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A best friend I've known for years said he ended his FWB relationship cause she was falling in love,...
Moravian comments on Nov 25, 2019:
What's FWB ?
demifeministgal replies on Nov 25, 2019:
@Moravian I am not sure. I imagine some people are in open style FWBs dynamics in which case they have a primary FWB, but both parties or one party is still sleeping with others. Then there are other ones, like mine, where we only sleep with one another and if either of us starts dating someone (beyond a couple of dates) we break it off completely and revert to just platonic friends. I think our dynamic have lower STD odds than the ones that sleep around and have a FWB.
A best friend I've known for years said he ended his FWB relationship cause she was falling in love,...
Moravian comments on Nov 25, 2019:
What's FWB ?
demifeministgal replies on Nov 25, 2019:
@OwlInASack ahh okay I see. I did not know there was a personal element to this whole thing for you.... I thought it was just an older guy terrified of change of the youngins as per that trope of old people scared of the new ways. XD I think your son will eventually learn to be in a healthy long-term relationship.... if he was in a FWBs dynamic he clearly was not ready, be it psychologically or financially or career-wise, for a serious relationship. As for falling in love, these things require a type of maturity and lots of introspective thinking and self-awareness. One needs to be honest with themselves and determine if they are getting in to a FWBs for the right reasons. If your son honestly cared for that girl/woman and so settled for FWBs or he was soo lonely he could not bear to be alone, those were terrible reasons to agree to a FWBs. If it kind of snuck up on him, the falling in love thing, he needed to be honest with her and decide how to proceed from there... either end it himself or be prepared for her ending things (if she is a decent lady) once he was honest. These things work out best if both parties are open and honest (heck honest with their damn selves) and communicate about the arrangement frequently.
Should the USA try to keep Muslims out of their country?
Kayladad1 comments on Nov 24, 2019:
Seems to me that there isn’t much difference in the behaviors of all organized religions. Most are intent on foisting their beliefs on others, as if to absolve them of having to hold themselves accountable. To my view.
demifeministgal replies on Nov 25, 2019:
@Krish55 history is hard for xenophobic nationalists like him.... he laughs off the facts of Iraq and Iran historically not being such oppressive Islamic nations, because it gets in the way of his alt-right agenda and thinking is hard... we should pity him and try to ignore his ilk.
Should the USA try to keep Muslims out of their country?
Geoffrey51 comments on Nov 24, 2019:
Only if they are happy for Americans to be kept out of everywhere as well. Deport those pesky Yanks!
demifeministgal replies on Nov 25, 2019:
yup... I made a satirical comment to nationalist Muricans after Trump was elected.... we need to build a wall, paid for by the American govt, to keep Americans out of Canada. They tried to come in in droves after that oompa loompa degenerate was voted in. XD
Should the USA try to keep Muslims out of their country?
Beowulfsfriend comments on Nov 24, 2019:
Do you realize that Sharia law is simply another term for Abrahanic law. So by your question we should keep out all Jews and Christians as well. Is that what you want?
demifeministgal replies on Nov 25, 2019:
@phoenixlives hell there are modern day christian terrorists in the world... not sure if they are specifically cutting off heads but they are terrorists nonetheless. For example the Lord's Resistance Army is one in Africa.
New achievement unlocked last night: E-stim dildo and Hitachi combo after a good caning.
Mermaidfantasy comments on Nov 22, 2019:
Never have tried the E-stim dildo, what did she think of it?
demifeministgal replies on Nov 25, 2019:
@BassManSpaceMan you crazy kids and your adrenaline ways :o :p
Should the USA try to keep Muslims out of their country?
demifeministgal comments on Nov 25, 2019:
Nah.... Quit the bigotry.... christians and ex christians still brainwashed by their faith, loove to portray their former beliefs as this benign gentle loving religion.... TRUTH IS most of your crazed alt-right wingers and alt right killers are christians.... not to mention to this day in modern ...
demifeministgal replies on Nov 25, 2019:
A best friend I've known for years said he ended his FWB relationship cause she was falling in love,...
Moravian comments on Nov 25, 2019:
What's FWB ?
demifeministgal replies on Nov 25, 2019:
@Moravian I am not sure what you are asking? Are you asking if the FWBs can be hooking up with other people themselves? Or if both parties can be hooking up with multiple sex partners? Or something else.
Tonight is date number three with a woman I met on the Okay Little Winged Guy site.
demifeministgal comments on Nov 23, 2019:
Yay... hope she is being honest and y'all can continue for longer and that y'all are compatible aka she is not secretly religious ;) Enjoy your date :D
demifeministgal replies on Nov 25, 2019:
@Bobbyzen I meant compatible in terms of values as I have read numerous times the best longest relationships are those with good honest communication and shared values (ie religiosity, politics, outlooks on life, etc.).
New achievement unlocked last night: E-stim dildo and Hitachi combo after a good caning.
Mermaidfantasy comments on Nov 22, 2019:
Never have tried the E-stim dildo, what did she think of it?
demifeministgal replies on Nov 25, 2019:
@Mermaidfantasy @BassManSpaceMan ooh man edge play sounds dangerous and scary.... please be super careful and safe all of you! :o
A best friend I've known for years said he ended his FWB relationship cause she was falling in love,...
Moravian comments on Nov 25, 2019:
What's FWB ?
demifeministgal replies on Nov 25, 2019:
@OwlInASack lol it's no more scary or unhealthy than serial monogamists, that jump from one relationship or marriage to the next because they cannot bear to be single. ;) Just sayin'
A best friend I've known for years said he ended his FWB relationship cause she was falling in love,...
SeaGreenEyez comments on Nov 24, 2019:
No, I've never had that fear. If I've friend-zoned someone, they will **never** be moved into the romantic zone. On the other hand, I have friends that were relocated to that zone from romantic relationship zone, but that's an entirely different thing. (And yes, it is different. I would ...
demifeministgal replies on Nov 25, 2019:
Agreed same here. I do not call it friend zone though. I just compartmentalize my male friends as eternal platonic friends and do not even attempt to cross boundaries with them, like flirting.
New achievement unlocked last night: E-stim dildo and Hitachi combo after a good caning.
Mermaidfantasy comments on Nov 22, 2019:
Never have tried the E-stim dildo, what did she think of it?
demifeministgal replies on Nov 23, 2019:
@Mermaidfantasy electric stimulation?!! :o As in it provides a current of electric shock to users to their genitals?! geeeze
Ya know, getting ghosted by the first attractive woman you've seen on an online dating service who ...
demifeministgal comments on Nov 23, 2019:
I kinda know what you mean.... I finally find a non-believer MOC on the interracial site and he messages me and then disappears forever.... perhaps my taste in music was a dealbreaker idk XD because he asked me about my favourite music in his message XD
demifeministgal replies on Nov 23, 2019:
@JayOleck38 WTF is that about? why would she even do that?! Unless it was a fake account and not a real she? people are so dumb sometimes XD
Dating disasters: why bad grammar could stop you finding love online | News | The Guardian
BitFlipper comments on Nov 20, 2019:
My spelling and grammar are impeccable. I have seen no evidence that women give a shit about it.
demifeministgal replies on Nov 21, 2019:
Women in your generation seem to care a lot about it... soo keep it up! ;) :p
Today I was traveling with a friend to a few wineries.
Cinco comments on Nov 18, 2019:
I would have felt a twinge of guilt - freedom of speech and all. But this would qualify as propaganda for sure. And quite harmful to so many.Not sure what I would of done but glad at least one less batch is in circulation. Well done. I have to giggle at the thought that when they return to the ...
demifeministgal replies on Nov 21, 2019:
@BobLoblah she literally did not force her way of thinking... it is the equivalent of interjecting or stopping a religious nutter from forcing their beliefs on to other.... distinct difference.
Have any of you guys used the female condom or had a partner that did. What did you think?
Cutiebeauty comments on Nov 20, 2019:
No condoms for me... Those things stop baby making!
demifeministgal replies on Nov 20, 2019:
well one day maybe you will rejoin the birth control community ;) Unless you plan on going Full Duggar Mom with it XD heh
I made a smoothie for my sweetheart , she said and I quote “ this will be my dinner tonight “ ,...
demifeministgal comments on Nov 20, 2019:
My partner of sorts gets annoyed when I take/sample food off of his plate too.... not that I have a tiny non-existent meal and then am starving for his food.... more so I have my food and his looks good too so I sample some of his. heh
demifeministgal replies on Nov 20, 2019:
@Outsideit67 I see you said something about men being territorial with food.... I must have one of those males then XD ;) :p
I made a smoothie for my sweetheart , she said and I quote “ this will be my dinner tonight “ ,...
demifeministgal comments on Nov 20, 2019:
My partner of sorts gets annoyed when I take/sample food off of his plate too.... not that I have a tiny non-existent meal and then am starving for his food.... more so I have my food and his looks good too so I sample some of his. heh
demifeministgal replies on Nov 20, 2019:
@Outsideit67 well then your annoyance is more understandable than the annoyance I face XD heh
Sometimes you just can't help but laugh at something.
UrsiMajor comments on Nov 20, 2019:
John Legend does remind me a little of Pee Wee Herman for some reason. But sexy is in the eye of the beholder.
demifeministgal replies on Nov 20, 2019:
OMG I googled it and he does look like him! haha
Dating disasters: why bad grammar could stop you finding love online | News | The Guardian
1of5 comments on Nov 19, 2019:
To bad the study was so limited in scope, although age demographics would be particularly interesting/relevant.
demifeministgal replies on Nov 20, 2019:
@IAJO163 It was not a dig at you and older generations it was just expanding on 1of5's point that research that controls for age variables would be interesting. :) LOL you assume that Gen Z'ers are not already annoying me ;) :p
I feel like a total failure right now.
demifeministgal comments on Nov 19, 2019:
Your mental disorder is lying to you... at the very least, you are an IT director, which is an impressive accomplishment in and of itself. I do not know what other accomplishments you have in your life, as I do not know you, but perhaps you can list them out for us here or for yourself personally. ...
demifeministgal replies on Nov 20, 2019:
@Freedompath And sometimes a person just needs medication, be it short or long term, to stabilize themselves. That is an important recommendation too many americans shy away from--- probably because your healthcare system overcharges for medication. I mean hopefully that is why and not stigma against medication(s).
Personal maintenance to look decent increases as we get older
demifeministgal comments on Jun 7, 2019:
I wear concealer now (acne prone skin blegh) and eyebrow liner because I like for my eyebrows to look thicker. I'd say you got away with being VERY minimalist under 40 compared to how many under 40s are right now. I think society has conditioned us to believe that womens' value rests on our ...
demifeministgal replies on Nov 20, 2019:
@LiterateHiker It's a bit of an old post, I will need to re-read it for a refresher :$
Dating disasters: why bad grammar could stop you finding love online | News | The Guardian
1of5 comments on Nov 19, 2019:
To bad the study was so limited in scope, although age demographics would be particularly interesting/relevant.
demifeministgal replies on Nov 20, 2019:
definitely... I would guess older generations (Gen X'ers and Boomers) care about proper grammar waaay more than millenials and Gen Z. :)
I feel like a total failure right now.
demifeministgal comments on Nov 19, 2019:
Your mental disorder is lying to you... at the very least, you are an IT director, which is an impressive accomplishment in and of itself. I do not know what other accomplishments you have in your life, as I do not know you, but perhaps you can list them out for us here or for yourself personally. ...
demifeministgal replies on Nov 19, 2019:
@Stenz okay so I was provided with some resources you may consider checking out when you feel up to it: But there are forums you can post your IT questions to, perhaps in a way that you do not reveal private data, especially if you signed an NDA of sorts, and the community can help you. That's what my IT friends do. Worth a shot. Good luck to you. :)
I feel like a total failure right now.
demifeministgal comments on Nov 19, 2019:
Your mental disorder is lying to you... at the very least, you are an IT director, which is an impressive accomplishment in and of itself. I do not know what other accomplishments you have in your life, as I do not know you, but perhaps you can list them out for us here or for yourself personally. ...
demifeministgal replies on Nov 19, 2019:
@Stenz IS there a higher up or coworkers you can ask for help? I don't know what type of IT you do, but my ex BIL is in IT and there were online forums and communities he would consult that would guide him or give him code to use or whatever else when he was stuck--- his boss gave useless instructions or guidance and he had to figure things out on his own. I can ask him about which platforms or sites he uses if you want?
Content warning: Suicide.
citronella comments on Nov 17, 2019:
It is hard to find a loving partner if you have convinced yourself you are not worthy of/don't deserve love. I agree with the other comments that encourage you to find meds/therapies that help you untangle everything that is affecting you. Additionally, I want to point out that being alone is not ...
demifeministgal replies on Nov 18, 2019:
@Sansdeus I wonder if you became the scapegoat of the family and your brother the golden child. As defined here: No need to apologize for sharing or ranting.... that's what this group is for. :) And good for you for not perpetuating the cycle with your own kids and family. :)
Content warning: Suicide.
citronella comments on Nov 17, 2019:
It is hard to find a loving partner if you have convinced yourself you are not worthy of/don't deserve love. I agree with the other comments that encourage you to find meds/therapies that help you untangle everything that is affecting you. Additionally, I want to point out that being alone is not ...
demifeministgal replies on Nov 18, 2019:
@Sansdeus Were you trying to get her to acknowledge his abuse of you? :s I think it is important not to minimize any abuse just cuz another was more severe... I make sure to acknowledge all family members' abusive or toxic behaviours even though the mothers was in fact the worst.
"What about black-on-black violence?"
PinkyandtheBrain comments on Nov 16, 2019:
You are very mistaken. There a huge difference in crime rates. Also a large difference in IQ. 70% of black children are born out of wedlock.its a sad mess. Message me and I will tell you why.
demifeministgal replies on Nov 18, 2019:
@PinkyandtheBrain there are many criticisms against the validity of IQ tests.... a better measure of intellgence would be Gardner's multiple Intelligences.
"What about black-on-black violence?"
demifeministgal comments on Nov 16, 2019:
I already knew this since it is a tired line used by Murican racists in every fbook group I am in (majority of members are Americans) and someone once stated this fact. Ever since then, I always reply to the person and what about white on white crime? The majority of whites are killed by other ...
demifeministgal replies on Nov 18, 2019:
ooh look someone already brought up intelligence in the form of IQ tests, to put his subtle racism on display.... predictable ain't they? ;)
Women In Their 40's Give Advice To Their 20-Something Selves, And It's Worth The Read
RonWilliam53 comments on Nov 17, 2019:
Actually many of these tips are good for 20 y/o males too. Especially the one about not plucking your eyebrows.
demifeministgal replies on Nov 18, 2019:
@RonWilliam53 Not to mention, most city dwelling people in my age range cannot afford to live alone... that may have been possible for boomers or Gen X'ers but my generation is fckd.... we need roomates or to live with family much longer than previous generations. :( :/
Women In Their 40's Give Advice To Their 20-Something Selves, And It's Worth The Read
RonWilliam53 comments on Nov 17, 2019:
Actually many of these tips are good for 20 y/o males too. Especially the one about not plucking your eyebrows.
demifeministgal replies on Nov 18, 2019:
@RonWilliam53 what are squirrels? :S
Content warning: Suicide.
citronella comments on Nov 17, 2019:
It is hard to find a loving partner if you have convinced yourself you are not worthy of/don't deserve love. I agree with the other comments that encourage you to find meds/therapies that help you untangle everything that is affecting you. Additionally, I want to point out that being alone is not ...
demifeministgal replies on Nov 18, 2019:
@Sansdeus Your mother was wrong and toxic.... it is cr@ppy "mothers" like ours that makes me think there should be licenses given to people to be able to breed.... some people should never have had kid(s) as they caused more harm and damage than any good by having them. I also had a cruel mother and thankfully she is dead, but the wounds she has caused seem to not be healing, or if they are, are healing rather slowly. In all honesty, I think she was projecting.... she felt like nobody loved her and so she shifted that on to you and told ya you would never be loved.... fck her and her stupid comment..... excuse the language, but toxic moms frustrate me for personal reasons. :$
Content warning: Suicide.
Freedompath comments on Nov 17, 2019:
For starters it seems clear to me that you are more afraid to live than you are to die? And, living can be a real challenge for a lot of us. I think that professional help would be beneficial...on an on-going basis. And temporary (if not long term) meds could help! You just need to find what ...
demifeministgal replies on Nov 18, 2019:
@Sansdeus I am in the same position in regards to treatment as you.... I think it is VERY stupid that meds prescribed for anxiety or depression can CAUSE suicidal ideation.... it seems to defeat the purpose of taking them in the first place! I know for me I have to, once again, switch them and hope to find one that finally works for me without having such unsavoury side effects (ie suicidal thoughts, constipation, weight gain, etc.). Perhaps you need to do the same thing if you have passed that first 2-3 week transition into your meds.
Australian firefighters pose shirtless with cats for a good cause.
Freespirit64 comments on Nov 18, 2019:
Maybe it's just me...but the tats are turning me off. Never mind that muscular body, lol....
demifeministgal replies on Nov 18, 2019:
not just you I have voiced it multiple times in this group about finding tats yucky :p
Women In Their 40's Give Advice To Their 20-Something Selves, And It's Worth The Read
RonWilliam53 comments on Nov 17, 2019:
Actually many of these tips are good for 20 y/o males too. Especially the one about not plucking your eyebrows.
demifeministgal replies on Nov 18, 2019:
pffft fck that... pluck allll the eyebrows >: D :p
BitFlipper comments on Nov 15, 2019:
I learned a long time ago to be careful because hitting the cervix too hard is painful.
demifeministgal replies on Nov 16, 2019:
@whiskywoman different strokes for different folks... I am not into pain, be it sexual or not. Pain free sex is the best kind imo :D
All I got is Wtf?!?
webspider555 comments on Nov 14, 2019:
Have you got the right group ,this isn’t sexy classy pics
demifeministgal replies on Nov 16, 2019:
nothing classy about this pic.... as for sexy, it's all subjective XD
On your third date, and she tells you about her FWB
TomMcGiverin comments on Nov 15, 2019:
Better that she told you early on than later. Personally, I would not continue seeing someone who was so casual about sex that she was already having a continued FWB while also meeting and dating other men, but I'm sure some other men wouldn't really mind or let that hold them back from continuing ...
demifeministgal replies on Nov 16, 2019:
It does not mean one is casual about sex just because they have a FWBs..... what if that is the only man she is having sex with and not having sex with other guys, does not make her casual about sex.... she'd be more safe with sex than serial monogamists or those in the hookup culture.
Goodnight! We've made it to the weekend... celebrate with a friend...
Infoguy211 comments on Nov 15, 2019:
Happy weekend! Sleep well 💤 Between not sleeping last night, and being offered the job that I interviewed for on Wednesday, it should be a good night for me.
demifeministgal replies on Nov 15, 2019:
ooh my finally :D good job
"Exercise keeps Mr. Happy excited."
UrsiMajor comments on Nov 14, 2019:
I thought Tinder was well-known as a one-night-stand meat market. I've been having similar experiences on Plenty of Fish. I've met some pretty interesting characters on this website as well. It's pretty much the same thing meeting people at bars. I don't think I've meet one interested member of the ...
demifeministgal replies on Nov 15, 2019:
@UrsiMajor lol those men are stupid and best avoided.... like nothing has to be wrong with one's libido to not have sex with someone else... masturbation and sex toys are a thing.... once these men are super old and cannot get laid by anyone they will understand.... not that they cannot get laid due to being old, but I think women make allowances for them cuz they are still young enough, which will not be extended to them once they are very old.
BitFlipper comments on Nov 15, 2019:
I learned a long time ago to be careful because hitting the cervix too hard is painful.
demifeministgal replies on Nov 15, 2019:
@whiskywoman well yea but maybe you are a masochist or turned on by pain.... and hence are not representative of most women ;)
"Exercise keeps Mr. Happy excited."
MakeItGood comments on Nov 14, 2019:
You joined Tinder....the app that is now culturally known to be a hookup app....expecting to find a serious relationship? I mean...sure it's possible...but the type of members has shifted for that app. Pardon the puns. There are other apps like coffee meets bagel or even bumble that likely ...
demifeministgal replies on Nov 15, 2019:
@JohnnyQB aaah classic knee jerk reaction about something you know nothing about.... just rant rant rant like a dunning kruger fool..... until you are educated your little paragraphs are useless as they are uninformed.... go back to an incel or MRA forum with that uneducated crap... they may pat you on the back.... and don't ever tell a woman that she has never been victimized when you don't know crap about her life and what she has gone through.... the vast majority of women, the world over, has been street harassed in our lifetimes not to mention too many of us are sexually harassed or abused or raped by men. But sure, keep your head in the sand if it makes you feel better. LMFAO you honestly think there are female privileges that are denied to men? what like the dumbass draft that has not been used in the 70s and is a moot talking point. Because men are not denied privileges or rights by virtue of being men. Nice try.
"Exercise keeps Mr. Happy excited."
UrsiMajor comments on Nov 14, 2019:
I thought Tinder was well-known as a one-night-stand meat market. I've been having similar experiences on Plenty of Fish. I've met some pretty interesting characters on this website as well. It's pretty much the same thing meeting people at bars. I don't think I've meet one interested member of the ...
demifeministgal replies on Nov 14, 2019:
@UrsiMajor yell at you?! really? what the fck did they say? asshats
"Exercise keeps Mr. Happy excited."
MakeItGood comments on Nov 14, 2019:
You joined Tinder....the app that is now culturally known to be a hookup app....expecting to find a serious relationship? I mean...sure it's possible...but the type of members has shifted for that app. Pardon the puns. There are other apps like coffee meets bagel or even bumble that likely ...
demifeministgal replies on Nov 14, 2019:
@JohnnyQB then that would not be comparable to this at all because my response was very specific to dating apps whereas you are implying women are not good for advice about anything.
"Exercise keeps Mr. Happy excited."
MakeItGood comments on Nov 14, 2019:
You joined Tinder....the app that is now culturally known to be a hookup app....expecting to find a serious relationship? I mean...sure it's possible...but the type of members has shifted for that app. Pardon the puns. There are other apps like coffee meets bagel or even bumble that likely ...
demifeministgal replies on Nov 14, 2019:
@JohnnyQB I am not sorry to explain to you old man that systemic sexism (against women) is still a very real problem in north america. If you do not know what I mean, google systemic sexism and systemic oppression to understand what I mean... and no this is not something women wish to experience.... in fact we would prefer if there were not biases in our disadvantage but sadly there is. in fact, no country in the world, including scandinavian countries, has achieved social political and economic equality among the genders.
Hun ... chuckles
GipsyOfNewSpain comments on Nov 14, 2019:
If this group is going into Bestiality... I am Out.
demifeministgal replies on Nov 14, 2019:
@Cutiebeauty Yes this comment I made was in regards to Jturn, the guy in the picture: I think he was trying to make a funny, and ignored the picture, and made a joke about gay guys. []
Hun ... chuckles
GipsyOfNewSpain comments on Nov 14, 2019:
If this group is going into Bestiality... I am Out.
demifeministgal replies on Nov 14, 2019:
@Cutiebeauty you know who Jturn is? :s Do you follow his posts?
Hun ... chuckles
Cutiebeauty comments on Nov 14, 2019:
Flag.. I don't like this... Please delete...
demifeministgal replies on Nov 14, 2019:
@Cutiebeauty you don't even have to be in the scene, so to speak, I heard the term used on Modern Family XD And I googled it after I heard it used. I am sure it is used in other shows/movies too.... but one's viewership varies ;)
Hun ... chuckles
demifeministgal comments on Nov 14, 2019:
Bear is a gay slang term. It describes a hairy, heavy-set (sometimes muscular) gay or bisexual man.
demifeministgal replies on Nov 14, 2019:
@FlippantLlama what's worse is the homophobia it inspired :/
I see intimacy as a derivative of three main components: intellectual connection, physical ...
St-Sinner comments on Nov 13, 2019:
Intimacy is physical intimacy. All other closeness is emotional and other closeness. There is a separate word in the dictionary for every feeling in that group. There is no religious intimacy, no friendship intimacy, no trust intimacy, no security intimacy. Romance is romance, it is not intimacy....
demifeministgal replies on Nov 14, 2019:
@St-Sinner But this is not about me.... it is about the way a word is defined and understood in broader society despite your or my personal understanding. duh
Hun ... chuckles
GipsyOfNewSpain comments on Nov 14, 2019:
If this group is going into Bestiality... I am Out.
demifeministgal replies on Nov 14, 2019:
@GipsyOfNewSpain mmkay.... don't let the door hit you on your way out.... BYE FELICIA
Hun ... chuckles
GipsyOfNewSpain comments on Nov 14, 2019:
If this group is going into Bestiality... I am Out.
demifeministgal replies on Nov 14, 2019:
@Cutiebeauty I think he was trying to make a funny, and ignored the picture, and made a joke about gay guys.
"Exercise keeps Mr. Happy excited."
MakeItGood comments on Nov 14, 2019:
You joined Tinder....the app that is now culturally known to be a hookup app....expecting to find a serious relationship? I mean...sure it's possible...but the type of members has shifted for that app. Pardon the puns. There are other apps like coffee meets bagel or even bumble that likely ...
demifeministgal replies on Nov 14, 2019:
@JohnnyQB Yes, if those men actually talk to and listen to other women and their experiences.... if they are relating solely from their own personal experiences, very few will be helpful.... like it or not, women experience a type of bias men do not and many cannot or will not (refuse to) understand. And acknowledging the fact you, as a man, will never truly know (aka experience) life as a woman, is not a gender bias. I mean, why the fck would you even want to know what it is like? It fckng sucks often. Even as a man experiencing those things, it will not impact you the way it does women. Were you ever actually worried one of those women would overpower you in a fight or rape you against your will? Like seriously was that more than a fleeting thought for you? I highly doubt it, unless they had a weapon and brandished it at you.
Hun ... chuckles
GipsyOfNewSpain comments on Nov 14, 2019:
If this group is going into Bestiality... I am Out.
demifeministgal replies on Nov 14, 2019:
bears is a term for a hairy type of gay guy.
"Exercise keeps Mr. Happy excited."
UrsiMajor comments on Nov 14, 2019:
I thought Tinder was well-known as a one-night-stand meat market. I've been having similar experiences on Plenty of Fish. I've met some pretty interesting characters on this website as well. It's pretty much the same thing meeting people at bars. I don't think I've meet one interested member of the ...
demifeministgal replies on Nov 14, 2019:
@UrsiMajor ooh okay. So you are in the hookup culture then? Or somewhere in between demis and hooking up? :S
I see intimacy as a derivative of three main components: intellectual connection, physical ...
St-Sinner comments on Nov 13, 2019:
Intimacy is physical intimacy. All other closeness is emotional and other closeness. There is a separate word in the dictionary for every feeling in that group. There is no religious intimacy, no friendship intimacy, no trust intimacy, no security intimacy. Romance is romance, it is not intimacy....
demifeministgal replies on Nov 14, 2019:
@St-Sinner Well considering I specifically stated that spirituality should be replaced by emotional or psychological connection, I would not say I have morphed anything... though the OP has by your standards. And the definition I and you cited are provided by dictionaries... so if anyone is morphing anything it's those damn dictionary companies! DAMN THEM! XD
"Exercise keeps Mr. Happy excited."
UrsiMajor comments on Nov 14, 2019:
I thought Tinder was well-known as a one-night-stand meat market. I've been having similar experiences on Plenty of Fish. I've met some pretty interesting characters on this website as well. It's pretty much the same thing meeting people at bars. I don't think I've meet one interested member of the ...
demifeministgal replies on Nov 14, 2019:
maybe you are not a prude! Maybe you are just a demisexual like me! :) IT is possible ;) Finding compatible partners as a demi can be difficult for sure.... I once had a guy legit tell me on a first date, his dealbreaker is not having sex by the 3rd date. I told him that is not happening with me. So he ate his food, paid and left. XD
"Exercise keeps Mr. Happy excited."
MakeItGood comments on Nov 14, 2019:
You joined Tinder....the app that is now culturally known to be a hookup app....expecting to find a serious relationship? I mean...sure it's possible...but the type of members has shifted for that app. Pardon the puns. There are other apps like coffee meets bagel or even bumble that likely ...
demifeministgal replies on Nov 14, 2019:
@LiterateHiker That is the problem right there! Do not take dating app advice from a man! Our experiences online (heck even in person) as women will be MUCH different than that of men. Men tend to worry about getting no replies back or no interest. We have to worry about the creeps and violent types and harassers. Completely different dynamic to navigate.
"Exercise keeps Mr. Happy excited."
J75243 comments on Nov 14, 2019:
None at all because when I joined dating apps I was "liked" not much at all. I did meet my ex-girlfriend on Bumble and that lasted a year. She was wonderful but life happened. It seems like 80 percent of the women go for 20 percent of the guys. If that is true, I may be in the top 30 or 40 ...
demifeministgal replies on Nov 14, 2019:
It must be a compatibility issue then. Your values do not properly allign. That, or some women you date need to feel an uncontrollable spark and chemistry with their partner to say long term.... which is bloody stupid cuz great sex will only take any relationship so far. Those types need to wisen up and grow up. ;)
Atheist = Depressed?
demifeministgal comments on Nov 14, 2019:
How were you able to determine this? "It seems the percentage over the total exceeds the average overall population. Do you think it’s true" And which overall population? USA? The world? :s And you are mistaken... depression is biological and/or environmental.... you can be born with it, it ...
demifeministgal replies on Nov 14, 2019:
@Lucignolo Those scientific articles claimed atheism caused depression? Or rather, did it show, that religious people have an easier time coping with their depression than atheists? If it is the latter, that makes perfect sense, because non-believers are not very good at the community thing. One of the two things I miss about being religious is the sense of community and social support one got from going to church or meeting with one's fellow believers. Yes I have heard of nihilism. I would say that for me personally, one of the few things that kept me going was a fear of hell.... it is considered a sin to commit suicide and guarantee to get you in to hell... and I was scared of eternal torture after a life of suffering. heh go figure.
I see intimacy as a derivative of three main components: intellectual connection, physical ...
St-Sinner comments on Nov 13, 2019:
Intimacy is physical intimacy. All other closeness is emotional and other closeness. There is a separate word in the dictionary for every feeling in that group. There is no religious intimacy, no friendship intimacy, no trust intimacy, no security intimacy. Romance is romance, it is not intimacy....
demifeministgal replies on Nov 14, 2019:
@St-Sinner We are keeping things simple. But language evolves and words then have multiple meanings and colloquial understandings... this is one such word. if ya cannot handle the complexity of it all, perhaps leave the intimacy group? XD
What gives you rapture?
demifeministgal comments on Nov 14, 2019:
I can get lost in a good drama show/movie or a mystery or crime drama... something that keeps you on edge, keeps you guessing and wondering. :)
demifeministgal replies on Nov 14, 2019:
@RoyMillar when I lived in my chaotic household I would use literally stupid reality tv drama as a form of escapism.... I would get lost in their drama and suddenly mine would temporarily be gone. :$
I see intimacy as a derivative of three main components: intellectual connection, physical ...
demifeministgal comments on Nov 13, 2019:
Just semantical here... I would replace "spiritual" connection with the more appropriate emotional or psychological connection. When you say you have no interest, do you mean you are asexual? :s
demifeministgal replies on Nov 14, 2019:
@Naftusja For me, it used to be about religion and I could hide behind that as an excuse... oh u catholics are not to have sex before marriage, so it is normal! But then, as an agnostic, I still want to take things slow, albeit no more waiting until marriage or even wanting to get married! XD So it was not the religion after all, it was just how I naturally am. :)
Umf!!! I would love to see what he's doing with his hands. 😍
demifeministgal comments on Nov 14, 2019:
needs no tattoos and lose the nipple rings for me XD
demifeministgal replies on Nov 14, 2019:
@FlippantLlama which one? Or both? I HATE sleeves it looks dumb to me... maybe it makes for edgy bad boys for others IDK
Following on from FGM and Circumcision is the barbaric practice of lesbians emasculating their sons ...
demifeministgal comments on Nov 13, 2019:
LMFAO sharing an article by a site run by Alex Jones.... not very picky with your sources are ya? XD "Overall, we rate NewsWars Questionable based on extreme right wing bias, promotion of pseudoscience and conspiracies as well as the publication of fake news from poor sources." ...
demifeministgal replies on Nov 14, 2019:
It is predictable to tell you you are getting your news from propaganda sources? Then it seems the problem is you if everyone keeps telling you that FACT. I know, facts are hard cuz they get in the way of your right wing, ahem "libertarian" agenda.
I have to rave on here for a bit.
demifeministgal comments on Nov 14, 2019:
You love her as much as you ever did? But there must have been good valid reasons for the breakup... unless it was sudden and out of the blue, initiated by her, that is. Perhaps try to remember all the reasons why you broke up in the first place to try and cope? Sometimes we can romanticize a former...
demifeministgal replies on Nov 14, 2019:
@Tomfoolery33 ooh I see... my sister and her ex broke up because they grew apart... no serious fights or conflicts, just different paths to forge going forward in their lives.... they had been together for over 15 years since the beginning of high school... my sister said it would be easier to deal with or talk about to people if he was a bad guy or if he had been abusive or something... I hope this transition in your life becomes easier to deal with with time and I guess one can take solace in the fact of having an amicable breakup and friendship after breaking up.... in my own family people have had toxic divorces in which two people could not be in the same room without blowing up into an argument. I imagine yours is the best version breakup :)
I see intimacy as a derivative of three main components: intellectual connection, physical ...
demifeministgal comments on Nov 13, 2019:
Just semantical here... I would replace "spiritual" connection with the more appropriate emotional or psychological connection. When you say you have no interest, do you mean you are asexual? :s
demifeministgal replies on Nov 14, 2019:
@Naftusja I also am demisexual :) But do not label myself as asexual outside of a monogamous relationship though :s
I see intimacy as a derivative of three main components: intellectual connection, physical ...
St-Sinner comments on Nov 13, 2019:
Intimacy is physical intimacy. All other closeness is emotional and other closeness. There is a separate word in the dictionary for every feeling in that group. There is no religious intimacy, no friendship intimacy, no trust intimacy, no security intimacy. Romance is romance, it is not intimacy....
demifeministgal replies on Nov 14, 2019:
@St-Sinner those are not colloquial meanings they are the other non-legal definitions of intimacy. :) And are we talking literal, technical wrestling or play wrestling as a type of foreplay? I would say no for the boxing though.
I see intimacy as a derivative of three main components: intellectual connection, physical ...
St-Sinner comments on Nov 13, 2019:
Intimacy is physical intimacy. All other closeness is emotional and other closeness. There is a separate word in the dictionary for every feeling in that group. There is no religious intimacy, no friendship intimacy, no trust intimacy, no security intimacy. Romance is romance, it is not intimacy....
demifeministgal replies on Nov 13, 2019:
@St-Sinner IT seems, according to the recent onslaught of intimacy posts, that most people are using these types of definitions, which are just as valid as yours, because many words have more than 1 meaning after all ;) the state of being intimate. a close, familiar, and usually affectionate or loving personal relationship with another person or group. a close association with or detailed knowledge or deep understanding of a place, subject, period of history, etc.: an intimacy with Japan. an act or expression serving as a token of familiarity, affection, or the like: to allow the intimacy of using first names. an amorously familiar act; liberty.
I see intimacy as a derivative of three main components: intellectual connection, physical ...
St-Sinner comments on Nov 13, 2019:
Intimacy is physical intimacy. All other closeness is emotional and other closeness. There is a separate word in the dictionary for every feeling in that group. There is no religious intimacy, no friendship intimacy, no trust intimacy, no security intimacy. Romance is romance, it is not intimacy....
demifeministgal replies on Nov 13, 2019:
@St-Sinner are you assuming then that the general population uses formal or legal definitions, rather than colloquial or widely held definitions? Perhaps that is where the disconnect lies.
Hi, I'm Dave.
Stephanie99 comments on Nov 13, 2019:
I realize that I am too jealous and insecure for polyamory.
demifeministgal replies on Nov 13, 2019:
@Stephanie99 then we are on the same page ;) heh
I see intimacy as a derivative of three main components: intellectual connection, physical ...
St-Sinner comments on Nov 13, 2019:
Intimacy is physical intimacy. All other closeness is emotional and other closeness. There is a separate word in the dictionary for every feeling in that group. There is no religious intimacy, no friendship intimacy, no trust intimacy, no security intimacy. Romance is romance, it is not intimacy....
demifeministgal replies on Nov 13, 2019:
@St-Sinner well yeaa and this post is clearly alligned with the 2nd definition: The state of having a close personal relationship with someone as intellectual, physical AND "spiritual" connections are all associated with having a close relationship with someone... heck you can be close with someone without ever having sex/physical contact! :)
I see intimacy as a derivative of three main components: intellectual connection, physical ...
St-Sinner comments on Nov 13, 2019:
Intimacy is physical intimacy. All other closeness is emotional and other closeness. There is a separate word in the dictionary for every feeling in that group. There is no religious intimacy, no friendship intimacy, no trust intimacy, no security intimacy. Romance is romance, it is not intimacy....
demifeministgal replies on Nov 13, 2019:
@St-Sinner did you read the definition provided by @Sacrilege
Hi, I'm Dave.
BitFlipper comments on Nov 13, 2019:
I'm a 66-year-old man looking for a female sexual partner. That's apparently a level of deviance that no woman can tolerate.
demifeministgal replies on Nov 13, 2019:
@BitFlipper I am just saying if you expand your borders who knows what is out there ;) But no reason feeling down about the 1st one that applies to all men/suitors and not just you. Silver lining ;) :p
Why is it that I still get hurt and depressed by ill-informed, baseless accusations from someone I ...
CommonHuman comments on Nov 12, 2019:
You would hope they would know you better. You would hope they'd be kinder. You wonder, deep down, if they might be right. Those are the usual suspects. Just know that they really do know you, so they know how to make it hurt and right now they aren't interested in being kind. Convince ...
demifeministgal replies on Nov 13, 2019:
Your comment was eye-opening and depressing all at once.
Hi, I'm Dave.
Stephanie99 comments on Nov 13, 2019:
I realize that I am too jealous and insecure for polyamory.
demifeministgal replies on Nov 13, 2019:
I think if it was one-sided I could do it... but if my partner did it too, my comparing brain couldn't handle it XD :$
Hi, I'm Dave.
BitFlipper comments on Nov 13, 2019:
I'm a 66-year-old man looking for a female sexual partner. That's apparently a level of deviance that no woman can tolerate.
demifeministgal replies on Nov 13, 2019:
nah you may just live in a non-diverse city/area as far as religiosity is concerned... venture out to bigger cities a bit outside your city borders and your options may expand. :) I think for most people looking to date here, geography is their biggest hurdle to overcome.
I see intimacy as a derivative of three main components: intellectual connection, physical ...
St-Sinner comments on Nov 13, 2019:
Intimacy is physical intimacy. All other closeness is emotional and other closeness. There is a separate word in the dictionary for every feeling in that group. There is no religious intimacy, no friendship intimacy, no trust intimacy, no security intimacy. Romance is romance, it is not intimacy....
demifeministgal replies on Nov 13, 2019:
Intimacy has more than one definition, but it seems you chose just the one and have been running with it ever since... why is that? Why block out the other definitions? Could it be because the only way you can think of showing intimacy is through sex?
Many years ago i dated a guy who defined intimacy as having sex.
demifeministgal comments on Nov 11, 2019:
It is a type of intimacy but it is not the only type of intimacy... too bad he didn't see kissing, holding hands, snuggling and sharing intimate thoughts/feeling with one another as intimacy too.
demifeministgal replies on Nov 12, 2019:
@JesseThompson I've also never had a license (wasn't legally permitted to) but I am lucky I was born into a city and not a backwards ass town/village.... so that public transportation (subways, buses) and taxis and ubers were/are options for me to get around. Yeaa the guys that would only like me for sex I was able to freeze out aka they were not gonna get sex from me anytime soon so if they wanted a hookup so bad they had to move on to the next woman. It has served me well for the majority of men.... unfortunately some men like "a challenge" and stuck around longer than I thought before I found out they were scumbags... they still didn't get sex cuz something felt off about them and my instincts were right. It's a mix of lucky and not so lucky mixed with not trusting easily for me. heh
OK so we all get bored to death with the meaning of 'spiritual' question.
Moravian comments on Nov 11, 2019:
I see what you mean. the "free" is really redundant
demifeministgal replies on Nov 12, 2019:
@Marionville what is meant by schools of thought then? :s
The difference racist comments between Canada and US.
girlwithsmiles comments on Nov 12, 2019:
Sorry, I don’t understand why his comment is racist. Is Downtown Toronto known for being populated by a different race, perhaps people that have immigrated? In England people from all backgrounds wear poppies, in fact Muslims and Sikhs fought alongside the Brits and so they are honoured too.
demifeministgal replies on Nov 12, 2019:
@Jolanta And I was answering her questions "Downtown Toronto known for being populated by a different race, perhaps people that have immigrated?" In fact, our top 10 immigrant groups are South Asians, East Asians and Latinos.... if she is from a predominantly white suburbia, she may not understand what city life is like here.
Why is it that if you argue or defend a topic/issue passionately, you must be directly effected by ...
Happy_Killbot comments on Nov 5, 2019:
Arguing only for things that effect you isn't selfish, that's just logical. There is no reason to support or oppose anything that doesn't directly effect you, or could not effect you. I am strongly of the opinion that in order to care about something that doesn't concern you directly you have to ...
demifeministgal replies on Nov 12, 2019:
@Happy_Killbot IS researchgate typically an open-source site?
The difference racist comments between Canada and US.
demifeministgal comments on Nov 12, 2019:
No you are lying... at least have the decency to tell the truth... he literally said: "YOU PEOPLE love-- that come here, whatever it is-- you love our way of life, you love our milk and honey, at least you can pay a couple bucks for a poppy or something like that. These guys paid for your way of...
demifeministgal replies on Nov 12, 2019:
@Castlepaloma okay then your source was trying to soften the negativity of what he said and hence is a biased bad source. I am saying his experience in Toronto must be very limited if he saw less poppy wearers than I did... though I don't know how many poppy wearers there are near Rogers Center or scotiabank or wherever the heck he films his show(s).
Many years ago i dated a guy who defined intimacy as having sex.
demifeministgal comments on Nov 11, 2019:
It is a type of intimacy but it is not the only type of intimacy... too bad he didn't see kissing, holding hands, snuggling and sharing intimate thoughts/feeling with one another as intimacy too.
demifeministgal replies on Nov 12, 2019:
@JesseThompson well OBVIOUSLY... as someone that only shares sexual intimacy with those I have a bond or trust in, I know this better than those in the hookup culture ;) :D
Scary eye surgery yesterday.
demifeministgal comments on Nov 12, 2019:
Soo all your hiking in michigan as a youngin caused you long-term to develop cataracts? Or just generally living in michigan correlates to one developing cataracts? :S
demifeministgal replies on Nov 12, 2019:
@Allamanda ooh that is unfortunate... well my eyes are safe from the lake/river/ocean effect then... but it's okay the screens will damage them yet! :p XD
OK so we all get bored to death with the meaning of 'spiritual' question.
Moravian comments on Nov 11, 2019:
I see what you mean. the "free" is really redundant
demifeministgal replies on Nov 12, 2019:
@Marionville would that mean that having feminist or egalitarian beliefs or following something like critical race theory or queer theory means one is allied to a school of thought? And hence, is not a free thinker?
Why is it that if you argue or defend a topic/issue passionately, you must be directly effected by ...
Happy_Killbot comments on Nov 5, 2019:
Arguing only for things that effect you isn't selfish, that's just logical. There is no reason to support or oppose anything that doesn't directly effect you, or could not effect you. I am strongly of the opinion that in order to care about something that doesn't concern you directly you have to ...
demifeministgal replies on Nov 12, 2019:
@Happy_Killbot I was not able to open the other article it is behind a paywall... do you have the article and can copy-paste it here?
I could use some moral support.
demifeministgal comments on Nov 12, 2019:
The American healthcare system is a fckng deplorable joke and people's illnesses should not be a debt sentence! My friend's credit was ruined because he had doctor's visits/tests and his POS employer (fckng W-mart) retroactively took back their payments once he was fired and now he has a huge debt ...
demifeministgal replies on Nov 12, 2019:
I find that when I am terrified of a call, pre-planning and scripting what I will say, either in my head or on a piece of paper, seems to help.... winging it for such calls does not work to my advantage so at the very least practising in my head helps. :)
Why is it so hard to find a lover that shares the same beliefs?
NoTime2BWasted comments on Nov 12, 2019:
Imagine how I feel! I've got the Triple Whammy. Try finding a Black woman, in the South, who doesn't "love gawd and his son Jesus Christ". I'd have a better chance of finding a real live unicorn!
demifeministgal replies on Nov 12, 2019:
I don't live in the south, or the US (thank gawd), but it is very difficult finding a black or latino guy that is not religious that is for damn sure. Both demographics are soo attached to the stupid christian faith... perhaps the newer generations will slowly become less religious, but who knows.
The difference racist comments between Canada and US.
girlwithsmiles comments on Nov 12, 2019:
Sorry, I don’t understand why his comment is racist. Is Downtown Toronto known for being populated by a different race, perhaps people that have immigrated? In England people from all backgrounds wear poppies, in fact Muslims and Sikhs fought alongside the Brits and so they are honoured too.
demifeministgal replies on Nov 12, 2019:
@girlwithsmiles Toronto is a very mutlicultural and diverse city, soon the visible minority population is going to outnumber the white population. :)
Why is it that if you argue or defend a topic/issue passionately, you must be directly effected by ...
Happy_Killbot comments on Nov 5, 2019:
Arguing only for things that effect you isn't selfish, that's just logical. There is no reason to support or oppose anything that doesn't directly effect you, or could not effect you. I am strongly of the opinion that in order to care about something that doesn't concern you directly you have to ...
demifeministgal replies on Nov 11, 2019:
@Happy_Killbot mmkay... also quite interesting that you would use a social science research paper to demonstrate your view. Self reporting using likert scales typical social science research methods. heh
Many years ago i dated a guy who defined intimacy as having sex.
truthsayer comments on Nov 10, 2019:
Last week i went to a sex workers outreach event, trying to explain to the public about their situation. 1. sex work is not human trafficking. 2. criminalizing normal human behavior is a recipe for disaster. 3. most of what they are doing is healing work, for example for vets with PTSD who can ...
demifeministgal replies on Nov 11, 2019:
@truthsayer Do you have evidence that demonstrates being denied one hug causes psychological damage? Because that sounds like reaching tbh.
Why is it that if you argue or defend a topic/issue passionately, you must be directly effected by ...
Happy_Killbot comments on Nov 5, 2019:
Arguing only for things that effect you isn't selfish, that's just logical. There is no reason to support or oppose anything that doesn't directly effect you, or could not effect you. I am strongly of the opinion that in order to care about something that doesn't concern you directly you have to ...
demifeministgal replies on Nov 11, 2019:
@Happy_Killbot well then you have certainly explained the reasoning behind your reduced empathy... "reality that empathy can be used to control and the resulting mistrust leaves people isolated and apathetic."
Technology is Replacing us at a Faster Rate we can Bare.
Cutiebeauty comments on Nov 10, 2019:
When I found Frankie, I put away the toy
demifeministgal replies on Nov 11, 2019:
@yvilletom lol most women do not climax through penetration sooo the dildo is unnecessary for most ;)
It;s good to find a man that comes with instructions right on the label.
demifeministgal comments on Nov 11, 2019:
Is it a bad quality pic or does he have a lot of liver spots? :s
demifeministgal replies on Nov 11, 2019:
@WalterWhite ahh those are sun spots? my mistake
Notes from the Trenches with Erectile Dysfunction: A Woman’s Perspective
Allamanda comments on Nov 10, 2019:
I don't have any experience of this but had been giving it some thought due to talking to a friend - other factors surely come into play - if the man concerned can't or doesn't wish to take that type of medication? Honesty re the issue yes, also to himself - but also the development of other skills ...
demifeministgal replies on Nov 11, 2019:
@RavenCT Exactly... especially if one defines sex beyond Penis in vagina terms.... if I would ever encounter this problem one day, it would not be a problem as I can take or leave the dck in my sex life... but I know other women NEED the D to get any satisfaction :( they may need to invest in a dildo at that point
Many years ago i dated a guy who defined intimacy as having sex.
truthsayer comments on Nov 10, 2019:
Last week i went to a sex workers outreach event, trying to explain to the public about their situation. 1. sex work is not human trafficking. 2. criminalizing normal human behavior is a recipe for disaster. 3. most of what they are doing is healing work, for example for vets with PTSD who can ...
demifeministgal replies on Nov 11, 2019:
teachers should not be hugging kids anyways... are you not unaware of various psychological or other disorders where touch is too stimulating or overwhelming for the person? Then there are victims of sexual abuse/rape that also may be triggered by being hugged against their consent. And what should these kids have to disclose these kinds of medical conditions or traumas because they have touchy feely teachers? Um no.
Many years ago i dated a guy who defined intimacy as having sex.
GreatNani comments on Nov 9, 2019:
Physical intimacy is just one kind of intimacy.
demifeministgal replies on Nov 11, 2019:
@truthsayer spirituality was never part of maslow's hierarchy... unless you consider self-actualization as a type of spirituality?
Technology is Replacing us at a Faster Rate we can Bare.
Cutiebeauty comments on Nov 10, 2019:
When I found Frankie, I put away the toy
demifeministgal replies on Nov 11, 2019:
why not both? ;) Can incorporate toys into sex for added pleasure/fun... assuming of course neither of you is threatened or has your feelings hurt due to incorporating toy(s).


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