27) Los Angeles, California, U.
davknight comments on Apr 4, 2019:
Tragic loss. There was a whole wave of them back then.
davknight comments on Apr 4, 2019:
He doesn't need the stress of being in a room full of idiots!
Remember the turning bucket?
davknight comments on Apr 4, 2019:
You might edit the header though. "Training bucket" sounds like something a baby sits on!
It really wouldn't take all that much: the Mueller report, your tax returns, and your resignation.
davknight comments on Apr 4, 2019:
Trump: Frankly speaking its not Impeachment that worries me, so much as it is Impalement!
Just in case you've illusions of significance this morning:
davknight comments on Apr 4, 2019:
Whoever lived on the one surrounded by rings, must have destroyed their own world through Global Warming. The rings are the last remnants of their atmosphere!
US secret deal approved to sell Saudia Arabia nuclear weapon technology.
davknight comments on Apr 4, 2019:
Nothing like adding to the proliferation of nukes!
I'm turning 35 this month. Is this "middle aged?"
davknight comments on Apr 4, 2019:
After you hit 30, those birthdays just go flyin by!
Think about this: No meaningful security at Mar-A-Lago.
davknight comments on Apr 4, 2019:
Many Mar-A-Lago members also get Ambassadorships!
Bad girls..bad boys ..what you gonna do when they come for you?
davknight comments on Apr 4, 2019:
When I was four, my Dad told me that if you dug a hole deep enough, you could dig all the way through to Red China. Well, one day, when he was at work, I took a garden shovel, and started digging a hole in the back yard. I dug, and dug, and dug, determined to dig though to China. (I wanted to see if the Chinese were really red). By the time my Dad got home from work, I had dug a fairly deep hole. Realizing it was his own idea, he didn't get mad. But he did make me fill it back in.
Some Ponderings on SETI, the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence.
davknight comments on Apr 4, 2019:
I like to imagine them out there, watching "The Simpsons", or "The Three Stooges", and wondering what kind of idiot organisms we are!
Wondering what others here who are avid readers like.
davknight comments on Apr 4, 2019:
Try: "The Germania", Tacitus "The Gallic Wars", Gaius Julius Caesar "The Saga of King Harald", Snorri Sturluson
davknight comments on Apr 4, 2019:
Cannabis Man?
Don't want to bring you down but my hero Rod Sweed aka The Ghoul died April first.
davknight comments on Apr 4, 2019:
Ova-ohhhh! Too bad! Now he's up there in the Ghoulish afterlife, with zillions of dismembered, rubber frog buddies! I used to watch him every Saturday afternoon! He was especially funny when you were on some good mescaline!
Trump Healthcare - Will His Secret Plan Help Republicans Win in 2020? []
davknight comments on Apr 3, 2019:
His "plan" is to let large enough numbers of people get sick, so they'll HAVE to vote for him in 2020!
[] Security Breach at Mar-a-Lago
davknight comments on Apr 3, 2019:
The entire Trump Crime Family is a breach of national security!
Before every rainbow there is a storm.
davknight comments on Apr 3, 2019:
For some reason, I can hear Grace Slick singing "We Can Be Together", from JA's "Volunteer" album!
They are just vandals.
davknight comments on Apr 3, 2019:
They LOVE weed! To them, it's high-grade, gourmet catnip!
davknight comments on Apr 3, 2019:
Trump: If those penguins would just stop crappin n tap dancin all over it, it would be okay!
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez: You mad bro?
davknight comments on Apr 3, 2019:
Its truly amazing how paranoid they are over someone not even old enough to run for POTUS! I'd love to see her in a televised debate with one of these philistines! She'd rip them a new one!
Not since Teddie Roosevelt, some 110 years ago, has any Republican president or the national ...
davknight comments on Apr 2, 2019:
That's because the Republican Party is comprised of Philistines, obsessed with short-term gains for the Rich.
Happy Tuesday Fellow Hippies.
davknight comments on Apr 2, 2019:
I picked her up, hitchhiking, many times!
What is the personality of the Holy Ghost?
davknight comments on Apr 2, 2019:
Ever hear the one about the Three Jesuses of Kalamazoo? once upon a time, there was a State Mental Hospital in Kalamazoo, Michigan. In it, there were three patients, who each proclaimed themselves to be Jesus. To cure them of their delusions, the doctors decided to lock all three of them up, in the same room, for thirty days. At the end of the thirty days, they were let out. Whereupon, a doctor asked them if they still believed themselves to be Jesus. One of the three replied " Oh no! I'm the Father. He's the Son. And he's the Holy Ghost!" (This is supposedly a true story, I heard in abnormal psych class).
Spring has come to West MI- Eagles,Sandhill Cranes, Vultures, Robins sighted and Crocus Blooming!
davknight comments on Apr 2, 2019:
I wondered where those cranes came from! We've got a bunch of them, who come down here in the winter. Come Spring, they fly back to wherever. True "snowbirds"!
Knock on the door✌❤?
davknight comments on Apr 2, 2019:
The 'like' thingy aint workin again!
davknight comments on Apr 2, 2019:
So, Trump's Attorney General is a 'Witch Doctor'? It doesn't surprise me!
Oh no - Jesus is back! []
davknight comments on Apr 2, 2019:
It reminds me of a joke I heard in an anthropology class: "What's white and silver, and shoots across the sky? The Second Coming of Christ!".