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I was born a forbidden love child of a former President and his live-in Spanish translator. Whisked away at a young age to prevent a scandal. Travelled with a freak show from ages 3-12, but was eventually banished for being too strange. Studied particle physics and astrology at Oxford from 12-18, graduating with honors despite not being officially enrolled. Left hastily after indiscretions with the Dean's wife and daughter. And sister. Ghost wrote for Stephen King and Tom Clancy for awhile but got bored and blew the substantial proceeds of that work on ponies and $500 bottles of Scotch. I would take a sip from each bottle before dumping the rest on the floor and smashing the empty bottle over the steel plate in my head (that's a story for another day). It was kind of my thing and I was famous in Bucharest for it.

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Agnostic, Atheist, Humanist, Secularist, Skeptic, Freethinker
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