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Anyone looking for a person to date in Michigan? I'm a 20 year old man.
genessa comments on Apr 6, 2019:
here is some advice: if chess com is better, why come here? if you have a reason to come here and it's not just to solicit people to go to chess com, maybe it would be best not to focus on chess com being better (in your opinion). you may instead wish to focus on what kind of interesting time ...
genessa replies on Apr 7, 2019:
@HankSherman whether he is so by design or just in effect, that IS the impression he gives. g
So, was The Vietnam War, a Religious War?
genessa comments on Apr 6, 2019:
no, it was not a religious war it was a civil war. vietnam was a french colony until the japanese took it over in wwii. when the japanese lost the war and retreated, the french came back and tried to resume business as usual but the many of the vietnamese people, especially in the north near ...
genessa replies on Apr 7, 2019:
@darkstar24 we may never know the whole story but i suspect we got ourselves into a tough spot we couldn't exit gracefully. pride played a role -- we wanted to be able to say we never lost a war. the red scare played its role of course. and then again there are all the economic benefits of war... benefits to the war machine anyway. i am sure it was not all one thing. g
Quran: Chapter 9 verse 14: “Make war on them so that Allah may punish them by your hands and ...
genessa comments on Apr 3, 2019:
yes and most muslims live normal lives, according to the rules of law of their home nations, including the united states, and do not make war on anyone, any more than christians in general follow this: zechariah 14:2 i will gather all the nations to Jerusalem to fight against it; the city will be...
genessa replies on Apr 6, 2019:
@icolan you're making too much sense. it doesn't work. sense is meaningless to people who push hatred this way. i am glad you said what you said, for the sake of others who may otherwise be influenced by his bad reasoning, but i know you know he won't buy it, either because he cannot or because it doesn't fit into his agenda. g
So, was The Vietnam War, a Religious War?
genessa comments on Apr 6, 2019:
no, it was not a religious war it was a civil war. vietnam was a french colony until the japanese took it over in wwii. when the japanese lost the war and retreated, the french came back and tried to resume business as usual but the many of the vietnamese people, especially in the north near ...
genessa replies on Apr 6, 2019:
@Geoffrey51 ah, it took me a long while too. history sometimes manages to piece itself together. other things remain mysterious... so far! anyway i forgot to mention what i guess most folks know, which is that eventually the geneva convention divided vietnam into two countries to allow the french, getting their asses whooped bigtime in the north, a chance to flee to the south (don't ask me why anyone thought that was a good idea -- look how well it worked in korea, right?) g
Quran: Chapter 9 verse 14: “Make war on them so that Allah may punish them by your hands and ...
genessa comments on Apr 3, 2019:
yes and most muslims live normal lives, according to the rules of law of their home nations, including the united states, and do not make war on anyone, any more than christians in general follow this: zechariah 14:2 i will gather all the nations to Jerusalem to fight against it; the city will be...
genessa replies on Apr 6, 2019:
@David_Cooper okay whatever. i'm done with you. deny all you want but you DID TOO do what i said you did. for my own convenience i will block you. then i won't be tempted to reason with you anymore, since that is obviously futile. g
Just learned this odd thing at work - in the religion section at my bookstore the Jewish books are ...
genessa comments on Apr 6, 2019:
at least it doesn't work the other way around. i guess during rumspringa (sorry if i spelled it wrong, which i almost certainly have) the kids go wild and mix all the books up. g
genessa replies on Apr 6, 2019:
@dan325 i think a diversity of reading material in ANY field leads to better critical thinking, which often leads to atheism, so it's a good bet! g
Just learned this odd thing at work - in the religion section at my bookstore the Jewish books are ...
genessa comments on Apr 6, 2019:
at least it doesn't work the other way around. i guess during rumspringa (sorry if i spelled it wrong, which i almost certainly have) the kids go wild and mix all the books up. g
genessa replies on Apr 6, 2019:
@dan325 they could breed a whole new religion -- or, more likely, atheism! g
Quran: Chapter 9 verse 14: “Make war on them so that Allah may punish them by your hands and ...
genessa comments on Apr 3, 2019:
yes and most muslims live normal lives, according to the rules of law of their home nations, including the united states, and do not make war on anyone, any more than christians in general follow this: zechariah 14:2 i will gather all the nations to Jerusalem to fight against it; the city will be...
genessa replies on Apr 5, 2019:
@David_Cooper interesting how 1. you ignore my question (in response to an accusation you made against me) and 2. you compare peaceful muslims living normal lives in american communities and NOT having neighbors disappear into death camps, NOT being members of terrorist groups and often speaking out AGAINST terrorist groups with nazis. you don't know anything about history OR current events, do you? -- nor how to have a reasonable debate. if you're going to ignore my question and change the subject and make false conflations, then i guess there is no point in continuing the dialogue. it's futile. you act like the pigeon who shits on the chess board and thinks it's won the game. think what you like; you're not my problem. maybe someone elsereading this will understand what i say. g
Quran: Chapter 9 verse 14: “Make war on them so that Allah may punish them by your hands and ...
genessa comments on Apr 3, 2019:
yes and most muslims live normal lives, according to the rules of law of their home nations, including the united states, and do not make war on anyone, any more than christians in general follow this: zechariah 14:2 i will gather all the nations to Jerusalem to fight against it; the city will be...
genessa replies on Apr 5, 2019:
@David_Cooper what i don't understand is how anyone could interpret anything i've said as defending hatred. g
Key Differences Between Atheism and Agnosticism
genessa comments on Apr 4, 2019:
i cannot prove for sure that my sidewalk isn't purple. you can look at it and say it definitely isn't purple, but i could counter by saying it was a shade of purple only i could see, and really mean it. i have the kind of certainty about there being no gods that i do about my immediate ...
genessa replies on Apr 4, 2019:
@zblaze it doesn't arrive from knowledge that there is no god but it does arrive from knowledge about how the world does and doesn't work. for example, if you know how rain happens, you don't have to prove that rain doesn't come from a big cat peeing in the sky, right? i can't prove there is no big cat peeing in the sky, but i know where rain DOES come from. so yeah, it does arrive from knowledge. g
Key Differences Between Atheism and Agnosticism
genessa comments on Apr 4, 2019:
i cannot prove for sure that my sidewalk isn't purple. you can look at it and say it definitely isn't purple, but i could counter by saying it was a shade of purple only i could see, and really mean it. i have the kind of certainty about there being no gods that i do about my immediate ...
genessa replies on Apr 4, 2019:
@zblaze why would my sureness make proof a snap? and why, after all, do i NEED to prove anything to anyone? i'm not a proselyte. i don't care who believes what. i am not out to convince anyone there is no god. meanwhile, i never said agnostics were not sure. i am not the one who said that. i only spoke about my own atheism and did not characterize agnostics one bit. g
Key Differences Between Atheism and Agnosticism
genessa comments on Apr 4, 2019:
i cannot prove for sure that my sidewalk isn't purple. you can look at it and say it definitely isn't purple, but i could counter by saying it was a shade of purple only i could see, and really mean it. i have the kind of certainty about there being no gods that i do about my immediate ...
genessa replies on Apr 4, 2019:
@darthfaja i might or might not. it would depend on circumstances, including but not limited to the nature of the god in question. mark twain said that it was a good thing there was no god because if he existed "surely he [would be] a malign thug." g
Amisja comments on Apr 4, 2019:
I have met men like this before. Not sexual but somewhat patronising and paternalistic. The answer is, would he do that to a man. If the answer is no, saying 'oops sorry', isn't enough. Nice bloke though
genessa replies on Apr 4, 2019:
@arizonajerry69 your point, while valid in its way, is unrelated to this situation. joe just likes to interact physically (not sexually in this context) with people, male and female. some people feel invaded by that and others don't. it has nothing to do with nudity or appreciation of the human form. g
Quran: Chapter 9 verse 14: “Make war on them so that Allah may punish them by your hands and ...
genessa comments on Apr 3, 2019:
yes and most muslims live normal lives, according to the rules of law of their home nations, including the united states, and do not make war on anyone, any more than christians in general follow this: zechariah 14:2 i will gather all the nations to Jerusalem to fight against it; the city will be...
genessa replies on Apr 4, 2019:
@icolan exactly! g
Quran: Chapter 9 verse 14: “Make war on them so that Allah may punish them by your hands and ...
genessa comments on Apr 3, 2019:
yes and most muslims live normal lives, according to the rules of law of their home nations, including the united states, and do not make war on anyone, any more than christians in general follow this: zechariah 14:2 i will gather all the nations to Jerusalem to fight against it; the city will be...
genessa replies on Apr 4, 2019:
@icolan re your second comment, about culpability, again i thank you! some of these contentions are outrageous, are they not? g
Quran: Chapter 9 verse 14: “Make war on them so that Allah may punish them by your hands and ...
genessa comments on Apr 3, 2019:
yes and most muslims live normal lives, according to the rules of law of their home nations, including the united states, and do not make war on anyone, any more than christians in general follow this: zechariah 14:2 i will gather all the nations to Jerusalem to fight against it; the city will be...
genessa replies on Apr 4, 2019:
@icolan thank you! you saved me the trouble. based on my experience of both groups, i still contend, as i suspect you do too, that most muslims do not live by the violent bits any more than most christians do. they live normal lives. the more religious they are, the more in danger either type of theist is of taking such commands to heart, but it takes a lot for that to happen. your muslim neighbor is almost certainly no more out to kill you than your christian neighbor is. g
Amisja comments on Apr 4, 2019:
I have met men like this before. Not sexual but somewhat patronising and paternalistic. The answer is, would he do that to a man. If the answer is no, saying 'oops sorry', isn't enough. Nice bloke though
genessa replies on Apr 4, 2019:
@Amisja joe definitely needs to examine his personal sense of space in relation to the usual sense of space and even the unusual one. his failure to do so, so far, isn't a dealbreaker; it's not malicious. that doesn't particularly help the folks he makes to feel uncomfortable. he needs to address it now. by the way, don't go to hollywood. everyone kisses there! in certain parts of africa, it is traditional for women to gather together in a certain place and all relieve themselves together. there is a cultural aspect to these things and subcultural aspects as well. i was not aware that delaware was so touchy-feely but it was even be family-cultural. he still needs to adjust to the norm in order not to freak folks out. i think MOST people just take him as he is. everyone's got eccentricities. since it has come up, though, he needs to be more self-aware and, as i say,adjust. g
Amisja comments on Apr 4, 2019:
I have met men like this before. Not sexual but somewhat patronising and paternalistic. The answer is, would he do that to a man. If the answer is no, saying 'oops sorry', isn't enough. Nice bloke though
genessa replies on Apr 4, 2019:
the answer happens to be YES, and touching on the shoulder is not generally considered a violation of space. neither are hugs in the right setting. it's not as if he grabbed these women's asses (or worse). there is a picture circulating of him grabbing a woman's breasts. it is photoshopped. i've seen the original. there is a picture out of the same woman with bernie sanders touching her shoulder too. no one is bitching about that! the whole thing is ridiculous. the women are entitled to their feelings but the man simply has a different sense of personal space and it has nothing to do with paternalism or sexism or assault. g
freedom41 comments on Apr 3, 2019:
I'm sure he will have an fit. Hopefully, they get him out of office and focus there efferts to get Pence out as well.
genessa replies on Apr 3, 2019:
@freedom41 i wish for that too but fear there will be all manner of delays. we may have to wait to take back the senate (and holy shit, the white house, right?) before things REALLY get rolling, but this law is pretty darned clear. g
azzow2 comments on Apr 3, 2019:
This is a terrible example to set. The reason being is it set presidents and employers get ideas from stunts like this. An example would be is a demand to see a full-time employees tax return and then terminate them for little errors on a return. The reason to terminate is to higher part-time ...
genessa replies on Apr 3, 2019:
@azzow2 apart from the fact that the nyt is no such thing as what you've said, what the hell has that got to do with what we're talking about? i mentioned the nyt simply to counter your assertion about privacy. i could've named any publication. your response indicates one or both of the following: 1. you're a gaslighter who changed the subject whenever he can't legitimately counter an opposing claim, and/or 2. you could not understand what i wrote. either way, i guess there is no point in communicating with you anymore. it is, i see, futile. either you're posting in bad faith and/or you are not only ill-informed (that was already evident) but not very bright. sorry to get personal, but i needed to explain (not so much for your benefit as for the benefit of any lurkers) why i will no longer be responding to your posts. since sometimes i respond to actual content before i even see who posts, to ensure that this doesn't happen with you, i will now use the block feature. anyone reading this who responds and wants me to see the response will only achieve this end by responding directly to me and not to you, for every response to you (i am talking about technically, not regarding content) will be invisible to me. BYE. g
azzow2 comments on Apr 3, 2019:
This is a terrible example to set. The reason being is it set presidents and employers get ideas from stunts like this. An example would be is a demand to see a full-time employees tax return and then terminate them for little errors on a return. The reason to terminate is to higher part-time ...
genessa replies on Apr 3, 2019:
@azzow2 ... public being the key word. the house ways and means committee doesn't always examine tax information in public. the law i cited is NOT trumped. it's not as if this info is being published in the new york times. read the portion of law i cited again. it deals with that. there is no catch 22. if that argument was made, that would be a laughable argument. his privacy is not in question. congress may request this information and the irs SHALL comply. nixon wasn't exempt. neither is trump. g
azzow2 comments on Apr 3, 2019:
This is a terrible example to set. The reason being is it set presidents and employers get ideas from stunts like this. An example would be is a demand to see a full-time employees tax return and then terminate them for little errors on a return. The reason to terminate is to higher part-time ...
genessa replies on Apr 3, 2019:
@azzow2 us code title 26 internal revenue code (f) Disclosure to Committees of Congress (1) Committee on Ways and Means, Committee on Finance, and Joint Committee on Taxation Upon written request from the chairman of the Committee on Ways and Means of the House of Representatives, the chairman of the Committee on Finance of the Senate, or the chairman of the Joint Committee on Taxation, the Secretary shall furnish such committee with any return or return information specified in such request, except that any return or return information which can be associated with, or otherwise identify, directly or indirectly, a particular taxpayer shall be furnished to such committee only when sitting in closed executive session unless such taxpayer otherwise consents in writing to such disclosure. g
azzow2 comments on Apr 3, 2019:
This is a terrible example to set. The reason being is it set presidents and employers get ideas from stunts like this. An example would be is a demand to see a full-time employees tax return and then terminate them for little errors on a return. The reason to terminate is to higher part-time ...
genessa replies on Apr 3, 2019:
@azzow2 that isn't what is happening. the law says the chairman of the house ways and means committee may demand OF THE IRS anyone's tax returns, even the president's. that's not a courtesy. that's federal law, and has been since 1924. no one is asking or demanding anything of trump here, and no courtesy is involved. law. again, google teapot dome scandal. g
Attorney General Barr is holding onto to the Mueller Report on the auspice of redacting the mention...
genessa comments on Apr 3, 2019:
i was gonna comment on the new title but others beat me to it lol. i am frustrated right now because i can't tell (i can't read the nyt) whether the leak is of actual report content or just a leak of comments by some team members. either way a leak is good but i suspect the latter and crave the ...
genessa replies on Apr 3, 2019:
@mordant i saw that tonight too, and yep, i remember! g
azzow2 comments on Apr 3, 2019:
This is a terrible example to set. The reason being is it set presidents and employers get ideas from stunts like this. An example would be is a demand to see a full-time employees tax return and then terminate them for little errors on a return. The reason to terminate is to higher part-time ...
genessa replies on Apr 3, 2019:
@azzow2 feel free to summarize. i do not click on strange links with not so much as a description. meanwhile, you may wish to google "teapot dome scandal." g
freedom41 comments on Apr 3, 2019:
I'm sure he will have an fit. Hopefully, they get him out of office and focus there efferts to get Pence out as well.
genessa replies on Apr 3, 2019:
the chairman of ways and means hasn't got the authority to remove the president from office no matter what he and his committee find in the tax returns, which, by the way, fit or no fit, trump cannot refuse, because he is not the one being asked for them; according to statute, the chairman of the ways and means committee has the legal authority to demand, directly of the irs, the tax returns of anyone in the united states, including the president. the irs must comply, regardless of whether trump is a happy or unhappy camper. now, what the committee finds in the tax returns may lead to discovers that then lead to impeachment, or to trump's resignation, or at the very least to his defeat november next year. one can hope... and speak out! g
azzow2 comments on Apr 3, 2019:
This is a terrible example to set. The reason being is it set presidents and employers get ideas from stunts like this. An example would be is a demand to see a full-time employees tax return and then terminate them for little errors on a return. The reason to terminate is to higher part-time ...
genessa replies on Apr 3, 2019:
it is neither a stunt nor a precedent. this has been law for many decades. there is nothing radical about it. nixon's tax returns were provided under this statute. it isn't about custom (it is customary, as buffton says, for candidates to release their tax returns, but this isn't about that). it isn't about regulation. it's statute, on the books, irrefutable law. are you calling the law a stunt? are you calling a law that's been on the books, with good reason, for so long, an example to set? do they no longer teach history or civics in school, that you would be so mistaken on such an obvious point? g p.s. higher? health insurance indication? is this a new language?
Robecology comments on Apr 3, 2019:
He's altered doctors reports. You can bet he'll alter his tax reports.
genessa replies on Apr 3, 2019:
they won't be coming from him. they will be coming from the irs. g
Novelty comments on Apr 3, 2019:
No, he'll just pretend he can't comply as always. He's such a cartoon of white male domination, he wouldn't have one damn thing if people didn't fall for that same old male patriarchal mind set.
genessa replies on Apr 3, 2019:
he doesn't get to decide whether or not to comply. the request is to the irs, not to the white house, and the irs MUST comply. this isn't some custom or regulation open to interpretation. it's the law and the irs must follow it. trump cannot control that. g
Trump. Suffering dementia? Signs? []
genessa comments on Apr 3, 2019:
quite frankly, i don't think he is suffering from dementia. i think we are suffering from his dementia. g
genessa replies on Apr 3, 2019:
@Robecology, @ToolGuy i assumed rob meant congress as it was until the 2018 election, and the senate even now. g
Trump. Suffering dementia? Signs? []
genessa comments on Apr 3, 2019:
quite frankly, i don't think he is suffering from dementia. i think we are suffering from his dementia. g
genessa replies on Apr 3, 2019:
@Robecology well, what ended that was that he picked his cabinet members for their loyalty to him, not to their departments, or the country, or the law, or any kind of honorable principles, so that majority is unlikely to coalesce. g
Quran: Chapter 9 verse 14: “Make war on them so that Allah may punish them by your hands and ...
genessa comments on Apr 3, 2019:
yes and most muslims live normal lives, according to the rules of law of their home nations, including the united states, and do not make war on anyone, any more than christians in general follow this: zechariah 14:2 i will gather all the nations to Jerusalem to fight against it; the city will be...
genessa replies on Apr 3, 2019:
@David_Cooper i have seen no such poll and i don't believe it exists, but i HAVE seen the muslims that made a circle of their own bodies around synagogues to protect jews from being attacked. they were not in the minority. how do YOU know what muslims hide? you don't. they don't. also it's not that when muslims are in the minority they behave better. it's that where there is no sharia law muslims are free to be normal people. you are confusing politics with religion. as for your second paragraph, it is bullshit from start to finish. i don't have the time or energy to pick it apart. every single thing in it is false. you are the one preaching hatred here. shame on you. g
Trump. Suffering dementia? Signs? []
genessa comments on Apr 3, 2019:
quite frankly, i don't think he is suffering from dementia. i think we are suffering from his dementia. g
genessa replies on Apr 3, 2019:
@Robecology well yes, that is true, but that is not the same thing as saying they're not speaking out. they are. who listens or doesn't listen is another matter entirely. accuracy is important. g
Trump. Suffering dementia? Signs? []
genessa comments on Apr 3, 2019:
quite frankly, i don't think he is suffering from dementia. i think we are suffering from his dementia. g
genessa replies on Apr 3, 2019:
@Robecology psychology today vice wgn audio i think this is the person i saw on msnbc last night, but am not sure. i could keep going but this will give you an idea. g
Trump. Suffering dementia? Signs? []
genessa comments on Apr 3, 2019:
quite frankly, i don't think he is suffering from dementia. i think we are suffering from his dementia. g
genessa replies on Apr 3, 2019:
@Robecology i have seen countless mental health professionals speaking up, including one speaking up last night on msnbc. g
If Russia hadn't entered Syria and Asad regime fell, we might have seen Islamic State forming ...
genessa comments on Apr 3, 2019:
isul doesn't know how to govern and has no interest in governiing. it has been terroristic so long it only knows that. it also isn't islamic, no matter what it calls itself or claims to be. it destroys islamic artifacts as easily as other things, and it commits terroristic activities on its holy ...
genessa replies on Apr 3, 2019:
@mufassil and whose establishment is guantanamo? and who are sails? g
There is no agnostic vs. atheist! The peeve I have...
genessa comments on Feb 17, 2019:
i will quote isaac asimov: “I am an atheist, out and out. It took me a long time to say it. I've been an atheist for years and years, but somehow I felt it was intellectually unrespectable to say one was an atheist, because it assumed knowledge that one didn't have. Somehow, it was better to ...
genessa replies on Apr 3, 2019:
@Storm1752 no, you just thought you did. and i don't give a shit about what sounds cool, and you have no clue about why i call myself an atheist, although i thought i explained it fairly well. but if you're going to be disrespectful, then you won't get to call me anything anymore. you are the one who sounds ignorant. g
Fans of serial works like series of novels, comic books, movies, TV shows, and computer games are ...
genessa comments on Apr 2, 2019:
judaism has been around a lot longer than 3000 years. we are currently in the year 5779. that makes judaism almost twice as old as your reckoning. why are you calling him jesus christ? christ is itself a kind of retcon; christians retroactively translate "messiah," which means "anointed one" ...
genessa replies on Apr 3, 2019:
@lpetrich i have not heard any of that before. nonetheless, someone started counting and they're up to 5779. i will reserve judgment at this point. g
PalacinkyPDX comments on Apr 2, 2019:
Biden is part of an 'old boy's club' of white guys who are used to treating women in a condescending manner. His behavior is ugly, but I don't equate him (nor Franken) with anyone as odious as someone like Trump. A much bigger issue was how he treated Anita Hill when she was on the witness stand ...
genessa replies on Apr 3, 2019:
whoever wins the democratic nomination, i don't care if s/he is a used piece of toilet paper, i'm voting for that person. i have my preferences and the primaries are the place for that, but remember -- every bad thing anyone says about the eventual candidate WILL be used by the republicans in ads and propaganda bombardment the night before the 1980 election i was livid; the repugs showed an ad, around midnight, sponsoring the tonight show to ensure a massive audience, showing ted kennedy dissing jimmy carter. of course that had been part of the primary challenge, but the ad made it look as if ted was supporting reagan, which i think we all know he was not. it worked. i don't want to see that next year. too much is at stake. it is certainly fine to talk about the candidates' weak and strong points but i am hoping we'll stick to issues. SOMEONE is going to win the primaries and become the candidate. we need to rally behind that person even if s/he is someone we would not have preferred. i don't like what gillibrand did to franken either. i don't think biden is the best of the declared candidates so far, and that's not because his sense of personal space is a little weird. i don't like tulsi gabbard at all. if gabbard is the candidate i will hold my nose and vote for her because there is NO WAY i will risk another MINUTE of trump, or any republican, for that matter. lesser of two evils? you BETCHA. the alternative is the WORST evil! vote your heart in the primaries. in the general, vote your brain. vote blue. g
genessa comments on Apr 2, 2019:
i don't see it as a part of larger problems. he's a touchy feely guy -- with guys as well as gals. his not having malicious intent is part of its NOT being a larger problem. it's only a part of course; he has a small problem with personal space (everyone's is different and i imagine he feels less...
genessa replies on Apr 3, 2019:
@arizonajerry69 yeah, because every time someone puts his hand on your shoulder, you come? seriously? g
Fans of serial works like series of novels, comic books, movies, TV shows, and computer games are ...
genessa comments on Apr 2, 2019:
judaism has been around a lot longer than 3000 years. we are currently in the year 5779. that makes judaism almost twice as old as your reckoning. why are you calling him jesus christ? christ is itself a kind of retcon; christians retroactively translate "messiah," which means "anointed one" ...
genessa replies on Apr 3, 2019:
@lpetrich lol i will take your word for it re revelations. i've never been christian and have only glimpsed randomly into the christian bible, usually when someone quotes it -- to see if they've got it remotely right. turns out there are so many translations it's really hard to tell. yeah, the christian interpretation of isaiah is WAY off base, no matter what one considers the bible to be. as it happens,i think it's a multi-authored (and too many cooks definitely spoil the narrative) mish-mash of an attempt at genealogy, since no one just telling a wild story would throw in a boring bunch of begats, a little glorified royal history, and a whole lotta out-and-out fantasy, and one need look no farther than the talking snake (if indeed one is already inclined to overlook the first fantastical character, the purported star of the show). g
There is no agnostic vs. atheist! The peeve I have...
genessa comments on Feb 17, 2019:
i will quote isaac asimov: “I am an atheist, out and out. It took me a long time to say it. I've been an atheist for years and years, but somehow I felt it was intellectually unrespectable to say one was an atheist, because it assumed knowledge that one didn't have. Somehow, it was better to ...
genessa replies on Apr 3, 2019:
@Storm1752 you don't get to tell me who or what i am. period. g
Not since Teddie Roosevelt, some 110 years ago, has any Republican president or the national ...
genessa comments on Apr 2, 2019:
actually eisenhower initiated the highway system, ostensibly to improve the lives of the people of our country. i don't think that was the real motivation though. i think it was the auto industry's way of squashing public transportation and ensuring its profits. i don't know whether ike had good ...
genessa replies on Apr 2, 2019:
@wordywalt the defense system may have been a real justification but the auto industry was at least partly responsible for it and defense was not on their minds. eisenhower was a good man in many ways. i take issue with his not pardoning the rosenbergs, and with his adding "under god" to the pledge and changing our motto to "in god we trust.". g
Do you remember this?
genessa comments on Apr 2, 2019:
this is the card you'd find in a pocket attached to the inside front or back cover of a library book, keeping track of who had checked out that book when, and when that person had returned it. g
genessa replies on Apr 2, 2019:
@DonaldHRoberts most history? really? i know its chronicles (not to be confused with history itself) are skewed but there is evidence for a shitload of it to be verified (or reinterpreted, though revisionism is dangerous -- ask anyone who's met a holocaust denier!) g
Which came first: society or a fear of god? | PBS NewsHour
genessa comments on Mar 26, 2019:
society of course. there would be no concept of god without a society to create one. g
genessa replies on Apr 2, 2019:
@Storm1752 i don't think you and i are talking about the same thing. i stand by what i have said, at any rate. g
Which came first: society or a fear of god? | PBS NewsHour
genessa comments on Mar 26, 2019:
society of course. there would be no concept of god without a society to create one. g
genessa replies on Apr 2, 2019:
@Storm1752 why wouldn't a small tribe count as a society? an individual can believe in a god but it's usually a god someone else created. theology or no theology, that doesn't matter. the question was about fear of god, not organization. g
Which came first: society or a fear of god? | PBS NewsHour
genessa comments on Mar 26, 2019:
society of course. there would be no concept of god without a society to create one. g
genessa replies on Apr 2, 2019:
@Storm1752 yes necessarily. g
MAYBE WE'RE WRONG -- Recently I've found myself wrestling with the question of God.
genessa comments on Apr 1, 2019:
april fools? g
genessa replies on Apr 1, 2019:
@Sgt_Spanky including mine! but i figured even if YOU were fooling, someone would start nodding, uh HUH, uh HUH at what you said, so i hedged my bet by posting as if it was serious! g
The local Baptist minister just rang my doorbell offering me a pamplet for the upcoming celebration ...
webspider555 comments on Apr 1, 2019:
I just say I’m not interested. It’s usually only Jehovah’s Witness's that come round offering their Watch tower magazine. Soon after I married my Chinese wife, I told her next time you answer the door and pretend you don’t speak English. She did and they went away. A week later they returned...
genessa replies on Apr 1, 2019:
that's hysterical! g
Everyone believes that their religion is the right one, but who is right?
genessa comments on Mar 31, 2019:
you are entitled to believe in whatever you want but i no more believe in karma as popularly understood than i believe in any gods or other supernatural beings at all. i also love my female dog, ramona, and would not compare anything bad to her by calling it a bitch. g
genessa replies on Mar 31, 2019:
@JimG indeed! now the butterfly effect is real and i think people mistake it for the much more controlled, orderly, even just-appearing karma, but karma is indeed what you have said it is. it is a compelling fancy and good for metaphorical speech, but not based on any real force in the universe. g
FACT CHECK: Did Adam Schiff Use Taxpayer Money to Settle a Sexual Harassment Claim in 2013?
AJimboShep82 comments on Mar 30, 2019:
Interesting question Batman; to the Batcave.
genessa replies on Mar 31, 2019:
@AJimboShep82 i meant the answer to the question in the post; i wasn't referring to you! i was commenting on your statement but not calling you simpleminded. g
FACT CHECK: Did Adam Schiff Use Taxpayer Money to Settle a Sexual Harassment Claim in 2013?
AJimboShep82 comments on Mar 30, 2019:
Interesting question Batman; to the Batcave.
genessa replies on Mar 30, 2019:
simple answer (except for the simpleminded lol). g
Posts beginning with "As an agnostic, do you...?
Maiasaura comments on Mar 29, 2019:
If I were Queen of The World I'd rename this place
genessa replies on Mar 30, 2019:
you would have to be queen of the world and queen of the internet too, because that domain name is taken. g
Posts beginning with "As an agnostic, do you...?
jondspen comments on Mar 29, 2019:
Well, there are theists on this site. Also, there is a distinction between agnostic and atheist, albeit a fine line to discern the two. I don't really see the problem. If you don't like a post title, then don't click on it - I do that shit ALL the time! ;)
genessa replies on Mar 30, 2019:
@David1955 don't forget vegans. some people follow a vegan diet and although i think it's unhealthy it's none of my business. others follow and promote and push a vegan diet and if you don't follow one too they either pity you (loudly) or declare that you're just not a good person and should be shunned! that becomes my business. g
Posts beginning with "As an agnostic, do you...?
genessa comments on Mar 29, 2019:
i don't mind that so much. i mind more the posts in which atheists mock agnostics and agnostics tell atheists they're arrogant. i am an atheist and i may be arrogant or not (you may never know) but not by virtue of being an atheist, nor do i mock those who are agnostic. i have to admit i am a ...
genessa replies on Mar 30, 2019:
@David1955 indeed. in fact, there are people who self-identify as, let's say, christians, and believe in christianity, whatever version, in a general sense, but cannot be said to be religious. maybe they go to church but they're not rabid or evangelical. they cannot be called delusional people just because they have this one erroneous belief, even if the belief itself can be called delusional. then there's westboro.... pence... bachmann.... ugh! g
I was wholeheartedly a pro-BREXIT campaigner but now I want the UK to remain in the EU ! Though as ...
genessa comments on Mar 29, 2019:
i am glad you changed your mind but i would like to point out that withdrawing from from the eu would not make you any safer from islamists (and i am glad you used that term instead of muslims, since they are not the same thing; not many people know the difference and i applaud you). withdrawing ...
genessa replies on Mar 30, 2019:
@Moravian it is not a matter of ordinary people being bought off by oligarchs. that's not how it works. the money goes into other rich folks' pockets to be sure but the money's main purpose is to buy heavy propaganda. g
Sadly, the country's electoral college system voted in Trump and...
genessa comments on Mar 27, 2019:
the country did not vote in trump. the electoral college did. the country gave hillary clinton almost three million more votes than they gave trump. however, not all of the votes counted the same way. for example (one of many), one vote from a citizen in wyoming has the same weight as 3.6 votes ...
genessa replies on Mar 30, 2019:
@Diogenes i'm totally with you there! g
Posts beginning with "As an agnostic, do you...?
genessa comments on Mar 29, 2019:
i don't mind that so much. i mind more the posts in which atheists mock agnostics and agnostics tell atheists they're arrogant. i am an atheist and i may be arrogant or not (you may never know) but not by virtue of being an atheist, nor do i mock those who are agnostic. i have to admit i am a ...
genessa replies on Mar 29, 2019:
@David1955 it means different things to different folks, and to me it means "religion light." please note that while i diss the idea of spirituality that does not mean i diss people who consider themselves spiritual. i think christianity is stupid; that doesn't mean every christian i ever met was stupid. g
Posts beginning with "As an agnostic, do you...?
jondspen comments on Mar 29, 2019:
Well, there are theists on this site. Also, there is a distinction between agnostic and atheist, albeit a fine line to discern the two. I don't really see the problem. If you don't like a post title, then don't click on it - I do that shit ALL the time! ;)
genessa replies on Mar 29, 2019:
@David1955 haha that is what brings them to my attention! i have seen, so far, ONE theist who seemed to be honest about checking us out. every single other self-proclaimed theist i have seen here was either a scammer of some sort or a guy who figured atheist girls were sinners and therefore easy. g
I was wholeheartedly a pro-BREXIT campaigner but now I want the UK to remain in the EU ! Though as ...
genessa comments on Mar 29, 2019:
i am glad you changed your mind but i would like to point out that withdrawing from from the eu would not make you any safer from islamists (and i am glad you used that term instead of muslims, since they are not the same thing; not many people know the difference and i applaud you). withdrawing ...
genessa replies on Mar 29, 2019:
@Aryn it may or not be may. but putin is working his terrible magic, that's for sure, and not just in one place. g
Posts beginning with "As an agnostic, do you...?
jondspen comments on Mar 29, 2019:
Well, there are theists on this site. Also, there is a distinction between agnostic and atheist, albeit a fine line to discern the two. I don't really see the problem. If you don't like a post title, then don't click on it - I do that shit ALL the time! ;)
genessa replies on Mar 29, 2019:
there are theists here but in very small numbers. in addition, a good proportion of them seem to be here for nefarious purposes rather than in solidarity with, or even curiosity about, the rest of us. as for the distinction between atheists and agnostics, i'm not terribly worried. g
Sadly, the country's electoral college system voted in Trump and...
genessa comments on Mar 27, 2019:
the country did not vote in trump. the electoral college did. the country gave hillary clinton almost three million more votes than they gave trump. however, not all of the votes counted the same way. for example (one of many), one vote from a citizen in wyoming has the same weight as 3.6 votes ...
genessa replies on Mar 29, 2019:
@Diogenes no. what i want is for people who are trying to vote but have their voting rights suppressed unfairly to stop being pegged as lazy, mentally or otherwise. g
Sadly, the country's electoral college system voted in Trump and...
genessa comments on Mar 27, 2019:
the country did not vote in trump. the electoral college did. the country gave hillary clinton almost three million more votes than they gave trump. however, not all of the votes counted the same way. for example (one of many), one vote from a citizen in wyoming has the same weight as 3.6 votes ...
genessa replies on Mar 28, 2019:
@Diogenes stop! who do you want to be in charge of deciding who's a moron? many people think anyone who disagrees with them is a moron. shall we end up with NO ONE eligible to vote? how about we educate people better instead of moaning about morons? g
Sadly, the country's electoral college system voted in Trump and...
genessa comments on Mar 27, 2019:
the country did not vote in trump. the electoral college did. the country gave hillary clinton almost three million more votes than they gave trump. however, not all of the votes counted the same way. for example (one of many), one vote from a citizen in wyoming has the same weight as 3.6 votes ...
genessa replies on Mar 28, 2019:
@WonderWartHog99 well i'm not big on beer but some of those songs are good :-)) g
Where is the middle ground in U.S. politics?
genessa comments on Mar 27, 2019:
not all televised news is equal. i prefer news analysis by educated people to talking-head tv news. i have no idea were centrists gravitate. i have never been a centrist. g
genessa replies on Mar 28, 2019:
@JCII i wouldn't call myself that. i can't help wondering why not being a centrist would make me a possible contrarian, as opposed to, say, simply more of a leftist. g
Sadly, the country's electoral college system voted in Trump and...
genessa comments on Mar 27, 2019:
the country did not vote in trump. the electoral college did. the country gave hillary clinton almost three million more votes than they gave trump. however, not all of the votes counted the same way. for example (one of many), one vote from a citizen in wyoming has the same weight as 3.6 votes ...
genessa replies on Mar 28, 2019:
@WonderWartHog99 i know! whatever shall we do? g
Sadly, the country's electoral college system voted in Trump and...
genessa comments on Mar 27, 2019:
the country did not vote in trump. the electoral college did. the country gave hillary clinton almost three million more votes than they gave trump. however, not all of the votes counted the same way. for example (one of many), one vote from a citizen in wyoming has the same weight as 3.6 votes ...
genessa replies on Mar 27, 2019:
@WonderWartHog99 pew puts it at the number i cited. either way, it is the majority of eligible americans, and i have addressed that above too. g
Sadly, the country's electoral college system voted in Trump and...
genessa comments on Mar 27, 2019:
the country did not vote in trump. the electoral college did. the country gave hillary clinton almost three million more votes than they gave trump. however, not all of the votes counted the same way. for example (one of many), one vote from a citizen in wyoming has the same weight as 3.6 votes ...
genessa replies on Mar 27, 2019:
@WonderWartHog99 i believe i have addressed that. see my links and comments thereon above. g
Sadly, the country's electoral college system voted in Trump and...
genessa comments on Mar 27, 2019:
the country did not vote in trump. the electoral college did. the country gave hillary clinton almost three million more votes than they gave trump. however, not all of the votes counted the same way. for example (one of many), one vote from a citizen in wyoming has the same weight as 3.6 votes ...
genessa replies on Mar 27, 2019:
@WonderWartHog99 voter turnout was 61.4% in 2016, which means most americans DID vote. this number is low of course but before we blame that on apathy, keep voter suppression in mind. registered voters were purged for no good reason, unpurged registered voters showed up at the polls and were turned away, polling places were closed, college students, legally permitted to vote where they reside (on campus) were forbidden to vote locally and told they had to go back to where their parents lived, in texas married women were not allowed to vote unless they had their marriage certificates on them to prove they were the same people their birth certificates said they were (because of the name change), in some states a gun license (without a picture?) was i.d. enough to vote but a state-issued student i.d. wasn't, provisional ballots were never counted, and there is more (the preceding is just off the top of my head). so not only did most people vote, even more people tried to vote and were prevented from voting. is there apathy? yeah. there is. there is even more voter suppression than apathy (and russian trolls caused a lot of the apathy, so maybe we should realize that that too is a form of voter suppression!) g
Sadly, the country's electoral college system voted in Trump and...
genessa comments on Mar 27, 2019:
the country did not vote in trump. the electoral college did. the country gave hillary clinton almost three million more votes than they gave trump. however, not all of the votes counted the same way. for example (one of many), one vote from a citizen in wyoming has the same weight as 3.6 votes ...
genessa replies on Mar 27, 2019:
@taichifan yes, unfortunately there ARE idiots out there. alas. g
Damn Catholics.
genessa comments on Mar 27, 2019:
wow, that practice was supposed to have ended a few popes ago! it was never part of the actual religion (until whatever pope it was said so). it was strictly to help the fishing economies of greece and italy. political, not religious. is there a big fishing industry near where you live? g
genessa replies on Mar 27, 2019:
@josh_is_exciting i don't think most forums have such a rule -- just tightasses who are easily confused lol g
Damn Catholics.
genessa comments on Mar 27, 2019:
wow, that practice was supposed to have ended a few popes ago! it was never part of the actual religion (until whatever pope it was said so). it was strictly to help the fishing economies of greece and italy. political, not religious. is there a big fishing industry near where you live? g
genessa replies on Mar 27, 2019:
@josh_is_exciting i love it! i love this whole dialogue between you and @marcie1974 . you know, i have seen folks get mad when commentators get a little off track, even in a friendly way, and i think some of the most interesting conversations evolve from that! g
Fear of Death
genessa comments on Mar 26, 2019:
i have no idea what most humans, freethinkers, agnostics or atheists think about death, because there is no credo and nothing guaranteed for us to have in common beyond a lack of belief in a deity, or a belief in the lack of deities, or both. i can therefore only say what i feel or think, and i am ...
genessa replies on Mar 27, 2019:
@callmedubious i appreciate that, thank you. g
Regarding kenyan scammer: i am a greeter.
AstralSmoke comments on Mar 27, 2019:
They use bug spray.
genessa replies on Mar 27, 2019:
@AstralSmoke yep! we were! g
Fear of Death
genessa comments on Mar 26, 2019:
i have no idea what most humans, freethinkers, agnostics or atheists think about death, because there is no credo and nothing guaranteed for us to have in common beyond a lack of belief in a deity, or a belief in the lack of deities, or both. i can therefore only say what i feel or think, and i am ...
genessa replies on Mar 27, 2019:
@callmedubious no, it is illegal to have it sent to where it it not yet legal. it is legal for medicinal purposes here in mn, but only for certain ailments. they JUST added some that might benefit me... but medicare/medicaid do not pay for any of it and i have no money. i am on a fixed income and it gets eaten up pretty fast. g
Is it me or this app feels like a religion or govt?
avron comments on Mar 27, 2019:
I disagree with the other respondents. The reward system is Pavlov's Dog enacted to motivate behavior. Its very existence is the evidence and that warrants questioning. Why have the reward system and is it diabolic are legitimate questions. I paused my Facebook account, I only use google search ...
genessa replies on Mar 27, 2019:
the reward system has been explained: it's a troll-deterrent (not terribly effective but better than nothing). if you find the points so compelling that you drool over them and post just to get them, that's your issue, not the site's. g
Is it me or this app feels like a religion or govt?
hankster comments on Mar 27, 2019:
it's just a game.
genessa replies on Mar 27, 2019:
@hankster that is... restrained of you lol. yeah my guy plays solitaire and he says it's to pass the time but it's hard to get him to stop, get up and do whatever else needs to be done. me, i play the games i do because i have chosen games that are complex, engaging and enjoyable, that i play not to kill time (i have plenty to do, no need to kill time) but to have fun and keep my brain working. so yeah, i do enjoy my games! but when it's time to do something else, i do the something else. how do i get my guy to do that? working on it.... g
Is it me or this app feels like a religion or govt?
Allamanda comments on Mar 27, 2019:
it's just a game but even for those of us who don't care for games, it has it's good side in terms of safety, reduction of annoyance etc. from spammers and scammers, and it adds a level of protection which is good for women, for men who are targeted by immigration scam-wives etc.
genessa replies on Mar 27, 2019:
@Allamanda well, okay, i don't feel that way about life myself but i understand that some do so that makes more sense :-)) g
Regarding kenyan scammer: i am a greeter.
AstralSmoke comments on Mar 27, 2019:
They use bug spray.
genessa replies on Mar 27, 2019:
ohhh that's bad for the crops! g
Fear of Death
genessa comments on Mar 26, 2019:
i have no idea what most humans, freethinkers, agnostics or atheists think about death, because there is no credo and nothing guaranteed for us to have in common beyond a lack of belief in a deity, or a belief in the lack of deities, or both. i can therefore only say what i feel or think, and i am ...
genessa replies on Mar 27, 2019:
@callmedubious i do not have the means to order anything like that. i wish i did i have experience of it and i know it would help somewhat. g
Is it me or this app feels like a religion or govt?
hankster comments on Mar 27, 2019:
it's just a game.
genessa replies on Mar 27, 2019:
@hankster oh the points aspect. i thought you meant the site. that would've been... weird! g
Is it me or this app feels like a religion or govt?
genessa comments on Mar 27, 2019:
it's just you. what do you need the points for? no one is forcing you to strive for them. indeed, they're not even something for which to strive. they're just a way to cut back on trolls by making it harder for those who don't want to participate to infiltrate. there is no master. if you feel ...
genessa replies on Mar 27, 2019:
@Naejidlopalev thank you! i have changed slightly since it was taken.... g
Is it me or this app feels like a religion or govt?
hankster comments on Mar 27, 2019:
it's just a game.
genessa replies on Mar 27, 2019:
i play games online. this isn't a game. it's a social media site. it's not what the original poster speculates, but it's also not a game. g
Is it me or this app feels like a religion or govt?
Allamanda comments on Mar 27, 2019:
it's just a game but even for those of us who don't care for games, it has it's good side in terms of safety, reduction of annoyance etc. from spammers and scammers, and it adds a level of protection which is good for women, for men who are targeted by immigration scam-wives etc.
genessa replies on Mar 27, 2019:
i play games online. this isn't a game. it's a social media site. it's not what the original poster speculates, but it's also not a game. g
So, the neighborhood kids were playing in the backyard with mine.
genessa comments on Mar 27, 2019:
singapore is a muslim country. i had to get special dispensation from singapore airlines to chew gum on takeoff and landing when i flew with a bad chest infection that had congested my ears; they agreed because they understood i didn't want my eardrums to burst. chewing gum is illegal in ...
genessa replies on Mar 27, 2019:
@Moravian because i was leaving london on singapore airlines, i was considered to be on singapore territory and subject to the laws of that land. the law was against actually chewing the gum! i was very responsible about disposing of it lol. the law is, i think, a slight overreaction to the littering problem. think of it this way: what if, in america, we banned paper, ALL paper, because some people throw on the ground? anyway, i am not sure how well connected it is or isn't to islam, but i do know that singapore is a muslim country. there may be no connection, or there may be some unique interpretive connection. we may never know. g
I can not tell you all how depressed I am.
Sgt_Spanky comments on Mar 25, 2019:
Since the report dropped, I've heard so many anti-Trumper news sites try to spin this so that it's not a loss. They can all spin it as much as they like but the fact is the inconclusive outcome of this damn report gave Trump exactly what he wanted and needed -- enough of an excuse to proclaim he was...
genessa replies on Mar 26, 2019:
@Sgt_Spanky i see bumps all the time. i don't pay much attention to polls. no one who even suspected he was a russian asset is going to turn suddenly and support him. his supporter base doesn't grow. it's like weighing yourself every hour; it doesn't do any good, it doesn't mean anything and it can make you crazy. breathe. g
I can not tell you all how depressed I am.
Sgt_Spanky comments on Mar 25, 2019:
Since the report dropped, I've heard so many anti-Trumper news sites try to spin this so that it's not a loss. They can all spin it as much as they like but the fact is the inconclusive outcome of this damn report gave Trump exactly what he wanted and needed -- enough of an excuse to proclaim he was...
genessa replies on Mar 26, 2019:
@Sgt_Spanky he has had that all along. he makes stuff up. so now he'll make more stuff up. that's not different. the minutiae WILL make a difference... if the house can get its hands on it. his reelection is no more likely now than it ever was. he has not won. that is what i understand. g
I can not tell you all how depressed I am.
Jk1960 comments on Mar 25, 2019:
The investigation was in Russia meddling in our election process. I’m happy that trump collusion was not found. I still don’t like trump. Reality is he knew he would get benefits from what they were doing without colluding.
genessa replies on Mar 26, 2019:
we don't even know that no collusion was found. all we know is what barr has said. no one in their right mind trusts barr. g
I can not tell you all how depressed I am.
xyz123 comments on Mar 25, 2019:
No evidence does not mean not guilty.
genessa replies on Mar 26, 2019:
barr's so-called summary doesn't even mean no evidence. we have not seen the report. g
I can not tell you all how depressed I am.
JanGarber comments on Mar 25, 2019:
I don't think he concluded that Trump committed no crimes, just that he did not collude with Russia.
genessa replies on Mar 26, 2019:
we don't even know THAT since we have not seen the report. all we know is what barr, a trump appointee, has said. g
I can not tell you all how depressed I am.
Sgt_Spanky comments on Mar 25, 2019:
Since the report dropped, I've heard so many anti-Trumper news sites try to spin this so that it's not a loss. They can all spin it as much as they like but the fact is the inconclusive outcome of this damn report gave Trump exactly what he wanted and needed -- enough of an excuse to proclaim he was...
genessa replies on Mar 26, 2019:
the report has not dropped. barr's phonied-up so-called summary has dropped. there is, to put it mildly, a difference. g
I can not tell you all how depressed I am.
genessa comments on Mar 25, 2019:
in what manner did we find out that the pos hasn't committed any crimes? this simply isn't true. what we found out is that barr lied in a four-page so-called summary of mueller's report, which as far as anyone knows has NOT exonerated trump. everyone keeps talking as if we have received the ...
genessa replies on Mar 26, 2019:
@Oldcurmudgeon no, it certainly had nothing to do with the report. it more likely had to do with barr's assurance that the report would go nowhere and barr would phony up his summary. g
So, we nonbelievers are now tied for top spot in reported religious affiliation.
genessa comments on Mar 26, 2019:
sorry but "nones" are not all, or even mostly, nonbelievers. they just claim no religious affiliation. g
genessa replies on Mar 26, 2019:
@Moravian unique addresses! g
So, we nonbelievers are now tied for top spot in reported religious affiliation.
genessa comments on Mar 26, 2019:
sorry but "nones" are not all, or even mostly, nonbelievers. they just claim no religious affiliation. g
genessa replies on Mar 26, 2019:
@Moravian only one on each street? i am shocked :-)) g
A great tweet from David Frum; David Frum ‏ Verified account @davidfrum Follow Follow ...
genessa comments on Mar 25, 2019:
haha i don't always agree with frum, though i like him, but this is spot on! by the way, mueller hasn't said no collusion. barr's so-called summary says it does. i don't believe barr. g
genessa replies on Mar 25, 2019:
@Robecology well that TOO, but i also would not give up on the mueller report. the house wants it made public. the senate has blocked that action. but we have seen leaks all over the place, and meanwhile, mueller is still alive and well and has a mouth. he can testify to the house and he can appear on every news and talk show in the universe if he wants; i don't think anyone would turn him away. i think if he makes appearances he will be selective but still.... this isn't over, and trump's lawyers are dumb as dirt. but yeah, meanwhile, remember, nobody is perfect and everyone has baggage. vote your heart in the primaries and vote your head by voting blue no matter who in the general. pass it on! g
It seems atheists DOMINATE this site, despite the fact it's an agnostic one.
Aaaaaatheist comments on Mar 25, 2019:
And what exactly is your definition of agnostic? 500 words or less. Thanks
genessa replies on Mar 25, 2019:
@Storm1752 so your mind is open to the tooth fairy, leprechauns, unicorns and every god ever worshiped by every civilization that ever existed? hmm. and by the way, atheist dot com was taken. i'm not saying that's why this site is called agnostic dot com, but it's possible. my mind is open to that possibility. meanwhile, name notwithstanding, this is not a site exclusively for agnostics. in fact, it has a mirror site called humanist dot com. meanwhile, the site cites some principles, and the first two are: 1. Be open-minded and be willing to alter your beliefs with new evidence. 2. Strive to understand what is most likely to be true, not to believe what you wish to be true. so while being open-minded is a good thing, it is also important to understand the odds. the odds of there being a deity are so staggeringly low that some of us don't feel like calling ourselves agnostics because that might imply that we think there MIGHT be a god, or even care whether or not there is one. here is what isaac asimov said on this subject: "I am an atheist, out and out. It took me a long time to say it. I've been an atheist for years and years, but somehow I felt it was intellectually unrespectable to say one was an atheist, because it assumed knowledge that one didn't have. Somehow, it was better to say one was a humanist or an agnostic. I finally decided that I'm a creature of emotion as well as of reason. Emotionally, I am an atheist. I don't have the evidence to prove that God doesn't exist, but I so strongly suspect he doesn't that I don't want to waste my time.” while i myself have since the age of 15 called myself an atheist and never have called myself an agnostic, still i feel as asimov did. i do not find what he said negative. i do not find atheism negative. (i find rants that pick on atheists rather negative.) by the way, there is no such thing as atheist orthodoxy. it's not a religion. g
Anyone else ever wonder what percentage of "religious" people are simply faking it to fit in?
genessa comments on Mar 24, 2019:
nope. i never wondered. i never met anyone who was faking it then again, i was raised in a secular jewish household. i didn't hang out with a religious gang (of any religion). so it never occurred to me to wonder. g
genessa replies on Mar 25, 2019:
@AgnoLulu no, i had no reason to fake anything. once i realized there were no gods, if anyone had asked i'd have said so. no one asked. we never went to temple except for bar/bat mitzvahs and weddings. there was nothing to fake. i also never DID fit in, in so many other ways; that would've been a weird way to fit in, since a lot of the flack i took throughout my childhood was for being jewish! i never pretended i wasn't and i never had a reason to pretend i was (well, i AM, but you know, i mean a believer). as for my family, i never knew until i was an adult whether or not they even believed in god. someone asked me if they did, and i didn't know the answer, so i called my folks from california (i think they were still in maryland, not yet in florida) and asked them. they were surprised that i'd called long-distance to ask! mom said "i think i do." dad said "i think i don't." they didn't have ready answers; they had to think for a moment before answering. so no, my atheism didn't alienate my family! it wasn't even a topic of interest. g
Mueller did not find Trump campaign "conspired or coordinated" with Russia BY STEFAN BECKET, ...
SeaGreenEyez comments on Mar 24, 2019:
As expected. Milquetoast Mueller. Middle-of-the-road-Mueller. He played his role like Meryl Streep played Francesca in Bridges of Madison County. Brilliantly played, very camera friendly. Now someone find his testicles ... he might need those in retirement. * smh *
genessa replies on Mar 24, 2019:
@SeaGreenEyez there is a bit of a gap between memorializing him and castrating him. not calling him a milqtoast is not tantamount to having an orgasm over his report, which we have not yet seen. but you've made up YOUR mind. good for you. (meanwhile, why are we NOT counting the russians?) g
Mueller did not find Trump campaign "conspired or coordinated" with Russia BY STEFAN BECKET, ...
SeaGreenEyez comments on Mar 24, 2019:
As expected. Milquetoast Mueller. Middle-of-the-road-Mueller. He played his role like Meryl Streep played Francesca in Bridges of Madison County. Brilliantly played, very camera friendly. Now someone find his testicles ... he might need those in retirement. * smh *
genessa replies on Mar 24, 2019:
you mean milquetoast barr. you are dissing mueller for what barr says of mueller's report? seriously? as for milquetoast, yeah, i guess all those prosecutions and guilty pleas happened all by themselves, huh? g
Congrats to our Leftist Group! We just reached a milestone and hit 180 members.
genessa comments on Mar 24, 2019:
mazel tov! i just had to block someone (not from this group!) who referred to "regressive liberals." can you imagine? we argued back and forth a bit but he used typical regressive tactics, such as constantly changing the subject and never addressing what i said to counter his ridiculous ...
genessa replies on Mar 24, 2019:
@sassygirl3869 i expected as much, and it is good to know. g


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