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Humanist, secularist, intersectional feminist, demisexual, BLM and LGTBQ+ ally.

I am averse to controlling people or people that do not respect my boundaries. I may not have a profile picture up for personal reasons. I don't care if everyone in the world had a profile picture up, I'm not going to do something just because others do it! Just like I wouldn't jump off a bridge because everyone is doing it. So kindly do not demand I post a pic or ask me for a picture of myself. K thanks bye

"Could dress up to get love, But guess what?
I'm never gonna be that girl,
Who's living in a Barbie World

Could wake up and make up and dumb,
Pretending that I need a boy,
Who's gonna treat me like a toy...

But I don't wanna be the puppet that you're playing on a string..

Full Bio


It’s been 14 months since my son died and the platitudes still piss me off.
demifeministgal comments on Aug 28, 2019:
when my granny died I was told two things: one is that the energy from our decaying bodies is released back into the "universe" and we become part of the energy of the universe again and second is that the person changed our brains... they literally impacted the folds in our brains, for better or for worse, and they will forever be with us with the changes they have made in our brains by knowing and interacting with them. Those thoughts gave me peace.
New Millennials Survey in New York - It is really difficult to be a proud American (under Trump) ...
demifeministgal comments on Aug 28, 2019:
Except that millenials are also one of the hardest working generations having to work often multiple jobs to survive whereas the boomers could work one job and pay all their bills with one living wage. And divorce rates have decreased thanks to millenials delaying or abstaining from marriage. Whereas those in their 50s and older are still marrying and divorcing at a steady rate. tsk tsk
So I'm gonna show off my good friend Talonn.
demifeministgal comments on Aug 28, 2019:
those arms, that smile and a gorgeous brain to boot! goddam his partner is lucky to have him ;)
Online Dating Blues: Old Photos.
demifeministgal comments on Aug 28, 2019:
Because humans are shallow creatures and to be given a second glimpse/consideration it is about looks first and who one is as a person second. Hence why photoshopping and editing one's pics or using filters and lots of makeup or taking professional photos are common.
This is why I hate technology
demifeministgal comments on Aug 27, 2019:
Perhaps you just hate select technology? I assume you posted this post via a laptop/PC/smartphone/tablet and this website uses the internet and other tech to function.
I have been guilty of this! It certainly seems like the easier route to take.
demifeministgal comments on Aug 27, 2019:
Is this meant specifically to sex? OR is it more encompassing than that when it says "lover"?? :s
Why is racism is wrong?
demifeministgal comments on Aug 27, 2019:
Racism: prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different race based on the belief that one's own race is superior. So reworded: why is thinking one is superior to another based on an inherent, socially constructed trait like race, problematic. You tell us. If you can. Without exposing your biases and bigotries.
Effort seems meaningless and egotistical at best.
demifeministgal comments on Aug 27, 2019:
Effort for what though? For yourself? Or for others? I mean if nobody made any effort for women, for POC, for the LGTBQ+, for child labourers/slaves in society you and I would not even be able to be making these posts here. We would be popping out babies like brood mares for our husbands since we got our periods... I STRONGLY disagree that making any effort has no lasting effects... tell that to Malcolm X, Martin Luther King, Rosa Parks, Ella Baker, Viola Desmond, Margaret Sanger, Margaret Fuller, etc. etc. So what difference did their efforts make? Look in to the history of what rights women and POC and LGTBQ+ have gained in the USA over the last 100 years or more and tell me.
Im a waitress! i got a job :)
demifeministgal comments on Aug 27, 2019:
congrats... may you get an abundance of tips to supplement your wages :D
Maybe all these men should shut up about women’s behavior and bodies and insist that GOP ...
demifeministgal comments on Aug 27, 2019:
ughh I'd hate to see the incel MRA bullshit they will spew about "Her response to the feminist movement".... it will either be to shun it entirely, because they have deluded themselves into thinking feminism is destroying the family. Or it will focus on choice feminism and encourage them to be wives, mothers, bible class teachers, etc. Pathetic xtian morons
Oh my, someone's aging well. Dennis Haysbert
demifeministgal comments on Aug 27, 2019:
I'd need to see a full normal smile to gauge that for myself... the smile is the key for me in absense of arm visuals ;) heh
Roger and I are having a commitment ceremony tomorrow.
demifeministgal comments on Aug 27, 2019:
O.M.G! When you wrote commitment ceremony I thought you were getting married!! I legit gasped.... gah don't do that to me woman!! :O :$
I had this weird exchange recently with a member.
demifeministgal comments on Aug 27, 2019:
LOL ooh man I should try saying that to guys online... especially the ones from Europe or Africa that message me... like I have local guys using the same line as you... you gotta set yourself waaay apart if you expect me to make an exception for a long distance relationship.
Question: Those of you who went out and ended up going home (or elsewhere) with a stranger and had a...
demifeministgal comments on Aug 27, 2019:
I don't do one night stands... there needs to be trust and a feeling of safety to have sex for me... others are more reckless and instinct driven in their sex lives... so be it... to each their own
demifeministgal comments on Aug 27, 2019:
Information for affordable counselling services in brampton
I need to tell this yoga teacher I just don't want to be touched in class.
demifeministgal comments on Aug 26, 2019:
Where I live, what she is doing would be considered sexual assault (defined as unwanted touching or kissing) and you and others would be in the right to report her actions to her superior(s). Better that she get a warning from a boss than the company get a lawsuit for sexual assault. Think of it that way and do others as well as yourself a favour. :)
Question: How important is it to you to simply hug someone for no other reason, than to simply hug ...
demifeministgal comments on Aug 26, 2019:
I love snuggling... it releases positive hormones in humans and makes me feel safe and cared for... if I found someone that refuse to snuggle with me, he'd have to be shown the door.
I will admit this might be a pick too finicky, but I really do not want to date a man who is smaller...
demifeministgal comments on Aug 26, 2019:
smaller as in weight or smaller as in height?? And I just straight up tell the dudes I do not date christians as we do not share values... so far it has lead to christian men debating me on it and telling me just because someone puts christian on their profiles does not mean they are... but it all fizzles out when I get bored and block em
I hope this doesn't offend anyone, but i found these two doing the dirty in my breezeway.
demifeministgal comments on Aug 26, 2019:
ughhh kill them with fire!!! not cuz of the sex cuz of their buggyness yuck
Are childless people more likely to be religious?
demifeministgal comments on Aug 24, 2019:
I don't know... would have to find data on that... but my generation is having way less kids than the last two generations and we tend to have higher atheist/agnostic rates... so there is that
Question: You have a high possibility of ending up in bed with someone you've never had sex with ...
demifeministgal comments on Aug 23, 2019:
please don't want kids, please don't want kids, PLEASE DO NOT want kids! Just kidding :p
Today a potential date asked me "would you say life has been fair to you?
demifeministgal comments on Aug 23, 2019:
Not just those, but the genetic lottery and plain good luck; if you were born to healthy or stable/mature parents and not living in poverty your life will be way more fair than those that did not have those advantages. Just sayin'
"You talking to me? "
demifeministgal comments on Aug 23, 2019:
Good morning honey... WHY ARE YOU LAUGHING?
demifeministgal comments on Aug 21, 2019:
LOL at my request?!? hahaha if it were truly at my request he would have way more melanin ;)
Here's another for your viewing pleasure... You're welcome 😊
demifeministgal comments on Aug 21, 2019:
less tattoos next time >.> but keep up the muscley arm pics <3
I’m missing someone so badly right now that doesn’t love me back.
demifeministgal comments on Aug 20, 2019:
What had you google him? Was there a show or song or something you saw or heard that reminded you of him and your times together? Or was it purely random? I ask because if there are things that trigger this behaviour you can find a way to deal with em. If it is purely random Idk then.
Here's a guy with a nice confident smile.
demifeministgal comments on Aug 20, 2019:
The guys you are posting lately are too hairy for my liking... meh
Looks a little like @ejbman... 😊
demifeministgal comments on Aug 20, 2019:
who? :s
I am having an awful day today.
demifeministgal comments on Aug 20, 2019:
I am not sure... I think never in my case heh
Lucy Stone, (1818-1893) 19th-century American feminist: “In education, in marriage, in religion, ...
demifeministgal comments on Aug 19, 2019:
Soo women are to blame for all the fckd up shit men have caused in society, since they have run all of those institutions from time immemorial, and we are the one's that run on emotions too?? Lovely how men have no part of this in anything. This doesn't sound like a feminist this sounds like a sexist religitard.
Sterilization insurance woes.
demifeministgal comments on Aug 19, 2019:
And your story needs to be shared as a fck you to slut shaming anti-choicers about ooh just get yourself fixed! yea then pay for it bitch! After taking forever to finally be approved for it.
Why do we desire and seek a romantic, intimate relationship with the opposite sex full well knowing ...
demifeministgal comments on Aug 19, 2019:
well first of all not all people do: there are bisexuals and pansexuals and homosexuals. And because we are social creatures and thus mentally healthy people (excluding antisocial people) seek bonds and social unions with other humans. And not all relationships lead to heartache as not all relationships turn serious or lead to love. So casual dating won't lead to heartache.
My Leather Chariots.... What's your fetish?
demifeministgal comments on Aug 19, 2019:
you have waay more shoes than me.... I will have to point you out the next time someone says all women have lots of shoes... ill be like nu uh there was this guy from agnostic...
Real exchange... you deviants might not be the right folks to ask 😁
demifeministgal comments on Aug 19, 2019:
I think you need to take some responsibility for this as well with a new person probably best to err on the side of caution and best to say haha joking or joke! so they know... especially through text communication that lacks tone of voice and body language with someone unfamiliar with your sense of humour... just my 2 cents
Question: Have you ever had times in your life when sex is not the objective, but being naked with ...
demifeministgal comments on Aug 19, 2019:
Yes... especially if I am stressed or triggered and need someone to hold me and make me feel safe again :$
I have been in a pretty bad depression for most of the last 4 years.
demifeministgal comments on Aug 19, 2019:
Have you sought professional help or told your doctor about these thoughts? I was surprised after the deaths in my family that I stopped having suicidal thoughts... then after dating a fckd up narc they came back and only through counselling and the assistance of medication did they subside again...please tell your doctor or a professional so they can give you some relief :)
Your dog ?
demifeministgal comments on Aug 19, 2019:
He's a barky fella for the other 3 and comes over to me and lets me pet him... he only lets himself be pet at length when there is chance he will get food... the gluttinous fck
I have got a new name!.
demifeministgal comments on Aug 17, 2019:
Did she think you were waiting for a stripper or sex worker to show up?? I'm confused by her automatic judgement here :s
Seriously considering to change my name to IamLonely or IamPsychic because I can see the future ...
demifeministgal comments on Aug 17, 2019:
You just have to find a con atheist or a religious woman that isn't explicitly religious who shares your particular set of values...
demifeministgal comments on Aug 17, 2019:
Interestingly you would have grown up during the HIV and AIDS epidemic yet people were screwing around recklessly?? Think it was more a matter of irresponsible young sex than not having to worry about the potential for contracting STDs/STIs.
You know how when someone tells you to wait for them while they get their life together, and they ...
demifeministgal comments on Aug 17, 2019:
I suppose the lesson here is not to let yourself be put on hold and explore other options...
Men vs women😉
demifeministgal comments on Aug 16, 2019:
fck stilettos not damaging my foot and leg health for useless stilettos... I'm more like the man minus the office
Makes sense to me
demifeministgal comments on Aug 16, 2019:
There is research out there simulating childbirth pains in men and men not being able to tolerate it... also the ball kicking is quick pain you are typically not kicked repeatedly for hours whereas birth is continuous pain for hours or even days.
Please let me know if you would say something in this situation.
demifeministgal comments on Aug 16, 2019:
You can say something to your friend obviously but I am not sure if it is your place to say something to this guy... how close are y'all? Will what you say impact your friend and his business and then your friendship?? Are they in an open relationship or do they have an understanding that she slept with someone else but it was God's "plan for him" to raise another's kid?? Too many missing details here.
Ok, I have an Internet date for tomorrow night.
demifeministgal comments on Aug 16, 2019:
Be sure to have fun and relax... if it leads nowhere at least y'all can enjoy your time out... if you have not dated in awhile no worries it is like riding a bike... you don't forget how to do it ;)
I've heard on the radio this morning, there is a petition to change Trump tower street name to ...
demifeministgal comments on Aug 16, 2019:
He is from old wealth so the reason he was able to develop anything was thanks to daddies money and to screwing over workers by not paying them and them having to take him to court to sue him for their wages.... also apparently he was not actually a billionaire but he kept saying that he is and won't release his tax records
I just found out today that there are companies that exist who hire individuals to go on the ...
demifeministgal comments on Aug 15, 2019:
source? :S :o
Who has been called a nerd? Are you proud of it or is it just me?
demifeministgal comments on Aug 15, 2019:
I call myself a nerd and am proud of it... more specifically a social science nerd :D
I never know what or how much is going to come out of me when I start writing to something that has ...
demifeministgal comments on Aug 15, 2019:
I have this with my FWBs... ofc we have quickies when pressed for time (usually on my end) but other times our foreplay is slow and prolonged until we reach orgasm :)
I struggle with insomnia.
demifeministgal comments on Aug 15, 2019:
I am having a 2nd sleep study done to find out what my issue is... with meds/OTC sleeping pills I can fall asleep but nothing helps me stay asleep... I feel like I just have brief back to back naps all week and then sleep most of the day on weekends heh
Do you look like anyone 'famous'?
demifeministgal comments on Aug 15, 2019:
I think soo.... usually guys on dating sites years and years ago... but when asked in online questions which famous person do I look like I have no answer... I legit don't know... maybe kirsten stewart since I don RBF (resting bich face) so often Kirsten with long brown hair... not the short blonde mess she has now XD
4000 points to level 9 bring on the dancing girls
demifeministgal comments on Aug 15, 2019:
NO! You get dancing boys or you get NOTHING! >: D
There are no words horrendous
demifeministgal comments on Aug 15, 2019:
FFS the USA is really doing its best to become equal with the other supposed shithole countries out there... it's like a race to reach developing country status :(
I feel upset about something right now.
demifeministgal comments on Aug 15, 2019:
Perhaps you have identified a new trigger which has caused your anxiety to peak? Worth considering once you have stabilized and see it as a learning experience :)
And then Reddit comes through with this absolute gem right when I need it.
demifeministgal comments on Aug 15, 2019:
LOL love it... especially the you fuck ending XD will send it to friend(s) :)
I'm feeling really pleased with myself.
demifeministgal comments on Aug 15, 2019:
sometimes it is the small victories yea? good for you getting out of your comfort zone... I, too, need to get out of my comfort zone more often :$
Rant: I paid good money (and a lot of it) for a one year subscription to eharmony.
demifeministgal comments on Aug 15, 2019:
Stop mentioning the cats or get rid of some! :p *jk* I think I used eharmoney years back and talked to a german exchange student and once I got up the courage to meet he was back in germany! heh... beyond that very brief exchanges with much older men once they learned I was not looking for a hookup or DTF
I'm starting to reach the conclusion that empathy does not come naturally for many and they need to ...
demifeministgal comments on Aug 14, 2019:
I have read the opposite that empathy is an evolutionary trait we inherited, with exceptions like sociopaths and psychopaths.
Hey guys what do say when you meet someone in person from online dating and you are not physically ...
demifeministgal comments on Aug 14, 2019:
I told a guy I was not looking to seriously date at the time and he'd be better off finding someone else that was (he was looking for a serious relationship).
They finally arrived! Yay! Thanks @admin.
demifeministgal comments on Aug 14, 2019:
You lucky duck... so how long does it take to ship to our neck of the Canadian woods? Months??
Anyone been to Sliding Rock, NC?
demifeministgal comments on Aug 14, 2019:
If Trump is re-elected it will take away the stigma of being on meds. everyone will be! Be happy :-)
demifeministgal comments on Aug 14, 2019:
Well, perhaps everyone in the USA or north america.... not good to speak/joke in absolutes when speaking of american politics mate ;)
For the last time, don't ask a stranger "What are you?"
demifeministgal comments on Aug 14, 2019:
If you didn't tell me she was mixed, I would think she was just a tanned white chick. XD
Would you as an agnostic or atheist marry a Christian?
demifeministgal comments on Aug 13, 2019:
No I would not... only because I have bad experiences with religitards trying to convert me at every point... he or his religious family would try to convert me or manipulate me into converting and I am sick to death of that shit.... sorry not sorry
What is your favorite curse word?
demifeministgal comments on Aug 13, 2019:
I like this
I'm exhausted.
demifeministgal comments on Aug 13, 2019:
I think you should consider consulting the mental health office and finding the accommodations office in your school... they can provide accommodations so you can hand in assignments later or not have to do 2 exams or more the same day (sometimes that kind of scheduling will happen). Of course, the accommodations office will require some sort of documentation verifying this, so I would suggest telling your family doctor or physician about your mental health symptoms so he can fill out the form for you.
Are people that don't reason humans?
demifeministgal comments on Aug 13, 2019:
But humans ARE animals, we are mammals. We may be higher order animals aka our ability to reflect or reason as you say, but that does not make us any less animals. This question would disqualify mentally disabled, (formerly "retarded") from being humans, since they cannot reason and often need caregivers. In that sense, the question, as posed, comes across as ableist. Just sayin'
Are people property? Asking for a
demifeministgal comments on Aug 13, 2019:
Those couples that only "allow" their spouse to have same sex friend(s) or only have "couple friends" are so controlling and insecure imo. Like if you have trust in your partner and your relationship is secure, and y'all have good open and honest communication, why would a friend be a threat to you or y'alls relationship?!? IT shouldn't. I think such couples either know their partner would stray if he or she had the opportunity or their relationship is already on shaky or crappy grounding that they do not even want to risk that possibility. I was never married but I had PLATONIC male friends while dating my long term ex. He did not like it and had suspicions but nothing ever happened because I keep my male friends as friends and my bfs as bfs and the two never mix. B)
Hi I'm new here.
demifeministgal comments on Aug 13, 2019:
Have you considered that you may be an ambivert? I consider myself an ambivert that skews slightly more towards the introvert side.
Students at private schools consistently outperform those who attend public schools according to ...
demifeministgal comments on Aug 13, 2019:
I would attribute that to socioeconomic status... of course rich kids with access to tutors, technology and other educational assets/resources that money can pay for as well as having food in their bellies to be able to concentrate and not having to work one or more jobs to support themselves/their families, will do better than those that have all those added struggles to contend with as students.
Simone Biles soars to 6th US gymnastics title after nailing historic triple-double flip
demifeministgal comments on Aug 13, 2019:
Her body is so muscley and athletic I imagine her being able to beat the crap out of any non-athlete guy :)
So the woman you've dedicated the last 10 years to and gave up everything you've accomplished for ...
demifeministgal comments on Aug 12, 2019:
I think you can analyze it a bit. Her life sucking can exclude you being in her life. By that I mean find out WHY does her life suck. Is it because of things you can or cannot provide for her? Or is it completely unrelated to you and regarding traumas in her life, any mental health issues, pain-related issues, dissatisfaction with her job or lack of a job, abusive or toxic upbringing or current family members/friends, etc. There are so many possibilities here that you taking it personally would be assuming it is all about or because of you. Communicate with her and find out what is going on inside her head and what she is struggling with.
Two annoying flies woke him (KodaBear) up from an 1130am nap..... Ahhhh the life!🙄🐾
demifeministgal comments on Aug 12, 2019:
LOL at the first pic it can even apply to human disturbing him... like ughh fckng hoomans :p
Is it normal to dislike other people’s children?
demifeministgal comments on Aug 12, 2019:
My biased take is yes it is okay only because soo many gosh damn breeders should never have had kids to begin with if they cannot control or tame them in public places that they are running around and yelling as loud as possible at restaurants or on buses. I've encountered too many of these wild kid(s) with useless parent(s) that think their lil spawn being an annoying lil shit is somehow precious and endearing. blegh :/
Starting to pursue wicca. Any thoughts or advise?
demifeministgal comments on Aug 12, 2019:
My thought is why? what is the point? There is no such thing as magic or hexes or whatever so why bother?
OK. How many people come to this site to find a partner?
demifeministgal comments on Aug 12, 2019:
Actually, I have the opposite problem the christians and religious men will not leave me the fck alone! Even when I put it in my profile or tagline that I won't date men with different values including religious men. I came to this site because my fbook and other social media feed is full of christians and religious people and I missed having a sense of community (ONE of the benefits of having been religious) so googled around for a new community. Since the atheist/agnostic fbook groups were filled with bigots or sexists with juvenile behaviour posting constant porn pics, I decided to give a forum a try. And it was a good choice as this site has more mature and sophisticated and intelligent people here. :D
Today's hike: scary dirt bikes and looming rain
demifeministgal comments on Aug 12, 2019:
Do dirt bikers harass women on trails or try to run hikers over?? I am just wondering why the fear of dirt bikers... perhaps they are an aggressive subculture in the US?
When it comes to Jesus.
demifeministgal comments on Aug 12, 2019:
I've read research and accounts from archeaologists that state there is no contemporary evidence of jesus.... that this yeshua character was not talked or written about until 30 years after his supposed crucifiction... you would think there would be some written accounts about a man performing miracles, the way there was written accounts of aristotle, but yet nope.
There is no one adjective to describe my political views because they span everything from liberal ...
demifeministgal comments on Aug 11, 2019:
I prefer NDPs and Greens over the others... as long as he does not integrate his religious beliefs into govt or policies should be fine... I am pretty sure the others are religious too except they probably aren't as vocal... in fact Elizabeth May recently got married and in a church and the update involved brief snippets of her religious views too.
Got my T shirt and pen!
demifeministgal comments on Aug 11, 2019:
aww no bloody fair!! I want it too! :'( sharing is caring? ;) :p
I feel like a bad, miserable person and I don’t fully understand why.
demifeministgal comments on Aug 11, 2019:
"Negative thought replacement is a method for reducing the amount of depressive thoughts in a person’s mind. In the first article of this series, you learned about becoming more aware of your negative thought patterns. In the next article, you learned about letting go of these negative thoughts as they came to you. Now, you’ll learn about the final step — replacing negative thoughts with more realistic and positive thoughts. Introducing New Positive Thoughts As you acknowledge and release the negative thoughts about your finances, you can start introducing new thoughts in your mind. First, consider some of the positive changes or actions you and your spouse have taken because of the job loss. Maybe you have gotten creative with your budget, put out lots of resumes, or changed some purchasing habits. When you release a negative thought about your bills, say something new to yourself like, “I’m feeling more in control because we have cut down some of our bills,” or, “We are finding ways to use our money more wisely and it is helping.” Use the positive information you have learned from this difficult situation to stay encouraged. Keep Practicing Positive Thought Replacement You may not quite believe yourself at first since you may be used to your negative thoughts driving everything. If your thoughts are reasonable and encouraging, continue saying them to yourself. Instead of predicting disaster, your newer, more positive thoughts will now pave the way for solutions you may have never considered before. Your problem has become an opportunity. Images and sounds can also be very influential for some people’s minds. If you know you respond to these, you may conjure up a particular image with your positive thoughts to give them weight — perhaps a color that is calming to you, or an objectr that represents contol or strength to you. Words spoken aloud also can have a profound effect on the mind. A recent study highlighted in Psychology Today describes how speaking aloud helps create two forms of memory. You remember the words both from reading them and from hearing them aloud. Change the Direction Of Your Mind with Positive Thoughts Let’s take one last look at our example of financial worries. You identified the chief concern underneath the negative thoughts about your money, which was a lack of control. When you do something that makes you feel more in control, you take the fuel out of your negative thoughts. You feel less threatened by the negative statements you hear in your mind because your emotions are calmed by your actions. “We’re never going to make it out of this money mess” has less power when you get job interviews from putting out resumes. And now, you are starting to put better more ...
I feel like a bad, miserable person and I don’t fully understand why.
demifeministgal comments on Aug 11, 2019:
perhaps you have anxiety or depression? I know that anxiety causes alot of negative self talk and criticism in oneself... worth looking into:
I have been working on making my own couch/dog bed and I have finished at last.
demifeministgal comments on Aug 10, 2019:
aww that's so sweet... lucky doggy to have you as his/her daddy
So, what had you deciding to start trying the dating scene again?
demifeministgal comments on Aug 10, 2019:
The first time around it was because I had only dated two men in my entire life and I wanted to try dating after breaking up with my LTR partner of 5 years. So I just casually dated. That lead to me dating a POS and then I did not trust myself or my judgement for years and had no desire to try to date. But now I have done work on myself with some help and I think I am ready to try again and am slowly using dating sites again to flirt with guys. Those are my reasons.
I was watching a report on racism at the UK football/ soccer matches and they also said that ...
demifeministgal comments on Aug 10, 2019:
I would say it is a combination of unconscious (or conscious) biases, othering, and plain old bigotry... I am not sure there is any evidence or data to support that your average everyday human is trying to use hate to thin out the herd to horde or conserve resources... For those that are interested, this is what I mean by othering: transforming a difference into otherness so as to create an in-group and an out-group In-group: a group to which a person/speaker belongs to out-group: a group to which a person/speaker does not belong to
Any woman who has had to deal with an insufferable twat who could not accept rejection without ...
demifeministgal comments on Aug 9, 2019:
@freeofgod here
Only atheists.
demifeministgal comments on Aug 9, 2019:
I feel the same way... especially since the men I am attracted to tend to be more religious as demographics than white guys :/ I also have no tolerance for new age, spiritual and other woo beliefs. I do not know where my scientifically literate, atheist/agnostic knight in shining armour is! :( :p
Happy to have this account. I'm a newly opened atheist.
demifeministgal comments on Aug 9, 2019:
welcome aboard! :)
I think I might have tactile hallucinations, I know I’m not being touched but it feels like I’m...
demifeministgal comments on Aug 9, 2019:
Please go and see a family doctor or physician or even go to a walk-in clinic and tell them of your symptoms... they can refer you to a counsellor/therapist or provide you meds to help resolve your issue.
She's grown on me. Also this is not my dog
demifeministgal comments on Aug 9, 2019:
I normally prefer the skruffy and furry doggies but this dog has such expressive eyes... I may make an exception ;)
Just so you know...
demifeministgal comments on Aug 9, 2019:
There is never enough cookies/chocolates in the world to bring about happiness ;) :$ speaking for a friend..
I bet most folks with an allergy have a story a little similar to this one - but this woman's ...
demifeministgal comments on Aug 9, 2019:
My grandparents took some time to acknowledge my sisters' allergies... luckily hers were not fatal just caused upset stomach and restroom issues... but my granny would sneak in or encourage my sister to eat foods she had an intolerance or allergy to until very recently. :/ I don't know why old people cannot comprehend allergies... I blame their lack of education, in my case.
Randomly slipped into a really dark place just now.
demifeministgal comments on Aug 9, 2019:
cute doggies make everything better ;) :D
Question: For both guys and gals - Do you prefer a circumcised penis or uncircumcised penis?
demifeministgal comments on Aug 9, 2019:
Just in my experience, perhaps because of my preferences in men, I have never been with a circumsized guy and I prefer it that way. Do not know the advantages of the other but just think that un-circ looks better.
Question: For both guys and gals - Do you prefer your partner shaved, sculpted, trimmed, or all ...
demifeministgal comments on Aug 7, 2019:
Shaved or at least trimmed. :) Not sure what you mean by sculpted... LOL
Has this been your experience too?
demifeministgal comments on Aug 7, 2019:
says you... lies I say! :p
A lot of people here have arrived from religious backgrounds so I was wondering what your feelings ...
demifeministgal comments on Aug 7, 2019:
In my catholic days I would have felt guilt and would most likely not have one. As an agnostic, I would not feel guilt at all. I am choosing to remain childfree and were an accident to happen the thing is getting aborted. Getting pregnant would take for me to make that decision. The soul is a religious concept. There is no scientific evidence for a soul. We do not even have a proper definition or conceptualization of a soul to be able to study it. I believe personhood does not begin until birth, however, barring health complications, I do not think 3rd trimester abortions should be common. In the 3rd trimester the fetus' brain and nerves are developed so much that the fetus can feel pain. Prior to that, it would not feel a thing. :)
How do you determine what is simple introversion vs. what is selfishness?
demifeministgal comments on Aug 6, 2019:
You definitely do not have narcissism she made an ignorant insult. If you look up NPD, it is not about being self-centered it is about being a toxic abusive person that is never at fault, yet is a perpetual victim. And I would guess that is just how you have adapted to your friendship with her. Perhaps if you were friends with someone like her, but an agnostic/atheist, then you would ask more questions. I would need to know how you are with your non-religious friends to make a fair judgement though.
Here is a shout out to the police who helped shut down the Dayton shooter in under 30 seconds.
demifeministgal comments on Aug 6, 2019:
he'd have to take off the uniform... him being a cop is a turnoff tbh
New little buddy
demifeministgal comments on Aug 6, 2019:
Too cute :D <3


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