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I heard about this movement on NPR the other day and had to seek out more information.
genessa comments on May 12, 2019:
i have not worn a bra since 1970. i have not worn underpants since 1997. i have never worn a corset. i don't wear stockings or pantyhose. i do not wear makeup. there are many things about my body i would change if i could but those things i just mentioned that i eschew would not solve any of ...
genessa replies on May 13, 2019:
@Amisja sorry, what wouldn't be legal? g
I heard about this movement on NPR the other day and had to seek out more information.
genessa comments on May 12, 2019:
i have not worn a bra since 1970. i have not worn underpants since 1997. i have never worn a corset. i don't wear stockings or pantyhose. i do not wear makeup. there are many things about my body i would change if i could but those things i just mentioned that i eschew would not solve any of ...
genessa replies on May 13, 2019:
@Amisja you're a ginger? i am jealous! g
Why I'm Pro-Choice
Robecology comments on May 13, 2019:
Women won't have to chose once they're given family planning tools generously, unrestrictively. Why don't they see that by fighting "family planning"...because to them that's against "god's will"....they're also encouraging the desperate turn to abortion?
genessa replies on May 13, 2019:
@Robecology you said that "Women won't have to chose once they're given family planning tools generously, unrestrictively." yes, sometimes they still will -- but not nearly as often. (i was agreeing with you in principle but not in detail.) i do not think my "rant" (really, it wasn't) was confusing and i'd still like to know which part you thought needed debunking. i was explaining why i am pro-choice. i didn't say anything unscientific that needs debunking. if you were say science has debunked what i said, then you must have thought i said something untrue and i would still like to know what that was. g
I heard about this movement on NPR the other day and had to seek out more information.
genessa comments on May 12, 2019:
i have not worn a bra since 1970. i have not worn underpants since 1997. i have never worn a corset. i don't wear stockings or pantyhose. i do not wear makeup. there are many things about my body i would change if i could but those things i just mentioned that i eschew would not solve any of ...
genessa replies on May 13, 2019:
@Amisja i saw that show too. keep in mind that the camera and the lights bleach out an unmade-up face. unless you're on camera, you should not be considered unprofessional for eschewing makeup. that doesn't mean it isn't your choice whether or not to wear it. i'm just saying that the folks who make her wear it have a good reason. if people at work were making that choice for you, they would not have that same reason. (lawrence has to wear makeup too! everyone on tv has to wear it!) g
Why I'm Pro-Choice
Robecology comments on May 13, 2019:
Women won't have to chose once they're given family planning tools generously, unrestrictively. Why don't they see that by fighting "family planning"...because to them that's against "god's will"....they're also encouraging the desperate turn to abortion?
genessa replies on May 13, 2019:
@Robecology p.s. i am already familiar with that site. it's a good site. what did i say that is in conflict with what it says? g
Why I'm Pro-Choice
Robecology comments on May 13, 2019:
Women won't have to chose once they're given family planning tools generously, unrestrictively. Why don't they see that by fighting "family planning"...because to them that's against "god's will"....they're also encouraging the desperate turn to abortion?
genessa replies on May 13, 2019:
@Robecology sorry, which part of my pov is debunked by science? g
I heard about this movement on NPR the other day and had to seek out more information.
genessa comments on May 12, 2019:
i have not worn a bra since 1970. i have not worn underpants since 1997. i have never worn a corset. i don't wear stockings or pantyhose. i do not wear makeup. there are many things about my body i would change if i could but those things i just mentioned that i eschew would not solve any of ...
genessa replies on May 13, 2019:
@Amisja if your rosacea bothers you (and it would not bother me, but you are the one who has to approve of yourself, not me! i'll just say there is nothing unrespectable about having rosacea. i have sle and my face is always a bit rashy. i am so pale, though, that the rosacea actually makes me look healthy rofl -- go figure!) then you have a right to cover it up. that is not the same thing as making your eyelashes look a foot long or your lips like an inflamed anus (read desmond morris' "the naked ape"!) some women are well enough endowed to feel pain without a bra. i was always relatively flat-chested (which made bras even worse because my mom made me wear a padded one, but didn't tell me i had to stuff the hollow part!) high heels, feh! we have been trained to think that they make a woman's legs look sexy. what makes them look sexy is our inhibited ability to run away from a pursuing man (with or without a club). we are so brainwashed we don't even see how abnormally heels make us stretch our legs, how abnormal it all is. g
Why I'm Pro-Choice
Robecology comments on May 13, 2019:
Women won't have to chose once they're given family planning tools generously, unrestrictively. Why don't they see that by fighting "family planning"...because to them that's against "god's will"....they're also encouraging the desperate turn to abortion?
genessa replies on May 13, 2019:
@Robecology the choice going down and women not needing to choose are not the same thing. and not all abortions are due to a woman's not wanting a child. some abortions are due to the child's being dead inside the woman, or only having half a brain, or the woman's life being endangered, and this is a tragedy for the woman and her family, if any. someone above mentioned rape as an example of when contraception doesn't work (because it's not used, in that case). yes, sex education and access to contraception can reduce unwanted pregnancy and therefore reduce abortion. the same people who are against choice are also against birth control. go figure. but it has nothing to do with protecting the clump of cells that has no functional nerve endings yet and is only a baby to the woman who is trying to have a baby -- and yes, then it's a baby, because the woman trying to have the baby is seeing the potential; that's HER choice; scientifically it is not a baby but science isn't everything --to someone whose business it is. (that someone is the pregnant womanm not some legislator who wants to pander to his christian constituency.) no, it's not about protecting that clump of cells or even that potential baby. it's about controlling the woman. g
Trump Joke of the Day The Pope and Trump were on stage in front of a huge crowd.
genessa comments on May 12, 2019:
i have seen versions of this joke, and sometimes obama was substituted for trump. it made no difference except for whom one liked. as much as i hate trump, i don't find this joke funny because it is not specific to trump. you could, depending on who you were, substitute anyone you didn't like. ...
genessa replies on May 12, 2019:
@MojoDave i am sure she must. i can't imagine where else she gets the misinformation she purveys. g
Trump Joke of the Day The Pope and Trump were on stage in front of a huge crowd.
genessa comments on May 12, 2019:
i have seen versions of this joke, and sometimes obama was substituted for trump. it made no difference except for whom one liked. as much as i hate trump, i don't find this joke funny because it is not specific to trump. you could, depending on who you were, substitute anyone you didn't like. ...
genessa replies on May 12, 2019:
@altschmerz i like my friend. i hate her mindset though. we play a game in common and we talk there, NEVER about politics or religion. she is kind. i don't understand how she could say the crap she does on facebook -- outright lies. i wonder sometimes if she believes them. g
I heard about this movement on NPR the other day and had to seek out more information.
genessa comments on May 12, 2019:
i have not worn a bra since 1970. i have not worn underpants since 1997. i have never worn a corset. i don't wear stockings or pantyhose. i do not wear makeup. there are many things about my body i would change if i could but those things i just mentioned that i eschew would not solve any of ...
genessa replies on May 12, 2019:
@mojo5501 it is connected to be sure but not the same thing. i myself am not a gender bender (if i was, i would proudly say so). i'm a boring old (also straight) woman. i just happen not to believe in the artifices we've been told are feminine, plus if i wear panties i get nasty infections (and yes, i've only ever worn cotton) and bras HURT. makeup feels icky -- but all that is APART from the fact that i don't see why we have to look the way ads tell us we should look, and that's not a new idea for me (i am 67 now). androgyny isn't new either, wasn't new in bowie's time, even. it was in some times and places even considered desirable. times (and place) change (and change back). hmm, just for the record, i never thought of lennox as androgynous; i thought she was kind of pretentious-femme, actually. g
I heard about this movement on NPR the other day and had to seek out more information.
genessa comments on May 12, 2019:
i have not worn a bra since 1970. i have not worn underpants since 1997. i have never worn a corset. i don't wear stockings or pantyhose. i do not wear makeup. there are many things about my body i would change if i could but those things i just mentioned that i eschew would not solve any of ...
genessa replies on May 12, 2019:
@mojo5501 i think we are pretty extreme. it may be worse in south korea (i have not been there for a few decades so i can't say, but when i was, it wasn't any worse -- or better -- than here). i have always thought women who wear makeup look like clowns. g
is there a delay between posts and notifications?
Dancing comments on May 12, 2019:
There is definitely some delay. Ive noticed it.
genessa replies on May 12, 2019:
ah cool, i just had a feeling, despite all the more reasonable explanations for what i just observed. i will pay even closer attention now! thanks. g
AnonySchmoose comments on May 12, 2019:
Trouble is many of them don't realize how stupid their talk is.
genessa replies on May 12, 2019:
i have always wondered -- are they really that stupid or is it just that they think WE are that stupid? i except trump from that question. i already know he really is that stupid. g
Religion and tradition repressed people and kept them stupid.
genessa comments on May 12, 2019:
science isn't causing us to do what we're able to do. we could've ended humanity in the stone age by just setting each other on fire. we can just do it faster and better now. the planet would survive -- but it would be uninhabitable by humans and a hell of a lot of other species (more if we ...
genessa replies on May 12, 2019:
@F-IM-Forty i did not borrow it. it came from my sleepy brain. you may borrow it as long as you don't claim it lol g
Religion and tradition repressed people and kept them stupid.
t1nick comments on May 12, 2019:
With all due respect MsAl, I'm on here regularly and I do not see many arguments about Science versus atheism. I see and engage in a few regarding religion versus Science. What type of arguments have you seen? Here is a take that you may or may not seen before. Please bear with me to the end ...
genessa replies on May 12, 2019:
@t1nick specifically killbot's assertion that "[i]n a capitalist nation, the damage done by greedy individuals is minimized as long as they are not part of the government. Most of the damage done is by the largest hierarchical structures, so having more smaller hierarchies seems to be a win-win for everyone.' i was disagreeing with that. g
Religion and tradition repressed people and kept them stupid.
t1nick comments on May 12, 2019:
With all due respect MsAl, I'm on here regularly and I do not see many arguments about Science versus atheism. I see and engage in a few regarding religion versus Science. What type of arguments have you seen? Here is a take that you may or may not seen before. Please bear with me to the end ...
genessa replies on May 12, 2019:
@Happy_Killbot when did i say governments couldn't be greedy? reread what i said, please, g
Religion and tradition repressed people and kept them stupid.
genessa comments on May 12, 2019:
science isn't causing us to do what we're able to do. we could've ended humanity in the stone age by just setting each other on fire. we can just do it faster and better now. the planet would survive -- but it would be uninhabitable by humans and a hell of a lot of other species (more if we ...
genessa replies on May 12, 2019:
@MsAl science isn't fact. science is exploration of fact. comparing religion and science is like comparing having two working eyes and buying tainted lettuce. there is a connection: one can use one's eyes to notice that the lettuce is tainted. otherwise, it's not actually a battle between those two things, and most people who mention religion and science in the same breath are being pretty specific about the connection. there is no need to struggle to get past that conversation. just open a new one -- but if you're using the same old elements, it won't be that new, and (as in this case) it also won't make much sense. g
Religion and tradition repressed people and kept them stupid.
t1nick comments on May 12, 2019:
With all due respect MsAl, I'm on here regularly and I do not see many arguments about Science versus atheism. I see and engage in a few regarding religion versus Science. What type of arguments have you seen? Here is a take that you may or may not seen before. Please bear with me to the end ...
genessa replies on May 12, 2019:
@t1nick our own "government" isn't even a government. it's a wannabe dictatorship working on being the real thing. it isn't an excuse for us all to rush out and become libertarians, or anti-government. in fact it is proof that we NEED government. trump hasn't even filled most of the necessary appointments. the republicans in congress are sitting on their asses except when they are inspired to do something really nasty. the democrats in the house are passing good bills so that they will exist when the senate is blue once more. railing against government is silly. we desperately need GOOD government. the fact that we have dreadful and at the same time insufficient government right now isn't an indication that government is bad. thinking so is like thinking that because you got food poisoning from spoiled food, food is bad. g
Religion and tradition repressed people and kept them stupid.
t1nick comments on May 12, 2019:
With all due respect MsAl, I'm on here regularly and I do not see many arguments about Science versus atheism. I see and engage in a few regarding religion versus Science. What type of arguments have you seen? Here is a take that you may or may not seen before. Please bear with me to the end ...
genessa replies on May 12, 2019:
@Happy_Killbot greed is mitigated by being private? in what universe? i have a short definition of libertarianism: selfishness. that about covers it. g
What liberals need to do is get back to these core values and quit pandering to the bankers and ...
genessa comments on May 11, 2019:
what liberals need to do is stop pretending that liberals are corporatists and panderers. if you actually paid attention to what liberals say and do and how they vote (i mean in congress, and in scotus) you would realize that liberals are not the right target of these accusations. this is ...
genessa replies on May 12, 2019:
@Surfpirate i am unable to express your opinion. i can only express my own. however, mine is based on decades of observation, and i stand by it. i WILL note here that the mememaker doesn't agree with you either. your comment and the meme do not say anywhere near the same thing. g
Amisja comments on May 11, 2019:
Definitely. The child looks very young. At 58 it is unlikely to have such a young child.
genessa replies on May 11, 2019:
men have been known to father children at advanced ages; after all, they don't have to go through pregnancy so it's a pretty temporary physical strain lol. if she is 15 that means he was 43 when she was conceived. that's not so horribly old. now, that has nothing to do with whether or not he is a scammer but i thought i'd point that out. g
How many of us here have done some shit like this
LimitedLight comments on May 8, 2019:
This is as fake as the hubcap masquerading as a flying saucer. What pansy needed to post this ridiculous fake news?
genessa replies on May 10, 2019:
@LimitedLight sorry, do you think there are two people, neither of them you, arguing here? no wonder you think this meme is fake news. you don't know WHAT is going on at ALL! g
How many of us here have done some shit like this
LimitedLight comments on May 8, 2019:
This is as fake as the hubcap masquerading as a flying saucer. What pansy needed to post this ridiculous fake news?
genessa replies on May 10, 2019:
note too that if you needed something to which to object here it would be the casual use of the word "pansy," as if gay people 1. deserve to be called names and/or 2. are usually weak or unadventurous. but i guess you don't object since you, too, used it in a derogatory way. who DOES that? g
How many of us here have done some shit like this
LimitedLight comments on May 8, 2019:
This is as fake as the hubcap masquerading as a flying saucer. What pansy needed to post this ridiculous fake news?
genessa replies on May 10, 2019:
in what way does this pretend to be news, whether fake or not? (do you know the difference between news and not-news, and i'm not talking about whether or not it is a lie -- some things that people say or show are not intended to be NEWS!) anyway, even if the pic is photoshopped for effect, there were people who did this kind of crazy stuff. it's not supposed to be taken as anything but a representation of a memory. do you get upset when cats have captioned thoughts in english too, because cats don't think in english so it's obviously fake? g
Georgia Makes Abortion A Crime Punishable By Life In Prison Or Death Penalty | Michael Stone
HankSherman comments on May 10, 2019:
I'm beginning to think there's something being put in the water.or air that is effecting people in power......screwing up their thing ya know they'll be cutting off heads.....probably that "ole time religion," down in their souls.
genessa replies on May 10, 2019:
@HankSherman it's not a chemical making pols act nuts. it's money money money. g
Georgia Makes Abortion A Crime Punishable By Life In Prison Or Death Penalty | Michael Stone
HankSherman comments on May 10, 2019:
I'm beginning to think there's something being put in the water.or air that is effecting people in power......screwing up their thing ya know they'll be cutting off heads.....probably that "ole time religion," down in their souls.
genessa replies on May 10, 2019:
it's not in the water. it's in the wallet. g
Georgia Makes Abortion A Crime Punishable By Life In Prison Or Death Penalty | Michael Stone
TheMiddleWay comments on May 9, 2019:
Abortion is at the intersection of so many different areas of human thought: science, philosophy, medicine, etc. At the heart of this debate for me is the fundamental question: "where does life begin?" Currently abortion law in the US, as I understand it, is based on the metric of brain ...
genessa replies on May 10, 2019:
@TheMiddleWay no, no one wants to have an abortion, just as no one wants to have root canal. sometimes it is necessary. it's an unpleasant solution to a problem. g
Georgia Makes Abortion A Crime Punishable By Life In Prison Or Death Penalty | Michael Stone
TheMiddleWay comments on May 9, 2019:
Abortion is at the intersection of so many different areas of human thought: science, philosophy, medicine, etc. At the heart of this debate for me is the fundamental question: "where does life begin?" Currently abortion law in the US, as I understand it, is based on the metric of brain ...
genessa replies on May 10, 2019:
@TheMiddleWay everyone is anti-abortion. no one wants to have or give an abortion. what you are is pro- or antichoice, and to be anti-choice is to take choice away from women, which is anti-women. it has nothing to do with stereotypes. g
Georgia Makes Abortion A Crime Punishable By Life In Prison Or Death Penalty | Michael Stone
MissKathleen comments on May 9, 2019:
Surely it will go to the Supreme Court.
genessa replies on May 10, 2019:
@MissKathleen maybe not soon enough re scotus. it is what it is no matter who wins or loses the election; no one is about to be replaced. its composition is poised to reverse roe v wade. it's scary. mcconnell has done his damage. g
Georgia Makes Abortion A Crime Punishable By Life In Prison Or Death Penalty | Michael Stone
MissKathleen comments on May 9, 2019:
Surely it will go to the Supreme Court.
genessa replies on May 10, 2019:
@MissKathleen is IT why they did it. and for SURE it is time to elect more women. g
Georgia Makes Abortion A Crime Punishable By Life In Prison Or Death Penalty | Michael Stone
TheMiddleWay comments on May 9, 2019:
Abortion is at the intersection of so many different areas of human thought: science, philosophy, medicine, etc. At the heart of this debate for me is the fundamental question: "where does life begin?" Currently abortion law in the US, as I understand it, is based on the metric of brain ...
genessa replies on May 10, 2019:
@TheMiddleWay it is not the cynical view. it is based on observation. the same people who write and pass such laws also make statements about how women should be obedient to men and shouldn't work outside the home, although if they stay home with their kids then they're lazy and don't deserve any support. these are the same people who say black people were better off and happier as slaves. these people vote against equal pay for equal work, and protections for women in the workplace. it's all part of the same mindset. to observe this isn't cynical. it's realistic. g
Georgia Makes Abortion A Crime Punishable By Life In Prison Or Death Penalty | Michael Stone
MissKathleen comments on May 9, 2019:
Surely it will go to the Supreme Court.
genessa replies on May 10, 2019:
and the supreme court is now waiting to overturn roe v wade thanks to mitch mcconnell. we can't count on scotus. g
Guess who is back for the 4th time .
genessa comments on May 9, 2019:
i don't think i know him, or at least don't remember him, and see no posts or comments either, so it's probably not you lol. he has a follower, just one. i wonder if he is conning her? g
genessa replies on May 10, 2019:
@Pralina1 i feel so neglected! why hasn't he tried to scam me? g
Scientific evidence is great and all but I think its also important for everone to back up and ...
Mitch07102 comments on May 9, 2019:
We don't know everything, and can't be certain about anything, IS a scientific statement.
genessa replies on May 9, 2019:
@MsAl they do. i watch the science channel a lot and they DO say it all the time. g
[] san diego shooter's manifesto is modern form of an old lie about jews g
nicknotes comments on May 9, 2019:
Just an excuse to loot whatever the Jews owned.
genessa replies on May 9, 2019:
that too. maybe not JUST that. at the top, surely just that. but among the common people who listen to the lies, no, they really do believe this crap. g
Minnesota Governor Tim Walz Signs Law Making Marital Rape Illegal []
genessa comments on May 4, 2019:
i thought it already WAS illegal! geez! but i voted for tim and i'm glad i did. g
genessa replies on May 8, 2019:
@dan325 very very! g
As a Christian, I can remember mocking Islam and thinking how stupid the religion was.
Cast1es comments on May 8, 2019:
You're , "preaching to the choir ." as the saying goes . We know that. We agree with you , That's why we're here .
genessa replies on May 8, 2019:
well... i agree that all "holy" books are ridiculous. i don't agree with the comparison of relative violence, nor with the implication that violence in the books is the same as violence performed by ordinary practitioners of the religions in question. i know some very nice muslims who would no more perform a violent act than would a baby goat in pajamas, and i know some very nice christians who behave quite normally as well. on the other hand, i know a couple of evangelicals and they're NUTS. g
We serve the same god but give it a different name.
Wurlitzer comments on May 7, 2019:
I think most of us here would disagree strongly with the semantics, specifically the words serve and god, and the absolute use of “all. But if you interpret them as broadly as possible I think there’s some merit to the sentiment. We all chase the same high. The rivers don’t all have the same ...
genessa replies on May 8, 2019:
@Wurlitzer that much is true enough. i still say not everyone seeks self-actualization, especially on a conscious level. g
We serve the same god but give it a different name.
Wurlitzer comments on May 7, 2019:
I think most of us here would disagree strongly with the semantics, specifically the words serve and god, and the absolute use of “all. But if you interpret them as broadly as possible I think there’s some merit to the sentiment. We all chase the same high. The rivers don’t all have the same ...
genessa replies on May 8, 2019:
@Wurlitzer i see you are defining self-actualization rather broadly. your premise is that we need each other, which is correct, but that is certainly not the definition of self-actualization! g
We serve the same god but give it a different name.
Quarm comments on May 7, 2019:
He he. We serve entropy and death I suppose. You can call them Gods if you wish. It is after all just a word. And words are defined by the people who speak them. The way I see this quote is, separate from the tired if it involves God(s) its stupid and you are responses flooding this post....we ...
genessa replies on May 7, 2019:
nobody called this poster stupid. as for words, they have meanings we AGREE upon, not that we as individuals assign them. we would not be able to communicate if we didn't agree at least upon basic meanings. it doesn't matter, either, what side of the road we drive on, except insofar as we agree all to do it the same way so we don't all kill each other and ourselves. the poster can call anything god he wants, but he then cannot reasonably expect everyone to understand or agree with what he is saying if he calls (for example) potato chips god, right? or entropy. or death. they are not gods unless you redefine god, and if everyone does that, goodie, we're driving all over the lawn. people say "oh it's just semantics." semantics exist for a reason! but one word nobody used here (except you and one person describing religious fantasies, not the poster) is "stupid." is it suddenly not possible to disagree with what anyone says? well, i DO disagree with what the poster quotes ali as having said, and i didn't call anyone stupid, either. g
We serve the same god but give it a different name.
Wurlitzer comments on May 7, 2019:
I think most of us here would disagree strongly with the semantics, specifically the words serve and god, and the absolute use of “all. But if you interpret them as broadly as possible I think there’s some merit to the sentiment. We all chase the same high. The rivers don’t all have the same ...
genessa replies on May 7, 2019:
no we don't. i know a hell of a lot of people who do not seek self-actualization or anything but a place to sleep and something to eat, or a better life for their kids, or money, or power. we do not all seek the same thing. we really don't. stinky metaphor. not every metaphor rings true. g
Mnuchin refuses to turn over Trump taxes to House Democrats [cnn.
genessa comments on May 6, 2019:
i don't think the dems are expecting pillow fights. this is just an extension of the snowflake myth. i would not propagate it, as i do not believe it. g
genessa replies on May 6, 2019:
@MojoDave only as slowly as they need to, and i hope that is not exceedingly slow! but fine? yes fine, and accurately,but in time to make a difference! g
JImmy Dore satire; Satirical Sanders character referring to Biden, "He's so phony his balls are made...
genessa comments on May 6, 2019:
none of that is true and i'm fed up with this kind of divisive propaganda. people not voting for a democrat next year is what will get us trump for not four more years but the rest of his life, as he aspires to be king and the republicans are ever so willing to accommodate. the democratic party is...
genessa replies on May 6, 2019:
@avron i guess you would rather fling insults about who likes facts than admit thay your integrity IS in question. and my use of lower case letters is none of your business; you do not seem inclined to believe what i say or in MY integrity at any rate. maybe your guesses are puerile and designed to insult. that didn't work; i cannot be insulted by someone i do not respect. you are the pretentious one and i am WELL bored with you. goodbye. g
JImmy Dore satire; Satirical Sanders character referring to Biden, "He's so phony his balls are made...
genessa comments on May 6, 2019:
none of that is true and i'm fed up with this kind of divisive propaganda. people not voting for a democrat next year is what will get us trump for not four more years but the rest of his life, as he aspires to be king and the republicans are ever so willing to accommodate. the democratic party is...
genessa replies on May 6, 2019:
@avron oh yes, the article, well, now i am totally convinced because someone said so in an article. i already understand the democratic party, and i am not in denial. disagreeing with you does not equal denial. it equals disagreeing with you. i do know the truth, and if you believe all that crap you just said and insist that i believe it or wear your label, then it is not i who am willfully ignorant. calling you that would be giving you the benefit of the doubt, for it is possible you are instead a willful propagandist. either way, you're wrong. g
Isn’t it wonderful that the world is getting better at last.
genessa comments on May 5, 2019:
who the hell is pinker, what statistics, and do my own observations of how the world is getting worse count for nothing? feh! g
genessa replies on May 6, 2019:
@Geoffrey51 okay lol g
Should we respect other people's beliefs?
Pralina1 comments on May 6, 2019:
Respect is something that is earned . In my book at least . Your ( anyone's ) Right to believe whatever or in whatever makes you happy , is granted . If your ( anyone's ) beliefs / religion cause harm to humanity then tolerance should be at least questionable . When religions become the law ...
genessa replies on May 6, 2019:
the movie "the fixer" has a great line in it, and i forget whether or not it comes from the book. asked by a cruel russian prosecutor whether he knows the meaning of respect, yakov bok replies, "it's what you have to give to get." g
So, an acquaintance that you run into every week posts THIS; "Muslims HATE pork, beer, bikinis, ...
genessa comments on May 5, 2019:
i guess the acquaintance doesn't like jews either, since pork and jesus are out. anyway, muslims don't HATE pork; they're not allowed to eat it. they also not only don't hate jesus, they consider him a prophet (which means jews should be lower down on the list than muslims if these are the ...
genessa replies on May 6, 2019:
@friendlycatlady i'm with ya! i feel the same way. (and while islamphobia is the new antisemitism, unfortunately, the same old same old antisemitism is on the rise too.) g
I work in retail.
Barnie2years comments on May 5, 2019:
A coworker of mine was working a Lyft gig at a large college town. She picked up a group of dark skinned guys talking a foreign language. One of them said Allah Akbar and suddenly she was in a panic that she had a car full of terrorists and was considering calling the cops. I, and several others ...
genessa replies on May 5, 2019:
@Barnie2years you are assuming good will on the part of the blesser. i have met many and i can tell which ones meant well and which ones were being "superior." i would not make that assumption and instead rely on the perception of the person who was actually THERE. at any rate, you are trying to tell someone how she feels. i think she knows better than you how she feels. g
I work in retail.
Barnie2years comments on May 5, 2019:
A coworker of mine was working a Lyft gig at a large college town. She picked up a group of dark skinned guys talking a foreign language. One of them said Allah Akbar and suddenly she was in a panic that she had a car full of terrorists and was considering calling the cops. I, and several others ...
genessa replies on May 5, 2019:
i did not perceive that vixen felt threatened, and i don't think the blessing was alien or frightening to her. is she not allowed to be annoyed? g
I work in retail.
alon comments on May 5, 2019:
You are offended too eaisly. Why would that offend you? You make too much about nothing. The simple thing is to just ignore.No need foe militancy.
genessa replies on May 5, 2019:
you certainly do know what someone else should feel, or react too. you must be psychic. sometimes the simple thing to do is to roll over and play dead. however, i don't recommend it. maybe there IS a need for what you perceive as militancy. were you there? well, YOU are not the one who has to put up with the unwanted blessing, so it's pretty easy to say what you've said. wait until something upsets you and everyone tells you that you're upset too easily, because it isn't affecting THEM. g
I work in retail.
jlynn37 comments on May 5, 2019:
How 'bout responding with "thank you". I maintain that my life has been blessed, not by any deity, but by life itself. No deity required.
genessa replies on May 5, 2019:
two things always irritate me. one is being told to lighten up and the other is being told to calm down. they are always said to me when i am being light and calm. but even if i were serious and frantic, i don't see where it would be anyone else's business whether i was or not, nor anyone's business to try to change that, especially imperiously rather than compassionately. i do not see that vixen needs to lighten up at all. she is expressing something that concerns her and telling her to lighten up is the same as blowing off her concern. that's rude. g
I work in retail.
tinkercreek comments on May 5, 2019:
It seems the use of "blessed", "blessings", etc., has come into vogue as a warm greeting, and not necessarily that of a religious nature. It is viewed as particularly non-specific to any line of thought and, thus, hoped to be easily received without offense. Always best to assume good intent ...
genessa replies on May 5, 2019:
actually i have heard this a lot but ONLY from people who are religious and assume that everyone else is too. it has not to my observation or other knowledge taken on a nonreligious meaning. i don't find it warm. i find it at best mindless and at worst smarmy, an expression of superiority, oh my, you might or might not be talking to a heather but you're ABOVE all that and will bless them. feh. g
Perhaps atheists need religion to exist to justify their position.
Quarm comments on May 5, 2019:
I do find it interesting how much energy Atheists spend on shit talking a imaginary God. Rather then say simply ignore the imaginary and focus on the result. While refuting the existence of God is rational the way people refute is seems often very irrational. Especially the idea that all ...
genessa replies on May 5, 2019:
it would be nice to be able to do that. we wouldn't give any of it a thought in the universe were in not for evangelicals trying to keep women from having autonomy over their own bodies and keep gay and trans people from having equal rights and christian politicians trying to insert christianity into the laws that should be secular and how many states, is it seven or 14, that forbid atheists to run for elected office, and all the fools trying to convert us. why, i wouldn't give the imaginary god a half a thought were it not for all those folks cramming it down my throat. g
I'm a middle school Science teacher.
genessa comments on May 5, 2019:
nope, i cannot relate at all. it is logical to disbelieve in gods. why does atheism have to be researched and proven? the claim that gods exist is what needs to be proven, not the absence thereof. it took you a long time; no shame in that. however, if it came more easily to someone young, how ...
genessa replies on May 5, 2019:
@Tomofhb so you judge the validity of someone's atheism by what they've read. that invalidates me, since by the age of 15 i had read quite widely but nothing about atheism. in addition, your asking them what they've read (and i don't know if you asked them what they've read period or what they've read of religion, science, specifically atheism or what) does not reveal their families' beliefs, and even that would not tell you how seriously they took their families' beliefs. g
Against cheerfulness: Practising the Greek virtues of wisdom and courage is one thing.
genessa comments on May 4, 2019:
not all cheerfulness is fake or insincere. you can be cheerful by nature and still be angry or upset about certain things, or even about many things. comedians who point out society's ills do so by making us laugh but we laugh because we recognize the truth of what is being pointed out. as for ...
genessa replies on May 4, 2019:
@VictoriaNotes but i hadn't... okay i thought you were chastising me for not reading it. my bad for mistaking your tone. at least we're not pretending to be cheerful lol (except with lol, which some of us DO overuse, but maybe that's a story unto itself). g
Against cheerfulness: Practising the Greek virtues of wisdom and courage is one thing.
genessa comments on May 4, 2019:
not all cheerfulness is fake or insincere. you can be cheerful by nature and still be angry or upset about certain things, or even about many things. comedians who point out society's ills do so by making us laugh but we laugh because we recognize the truth of what is being pointed out. as for ...
genessa replies on May 4, 2019:
@VictoriaNotes i didn't, nor based on the post did i feel obligated to do so, since i was commenting on what the post contained. i do not have to, nor do i want to, read every link every person posts, and yet i may actually have an opinion on the topic and on the actual post. there is no need to get sarcastic. g
Against cheerfulness: Practising the Greek virtues of wisdom and courage is one thing.
genessa comments on May 4, 2019:
not all cheerfulness is fake or insincere. you can be cheerful by nature and still be angry or upset about certain things, or even about many things. comedians who point out society's ills do so by making us laugh but we laugh because we recognize the truth of what is being pointed out. as for ...
genessa replies on May 4, 2019:
@VictoriaNotes okay. i was responding to the post and that portion quoted in the post. i am glad the article does make that concession.the post etc. does not make it seem as if that would be the case. g
Against cheerfulness: Practising the Greek virtues of wisdom and courage is one thing.
genessa comments on May 4, 2019:
not all cheerfulness is fake or insincere. you can be cheerful by nature and still be angry or upset about certain things, or even about many things. comedians who point out society's ills do so by making us laugh but we laugh because we recognize the truth of what is being pointed out. as for ...
genessa replies on May 4, 2019:
@Freedompath of course assumed cheerfulness can be useful and it can be harmful; context is everything. the idea that cheerfulness itself is fake and bad is the object of my objection. g
The person who has never really attempted to ask himself or herself the basic questions of ...
IAJO163 comments on May 2, 2019:
That's an intelligence based thought. We are so outnumbered in the world LOL!!!
genessa replies on May 4, 2019:
@IAJO163 to what degree to WHOM? "matters" is subjective. you can't determine the degree to which anything or anyone matters to anyone but yourself, unless someone tells you how much it/s/he matters to him/her, and even then, how do you quantify it? you just can't say someone does or does not matter. (i mean, in a certain context you can. for example, i don't matter to donald trump. cats don't matter to climate change. but just matters, no context? nope. sorry.) g
"Make Elizabeth Warren Hate Again" "We don’t just need Elizabeth Warren’s ideas.
genessa comments on May 3, 2019:
we don't need anyone's hatred. warren's anger is righteous. she's not a hater. g
genessa replies on May 3, 2019:
@AnonySchmoose yes and i love her fierceness! i know you won't disagree that in a man, that fierceness would not be perceived the same was it is in her. (every time i hear a woman called "feisty" i try to imagine someone calling a man that. i can't.) g
Just random thoughts.
genessa comments on May 3, 2019:
i had no idea it was prayer day. i knew it was holocaust remembrance day. i think every day has a lot of stuff marked on its calendar spot. no one on msnbc mentioned prayer day though. g
genessa replies on May 3, 2019:
@twill you would have to ask a god (randomly chosen from among all the nonexistent gods, or perhaps a favorite nonexistent god) about that. g
The person who has never really attempted to ask himself or herself the basic questions of ...
IAJO163 comments on May 2, 2019:
That's an intelligence based thought. We are so outnumbered in the world LOL!!!
genessa replies on May 3, 2019:
it is actually arrogance-based thought. look above to where he says that some people don't make a difference and then tell me it is anything but arrogant. g
The person who has never really attempted to ask himself or herself the basic questions of ...
Geoffrey51 comments on May 2, 2019:
Most people don’t give a shit one way or the other. So long as it’s possible to eat, drink and be with Mary, there’s no need to consider the deeper activities of our world. Food, football and frolics and all it’s right with the world.
genessa replies on May 3, 2019:
@wordywalt that is the most arrogant thing i've read in the last five minutes at least. some lives don't make a difference? maybe they don't make a difference to YOU. they may very WELL make a difference to some loved ones, and who is to say that that difference doesn't MAKE the difference between someone's becoming a world-renowned scientist or a bum? how can you even contemplate saying that some people's lives don't make a difference? g
The person who has never really attempted to ask himself or herself the basic questions of ...
genessa comments on May 2, 2019:
not everyone is that intelligent, and by saying so i am not putting anyone down. not everyone can do this. most people would not even understand those questions. they just want bread and circuses and someone to love. we may think they're not living life fully, but maybe we shouldn't expect so ...
genessa replies on May 3, 2019:
@AnneWimsey yeah little distractions like that. survival looms large on some folks' priorities list for some strange reason. it is hard to contemplate the meaning of life when you are frantically trying to make sure you even HAVE a life. g
THE GENERAL & HELLOS BLACK HOLE -- There's some kind of ongoing glitch that draws my posts from...
genessa comments on May 2, 2019:
i believe that moderators are able to move posts they find inappropriate or otherwise don't want in their groups. i am not sure if this is so, or how they do it, or if they have total freedom in their choice of a landing spot. you can ask the moderators of the groups in question whether (and if so...
genessa replies on May 2, 2019:
@Sgt_Spanky it couldn't hurt to ask. g
Barr ensures Congress can't stop Trump now []
genessa comments on May 2, 2019:
no, barr has ensured that an angry house will work harder than ever to carry out its investigations. he has blown it. if only he cared. he's just playing for time. it may work but not forever. g
genessa replies on May 2, 2019:
@altschmerz i hope i am right too! i am logical but not psychic lol g
Electing an atheist president? []
genessa comments on May 2, 2019:
we may or may not have ever elected an atheist president. we haven't elected an openly atheist one yet, although it is possible lincoln was one. not sure. trump is probably less an atheist as an opportunist. there are so many things he doesn't believe in (pretty much anything except his own ...
genessa replies on May 2, 2019:
@Allamanda maybe trump can have a nice chat with the president of the virgin islands. oh wait.... well, that could happen. he probably DOES talk to himself. (but does he listen to himself?) g
Electing an atheist president? []
genessa comments on May 2, 2019:
we may or may not have ever elected an atheist president. we haven't elected an openly atheist one yet, although it is possible lincoln was one. not sure. trump is probably less an atheist as an opportunist. there are so many things he doesn't believe in (pretty much anything except his own ...
genessa replies on May 2, 2019:
@Allamanda sorry. i don't feel all that hopeful myself. i just tell as like i see it, ya know? but we could work for it. it won't happen in my lifetime; maybe yours. we could support the freedom from religion foundation and the aclu, and speak up whenever we see that wall between church and state crumbling. we might get sore throats but what other way is there? g
genessa comments on May 1, 2019:
but there IS islamaphobia and it has no new definition; it is what it has always been: fear or hatred of muslims, period. there IS antisemitism, and although some people think criticism of israel is in and of itself antisemitism, some criticizm of israel is (the jews don't deserve a country, ...
genessa replies on May 2, 2019:
@Moravian in the real world, the world of science, there is no such physical thing as race. i misspoke, though. not community. populations. populations and families. that is the real world. g
genessa comments on May 1, 2019:
but there IS islamaphobia and it has no new definition; it is what it has always been: fear or hatred of muslims, period. there IS antisemitism, and although some people think criticism of israel is in and of itself antisemitism, some criticizm of israel is (the jews don't deserve a country, ...
genessa replies on May 2, 2019:
@Moravian except as a social construct, correct, no such thing as race. there are communities and families. read ashley montagu. g
Oh Yes! and I don't even like Hillary. :)
Charlene comments on May 1, 2019:
I haven't gotten over the fact that she blew it..
genessa replies on May 1, 2019:
@Charlene i am not in a position to prove anything. it is, however, more than hearsay. i do not have time to go searching for stuff i read, from credible sources, over two years ago. i am surprised that this could be news to you, though. g
Oh Yes! and I don't even like Hillary. :)
Charlene comments on May 1, 2019:
I haven't gotten over the fact that she blew it..
genessa replies on May 1, 2019:
@Charlene and the electoral college was compromised. hillary had nothing to do with that. g
Oh Yes! and I don't even like Hillary. :)
Charlene comments on May 1, 2019:
I haven't gotten over the fact that she blew it..
genessa replies on May 1, 2019:
@Charlene so how come she won the popular vote by such a large amount? and quite frankly, we don't even know yet whether the votes in those states were altered. we know the russians got into the florida machines. g
Oh Yes! and I don't even like Hillary. :)
Charlene comments on May 1, 2019:
I haven't gotten over the fact that she blew it..
genessa replies on May 1, 2019:
she blew it? somehow she got almost three million more votes than trump, the russians stole the election for him by stealing the electoral college, and SHE blew it? g
genessa comments on May 1, 2019:
but there IS islamaphobia and it has no new definition; it is what it has always been: fear or hatred of muslims, period. there IS antisemitism, and although some people think criticism of israel is in and of itself antisemitism, some criticizm of israel is (the jews don't deserve a country, ...
genessa replies on May 1, 2019:
@Moravian since there is no such thing as race except as a social construct anyway, your objection to islamaphobia's being called racism is just a bit literalistic. and i do not know on what basis you see the police and security forces being impeded by what you perceive (but have not explained) as a broadening of the meaning of islamaphobia. the definition seemed simple and succinct to me. which part of it is inaccurate? i asked that before and have had no answer yet. g
Okay so I want to vent about my grandpa for a moment here.
genessa comments on May 1, 2019:
there is no effective way to prepare. i knew my mother was dying and her death was a shock anyway. you also can't force someone to live if they are resigned to death, or force them to take treatment if they're convinced it will kill them, or kill them faster. all you can do is love him. well, ...
genessa replies on May 1, 2019:
@demifeministgal lol i am sure your grammar in polish is better than mine since i have not a single word of that language! but yes, if you have the self-control to keep calm and on point and if he won't yell at you and stop you from saying it, sure, face to face is good. i don't know him so i can't predict. i wish you very good luck whatever you choose. g
genessa comments on May 1, 2019:
but there IS islamaphobia and it has no new definition; it is what it has always been: fear or hatred of muslims, period. there IS antisemitism, and although some people think criticism of israel is in and of itself antisemitism, some criticizm of israel is (the jews don't deserve a country, ...
genessa replies on May 1, 2019:
@Moravian how is this new/ and how is this bad or inaccurate? g
How many on here either have decided to abandon major social media platforms (FaceBook, Twitter, ...
genessa comments on May 1, 2019:
not me. i'm a writer and i have a nice big collection of potential readers on facebook, which i also enjoy on many levels, not least the ability to connect with old friends and distant family. i also subscribe there to such venues as nyt, wapo, salon, the atlantic, dan rather's news and guts, and ...
genessa replies on May 1, 2019:
@HockeyGuy nope, no offense taken. i don't own even a single share of stock in facebook lol. g
How many on here either have decided to abandon major social media platforms (FaceBook, Twitter, ...
Xuande comments on Apr 30, 2019:
How else am I supposed to keep up with the petty drama of my outspoken Facebook friends? How can I revel in their failures and feel superior without an account? Jeez.
genessa replies on May 1, 2019:
i hear that a lot so i definitely believe you, but that just doesn't happen to me. i am mostly political on facebook. squabbles do indeed occur but they're political. g
I feel pretty lonely.
texasathiest09 comments on May 1, 2019:
I can totally relate. Unfortunately athiest women are somewhat rare to find. It takes a strong woman to turn against the masses and hold firm to her own beliefs.
genessa replies on May 1, 2019:
seriously? atheist women are rare? maybe in your neighborhood. not in general. your implication is that women are not as strong as men and therefore it is harder for us to turn against the masses. that too is bunk and rather offensive at that. you probably didn't mean to offend but maybe you should think this out a bit. g
[] san diego shooter's manifesto is modern form of an old lie about jews g
Freedompath comments on Apr 30, 2019:
This is being promoted by the ‘underground,’ white supremacy! And given the ‘go-a-head,’ by an ignorant and demented POTUS. Trump is in his element...when he sees ‘us against them!’
genessa replies on Apr 30, 2019:
the underground emerges, emboldened, thanks to drumpf. g
[] san diego shooter's manifesto is modern form of an old lie about jews g
Freedompath comments on Apr 30, 2019:
This also gives me pause when video games and media entertainment are the primary development process in a person’s life. Real life just becomes an extension of this primarily ‘not-real,’ life experiences.
genessa replies on Apr 30, 2019:
it is an enabling element but it didn't exist a half a millenium ago and somehow folks managed to hold their pogroms.... g
[] san diego shooter's manifesto is modern form of an old lie about jews g
AmiSue comments on Apr 30, 2019:
Thanks g, great share. Disturbing how such an old hatred can come to light and cause harm.
genessa replies on Apr 30, 2019:
@AmiSue mine too. but then they'd already have had heart attacks upon trump's "election." g
[] san diego shooter's manifesto is modern form of an old lie about jews g
dan325 comments on Apr 30, 2019:
Same criminally insane song, ten millionth verse.
genessa replies on Apr 30, 2019:
probably with 100 million more to go, alas. g
[] san diego shooter's manifesto is modern form of an old lie about jews g
AmiSue comments on Apr 30, 2019:
Thanks g, great share. Disturbing how such an old hatred can come to light and cause harm.
genessa replies on Apr 30, 2019:
i've dealt with it, obviously in less lethal forms, my whole life, from being beaten up to being chased around to having pennies thrown at me to not being given a job i was in the process of being offered as soon as the boss heard my (overtly jewish) name to all manner of verbal abuse. this doesn't surprise me. i wish it did. i really wish it did. g
Unequally yoked
genessa comments on Apr 29, 2019:
i don't consider that my job. unlike some christians, do not feel i must save everyone. let people be. if your family is happy as they are, as long as they're not trying to make you be something you're not, why try to make them be something they're not? my guy watches wrestling two nights a ...
genessa replies on Apr 30, 2019:
@Mark165 six months is the blink of an eye; you can certainly be forgiven for, um, reverting isn't quite the right word; let's say just having the old feelings pop up but wrapped around new content. you'll relax into it by and by. don't worry! be happy! oh wait, that's a song. well, it applies anyway! g
Matt Dilahunty once made the statement that "Atheists are those that don't BELIEVE in a god, and ...
genessa comments on Apr 29, 2019:
no, i don't agree. what i think is that people spend too much time trying to define words that actually each have more than one meaning in that their meanings are broad. an atheist can be someone who doesn't believe in any gods, or someone who firmly believes there are no gods. both are atheists....
genessa replies on Apr 29, 2019:
@Sdusmith in that case, how do your two definitions even apply? your questions is ABOUT semantics. i stand by everything i said. g
Which 5 candidates will drop out first?
St-Sinner comments on Apr 29, 2019: Candidates who have yet to meet the thresholds laid out by the Democratic National Committee to qualify: 1. Reps. Eric Swalwell (D-Calif.) 2. Seth Moulton (D-Mass) Miramar, Fla 3....
genessa replies on Apr 29, 2019:
sort of a pity in swalwell's case as he is well qualified, although i like him where he is and would be sorry to see him leave an empty spot! g
Which 5 candidates will drop out first?
genessa comments on Apr 29, 2019:
only 15 are shown here. there are about 20 now (and counting). i don't know who will drop out before debates; some may fail to reach the debate requirements, which may then prompt them to drop out, or effectively squeeze them out. all i can say is that i hope none of them will put personal ...
genessa replies on Apr 29, 2019:
@Tiramisu good job! g
this post isn't actually about my being a mess, but i have to explain that i'm a mess for the post ...
genessa comments on Apr 28, 2019:
hey everyone i appreciate all the advice about the tinnitis but what i was eager to share was how the one show that is usually reliable turned into a horror show for me because of my ptsd regarding eyes! lolol! okay, just thought i would mention that. carry on! g
genessa replies on Apr 29, 2019:
@RavenCT oh tell me about it! i have been having the most intense dreams, and not necessarily pleasant ones. i hate the toilet dreams most but there is all sorts of stress. g
this post isn't actually about my being a mess, but i have to explain that i'm a mess for the post ...
genessa comments on Apr 28, 2019:
hey everyone i appreciate all the advice about the tinnitis but what i was eager to share was how the one show that is usually reliable turned into a horror show for me because of my ptsd regarding eyes! lolol! okay, just thought i would mention that. carry on! g
genessa replies on Apr 29, 2019:
@RavenCT lol we don't actually get to make headlines in groups, as far as i can tell! g
this post isn't actually about my being a mess, but i have to explain that i'm a mess for the post ...
RavenCT comments on Apr 28, 2019: Try some of these -they are free - but you'll need to use a phone/kindle/computer unless you can go to websites on your TV. I have several friends with tinnitus and it drives them bonkers at times.
genessa replies on Apr 29, 2019:
@RavenCT i have never had my tv do that but it DOES just turn itself off for perceived inactivity (which is weird -- do i have to channel-surf to convince it i'm paying attention? it does that when i am sitting there watching! maybe it wants me to call that number and get the free thingamabob, just pay separate shipping, handling and greed surplus!) g
this post isn't actually about my being a mess, but i have to explain that i'm a mess for the post ...
Science-guy comments on Apr 28, 2019:
There are many YouTube sound offerings that last 8 to 10 hours such as this one
genessa replies on Apr 28, 2019:
lol calming things make me nervous. i remember many MANY decades ago a friend slept over for a week prior to moving from one coast to the other. i let him have the bed and i took the living room floor, so i could keep the tv on (if i'd been in the bed i'd have had the radio, but cable tv had just popped into being and i was eager to have some of that on). there was a very LOUD, FRENETIC russian ballet on, a nice long one, and i kept it on all night. my friend said he couldn't understand how i could sleep to that. i loved it! g
this post isn't actually about my being a mess, but i have to explain that i'm a mess for the post ...
RavenCT comments on Apr 28, 2019: Try some of these -they are free - but you'll need to use a phone/kindle/computer unless you can go to websites on your TV. I have several friends with tinnitus and it drives them bonkers at times.
genessa replies on Apr 28, 2019:
@RavenCT on the not-home computer it actually comes up with a message saying it has paused and asking me if i would like to continue. my answer, could it only understand me, would be "why, yes! that is why i didn't click pause, you moron!" but my only effective option is to click yes, politely. the home computer, the one in question, doesn't come up with the message. it just stops. but the message on the other computer... it is definitely a youtube message! g
handy dandy stain removal guide. g
LucyLoohoo comments on Apr 28, 2019:
And, an electric razor will remove that nasty thing on top of the pustule's pate! PS...really? White wine removes red wine stains? Seems like a waste of good wine. Just saying.
genessa replies on Apr 28, 2019:
i think the mememaker didn't want to repeat salt, but salt is the actual removal agent for red wine. if you have red wine in a red rug, leave it; salt will turn it pink. g
handy dandy stain removal guide. g
TheDoubter comments on Apr 28, 2019:
act quickly to prevent long-term damage
genessa replies on Apr 28, 2019:
the longer you let it sit the harder it is to get out! g
this post isn't actually about my being a mess, but i have to explain that i'm a mess for the post ...
Lucy_Fehr comments on Apr 28, 2019:
I also have tinnitus and leave the tv on all night but I like to put it on ancient aliens. Puts me out in minutes lol When I was younger, I believed I could learn while asleep so had it on something educational
genessa replies on Apr 28, 2019:
rofl ancient aliens! it would make me too mad and keep me up! the science channel is my go-to but often they play shows that should be named "big noisy trucks and people shouting and heavy metal in the background because we can't make it exciting without that." those wake me up. g
this post isn't actually about my being a mess, but i have to explain that i'm a mess for the post ...
RavenCT comments on Apr 28, 2019: Try some of these -they are free - but you'll need to use a phone/kindle/computer unless you can go to websites on your TV. I have several friends with tinnitus and it drives them bonkers at times.
genessa replies on Apr 28, 2019:
it can't drive me bonkers; i am already there :-)) thanks, but i forgot to mention that my computer pauses youtube for no reason if i have it on long enough. it's not as bad as my other computer but it still does it as soon as i lie down. it's as if it knows i have lain down. i don't know how it knows. g
this post isn't actually about my being a mess, but i have to explain that i'm a mess for the post ...
bobwjr comments on Apr 28, 2019:
Very common medicine still not sure of cause but a variety of treatments available
genessa replies on Apr 28, 2019:
nope, no meds available that actually work, and i would not take one more med anyway with what i already take. sorry. g


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