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A bit extreme perhaps, but true nonetheless. Thoughts?
davknight comments on Mar 16, 2019:
I've heard variations of this before, but I'd always thought it was from Voltaire. Irregardless, you can have fun with this one, replacing 'king' and 'priest', with 'politician' and 'banker', or 'Trump' and 'ReTrumplican', etc.
Seems like the right group to post this
davknight comments on Mar 16, 2019:
Donnie "Two Tongues" is at it again! Where can we deport him to?
Open Discussion. FLAT EARTH SOCIETY.
davknight comments on Mar 16, 2019:
I wonder if Trump is a member?
Truth be told. Welcome to the Republican Party ....
davknight comments on Mar 16, 2019:
I don't call them the Philistine Party for nothing!
A 30-million page library is heading to the moon to help preserve human civilization.
davknight comments on Mar 16, 2019:
Nice start. But 30 million pages is insufficient. I doubt even 300 million would cover it all!
During the Mexican-American War, Irish-Americans Fought for Mexico in the ‘Saint Patrick’s ...
davknight comments on Mar 16, 2019:
There were only a few hundred of them, largely deserters from the US Regular Army, lured into joining the Mexican Army by promises of post-war land grants. And owning one's own land was the primary hope of seventeenth, eighteenth, and nineteenth-century immigrants to America. Army wages would have hardly been enough for a soldier of that period to buy whiskey and prostitutes. So the Mexicans' offer would have seemed attractive enough. Unfortunately for the San Patricios, most of them were killed or captured by General Winfield Scott's army, during the Siege of Mexico City, in 1848. Those captured were promptly hanged, for being deserters.
So what do you think? Will the human race make it to the year 2100?
davknight comments on Mar 16, 2019:
Probably. Eighty-one more years isn't an especially long time.
During what time period did white people become the majority of humans in what is now the United ...
davknight comments on Mar 16, 2019:
I don't know what year would have been the 'turning point'. But I do know that by 1750, the British North American Colonies counted 1.5 million people, exclusive of Native Americans, and African slaves.
NZ premier vows to have gun laws tightened and semi automatic rifles banned.
davknight comments on Mar 16, 2019:
So, what you're saying is gun owners' rights should be trampled because of the actions of a few? Automobiles kill far more people than guns. So we must ban every car except Model Ts? How would we apply that idea to Freedom of Speech? And Freedom of the Press?
It will be interesting if people start looking into how individual political leaders got into their ...
davknight comments on Mar 16, 2019:
I've often wondered how George "Big Ears" Bush got into Yale!
41% of men surveyed experienced sadness or irritability after sex
davknight comments on Mar 16, 2019:
"Sacerdotis et solum risu DiCaprius asinum Vincunt"--(Anon.). Only the Priest and the Ass laugh after coitus
Melania Trump Denies Using A 'Fake Melania' - YouTube
davknight comments on Mar 16, 2019:
Everything about Melania seems to me, a bit fake!
Feeling a bit nostalgic:
davknight comments on Mar 15, 2019:
Yep! I used ta eat stuff like that as a kid. Which is why I have Type II Diabetes We 'boomers' were raised on poison!
Democrats have a wide range of opinions on issues, varying from moderate to "democratic socialist".
davknight comments on Mar 15, 2019:
Will they split into a 'Real GOP' and a 'Continuity GOP'? Time will tell!
Land bill signed.
davknight comments on Mar 15, 2019:
He wants to appear as an "outdoorsy" guy to his base. Even though the only outdoor experience he has ever had is playing golf.
The library in Alma is one of my hangout spots when staying in Perrinton.
davknight comments on Mar 15, 2019:
I used to go there for the Alma Scottish Festival. Great town!
Top 10 songs of the day in 1966???
davknight comments on Mar 15, 2019:
1, 2, and 5! I can remember how much I hated "Oh, Sweet Pea", which was a standard record in junior high school gyms, when they were trying to get the boys and girls dancing with each other.
Back to the subject of when was religion acknowledged as a seperate entity from everyday life, ...
davknight comments on Mar 15, 2019:
Religion, as a seperate entity, probably goes back to the formation of the first agricultural civilizations, 10,000 years ago. The ability to produce surpluses of food, led to class-stratification, which in turn. led to the creation of Noble castes, Priest castes, Craftsmen, Farmers, and Slaves. With it, mass architecture appeared--palaces for the nobles, and temples for the priests.
I wish I could remember, how many do?
davknight comments on Mar 15, 2019:
Yup! I could 'dangle' too, just like Forrest Gump!
If you say you are 100 percent certain there is no god, doesn’t this saddle you with a burden of ...
davknight comments on Mar 15, 2019:
That's why some of us choose to be Agnostic!
Look, Ma, no hands! This is the best invention ever created.
davknight comments on Mar 15, 2019:
Looks like a real 'snuggle-bug'!
Twitter Pummels Zany Trump Gestures After He Bashes Beto O'Rourke's 'Crazy' Hands | HuffPost
davknight comments on Mar 15, 2019:
Trump: Look Ma! I washed my hands after going potty!
Trump suggests that supporters may get 'tough' against Democrats - CNNPolitics [cnn.
davknight comments on Mar 15, 2019:
Bring it! That would be a great way to dilute his voting base!
Trump suggests that supporters may get 'tough' against Democrats - CNNPolitics [cnn.
davknight comments on Mar 15, 2019:
From what I've seen, most Trumplerites are too drunk to shoot straight, and those Goering bellies of theirs greatly inhibit them from running very fast.
Who grew up watching this show?
davknight comments on Mar 14, 2019:
I've got a bunch of em around here.They all look exactly like 'Woody'. And boy can they peck! The locals say that someone of tough and determined demeanor has "Woodpecker Lips"!
This is Sonny.
davknight comments on Mar 14, 2019:
Hi there, Sonny!
Texas Law Would Fine Men For Masturbating, Require Rectal Exam For Viagra | Michael Stone
davknight comments on Mar 14, 2019:
Mother Mary: DON'T DO THAT! You're KILLING those poor little babies! Boy: Aww! I'm just releasin em back into the wilds!
Texas Law Would Fine Men For Masturbating, Require Rectal Exam For Viagra | Michael Stone
davknight comments on Mar 14, 2019:
It all sounds pretty kooky to me!
Post a song that instantly reminds you of high school
davknight comments on Mar 14, 2019:
" Back in 72" by Bob Seeger
[] Not news to most of us here but are we taking it seriously?
davknight comments on Mar 14, 2019:
They are strikingly reminiscent of the Know Nothing Party of 1844-1860.
If the schools that took bribes were all boycotted, would that leave many?
davknight comments on Mar 14, 2019:
Nope! Higher education is a racket!
How to cook a whole fish for the first time without terrifying yourself
davknight comments on Mar 14, 2019:
I was in an Arab restaurant once, with some friends. And, while waiting for our meal, I spied a bowl of what looked like grapes sitting in the middle of the table. Next to it was a container of toothpicks. Since no one else would try any, and putting two and two together, I grabbed a toothpick, and began eating the funny-looking grapes. A waiter came by a little later, and noticing the bowel was empty, asked if we wanted some more pickled sheep's eyeballs. My friends fell out of their seats laughing, and I started to get a queasy feeling in my stomach.
This college scam stuff is not news to anyone who knows how legacy admissions work and so on.
davknight comments on Mar 14, 2019:
There's a lot of fraud in higher education. I once, accidentally came across an article in an obscure historical journal, that I recognized as the source of a Master's thesis, "written" by one of my professors, in his early days.Plagiarism, cheating,fraud ( textbook prices), favoritism, are all rampant. So is just plain nuttiness. They like to call it "Academia". I began calling it "Macadamia"--like the nut. Because you meet a lot of nuts in Macadamia!
Trump Denounces 'Very Boring Late Night Shows' - YouTube
davknight comments on Mar 14, 2019:
He oughta try watching Samantha Bee! She'll keep him good and agitated!
Trump grounds those airplanes.... Finally did something right! Too little, too late?
davknight comments on Mar 14, 2019:
Trump Luftwaffe Attache: Mein Fuhrer! If one of those planes crashes, and kills a bunch of Americans, CNN will never let you forget it! Trump: You're right! I'll order em grounded right away!
If trump was to be impeached the senate wouldn't convict, but even if they did pence would pardon ...
davknight comments on Mar 13, 2019:
Don't worry. Donny "Two Tongues" is destined to stick his feet so far into his mouth, they will become wrapped inextricably around his trachea!
Testicular bill - demanding men to wear condoms, etc. Won't pass, but check it out and what say ye?
davknight comments on Mar 13, 2019:
That's how the CIA entrapped Julian Assange, of WikiLeaks. They paid a pair of hookers to goad him into having sex without a condom--which is a crime in Sweden.
Tornado Alley may be shifting to the east
davknight comments on Mar 13, 2019:
Plains dwellers will be happy to hear that. I drove through Windsor, CO back in 2008, not more than fifteen minutes after a twister had passed through town. I still have vivid memories of an entire freight train, laying on its side, with all the cars still in perfect alignment. On the other side of the road, was about a mile of telephone poles, snapped off at the base, and also laying in a neat alignment. Amazingly, only one death was reported.
Fun Fact: In 1770?
davknight comments on Mar 13, 2019:
Did you know, that in the late seventeenth and early eighteenth-centuries, aristocratic European men wore lipstick? Black, or Green were the preferred colors. Britain's Queen Ann once hosted a delegation of Miccos (nobles) from the Creek and Cherokee Confederacies, who were bewildered by the effeminate looking men, and 'China doll'-looking women (aristocratic women painted their faces white, with just a touch of rouge, to make themselves look alive), who hung around Queen Ann's court. Afterwards, they decided that the English miccos must be homosexuals, or transvestites. And they began calling them "Yan-Kees", which was the Cherokee word for homosexuals.
Doggerland - Wikipedia
davknight comments on Mar 13, 2019:
Sea-levels back then were about 300 feet lower. So, there would have been many more land bridges, all around the World. Offshore oil rigs sometimes bring up stone projectile points, and other artifacts.
¡Aye Ca-Roomba!
davknight comments on Mar 13, 2019:
I'll bet there are at least some 'Christians' out there, who would have no idea what that is!
A bomb cyclone (bombogenesis) is hitting the Denver metro area today.
davknight comments on Mar 13, 2019:
Probably a cross-country skier, that got lost, and is waiting for helicopter rescue. The locals used to make jokes about them, when I lived near Berthoud. Actually, they used to make jokes about tourists getting lost, trying to find Carter Lake!
Fox News claims that Trump haters are going so far as to attack his children! I beg to differ.
davknight comments on Mar 13, 2019:
Simple PsyOps on their part, to instill sympathy for the Trump family.
Who remembers doing this as a kid?
davknight comments on Mar 13, 2019:
I can remember as an adolescent, having a party line with a neighbor. The neighbor's teenage daughter had her own 'princess phone', and I could hear it ring. When it did, I could pick up our phone, and when she answered hers, I could listen in on her conversations. Naughty me!
I like this one.
davknight comments on Mar 13, 2019:
They left out the Amish!
Small Towns
davknight comments on Mar 13, 2019:
I think Rand-McNally has a less-than-5,000 policy. I've noticed that a lot of small communities that used to be on their maps, are no longer listed.
Meet the First Gold digger of the United States
davknight comments on Mar 13, 2019:
She could pee good?
Worst Tattoo Fails That Are So Dumb They Are Funny []
davknight comments on Mar 13, 2019:
What's the one on the left supposed to be? Termite infestation?
Sociologists blow up the myth that less educated white voters voted for tRump because of economic ...
davknight comments on Mar 13, 2019:
I think perhaps they saw Trump as the only alternative to continued attacks on the Second Amendment, and to the perceived economic threat of illegal immigration. If a Democratic candidate wants to win in 2020, they should stop attacking the Second Amendment, and support stricter immigration reforms.
Worst Tattoo Fails That Are So Dumb They Are Funny []
davknight comments on Mar 13, 2019:
Why do 21st century Humans want to look like a bunch of 19th century South Seas cannibals?
The American Machine: Police Torture to Drone Assassinations
davknight comments on Mar 13, 2019:
1984 already came and went.
Tim Apple was what Trump called Tim Cook the CEO of Apple.
davknight comments on Mar 13, 2019:
Mob guys back in NYC don't call him "Donnie Two-Tongues" for nothing!
Ky passed a bill for legalization.
davknight comments on Mar 13, 2019:
Too bad the legislature is so philistine. 'Bacca farmers could become pot farmers, and the Blue Grass State could truly live up to its name!
A loved animal loved by many of us unconditionally, also enjoys the finer side of life and offers no...
davknight comments on Mar 12, 2019:
Two animals saying a morning beastly Hello to each other.
davknight comments on Mar 12, 2019:
I've often thought Trump looks like a bellowing hippo, in an orange toupee, slowly sinking in the quick-sand of his own creation. But he's more of a Trumpopotamus, not a Hippopotamus!
Trump’s 2020 budget proposal: what’s in it, what gets cut, and what it means - Vox
davknight comments on Mar 12, 2019:
Federal workers should prepare for another shutdown.
Just a beautiful and inspiring meme to enjoy.
davknight comments on Mar 12, 2019:
Where is that place? I want to hallucinate there!
Are there any secular country music groups?
davknight comments on Mar 12, 2019:
Many of the performers start out in Church bands, or choirs. But with a pentient for partying, that would rival most rock bands, you could say they are "Christian" on the outside, but completely secular on the tour bus.
Tucker Carlson Defends Child Marriage, Claims Women Are ‘Primitive’ | Michael Stone
davknight comments on Mar 12, 2019:
It's much easier now too. You can buy buckets of tar at Home Depot, and bags of chicken feathers at Hobby Lobby. Old-timey tar had to be heated up first, to make it more pliable. And you had to pluck a few geese to get the feathers.
I think we’re onto something here...
davknight comments on Mar 12, 2019:
Great idea! We got a lot of feral cats around here!
GOP introduces plan to massively cut Social Security
davknight comments on Mar 12, 2019:
Vote for your dog. Vote for your cat. Vote for Anybody But Trump in 2020!
Nancy Pelosi rejects Donald Trump's proposed budget cuts as 'cruel' - AOL News
davknight comments on Mar 12, 2019:
It will all catch up with him, and he will get his!
What Happens to Your Brain When You Stop Believing in God - Tonic
davknight comments on Mar 12, 2019:
You devour more "apples". That is to say, you read more books (Hopefully).
Can science and religion be reconciled?
davknight comments on Mar 12, 2019:
Religion and Science will always be at odds. Religion says believe it. Scince says prove it!
Jesus Christ: How Much History, How Much Myth?
davknight comments on Mar 12, 2019:
The "Gospels" left out of the New Testament are quite interesting. Adam and Eve had a daughter, who practiced incest with Cain, and Seth. Jesus comes across as a scizophrenic cult leader, who had a hooker for a girlfriend. The whole bunch sounds like the Manson Family. You can read many of the deliberately left-out Gospels in a book called "The Gnostic Bible".
Will mankind still be here in 300 years?
davknight comments on Mar 12, 2019:
Probably. Humans are pretty clever, and adaptable.
Alternatives to the UFO Extraterrestrial Hypothesis.
davknight comments on Mar 12, 2019:
It's kind of like Big Foot. I can't say they do or don't exist. I've just never heard of, or seen, any Big Foot roadkill yet!
Alternatives to the UFO Extraterrestrial Hypothesis.
davknight comments on Mar 12, 2019:
I've never seen one. But I don't doubt that a lot of them were unidentified!
Is it possible to fall in love with someone with opposing political views?
davknight comments on Mar 12, 2019:
That happened to me once. Only the woman turned out to be a fundamentalist Christian fruitcake. I fell out of love real quick!
Erik Prince acknowledges 2016 Trump Tower meeting for first time | USA News | Al Jazeera
davknight comments on Mar 12, 2019:
Trump: How much would it cost me ta hire a thousand of you guys ta defend Mar-a-Lago when the Democrats come to unpeach me?
Because Trump knows more about flying planes than anyone.
davknight comments on Mar 12, 2019:
Trump: I have a natural gift for science; and I know the biggest words!
Things are getting pretty tense inside the party... []
davknight comments on Mar 12, 2019:
I'm hoping Ann Coulter will run on a Third Party Ticket, and dilute the Trumplerite vote!
davknight comments on Mar 12, 2019:
I wish somebody would send me one of those bubblewrapped pallets of baled-up 'Bennie Franks'!
More evidence that the US is behind the hardship in Venezuela? []
davknight comments on Mar 12, 2019:
The CIA is expert at creating destabilization through sabotage, and terrorism. The Cuban government claims to have recorded 40,000 such acts, between 1961, and 1975. Not too many years ago, I read a book comprised of declassified CIA documents from the "Secret War' on Cuba. In one of them, they confessed to having carried out 4,000 acts of terror and sabotage in just one year-- 1962. So the Cuban estimate doesn't sound exaggerated to me.
Let there be God and there was Man
davknight comments on Mar 12, 2019:
I am Dog, the Great and Powerful. The Creator of the Heavens, and the Earth. The Creator of all things that groweth, slinketh, walketh, flyeth, swimmeth, or waddleth on the face of the Earth. I created the Gods, and the Devils, and the Angels of your imaginations. Thou shalt have no other Dogs before me!
‪TrumpBudget‬ ‪$25 billion cut to Social Security $845 billion cut to Medicare ‬ ‪$1.
davknight comments on Mar 12, 2019:
The"Doubletongue"continues to do double dirt!
I've done some genealogy so I know on my mother's side, her mother's family (Peasley's) arrived in ...
davknight comments on Mar 12, 2019:
My parents arrived in Detroit in the early 1950s. But my father's side landed at Jamestown in 1638. My mom's side arrived in North Carolina in 1751.
When did you know you didn't believe?
davknight comments on Mar 11, 2019:
When I was a poor, and hungry adolescent.
Was sex more fun when you still believed in original sin?
davknight comments on Mar 11, 2019:
I had a girlfriend in high school, who liked to 'do it' in unusual locales. One day, she took me into a Catholic Shrine her family attended. She led me up a winding staircase, that led to the bell tower. Then, she seduced me on a landing, right under a picture of Jesus. All the while, I couldn't help but feel it was inappropriate to be doin that in a Catholic Shrine, beneath a picture of Jesus. I felt downright sacrilegious!
The only time I ever seen one was in the movie Ghostbusters.????
davknight comments on Mar 11, 2019:
Looks like an old hearse, with a siren on it. But I do remember when nurses wore white tights!
John Mayall & Peter Green Out of Reach 69 ? []
davknight comments on Mar 11, 2019:
I was an avid blues harmonica enthusiast as a teen. And I finally got to go to a John Mayall concert. The first words out of his mouth were "Sorry, but no chikka-chikka tonight!" However, he then went on to play about 20 different instruments he had set around the stage. He was an amazing musician!
Amazing how the Repub "moderates" claim to hate Trump but go on and on about what a great president ...
davknight comments on Mar 11, 2019:
Reagan was as dumb as Trump!
Former Florida officer accused of using police database to find women to date
davknight comments on Mar 11, 2019:
Probably pretty typical.
What are your thoughts on poly marriage's
davknight comments on Mar 11, 2019:
Whatever works!
A Donkey Powered Taxi For Newborn Lambs
davknight comments on Mar 11, 2019:
Hey driver! Can we stop somewhere? I gotta pee!
Old School Dating Expressions And Their Modern Equivalents []
davknight comments on Mar 11, 2019:
Dang! We just called it 'having babies in the bushes', or 'pup-tent'!
Do not contact me in anyway if you are into God/Gods.
davknight comments on Mar 11, 2019:
I am DOG the GREAT and POWERFUL! The creator of the heavens and the earth. The creator of all creatures that liveth, walketh, flyeth, swimmeth, or slinketh on the earth. And I commandeth thee to keep my name Holy, and giveth unto me ALL your stuff! Woof-Woof!
The most important thing in Trump's feeble brain this morning is whether the media was unfair to ...
davknight comments on Mar 11, 2019:
On another tweet, he said he called him "Tim Cook Apple". This clown can't even get his lies straight!
Venezuela aid truck torched by protesters, MSM finally admit… but of course Maduro’s still to ...
davknight comments on Mar 11, 2019:
If you want to invade a foreign country, you must first create a casus belli, which is Latin for creating the legal grounds for armed intervention. Tonkin Gulf served the purpose for LBJ. WMD served the purpose for "Big Ears" Bush. CIA-sponsored destabilization operations, and burning food trucks, just may be the casus belli for Trump.
While checking out of Walmart yesterday, I overheard, although I couldn't hear exactly what she was ...
davknight comments on Mar 11, 2019:
You should learn to be more tolerant of the mentally challenged!
How do you respond to cashiers saying "have a blessed day"?
davknight comments on Mar 11, 2019:
I just assume they go to church a lot, and reply with "you too!".
I checked this out and it's true.
davknight comments on Mar 11, 2019:
At first, I thought, 'now what do crocodiles cry about?' But then, I remembered the term 'crocodile tears'. So, they must cry sometime. Right?
As a person who has psychic abilities, and believes in reincarnation, I wonder what peoples thought ...
davknight comments on Mar 11, 2019:
If you have a lot of money, you can get frozen in a cryogenics chamber. Or, you go into a big, above-ground Mausoleum, with a flashing neon sign (just like Elvis!). If you have a moderate amount of money, you go into a grave, with either a vertical, or horizontal stone marker on top. If you're poor, or just plain short of cash, you either go into the paupers graveyard, the 'body farm', or a crematory oven.
Four days of national power blackout in Venezuela. []
davknight comments on Mar 11, 2019:
I can only wonder how CIA pulled that one off?
For me... assassination of JFK.
davknight comments on Mar 11, 2019:
Cuban Missile Crisis
The most important thing in Trump's feeble brain this morning is whether the media was unfair to ...
davknight comments on Mar 11, 2019:
We GOTTA vote this guy out!
Man is swept into whale’s mouth and lives to tell the tale
davknight comments on Mar 11, 2019:
Boy! Did that guy have bad breath!
One person here disputed that the USA had an empire. What do you think? []
davknight comments on Mar 11, 2019:
The closing of the American frontier is dated at 1890, which also marks the beginnings of American Imperial expansion.Mostly in the Pacific, and the Caribbean (seizure of Spanish overseas territories, during the Spanish-American War). Eventually, the Americans learned that if you wanted the resources of other countries, and you wished to open them up as markets for American goods, you establish puppet regimes, and prop them up with the US military, if need be. It was much cheaper than permanently garrisoning them with troops, as Britain, and various European powers had tried. But with the creation of the Soviet Union, and the Peoples Republic of China, US military intervention, augmented with clandestine intelligence operations became more frequent. This, to protect US Imperial and Strategic interests from the bogeyman of 'Communism'. The communist bogeyman has now been replaced with the bogeyman of Islam. The US is still an imperialist country, with troops in over 100 other countries, worldwide. Has it reached its 'twilight of empire'? The future will tell.
I believe mother-in-law's now days would be offended by this little cartoon. ???? []
davknight comments on Mar 11, 2019:
We never played spin the bottle. But I can remember when I was eight years old, a gang of girls, with flowers in their hair, chased me down, tackled me, n kissed n slobbered all over me! They said they were giving me 'cooties'. I didn't know what that was. So I ran home and took TWO baths, to make sure I got the 'cooties' off!
Joe Biden and Bernie Sanders are the top picks for President for 2020 by a large margin.
davknight comments on Mar 11, 2019:
A moderate for POTUS, and a 'radical' for VP would probably stand a better chance. If a 'radical' ran for POTUS, that would give the other side more 'ammunition' to hurl. And the important thing is to get rid of Orange Stupid, not to cling to one's ideals.