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Okay, so there ain't no God.
GothRik comments on Feb 5, 2019:
Why are we here? Reminded me of a quote by Douglas Adams about a puddle :- “This is rather as if you imagine a puddle waking up one morning and thinking, 'This is an interesting world I find myself in — an interesting hole I find myself in — fits me rather neatly, doesn't it? In fact it ...
genessa replies on Feb 5, 2019:
the "christian quote[sic]" is sort of a summarization of leviticus in one sentence. it is not originally a christian idea; it is a jewish one. the summarization, admittedly, is in the christian bible. the character of jesus, whether fictional or real, was jewish, and much of what he taught is actually paraphrasing (or even exact quoting) of jewish teachings, g
Okay, so there ain't no God.
Dietl comments on Feb 5, 2019:
"who's running the game?" is a loaded question.You are already assuming that there is something that is "running the game". The same with the other questions. If I ask "when did you stop beating your wife?" you obviously wouldn't agree that a yes/no answer was sufficient, right? So look into what ...
genessa replies on Feb 5, 2019:
@FlyingEagle1952 there has to be something that created this place? nope. wrong. there doesn't have to be, just because you think there has to be. the universe is what it is. no one has actually seen any evidence whatsoever of a creator. so no, there doesn't have to be something that created this place. g
How dare you talk about God's chosen ones! LOL!!! []
Mcflewster comments on Feb 2, 2019:
I often wonder if the phrase "God's chosen ones" started of a whole lot of trouble.
genessa replies on Feb 5, 2019:
@Mcflewster if you want to improve your image of the jews, with regard to this particular post, understand that jews do not refer to themselves as "god's chosen ones." maybe someone does. i wouldn't know. jews don't. we sometimes say "the chosen people" because of the part of the bible where abrahama and god make a covenant. one must assume in that story that if abraham said no for some reason, god would've asked someone else lol. it's fiction, but that's where that idea comes from. chosen for a covenant. not chosen as in better, not chosen as in superior, not chosen as in only jews go to heaven, not any of that. just chosen for the covenant, which means a promise, not anything else. not what people assume it means. not something to diss jews about. g
How dare you talk about God's chosen ones! LOL!!! []
Mcflewster comments on Feb 2, 2019:
I often wonder if the phrase "God's chosen ones" started of a whole lot of trouble.
genessa replies on Feb 5, 2019:
@Mcflewster no i'm not. i'm talking about judaism, which exists, not god, which doesn't. historical theism is why the phrase i said -- the chosen people -- was used. the phrase god's chosen ones isn't even a thing. i don't think the phrase that actually IS a thing did any more or less harm than any other aspect of any religion. that's an assumption based, like everything you said about ME, on facts not in evidence. and there is no sibling rivalry happening here. i was correcting a misapprehension. you want me to explain it in a different context and i explained it in its proper context already. i neither said nor implied that there were any gods, not anything about the bible whatsoever except to refer to the story from which the phrase (the correct phrase) is derived. i'm not going to turn it into something it's not. g
Star Wars is just Dune for kids.
genessa comments on Feb 4, 2019:
star wars is just three bad men in a hidden fortress for americans. the original is better, too. g
genessa replies on Feb 5, 2019:
@Kohelath um no. because kurosawa was actually prolific and good. g
So, you know how you can see all the folks who visit your profile page.
genessa comments on Feb 4, 2019:
1. it's an international site. 2. ONLY 44? 3. the site is relatively new. 4. should people not look at your page unless they live around the corner? some people may be curious about who you are without specifically planning to visit you. 5. some people hover over your name by accident. ...
genessa replies on Feb 4, 2019:
@Ejomitchell everything in my list is true, but i actually said nothing about you personally whatsoever. g
Do you think that standing up for Freedom of Religion helps promote Freedom from Religion?
genessa comments on Feb 4, 2019:
freedom of religion INCLUDES freedom from religion. g
genessa replies on Feb 4, 2019:
@DavidLaDeau it's the constitution and it's failing in many aspects because people ignore it or try to get around it. g
I suppose I’ve always been an Athiest, but for years I was happily non-religious and didn’t give...
genessa comments on Feb 3, 2019:
i don't care what nonsense people believe until it affects their behavior with regard to others. if they're not legislating, executing or adjudicating their religion, or either pressing it upon others or discriminating against those who don't share their delusion (or who maybe even do, but happen ...
genessa replies on Feb 4, 2019:
@Mooncopper oh yeah. i try to be nice but you know, having jesus dumped on me does make me cranky! g
How to shut people up when they bitch about black history month.
genessa comments on Feb 4, 2019:
tell them every month is white history month and surely they can spare ONE for black history. g
genessa replies on Feb 4, 2019:
@ProudMerrie then they're too stupid to teach and you should pat them on the head with a pitying smile and leave them be. g
How dare you talk about God's chosen ones! LOL!!! []
genessa comments on Feb 2, 2019:
the word "chosen" isn't even IN this article. so whom are you addressing with your "how dare you"? there is no such expression as "god's chosen ones." jews are sometimes referred to as "the chosen people" because of the part of the hebrew bible in which god offers abraham the choice of entering ...
genessa replies on Feb 4, 2019:
@IAJO163 yep. i appear to be the only one in the room with a problem with it, and that must mean i'm wrong, right? whatEVER. g
How dare you talk about God's chosen ones! LOL!!! []
genessa comments on Feb 2, 2019:
the word "chosen" isn't even IN this article. so whom are you addressing with your "how dare you"? there is no such expression as "god's chosen ones." jews are sometimes referred to as "the chosen people" because of the part of the hebrew bible in which god offers abraham the choice of entering ...
genessa replies on Feb 4, 2019:
@IAJO163 not being serious is one thing. being offensive is another, and saying something is a joke doesn't change it. the article wasn't a joke but even so it's okay to have a humorous reaction to it.... if the humorous reaction isn't bigoted, which yours was. g
How dare you talk about God's chosen ones! LOL!!! []
Mcflewster comments on Feb 2, 2019:
I often wonder if the phrase "God's chosen ones" started of a whole lot of trouble.
genessa replies on Feb 4, 2019:
@Mcflewster no it doesn't. it's the chosen people. and i AM a jew, and i just DID explain. and your last sentence shows me you're right, that you did not understand what i said. please read it again. i DID explain. keep in mind that i am an atheist, but i am also jewish and i understand what was and wasn't said. g
I really dont get the point of this site
dml420 comments on Feb 3, 2019:
Why are you ppl being such jackasses i made a simple comment and i get treated like a retard what the hell...... I never thought this was a porn site i hate porn but ive been on this site now for at least 3 months and nothing happens here i dont get notifications of anything no one talks to me ...
genessa replies on Feb 4, 2019:
nothing is SUPPOSED to happen. it's a site for YOU to do things, not sit back and wait for people to fall at your feet. your english is NOT plain english. i don't make initial caps. that bugs some people. however, i think my stuff is easy to read, and i don't eschew initial caps out of laziness, or out of ego (read me as i am or screw you, which is what YOUR attitude seems to be). i have arthritis in my hands. this isn't texting. this is communication with all kinds of people, some of whom don't text, some of whom (like me) have bad eyes. don't be calling what you do plain english. it's NOT. anyway, you get out of this site what you put into it. so far all you've put into it are complaints and incomprehensible, long, unreadable, offputting posts. and by the way, telling you this, honestly, in response to your rude, babyish complaints that we're too stupid to wade through your horrible writing, is NOT treating you like a piece of shit, NOT acting like jackasses, none of the things you say. nope, that's not us behaving that way. look in a mirror. g
25 Obscure English Words
Cast1es comments on Jan 31, 2019:
The problem with using words no one knows , is that no one will know what you're saying . How often are you likely to have an occasion to discuss otter poop ?
genessa replies on Feb 4, 2019:
but some of us do know these words, or some of them. so come talk to us with them! g
So, why are you an Atheist?
BestWithoutGods comments on Feb 3, 2019:
I have studied the Bible enough to know that it is full of contradictions and false prophecies. If there were a god, would she really claim the Bible to be her word? I have asked many Christians for evidence that the Bible is true and that gods really exist. They have been unable to provide me with ...
genessa replies on Feb 3, 2019:
wait... prometheus wasn't real? i'm shattered! g
Am I the only one that's sick and fucking tired of post from sadistic assholes that express their ...
genessa comments on Feb 3, 2019:
i actually liked her. i still do. and yes, those assholes are sadistic, but then, you know, they're assholes. g
genessa replies on Feb 3, 2019:
@mojo5501 i am always sorry to hear about such ignorance. i hope they're smart and knowledgeable in other ways. i don't usually find this to be the case, but i can hope! g
Am I the only one that's sick and fucking tired of post from sadistic assholes that express their ...
genessa comments on Feb 3, 2019:
i actually liked her. i still do. and yes, those assholes are sadistic, but then, you know, they're assholes. g
genessa replies on Feb 3, 2019:
@mojo5501 what do they say he is doing a good job AT? i've never heard a single one who says he's doing a good job say at what. not once. g
I don't want to spark an outrage but what are your thoughts about Colin Kaepernick and the massive ...
BSquared comments on Feb 3, 2019:
I stand (kneel) with Colin! If you dont think we have a problem with systemic racism in America look no futher than Va.'s idiot governor.
genessa replies on Feb 3, 2019:
@SeaGreenEyez poor taste is one thing. posing as, or with, kkk is not "poor taste." having the nickname "coonman" in conjunction with that is not just "poor taste." that's racist. now, i have a feeling, from my observations of him as governor, that he isn't like that anymore. however, he is being dishonest about it. he first took responsibility (and said that what he did was wrong, so yeah, i guess he was admitting something anyway) and now he is saying he never saw that page, he wasn't in the picture, he didn't even buy a yearbook (as if that matters). that's not a proper reaction and walking back his apology isn't exactly good behavior in and of itself. that's not what a proper public servant in a high position does. and guess what? racism wasn't funny in the mid-80s either. it really wasn't. g
Am I the only one that's sick and fucking tired of post from sadistic assholes that express their ...
genessa comments on Feb 3, 2019:
i actually liked her. i still do. and yes, those assholes are sadistic, but then, you know, they're assholes. g
genessa replies on Feb 3, 2019:
@mojo5501 they say those things? i am not just talking about people who like trump. @mortal was specifically talking about people who were delighted that hillary's supporters cried. that's not the same as just anyone who is misinformed, or duped, or whatever. he got very specific about who he was talking about: people who taunt us and call us names. if your family members, coworkers and friends do that, i am awfully sorry for you. it's not your fault. but they are acting like assholes if they're doing that. g
I don't want to spark an outrage but what are your thoughts about Colin Kaepernick and the massive ...
BSquared comments on Feb 3, 2019:
I stand (kneel) with Colin! If you dont think we have a problem with systemic racism in America look no futher than Va.'s idiot governor.
genessa replies on Feb 3, 2019:
i don't think northam is a racist anymore. i think he was. i don't think he was a dedicated one; i think he was a thoughtless one, the kind that just goes along with things. (that's not especially admirable, and that goes double for a public servant!) i think he is dishonest in walking back the whole thing -- first he was sorry and takes responsibility but now he doesn't think he was even in the picture (under his name, on his page -- and his nickname was coonman). his problem isn't racism. it's dishonesty. he's probably not even an idiot. too bad. he needs to go, regardless. g
FACT CHECK: Does Elizabeth Warren Have a Piece of Racist Memorabilia on Her Kitchen Shelf?
photoelectric comments on Feb 3, 2019:
Has she apologized for pretending to be Native American, so she could get into Harvard? It's pretty low.
genessa replies on Feb 3, 2019:
i might add that this is not only false, but it's what-aboutism, since even if it was true (which it isn't) it would have nothing to do with THIS lie about her. it's a DIFFERENT lie about her. g
FACT CHECK: Does Elizabeth Warren Have a Piece of Racist Memorabilia on Her Kitchen Shelf?
photoelectric comments on Feb 3, 2019:
Has she apologized for pretending to be Native American, so she could get into Harvard? It's pretty low.
genessa replies on Feb 3, 2019:
well, there is no need for her to apologize since for one thing, she isn't pretending to be native american. her parents told her there was native american blood in her heritage. she never claimed to be a full-blooded native american, and she didn't use her ancestry to get into harvard. you've been listening to fox again eh? g
FACT CHECK: Does Elizabeth Warren Have a Piece of Racist Memorabilia on Her Kitchen Shelf?
DukeOfEarlville comments on Feb 3, 2019:
What was on her shelf?
genessa replies on Feb 3, 2019:
there was a picture of it in the article, if you click the link. she had a trio of very innocuous decorations (none of which represented people or resembled the picture -- also in the article -- of the black figure with the watermelon SAID to have been on her shelf). g
How dare you talk about God's chosen ones! LOL!!! []
Mcflewster comments on Feb 2, 2019:
I often wonder if the phrase "God's chosen ones" started of a whole lot of trouble.
genessa replies on Feb 3, 2019:
it would if it was actually a phrase. it's not. "the chosen people" is. see my explanation above. i don't think it is what caused the trouble, though, even though it is so much misunderstood. g
How dare you talk about God's chosen ones! LOL!!! []
genessa comments on Feb 2, 2019:
the word "chosen" isn't even IN this article. so whom are you addressing with your "how dare you"? there is no such expression as "god's chosen ones." jews are sometimes referred to as "the chosen people" because of the part of the hebrew bible in which god offers abraham the choice of entering ...
genessa replies on Feb 3, 2019:
@IAJO163 yes we do. and i do not see the humor in antisemitism, even expressed in a joking manner... maybe especially expressed in a joking manner. you are correct. i do not see the humor in what you said, and of course the article itself was not sarcastic or satirical, not meant to be humorous. g
How dare you talk about God's chosen ones! LOL!!! []
genessa comments on Feb 2, 2019:
the word "chosen" isn't even IN this article. so whom are you addressing with your "how dare you"? there is no such expression as "god's chosen ones." jews are sometimes referred to as "the chosen people" because of the part of the hebrew bible in which god offers abraham the choice of entering ...
genessa replies on Feb 3, 2019:
@IAJO163 i stand by every word i said. by the way, it is not proper to tell people who take the time and make the effort to respond thoughtfully to a nonsarcastic article to lighten up, just because you mistakenly think you commented with effective sarcasm. g
Would you pay extra taxes so that all can get health care?
Biptu comments on Feb 2, 2019:
No. Gov and health Care is already bloated enough
genessa replies on Feb 3, 2019:
how does health care strike you as bloated? health care is skinny and dying. health insurance is thriving but that's not health care. as for government, the current administration hasn't even filled most of the important positions that government NEEDS to run. it's not bloated. it's starving to death. what's bloated is the greed of the current administration. g
Would you pay extra taxes so that all can get health care?
genessa comments on Feb 2, 2019:
in what universe would that be considered extra? does anyone ask this about wars? road repair? is healthcare less important than road repair? it's not extra... and it would be cheaper per person than paying for health care out of pocket. by the way, america is not asking kamala harris how she ...
genessa replies on Feb 3, 2019:
@IAJO163 indeed! life, liberty and pursuit of happiness. if your life is in danger or impaired, if your liberty is impaired by your health, how the hell do you pursue happiness? if you have to choose between feeding your kids and making sure they get lifesaving medical care, how is that liberty? g
Voter identification
genessa comments on Feb 2, 2019:
every state requires identification. some states make you jump through so many hoops, and are so restrictive about what kind of i.d. they take that legitimate voters are disenfranchised. for example, texas won't let married women vote unless they can show their marriage certificates to explain why...
genessa replies on Feb 3, 2019:
@RobertMartin that would be fine. that's not what some states are requiring. they're requiring stuff a lot of folks can't come up with (and practicing voter repression in other ways that have nothing to do with i.d.s as well). g
Voter identification
genessa comments on Feb 2, 2019:
every state requires identification. some states make you jump through so many hoops, and are so restrictive about what kind of i.d. they take that legitimate voters are disenfranchised. for example, texas won't let married women vote unless they can show their marriage certificates to explain why...
genessa replies on Feb 2, 2019:
i just read some comments and saw that some states don't require i.d.... but surely you have to show who you are somehow? it used to be an envelope from a utility bill would do the trick. g
Would you pay extra taxes so that all can get health care?
Zster comments on Feb 2, 2019:
I could come out ahead to pay more in taxes for it if my premiums, deductible, or direct medical costs went down as a result (without reducing the quality of coverage even more). Currently, my monthly premiums cost more than twice my mortgage and I still get to pay in full for doctor's visits ...
genessa replies on Feb 2, 2019:
@Zster we are! g
When religious practice moved from the temples and the priests to the private homes and individual ...
genessa comments on Feb 2, 2019:
i don't think so. we need to be careful not to be accused of brainwashing. just saying "there is no god, those other folks are crazy" over and over again, or making a useless ritual, will just breed rebellion, and we'll end up with kids in cults. what we need in the home is normal behavior, and ...
genessa replies on Feb 2, 2019:
@Marine start one! it must be easy enough to find contact info on ron reagan (love his public service announcement saying he is not afraid of burning in hell!) he'll tell you, or connect you with someone who will tell you, how to set up a chapter. that would be a GREAT thing to do! i mean why reinvent the wheel when the freedom from religion foundation already does all that stuff? start a chapter! g
When religious practice moved from the temples and the priests to the private homes and individual ...
genessa comments on Feb 2, 2019:
i don't think so. we need to be careful not to be accused of brainwashing. just saying "there is no god, those other folks are crazy" over and over again, or making a useless ritual, will just breed rebellion, and we'll end up with kids in cults. what we need in the home is normal behavior, and ...
genessa replies on Feb 2, 2019:
@Marine i would rather we joined an entity like the freedom from religion foundation. g
Would you pay extra taxes so that all can get health care?
Zster comments on Feb 2, 2019:
I could come out ahead to pay more in taxes for it if my premiums, deductible, or direct medical costs went down as a result (without reducing the quality of coverage even more). Currently, my monthly premiums cost more than twice my mortgage and I still get to pay in full for doctor's visits ...
genessa replies on Feb 2, 2019:
your quality of care would go UP because you wouldn't have insurance companies telling the doctors what procedure or drug to use for you. cutting out the middle man (in this case the insurance companies) cuts costs. premiums wouldn't exist; any tax increase would be nowhere NEAR the cost the premiums were, not to mention copays and deductibles. g
Would you pay extra taxes so that all can get health care?
MrDMC comments on Feb 2, 2019:
We pay taxes for food stamps to keep people alive on a nutritional standpoint. The same would apply on a mediclal standpoint.
genessa replies on Feb 2, 2019:
actually food stamps pay for themselves. for every buck paid into food stamps, a food-stamp recipient puts more than a buck back into the economy. the snap program is highly economical... unlike the "give huge tax breaks to the people who need them least (the super rich}" program. free health care isn't charity. free health care would be 1. cheaper per person and 2. put healthy workers back into the economy. think about this one tiny isolated example: darden (olive garden, red lobster) doesn't pay its workers enough that an unpaid day off is tenable, and also doesn't give paid sick leave. this means restaurant workers are coming to work sick and touching YOUR food if you eat there, and then YOU get sick. just fixing that one thing alone would help so many workplaces, not to mention individuals, increase productivity and thus profit. that's just one teeny tiny example, too. g
there are headlines stating that republicans are calling for the resignation of the democratic ...
t1nick comments on Feb 1, 2019:
Would we expect anything less from republicans.
genessa replies on Feb 1, 2019:
well, it's not only republicans writing the headlines. but yeah, them too. g
there are headlines stating that republicans are calling for the resignation of the democratic ...
Novelty comments on Feb 1, 2019:
I keep hearing the term "Left wing bias" or "Left wing media" clearly the media has a Right wing bias.
genessa replies on Feb 1, 2019:
it always has. msnbc has noted that both parties are calling for his resignation, as well as nonpartisan groups such as the naacp. g
today is a day of sounds.
MissKathleen comments on Feb 1, 2019:
lol...busy day!
genessa replies on Feb 1, 2019:
oh that wasn't all of it, but i didn't want to recount the rest but rather wanted to end with wendy's charming behavior. g
It’s hard to believe that in 2008 I was canvassing for Obama. What changed?
heymoe2001 comments on Jan 25, 2019:
Both sides have gone off the deep end. There is no way conservatives at the moment can be considered reasonable but the other side is equally ridiculous. There seems to be an all-or-nothing, us-against-them manner of thinking. It is dangerous and it got this country a baffoon in the whitehouse....
genessa replies on Feb 1, 2019:
@heymoe2001 when you say the democrats, you mean the voters, not the party, which is not generally what we mean when we say THE democrats. a lot of them were not actually democrats but let's pretend they were: even so, hillary got almost three million more votes then trump. that wasn't enough, though it should've been; jill stein made a dent, and nonvoters did too, but you know what? i can't totally blame the nonvoters because voter suppression was MASSIVE, and i believe it had a MUCH bigger effect than anything else. i think an awful lot of nonvoters wanted to vote and were prevented from doing so, and if we don't do something about that, it'll happen again. g
today is a day of sounds.
Susieq comments on Feb 1, 2019:
you should neuter your cats
genessa replies on Feb 1, 2019:
@RavenCT oh it's been a struggle! we have black mold and it's been over a YEAR we spent trying to get funding, first for the air quality test, then for two estimates, and my guy's elder waiver is picky about which company... we still don't have the estimate from the company they favor, which sent assessors this past wednesday. turns out they can take out the stuff with the mold -- ceiling, cabinet floors, bits of wall -- but they can't put the drywall back IN, or rebuild the cabinets. and that was all BEFORE this burst pipe. (the toilet used to overflow regularly and that caused the mold.) it's just one thing after another. i'm supposed to have a homemaker and personal care assistant too, being disabled and old and all, but they can't do that until the mold is gone and meanwhile the ils worker is not allowed to come in the house AND her agency wouldn't even permit her to work this week because of the wind chill! (i'm in minnesota.) even the post office wouldn't send out their mailpersons! oyoyoy. but at least i have my darlings to do cute wonderful things and snuggle and love each other and me. g
today is a day of sounds.
Susieq comments on Feb 1, 2019:
you should neuter your cats
genessa replies on Feb 1, 2019:
@RavenCT i have tried EVERYTHING, thanks. i appreciate your offer but i have been working hard on all of it, for years actually. i have an independent living specialist and she helps. we have had grants for various things but MORE things keep happening! we're old and so are the cats (the dog is young). at their ages 15, 16 and 17 i am not going to do anything to my babies that requires any kind of anesthesia, which is hard on the heart. we did what we could when we could do it, which is why more of them are neutered/spayed than otherwise (i've named them all above). the day wendy was conceived, i was on the phone pricing spay and neuter. tevye wasn't a year old yet; penny was two. i heard a noise behind me. it was tev on pen. oops. i hung up the phone! golde was spayed for free but that service was only for ONE cat per family. we chose her. we did others as we could. tev, although neutered, does try to help pen out. he can't remember what to do, and meanwhile ramona thinks he's hurting her and barks at him! (the two of them, dog and cat, are actually very close.) g
today is a day of sounds.
Susieq comments on Feb 1, 2019:
you should neuter your cats
genessa replies on Feb 1, 2019:
well, that is easier said than done. tevye is neutered. golde and wendy are spayed. ramona the dog is spayed. penny and kuma are not, and they're old; at this point i would not put them through it even if i had the couple hundred bucks it would cost. and now we have to pay to repair a broken pipe, and that includes busting through drywall and replacing it! we're still paying off the $7500 unexpected expense of the new furnace and air conditioner, and the unexpected expense of recently have had to replace a toilet. and my food stamps just got cut by $10 because social security gave me a $20 raise. not to be rude, but when it comes to telling other people SHOULDs, when you don't know their circumstance you SHOULDN'T. g
How the dems will lose the 2020 election./
Marine comments on Jan 31, 2019:
Trump has been an extreme president and if the Democrats run another extreme president we will loose to a good republican candidate and I believe there will be one. We are seeing ultra left candidates who are preaching 99% estate tax on the rich(Bernie) Free healthcare and college (Harris) 70% ...
genessa replies on Feb 1, 2019:
@thinktwice well, what about them? they would get tax credits for doing that. i keep mentioning this and no one pays any attention. no, the ones who are wealthy and don't fit into the negative category are actually saying that taxes should be raised on them! and no, most of us are not using the bad examples across the board unfairly. the problem is rampant. it IS prevalent. g
How the dems will lose the 2020 election./
Marine comments on Jan 31, 2019:
Trump has been an extreme president and if the Democrats run another extreme president we will loose to a good republican candidate and I believe there will be one. We are seeing ultra left candidates who are preaching 99% estate tax on the rich(Bernie) Free healthcare and college (Harris) 70% ...
genessa replies on Feb 1, 2019:
@thinktwice i think you know what is fair. when the ceo of a company lays off workers and won't raise their wages, but takes a huge bonus at the end of the year, that's not fair. when he avoids paying taxes by hiding his money in off-shore tax shelters, that's not fair. when on the money he admits having he pays a tax rate lower than that a teacher or factory worker pays, that's not fair. when he is not taxed on money he makes by investing money because he didn't WORK for it, and workers are taxed on their wages because they DID work for it, that's not fair. you can extrapolate from what's not fair what would be fair. g
How the dems will lose the 2020 election./
Marine comments on Jan 31, 2019:
Trump has been an extreme president and if the Democrats run another extreme president we will loose to a good republican candidate and I believe there will be one. We are seeing ultra left candidates who are preaching 99% estate tax on the rich(Bernie) Free healthcare and college (Harris) 70% ...
genessa replies on Feb 1, 2019:
@thinktwice taxing the rich fairly is not an attack -- and the funny thing is, rich democrats are asking for higher taxes on themselves too! g
How the dems will lose the 2020 election./
Squirrel comments on Jan 31, 2019:
Is there a way to correct misspellings in posts? I feel like an edit would help clarify what is being asked.
genessa replies on Feb 1, 2019:
at your level, yes. click the three lines button and choose edit. the opportunity doesn't last forever but you have some time, yes. g
How the dems will lose the 2020 election./
Varn comments on Jan 31, 2019:
The Centrists are holding back; why allow the Republican Propaganda machine to chew on you any longer than necessary. What we have now are flashes in the pan.. Just think how much the Democratic Primary could resemble the R’s last go … split debates! And it’ll likely be equally ugly, ...
genessa replies on Feb 1, 2019:
@Varn i see it differently. i do not see what the right (yes, the right) refer to as "leftist extremism" as extremism. it's what the people have actually indicated, with their voices and votes, that they want. it's the actual center position. the problem isn't leftist extremism. it's rightwing attempts to get us to fight about it. look at the dems in the house right now. there are all kinds of dems in there and they're standing TOGETHER. we can do it. g
It has come to my attention that some people think bernie sanders wants to tax rich people at 99 ...
avron comments on Feb 1, 2019:
Too bad it's not a war against the rich because it would be the only aggression of my lifetime that I could get behind. Well, that and the war against Christmas. :)
genessa replies on Feb 1, 2019:
lol but some rich people are pulling their weight. not MANY as i understand it, but being rich is not a crime. being rich on the backs of the rest of the population should be. being rich and not paying into the common good (taxes are how we do this) already isn't, but there are loopholes, some of which are being addressed by that bill as well. g
It has come to my attention that some people think bernie sanders wants to tax rich people at 99 ...
Ron_R comments on Feb 1, 2019:
I'd like to cut & Paste this on FB, ok?
genessa replies on Feb 1, 2019:
absolutely. people should know not only the facts but how to get them, and how to verify them, and how to recognize when things have been distorted, whether deliberately or in error. g
It has come to my attention that some people think bernie sanders wants to tax rich people at 99 ...
Ms_McSteven comments on Feb 1, 2019:
Sadly, we've become a nation of "headline readers" who don't have the attention span for the details. It doesn't stop them from having opinions or voting, either.
genessa replies on Feb 1, 2019:
@jlynn37 i do only in the sense that i might respond to a headline or a one-line comment without reading the article, but that only happens when the headline or comment is so ridiculous that i can tell it's not worth reading, and i generally remember to make it clear to what i am responding. for example, if the headline is "chocolate cures cancer" i don't really have to read it. i know that people are going to read that headline and BELIEVE it, also without reading the article, and while i am not interested enough in the topic (maybe the article talks about some good qualities of chocolate and doesn't even claim it's a cure, but i don't care) i am VERY interested in making sure no one goes "wow, chocolate cures cancer" and cancels their chemo. in that sort of situation i do just respond to the headline. but i say so, too. g
It has come to my attention that some people think bernie sanders wants to tax rich people at 99 ...
oldFloyd comments on Feb 1, 2019:
Thanks, but you can only talk rationally to a person who is actually interested in your facts, not what is broadcast on faux news. It's a grand idea, breath holding is not recommend. ?
genessa replies on Feb 1, 2019:
the person i was explaining it to had actually taken the time to go to bernie's webpage, or so he said, but he didn't read it all; he apparently stopped at the name of the bill. even reading it all wouldn't have given the whole picture as it was just a brief description of the tax structure. it, like any bill regardless of status, can be seen in summary and in its entirety, along with its status, its sponsors, its supporters and any votes if it has indeed come to a vote, at, and since the name of the bill is known, searching is that much easier in this case. (a bill number is helpful but the name should be sufficient; failing that one can try keywords, or if the sponsor is known, as it is in this case, that works too.) g
How the dems will lose the 2020 election./
Marine comments on Jan 31, 2019:
Trump has been an extreme president and if the Democrats run another extreme president we will loose to a good republican candidate and I believe there will be one. We are seeing ultra left candidates who are preaching 99% estate tax on the rich(Bernie) Free healthcare and college (Harris) 70% ...
genessa replies on Feb 1, 2019:
@Marine no problem :-)) g
How the dems will lose the 2020 election./
Marine comments on Jan 31, 2019:
Trump has been an extreme president and if the Democrats run another extreme president we will loose to a good republican candidate and I believe there will be one. We are seeing ultra left candidates who are preaching 99% estate tax on the rich(Bernie) Free healthcare and college (Harris) 70% ...
genessa replies on Feb 1, 2019:
@Marine then you should read the bill itself instead of the description. you can do so with ANY bill, at any stage, even bills that have been killed, at you have the exact name of the bill now and can look it up and read both the summary and the complete text, as well as who supports it, who sponsors it and what its status is. i am sure there are provisions there, credits as i have said, for those who do contribute. g
How the dems will lose the 2020 election./
Marine comments on Jan 31, 2019:
Trump has been an extreme president and if the Democrats run another extreme president we will loose to a good republican candidate and I believe there will be one. We are seeing ultra left candidates who are preaching 99% estate tax on the rich(Bernie) Free healthcare and college (Harris) 70% ...
genessa replies on Feb 1, 2019:
@Marine i copied and pasted directly from his website. i sincerely think you mistook the meaning of the name of the bill. i think maybe other people are doing this too and i am going to make a post, NOT tagging you, just a post out of nowhere, of my own, explaining how it is possible to make this mistake. maybe some people will find that helpful. g
How the dems will lose the 2020 election./
Marine comments on Jan 31, 2019:
Trump has been an extreme president and if the Democrats run another extreme president we will loose to a good republican candidate and I believe there will be one. We are seeing ultra left candidates who are preaching 99% estate tax on the rich(Bernie) Free healthcare and college (Harris) 70% ...
genessa replies on Feb 1, 2019:
@Marine from his website: Sanders' bill would only apply to the wealthiest 0.2 percent of Americans. It would establish a 45 percent tax on the value of an estate between $3.5 million and $10 million; a 50 percent tax on the value of an estate between $10 million and $50 million; a 55 percent tax on the value of an estate in excess of $50 million; and a 77 percent tax on the value of an estate above $1 billion – a return to the top rate from 1941 through 1976. no 99 percent tax rate. the name of the bill is "For the 99.8% Act" and maybe you mistook that for a tax rate. it refers to the fact that the bill applies only to the top 0.2 percent of americans. the rest of us represent 99.8 percent of americans. that is not a 99.8 percent tax rate! g
How the dems will lose the 2020 election./
Marine comments on Jan 31, 2019:
Trump has been an extreme president and if the Democrats run another extreme president we will loose to a good republican candidate and I believe there will be one. We are seeing ultra left candidates who are preaching 99% estate tax on the rich(Bernie) Free healthcare and college (Harris) 70% ...
genessa replies on Feb 1, 2019:
@thinktwice we were not talking about political donations, but rather the tax rate. g
How the dems will lose the 2020 election./
Marine comments on Jan 31, 2019:
Trump has been an extreme president and if the Democrats run another extreme president we will loose to a good republican candidate and I believe there will be one. We are seeing ultra left candidates who are preaching 99% estate tax on the rich(Bernie) Free healthcare and college (Harris) 70% ...
genessa replies on Feb 1, 2019:
@Marine source? g
How the dems will lose the 2020 election./
thinktwice comments on Jan 31, 2019:
Are you asking for opinions on how they can lose it? Being too far to the left and not far enough from the middle...misjudging who the real voters are going to be: younger, progressives or older, more conservative voters...running unlikeable candidates with too much baggage that will take away ...
genessa replies on Feb 1, 2019:
@thinktwice my brain farts stink badly; you are totally forgiven and i am glad you were trying to do the right thing anyway! g
How the dems will lose the 2020 election./
Marine comments on Jan 31, 2019:
Trump has been an extreme president and if the Democrats run another extreme president we will loose to a good republican candidate and I believe there will be one. We are seeing ultra left candidates who are preaching 99% estate tax on the rich(Bernie) Free healthcare and college (Harris) 70% ...
genessa replies on Feb 1, 2019:
@Marine no one is taxing anyone at 99 percent. where did you hear that -- fox? you know they lie, right? 70 percent worked great under eisenhower: we got the whole highway system built across the country with that. you are right about corporations. tax their sorry asses. they are NOT looking out for their workers. the tax proposal takes into account those who DO look out for their workers. if you think someone is trying to tax anyone or anything at 99 percent, you are not speaking from knowledge. learn what's going on before having an opinion on it, please. g
How the dems will lose the 2020 election./
thinktwice comments on Jan 31, 2019:
Are you asking for opinions on how they can lose it? Being too far to the left and not far enough from the middle...misjudging who the real voters are going to be: younger, progressives or older, more conservative voters...running unlikeable candidates with too much baggage that will take away ...
genessa replies on Feb 1, 2019:
@thinktwice i am going to ask you two things. one is an expression thing and one is a thought thing. the expression thing is this: the republicans and the russians together have devised this new language in which "democrat" is an adjective (the democrat party). it is a deliberate ploy to make us seem harsh. please say "democratic." i am not trying to control expression; i am trying to correct the effects of propaganda. so please, pretty please, i ask that of you. the thinking thing is to try to realize that without the democrats' having the majority, even a decent republican elected official has no chance of putting through any realistic plans. it is actually more important to have the majority so things can get done than to have each individual be ideal. that is why i urge people not to vote third party. look at what bills are being passed in the house. compare them to bills proposed, and often passed, when republicans have the majority. it is SO important. so i ask again, pretty please, think about that. g
Transgender has always confused me.
AnneWimsey comments on Jan 31, 2019:
My understanding is, they have a strong feeling of being in the wrong body....must be dreadful in & of itself, never mind the "kind" world we live in.
genessa replies on Feb 1, 2019:
@AnneWimsey you have a point and i didn't mean to imply it would be easy. it's just that so many people (well, at least the ones familiar with the terms) confuse being trans with the dysmorphia that many of them have, and it's not a given that they have it. i guess i don't know how to explain it as well as i thought i did lol. it's just that i know that some trans kids are happy being who they are and only later think about the genitalia in particular. some never do want or get the surgery, just really want to be treated as the gender they know they are. so i guess i was just trying to draw that distinction, not by any means say it was an easy thing for anyone to cope with. g
How the dems will lose the 2020 election./
Marine comments on Jan 31, 2019:
Trump has been an extreme president and if the Democrats run another extreme president we will loose to a good republican candidate and I believe there will be one. We are seeing ultra left candidates who are preaching 99% estate tax on the rich(Bernie) Free healthcare and college (Harris) 70% ...
genessa replies on Feb 1, 2019:
@Marine it's not penalty. those who help out get credits. everyone focuses on the simplified description. that doesn't work. g
How the dems will lose the 2020 election./
thinktwice comments on Jan 31, 2019:
Are you asking for opinions on how they can lose it? Being too far to the left and not far enough from the middle...misjudging who the real voters are going to be: younger, progressives or older, more conservative voters...running unlikeable candidates with too much baggage that will take away ...
genessa replies on Feb 1, 2019:
@thinktwice there are individuals who naively still identify as republicans. some of them are even good people. he party itself -- the leadership, the platform, the way it works -- IS a criminal enterprise. as for the middle of the road, the middle as perceived has gravitated so far right it's like republicanism of old, but the REAL middle -- that is, where most americans fall -- is far left of what is perceived as the middle. centrists are really rightwingers. (not everyone who is CALLED a centrist is one, though.) find a good republican? work with that republican, but that doesn't change the facts about the party itself. g
Transgender has always confused me.
AnneWimsey comments on Jan 31, 2019:
My understanding is, they have a strong feeling of being in the wrong body....must be dreadful in & of itself, never mind the "kind" world we live in.
genessa replies on Feb 1, 2019:
hi anne -- not trying to attack you here but i'm going to be direct, okay? it's not a "strong feeling." it's a fact. they are, to all intents and purposes, in a body that displays the wrong genitals and physical characteristics for their true gender, gender being different from sex. it is not necessarily dreadful "in & of itself" -- let me say more accurately not necessary for it to be dreadful, but society MAKES it dreadful -- since there are ways to cope with it or deal with it (hormones, surgery, even just people treating one according to one's gender instead of according to how one's body looks). some people think gender dysmorphia and gender dysphoria are part and parcel of being trans, but in fact they are part and parcel of other people's persecution of trans people. they are not part of being trans and being trans is not a mental illness or just a strong feeling; it's not like someone who think's he's napoleon. g
Is it OK if someone tells a mutual friend to unfriend you on social media?
genessa comments on Jan 29, 2019:
it depends on what you mean by okay. it's legal. it's not nice. did the mutual friend DO it? that's important to know in answering the question. g
genessa replies on Jan 31, 2019:
@Mom-goddess ah family friend. not a close personal friend? still hurts, i imagine... but that was not really a friend. it doesn't help right now to realize that but it will, later. sorry you had to go through that. g
If your united states representative to the house is a republican, please call him or her and tell ...
Jay1313132018 comments on Jan 31, 2019:
Did I hear that he has made the appointment and the committee can now meet?
genessa replies on Jan 31, 2019:
yes, i think it was yesterday. yay! g
How the dems will lose the 2020 election./
thinktwice comments on Jan 31, 2019:
Are you asking for opinions on how they can lose it? Being too far to the left and not far enough from the middle...misjudging who the real voters are going to be: younger, progressives or older, more conservative voters...running unlikeable candidates with too much baggage that will take away ...
genessa replies on Jan 31, 2019:
@Marine you can't compromise with criminals. compromise with an opposing political party. the republicans are not that. the party is, as an entity, a criminal organization. every party, every large group, has bad'uns to be weeded out, but the republican party is AS AN ORGANIZATION criminal. one cannot, nor should one, compromise with such. and i'm not an extremist, either. within the democratic party, for sure we should compromise, and not be purist, oh this one is too far left, oh this one is too centrist. we should compromise there (and i say this as someone who is pretty far left, myself). but with the republicans? they have made that impossible. g
How the dems will lose the 2020 election./
MrBeelzeebubbles comments on Jan 31, 2019:
Simple. They won't. They could put up an amalgamation of Stalin, Mao and Ted Bundy and he'd still romp it in past the bloated cheetoh.
genessa replies on Jan 31, 2019:
@MrBeelzeebubbles hillary was none of that. but david bossie worked for decades to convince everyone she was. meanwhile, the republicans will cheat regardless of whom the democrats run... unless we find a way to stop them. g
How the dems will lose the 2020 election./
genessa comments on Jan 31, 2019:
they're going to loosen it up, are they? the only way the dems will lose the 2020 is if the republicans pay that starbucks guy or someone else to run indie. the dems are not going to screw it up. but of course if everyone is convinced the dems will screw it up, and thus vote indie, THAT would ...
genessa replies on Jan 31, 2019:
@Marine that is correct -- awful, disgusting and unacceptable but correct. now we have to think of how to stop them. g
Relationship Stalled
dahermit comments on Jan 29, 2019:
Like so many of her gender, she thinks that if you truly loved her, you could read her mind. A wild guess, she wants you to declare yourself (use the "L" word), propose or suggest marriage, engagement, take the lead, or what ever. The choice is clear...either smother her with her pillow, or ...
genessa replies on Jan 30, 2019:
@dahermit what makes you think that my commenting on your comment obligates me to give advice? unlike you, i know when i have something useful to say, and about what. as for whether anyone gives a shit, they sometimes tell me they do. frankly, i don't care whether YOU give a shit how i find your advice, of whether you think i should give some of my own, or whether you engage with the stuffy side of a pillow. i don't even give a shit whether you read this, which you probably won't be able to do unless you're REALLY fast, because i, too,will be blocking you. i am writing this for the benefit of anyone who actually does give a shit what i have to say, not YOUR benefit. bye. g
Relationship Stalled
dahermit comments on Jan 29, 2019:
Like so many of her gender, she thinks that if you truly loved her, you could read her mind. A wild guess, she wants you to declare yourself (use the "L" word), propose or suggest marriage, engagement, take the lead, or what ever. The choice is clear...either smother her with her pillow, or ...
genessa replies on Jan 30, 2019:
@PalacinkyPDX i have not the experience of his posts that you have but the pillow thing wasn't funny, and i found his advice -- and his whole take on the situation -- kind of stereotypical. if i were @bigandblue i would take it with about a pound of salt. g
Is it possible to be an Agnostic/Athiest and also a conservative?
RedneckProfessor comments on Jan 30, 2019:
Just because our country is trapped in this ridiculous 2 party system doesn't mean our political views necessarily need to fall somewhere on a two dimensional spectrum in between left and right. It could be, and should be for freethinkers, something more like a plane, or even a rhombus.
genessa replies on Jan 30, 2019:
@RedneckProfessor are you calling me an imaginary number? i'm in my prime! g
Is it possible to be an Agnostic/Athiest and also a conservative?
RedneckProfessor comments on Jan 30, 2019:
Just because our country is trapped in this ridiculous 2 party system doesn't mean our political views necessarily need to fall somewhere on a two dimensional spectrum in between left and right. It could be, and should be for freethinkers, something more like a plane, or even a rhombus.
genessa replies on Jan 30, 2019:
@RedneckProfessor be there or be square! g
Is it possible to be an Agnostic/Athiest and also a conservative?
RedneckProfessor comments on Jan 30, 2019:
Just because our country is trapped in this ridiculous 2 party system doesn't mean our political views necessarily need to fall somewhere on a two dimensional spectrum in between left and right. It could be, and should be for freethinkers, something more like a plane, or even a rhombus.
genessa replies on Jan 30, 2019:
@RedneckProfessor it is a balm for the pain we feel so acutely. g
Is it possible to be an Agnostic/Athiest and also a conservative?
RedneckProfessor comments on Jan 30, 2019:
Just because our country is trapped in this ridiculous 2 party system doesn't mean our political views necessarily need to fall somewhere on a two dimensional spectrum in between left and right. It could be, and should be for freethinkers, something more like a plane, or even a rhombus.
genessa replies on Jan 30, 2019:
@RedneckProfessor then she will look positively radius. g
Is it possible to be an Agnostic/Athiest and also a conservative?
RedneckProfessor comments on Jan 30, 2019:
Just because our country is trapped in this ridiculous 2 party system doesn't mean our political views necessarily need to fall somewhere on a two dimensional spectrum in between left and right. It could be, and should be for freethinkers, something more like a plane, or even a rhombus.
genessa replies on Jan 30, 2019:
@RedneckProfessor oh you took my shape! I was gonna say it's not oval until the fat lady sings! g
Is it possible to be an Agnostic/Athiest and also a conservative?
RedneckProfessor comments on Jan 30, 2019:
Just because our country is trapped in this ridiculous 2 party system doesn't mean our political views necessarily need to fall somewhere on a two dimensional spectrum in between left and right. It could be, and should be for freethinkers, something more like a plane, or even a rhombus.
genessa replies on Jan 30, 2019:
@RedneckProfessor if i discover the way to do that i'll inform you by sending you a parallelogram. g
Is it possible to be an Agnostic/Athiest and also a conservative?
RedneckProfessor comments on Jan 30, 2019:
Just because our country is trapped in this ridiculous 2 party system doesn't mean our political views necessarily need to fall somewhere on a two dimensional spectrum in between left and right. It could be, and should be for freethinkers, something more like a plane, or even a rhombus.
genessa replies on Jan 30, 2019:
@RedneckProfessor watch out; it's all just a trapezoid. g
Is it possible to be an Agnostic/Athiest and also a conservative?
RedneckProfessor comments on Jan 30, 2019:
Just because our country is trapped in this ridiculous 2 party system doesn't mean our political views necessarily need to fall somewhere on a two dimensional spectrum in between left and right. It could be, and should be for freethinkers, something more like a plane, or even a rhombus.
genessa replies on Jan 30, 2019:
@RedneckProfessor i knew there had to be an angle. g
People are =/= to their religion I am most definitely an infidel in that I have no belief in any ...
genessa comments on Jan 30, 2019:
good statement with one caveat: i do not believe the a person's individual godview is the most basic right. some don't even HAVE a godview (i don't mean believing there are no gods, but not even thinking about it one way or the other). but everyone needs to breathe, and have food and water, and ...
genessa replies on Jan 30, 2019:
@WilliamCharles 'sigh yes it's good. i don't think you read everything i said. in fact i don't think you read what YOU wrote. you didn't say ONE of the. you said "the most basic right possible." and survival IS the most basic human right possible. without survival, you don't GET to think. but whatever. g
People are =/= to their religion I am most definitely an infidel in that I have no belief in any ...
genessa comments on Jan 30, 2019:
good statement with one caveat: i do not believe the a person's individual godview is the most basic right. some don't even HAVE a godview (i don't mean believing there are no gods, but not even thinking about it one way or the other). but everyone needs to breathe, and have food and water, and ...
genessa replies on Jan 30, 2019:
@WilliamCharles yes i know what a godview is. i stand by everything i said. g
People are =/= to their religion I am most definitely an infidel in that I have no belief in any ...
genessa comments on Jan 30, 2019:
good statement with one caveat: i do not believe the a person's individual godview is the most basic right. some don't even HAVE a godview (i don't mean believing there are no gods, but not even thinking about it one way or the other). but everyone needs to breathe, and have food and water, and ...
genessa replies on Jan 30, 2019:
@WilliamCharles it is A basic right to be sure. but people who are dead, or starving, or homeless, do not have freedom of thought. they are forced to think about nothing but survival. so A basic right, yes, but the MOST basic right, no. and... you didn't actually SAY freedom of thought in your original post. you specified godview. some people have a godview without the involvement of any thinking whatsoever! so as i said, i agree with most of what you said, but not that specific assertion. g
Is it possible to be an Agnostic/Athiest and also a conservative?
RedneckProfessor comments on Jan 30, 2019:
Just because our country is trapped in this ridiculous 2 party system doesn't mean our political views necessarily need to fall somewhere on a two dimensional spectrum in between left and right. It could be, and should be for freethinkers, something more like a plane, or even a rhombus.
genessa replies on Jan 30, 2019:
i have never seen a rhombus fly! g
Is it possible to be an Agnostic/Athiest and also a conservative?
genessa comments on Jan 30, 2019:
of course it's possible. atheist doesn't even guarantee you can spell atheist! (sorry, could not resist. no offense.) the ONLY thing we have in common is a lack of belief in any gods. everything else is... well, as diverse as humans can be. i am a liberal progressive democrat social free ...
genessa replies on Jan 30, 2019:
@RedneckProfessor that would be a superlative adjective. he was very athi. she was even athier. but i am the athiest! g
No, U.S. Steel is not opening six new mills as Donald Trump said | PolitiFact
AstralSmoke comments on Jan 30, 2019:
Does this surprise you? Trump lying isn't news. That's all he does. Only his shrinking base believes anything that spews from his mouth. I've told my son, who has a leaning for not telling the truth, "If you lie to me I will not be able to believe or trust you. We are a family unit and we rely on ...
genessa replies on Jan 30, 2019:
@AstralSmoke no one is expecting him to change his spots. his followers don't want him to, and we know to much to expect it. all we can do is try to get that leopard caged. and i wouldn't do that to a REAL leopard. in fact now that i think of it... i can't think of anything natural to compare him to, to twist the metaphor slightly. nope. toxic waste, that's all i can think of. g
No, U.S. Steel is not opening six new mills as Donald Trump said | PolitiFact
AnneWimsey comments on Jan 30, 2019:
Oh what a tangled web he weaves...except for the part that since his mouth is moving, everybody now knows to look for the hidden agenda behind the Lies!
genessa replies on Jan 30, 2019:
i wish everyone knew. not everyone does, and it's not just his followers. there are some people who do not realize that it matters where they get their news, and that a little bit of information can be misleading if there is more information to be had. those people are the ones who say they don't especially like trump but all that horrible stuff about him, THAT can't all be true.... g
Upset for something it didnt turned well as what you expected.
genessa comments on Jan 30, 2019:
there is no what if, and that's too general to answer. all sorts of thing don't turn out as well as expected. some are important and some are not. some can be shrugged off with an "oh well" and others require immediate and drastic action. there is no one answer suitable for all such situations....
genessa replies on Jan 30, 2019:
@erlie03 saying god bless to an atheist is an insult. but you knew that, right? whatever. g
No, U.S. Steel is not opening six new mills as Donald Trump said | PolitiFact
AstralSmoke comments on Jan 30, 2019:
Does this surprise you? Trump lying isn't news. That's all he does. Only his shrinking base believes anything that spews from his mouth. I've told my son, who has a leaning for not telling the truth, "If you lie to me I will not be able to believe or trust you. We are a family unit and we rely on ...
genessa replies on Jan 30, 2019:
of course it doesn't surprise me. however, it may surprise someone who hasn't heard it, and thinks either that trump doesn't lie, or that he doesn't lie as much as he does, or that it doesn't matter if he lies. sharing information is not always a matter of surprising people. information is power. knowing he lies is a given for anyone but his base, as you correctly note. however, saying he lies is one thing and giving the details is another. that part IS news, and i feel it had to be shared. it is only with the details that we will catch him out and throw him out. i am sure your son will understand some day if by chance he doesn't understand yet. he's got you to explain it! (trump had... ick, he had a racist criminal. he was probably taught that lying was not only okay but necessary.) g
Upset for something it didnt turned well as what you expected.
genessa comments on Jan 30, 2019:
there is no what if, and that's too general to answer. all sorts of thing don't turn out as well as expected. some are important and some are not. some can be shrugged off with an "oh well" and others require immediate and drastic action. there is no one answer suitable for all such situations....
genessa replies on Jan 30, 2019:
@erlie03 awfully defensive aren't we? okay, so you don't know what antitheist means and you think you do. i do not buy your explanation and i have neither done nor said anything foul. i'm telling it like i see it. turning it around and asking me if i'm happy in my life is a pathetic tactic. g
If your united states representative to the house is a republican, please call him or her and tell ...
Edgeward comments on Jan 30, 2019:
Copying & reposting, btw
genessa replies on Jan 30, 2019:
yep spread the word! :-)) g
Upset for something it didnt turned well as what you expected.
genessa comments on Jan 30, 2019:
there is no what if, and that's too general to answer. all sorts of thing don't turn out as well as expected. some are important and some are not. some can be shrugged off with an "oh well" and others require immediate and drastic action. there is no one answer suitable for all such situations....
genessa replies on Jan 30, 2019:
@erlie03 i am not criticizing you for being a believer. i am criticizing you for saying you are a believer AND an antitheist. an antitheist is someone who not only does not believe but is actively AGAINST religion. you cannot be both. they are opposites. if you say you are both, you either do not know what you are saying or you are not telling the truth. g
Did anybody ever have one of these?
Beowulfsfriend comments on Jan 29, 2019:
Of course. Even had a small reel to reel which i used to record songs and television like the Monkees.
genessa replies on Jan 29, 2019:
@Beowulfsfriend i remember elephant parts quite well. wonderful stuff! g
Did anybody ever have one of these?
Beowulfsfriend comments on Jan 29, 2019:
Of course. Even had a small reel to reel which i used to record songs and television like the Monkees.
genessa replies on Jan 29, 2019:
@Beowulfsfriend all the nesmith songs, for me! but back then... oh davy, davy! g
Is it OK if someone tells a mutual friend to unfriend you on social media?
RiverRick comments on Jan 29, 2019:
WTF cares about social media? That's a HUGE problem with the world these days. Care about if someone toilet papers your house or leaves a flaming bag of dogsh!t on your doorstep. Who cares about Facebook?
genessa replies on Jan 29, 2019:
@Freedompath well, yeah, they have faces even when we can't see them lol. not every contact matters to us equally; i have blocked and been blocked prodigiously, because i am not shy about expressing myself, and nor do i tolerate fools easily. but... sometimes we DO get close, and it's not unnatural. it's a wonderful thing to conquer distance and disability and really get to know people. g
Did anybody ever have one of these?
Beowulfsfriend comments on Jan 29, 2019:
Of course. Even had a small reel to reel which i used to record songs and television like the Monkees.
genessa replies on Jan 29, 2019:
you too huh? g
Is it OK if someone tells a mutual friend to unfriend you on social media?
RiverRick comments on Jan 29, 2019:
WTF cares about social media? That's a HUGE problem with the world these days. Care about if someone toilet papers your house or leaves a flaming bag of dogsh!t on your doorstep. Who cares about Facebook?
genessa replies on Jan 29, 2019:
@Freedompath @RiverRick that would be me, mostly homebound. now, i don't care so much if people who are just facebook friends because we used to play the same game or something unfriend me, but if someone i knew in real life, or to whom i had become close online -- yes online counts; they're real people out there behind those words -- unfriended me, and that has happened, yes, i would have feelings about that. it wouldn't necessarily be the end of the world, but yeah, i would have, and have had, feelings about that. that would be the case even if i were active and was not homebound. i'll give y'all an example. i had a college friend. we were close. i was at his wedding. he and his wife and some mutual friends of ours used to drive from new jersey to maryland or virginia (depending on the year) to visit me sometimes because they knew i couldn't get up there to visit them. when i moved to california and then to japan, we lost touch, but this friend found me on facebook a couple/few years ago, and there we were, back in touch -- except he had become a born-again christian (he'd been catholic, and not especially religious). he found out i am pro-choice. mind you, what he found out wasn't that i'd had or promoted or performed an abortion, just that i support the right of women to control their own bodies. he said he couldn't be friends with me anymore because i am pro-choice. did it hurt? damned right it hurt! it didn't matter that the unfriending happened on facebook. he's a real life person and he'd been my friend, and facebook was the only way we had to communicate anymore, and he cut that off because of that one issue. g
Relationship Stalled
dahermit comments on Jan 29, 2019:
Like so many of her gender, she thinks that if you truly loved her, you could read her mind. A wild guess, she wants you to declare yourself (use the "L" word), propose or suggest marriage, engagement, take the lead, or what ever. The choice is clear...either smother her with her pillow, or ...
genessa replies on Jan 29, 2019:
yeah and men never do that. right. pfffft. so many of her gender indeed. g
Has Trump peddled bogus claims about the border because of a movie? | MSNBC
Detritus comments on Jan 29, 2019:
Do you suppose that the “dancing Moslems” that he “saw” after 9/11 were also acters in a movie?
genessa replies on Jan 29, 2019:
he probably saw fiddler on the roof and just didn't understand what he was seeing. g
Has Trump peddled bogus claims about the border because of a movie? | MSNBC
Lillyfield41 comments on Jan 29, 2019:
anyone remember the man approved funding for space force???? what happened with that???
genessa replies on Jan 29, 2019:
as far as i know, his staff is giving him daily progress reports on how many aliens we have defeated! g
Has Trump peddled bogus claims about the border because of a movie? | MSNBC
Lillyfield41 comments on Jan 29, 2019:
This part is brilliant: Again, just so we’re all clear, the movie is real, but the story is fictional. The script was written by screenwriters, not documentarians. The plot of the film is made up, as are the characters and developments that unfolded on screen.
genessa replies on Jan 29, 2019:
that is the part trump cannot understand. g


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