Moved to Rochester when I was 1 yr old. Few years after graduating from I moved to Manhattan. Went to
New York University to get a masters degree in social work.
Moving to wich Village when your 27yrs old and in grad school, doesn’t get much better than that. Coming from NY to NYC was.........hmmm.........interesting. I wasn’t aware enough to know how intense it was. I acclaimed quickly.
Being in academia, a higher education leading to career environment, being in NYC, seeing theater and street theater, learning the subway system, the arts, Central Park, Washington Square Park (the epicenter of the Village), seeing Rocky Horror Picture Show 8 times(1st time was a rush, all the other times with visiting family and friends) and so much more The plan was to get the degree and return to Rochester.
While working in a group home for developmeny challenged (used to be labeled MR) adults met a real nice Jewish girl from Island eventually got , (not coming back to Rochester for 26yrs) bought an apt, had my daughter Sarah, moving out to Island, growing a career as a psychiatric and clinical/therapist social worker, eventually divorcing the nice Jewish woman from Island (Sarah says her Mom and I have the weirdest she’s ever seen because we’re now good friends), then returning to Rochester once Sarah’s in University.
That’s the bio. More details if you’re interested.