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A good example of why I don't support "Free College for Everyone".
Grayghost comments on Feb 14, 2019:
I get tired of so many people putting others down because they do not have a college degree. By the way, yes, I do have a college degree myself. Without "trades people" our society would collapse. Our toilets wouldn't work, our televisions wouldn't work, our cars wouldn't work, etc. The Washington ...
genessa replies on Feb 14, 2019:
funny, my experience is seeing people put down for having, or wanting, a university degree, as if having one or wanting one automatically puts down those who don't want or have one. g
A good example of why I don't support "Free College for Everyone".
genessa comments on Feb 14, 2019:
your objection and the meme both presuppose some things that are not true. one is that the purpose of college is to prepare the student for employment. some college courses do. we don't want doctors who didn't go to med school. but the overall purpose of college is to teach students to think, ...
genessa replies on Feb 14, 2019:
@Captain_Feelgood right. demand in your field. as if college is just for getting a job. yes, the poster's comment is about free college for all, so what do you MEAN there is nothing about free college? as for the rest of it, NOT false accusations. the rest is implied. of course it doesn't say anything about good guys, but the meme obviously admires bob and laughs at jim. it doesn't have to SAY the word "good guy." geez. g
LAND MINES cannot be ruled out as something that can be placed at our border with Mexico according ...
Fibonacci1618 comments on Feb 14, 2019:
The truth about this man's sanity isn't in question. He's just a pandering right wing puppet! What's truly scary is the percentage of the people that agree with him. That is a far more dangerous and real issue.
genessa replies on Feb 14, 2019:
@Fibonacci1618 noooo problem! g
LAND MINES cannot be ruled out as something that can be placed at our border with Mexico according ...
Fibonacci1618 comments on Feb 14, 2019:
The truth about this man's sanity isn't in question. He's just a pandering right wing puppet! What's truly scary is the percentage of the people that agree with him. That is a far more dangerous and real issue.
genessa replies on Feb 14, 2019:
@Fibonacci1618 i think you misunderstood me. i didn't mean that it didn't matter in the grand scheme of things. i just meant that it didn't matter to trump or to his administration that he reflects the views of bigots; he enables the bigots despite our being in the majority, those of us who are NOT bigots. g
LAND MINES cannot be ruled out as something that can be placed at our border with Mexico according ...
Paul4747 comments on Feb 14, 2019:
"Is he deranged?" Probably.
genessa replies on Feb 14, 2019:
@Paul4747 i am. he's nutzoid! that is a technical term. g
LAND MINES cannot be ruled out as something that can be placed at our border with Mexico according ...
Fibonacci1618 comments on Feb 14, 2019:
The truth about this man's sanity isn't in question. He's just a pandering right wing puppet! What's truly scary is the percentage of the people that agree with him. That is a far more dangerous and real issue.
genessa replies on Feb 14, 2019:
@Fibonacci1618 fortunately not the majority of americans. unfortunately that doesn't matter. g
Okay guys, East Coast or West Coast?
genessa comments on Feb 14, 2019:
there is a country in between those coasts. i am on the north coast. g
genessa replies on Feb 14, 2019:
@Moravian i have too, including outside the usa, and i would choose new york city if i had money. i don't. i also loved living in los angeles. g
“In order to truly learn, the first step is to empty ourselves of our preconceived notions.
genessa comments on Feb 13, 2019:
on the other hand, if you totally empty yourself of all of your knowledge, you have no context for what you are about to learn. google pol pot, killing fields, khmer rouge. you have to keep an open mind, not an empty one! g
genessa replies on Feb 13, 2019:
@mordant this is true -- but i don't think most people who read those words necessarily know the difference. i am not even thinking of pol pot this time. g
i snopesed this.
Novelty comments on Feb 13, 2019:
I expect no less from this useless carcass. I don’t like the ”c” word at all, but if ever a female deserved the title of ”cunt” it’s this cunt. I suspect she drinks the blood of Mexican babies before she does public interviews.
genessa replies on Feb 13, 2019:
she would stoop to eating mexican babies? i think she would turn her nose up at them and only eat white babies, in the mistaken belief that they are tenderer. g
i snopesed this.
RavenCT comments on Feb 13, 2019:
And newspapers get bomb threats. Not funny. Like yelling fire in a movie theatre.
genessa replies on Feb 13, 2019:
@RavenCT we had bomb threats at the jewish community center where i work out (it has the best pool in town). this was not long after trump took office. the place was closed for a short while and reopened with new security measures. g
What of all the sexual activities in the world turns you own the most and gives you the greatest ...
genessa comments on Feb 13, 2019:
why is this question under philosophy and meaning, and why would i tell YOU (and the world) what sexual activities gave me the most pleasure? that's MY business! g
genessa replies on Feb 13, 2019:
@CaroleKay lol! g
What of all the sexual activities in the world turns you own the most and gives you the greatest ...
genessa comments on Feb 13, 2019:
why is this question under philosophy and meaning, and why would i tell YOU (and the world) what sexual activities gave me the most pleasure? that's MY business! g
genessa replies on Feb 13, 2019:
@bandit321 i am not apart from this forum. and i am a part of agnostic dot com. i scroll down the page and i see recently posted stuff. did you think somehow you were posting to a specific group within agnostic dot com? oops! you didn't. you just picked a category (an inappropriate one for your post) and posted for the general ag dot com public, of which i am a part. since you can't figure out how to use the site properly, why do YOU profess to be a part of this forum? g
i snopesed this.
PalacinkyPDX comments on Feb 13, 2019:
A truly toxic person. Shame on anyone who enables her shitty behavior.
genessa replies on Feb 13, 2019:
@CaroleKay it's hard to know when to draw the line, isn't it? i mean, reporting the news also enables bad people, but we have to know things! if he could just be rougher on her... how in the world could they be friends? g
i snopesed this.
RavenCT comments on Feb 13, 2019:
And newspapers get bomb threats. Not funny. Like yelling fire in a movie theatre.
genessa replies on Feb 13, 2019:
exactly. g
i snopesed this.
CaroleKay comments on Feb 13, 2019:
She's an antagonist, that's why it ridiculous to share anything related to her, It only serves to add fuel to the fire.
genessa replies on Feb 13, 2019:
i don't generally share her ridiculous words, but when she incites to violence i think we should know in advance. if the nyt building is blown up i think we should be aware of whom to blame, and yes, i mean it -- she should be held responsible if that happens. g
i snopesed this.
PalacinkyPDX comments on Feb 13, 2019:
A truly toxic person. Shame on anyone who enables her shitty behavior.
genessa replies on Feb 13, 2019:
@PalacinkyPDX i adore him and can't figure out why he does that. (maher, by the way, but the way you spelled it is indeed how he pronounces it. i keep looking at it and wanted to say MY urh.) he's not perfect. but at least he gives her a run for her money when she's on and makes her look the fool she is. still, better not to give her a pulpit at all. g
i snopesed this.
AstralSmoke comments on Feb 13, 2019:
She can persuade Trump. Maybe he'll go into the loo and blow himself up with a fart (a killer fart)! Ha!
genessa replies on Feb 13, 2019:
everything he says is a fart. if that would work he'd be blown to bits by now! g
i snopesed this.
PalacinkyPDX comments on Feb 13, 2019:
A truly toxic person. Shame on anyone who enables her shitty behavior.
genessa replies on Feb 13, 2019:
i can think of at least one.... starts with a t.... g
i snopesed this.
Beowulfsfriend comments on Feb 13, 2019:
She is the "C" word and I apologize to my female friends here for even thinking that term. Can't stand her.
genessa replies on Feb 13, 2019:
al franken was not shy about calling her that several times per sentence in a chapter of his book entitled (approximately, as i am working from memory) lying liars and the lies they tell. g
oh sorry i forgot that am new here how on earth do people text on here can someone put my fat ass ...
Fernapple comments on Feb 13, 2019:
You need to fill in your Bio first, then when you have earned a few points/trust it will all start to open up.
genessa replies on Feb 13, 2019:
@martin2999 you filled in your bio. good. now i have something to say about what you wrote. on most dating sites, yes, what you said about presenting yourself to attract people is true. here? not so much. we have a community too, as you will have noticed (and i forgot to mention that your post is actually in the wrong category; it sort of belongs in site & customer service, since it's not ABOUT love and relationships). on this site, the very best way to attract people, and find people to whom you are attracted, has little to do with profiles (we still like to see them of course). it is easier to know whom you like by what they say, how they participate, how they show who they are, posting on topics most of which has nothing to do with romance. if you want the best chance of finding a person to fulfill whatever it is you're looking to fulfill, i highly recommend browsing the categories, finding posts that interest you, engaging in those conversations, posting likewise, and seeing who's who and what's what around here. then you'll not be messaging people cold (hi, i saw your profile, you're pretty, i have no idea whether that's even a picture of you or whether your profile is truthful but here i am, let's date) but instead will be starting warm (hi, i loved what you said about cheeseburgers. i feel the same way!) g
Fellow agnostics, how do you feel about believers joining?
nixjoiner comments on Oct 16, 2018:
I was a believer for 20 years. I don't mind. I think it's a good idea because then they will learn that god is not real.
genessa replies on Feb 13, 2019:
no they won't. i have never seen it happen. what i have seen is believers proselytizing, or asking provocative questions for the purpose of converting us, or even being scammers CLAIMING to be believers and looking for the naive to scam. it is POSSIBLE a believer might have doubts and come here to figure it all out. i haven't seen it yet. g
This Valentine's Day, why not be a little daring and try your luck?
genessa comments on Feb 12, 2019:
anyone who copied and pasted ANYTHING to send to me on v-day or any other time of the year gets a reproach from me. i do not want anything copied and pasted. i'd rather have something from the heart. besides, beknighted is misspelled, gods are mentioned and the whole thing is more or less a bunch...
genessa replies on Feb 13, 2019:
@Savage normal for me since... maybe birth? g
This Valentine's Day, why not be a little daring and try your luck?
genessa comments on Feb 12, 2019:
anyone who copied and pasted ANYTHING to send to me on v-day or any other time of the year gets a reproach from me. i do not want anything copied and pasted. i'd rather have something from the heart. besides, beknighted is misspelled, gods are mentioned and the whole thing is more or less a bunch...
genessa replies on Feb 13, 2019:
@Savage up all night is no joke! welcome to my world. g
This Valentine's Day, why not be a little daring and try your luck?
genessa comments on Feb 12, 2019:
anyone who copied and pasted ANYTHING to send to me on v-day or any other time of the year gets a reproach from me. i do not want anything copied and pasted. i'd rather have something from the heart. besides, beknighted is misspelled, gods are mentioned and the whole thing is more or less a bunch...
genessa replies on Feb 13, 2019:
@Savage i don't take tests to which i have not consented :-)) g
This Valentine's Day, why not be a little daring and try your luck?
genessa comments on Feb 12, 2019:
anyone who copied and pasted ANYTHING to send to me on v-day or any other time of the year gets a reproach from me. i do not want anything copied and pasted. i'd rather have something from the heart. besides, beknighted is misspelled, gods are mentioned and the whole thing is more or less a bunch...
genessa replies on Feb 12, 2019:
@Jnei i did read to the end. was there something that made you think i did not? don't assume. also i did grasp that it was meant to be humorous. i didn't find it so, but i did grasp that intention. i sit humbly corrected regarding benighted. g
i was awakened before i wanted to get up by an incessantly ringing phone.
JanGarber comments on Feb 12, 2019:
I keep the bell on my bedroom phone turned off.
genessa replies on Feb 12, 2019:
this wasn't my bedroom phone. i heard it anyway. it rang and rang and rang and rang! g
genessa comments on Feb 11, 2019:
i am not anti-zionist. zionism, whatever everyone THINKS it means, simply means being in favor of israel's continuing existence. people try to make it mean being against israel's policies. that is NOT what anti-zionist means. it means being against israel's existence. i wish people would ...
genessa replies on Feb 12, 2019:
@rainmanjr i getcha. i didn't even like begin, and now he seems like an angel compred to bibi. what i am most concerned about is generally that people can't tell the difference between israel's right to exist and israel's bad behavior, whatever its root. i would hate for the world to hate america because of trump. we're fighting so hard to stop him, and we did NOT elect him! we, the people, did not. but we are blamed, and if someone drops a bomb, it falls on us, not on trump, right? meanwhile, those who defend israel's right to exist (i am one) somehow then defend israel's right to do whatever it wants that's bad (not me!) there is no in-between. if you say something bad about those americans who back israel's current behavior, you must be anti-israel and by extension antisemitic. that's just not how it works. g
Women, Would you date a man who has had sex with a transgender woman(shemale)?
genessa comments on Feb 12, 2019:
i see you have changed your question. you still include the slurring term though. it is still offensive. g
genessa replies on Feb 12, 2019:
@Williamcristiano but you changed it to another slur! are you not aware that these terms you use are slurs? even the question is kind of weird but the words you use are slurs. trans is okay. transgender or transgendered woman is okay. but ladyboy? shemale? these are slurs. do you know only slurs? g
Women, Would you date a man who has had sex with a transgender woman(shemale)?
PalacinkyPDX comments on Feb 12, 2019:
1) Why don't you tell us why you're asking this question? Needless to say, there are a LOT of guys who have had or are interested in having sex with trans women... otherwise there wouldn't be trans sex workers and trans-themed porn... of which there are a lot of both. A more apt question is "do you ...
genessa replies on Feb 12, 2019:
first it was ladyboy and then it was ladyboy in parentheses with transgender woman before it, and now ladyboy has been replaced by shemale. this poster has got a list i guess, and everything on the list is offensive, and i am sorry that you have to encounter this kind of crap. i'm sorry anyone encounters it and learns from it and thinks it's okay. it's not okay. people are PEOPLE. period. g
Women, Would you date a man who has had sex with a transgender woman(shemale)?
genessa comments on Feb 12, 2019:
i scrolled down and saw another respondent's definition, "chicks with dicks." so a ladyboy might refer to a trans woman? those are not called ladyboys. those are called women. g
genessa replies on Feb 12, 2019:
@Lucy_Fehr i think THEY can but not US. would we refer to a black person with the n word just because some black people do, to each other? i wouldn't! this does not justify the use of ladyboy here. and i see the poster has changed it once again to the also-offensive shemale. does this person not GET it? g
i was awakened before i wanted to get up by an incessantly ringing phone.
Beowulfsfriend comments on Feb 12, 2019:
I hope the kitty is feeling better. Best wishes for a better onslaught of time.
genessa replies on Feb 12, 2019:
i don't know which kitty is was. everyone seems to be okay! g
Women, Would you date a man who has had sex with a transgender woman(shemale)?
genessa comments on Feb 12, 2019:
i scrolled down and saw another respondent's definition, "chicks with dicks." so a ladyboy might refer to a trans woman? those are not called ladyboys. those are called women. g
genessa replies on Feb 12, 2019:
@Lucy_Fehr then the young crowd there needs to learn something about respecting other human beings. g
Women, Would you date a man who has had sex with a transgender woman(shemale)?
genessa comments on Feb 12, 2019:
what's a ladyboy? is this some new term for a gay guy? it sounds both sexist and homophobic (of course homophobia IS sexist anyway). g
genessa replies on Feb 12, 2019:
@celticagent so either the question is very narrow and assumes everyone's been to southeast asia, or it's a slur against trans women. g
Women, Would you date a man who has had sex with a transgender woman(shemale)?
genessa comments on Feb 12, 2019:
i scrolled down and saw another respondent's definition, "chicks with dicks." so a ladyboy might refer to a trans woman? those are not called ladyboys. those are called women. g
genessa replies on Feb 12, 2019:
@John_Tyrrell right now we're not in those cultures. this question was asked here on this site, in english, and i think it is a slur. g
Can a woman enjoy her life fully without a man?
mzbehavin comments on Feb 10, 2019:
Of course and men can live happily without women. BTW... gays and lesbians live happy lives without the opposite sex all the time.
genessa replies on Feb 12, 2019:
@Marcie1974 i am not the physically strongest person in the world, but for some reason, i am good at jars. i think it has to do with my being lefthanded for jars, bottles and dealing cards. (i'm righthanded for the traditional things like tool use). it's a right-brain, left-brain thing. as for traditional roles, i swore i would never marry because marriage, as it was defined to me in almost every example and every explanation, seemed like legal prostitution (which is fine if it IS prostitution; i think that should be legalized, even though i don't think it's a good thing; everything that isn't the best shouldn't be against the law!) or even slavery. but now that i am in love and living (without the benefit of marriage, i might add) with my love, i can see that a piece of paper wouldn't make me a prostitute or a slave. we'd still be us. we'd just get fewer snap benefits and less social security, and we're already not doing great on what little we do get. g
Can a woman enjoy her life fully without a man?
mzbehavin comments on Feb 10, 2019:
Of course and men can live happily without women. BTW... gays and lesbians live happy lives without the opposite sex all the time.
genessa replies on Feb 12, 2019:
@Marcie1974 but he changes the litter boxes so he still gets to maintain some dignity. g
Can a woman enjoy her life fully without a man?
mzbehavin comments on Feb 10, 2019:
Of course and men can live happily without women. BTW... gays and lesbians live happy lives without the opposite sex all the time.
genessa replies on Feb 12, 2019:
@Marcie1974 hahahaha i am the jar-opener in my family! my guy can't open a jar to save his life! g
genessa comments on Feb 11, 2019:
i am not anti-zionist. zionism, whatever everyone THINKS it means, simply means being in favor of israel's continuing existence. people try to make it mean being against israel's policies. that is NOT what anti-zionist means. it means being against israel's existence. i wish people would ...
genessa replies on Feb 11, 2019:
@OwlInASack right, re leadership. and palestine shouldn't have to exist where it is; land was set aside for it by the british mandate, and they were rejected from it by the jordanians. but that happened, it can't be changed, they have to live somewhere, and they have some land they're fighting to stay in and be respected in now. so regardless of whether it should have to exist where it is, it DOES, just as whether or not the jews should have formed israel, there it is now, and it's all full of people, right? so there they are and now something has to be done about it, and you're right, it's the leadership, not the countries, not the people. pretending that things can go on as they are doesn't work. pretending that each people doesn't have its own nation, or that each people should not have its own nation, doesn't work. so... who will kick bibi and his likud out? and how will the hamas be replaced by an organization that isn't hateful? i have no ideas. i have not met anyone who has any ideas except kill the palestinians or kill the jews. those are the only solutions i ever hear. do i even need to say those are bad ideas? g
genessa comments on Feb 11, 2019:
i am not anti-zionist. zionism, whatever everyone THINKS it means, simply means being in favor of israel's continuing existence. people try to make it mean being against israel's policies. that is NOT what anti-zionist means. it means being against israel's existence. i wish people would ...
genessa replies on Feb 11, 2019:
@AmiSue i assumed nothing. i just said how i felt and i ASKED what you wanted, in response to what you said. i didn't TELL you what you wanted i ASKED. that's not an assumption. it's a question. g
genessa comments on Feb 11, 2019:
i am not anti-zionist. zionism, whatever everyone THINKS it means, simply means being in favor of israel's continuing existence. people try to make it mean being against israel's policies. that is NOT what anti-zionist means. it means being against israel's existence. i wish people would ...
genessa replies on Feb 11, 2019:
@AmiSue, @OwlInASack my idea of israel has nothing to do with god and i am against expansion. but i am not against the continued existence of israel. the palestinian leadership IS against the continued existence of israel. this does not redound to the people. the palestinians need a homeland. israel should not control it or expand into it. but israel should also not roll over and cease to be a nation. it should certainly dump its fascist leadership. so should we dump ours. g
genessa comments on Feb 11, 2019:
i am not anti-zionist. zionism, whatever everyone THINKS it means, simply means being in favor of israel's continuing existence. people try to make it mean being against israel's policies. that is NOT what anti-zionist means. it means being against israel's existence. i wish people would ...
genessa replies on Feb 11, 2019:
@AmiSue so what do you want israel to do, disband and not be a country anymore? i hate netahyahu. i also hate trump. should the usa break up too? we took it from the native americans. should we now give it all back and not be a country anymore? is that also what israel should do? i am for a two-state solution. i am not for a one-state solution in EITHER direction. i don't care if the idea of a jewish homeland is a myth, though considering the circumstances of the founding it is not so very mythological. it is there NOW. what should we do with it, then? bomb it? g
genessa comments on Feb 11, 2019:
i am not anti-zionist. zionism, whatever everyone THINKS it means, simply means being in favor of israel's continuing existence. people try to make it mean being against israel's policies. that is NOT what anti-zionist means. it means being against israel's existence. i wish people would ...
genessa replies on Feb 11, 2019:
@Countrywoman ah okay. got it. ick. g
It's possible to be against the Israeli treatment of Palestinians without being anti-semitic.
motrubl4u comments on Feb 11, 2019:
I've been accused of being an anti Semite just because I'm against giving anything to them and because I always say "they're the little guy who picks a bar fight and expects his big friend to handle it"
genessa replies on Feb 11, 2019:
well they didn't pick this particular bar fight, and they give us a lot too, namely intelligence that we need. of course trump just hands that out to the russians. if i were israel, i wouldn't give a damned thing to the u.s.! but then, if i were israel, we would already have a two-state solution, which at the moment neither the israeli administration nor the palestinian leaders wants. bibi is the israeli version of trump, except while he is as bad, he's not as stupid. g
It's possible to be against the Israeli treatment of Palestinians without being anti-semitic.
SkyeDreamer comments on Feb 11, 2019:
I have thought of this often and think this is very possible. One doesn’t have to hate a “people” to think their government’s policies are wrong. Hey look at the USA in the past 2 years.
genessa replies on Feb 11, 2019:
but too many DO hate the jewish people, including the majority of american jews, who are horrified at what israel is doing even as they still protest that israel has a right to exist (which it DOES) and want it to change its administration and policies, not sink into the sea as hamas has many times declared it wants israel and all jews worldwide to do. g
What if magic erasers are dimensional cleaners and that's where all the dirt and stains go.
genessa comments on Feb 11, 2019:
what if no one made ridiculous, meaningless posts, miscategorized at that, just in order to get points? g
genessa replies on Feb 11, 2019:
@Misterfish you mean you'd make a post like that if you didn't? g
genessa comments on Feb 11, 2019:
people who set fires and paint swastikas do not know the difference between jews and jewish extremists, whatever that means (what, they're extremely jewish? how does that hurt anyone?) they just hate jews. the perps ARE extremists. i don't hold with victim-blaming. g
genessa replies on Feb 11, 2019:
@sassygirl3869 well, i don't hang out with them, not that i have a choice -- i don't get out much, i'm an atheist, etc., etc. but chabad has a dandy website with a lot of great explanations of jewish law and custom. my only beef is that jews do not proselytize, which is good, but chabad proselytizes to nonorthodox jews, which apparently is okay but it still bothers me. other than that, hey, they wanna do their thing, they're not hurting anyone. compare and contrast: westboro. g
Television commercial music.... How much do you like it?
genessa comments on Feb 11, 2019:
i pretty much hate all commercial music. some i hate more than others. that doesn't keep the worst of them from sticking in my head, and i hate that too. exception: two suburu commercials have good music, one a song by gregory alan isakov, and i forget the other but i have a vague recollection ...
genessa replies on Feb 11, 2019:
@Cutiebeauty i think it's pretty (and not like the queen of night's misrendered tune). g
genessa comments on Feb 11, 2019:
people who set fires and paint swastikas do not know the difference between jews and jewish extremists, whatever that means (what, they're extremely jewish? how does that hurt anyone?) they just hate jews. the perps ARE extremists. i don't hold with victim-blaming. g
genessa replies on Feb 11, 2019:
@sassygirl3869 yeshiva just means school, a jewish school; it doesn't indicate, by itself, what kind of jews, or how jewish. it can indeed have a high population of chassidim or ultra-orthodox jews, but that is not a definition, and other jews can go if qualified (just like any private school it will have standards to be met -- i don't think most of them are actually religious standards). but extremism in what someone personally practices is not what we generally mean by extremism. don't we usually mean in their behavior toward others? otherwise we speak of orthodoxy, not extremism. it's not as if orthodox jews go from door to door trying to get christians to stop eating pork. i don't think nazis and white supremacists give two poops how religious the school is. they're identifiably jews. that's all these punks care about. hurt jews. they do not care whether they pray twice a week or twice a day, eat pork or eat at mcdonald's. the fact that they go to a jewish school pegs them as jews, whereas a public school that has jews in it doesn't cry out for swastikas. that's all. g
two of my pets. only one is feline. g
Alvinsmama comments on Feb 11, 2019:
I'm so sorry your love is going through this. I can't imagine how hard it is on both of you. I'm glad you have your fur pet to help you both on the difficult journey. I've heard music helps Alzheimer's patients a lot. I wish you all the best. Big hugs.
genessa replies on Feb 11, 2019:
oh boy do i try music -- if only he would keep his hearing aids on! we go to adult day care (he's gonna grumble today because i'm not going with him, and by the way i am the vj, so everyone ELSE will miss the music but not him because he tunes it OUT). anyway thanks for the kind thoughts. g
" .
genessa comments on Feb 11, 2019:
nope, not buying it, not even the spelling (it's peyton place, unless someone has made up a joke name). love is NOT only in somebody else's heart. it's in mine, for example. and right now no one i know is looking everywhere for me, because everyone i know knows where i am, and WHAT is in me? ...
genessa replies on Feb 11, 2019:
@Slava3 um... it wasn't the only spelling mistake, and i wouldn't even have MENTIONED spelling if the thing itself made any sense. i stand by what i said. it is nonsense and untrue. g
How to react in the workplace when your boss comments that "Despite your faults you are a Christian,...
Novelty comments on Feb 11, 2019:
That's one of many advantages of living as a male in a male body in a male world. I've never been shy about my atheism at work, never not once, sometimes they may push for about an hour or so over lunch but it becomes clear and they leave me alone. I believe however that women are far more ...
genessa replies on Feb 11, 2019:
@Mortal every little bit helps, even though sometimes we want to (and sometimes we do) scream out for big, big bits. g
How to react in the workplace when your boss comments that "Despite your faults you are a Christian,...
Novelty comments on Feb 11, 2019:
That's one of many advantages of living as a male in a male body in a male world. I've never been shy about my atheism at work, never not once, sometimes they may push for about an hour or so over lunch but it becomes clear and they leave me alone. I believe however that women are far more ...
genessa replies on Feb 11, 2019:
one of the reasons it is put up with, or has been (hopefully less and less) is that women who did NOT put up with it were, among other things, accused of being witches and murdered. you are obviously an ally and that is a good thing :-)) so many men don't even REALIZE they have the advantage you have described. g
Schultz: "Unions are Not the Answer" | ucomm blog
Ron_R comments on Feb 10, 2019:
I'm not just defending him here, nor am I saying I'd vote for him. Just stating...long before the ACA, you could get good health insurance working just 22.5 hrs at a Starbucks of which they pay a good portion of the premium. Before gay marriage, you could put your partner on insurance. They sell ...
genessa replies on Feb 11, 2019:
@Ron_R trump won, so to speak, but there were people who thought he would. i doubt anyone really thought the indies had a chance. that's because they didn't. g
two of my pets. only one is feline. g
MissKathleen comments on Feb 10, 2019:
The other one looks worn out.
genessa replies on Feb 10, 2019:
@MissKathleen thanks. it helps to have the furbabies about! g
two of my pets. only one is feline. g
MissKathleen comments on Feb 10, 2019:
The other one looks worn out.
genessa replies on Feb 10, 2019:
@MissKathleen at least we are together! g
two of my pets. only one is feline. g
MissKathleen comments on Feb 10, 2019:
The other one looks worn out.
genessa replies on Feb 10, 2019:
@MissKathleen he will be 71 in june and he has alzheimer's. i try to take care of him. g
two of my pets. only one is feline. g
MissKathleen comments on Feb 10, 2019:
The other one looks worn out.
genessa replies on Feb 10, 2019:
he's always worn out! but he loves his tevye. g
Schultz: "Unions are Not the Answer" | ucomm blog
Ron_R comments on Feb 10, 2019:
I'm not just defending him here, nor am I saying I'd vote for him. Just stating...long before the ACA, you could get good health insurance working just 22.5 hrs at a Starbucks of which they pay a good portion of the premium. Before gay marriage, you could put your partner on insurance. They sell ...
genessa replies on Feb 10, 2019:
@Ron_R i just don't trust him and the thing i don't trust MOST about him is that there is no WAY he can possibly think he's going to win. if he thinks he's going to win, he's delusional, and that is disqualifying. if he doesn't think he's going to win, which i am sure he doesn't, then he is being paid to split the liberal vote. that means it doesn't matter what he thinks he stands for. g
Can a woman enjoy her life fully without a man?
mzbehavin comments on Feb 10, 2019:
Of course and men can live happily without women. BTW... gays and lesbians live happy lives without the opposite sex all the time.
genessa replies on Feb 10, 2019:
@Freedompath but that is not what the question asked. it didn't ask about partners. it asked specifically about women without men. g
Schultz: "Unions are Not the Answer" | ucomm blog
Ron_R comments on Feb 10, 2019:
I'm not just defending him here, nor am I saying I'd vote for him. Just stating...long before the ACA, you could get good health insurance working just 22.5 hrs at a Starbucks of which they pay a good portion of the premium. Before gay marriage, you could put your partner on insurance. They sell ...
genessa replies on Feb 10, 2019:
i understand this isn't an endorsement and i hear you, and am not arguing with your point when i mention that i don't think he understands that you can't leave insurance to the kind intentions of the employers; not everyone, not even most employers, will do the right thing that way. there is also the whole concept of insurance as opposed to health care. g
This was history.
Howarth comments on Feb 10, 2019:
those are English written signs, I doubt that English was a common spelling in Europe during that time period
genessa replies on Feb 10, 2019:
after you responded, it was clarified that this was on ellis island, not europe (anyone doing that in europe would've been arrested and sent to a camp) and that the husband was deported back to belgium. g
And elected politician who believes that the earth is flat. Amusement only! []
genessa comments on Feb 6, 2019:
would you like to give us a clue so we know whether or not we want to click? g
genessa replies on Feb 10, 2019:
@ToolGuy thank you kindly! g
I am level one and hopefully will stay on it.
genessa comments on Feb 9, 2019:
why would you want to stay on level one? the levels slowly grant you more privilege to interact on the site. this is a flawed but nonetheless somewhat effective safeguard against an influx of trolls and scammers. there is no advantage to you for you to stay on level one. if you were a scammer, ...
genessa replies on Feb 10, 2019:
@InSaNe_97 politics? whatever. we don't pay THAT much attention to your level. that's your business. so if it's a message for us, it's meaning is lost on us. g
Are we in the Anthropocene.
genessa comments on Feb 8, 2019:
madagascar g
genessa replies on Feb 10, 2019:
@JesseBoren not all of it. not by any means all of it. g
Planning to stream some Albert Finney movies this weekend. Suggestions?
genessa comments on Feb 8, 2019:
saturday night and sunday morning; tom jones; the dresser (you'll become a tom courtenay fan too -- come back and ask for a list of his best, and meanwhile watch unforgotten on pbs). g
genessa replies on Feb 9, 2019:
@BufftonBeotch a friend just sent me this and i thought of you: g
is it time to put a cap on the number of posts someone makes everyday.
Bierbasstard comments on Feb 9, 2019:
Maybe not per day but in a set time. It's like some mambers come to the site, post a dozen posts back to back that they never, ever reply to the comments, then disappear until the next day. But, having recognized them, I just skip past them.
genessa replies on Feb 9, 2019:
there are categories. one can always be selective. g
God does exist .
genessa comments on Feb 9, 2019:
you are most certainly not a fountain of infinite understanding and knowledge. you are a person who deliberately comes to a place where agnostics and atheists can feel comfortable not being harassed by believers and harasses us with your assertions that we're wrong. guess what? that is, at best, ...
genessa replies on Feb 9, 2019:
@TheMiddleWay i am not accusing him of harassment, of me or anyone else (i wouldn't know whom he harassed). i am accusing of being here to harass atheists. i believe that is his intention, based on what he has said and who he claims to be. g
My belief, my faith, my hopes, my trust are all in in Humans.
genessa comments on Feb 8, 2019:
why? i don't think i need to belong to a group because i think or don't think a certain way regarding the universe. it's not as if we would have rituals, or need to confirm what was or wasn't acceptable to the group. as for believing in humans, anyone can see humans exist. believing in our ...
genessa replies on Feb 9, 2019:
@Mcflewster i am already having agony. what has that got to do with hanging out with other atheists in a belief exchange? you didn't mention political activity (or assisted dying) when you suggested a belief exchange, and the name belief exchange doesn't hint at either. i am big on fighting for human rights. i don't need a belief exchange for that. my interest in human rights has nothing whatsoever to do with belief except to the extent that we should have the right not to be imposed upon by the religious beliefs of others. in the states, where i live, we have the freedom from religion foundation. they don't sit around talking about how they do or don't believe. they don't exchange beliefs, and their purpose isn't even to stop other people from being religious. they work to recover and maintain freedom of and from religion, separation of church and state. as for religion's continuing its downward spiral, i don't care at ALL what i care about is that on its way down, or even on its way back up, it is prevented from legislating, executing and adjudicating its way into my life and the lives of others. what people believe on their own time is their business -- just as my last days, and how i feel about them, are mine. g
Would you say that, given your knowledge, etc, of the Goat-herder's Guide to the Galaxy ( Bible) and...
genessa comments on Feb 8, 2019:
i am not familiar with most of what christians call the new testament, and of course old testament does not describe the hebrew bible, with which i am more familiar, and which is the only bible on which judaism is based at all (i think islam gives a nod or two to jesus). i agree the god of the ...
genessa replies on Feb 9, 2019:
@Amisja yeah i suspected he had a role. g
Planning to stream some Albert Finney movies this weekend. Suggestions?
genessa comments on Feb 8, 2019:
saturday night and sunday morning; tom jones; the dresser (you'll become a tom courtenay fan too -- come back and ask for a list of his best, and meanwhile watch unforgotten on pbs). g
genessa replies on Feb 9, 2019:
@BufftonBeotch if i recall. if not, it should've been! now, it would have been better seen on stage, and it shows, but the performances make it all worthwhile. g
Would you say that, given your knowledge, etc, of the Goat-herder's Guide to the Galaxy ( Bible) and...
genessa comments on Feb 8, 2019:
i am not familiar with most of what christians call the new testament, and of course old testament does not describe the hebrew bible, with which i am more familiar, and which is the only bible on which judaism is based at all (i think islam gives a nod or two to jesus). i agree the god of the ...
genessa replies on Feb 9, 2019:
@Triphid yup! g
Would you say that, given your knowledge, etc, of the Goat-herder's Guide to the Galaxy ( Bible) and...
genessa comments on Feb 8, 2019:
i am not familiar with most of what christians call the new testament, and of course old testament does not describe the hebrew bible, with which i am more familiar, and which is the only bible on which judaism is based at all (i think islam gives a nod or two to jesus). i agree the god of the ...
genessa replies on Feb 9, 2019:
@Triphid i think so, yeah, in leviticus and exodus and deuteronomy. while i'm at it, the prediction about the messiah was that he would be a HUMAN king and bring peace in his time. g
Would you say that, given your knowledge, etc, of the Goat-herder's Guide to the Galaxy ( Bible) and...
genessa comments on Feb 8, 2019:
i am not familiar with most of what christians call the new testament, and of course old testament does not describe the hebrew bible, with which i am more familiar, and which is the only bible on which judaism is based at all (i think islam gives a nod or two to jesus). i agree the god of the ...
genessa replies on Feb 9, 2019:
@Closeted lol they expected to regurgitate judaism back to jews who already knew what judaism was? how funny! g
Would you say that, given your knowledge, etc, of the Goat-herder's Guide to the Galaxy ( Bible) and...
genessa comments on Feb 8, 2019:
i am not familiar with most of what christians call the new testament, and of course old testament does not describe the hebrew bible, with which i am more familiar, and which is the only bible on which judaism is based at all (i think islam gives a nod or two to jesus). i agree the god of the ...
genessa replies on Feb 9, 2019:
@Closeted, @Triphid yep loosely lol -- translations vary, and interpretations vary wildly. some random examples: in ezekiel, christians translate a hebrew word -- well, from other english, from other english, from latin, from greek, from hebrew, possibly from aramaic, but let's talk about hebrew -- as "virgin" but there is a hebrew word for virgin and a different one for young woman, and the one used in ezekiel is the one that means young woman, NOT virgin. also the nonchristian interpretation of the whole story is that it's about a specific war or wars, NOT predictive at all. well, oops, that kills the whole "predicts jesus" thing. another thing is ha-satan, not a name but a title, roughly meaning prosecuting attorney, not devil, not fallen angel, not demon.... okay that's random but i am no biblical scholar. jews don't have an old and new testament. they have the hebrew bible. there is talmud too but that's neither a bible nor related in any way to the christian bible; it's a book of commentary. hope that helps. g
Why is the hard-Left so conservative? - UnHerd
F-IM-Forty comments on Feb 8, 2019:
Aren't Social Democrats a bit like White American Progressives without the pretentiousness about how "woke" they are.
genessa replies on Feb 8, 2019:
@Lilburne leftists are proverbial for hating other leftists? it depends on whose proverbs you're reading. i don't think that's actually true. in fact i have noticed that it's something the right works very hard to try to MAKE true. g
Pelosi: "The green dream, or whatever they call it, nobody knows what it is, but they're for it, ...
genessa comments on Feb 7, 2019:
and your source for this? i see several sources for it, and they're all suspicious. mother jones, on the other hand, has a pretty level-headed take on it: but by all means, let's panic and diss pelosi ...
genessa replies on Feb 7, 2019:
@cava i am not worried about mother jones. g
How dare you talk about God's chosen ones! LOL!!! []
Mcflewster comments on Feb 2, 2019:
I often wonder if the phrase "God's chosen ones" started of a whole lot of trouble.
genessa replies on Feb 7, 2019:
@Mcflewster solve what? i already said TWICE how the use of the phrase "chosen people" came up. (i don't know how the phrase "god's chosen ones" came up; that's not a known phrase. the poster uses it but i've never seen it before.) it came up in the story of abraham in the torah. god chooses to offer a deal to the jews, through abraham. abraham accepts the deal, or covenant. so it's both sides choosing to accept the pact. that's IT. nothing else. just that. i can't say it more clearly or succinctly. that's the whole shebang. as for the plight of the jews, which plight do you mean? believe it or not, judaism isn't focused on any plights! rofl! again, i remind you, i know a lot about judaism, not all there is to know, but rather a lot, as a jew, but i AM an atheist. when i talk about a biblical story, i talk about it as a biblical story, nothing more. lots of phrases in common use come from fiction. g
My father died believing the catholic bible which we know is full of errors and evil.
genessa comments on Feb 6, 2019:
sorry about your dad but this is a question that depends on accepting a fantasy. it's like asking "if my father was a bird and flew away, where do you think he flew?" he was NOT a bird and did NOT fly away, so the question can't be answered. there is no life after death except the natural ...
genessa replies on Feb 7, 2019:
@Russel51 there is human life wasted because of religion but i don't understand how your post about the afterlife is an example of it. it's fantasy, but how does it waste human life? the dead people will still be dead regardless of what any of us might believe. believing in an afterlife isn't the same as shooting up a school or going on a crusade. g
Just had a weird conversation with a co-worker.
genessa comments on Feb 6, 2019:
he is the one who is not logical but because he isn't, he'll never see it. pat him on the head and say "there there, it's all right" and walk away. he'll never ever get it. g
genessa replies on Feb 7, 2019:
@ATDayHiker alas not unusual anywhere as far as i can see. and it never occurs to them it might be offensive. from their perspective, how can it be offensive when they're wishing us well? they don't see it as pushing their religious concepts onto others. g
Do other people on this site frequently edit their profiles and bios?
genessa comments on Feb 6, 2019:
i edited mine yesterday for the first time, and i hope for the last time in a long while. yesterday one of my beloved cats died so i adjusted the number of cats mentioned in the profile. g
genessa replies on Feb 7, 2019:
@Deb57 thank you. g
NY Abortion Law, governors article []
genessa comments on Feb 6, 2019:
for those who have run out of free nyt reads: Opinion Andrew Cuomo: Trump’s Assault on Abortion Rights Must Be Rejected The president and the religious right are spreading falsehoods about abortion laws to inflame their base. By Andrew M. Cuomo Mr. Cuomo is the governor of New York. ...
genessa replies on Feb 7, 2019:
@Lorajay no problem. i often run out myself and i appreciate when others provide the text. if i had ANY money i'd subscribe to wapo and nyt, maybe others but definitely those two. g
Just had a weird conversation with a co-worker.
genessa comments on Feb 6, 2019:
he is the one who is not logical but because he isn't, he'll never see it. pat him on the head and say "there there, it's all right" and walk away. he'll never ever get it. g
genessa replies on Feb 6, 2019:
@ATDayHiker i was told today to have a blessed day (pronounced, in this case, blest day). i bit my tongue. g
If you don't agree, I'd say you're not human.
genessa comments on Feb 6, 2019:
yesterday my golde died... at home. the vet wanted to put her down and i said no. i took her home and she died hours later, as expected, but we had some snuggles. at one point she emerged from the safe, soft, warm place i had put her, so that she could put her paw on my shoulder and lay her cheek...
genessa replies on Feb 6, 2019:
@Mortal thank you, dear. i don't know if i am okay but it doesn't matter; i plug on. it's hard to go into the bathroom because i fed her there, or the kitchen because she would ask me there to feed her in the bathroom, or the bedroom because she was my pillow cat, or the living room because her favorite chair is empty.... how am i supposed to go into any room of the house and not cry? so i cry. g
I watched 45s state of the union.
genessa comments on Feb 6, 2019:
it was actually more insidious than that. it boiled down to "if you don't stop investigating me, i will start a war, and i won't sign any legislation." there was also a bit of "immigrants are murderers and new york lets doctors murder babies minutes before they're born," neither of which is true ...
genessa replies on Feb 6, 2019:
@thinktwice only his physical presence in the white house... and i guess if you're a 13-year-old girl tied to a bed and being told your family will be murdered if you don't give the fat old orange man a blow job, that would be scary. g
I watched 45s state of the union.
genessa comments on Feb 6, 2019:
it was actually more insidious than that. it boiled down to "if you don't stop investigating me, i will start a war, and i won't sign any legislation." there was also a bit of "immigrants are murderers and new york lets doctors murder babies minutes before they're born," neither of which is true ...
genessa replies on Feb 6, 2019:
@thinktwice he is a scary guy, but not for the reasons he thinks he is. he thinks he's scary because he's big and strong and brave. he is scary because he's a big fat orange uncontrolled illiterate immature stupid ignorant malevolent narcissist. g
I watched 45s state of the union.
genessa comments on Feb 6, 2019:
it was actually more insidious than that. it boiled down to "if you don't stop investigating me, i will start a war, and i won't sign any legislation." there was also a bit of "immigrants are murderers and new york lets doctors murder babies minutes before they're born," neither of which is true ...
genessa replies on Feb 6, 2019:
@mojo5501 if he wants to be a hero, why doesn't he go down to the very dangerous border, armed with tear gas, and spray a mother and small child, to show how brave he is -- the real courage of course would involve being willing to be taped doing so, and then see how many trumpkins believe his denials. g
Was Rand correct
genessa comments on Sep 11, 2018:
rand is correct once in a long while, definitely by accident. this isn't one of those times. he dead wrong, as usual. g
genessa replies on Feb 6, 2019:
@sfvpool i don't agree with her at all, and what you quoted above does not agree with what i quoted from the institute i still consider her a hypocrite and i will never be a rand fan. g
Was Rand correct
genessa comments on Sep 11, 2018:
rand is correct once in a long while, definitely by accident. this isn't one of those times. he dead wrong, as usual. g
genessa replies on Feb 6, 2019:
@sfvpool from the ayn rand institute: "In fact, Social Security is not insurance. It merely seizes income from working Americans and dispenses it to retirees, with a vague (but legally unenforceable) assurance that younger Americans will someday get to reach into the pockets of their kids and grandkids. We shouldn’t hide that fact with euphemisms. “Contributions” should be called “taxes.” “Benefits” should be called “handouts.” Social Security shouldn’t be described as “social insurance” but as welfare." now i don't AGREE with the ayn rand institute but we must assume that the institute got its attitude from rand herself, in which case SHE believed social security was welfare, and yet, while railing against welfare, she did willingly receive it. in light of this, whether or not she needed it is irrelevant. her hypocrisy is clear. g
Was Rand correct
genessa comments on Sep 11, 2018:
rand is correct once in a long while, definitely by accident. this isn't one of those times. he dead wrong, as usual. g
genessa replies on Feb 6, 2019:
@sfvpool i have always said it that way. so many people are pronouncing it "ann" and i don't know how they get that from "ayn." g
Minimum wage shouldn't be a living wage?
HailSatan81 comments on Feb 6, 2019:
Not only what was said in the screen shot, but who does he think is running the fast food joints when these teenagers are at school?
genessa replies on Feb 6, 2019:
lol are you accusing the out-of-toucher of actual thinking? g
[] Stupid woman. Why doesn't stick to acting in crappy movies ?
genessa comments on Feb 6, 2019:
you think that because she is an idiot, at least in this regard, and sells a potentially harmful product, that means her movies are crappy? what does one thing have to do with another? stick to the issue. g
genessa replies on Feb 6, 2019:
@Moravian that is generally true, partly because books do a different thing to the brain than films do. i can think of an exception though: sophie's choice. the film was far superior to the book because styron decided to devote whole chapters to stingo's sex life and they were irrelevant to the story, but someone must have said "this will never sell; throw some sex in." the filmmakers wisely decided to leave those chapters out. g
Schultz: "Unions are Not the Answer" | ucomm blog
ronnie40356 comments on Feb 6, 2019:
I have no faith in him and prefer he go back to counting his billions.
genessa replies on Feb 6, 2019:
oh i have every faith in him: that he has been bought and paid for by the republicans to split the liberal vote, that he's a union-buster, which makes he vile in my book, and that he is in addition to that totally clueless. by trumpkin standards that makes him about perfect. for me... ick. g
[] Stupid woman. Why doesn't stick to acting in crappy movies ?
genessa comments on Feb 6, 2019:
you think that because she is an idiot, at least in this regard, and sells a potentially harmful product, that means her movies are crappy? what does one thing have to do with another? stick to the issue. g
genessa replies on Feb 6, 2019:
@Moravian lol i read the book... does that count? g
[] Stupid woman. Why doesn't stick to acting in crappy movies ?
genessa comments on Feb 6, 2019:
you think that because she is an idiot, at least in this regard, and sells a potentially harmful product, that means her movies are crappy? what does one thing have to do with another? stick to the issue. g
genessa replies on Feb 6, 2019:
@Moravian i agree totally. so stick to the issue, which you have correctly stated, and judge her movies when you've seen them, or at least heard from others you trust (who have seen them) that they're crappy lol. (that would not be me; i have seen little of her. what i saw was good. that has nothing to do with goop of course.) james woods was a brilliant actor. he blew me away in holocaust. there was an episode of e.r., a show i rarely watched, in which he brought me to tears. have you seen his politics? he's a MORON! i don't know why it doesn't, or didn't, affect his acting, but somehow it didn't. i try not to confuse the two things. g
Minimum wage shouldn't be a living wage?
BillF comments on Feb 6, 2019:
If you look around grocery stores you will see adults who are trying to get by and that is the job they can get. Business's rarely hire people with experiance because they want someone to do the job without thinking about the wage. We don't have a jobless problem we have an employer problem.
genessa replies on Feb 6, 2019:
indeed. and it's a vicious cycle too because of course the complaint is that these people should educate themselves so they can get better jobs so they'll deserve better wages, but education is only for the elite too, right? and not everyone is a genius. it doesn't mean they're stupid; it's just that not every was born to be steve jobs or louis pasteur or beethoven. meanwhile we still want our burgers, and we want our stores stocked. g
Oh i forgot that recently ousted democratic senator claire mccaskill was joining msnbc.
PalacinkyPDX comments on Feb 5, 2019:
Never been a fan of hers. A blue dog democrat. No thanks.
genessa replies on Feb 5, 2019:
i like her. she's not perfect. voltaire said the perfect is the enemy of the good. she is good. and i'd rather have her in the senate than the repug who's there now! g
my cat golde just died.
genessa comments on Feb 5, 2019:
some pictures of golde including a baby picture of her with her brother tevye, who is slowing down but still okay. g
genessa replies on Feb 5, 2019:
@A2Jennifer she was unusual in many ways, from her ducklike quack to her musical purr, all up and down the scale, to the fact that she would groom my hair and make a much straighter part than i ever managed! g
How US led coups work. Funny read but very accurate. []
genessa comments on Feb 5, 2019:
it would've been nice to tell us what this was about, even briefly, even with one line, so we'd know whether we were interested. not everyone likes to click some strange link to some site we've never heard of without the tiniest clue. g
genessa replies on Feb 5, 2019:
@Ceaselessmind i am sure many more people will click the link now that they know what it's for. thank you. g
Star Wars is just Dune for kids.
genessa comments on Feb 4, 2019:
star wars is just three bad men in a hidden fortress for americans. the original is better, too. g
genessa replies on Feb 5, 2019:
@Kohelath ah okay. not a fan of either but i love kurosawa (whom i did get to meet). g
Okay, so there ain't no God.
GothRik comments on Feb 5, 2019:
Why are we here? Reminded me of a quote by Douglas Adams about a puddle :- “This is rather as if you imagine a puddle waking up one morning and thinking, 'This is an interesting world I find myself in — an interesting hole I find myself in — fits me rather neatly, doesn't it? In fact it ...
genessa replies on Feb 5, 2019:
@GothRik exactly. and i still stand by what i said. g


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