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My first Focaccia Bread.
davknight comments on Feb 12, 2019:
Focaccia bread goes good with Italian dishes, especially if you tear off pieces, and dunk it in chianti before eating it!
Who else has read A People's History of the United States by Howard Zinn?
davknight comments on Feb 12, 2019:
I read it about fifteen years ago.
Trump supporter attacks BBC cameraman at El Paso rally - BBC News
davknight comments on Feb 12, 2019:
Trump rallies attract drunken idiots!
Some iconic Michigan based memories
davknight comments on Feb 12, 2019:
I used to like pasties. Until one day, I bit into one, and found a curly, black hair. I haven't had a pastie since!
True enough!
davknight comments on Feb 12, 2019:
In my day, it didn't seem to matter how much snow had fallen. We were still expected to trudge our way to school. Likewise, employees were still expected to show up for their jobs. 'Inclement weather' was no excuse for tardiness, or absenteeism. Kids have it much easier nowadays.
How many of you remember Edgewater Amusement Park in Detroit? []
davknight comments on Feb 12, 2019:
I remember going there a few times as a kid.
I came across a post on facebook a few months back that was about restaurants in Michigan that you ...
davknight comments on Feb 12, 2019:
My all-time favorite restaurant in Michigan was Duke's Fish n Chips, in Hazeltucky!
Thanks for the invite.
davknight comments on Feb 12, 2019:
Pinconning cheese! I haven't had that in over 30 years! That's the first thing I think of when I hear the name Pinconning!
As a kid, I regularly saw caravans of army trucks (actually national guard troops) headed to/from ...
davknight comments on Feb 12, 2019:
The Michigan, Indiana, and Ohio Guard all belonged to the NG's 38th Infantry Division. So I imagine they must have held joint exercises up there. Once, while scouting out good deer-hunting country, I discovered a place in Grayling's perimeter fence where a tree had fallen on it, creating a gap underneath. Just big enough for me, or a deer to scurry through. The following deer season, I dragged a seven-pointer through there!
Warren Dunes State Park - a favorite on Lake Michigan
davknight comments on Feb 12, 2019:
We used to camp along some dunes farther south of there. I think it was a state park closer to South Haven. Anyhow, when I was a teen, it was fun wetting my belly with beer, and belly-sliding down a dune, and into Lake Michigan!
Don't drive like an asshole around big trucks. This was in Ohio.
davknight comments on Feb 11, 2019:
Back in the 'eighties, I attended a truckdriving school in Alabama. On our last day in road-training, one of the students backed over a brand new Mercedes Benz. All we felt in the cab was a minor thud. When we got out to investigate, the owner of the car-- a Pentecostal preacher--came running out of the KFC he'd been in, and started hollering, and cussing to high heaven! It was pretty funny! I'd never heard a preacher cuss like that in my life! (The Mercedes was squashed like a pizza pie!).
Trump Supporters Form Human ‘Wall’ Along U.S.-Mexico Border | HuffPost
davknight comments on Feb 11, 2019:
Twenty years from now, we will view Trumpies the way we do Moonies.
Share the wealth
davknight comments on Feb 11, 2019:
Since all wealth is created by labor, we might call it 'returned wealth'.
Teeple Lk. Highland Recreation Area
davknight comments on Feb 11, 2019:
Michigan's State Recreation Areas are one thing I miss. I think Michigan must have more state-owned recreational land than most states. I used to go out to Highland Lake, Bald Mountain, Metamora, and many, many others.
Finally got around to reading "The Godfather".
davknight comments on Feb 11, 2019:
I first saw "The Godfather" at a drive-in movie, when I was sixteen. But early on in the film, when Tom tells Sonny his dad wants to see him (and Sonny is 'hooking up' with a woman, while standing up) my girlfriend and I climbed into the back seat of my jeep, and got into some heavy 'hooking up'. So much so, we never saw the rest of the movie. So, I had to wait for it to begin appearing on television, before I actually got to see it in its entirety!
davknight comments on Feb 11, 2019:
We can expect to see more attacks like this, as more women get elected to public offices. These misogynistic bullies will be tweeting and caterwauling in full force!
Is there some kind of food you liked as a child that you will no longer eat?
davknight comments on Feb 11, 2019:
I'm Type II diabetic, and can't eat half the stuff in the supermarket! I miss Kit Kat bars most of all!
will socialism ever be a viable economic policy?
davknight comments on Feb 11, 2019:
Economic democracy only works in conjunction with political democracy. And countries that are already heavily-industrialized seem to have the best luck in its implementation.
Why are people so hostile towards President Donald Trump?
davknight comments on Feb 11, 2019:
AA) Trump is a hopelessly illiterate, microbrained, Wingbat!
i'm not saying i'm a 100% believer in this scientist's error discovery; but as an atheist, skeptic &...
davknight comments on Feb 9, 2019:
Skepticism is the ORIGIN of good science!
Should this kind of fanatacism be allowed to be spread to the general public?
davknight comments on Feb 9, 2019:
His doctors drink funny kool- aid too. One of them just said "God gave Trump good genes"!
If Donny dough nuts were reelected in 2020 by some crazy ass set of improbabilities , I would ...
davknight comments on Feb 9, 2019:
If he got re-elected, we might experience our first military coup! And Trump would get perp walked out of the White House by Marines!
I just read a disturbing post from one of our Agnostic Ladies whom I have great respect for.
davknight comments on Feb 9, 2019:
The oddest thing about Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, is that they were all founded on Sumerian creation myths, all originated in the same part of the World. And all were founded by guys who lived in the desert too long, chewed too much khat, and smoked too much weed. With so much in common, why can't they all get along?
I've been told by friends that I'm the most militant atheist they know.
davknight comments on Feb 9, 2019:
That's no shite!
Moral Cultures
davknight comments on Feb 9, 2019:
The only "virtues" I see being expounded are: ignorance, greed, usery, and mindless hedonism.
Comparing the present administration to any other is absolutely absurd.
davknight comments on Feb 9, 2019:
I have a neighbor who turned 100 last year. I asked her if Trump reminded her of Huey Long. She laughed, and said that was exactly who Trump reminded her of!
I work at a university and a guy called this summer to see if we wanted some "dinosaur poop" he ...
davknight comments on Feb 9, 2019:
I can remember having to study human coprolite, from South American digs, under a microscope, back when I was working on my anthropology degree.
Who remembers Ding Dongs????
davknight comments on Feb 9, 2019:
They don't make them anymore? Boy! I really am getting old!
Which comic book series did you grow up on?
davknight comments on Feb 9, 2019:
Mad Magazine, Zap!, Bijou Funnies, Fabulous Furry Freak Brothers.
Who has lived or still do in small hicksville like this.
davknight comments on Feb 9, 2019:
I grew up in a big city, but haven't lived in one for 35 years. I PREFER small towns!
What? Me Worry?
davknight comments on Feb 9, 2019:
I'm convinced Mad Magazine contributed to my World outlook. That, and the underground comics I used to read as a teen!
I think that I shall never see The things I saw on LSD. My ode to acid.
davknight comments on Feb 9, 2019:
I miss watching the Zepelin move around on Led Zepelin album covers!
How do you deal with Door-knockers?
davknight comments on Feb 8, 2019:
Easy. I don't answer the door!
What do you call it when your niece has her first baby.
davknight comments on Feb 8, 2019:
And ta think? We looked like that once!
I live in the reddest State,Oklahoma, therefore I am exposed to lots of right-wingers.
davknight comments on Feb 8, 2019:
Okies are OK to me! When I think Oklahoma, I think Will Rogers, and Woodie Guthrie. Maybe I'm just getting too old?
As a music lover, I have always envied the mad skills of the talented, even though I don't have the ...
davknight comments on Feb 8, 2019:
Who are your top 10 favorite harmonica players? Mine are: Sonny Terry Charlie Musselwhite Charlie McCoy Alan Wilson John Fogerty Mick Jagger Corky Siegal Sonny Boy Williamson II John Mayall "Magic" Dick Wilson
As a music lover, I have always envied the mad skills of the talented, even though I don't have the ...
davknight comments on Feb 8, 2019:
Harmonica. Since I was 14. Harmonicas sound awful, until you learn how to play them. So, I'd go up onto railroad tracks, late at night. Or climb up into a tree. When dogs started howling back at me, I knew I was getting good. Bathtubs, and restrooms offered great acoustics too.. There was a certain boy's room at school, that I'd go into when I was skipping a class, and practice my harmonics. Until one day, as I was sneaking back out, I got met with applause by a teacher, and a bunch of students from a class next to the boy's room. Turned out, they could hear me fine! I scurried off embarrassed as heck!
Are you a conspiracy theorist?
davknight comments on Feb 8, 2019:
I don't see any link. The term "conspiracy theorist" was originally coined by the CIA to discredit critics of the Warren Report. Also, most "conspiracy theories" turn out to be true, or at least partially true. And, as Carl Oglesby once pointed out: "Conspiracy is politics by normal means".
Right wing demagogues are now screaming "socialism" -- attempting to discredit democratic thrusts ...
davknight comments on Feb 8, 2019:
Tell them that the U.S. Military is one of the most efficient examples of socialism-in-action, and they just stare at you dumbstruck!
What do you think of the value of knowledge?
davknight comments on Feb 8, 2019:
One never gets enough education. So, everyone should try to learn something new each and every day!
China just built a 250-acre solar farm shaped like a giant panda
davknight comments on Feb 8, 2019:
One word. Cool!
Are we in the Anthropocene.
davknight comments on Feb 8, 2019:
I call it the Plasticene Age.
Donald Trump has accidentally told an audience of global religious leaders that America’s greatest...
davknight comments on Feb 8, 2019:
His aids ought to design him corks, for both his mouth, and his sphincter, so he can't sputter his idiocy out either end!
We're Finally Going To Get Trump's Tax Returns - YouTube
davknight comments on Feb 8, 2019:
That's how they got Capone!
I'm not saying it was aliens because it probably wasn't.
davknight comments on Feb 8, 2019:
I've always called it the Hysteria Channel (though, sometimes they have interesting programs).
Do You Feel Like an Outsider?
davknight comments on Feb 7, 2019:
Alienated? How about Vulcan? I always feel like I'm from another planet, down here studying the Earth Creatures!
Siberian deep freeze breaks 50-year record
davknight comments on Feb 7, 2019:
I'm waiting for Trump to tell them they just need to shovel their snow! Then, it wouldn't be so cold!
Stone age Swiss Army Knife
davknight comments on Feb 7, 2019:
The most unusual stone tool I ever saw was in the park museum of Rocky Mountain National Park. This was a stone twist drill, with right-hand flutes. It was only about 3" in length, and was probably used in drilling holes through seashell ornaments. I don't remember how old it was supposed to be; but human habitation in that region goes back 6,500 years. And pocket knives go back to ancient Rome. Few specimens survive, but at least a few can be seen in the National Knife Museum, in Chattanooga, TN.
Just having a crummy day, just feeling blurghy and fed up.
davknight comments on Feb 7, 2019:
Your son is alright, we hope? And take heart. We have six times the population you have; and at least six times as many idiots. To get rid of those blurghies, feel free to vent your frustrations here!
Its raining trees in Michigan! These are just what I can see from my yard.
davknight comments on Feb 7, 2019:
That's what it looks like around here, after a hurricane hits the coast. Except the water is still in liquid form, and not iced!
What song would you want played for your funeral?
davknight comments on Feb 7, 2019:
My favorite pipe tune, "The Drunken Piper"!
Any day now we're sure to start feeling Trickle Down.
davknight comments on Feb 7, 2019:
I can remember the "trickle-down" of the Reagan years. Most people in the Rust Bowl city I grew up in, figured that was when rich folks get weak kidneys, n peed all over everybody else.
Jennifer Rubin said Trump uses language "that dense people think is smart and ignorant people ...
davknight comments on Feb 7, 2019:
Trumpism has sparked a wave of mass-hysteria, rooted in cognitive dissonance.
I honestly believe within the next 10 years we will have solid proof of alien life.
davknight comments on Feb 7, 2019:
No alien civilization in their right minds would have anything to do with us. They would know it's better to leave us be, and let us "discover" them.
Congressional women, dressed in solidarity in white, attempting to inject some joy and hope into an ...
davknight comments on Feb 7, 2019:
Mourning black would have been more appropriate.
New York Gov.
davknight comments on Feb 6, 2019:
I would like to see it DECRIMINALIZED. When you legalize it, it just becomes something for the government to tax. Thus making it unaffordable to most folks. Decriminalization, on the other hand, simply turns it back into a weed, that people can grow themselves, in unlimited quantities.
Do you trust businessmen to look out for your best interests?
davknight comments on Feb 6, 2019:
I think many Trumplerites equate great wealth with great intelligence: "He's a billionaire, aint he?" And Trump uses that mis-idea to make suckers out of them.
Boy named Trump who fell asleep during State of the Union hailed a hero | US news | The Guardian
davknight comments on Feb 6, 2019:
You'd fall asleep too, if you were a sixth-grader, and had to listen to a second-grader give a speech!
May we take a break from all the atheist stuff for a second.
davknight comments on Feb 6, 2019:
A man is laying in his death bed. The only others present are a priest, and an undertaker. Priest: "Do you have any last words my son?" Dying Man: "I'm dieing" Priest: "Yes?" Dying Man: "I'm dieing" Priest: "We know that! What did you want to say?" Dying Man: "I'm dieing just like Jesus!" Priest: "But that's blasphemy my son! What do you mean you're dieing like Jesus?" Dying Man: "I'm dieing" Priest: "Yes?" Dying Man: "Between two thieves!"
May we take a break from all the atheist stuff for a second.
davknight comments on Feb 6, 2019:
Bear and bunny rabbit are sitting on log, taking a dump. Bear says to bunny rabbit: "Does your pooh stick to your fur too, when taking a dump?" Bunny Rabbit: "Oh no! Us Bunnies don't have that problem!" Bear: "Really? Great!" ( picks up bunny, and wipes butt with him).
25 Obscure English Words
davknight comments on Feb 6, 2019:
I took a vocabulary test once, and only missed two words. I still remember them: Bumptious, and Mindicant. (I don't remember what they mean!).
I’m gonna go ahead and post my response to the SOTU in advance ...
davknight comments on Feb 5, 2019:
Trumpty Dumpty is certainly a "unique kind of moron"!
The changing meanings of words from one country to another. Any examples?
davknight comments on Feb 5, 2019:
The Simpsons to Americans-- Dingbat cartoon show. Rest of the World-- A typical family of American dingbats.
This article is for informational purposes only WHAT DO YOU THINK THE STATE OF OUR UNION IS ...
davknight comments on Feb 5, 2019:
I think of it as the State of Disunion Address!
Senator Lindsey Graham Warns Of Possible GOP 'War' Over Trump's Wall | HuffPost
davknight comments on Feb 5, 2019:
Poor Lindsey went stark, raving crackers a couple of years ago. And hasn't been the same since!
Okay, so there ain't no God.
davknight comments on Feb 5, 2019:
In the Beginning, there was DOG. And DOG created the Heavens and the Earth. And he saw that it was Good!
Friday, February 8th I’m having my second back surgery.
davknight comments on Feb 5, 2019:
You have my sympathy! I had a two-level lumbar fusion done fourteen years ago. They botched the first attempt, and I had to have a second surgery. Both times, I was in the most unimaginable pain. And I was taking several types of opiod painkillers after each one. This was also in Colorado, but before medical pot was legal. I won't give you my opinions regarding fusions, back surgeons, and the hospitals they do them in. But I hope you have better luck than I did; and I hope you've got plenty of good weed!
I've just been watching a documentary 'Teachers Training to Kill' produced by Channel 4 (United ...
davknight comments on Feb 5, 2019:
What happens when a teacher decides to go postal?
I am not giving old orangy the satisfaction of me watching his lying ass deliver State of the Union ...
davknight comments on Feb 4, 2019:
I have better things to do than to listen to that bellowing hippo stumble, babble, and lie his way through his speech!
What We're Up Against: The Right-Wing Mindset
davknight comments on Feb 4, 2019:
It's more than that. I liken it to a wave of mass-hysteria, rooted in cognitive dissonance, deliberately fanned by the Mad Man in the White House. (Good title for a book--"Mad Man: The Trump Years In The White House").
Why is electoral vote used to determine the outcome of the presidential election when the popular ...
davknight comments on Feb 4, 2019:
The U.S. Senate, and the electoral "college" exist to keep political power in the hands of the upper ten-percent of the population.
I have an academic poster to finish. Will someone do it for me? I'll pay
davknight comments on Feb 4, 2019:
I don't think the U.S. even has a nation-wide rubric for treating the mentally ill. It would vary so much from state to state. From what I can see, we either consign them to group homes run by non-profits, turn em loose but medicated, or even run em for President!
I'm watching _The Graduate_ . Wondering how it would be received if released now.
davknight comments on Feb 4, 2019:
'The Graduate' would probably be deemed 'pretty boring' nowadays.
Send nudes.
davknight comments on Feb 4, 2019:
Bearly nekkid? Or bear nekkid?
What’s your favorite movie quote?
davknight comments on Feb 4, 2019:
"Worms n buzzards gotta eat too!" The Outlaw Josey Wales
On another post I had someone argue that Trump wasn't pro Russia with this line.
davknight comments on Feb 2, 2019:
A U.S. withdrawal from the Treaty, justifies Russia doing the same, which allows Russia to build and emplace more Intermediate-ranged weapons on their border with Ukraine, and the rest of NATO. It is of no threat to the U.S. But it is a threat to the EU and NATO. It is a cleverly disguised boon to Putin's desires for territorial expansion. It makes one wonder if there isn't some truth to allegations of Trump being in the employ of Russian Intelligence.
Would you pay extra taxes so that all can get health care?
davknight comments on Feb 2, 2019:
Everything else is paid for through taxes. So why not?
How do you quit smoking? My girl friend is dying from smoking and won't quit. Help! Anybody know?
davknight comments on Feb 2, 2019:
Quitting smoking can be done in one week. It's quitting the nicotine that's hard. I would recommend enrolling in a Stop Smoking class, and using the nicotine lozenges they give you. Start with the 4 mg, and then go to the 2 mg. I quit in 2014; and that's how I did it. Good luck!
Useless girl disease, I can cook, dressmake, knit, crochet, tat, bake, flower arrange, decorate ...
davknight comments on Feb 1, 2019:
Sounds like a riddle. Hmmm? The electricity is out, where you are? Bummer!
Another day, another brew....
davknight comments on Feb 1, 2019:
I once went into a Starbucks, and ordered an ordinary cup of Columbian coffee. The clerk told me they "didn't have any". I left, bewildered; and haven't been in a Starbucks since. I try to keep my coffee consumption down to two cups each morning. And that does it for me. On cold mornings, I find a shot of Irish Whiskey gives it all the zing I need. I once wrote a research paper on coffee consumption. Did you know that, as of 1890, coffee consumption in the U.S. was less than 10 lbs per person, per year? To boost sales, U.S. coffee importers conducted an advertising campaign, featuring posters of Victorian-looking women, with stoned smiles on their faces, sniffing the fumes arising off hot cups of coffee. Thus, by 1900, U.S. coffee consumption increased to 100 lbs per person, per year Nowadays, it's somewhere between 160-170 lbs (which means a lot of it must go down the drain!). Israel is the World's biggest consumer of coffee, closely followed by Sweden.
Darwin Day Ideas
davknight comments on Feb 1, 2019:
Trump deserves a Darwin Award for being 'Dingbat of the Year'!
Childhood Favorite Toys
davknight comments on Jan 31, 2019:
marbles, slingshots, bb guns, cap pistols, homemade bows n arrows, homemade spears,toy soldiers, and mud puddles.
How irreligious is Trump?
davknight comments on Jan 31, 2019:
Trump, like his cronies, has only one 'god'. Mammon!
I am currently trying to watch Britbox television and I want to know if anyone has any ...
davknight comments on Jan 31, 2019:
I used to live in close proximity to Canada, and would watch Eastenders, and Coronation Street on Canadian TV stations. I found them novel, in that the principle characters are blue collar, working class types; and easier to relate with. This, as opposed to American soaps, which are all based on the 'trials and travails' of imaginary rich people.
It's another freezing cold in Indiana.
davknight comments on Jan 31, 2019:
Hot coffee, with just a wee bit of Janieson's Irish Cream!
Robo Calls & Junk Mail
davknight comments on Jan 31, 2019:
Yes. If you've got a p.o. box, you'll get deluged with junk mail. I've had four, over the past 20 years. And the junk mail was a big headache. One solution might be to buy a paper-making kit from Hobby Lobby, and convert it all into stationary, or maybe even toilet paper. But you'd only be re-cycling it. Another solution might be to mark each piece "Return to Sender", and re-mail it.(Although, I don't know if the Post Office accepts re-mailed junk mail).
Trump tells US spy chiefs: 'Go back to school' President Donald Trump has called US intelligence ...
davknight comments on Jan 31, 2019:
Hey! He "watches all the shows", and has the "biggest words"! He also has a "natural gift for science"!
I thought that was just a figure of speech. Guess not! ?
davknight comments on Jan 31, 2019:
That's the only part of Michigan I don't miss!
Trump tells US spy chiefs: 'Go back to school' President Donald Trump has called US intelligence ...
davknight comments on Jan 30, 2019:
The last POTUS to trod on the toes of the intell community (as well as many other people) was John F Kennedy!
Rachel Maddow versus the Extreme Loony Tunes Right-Wingers.
davknight comments on Jan 30, 2019:
I've read she's a big firearms enthusiast. So, I doubt she worries too much!
What’s the funniest song you’ve ever heard?
davknight comments on Jan 30, 2019:
An old country song, entitled "Damn, the TV's Gone!".
One of the things I have the hardest time disposing of is my belief that someday I'll join my loved ...
davknight comments on Jan 30, 2019:
I've been doing geneological research for twenty-five years. And I look upon it as a sort of never-ending, historical archaeological project. Every generation you dig down, you uncover another box of bones. And then another, and another. And they are all laughing at me,wondering why I am going through all that work, and knowing I am going to be just another box of bones, sooner or later!
I just watched the film/movie Outlaw King.
davknight comments on Jan 30, 2019:
There was an author, named Nigel Trent, who wrote a three-part, historical-bio of Robert Bruce, which provides a fascinating look at this man's trials,travails, and ultimate triumph.
If you've ever driven "through" TX...on any understand....
davknight comments on Jan 30, 2019:
I've been all over Texas; and whenever driving across that State, I think of a line from an old country song: "when I looked into her eyes, I saw miles, and miles of Texas". And indeed, if you're El Paso, Lubbock, or Amarillo-bound, you'll see miles n miles n miles (ad infinitum) of Texas!
Definition of "baby boomer" -- is born between 1946 and 1964, and they call it a generation.
davknight comments on Jan 29, 2019:
Depends on one's definition of "generation". I define it as a 20 year period. But there are numerous definitions.
Hi fellow Michiganders.
davknight comments on Jan 29, 2019:
Born in Detroit. Raised in Royal Oak. Left Michigan when I was 35. Haven't been back in nearly 30 years! But I do sometimes miss the place. Especially the Great Lakes!
Earliest known lead exposure... []
davknight comments on Jan 29, 2019:
I'm surprised the oldest known exposure to lead wasn't in Spain's Balearic Islands. In the ancient past, it was quite rich in lead deposits. Much of it just laying around. The Romans used to recruit cohorts of slingers from the Balearics, who were notorious for using lead shot. The lead shot expanded on contact with human flesh, and produced a bigger shock wave .
For those who are not aware, this is the day (or night) that we celebrate the birthday of the "Bard ...
davknight comments on Jan 29, 2019:
My heart's in the hielans My heart is not here My heart's in the hielans A chasin the deer
101 contacts between trump's team and russian-linked operatives
davknight comments on Jan 29, 2019:
And 8,000 lies. When is this all going to end?
Has Trump peddled bogus claims about the border because of a movie? | MSNBC
davknight comments on Jan 29, 2019:
Was it an action movie? Trump loves action movies. "Rocketman" for example comes from the film "The Rock".