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genessa comments on Sep 18, 2019:
i met her last month after attending one of her town halls and she is fabulous. actually, i like policy wonks! i mean, that's what she should be! but she ALSO happens to be presidential material in so many other ways, as she is personable, caring, down-to-earth, dedicated, persistent, intelligent...
genessa replies on Sep 18, 2019:
@St-Sinner yes i did! but it's not on my computer (i could've sworn i transferred it!) it's still on my phone. i'll try to get it here for you soon. and yes, i treasure that experience! wait, wait... i may have it elsewhere on this site. brb! g
Drop the Old testament?
Moravian comments on Sep 17, 2019:
As an atheist I couldn't care less but the old testament, particularly the first five books is much more interesting than the new testament, anyway Jesus was a devoutly religious Jew so it would be ridiculous to drop it.
genessa replies on Sep 18, 2019:
@UpsideDownAgain that was indeed king david. g
Is the impeachment investigation a constitutionally defined inquiry, or a unofficial political ...
genessa comments on Sep 17, 2019:
you're taking a poll on a fact? it is official, even if some people vote that it isn't. that's not opinion. it's fact. g
genessa replies on Sep 17, 2019:
@MarkiusMahamius that depends on what you mean by "works." the purpose of an impeachment hearing is not to impeach. the purpose of an impeachment hearing is to get the facts, and then to figure out whether the facts justify impeachment. just getting the facts, and getting them to the american public, has its own value, and that "works" too. and let's imagine (this is hard work but try) that the president is innocent as the driven snow and the facts lead to congress' deciding not to impeach. does that mean it didn't "work"? is a trial a real trial (yes i know an impeachment isn't a trial, and an impeachment hearing isn't even an impeachment, but see the analogy here, please) only if the verdict is guilty? if a mistrial is declared, or if the defendant or a witness or the plaintiff happens to die, does that mean the trial was a sham? it's not about how it FEELS and i don't define "works" the same way i think you might. g
Is the impeachment investigation a constitutionally defined inquiry, or a unofficial political ...
genessa comments on Sep 17, 2019:
you're taking a poll on a fact? it is official, even if some people vote that it isn't. that's not opinion. it's fact. g
genessa replies on Sep 17, 2019:
@MarkiusMahamius yes. you can. you can make a statement and that is not necessarily a sham. it is only a sham if you do not believe the statement. i believe the statement. g
Is the impeachment investigation a constitutionally defined inquiry, or a unofficial political ...
genessa comments on Sep 17, 2019:
you're taking a poll on a fact? it is official, even if some people vote that it isn't. that's not opinion. it's fact. g
genessa replies on Sep 17, 2019:
@MarkiusMahamius so a bill offered to the house even without a clear majority to win isn't really a bill, either, by that reasoning. i don't THINK so. and by the way, even if someone does something proper and good knowing it won't succeed, that doesn't automatically make that good and proper thing grandstanding. g
Is the impeachment investigation a constitutionally defined inquiry, or a unofficial political ...
Sgt_Spanky comments on Sep 17, 2019:
If Trump isn't impeached, as outta control as he is, then what's the point of having an impeachment option at all? Lewandowsky refuses to answer while Trump obstructs over Twitter -- America's government is a joke at this point.
genessa replies on Sep 17, 2019:
@mongo1977 so you cannot answer my question, which was a legitimate one, and thus must resort to insults, which means i have no further use for you. i type this only for those reading, to point out what i just said (no facts, therefore insults). i do not need heavy medication. i need to use the block feature and off i go to do just that. g
Is the impeachment investigation a constitutionally defined inquiry, or a unofficial political ...
Sgt_Spanky comments on Sep 17, 2019:
If Trump isn't impeached, as outta control as he is, then what's the point of having an impeachment option at all? Lewandowsky refuses to answer while Trump obstructs over Twitter -- America's government is a joke at this point.
genessa replies on Sep 17, 2019:
@mongo1977 i can only say you are mistaken. which democrat did you see that was above the law WHO WAS SUPPORTED IN THIS DELUSION BY THE PARTY? individuals from any group might be bad, but the republicans DEFEND lawlessness and the democrats oust those of their own who even remotely appear to be lawless. so please name a democrat who considered him/herself above the law, tell me which law s/he broke, and make sure this is someone who was defended in his/her lawlessness by the democratic party. g
Is the impeachment investigation a constitutionally defined inquiry, or a unofficial political ...
Sgt_Spanky comments on Sep 17, 2019:
If Trump isn't impeached, as outta control as he is, then what's the point of having an impeachment option at all? Lewandowsky refuses to answer while Trump obstructs over Twitter -- America's government is a joke at this point.
genessa replies on Sep 17, 2019:
@mongo1977 democrats think they're above the law? on what do you base this untrue and outrageous statement? g
Is the impeachment investigation a constitutionally defined inquiry, or a unofficial political ...
mongo1977 comments on Sep 17, 2019:
It's political theater designed to keep low information voters perpetually outraged so they won't notice the lack of sane relevant policy coming from their party.
genessa replies on Sep 17, 2019:
it is in fact official, whatever else it is, but hey, you can have an opinion about a fact. trouble is, you have to know the fact first. g
Drop the Old testament?
Grecio comments on Sep 17, 2019:
I realize that this question does not seem like a good question for Agnostics, but it is interesting, at least to me. maybe if the OT was dropped, the Christians could drop the creation myth and all that Noah, and Jonah in the whale rubbish.
genessa replies on Sep 17, 2019:
they would not do so. they'd just get more deeply entrenched in the jesus was god's son but he's god, but he's also his own son but he died for our sins so he died on purpose but the jews murdered him, wait the romans murdered him, but he died on purpose, but god can't die, but but but but. i don't see an improvement happening. g
Drop the Old testament?
Moravian comments on Sep 17, 2019:
As an atheist I couldn't care less but the old testament, particularly the first five books is much more interesting than the new testament, anyway Jesus was a devoutly religious Jew so it would be ridiculous to drop it.
genessa replies on Sep 17, 2019:
@UpsideDownAgain i am rather fond of the stories concerning david and his family. i think the begats are the least interesting (and the most likely to be fact-based, which explains that). but i don't care what christians do, to tell you the truth, as long as they leave me the hell alone. g
What’s a Jew to do during the high holy days when they question the existence of a higher power?
BirdMan1 comments on Sep 15, 2019:
The culture I come from is Jewish, but I am 3rd generation atheist on one side, maybe both. What are called the High Holy days, and, in spring Passover, are an annoyance to me . Well, no, just Passover is, with its food restrictions. As a teenager, a friend and I wanted to see what it was all ...
genessa replies on Sep 17, 2019:
@Movdsouth yep, just like the rest of humanity! individuals with something important in common and lots of other stuff not in common :-)) g
What’s a Jew to do during the high holy days when they question the existence of a higher power?
CapriKious comments on Sep 15, 2019:
Don't know, cannot conceive of such an identity. Like claiming that one is a slave, but that they gave up the tenets and belief in slave masters. But some still like the special slave day observances, cause tradition.
genessa replies on Sep 16, 2019:
@CapriKious i appreciate your willingness to listen! not everyone has that, alas. now, as for immersion, i was raised secularly, with a strong sense of jewishness but not so much of judaism. i don't remember EVER going to shul on the high holy days. i know i experienced seders but i only remember one. (i don't remember a single thanksgiving, either, for that matter, and i know we celebrated it, so who knows?) we went to shul if someone got married or had a bar/bat mitzvah. that was it. i started holding seders myself, on and off, when i grew up, and then i met my guy in 2000 and he goes to shul on his parents' yahrzheits (death anniversaries) to hear their names read aloud, and he goes on the high holidays, so i started going with him on some years. before i met him, when i was new in minnesota, i found out that some individuals make a habit of inviting strangers to a seder if they have nobody or nowhere to go, so i signed up and went to the home of some lovely people, and they told me that even though i was an atheist i had more yiddishkeit (jewishness) and neshuma (soul) than some of their relatives (they named them, haha!) so my life has not been immersed in judaism, but it has, rather, in jewishness. g
What’s a Jew to do during the high holy days when they question the existence of a higher power?
CapriKious comments on Sep 15, 2019:
Don't know, cannot conceive of such an identity. Like claiming that one is a slave, but that they gave up the tenets and belief in slave masters. But some still like the special slave day observances, cause tradition.
genessa replies on Sep 16, 2019:
@sassygirl3869 sassy, let me respectfully disagree but i think you will be happy with my disagreement. judaism is a religion. jewishness, yiddishkeit, is a culture. g
What’s a Jew to do during the high holy days when they question the existence of a higher power?
genessa comments on Sep 15, 2019:
well, i am a jew, i like the high holy days, and i don't question the existence of a higher power -- i actively disbelief in the existence of a higher power, all questioning over. so what i do is i go and i read the quotations in the front of our prayer books, which are very interesting and ...
genessa replies on Sep 16, 2019:
@Movdsouth hence your screen name yes? g
How would you respond to "You can't have true love without God"?
genessa comments on Sep 15, 2019:
i think i would laugh. who would say that except an idiot? but if you can't laugh in church, and for whatever reason you feel you must attend, then i would stifle a giggle and think about... well, food, maybe. no, there is no effective verbal response to that because it's so ridiculous. a ...
genessa replies on Sep 16, 2019:
@Biblebeltskeptic ugh. horrid. g
What’s a Jew to do during the high holy days when they question the existence of a higher power?
CapriKious comments on Sep 15, 2019:
Don't know, cannot conceive of such an identity. Like claiming that one is a slave, but that they gave up the tenets and belief in slave masters. But some still like the special slave day observances, cause tradition.
genessa replies on Sep 15, 2019:
@CapriKious making a comparison of judaism to slavery implies, at least to me, facts not in evidence. maybe that is not a comparison you meant to make; it is one you made nonetheless. g
What’s a Jew to do during the high holy days when they question the existence of a higher power?
CapriKious comments on Sep 15, 2019:
Don't know, cannot conceive of such an identity. Like claiming that one is a slave, but that they gave up the tenets and belief in slave masters. But some still like the special slave day observances, cause tradition.
genessa replies on Sep 15, 2019:
@CapriKious well, there is a lot of controversy about it -- some are offended by the thought of a racial element, and others find it comforting. scientifically there is no such thing as race (there are families and communities). ethnicity is different, though. there is definitely a jewish ethnicity, or rather a few jewish ethnicities: ashkenazim have a different culture (religion aside) from sephardim, and there is a third group, often lumped in with the sephardim, and i can never remember the name of that group, begins with an m i think, not that that's helpful, right? but there IS a culture and whether you consider it a racial culture or not, there is an explanation for it, and that is the diaspora. until the mid 20th century, jews had no homeland except whatever country they settled in. german jews assimilated quickly and did well... until you know what. oops. some of them protested, but i am not religious, i am a good german, and they got gassed anyway. (the nazis believed in race and to them it was a racial issue, but my point is that the assimilated jews valued their german identity to the extent of repressing their jewish identity and the result was a bit of an object lesson to the survivors.) most jews of the diaspora found that the only way to have a cultural and origin-based identity at all was to hold onto their jewish identity, since in most cases they were NOT permitted to assimilate, regardless of whether or not they wanted to. a catholic in america might be an irish american or an italian american or a mexican american and being a catholic-american as primary identity was unnecessary; one's ancerstors were irish or italian or mexican. a jewish american can claim a nation of origin but that nation probably never acknowledged him or her; the jewish identity is the only origin the jew could safely claim. whether or not that is still true is irrelevant; it became its own thing and it persists. i am part of it myself. there is also the interesting phenomenon within judaism itself that, unlike in other religions, one is expected to ask questions. one is expected, even, to doubt. in catholicism (to continue using it as an example) that gets you excommunicated, right? or at least spanked! but a jew is born to ask questions. it's not a faith-based faith, the way various kinds of christianity are. there is no such thing as excommunication per se in judaism but there is apostasy and there is only one thing that can render a jew no longer a jew. it's not being an atheist; that won't do it. it's not eating pork. it's taking on another god. well, an atheist jew isn't likely to be doing that! so i'm still a jew :-)) that's not the whole story and i don't know how well i explained it, but it's at least part of it. g
What’s a Jew to do during the high holy days when they question the existence of a higher power?
bleurowz comments on Sep 15, 2019:
I was raised Jewish, so I just enjoy the cultural aspect and have a nice dinner with my family/loved ones. There was always a running joke in my family that every celebration was an excuse to eat.
genessa replies on Sep 15, 2019:
ha that is funny. what i have always said, myself, is that most jewish holidays are about this: "they tried to kill us. they failed. we lived. let's eat!" g
What’s a Jew to do during the high holy days when they question the existence of a higher power?
BirdMan1 comments on Sep 15, 2019:
The culture I come from is Jewish, but I am 3rd generation atheist on one side, maybe both. What are called the High Holy days, and, in spring Passover, are an annoyance to me . Well, no, just Passover is, with its food restrictions. As a teenager, a friend and I wanted to see what it was all ...
genessa replies on Sep 15, 2019:
that is odd. we cannot afford membership (nor would i want membership) in the local shul but they do not turn us away; they know we're poor and they accommodate us. that is what they're SUPPOSED to do. oddly, i don't think of passover in terms of restrictions, but maybe that is because i don't eat that much bread to start with and i like matza. go figure, right? so to me it's an increased availability of some special things i like to eat. g
What’s a Jew to do during the high holy days when they question the existence of a higher power?
CapriKious comments on Sep 15, 2019:
Don't know, cannot conceive of such an identity. Like claiming that one is a slave, but that they gave up the tenets and belief in slave masters. But some still like the special slave day observances, cause tradition.
genessa replies on Sep 15, 2019:
maybe it is because you know nothing about judaism. you think the "old testament" tells you everything you need to know about it. otherwise you would not say such a thing. and yes, i am an atheist. i am not defending a belief in a god or gods. i am defending getting facts straight. g
What’s a Jew to do during the high holy days when they question the existence of a higher power?
Triphid comments on Sep 15, 2019:
Simple, just grab a nice freshly made Ham sandwich ( after all the Kosher rules are RELIGION based anyway) or two and have a relaxing time with a picnic or sitting by seashore.
genessa replies on Sep 15, 2019:
@Triphid i understood that. it didn't work and the reason is that jokes are funny in direct proportion to how hard they hit the truth. since your joke was based on an apparent misreading of the question and an apparent misapprehension of a fact crucial to the joke, it didn't work. g
What’s a Jew to do during the high holy days when they question the existence of a higher power?
Triphid comments on Sep 15, 2019:
Simple, just grab a nice freshly made Ham sandwich ( after all the Kosher rules are RELIGION based anyway) or two and have a relaxing time with a picnic or sitting by seashore.
genessa replies on Sep 15, 2019:
actually the kosher rules are NOT religion-based. they got incorporated into judaism because that's how things got codified in the absence of real science, but they were based on astute observation that people who ate pork and shellfish were dropping dead of (what we now know is) trichanosis (pardon my spelling). without science, the best they could do was say god was punishing those people for eating those things. deserts get pretty hot, there was no refrigeration, and those foods can, if not properly stored and prepared, cause that illness. there is no need to follow those rules now as we DO have refrigeration, and theoretically we have the fda looking after us (i wouldn't count too much on that). but kashruth DID get codified and there it is. but i would like to know what the hell that has to do with the high holy days anyway? the question wasn't how to amuse oneself during the high holy days. the question was how to OBSERVE them while being true to one's actual beliefs. g
What’s a Jew to do during the high holy days when they question the existence of a higher power?
genessa comments on Sep 15, 2019:
well, i am a jew, i like the high holy days, and i don't question the existence of a higher power -- i actively disbelief in the existence of a higher power, all questioning over. so what i do is i go and i read the quotations in the front of our prayer books, which are very interesting and ...
genessa replies on Sep 15, 2019:
@Geoffrey51 :-)) g
What’s a Jew to do during the high holy days when they question the existence of a higher power?
Geoffrey51 comments on Sep 15, 2019:
Become a secular Jew
genessa replies on Sep 15, 2019:
i think she already is a secular jew. but maybe she likes the tradition and wants to be able to enjoy it without feeling a conflict with her secularity. i am also an atheist and a jew, and i have responded to the best of my ability (without writing war and peace about it) above. g
What’s a Jew to do during the high holy days when they question the existence of a higher power?
MarkiusMahamius comments on Sep 15, 2019:
This seems like a strange place to ask
genessa replies on Sep 15, 2019:
it does not seem in the least strange to me! g
I suffer from intermittent explosive disorder.
Spinliesel comments on Sep 13, 2019:
Smoke some weed, guy. Something is out of balance in your brain. Good luck to you.
genessa replies on Sep 14, 2019:
@Marcie1974 It is even worse than a band-aid. Alcohol makes this sort of thing worse. g
I suffer from intermittent explosive disorder.
genessa comments on Sep 13, 2019:
i am not a doctor so what i am about to say carries with it none of the authority a doctor might or might not have (even with some specific expertise and not having met you, which makes a difference) and even so i am going to be bold and make a suggestion. i have some personal experience of ssri ...
genessa replies on Sep 13, 2019:
@HockeyGuy :-)) i hope it helps! g
genessa comments on Sep 12, 2019:
love it! not my experience at all but i knew someone who said that in school a nun had picked up his desk, with him in it, and flung desk and boy across the room. that has been my overriding impression of nuns ever since, although i like sister wendy (and even named one of my cats after her). g
genessa replies on Sep 13, 2019:
@Remiforce not to dispute that it was rough, but i am guessing that even the boarding students had toothpaste, knew where their parents were (for the most part), were fed and did not die of diseases that could easily have been treated. g
Israel accused of planting mysterious spy devices near the White House - POLITICO
Beowulfsfriend comments on Sep 12, 2019:
Not unexpected. Actual spies have been caught before. They want to know what tRump tells the Ruskies.
genessa replies on Sep 12, 2019:
@Beowulfsfriend indeed he has. can you blame them for not trusting us? remember, israel is not just bi(tch)bi(tch). they've helped us a lot with regard to the russians and how do we thank them? by endangering their operatives! g
At the risk of sounding unpatriotic,.
genessa comments on Sep 12, 2019:
it wasn't about religion at all. the self-proclaimed muslims who planned and executed 9/11 do not/did not follow islam. they are no more muslims than the westboro idiots are christians (not that one would want to be a christian, but let's get our labels right, right?) what to remember is that ...
genessa replies on Sep 12, 2019:
@OwlInASack i've been known to zap a few lol g
At the risk of sounding unpatriotic,.
genessa comments on Sep 12, 2019:
it wasn't about religion at all. the self-proclaimed muslims who planned and executed 9/11 do not/did not follow islam. they are no more muslims than the westboro idiots are christians (not that one would want to be a christian, but let's get our labels right, right?) what to remember is that ...
genessa replies on Sep 12, 2019:
@OwlInASack well, i don't know about edits... what if they're for a typo? you have to preserve typos forever? rofl! but i do see your point. i was lucky. g
At the risk of sounding unpatriotic,.
genessa comments on Sep 12, 2019:
it wasn't about religion at all. the self-proclaimed muslims who planned and executed 9/11 do not/did not follow islam. they are no more muslims than the westboro idiots are christians (not that one would want to be a christian, but let's get our labels right, right?) what to remember is that ...
genessa replies on Sep 12, 2019:
@Redheadedgammy lol i had no idea he had deleted his post, but fortunately i had copied it up to show someone on facebook (as an example of a bad attitude) so i was able to reproduce it. otherwise, i would have had to explain without being able to show it. g
At the risk of sounding unpatriotic,.
genessa comments on Sep 12, 2019:
it wasn't about religion at all. the self-proclaimed muslims who planned and executed 9/11 do not/did not follow islam. they are no more muslims than the westboro idiots are christians (not that one would want to be a christian, but let's get our labels right, right?) what to remember is that ...
genessa replies on Sep 12, 2019:
oh look, he deleted his response, which is fine except that now it looks as if what i said was purely judgmental. this is to what i was responding: "Imatheistically 6 replied Sep 12, 2019 0 They sure as hell were not atheists! When they screamed, "Allah Akbar" as they crashed each plane, what religion was that a declaration of? Christianity? Islam is a god-damned death cukt whose terrorist adherents neef to be genocidally exterminated off this planet!" so you see, i am not the one who brought up genocide. g
What is the Devil?
Pedrohbds comments on Sep 12, 2019:
Judaism did not have a devil before the contact (conquest by) the Persian/babilonians. The serpent of paradise was just a serpent, the concept of this dark god came from zoroastrism where the good and the evil gods are equal, but their powers are pumped by the followers. So Judaism absorbed this...
genessa replies on Sep 12, 2019:
@Pedrohbds oh, that would make it a bit rough, wouldn't it! but i am sure you'll be able to find some differences nonetheless. good luck and again have fun :-)) g
What is the Devil?
Pedrohbds comments on Sep 12, 2019:
Judaism did not have a devil before the contact (conquest by) the Persian/babilonians. The serpent of paradise was just a serpent, the concept of this dark god came from zoroastrism where the good and the evil gods are equal, but their powers are pumped by the followers. So Judaism absorbed this...
genessa replies on Sep 12, 2019:
@Pedrohbds mmm, not just errors. deliberate changes. errors too, i'll grant you! here, if you want, this is my fave (yeah, i'm an atheist, and i still have a favorite biblical text; go figure!) if you were raised christian, you may notice some differences i don't know about, even if you haven't studied for a while (as i say, i never did). g p.s. i also don't know that everything in the hebrew bible is a matter of practicing; a lot of it is a bunch of rules, but most of it isn't, right? anyway, enjoy!
What is the Devil?
Pedrohbds comments on Sep 12, 2019:
Judaism did not have a devil before the contact (conquest by) the Persian/babilonians. The serpent of paradise was just a serpent, the concept of this dark god came from zoroastrism where the good and the evil gods are equal, but their powers are pumped by the followers. So Judaism absorbed this...
genessa replies on Sep 12, 2019:
@Pedrohbds ha-satan isn't described as divine or supernatural, or as not those things. he is ill-defined. all he has is his title, really, and it isn't an observer, but a prosecutor. as for mixing up old and new testaments, remember that the old testament is not the hebrew bible. they bear definite similarities, to the extent that many people think they're the same, but they're not. example (of many): in isaiah, the proper translation of a particular word is "maiden" as there is a hebrew word meaning "virgin" and the one in that book isn't that word. christians retranslate it as "virgin." hallelujah, instant miracle that didn't used to be there! so i can't vouch for what, regarding ha-satan, is in the old testament. but there is no devil in the hebrew bible -- which i have never studied, so i can't tell you anything about lions lol g
At the risk of sounding unpatriotic,.
genessa comments on Sep 12, 2019:
it wasn't about religion at all. the self-proclaimed muslims who planned and executed 9/11 do not/did not follow islam. they are no more muslims than the westboro idiots are christians (not that one would want to be a christian, but let's get our labels right, right?) what to remember is that ...
genessa replies on Sep 12, 2019:
@Imatheistically well the suiciders were not atheists but the planners may or may not have been. for them it was political. i know some muslims who are not terrorists. in fact none of the muslims i know are terrorists. i am encountering some pretty virulent bigots here and there, though. genocidally exterminated? so what makes you, an atheist like me, so great if you can say a thing like that? feh. not even worth arguing with someone who says that. i am not typing this for your benefit but for the benefit of others who may be reading this and not happen to favor genocide. g p.s. what makes you better than isul or al kaeda if you too are willing to indulge in genocide?
What is the Devil?
Pedrohbds comments on Sep 12, 2019:
Judaism did not have a devil before the contact (conquest by) the Persian/babilonians. The serpent of paradise was just a serpent, the concept of this dark god came from zoroastrism where the good and the evil gods are equal, but their powers are pumped by the followers. So Judaism absorbed this...
genessa replies on Sep 12, 2019:
actually judaism still does not have a devil. the serpent isn't the devil, in judaism. it's just a talking snake, weird enough, but not the devil. there is no fallen angel, no devil at all, in judaism. there is ha-satan in the book of job, but that's a title, ha- being "the" and satan (sah TAHN) being a title similar to "prosecuting attorney." he's not a god or anything like a god. he's an employee. g
How do you deal with muscle cramps?
genessa comments on Sep 11, 2019:
in the calf: flex! your natural instinct is to point the toe. don't! do the opposite. flex the toe back up. the cramp will resolve. in the thigh, where i also get them: i don't know and it's making me nuts. i have tried so many kinds of dietary adjustments and nothing works for me to ...
genessa replies on Sep 11, 2019:
@LiterateHiker so it is with so many things, eh? but while we may not be able to prevent the cramps entirely, the toe-flexing really should put a stop to one in progress pretty fast. the trick is remembering to do it when you're in pain! g
I would home school now.
genessa comments on Sep 8, 2019: g
genessa replies on Sep 8, 2019:
@Redheadedgammy it is a form of child abuse. g
Does anyone have a favorite book that helped you in your transition out of your religion?
genessa comments on Sep 8, 2019:
nope. i came to it myself, based on something that had nothing to do with god or religion. g
genessa replies on Sep 8, 2019:
@Truthseeker1968 oh it was the silliest thing! my mom and dad had said many times that long-haired boys were dirty. then i discovered the monkees. they had what was then considered long hair and they were quite obviously not dirty. oops, conflict between what i had been told and what i could clearly observe! so i decided that i would, instead of taking my parents' word for everything (and again, i had no word from them concerning any gods), examine everything closely and see if i really believed it. god went out the window pretty fast. so the monkees triggered my atheism, without necessarily being atheists themselves (i have no clue) or in any way promoting it, or dissing religion, or any such thing~! i told you it was silly! g
I would home school now.
genessa comments on Sep 8, 2019: g
genessa replies on Sep 8, 2019:
me too. i'd had nightmares about spiders and snakes; they vanished and were replaced by atomic bomb nightmares. in 1951 i was a twinkle in my dad's eye, but i was 10 and a half during the cuban missile crisis. that's when it all got real. g
Here is George Clooney's response after Trump accused him of being a "Hollywood elite.
Lucy_Fehr comments on Oct 3, 2018:
Your first sentence clearly indicates that the following words are Clooney's so you're good.
genessa replies on Sep 7, 2019:
i'm going to correct something i said above. it was true when i said it but is not necessarily always true now. i said i don't make initial caps when i type and this is true -- but you may see initial caps ANYWAY if i am typing on my phone, which very occasionally i do, because the infernal spell-checker is an asshole. it is too much work to go back and make sure i am true to my personal style, which, despite my arthritis, lower-case typing for informal writing also is. it's not JUST about the arthritis, even though that's a factor. so... if you see initial caps it's not necessarily a hacker. it's just my phone. notice i am not on my phone right now rofl rofl g
welcome @Lucy_Fehr ! g
Lucy_Fehr comments on Sep 7, 2019:
Thank you
genessa replies on Sep 7, 2019:
no problem! feel free to jump right in :-)) g
I'm really disappointed in a lot of people on this site.
genessa comments on Aug 24, 2019:
any large group of people will show this phenomenon. did you really think that people who for whatever reason realize there are no gods are perfect in every other way, or even nonconformists in any other way? i am sorry you are disappointed but if that is what you expected, your expectations were ...
genessa replies on Sep 6, 2019:
@Neenz good luck. human nature is such that you cannot completely filter out snerts but maybe you can have some success in keeping them down to a dull roar. g
I'm really disappointed in a lot of people on this site.
genessa comments on Aug 24, 2019:
any large group of people will show this phenomenon. did you really think that people who for whatever reason realize there are no gods are perfect in every other way, or even nonconformists in any other way? i am sorry you are disappointed but if that is what you expected, your expectations were ...
genessa replies on Sep 6, 2019:
@Neenz there is no one facebook community. we make our own communities there, and to an extent here. g
Unless you're living under a rock, you realize the USA has been in a downward slide for decades.
genessa comments on Sep 5, 2019:
if you try hard enough you can trace it back to andrew johnson, but think nixon's treason (i am not talking about watergate) was pretty significant -- though maybe in the long run not as significant as his consultations with roger ailes. yes, fox news was a gleam in their eyes.... g
genessa replies on Sep 6, 2019:
@Winkiedink54 Richard Nixon and Roger Ailes 1970s plan to put the GOP on TV g
Unless you're living under a rock, you realize the USA has been in a downward slide for decades.
genessa comments on Sep 5, 2019:
if you try hard enough you can trace it back to andrew johnson, but think nixon's treason (i am not talking about watergate) was pretty significant -- though maybe in the long run not as significant as his consultations with roger ailes. yes, fox news was a gleam in their eyes.... g
genessa replies on Sep 6, 2019:
@Winkiedink54 what roger ailes learned from nixon g
Unless you're living under a rock, you realize the USA has been in a downward slide for decades.
genessa comments on Sep 5, 2019:
if you try hard enough you can trace it back to andrew johnson, but think nixon's treason (i am not talking about watergate) was pretty significant -- though maybe in the long run not as significant as his consultations with roger ailes. yes, fox news was a gleam in their eyes.... g
genessa replies on Sep 6, 2019:
@Winkiedink54 here are some links: roger ailes career history nixon fox news g
Tried to duplicate a restaurant dish. Oops.
genessa comments on Sep 5, 2019:
i am sure i have but i can't remember just now. i do have a suggestion: heavy cream has NO carbs,and the less fat in the milk, the more sugar. i'd have used the cream, gladly. nonfat milk doesn't work for much of anything. it's just white water that a cow mooed at once. g
genessa replies on Sep 6, 2019:
@synergy and likewise :-)) g
Tried to duplicate a restaurant dish. Oops.
genessa comments on Sep 5, 2019:
i am sure i have but i can't remember just now. i do have a suggestion: heavy cream has NO carbs,and the less fat in the milk, the more sugar. i'd have used the cream, gladly. nonfat milk doesn't work for much of anything. it's just white water that a cow mooed at once. g
genessa replies on Sep 5, 2019:
@synergy i use whatever i get for free from the food shelf. i'm poor. but i exercise portion control and add a ton of veg and a little meat, also mostly from the food shelf. reminds me: i need to call them. g
Tried to duplicate a restaurant dish. Oops.
genessa comments on Sep 5, 2019:
i am sure i have but i can't remember just now. i do have a suggestion: heavy cream has NO carbs,and the less fat in the milk, the more sugar. i'd have used the cream, gladly. nonfat milk doesn't work for much of anything. it's just white water that a cow mooed at once. g
genessa replies on Sep 5, 2019:
@synergy i don't hate tomato sauce but i don't favor it, so when i make any kind of pasta, or a pizza, if i make a sauce it's a white sauce, generally an alfredo. since i will put canned tomatoes on a pizza, i use the juice, with a LOT of powdered milk, instead of milk or cream, for the sauce. so it comes out pink too! g
Tried to duplicate a restaurant dish. Oops.
genessa comments on Sep 5, 2019:
i am sure i have but i can't remember just now. i do have a suggestion: heavy cream has NO carbs,and the less fat in the milk, the more sugar. i'd have used the cream, gladly. nonfat milk doesn't work for much of anything. it's just white water that a cow mooed at once. g
genessa replies on Sep 5, 2019:
@synergy i make a mean alfredo myself, and i am afraid i don't go especially light. i am not familiar with vodka sauce but then i don't like vodka, and i can't drink anyway (diabetes). g
Tried to duplicate a restaurant dish. Oops.
genessa comments on Sep 5, 2019:
i am sure i have but i can't remember just now. i do have a suggestion: heavy cream has NO carbs,and the less fat in the milk, the more sugar. i'd have used the cream, gladly. nonfat milk doesn't work for much of anything. it's just white water that a cow mooed at once. g
genessa replies on Sep 5, 2019:
@synergy rofl if i did, i wouldn't tell. i'm no snitch! (but... don't!) g
Tried to duplicate a restaurant dish. Oops.
genessa comments on Sep 5, 2019:
i am sure i have but i can't remember just now. i do have a suggestion: heavy cream has NO carbs,and the less fat in the milk, the more sugar. i'd have used the cream, gladly. nonfat milk doesn't work for much of anything. it's just white water that a cow mooed at once. g
genessa replies on Sep 5, 2019:
@synergy but... taste lol! texture! g
Do You Support Nancy?
genessa comments on Sep 5, 2019:
yes i do. and believe it or not, she supports impeachment; she just has to make sure it's a slam-dunk (in the house -- in today's senate it's no-go no matter what but it still would not be meaningless). she signed off on all the impeachment investigations/hearings we're beginning to see, and i ...
genessa replies on Sep 5, 2019:
@sassygirl3869 i heard her called some pretty vile names, with some pretty unfounded speculation about her motivations. not everyone who doesn't do exactly what we want the instant we want it is a corporate shill! g
Tried to duplicate a restaurant dish. Oops.
genessa comments on Sep 5, 2019:
i am sure i have but i can't remember just now. i do have a suggestion: heavy cream has NO carbs,and the less fat in the milk, the more sugar. i'd have used the cream, gladly. nonfat milk doesn't work for much of anything. it's just white water that a cow mooed at once. g
genessa replies on Sep 5, 2019:
@synergy i hate to ask but how many cups of cream would you be consuming at once if you'd used it in this treat? g
For those still troubled by religion.
genessa comments on Sep 4, 2019:
sorry, but "if you're not... then you have obviously been through...." doesn't apply to me. i've been an atheist since age 15 and never had to defeat anything or anyone. i just realized there were no gods. it wasn't traumatic, no one had been laying religion on me and my realization had nothing ...
genessa replies on Sep 5, 2019:
@Mcflewster oh, there is no decision to be made, and no two schemes. what are the two schemes? i have nothing to give up. why shouldn't an atheist have a nice meal and listen to a sermon about recycling, and hear some nice songs? i don't understand what's wrong with that. it's not as if someone is forcing me to believe something i don't believe, or do something i don't want to do. if i don't feel well or don't want to go (once or twice every one or two years) i just don't. no sweat. it's not like a habit or something! g
Richard Feynman on "Not Knowing Things" One of the unexpected benefits I experienced in letting ...
genessa comments on Sep 5, 2019:
i adore feynman! oddly, being raised a secular jew, "i don't know" was never forbidden; asking questions is part of the deal, actually. when i taught in japan, i told my students "i don't know" is a good answer if you've given something a bit of thought; "i don't know; let's find out!" is an ...
genessa replies on Sep 5, 2019:
@dleifallot lol no doubt, no doubt! and better late than never, for sure! g
Name this group and groups they came from. Feel free to post fave tunes. This should be easy.
genessa comments on Sep 5, 2019:
i have seen these guys so many times i have lost count. i have seen them solo and in various combinations, and as guests (surprise and otherwise) at each other's and at other folks' concerts. i saw stephen stills pop up at a bonnie raitt concert, graham nash crash a jackson brown concert and neil ...
genessa replies on Sep 5, 2019:
@sassygirl3869 awww if you have a choice, see nash alone or young alone. very different experiences. but they haven't lost it! g
Name this group and groups they came from. Feel free to post fave tunes. This should be easy.
genessa comments on Sep 5, 2019:
my eyes are bad but seeing how that's dave crosby in the center and neil young on the right center and stephen stills all the way on the right, and graham nash's hair from back then on the left, i assume nash is under the hair! stills and young were from buffalo springfield, nash from the hollies, ...
genessa replies on Sep 5, 2019:
it won't let me edit. i wrote some of it before i saw stills (eyes bad, remember?) and i should have said crosby left center and young right center. anyway, i don't need to say the name of the group, do i? as the name of the group is the name of those four guys! g
For those still troubled by religion.
genessa comments on Sep 4, 2019:
sorry, but "if you're not... then you have obviously been through...." doesn't apply to me. i've been an atheist since age 15 and never had to defeat anything or anyone. i just realized there were no gods. it wasn't traumatic, no one had been laying religion on me and my realization had nothing ...
genessa replies on Sep 5, 2019:
@Mcflewster jewish, actually, and i had believed, in a general sense (not as if there was something i had to DO about it, or any punishment for NOT believing, but just sort of taking for granted) in a personal god. we were secular, never went to shul; i didn't have a bat mitzvah ceremony. we had a strong sense of jewish identity but i don't remember ever discussing god, or religion itself for that matter. bible? what bible? i was sort of left on my own. so i ended up with no particular hostility toward judaism; i still rather like it, and i enjoy much about it. i can take the god thing as fabulous and enjoy the humanistic side. there is no fire and brimstone there. it's not as if i go to shul except during the high holy days, as they're called, and maybe passover (nice food). that's not even every year (my health is bad). so i can enjoy the experience on those rare occasions. g
dan325 comments on Sep 3, 2019:
Joe Manchin isn't much of a Democrat. He's more like a moderate Republican, if such a thing exists any more. So I prefer Manchin to an actual Republican, but it's like saying I'd rather have gonorrhea than syphilis.
genessa replies on Sep 4, 2019:
yep. not choosing is choosing -- and you KNOW if you don't choose the lesser evil, the worse will win! g
Yeah, but I’ll be really pissed if she still goes ahead and dies!
Our_existence comments on Sep 3, 2019:
Oh heavens.. . Bone spurs are such a serious and often fatal problem. As in fatal for the rest of us if the patient is named tRump.
genessa replies on Sep 4, 2019:
@TheGreatShadow i was disqualified by being female and having no interest in joining the military during the vietnam war (or for that matter at any other time). i have wonderful arches, by the way. g
Yeah, but I’ll be really pissed if she still goes ahead and dies!
Our_existence comments on Sep 3, 2019:
Oh heavens.. . Bone spurs are such a serious and often fatal problem. As in fatal for the rest of us if the patient is named tRump.
genessa replies on Sep 4, 2019:
@TheGreatShadow i actually HAVE bone spurs -- in my hips. they cause me a lot of pain, although not consistently. i certainly couldn't play tennis (even if i knew how) with this pain. oddly enough, trump was able to play an awful lot of tennis despite his alleged bone spurs. they also never go away. you'd think golf would also be out of the question, even decades after diagnosis. hmmmmm. g
My mother is having a family cookout on Friday.
genessa comments on Sep 3, 2019:
is there a way to go and still avoid him? can you go and be cold to him without starting a fight? if the answer to one or both of those questions is no, then don't go. if the answer is yes, then think about it and decide whether the tension is worth it; it depends on how much you want to see the ...
genessa replies on Sep 4, 2019:
@vjohnson51 good luck! g
dan325 comments on Sep 3, 2019:
Joe Manchin isn't much of a Democrat. He's more like a moderate Republican, if such a thing exists any more. So I prefer Manchin to an actual Republican, but it's like saying I'd rather have gonorrhea than syphilis.
genessa replies on Sep 4, 2019:
@dan325 absolutely blech. but yeah, he votes with republicans about 60 percent of the time. that's blech but it's less blech than a republican, who for sure would vote with republicans 100 percent of the time, right? g
dan325 comments on Sep 3, 2019:
Joe Manchin isn't much of a Democrat. He's more like a moderate Republican, if such a thing exists any more. So I prefer Manchin to an actual Republican, but it's like saying I'd rather have gonorrhea than syphilis.
genessa replies on Sep 3, 2019:
yeah but realistically one IS worse lol. and a blue tushie is very important right now, more important than the predictability of an individual vote, for the majority decides what gets voted on to begin with. g
Can anyone name this band from 1967? This is a tough one challenge.
genessa comments on Sep 3, 2019:
rhinoceros? g
genessa replies on Sep 3, 2019:
@sassygirl3869 i cheated. i right mouse clicked on the picture and chose search google for image, but i do also remember them. i don't remember their music since i wasn't into them, but i do remember the group. g
I need movie and music recommendations.
genessa comments on Sep 2, 2019:
much of what i recommend may be difficult to find, and i am not limiting myself to newly released things because i am (perhaps incorrectly) assuming you're looking for things that are new to YOU, not necessarily new to the universe. anyway, here goes (with additional identifier if a title may refer...
genessa replies on Sep 2, 2019:
@GreatNani aww 'blush ask for more any time! and yeah the drops RULE! g
AmiSue comments on Aug 30, 2019:
He inspires me. I trust him. I wish that he had a chance to win.
genessa replies on Aug 31, 2019:
@OwlInASack biden had no opportunity to take on anything directly; the vice president has amazingly little power in the united states. he's a senatorial tiebreaker and a presidential understudy lol. so he neither took them on nor was used by them. yes, a long time ago he was a senator. i am not so familiar with his record. i don't think it's all that relevant right now. again, not being progressive enough or even not taking on an issue and an adversary we want confronted is pretty far from being a shill. the thing is, i don't like the name-calling when we are talking about people we may be called upon here to support. i saw that used to shocking effect by the republicans in 1980: the night before the election, they took out an ad for (as far as i know) the first and only time, during a show almost EVERYONE in america could be expected to be watching, and the ad showed ted kennedy railing against jimmy carter. it was from the primaries but the ad made it look as if kennedy didn't support carter once he was the candidate, and even as if kennedy favored reagan. none of that was true, of course, but it did the job. i would hate to see that happen again -- and the russians would LOVE to see it happen again, and are working toward it, division being one of their most useful weapons. so i can say "i would rather biden not become the candidate" but exaggerated accusations and name-calling may not keep him from the nomination and still may saddle us with four -- or more! -- years of trump. g
AmiSue comments on Aug 30, 2019:
He inspires me. I trust him. I wish that he had a chance to win.
genessa replies on Aug 30, 2019:
@OwlInASack i don't think biden is anyone's shill. that's an easy accusation to make about anyone who's been around for a while. he's okay. he's not by ANY means progressive enough for my taste, and he has other flaws, but that doesn't make him a bad person or a bad public servant. i'll vote for him in the general if need be. he isn't anywhere near getting my primary vote but gosh, that doesn't mean i have to hate him or diss him. g
Potential Trump Lawsuit Against Lawrence O’Donnell Could ‘Backfire’ by Making Deutsche Bank ...
silverotter11 comments on Aug 29, 2019:
Apparently O'Donnell has retracted the story and apologized. Damn are we *ever* gonna see trump's tax returns.
genessa replies on Aug 29, 2019:
i think he didn't need to apologize because in his original report he said "if true" about a thousand times, and kept emphasizing that he had only ONE unconfirmed source. he bent over backwards to let is know it was all a maybe. someone must have insisted he apologize and i am sorry he had to. he is scrupulous. as for whether the story proves true after all, we may find out soon or never know. g
What’s your favourite food dish?
genessa comments on Aug 29, 2019:
i'm the opposite, snobby but not picky lol. i can't choose just one dish, but some favorites include: lox, salad of almost all sorts, lamb (many styles) and sashimi. i love a good buffet so i don't have to limit myself, not just in amount of food but in dishes. i like a good selection. ...
genessa replies on Aug 29, 2019:
@averykings oh, it's something some asian buffets offer, not a dish in and of itself but a system. you grab a plate or bowl and fill it with the raw items you would like to have stir-fried for you, generally a selection of meats, vegetables and such things as pineapple and peanuts, and then a choice of sauces and oils. you hand this to a person who slaps it onto a huge metal drum and stir-fries it for you, and you can watch if you like. i always bypass the noodles because i don't want to fill up on this -- there's a whole buffet to explore on the same trip! i just want a taste of each thing. g
Atheism is just a way of clearing the space for better conversations.
genessa comments on Aug 27, 2019:
well, i see it a lot more simply. atheism may lead to some of those things, or not, but atheism is just not believing there are any gods, or believing there are no gods. everything else is action or reaction. g
genessa replies on Aug 28, 2019:
@HonkyBMcfunky definitely a good start. jusr not the whole journey lol g
Atheism is just a way of clearing the space for better conversations.
genessa comments on Aug 27, 2019:
well, i see it a lot more simply. atheism may lead to some of those things, or not, but atheism is just not believing there are any gods, or believing there are no gods. everything else is action or reaction. g
genessa replies on Aug 28, 2019:
@Kali a person who has no gods may still have other delusions; being an atheist doesn't make someone a realist all by itself. it's a realistic stance but no guarantee of being a realist overall. atheism has a definition and you can use it to mean all sorts of things but that doesn't mean it MEANS those things. i understood how he was using it. i was taking issue with that. g
I bought a cedar chest at a local thrift store and it is missing some veneer (no, that is not what ...
genessa comments on Aug 27, 2019:
lol what a doofus, eh? i never understood, though, why the mark of cain was thought to be a bad thing. in the myth called genesis, god doesn't kill cain; he tells him to go get lost. cain says he is afraid someone will punish him for his crime. god gives him a mark to PROTECT him. so people...
genessa replies on Aug 27, 2019:
@Gwendolyn2018 i read that a few times, but not recently (bad eyes now). i don't remember that part. thanks for reminding me! g
Subject: Jewish Lamborghini A man who has finally made it in business treats himself to...
genessa comments on Aug 26, 2019:
funny on the face of it, except that no rabbi would yell at the thought of a mezuzah in a lamborghini. there actually are mezuzim for cars. it is equally unlikely that a rabbi of any sort would not know what a lamborghini was. rabbis are not monks; they live in the world. they're also not amish;...
genessa replies on Aug 27, 2019:
@ADKSparky well DUH. g
Taken from FB today.
Kafirah comments on Aug 26, 2019:
Might want to clean up your copy and paste so it's more legible. That was a tough read.
genessa replies on Aug 26, 2019:
@Lincoln55 if that is all there was, there would not be a "see more" link in some of the responses. g
Taken from FB today.
Kafirah comments on Aug 26, 2019:
Might want to clean up your copy and paste so it's more legible. That was a tough read.
genessa replies on Aug 26, 2019:
@Lincoln55 you want to click the "see more" when it's there because when you don't do that, we can't see the whole comment. g
We live on the surface of the third planet (we call Earth) from a star (we call Sol or The Sun), ...
Happy_Killbot comments on Aug 23, 2019:
There actually is evidence to suggest that the big bang was not the beginning of the universe as we know it, because we have found evidence in the cosmic microwave background that resembles what we would expect to see if black holes decayed prior to or shortly after the big bang. If true, it means ...
genessa replies on Aug 25, 2019:
@Happy_Killbot i stand by what i said. g
We live on the surface of the third planet (we call Earth) from a star (we call Sol or The Sun), ...
Happy_Killbot comments on Aug 23, 2019:
There actually is evidence to suggest that the big bang was not the beginning of the universe as we know it, because we have found evidence in the cosmic microwave background that resembles what we would expect to see if black holes decayed prior to or shortly after the big bang. If true, it means ...
genessa replies on Aug 25, 2019:
key word AS WE KNOW IT. there may well have been other universes before ours, and may well be some after, but we don't know them, and the universe AS WE KNOW IT, to the extent that we actually know it, likely DID begin with a singularity and the big bang. g
We live on the surface of the third planet (we call Earth) from a star (we call Sol or The Sun), ...
DenoPenno comments on Aug 23, 2019:
NO. You die and your body cannot decay because some idiot pumped it full of chemicals and sealed it up inside an almost air tight coffin. This keeps your body from rejoining the source material we all came from and that is why the earth is angry. Humans are hindering a once very normal practice and ...
genessa replies on Aug 25, 2019:
only if you have not indicated otherwise. one can choose other options. g
Question for members.
genessa comments on Aug 25, 2019:
oh, you're in canada. all bets are off; i know nothing about charitable organizations in canada! g
genessa replies on Aug 25, 2019:
@bookofmoron sorry to hear it. rock/hard place. i guess i'd choose the private entity. they may be rather cheeky asking for donations instead of investing in their business, but at least they're not laying religion on anyone and they're honest about what they're doing. g
Question for members.
genessa comments on Aug 25, 2019:
oh, you're in canada. all bets are off; i know nothing about charitable organizations in canada! g
genessa replies on Aug 25, 2019:
@bookofmoron i understand. of course an entity doesn't have to be a scam to be religiously affiliated and hell-bent, so to speak, on converting the recipients of their purported generosity. i still recommend either a secular or a jewish charity. a christian one WILL make religious demands on the recipients. g
How to stop men from picking up a precious wood sculpture?
genessa comments on Aug 23, 2019:
men tend to touch women without asking; what's to stop them from touching mere things, however precious? g
genessa replies on Aug 25, 2019:
@vjohnson51 what did you do? g
Weird how it's faster and easier to find companies you want to boycott than it is to find companies ...
genessa comments on Aug 24, 2019:
lol i have found such lists without gagging on rightwing sites. costco comes immediately to mind. g
genessa replies on Aug 24, 2019:
@daylily i wasn't accusing, just advising. g
Weird how it's faster and easier to find companies you want to boycott than it is to find companies ...
genessa comments on Aug 24, 2019:
lol i have found such lists without gagging on rightwing sites. costco comes immediately to mind. g
genessa replies on Aug 24, 2019:
@daylily i have taken a look and commented above after doing so. short answer: do not rely on this list. g
welcome, @ChicagoMike ! g
Itisntwhatitis comments on Aug 23, 2019:
Thank you
genessa replies on Aug 23, 2019:
you are QUITE welcome :-)) g
How to stop men from picking up a precious wood sculpture?
genessa comments on Aug 23, 2019:
men tend to touch women without asking; what's to stop them from touching mere things, however precious? g
genessa replies on Aug 23, 2019:
@LiterateHiker i don't know if i've mentioned this before, elsewhere, but in case i haven't: i was on my way to group therapy one day in the early-mid 1970s, and i was early, so i stopped by a drugstore to peruse the magazine stand. i was flipping through the pages of a periodical when i felt, on my ass, the hand of a man passing by behind me. he was gone before i could protest. so when i arrived at group, i mentioned the incident to the gang and was surprised when one member asked me if it didn't feel nice to have my butt stroked. i admitted that sometimes it did but then asked him if it felt nice when a fly landed on his penis. he had no response. g
david koch is dead. i am not a mean person, honest i'm not, but i am shedding no tears here. g
Heathenman comments on Aug 23, 2019:
I think you may be singing to the choir.
genessa replies on Aug 23, 2019:
well, look at the name of the group. i think that pretty well identifies the choir! i think we do appreciate a good tune, too :-)) g
david koch is dead. i am not a mean person, honest i'm not, but i am shedding no tears here. g
Allamanda comments on Aug 23, 2019:
nor I, who would grieve for such as him?
genessa replies on Aug 23, 2019:
his brother, perhaps -- or the other one, the one that left the family business in disgust. maybe not. but charles, yeah, maybe. or maybe he's too busy making sure politicians and schools and news outlets remain bought. g
O O P S ! Joe Biden inspires no one – not even his own wife Much like Hillary Clinton in 2016, ...
bigpawbullets comments on Aug 23, 2019:
Trump! 2020!!!! 👌😎
genessa replies on Aug 23, 2019:
@St-Sinner current senate won't convict. future senate might, but that would require his winning first, and that would say a lot about our country that would make me sick. g
O O P S ! Joe Biden inspires no one – not even his own wife Much like Hillary Clinton in 2016, ...
bigpawbullets comments on Aug 23, 2019:
Trump! 2020!!!! 👌😎
genessa replies on Aug 23, 2019:
yes, absolutely, trump for prison, 2020! g
O O P S ! Joe Biden inspires no one – not even his own wife Much like Hillary Clinton in 2016, ...
zeuser comments on Aug 23, 2019:
If the democrats try to ram a lukewarm candidate down our throats again people will stay home on election day. Again. If Joe wins fair and square, then what can you do. But if the super delegates (which I hear they changed that system some but they are still there) overrule the results of the ...
genessa replies on Aug 23, 2019:
@St-Sinner major flaw in your theory: hrc was the most qualified candidate ever to run. not a bad candidate at all. much maligned, yes. look up david bossie. g
No one can tell me why I am here in this mystery.
genessa comments on Aug 22, 2019:
everyone faces that dilemma, not necessarily in connection with losing religion. it is an individual matter. you find your own meaning and purpose in life, for we only have one, it is short in the grand scheme of things, and we live on only in the memories of others. g
genessa replies on Aug 23, 2019:
@Remiforce nothing. nothing whatsoever. literalist, are we? geez. g
No one can tell me why I am here in this mystery.
racocn8 comments on Aug 22, 2019:
That is the serenity of evolution, to give answer, or at least context to these great questions. You may not like the answers evolution gives; they are not wish-fulfillment happy stories. Still, the context is as eternal as it get, and probably Universal in scope. What religion can claim that with a...
genessa replies on Aug 23, 2019:
@racocn8 wrong. evolution does all those things without explanation. people explain. evolution just does. we explain evolution. evolution chugs along with or without us. if we understand how it works, it works, and if we don't understand how it works, it works anyway. meanwhile, it doesn't give purpose to our lives. our lives do not have intrinsic purpose except to be. if we want more purpose than that, we have to find it, preferably not in religion, but evolution doesn't give it to us and it doesn't explain it to us. like us, it just IS. g
No one can tell me why I am here in this mystery.
racocn8 comments on Aug 22, 2019:
That is the serenity of evolution, to give answer, or at least context to these great questions. You may not like the answers evolution gives; they are not wish-fulfillment happy stories. Still, the context is as eternal as it get, and probably Universal in scope. What religion can claim that with a...
genessa replies on Aug 22, 2019:
evolution is a process and does not claim to give answers (or anything else). we may find answers to some questions by observing what we can of the evolutionary process but answering our questions is not its purpose and not always its effect. g
Just a hypothetical question.
genessa comments on Aug 22, 2019:
five. there are appealing elements to some of the others but not appealing enough to make the isolation worthwhile. g
genessa replies on Aug 22, 2019:
there is the internet. g


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