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What's the one thing you hated eating as a kid but now love? For me that's celery.
genessa comments on Nov 18, 2018:
oh i still hate celery! but when i was a kid i also disliked liver (except chopped liver), lima beans and asparagus. i love them now (but not canned asparagus, thanks!) g
genessa replies on Nov 18, 2018:
@helionoftroy put the chicken livers in a blender with an apple and an onion. blend. pour into a pan whose bottom is just moistened with oil, once the oil is hot. cover. cook until it looks like a big crumbly pancake. turn out into a bowl. chill. add mayo. chopped liver! how did you cook the beef liver? maybe i know a better way? g
Okay folks what is The Classic Atheist Sunday?
genessa comments on Nov 18, 2018:
sunday is not meaningful to all atheists. many of us were never christians. g
genessa replies on Nov 18, 2018:
@RavenCT oh i bet! now, my family never went to shul even on the high holiday, except for weddings and bar mitzvahs. we always slept in on weekends! g
Okay folks what is The Classic Atheist Sunday?
genessa comments on Nov 18, 2018:
sunday is not meaningful to all atheists. many of us were never christians. g
genessa replies on Nov 18, 2018:
@RavenCT i have met a surprising number of christians who go to church on wednesday night. i never did learn why. they went after work.... i don't know if they considered it the seventh day or just didn't like the sunday-morning rush hour or what. maybe they just didn't like criminal minds. g
Do we have entymologists here?
genessa comments on Nov 18, 2018:
unless this is really bugging you, you don't need an entomologist. you need an etymologist! i am an amateur one. can you say which expression you have in mind? g
genessa replies on Nov 18, 2018:
@Spinliesel try this: g
For those single people out there, it’s already hard enough finding a compatible “other half” ...
Shefree comments on Nov 16, 2018:
My late husband was a deist bordering on agnostic...which is like finding a needle in a haystack where I live (rural Tn) Since losing him to cancer the only two serious relationships I have had were with a non church going believer and a non practicing Jew. They both had a hard time dealing with my ...
genessa replies on Nov 18, 2018:
@HashPancake what ARE you talking about? you know of him only the snippet i mentioned, nothing else -- i only said what i needed to in order to address the posted question properly and did not feel i needed to provide a biography -- and what is crystal clear to you certainly isn't actually crystal clear to anyone who actually knows him, nor is it even true. he's not a THEY. he's the man i love and with whom i will spend the rest of my life, or the rest of his, depending on who dies first. you judge him harshly as dishonest, which he is not, indecent, which he is not, fearful, which we both are, because he has alzheimer's and we have much to fear, having a big blockade in his mind, when you have no idea how important or unimportant his vague belief in a deity is (pretty unimportant in general and it doesn't interfere in our lives at all). there is no damned switch. and by the way, judaism, unlike christianity, isn't even fear-based, so i guess you're ignorant on that account too. you call him indecent and undeserving of respect, and that is exactly what i think of your unwarranted and incorrect and insulting assessment of him. shame on you. i could tell you a lot about him as evidence of how wrong you are, but you wouldn't be interested i am sure. to you, he's not a him. he's a they. i won't waste your time. g
For those single people out there, it’s already hard enough finding a compatible “other half” ...
Shefree comments on Nov 16, 2018:
My late husband was a deist bordering on agnostic...which is like finding a needle in a haystack where I live (rural Tn) Since losing him to cancer the only two serious relationships I have had were with a non church going believer and a non practicing Jew. They both had a hard time dealing with my ...
genessa replies on Nov 18, 2018:
@pmzm if that helps, go for it. i would not find it helpful myself but that should by no means determine how it works for you. everyone has different needs. g
DC Considering Lowering The Voting Age To 16. Do you think this is a good idea?
genessa comments on Nov 17, 2018:
no. 18 was a good idea. if one can be drafted (as one could when the law was changed) and sent to war, one should be able to vote. this was true of 18-year-olds. it was not and is not true of 16-year-olds. at 16 one cannot drink, and cannot get married without permission, and is still ...
genessa replies on Nov 18, 2018:
@johnbogie all of that yes EXCEPT voting age. sorry, but that is federally determined. there is no state i know of that has 16 as the age of majority. there is a good reason for that. g
Not progressive?
joe1334us comments on Nov 18, 2018:
She should stay and adopt the more Progressive stance that the Democratic Majority of Americans has Taken to cause this Giant Blue Wave. Like you say it is NOT an Entry level Position. The House is the Foundation on which our Legislative branch stands and thus can control the Senate and the ...
genessa replies on Nov 18, 2018:
she is already progressive but it never hurts to become more so. i am not a perfectionist voltaire was right when he said the best is the enemy of the good, in that regard; all in all she is the best the house has to offer for that position, and she is, as she always has been, grooming others for her position and especially mentoring younger women. she has been doing this for a long time. i think that there is a misapprehension about her actual level of progressiveness and generosity. she'll never be as progressive as i am lol but i'm chronically ill and have no political experience whatsoever, so i am not running for office and she is there and experienced and in good health. she's also pretty darned flexible for her age (i am speaking mentally) and i think she will do what you hope she does! g
genessa comments on Nov 18, 2018:
this works for many subjects -- even math, i'll wager! in high school history we got wars and dates, dates and wars. i hated history. when i got out of school i discovered that i loved history. barbara tuchman, lewis mumford, a whole gang more, some of the lawyers who've written books (not the ...
genessa replies on Nov 18, 2018:
@Gmak sounds like some like minds there, re morris. g
genessa comments on Nov 18, 2018:
this works for many subjects -- even math, i'll wager! in high school history we got wars and dates, dates and wars. i hated history. when i got out of school i discovered that i loved history. barbara tuchman, lewis mumford, a whole gang more, some of the lawyers who've written books (not the ...
genessa replies on Nov 18, 2018:
@Gmak hmm, reminds me of desmond morris, who may have been an influence or jumping-off point. interesting. i'd love to read it. i haven't even finished getting my guy to read lawrence o'donnell's book about 1968 to me. we may have to start over as he has alzheimer's (and is a slow and bad reader) and will have forgotten the chapters we have already read/heard. i need EYES! g
genessa comments on Nov 18, 2018:
this works for many subjects -- even math, i'll wager! in high school history we got wars and dates, dates and wars. i hated history. when i got out of school i discovered that i loved history. barbara tuchman, lewis mumford, a whole gang more, some of the lawyers who've written books (not the ...
genessa replies on Nov 18, 2018:
@Gmak thanks! i have a backlog, a hell of a backlog, because of my deteriorating eyesite. i can read stuff on the computer because it's back;lit. being broke, i can't do the kindle thing, not unless the books are free and available on the computer as well, but guttenberg and the like are useful. this probably isn't on that, eh? alas. g
genessa comments on Nov 18, 2018:
this works for many subjects -- even math, i'll wager! in high school history we got wars and dates, dates and wars. i hated history. when i got out of school i discovered that i loved history. barbara tuchman, lewis mumford, a whole gang more, some of the lawyers who've written books (not the ...
genessa replies on Nov 18, 2018:
@Gmak i did in school. it was sometimes better in college, sometimes not. when i taught, i used all sorts of materials, but only dry textbooks when not able to make my own syllabus (i was teaching in japan, and some schools offered more freedom to teachers than others). i used a lot of video. i taught with the book subliminal seduction in one class. those students were lively! g
DC Considering Lowering The Voting Age To 16. Do you think this is a good idea?
Outsideit67 comments on Nov 17, 2018:
What is the purpose of that ? Nonsense.
genessa replies on Nov 18, 2018:
@WilliamLee similar maybe. not the same. there is a big legal difference, and was then too, between 16 and 18. sixteen generally wasn't even yet out of high school! g
Not progressive?
clarkatticus comments on Nov 18, 2018:
The GOP would love it if Pelosi remains Speaker. They are pushing the debate to divide the Democrats and cause weakness. Let's the process go, if she win, back her, if she loses, back the winner. Get over it.
genessa replies on Nov 18, 2018:
@clarkatticus they do not want her back though you are right about their wanting division. it is okay to wait to see who challenges her but while i too am more progressive than she is, i also know she is an extremely effective speaker and the gop are terrified of her, which is why they do NOT want her back. the fact that their objection potentially sows division is gravy to them. they want someone less experienced and less effective. her high negatives come with the territory. any democratic leader who is effective will fire up the trump base. hell, even one who is not effective will do that. the D by the name does that! g
Do you polish your shoes?
genessa comments on Nov 18, 2018:
i wear vinyl sandals outdoors in all seasons. they neither need nor could tolerate polishing. indoors i go barefoot. i do not polish my feet, not even my toenails. g
genessa replies on Nov 18, 2018:
@F-IM-Forty me too. i do it in sandals. g
DC Considering Lowering The Voting Age To 16. Do you think this is a good idea?
genessa comments on Nov 17, 2018:
no. 18 was a good idea. if one can be drafted (as one could when the law was changed) and sent to war, one should be able to vote. this was true of 18-year-olds. it was not and is not true of 16-year-olds. at 16 one cannot drink, and cannot get married without permission, and is still ...
genessa replies on Nov 18, 2018:
@WilliamLee i doubt it too. there was even talk about raising the age back to 21, to which i would strenuously object. g
Not progressive?
clarkatticus comments on Nov 18, 2018:
The GOP would love it if Pelosi remains Speaker. They are pushing the debate to divide the Democrats and cause weakness. Let's the process go, if she win, back her, if she loses, back the winner. Get over it.
genessa replies on Nov 18, 2018:
you're totally wrong about what the gop would love. they're showing that. but you're right about two things: one thing is about their pushing the debate to divide us. we're letting them, too. but they do want her out. you're also right about whom to back: the winner. but we have a say in that, too. they're not in power yet so they have not chosen yet. we can recommend. i recommend pelosi. g
DC Considering Lowering The Voting Age To 16. Do you think this is a good idea?
genessa comments on Nov 17, 2018:
no. 18 was a good idea. if one can be drafted (as one could when the law was changed) and sent to war, one should be able to vote. this was true of 18-year-olds. it was not and is not true of 16-year-olds. at 16 one cannot drink, and cannot get married without permission, and is still ...
genessa replies on Nov 18, 2018:
@WilliamLee oh conservatives and christians. funnily enough i don't find that true of democrats and liberals. they get old too. g
DC Considering Lowering The Voting Age To 16. Do you think this is a good idea?
WilliamLee comments on Nov 17, 2018:
Just an observation, but it seems that 16 year olds are more open to change, more computer savvy and more willing to research what is and is not going on in the world. Most of the older generation accept what is told to them without researching the explanation! So I think they would be AS likely to ...
genessa replies on Nov 17, 2018:
@WilliamLee that's your experience. it is not mine. my statements stand. g
DC Considering Lowering The Voting Age To 16. Do you think this is a good idea?
WilliamLee comments on Nov 17, 2018:
Just an observation, but it seems that 16 year olds are more open to change, more computer savvy and more willing to research what is and is not going on in the world. Most of the older generation accept what is told to them without researching the explanation! So I think they would be AS likely to ...
genessa replies on Nov 17, 2018:
bad generalization, especially about older people. that was something you heard that you should have questioned. for the record, 16-year-olds are children. they're legally children and they're emotionally children. if they question everything, good! they'll make good voters when they get to be 18 -- unless you think they'll be so old by then they won't question anything anymore. g
DC Considering Lowering The Voting Age To 16. Do you think this is a good idea?
genessa comments on Nov 17, 2018:
no. 18 was a good idea. if one can be drafted (as one could when the law was changed) and sent to war, one should be able to vote. this was true of 18-year-olds. it was not and is not true of 16-year-olds. at 16 one cannot drink, and cannot get married without permission, and is still ...
genessa replies on Nov 17, 2018:
@WilliamLee that's not true at all. how can you generalize like that? i think someone accepted what was said about older americans without demanding explanations. i question everything, darling, and i am not alone in that, nor am i a spring chicken. i know 16-year-olds who do likewise but i see more who do NOT. all that aside, what i said stands. they may have good habits and motivations but they're still legally children. the reason they're legally children is that they're emotionally children. questioning everything is good but it's not enough. two-year-olds question even more, mostly "why" and "why not," but still. should they vote? g
Not progressive?
GreatNani comments on Nov 17, 2018:
One of the women who works for me is married to her chief of staff. Said Nancy Pelosi is amazing! She gets stuff done
genessa replies on Nov 17, 2018:
@GreatNani lol of course you will be discreet! and thanks for spreading the word as best you can. the campaign against her is unfair an insidious. g
Not progressive?
GreatNani comments on Nov 17, 2018:
One of the women who works for me is married to her chief of staff. Said Nancy Pelosi is amazing! She gets stuff done
genessa replies on Nov 17, 2018:
gratified to hear it! do me (and america)a favor and mention that wherever you see her dissed! g
I have a question about crowdfunding.
RavenCT comments on Nov 17, 2018:
**Try HUD.** Contact your local town hall or city hall. They will know how to put you in contact. Or call 211. I think they will address all those issues. They get their money when the house is sold when you are dead and gone or you move. I had my roof and windows replaced through this ...
genessa replies on Nov 17, 2018:
thanks. i will try... although i am afraid they will condemn the house without helping us financially! g
JimG comments on Nov 17, 2018:
Sorry, pay wall.
genessa replies on Nov 17, 2018:
@JimG :-)) g
House Republicans will use some of their last days in power rehashing Hillary Clinton's emails again
genessa comments on Nov 17, 2018:
i wish this was true but while they may also do this, i think they will also be trying to obstruct justice more directly. they won't let this time go to waste. i wish they would. fortunately they're fairly inept.... g
genessa replies on Nov 17, 2018:
@RichCC indeed. that is why i am alarmed that they are as effective as they are and glad they're not as effective as they could be. g
I've been married twice, the first when I was young and stupid.
genessa comments on Nov 17, 2018:
young and stupid is amazingly often the reason folks get married! glad you got that sorted! g
genessa replies on Nov 17, 2018:
@Yogisan :-)) g
I've been married twice, the first when I was young and stupid.
Cutiebeauty comments on Nov 17, 2018:
How old were you when you first married? I hope it wasn't my age... 28 .....
genessa replies on Nov 17, 2018:
@Yogisan when you marry before being baked, you get burned. g
cava comments on Nov 17, 2018:
She is a corporate shill, whatever her corporate donors want, she gets. Money has to be gotten out of politics and neither she nor 'roll-over' Schumer are good for that task in my opinion. The Dems are at war with themselves internally, there is even talk of Hilary running in 2020. Beyond that...
genessa replies on Nov 17, 2018:
@cava ha so someone told him he had to say that. the gop hates her, though, because she is tough and effective (and can filibuster for hours in high heels). anyway trump lies all the time; pelosi was being diplomatic (part of the job). he's not diplomatic. ever. he won't even remember that he said that. g
JimG comments on Nov 17, 2018:
Sorry, pay wall.
genessa replies on Nov 17, 2018:
okay i copied and pasted the whole article for you and anyone else with the same problem (w. sorry again for the misreading. which i have every month too). sorry again for the misreading. my original response must have made no sense to you, just as my misreading of your words as "pay well" made none to me lol g
cava comments on Nov 17, 2018:
She is a corporate shill, whatever her corporate donors want, she gets. Money has to be gotten out of politics and neither she nor 'roll-over' Schumer are good for that task in my opinion. The Dems are at war with themselves internally, there is even talk of Hilary running in 2020. Beyond that...
genessa replies on Nov 17, 2018:
@cava she had to say that. watch what she DOES. look what she HAS done. g
Social Media Pet Peeves
UrsiMajor comments on Nov 17, 2018:
Guilty. I should write " is not my platform for spreading my liberal propaganda" about 100 times. I hate when people post nude pictures of themselves.. I appreciate's leniency to porn and nudity, but I like a little class.
genessa replies on Nov 17, 2018: g
JimG comments on Nov 17, 2018:
Sorry, pay wall.
genessa replies on Nov 17, 2018:
i changed my response. i read "pay well." you wrote pay WALL. okay lemme see if i can copy and paste for you. g
not sure what i want to say to this group at this moment, may just lurk, but by way of introduction,...
GuitarDoctor comments on Nov 17, 2018:
I'm sorry for his illness. My mother's Mom got it when she was 85. She died when she was 106, so she lived a long time with it.
genessa replies on Nov 17, 2018:
@celticagent a great loss. i am glad you had her, though. g
not sure what i want to say to this group at this moment, may just lurk, but by way of introduction,...
GuitarDoctor comments on Nov 17, 2018:
I'm sorry for his illness. My mother's Mom got it when she was 85. She died when she was 106, so she lived a long time with it.
genessa replies on Nov 17, 2018:
ouch that has to have been hard on everyone. hopefully you had some good times too, even with her alzheimer's. g
GreatNani comments on Nov 17, 2018:
The best person for the job for sure. And she need to start training her successor.
genessa replies on Nov 17, 2018:
she's been doing that. successors plural. she is famous for mentoring, especially women. g
cava comments on Nov 17, 2018:
She is a corporate shill, whatever her corporate donors want, she gets. Money has to be gotten out of politics and neither she nor 'roll-over' Schumer are good for that task in my opinion. The Dems are at war with themselves internally, there is even talk of Hilary running in 2020. Beyond that...
genessa replies on Nov 17, 2018:
she wants to work with trump? you've been listening to trolls. nothing you say is true, though i am less than pleased with schumer. nothing you've said about pelosi can be substantiated. g
Long story here.
RavenCT comments on Nov 17, 2018:
Have they ever given you Singulair? It's a pill taken once per day. I almost never need a rescue inhaler now. So for me it's great. I can't due steroids at all btw.
genessa replies on Nov 17, 2018:
@RavenCT i know a boy who died at 11 from complications from asthma. he died in his grandfather's arms, on new year's day. can you imagine how hard it is to celebrate the new year for his family, good friends of mine? he left behind two brothers who knew him well, one who never met him (long story), a mother, a father i think he didn't know but i could be wrong, and two grandparents. i always think of him on new year's day. g
Long story here.
RavenCT comments on Nov 17, 2018:
Have they ever given you Singulair? It's a pill taken once per day. I almost never need a rescue inhaler now. So for me it's great. I can't due steroids at all btw.
genessa replies on Nov 17, 2018:
@RavenCT i sympathize. ouch, i hope they fixed the mold! i don't know how we will. we're caught between a moldy rock and a moldy hard place. i hope your asthma is back under control. (yeah in the past six weeks i had one er visit, a couple/few urgent care visits, a visit to my doc's colleague when my doc wasn't available, and this past week finally a visit to my doc. she's wonderful, but everyone KNOWS she is wonderful so she's always all booked up! i have another appt scheduled in a month.) g
sassygirl3869 comments on Nov 17, 2018:
Agree @genessa that Nancy Pelosi has more experience and is the best person for the job. Hopefully she will retire in a couple years and pass her skills mentoring a replacement starting now.
genessa replies on Nov 17, 2018:
starting now or starting before now, since she has a mentoring history. and as rachel maddow so astutely noted, when we kept losing the house, nancy kept being reelected minority leader. now that we have won back the house -- and don't think that her funding appropriations, of which she is in charge, didn't help make that happen! -- suddenly, oh no, we won, how terrible, thanks nancy, out you go? it's WEIRD! but it's no wonder the republicans are trying so hard to convince us we hate her. THEY sure want her gone. (she can devour kevin mccarthy with a broken spoon. just watch her! he hasn't got a chance against her. he's so stupid he admitted on national tv that the whole benghazi hearing thing was a ploy to keep hillary out of the white house! how bright can he be? and the republicans are so dumb they're making him minority leader!) g oh about her retiring... when we have a blue white house, yeah? we have to keep rbg healthy too!
AnneWimsey comments on Nov 17, 2018:
Well said! She is maybe not my fave, but experience & knowlege count....look at Cheeto vs. Hillary!
genessa replies on Nov 17, 2018:
they count a lot! and the same republican propaganda (decades and decades worth) about hillary seeped in. she's neoliberal (she's not; bill may have been but he's not anymore either), she's corrupt (a lie), she's owned by wall street (she took money from one of the biggies last year to speak. she spoke about promoting WOMEN! and when she was a senator, and when she was secretary of state, she did not favor wall street, no matter HOW much they contributed to her pac or pacs. it's not pay to play if you don't get to play!), and so on and so on. how did they feed us those lies? we don't listen to them, do we? but they got trolls to pose as dems, especially "progressive" dems, and some of us, sadly, bought it, since it didn't seem to be coming from the right. with pelosi, the same stuff is at play. it seeps in. we start taking it as true without examining the facts. but you know, even if neither woman is perfect, you're right, look at hillary's alternative, currently wrecking the world! and what IS pelosi's alternative? no one who disses her has actually come up with a serious challenger. or any challenger? g
daylily comments on Nov 17, 2018:
Good points you make.
genessa replies on Nov 17, 2018:
merci! g
Long story here.
RavenCT comments on Nov 17, 2018:
Have they ever given you Singulair? It's a pill taken once per day. I almost never need a rescue inhaler now. So for me it's great. I can't due steroids at all btw.
genessa replies on Nov 17, 2018:
i am on singulair. it has always worked spectacularly. suddenly it isn't enough. my now six-week illness (the last week has been easier) triggered my asthma. now i know what has triggered my illness: mold in the house. see my post under health about crowdfunding. g
Did you have trouble accepting your lack of belief in religion when you realized you were ...
Green_eyes comments on Nov 12, 2018:
I was 8 and had non practicing parents as it was. I had been the only one in my family to go to church on a regular basis. I was beginning to question everything. I started to go to church less and less of over the next few years. Finally leaving for good when I was 13. I still never told anyone for...
genessa replies on Nov 17, 2018:
isn't it funny how going to church can either brainwash you or turn you into an agnostic/atheist? i was raised in a secular jewish family and decided, age 14, to start going to shul and studying talmud. i really, really liked studying talmud (a lot more secular than you'd think) and the services were okay but the people my age were... they seemed like really OLD people to me! anyway after a year of that i just stopped going but that's not what made me realize there was no god; the timing was coincidental. i don't think going to shul is as mind-shattering as (from what i hear) going to church is, since there is no fire and brimstone there, and it's very being-good-to-people, being-good-to-the-earth-centered. that's why i don't suffer the pains and pangs when i go to services on the high holy days (when i am well enough) or accompany my guy to shul when they read his late parents' names. there really isn't anything against which to rebel, and my atheism wasn't part of a rebellion anyway. i can see where it can be quite different for christians, and for very religious jews too i guess (even without the fire and brimstone) g
Did you have trouble accepting your lack of belief in religion when you realized you were ...
UpsideDownAgain comments on Nov 12, 2018:
I did. My whole life centered around my beliefs. Letting go of them has been, ironically, like being born again.
genessa replies on Nov 17, 2018:
good way to put it! hmm, that could even be used to deprogram religionists. "want to be REALLY born again?" love it! g
For those single people out there, it’s already hard enough finding a compatible “other half” ...
Shefree comments on Nov 16, 2018:
My late husband was a deist bordering on agnostic...which is like finding a needle in a haystack where I live (rural Tn) Since losing him to cancer the only two serious relationships I have had were with a non church going believer and a non practicing Jew. They both had a hard time dealing with my ...
genessa replies on Nov 17, 2018:
interesting that the nonpracticing jews had trouble with it. but then i'm not just nonpractising -- actually i go to shul on high holy days if i am well enough, which is always a crap shoot, but i do it because i like it, not because i think i have to -- but a real live atheist. i am with a mostly nonpracticing jew who believes, in a vague way, in a god he can't really tell me anything about (and he gets irritated if i ask) who has actually never read any part of the bible. on those rare occasions he tells me he doesn't like it when i mention that i'm an atheist, i have two words for him: "talking snake." g
Without a doubt guilty.
TristanNuvo comments on Nov 16, 2018:
I don't think Trump is working for or with anyone other than Trump. he's that narcissistic.
genessa replies on Nov 16, 2018:
maybe not on purpose, but he's pretty stupid. putin can play him like a cheap... um, should i say fiddle? g
Did you ever eat at Kmart cafeteria?
genessa comments on Nov 16, 2018:
kmart had a cafeteria? g
genessa replies on Nov 16, 2018:
@Sheannutt i grew up (if at all) in philly, joisey, maryland. i don't remember seeing one. i think i'd heard of them. g
Get off social media after a half hour and you might be happier - CNET
genessa comments on Nov 16, 2018:
well, that's a one-size-fits-all conclusion, isn't it? do they care which social medium? do they care which person and whether that person is disabled and unable to do things that others can do, but finds comfort, activity and some kind of normalcy online? that's not an unusual situation; a lot ...
genessa replies on Nov 16, 2018:
@memorylikeasieve indeed. my guy is severely hearing impaired but he is also typing impaired and internet idiotic. i am trying to get him involved so he can open up his world a bit. g
"No investigative journalism in my lifetime can equal the importance of what WikiLeaks has done in ...
genessa comments on Nov 16, 2018:
you have been duped. wikileaks is not a whistleblower, and assange is not an honorable journalist or whistleblower or anything like that. he is a russian tool, he is highly partisan, and his motives are not to tell anything approaching "truth" (he published altered documents as factual) but to ...
genessa replies on Nov 16, 2018:
@mtnhome for one example, yep! :-)) g
Did you ever eat at Kmart cafeteria?
genessa comments on Nov 16, 2018:
kmart had a cafeteria? g
genessa replies on Nov 16, 2018:
@Sheannutt of course where i grew up they didn't have kmart so i wouldn't have known lol g
How do you pronounce GIF?
genessa comments on Nov 16, 2018:
gif stands for graphics interchange format. graphics begins with a hard g, so although both gif and jif are acceptable, gif is more correct as it acknowledges the initials of the words for which it stands. besides, there is a different graphical format called jif. if they're both pronounced jif, ...
genessa replies on Nov 16, 2018:
@GeorgeRocheleau i sometimes say gif aloud. i am glad i know too. g
When a close friend or family member is "asking for prayers" and you want to wish them well what ...
Birdsey comments on Nov 16, 2018:
In the past if I thought the person was open minded enough I would say "sending good karma your way" and if not I would usually ignore the request. After reading this thread I was thinking about it more deeply and looked up that actual dictionary definition of "Prayer" and found that one of the ...
genessa replies on Nov 16, 2018:
if that works for you that's cool but i wish (wish is the key word here) to point out that that's a kind of loose definition, and again, if it works for you, it does; i find the word loaded and the wish in that definition for me is the same as a request, not a generalized wish. but that's me. i thought i'd mention it anyway in case anyone was on a fence about this and wanted more input. g
Long story here.
sassygirl3869 comments on Nov 16, 2018:
You're lucky you weren't hurt. In NH I had an excellent relationship with my pharmacist-now in NY I get my drugs delivered to me. It's so important to have that relationship with your pharmacist and clinic. I had a couple of close calls with med errors.More trips to the ER led to heart failure.
genessa replies on Nov 16, 2018:
oy! i do hear horror stories, but all in all it's a good system i'm in. this one tech... maybe she's new lol g
Long story here.
ValJ comments on Nov 16, 2018:
That phonecall sounds like wading through treacle. Hope you're sorted now.
genessa replies on Nov 16, 2018:
oh yes. i think the meds are making me sleepy but they didn't kill me. g
I just heard a little mozart in a tv commercial and it was nice to hear mozart but not THAT way.
Marionville comments on Sep 18, 2018:
Doesn’t matter that the character in the opera wasn’t nice.....the music is !
genessa replies on Nov 16, 2018:
the music is nice... even nicer when it is sung as it should be. also they made it kind of echoey. g
Long story here.
RavenCT comments on Nov 16, 2018:
Phew! It's like this everywhere! I can't imagine 10 droppers is the right dose. Go online to the manufacturer if need be - or see if there's a pamphlet in the packaging. Sometimes dosing instructions are there.
genessa replies on Nov 16, 2018:
i just had a nurse call me back and she confirmed: 10 eye droppers. in the hospital it was one -- but it may have been huge. i really don't remember. i was sort of concentrating on breathing. but i won't be alone when i take it, in about two and a half hours, so i will explain the issue to a staff member and be watched carefully. g
Long story here.
RavenCT comments on Nov 16, 2018:
Oh or stop by any pharmacy on your way home and ask for a liquid dose syringe they will usually give them to you for free and they are clearly marked. You can speak to a pharmacist at the counter.
genessa replies on Nov 16, 2018:
ah i would if i could but my route home is not my own; i depend on medical transportation and it doesn't make unscheduled stops. getting around and getting stuff i need is a constant problem for me. g
I have been seeking female companionship for awhile now,here and on assorted other sites.
SkotlandSkye comments on Nov 16, 2018:
Maybe it’s your lack of photos, sparse BIO, and generally pissy outlook on life?
genessa replies on Nov 16, 2018:
@WayneDalton if you are out in the "real world" people can see and hear you, observe you, get to know you. on a dating site, that isn't so. on a dating site ALL we can see is what you choose to present. if you don't choose to present much, or you choose to present negativity, then why in the world should someone gravitate toward you? then of course you'll be more negative, boo hoo, no woman wants you. do you get what we're telling you? being male and available is not actually that huge a draw all by itself, regardless of whose buyer's market it turns out to be. we're not saying this to be mean. you posted. we're responding. g
I have been seeking female companionship for awhile now,here and on assorted other sites.
genessa comments on Nov 16, 2018:
that is the best way. the problem with seeking female companionship is that 51 percent or so of the population is female and you're trying to find one to love and by whom to be loved, and love isn't a THING. you can't look for it. it's an action/interaction/reaction. you need two parties for ...
genessa replies on Nov 16, 2018:
@WayneDalton you may not have to. i didn't find my life partner until i was 48 and he was 52. we've been together 18 years now. i wasn't looking and neither was he. surprise! g
Should more atheists speak out against religion or keep their views to themselves?
Dandewine comments on Nov 13, 2018:
I believe we ALL should keep our beliefs to ourselves and like-minded unless asked, but since that won't happen and the church is so involved with our secular laws..we have to speak up.
genessa replies on Nov 16, 2018:
really? when we are inundated three months out of every year (because christians won't be doing what you think they should be doing) with xmas, we should set a good example and keep our mouths shut? i don't think we should try to persuade or dissuade one another regarding religion, but we MUST open our mouths about giving nonbelievers the same rights believers enjoy. g
The media’s job is to create the illusion that bad things are happening all around you and that ...
genessa comments on Nov 15, 2018:
really? that's media's job? that's just not true at all. and what exactly is big government? the republicans say democrats are for big government and the democrats generally cut unnecessary government spending and reappropriate it to what governments SHOULD spend on, so even if the number of ...
genessa replies on Nov 16, 2018:
@Shouldbefishing sarcastic yes. facetious no. g
Yes today this is considered nasty as hell. But anybody remember this sitting on the front stove ?
genessa comments on Nov 15, 2018:
not in a jewish household! that's where you find schmaltz, chicken fat. g
genessa replies on Nov 16, 2018:
@HardBlues69 oh but that matzaball soup! :-)) g
Any ideas about how to overcome fear in public speaking?
genessa comments on Nov 14, 2018:
some people say it helps to envision your audience naked. i think i would laugh too hard to speak if i did that, but then i am not afraid of public speaking (i don't say this to boast; i am afraid of plenty of stuff, just not that!) if you don't benefit from picturing them all naked, then just ...
genessa replies on Nov 15, 2018:
@Sensiwoman7 i'd be interested in hearing the results, which of course i hope are fabulous :-)) g
Trump has no idea what he’s doing, but what else is new?
genessa comments on Nov 15, 2018:
the most accurate representation of him is that plump, bloated infant balloon that follows him around when he visits europe. g
genessa replies on Nov 15, 2018:
@Yogisan ha this is true. g
Trump has no idea what he’s doing, but what else is new?
genessa comments on Nov 15, 2018:
the most accurate representation of him is that plump, bloated infant balloon that follows him around when he visits europe. g
genessa replies on Nov 15, 2018:
@godef doesn't everybody? including patrick stewart? g
Tell the truth now. Are you staring at your phone?..... I am!
genessa comments on Nov 15, 2018:
nope. i don't do this on my phone. i am multitasking (including listening to opera) on my laptop, talking to a friend, waiting for another friend to show up, drinking a glass of water and thinking about stuff. g
genessa replies on Nov 15, 2018:
@HardBlues69 lol good for making paper airplanes! g
My grandpop jack in his wwi uniform g
Sofabeast comments on Nov 15, 2018:
I didn't get to do the 2 minutes silence on 11-11-18 as I'd saved a life before breakfast, and sods laws dictated that would be when the medics arrived to check up. Life is for life and living.
genessa replies on Nov 15, 2018:
i didn't observe silence, as this was veterans day and not memorial day. veterans day is for the living. g
Submit a haiku
Kafirah comments on Nov 13, 2018:
Six lines of poetry? That's not a haiku. A haiku is three lines of poetry, the first containing five syllables, the second containing seven syllables, and the third and final line containing five syllables.
genessa replies on Nov 15, 2018:
@Kafir no, i was saying that the last time i checked it wasn't the ninth century and yet the rule still appeared to apply lol. i wish i WAS that old. think of all the historical misapprehensions i could correct! g
What proportion of "White Privilege" is due to a white majority?
genessa comments on Nov 14, 2018:
what white majority? in the world, there is none. how about male privilege? the human population is 51 percent female and yet males are the privileged gender. that certainly isn't based on majority! g
genessa replies on Nov 15, 2018:
@jondspen but i do NOT intend to comment later. i am dismissing you and your assertions. you don't give a shit? good, i give none either. i have no intention of continuing a dialogue with you. i prefer to talk to people who are NOT idiots. i thought i'd blocked you, just before the wifi pooped out. i'll do it now. g
What proportion of "White Privilege" is due to a white majority?
genessa comments on Nov 14, 2018:
what white majority? in the world, there is none. how about male privilege? the human population is 51 percent female and yet males are the privileged gender. that certainly isn't based on majority! g
genessa replies on Nov 15, 2018:
@jondspen yes, i have explained that i am not at home but okay, i won't bother then when i get home, since you'll twist things around anyway. have a nice life. g
What proportion of "White Privilege" is due to a white majority?
genessa comments on Nov 14, 2018:
what white majority? in the world, there is none. how about male privilege? the human population is 51 percent female and yet males are the privileged gender. that certainly isn't based on majority! g
genessa replies on Nov 15, 2018:
@jondspen half of your assertions have nothing to do with female privilege. the rest are pretty iffy i am not at home now to take my time and look up better sources but i can tell you the pay gap is no myth and any source that says otherwise has NO credibility. g
What proportion of "White Privilege" is due to a white majority?
genessa comments on Nov 14, 2018:
what white majority? in the world, there is none. how about male privilege? the human population is 51 percent female and yet males are the privileged gender. that certainly isn't based on majority! g
genessa replies on Nov 15, 2018:
@jondspen we don't have a draft in this country, as it happens. leniency is not given to women if they're black and it is given to men if they're white. college enrollment stats are not part of female privilege; indeed, women had to fight to be allowed to be educated to begin with, and they're still discouraged from studying math and the sciences. please do not confuse prostate and breast cancer with societal privilege or its opposite, and prostate cancer is NOT virtually ignored at ALL. men are portrayed as being falsely accused of being rapists when some of them really are rapists, and as for idiots.... stop acting like idiots and you'll stop being pegged as idiots. meanwhile women make 70 cents on the dollar if they're white, less if they're not, for the same work their male colleagues make. i could go on but i have to go now. g
Submit a haiku
Kafirah comments on Nov 13, 2018:
Six lines of poetry? That's not a haiku. A haiku is three lines of poetry, the first containing five syllables, the second containing seven syllables, and the third and final line containing five syllables.
genessa replies on Nov 15, 2018:
@Kafir last time i looked -- and i am not 12 centuries old -- it still was! g
An answer to theists who say "Without religion where are your morals?
genessa comments on Nov 15, 2018:
it is actually cheaper to keep someone in prison than to kill that person, since killing the person involves (as it should, considering the irreversibility of the punishment) numerous appeals as WELL as keepiong that person in prison. as for morals, i have been told i can't be a truly good person...
genessa replies on Nov 15, 2018:
@273kelvin it's a fact. g
Have you spent more time giving or recieving
genessa comments on Nov 15, 2018:
i have not measured the time. it would sort of interfere with the enjoyment! but i have spent some time telling people how to spell receive. g
genessa replies on Nov 15, 2018:
@MsAl lol head, you are forgiven! g
Submit a haiku
Kafirah comments on Nov 13, 2018:
Six lines of poetry? That's not a haiku. A haiku is three lines of poetry, the first containing five syllables, the second containing seven syllables, and the third and final line containing five syllables.
genessa replies on Nov 15, 2018:
that is the form of a haiku for sure, but it is not a haiku by form alone; it must also contain a seasonal reference. g
Submit a haiku
genessa comments on Nov 13, 2018:
submit... for...? g
genessa replies on Nov 15, 2018:
@Alvin no, i was asking why the poster wanted us to "submit" a haiku -- as far as i could tell, submit it to the poster! so i wondered for what purpose. g
Facebook removed my comment, calling it hate speech! In their infinite wisdom, the comment "Because ...
genessa comments on Nov 13, 2018:
facebook doesn't read the posts. they count the reports against it. if you protest to them and explain that it was a joke, a human being may actually look at the post and decide. g
genessa replies on Nov 15, 2018:
@daylily weird. well, i hope it was a fluke (not a fish). g
Facebook removed my comment, calling it hate speech! In their infinite wisdom, the comment "Because ...
genessa comments on Nov 13, 2018:
facebook doesn't read the posts. they count the reports against it. if you protest to them and explain that it was a joke, a human being may actually look at the post and decide. g
genessa replies on Nov 14, 2018:
@daylily is your privacy setting for friends of friends? g
Need some input please!! So, one of the instructors in my Instructional Technology grad program ...
Al-Bundy_59 comments on Sep 18, 2018:
If you treat it as an assignment it is not a big deal. Do the research and write the paper. He isn't asking you to join a church. What if you had to write on say, an usher at a broadway play, or a waiter at a restaurant?
genessa replies on Nov 14, 2018:
@ReadyforaChange me to, to an extent, but the only time they really freaked me out was when i visited a cemetary in western france. the crosses on the tombstones were IMMENSE! g
If God is omniscient, in other words he knows everything that is happening and everything that will ...
piphirho comments on Nov 14, 2018:
Bingo. You have hit on the main paradox of the entire belief system. The story of Genesis I is preposterous. And while I think that Jesus is a really cool dude and I quite like his message, the reason for his death an resurrection is based on the Genesis story and therefore is also preposterous.
genessa replies on Nov 14, 2018:
actually the main paradox is that there aren't any gods and religions tend to be based on the worship of these nonexistent thingies, as laid out, more or less, in a work of fiction with too many authors over too long a period of time with too little knowledge on any of their parts. g
jacpod comments on Nov 14, 2018:
I originally deleted this post because Although I have had many unpleasant experiences being asked to Shabbat by Jewish people and then being made a laughing stock for not understanding all the rituals I heave a sigh of relief that I will never ever again fall for that one
genessa replies on Nov 14, 2018:
you know the wrong jews. no jew i know would EVER make fun of you, or anyone, for not knowing the rituals. how would you be expected to know? that's just rude, but NOT typical. g
nicknotes comments on Nov 14, 2018:
I like Jewish people. They are usually cultured, civilized, and very smart. They are often professional people. I have had Jewish, lawyers, doctors, accountants,,,etc.
genessa replies on Nov 14, 2018:
i appreciate the flattery but i have relatives who fit the description and others who don't. it's a stereotype, just a positive one but still just a stereotype. g
Are Churches anti-choice?
genessa comments on Nov 13, 2018:
reform judaism isn't anti-abortion. i don't know about conservative judaism. orthodox, which represents a teeny tiny minority of judaism, might, but not under all circumstances. i have never been christian but my observation is that christianity's objections are awfully unscientific and not ...
genessa replies on Nov 14, 2018:
@Return2Sender no, that's just what it's called. it's not even especially new anymore. i am sorry to say i am way too tired to explain reform judaism in detail and explaining it briefly may leave you with an incorrect impression, but i'll just say it is a less literal reading of the bible. that's certainly not all it is, but if you don't know what it is, all i can say is don't be vexed. if you find out and you're still vexed, go for it, but i think you're being vexed by a false impression, not your fault, but relax. it's not anything like what you said. g
So any old hippies here.
genessa comments on Nov 13, 2018:
i was slightly too young to be a hippy in the day and had to settle for being a flower child, but i am an old hippy now. g
genessa replies on Nov 14, 2018:
@BillyBluesguy thanks and likewise to you! g
So any old hippies here.
LiterateHiker comments on Nov 13, 2018:
At age 21, I stopped smoking pot and using illegal drugs. Don't miss it. I needed clear eyes and a clear mind for graduate school, while working as a YMCA program director. I matured and moved forward in life. It is boring to be around stoners and drunks.
genessa replies on Nov 14, 2018:
@LiterateHiker i mean no disrespect to you or to hunter's mother when i say either he was smoking a whole joint every three minutes, in which case he'd be unconscious long before he could do himself any harm, or he was doing something other than marijuana. some unscrupulous dealers do put other ingredients in the pot (angel dust, for example) and people DO sometimes lie about what drugs they're doing. g
My grandpop jack in his wwi uniform g
Sofabeast comments on Nov 12, 2018:
Pte George Carter 1915 or 1916
genessa replies on Nov 14, 2018:
@Sofabeast so lucky to have known both of them! g
My grandpop jack in his wwi uniform g
Sofabeast comments on Nov 12, 2018:
Pte George Carter 1915 or 1916
genessa replies on Nov 14, 2018:
ah it is good to have these pix isn't it? a bit of continuity and we can hold it in our hand! did you know him well or did he die before you had a chance to know him? i knew my grandpop as well as he would let anyone know him; he was a rather private person. but he didn't die until 1996, when he was 99 and i was 44, so at least i had some time with him. g
My grandpop jack in his wwi uniform g
Sunsetmermaid comments on Nov 14, 2018:
I am so angry neither pence not trump did not go to Veterans Day commemoration ceremony’s.
genessa replies on Nov 14, 2018:
i would be angry except that it's par for the dreadful course. i mean, did we really expect them to behave like normal, caring human beings? i never expect that of them. g
So any old hippies here.
genessa comments on Nov 13, 2018:
i was slightly too young to be a hippy in the day and had to settle for being a flower child, but i am an old hippy now. g
genessa replies on Nov 14, 2018:
@BillyBluesguy i suppose i should mention, having reread your post, that i am an old hippy who is engaged to and living with and caring for an old nonhippy, politically compatible but wouldn't recognize jerry garcia in a lineup. g
So any old hippies here.
LiterateHiker comments on Nov 13, 2018:
At age 21, I stopped smoking pot and using illegal drugs. Don't miss it. I needed clear eyes and a clear mind for graduate school, while working as a YMCA program director. I matured and moved forward in life. It is boring to be around stoners and drunks.
genessa replies on Nov 14, 2018:
@LiterateHiker it has never affected me. i have smoked grass nightly and then stopped smoking at all with NO withdrawal whatsoever. i actually should smoke more for some medical reasons but i just can't get around to it. one would have to smoke an AWFUL lot, not casually, not even regularly, but excessively, for me to imagine one would have those withdrawal symptoms. i am not doubting your word, but hunter sounds as if his use was incredibly excessive. i am guessing if someone ate chocolate day and night in huge amounts one would have a good number of the same symptoms. not joking at all! and again, not doubting your word. (it is possible too that hunter was into something in addition to marijuana and wasn't saying so.) my experience matches that of others i know and i've never seen anything like hunter's experience, though in my youth i saw people who were stoned day and night. i don't know how they functioned. it isn't how most of us used grass. i certainly wouldn't want to be stoned ALL the time. i can also say that within the limits of my disabling medical problems, most of which have a strong hereditary component(grass didn't cause my diabetes, arthritis or fibromyalgia, especially since i didn't have access to any grass for years and years) i am motivated and i get things done. i had a career. in fact i had more than one successful career! g
Submit a haiku
genessa comments on Nov 13, 2018:
submit... for...? g
genessa replies on Nov 14, 2018:
@Alvin that wasn't in the original post. the poster just asked for the submission of a haiku. g
Facebook removed my comment, calling it hate speech! In their infinite wisdom, the comment "Because ...
genessa comments on Nov 13, 2018:
facebook doesn't read the posts. they count the reports against it. if you protest to them and explain that it was a joke, a human being may actually look at the post and decide. g
genessa replies on Nov 14, 2018:
@daylily someone probably re-reported it. but it is odd that they didn't accept your plea. i would protest the ban too. they don't punish you for protesting. but i wonder how you can find out who reported you? someone did, you know. facebook doesn't go around looking for this sort of thing. bots, yeah. this, no. what are your settings? friends? friends of friends? could it be the person who posted the article to which you responded, or a friend of that person's? i'd do some snooping around. get rid of the person who reported you and you won't be bothered anymore even if you post the same thing (unless, of course, more than one person reported you -- which i can't imagine, since it was NOT hate speech). g
Nestle Quick ?
genessa comments on Nov 13, 2018:
not me! i never liked that stuff. i'm a bosco kinda gal! and look what nestlé has been up to over the decades -- bad, bad company! where did bosco go, anyway? i admit nestlé had better tv commercials, but the product, nope. it never dissolved completely so you got grains on your tongue, and ...
genessa replies on Nov 14, 2018:
@Sheannutt lol i didn't like vanilla ice cream either. such a strange kid i was! but i did love that good humor man. what was the name of that thing i liked? it had nuts all over it.... and it wasn't chocolate.... okay i am still a strange kid. and what DID happen to bosco? g
So any old hippies here.
genessa comments on Nov 13, 2018:
i was slightly too young to be a hippy in the day and had to settle for being a flower child, but i am an old hippy now. g
genessa replies on Nov 13, 2018:
@BillyBluesguy my sentiments exactly! g
Is knowledge only probabilistic?
genessa comments on Nov 13, 2018:
there is always room for a surprise. i wouldn't worry about it. the probability that this is all a dream is pretty low. the probability that the planet will still exist tomorrow is pretty high. g
genessa replies on Nov 13, 2018:
@BeerAndWine it gets closer than religion lol g
Would you stop eating animals if you thought they dream?
genessa comments on Nov 2, 2018:
nope. i know for a fact my dog dreams, as it happens (i don't eat dog, as it also happens) and so do other animals, but humans have teeth and organs designed for meat consumption. our brains evolved as they did at least partly because we as a species began to eat meat. with the orange ass in the ...
genessa replies on Nov 13, 2018:
@BeeHappy not just me. every vegan i have ever known personally has become ill and had to add some limited amount of animal protein to his/her diet. not a LOT. it is not necessary to overload on animal protein as most american apparently do. but is is best (for most) to have a reasonable amount. by the way, i used to teach a class in nutrition. i am not basing what i say wholly or even mostly on that; i base it on experience, and extended experience. g
Hmm I know dating can be a bit complicated at times but I am just curious to know what are you guy's...
genessa comments on Nov 13, 2018:
three come to mind, which is astonishing since that's not a much smaller number than the number of dates i've actually been on lol. the first two were dates from newspaper ads and the third from an online dating site. 1. he showed up dead drunk and seemed to get drunker as the night wore on, ...
genessa replies on Nov 13, 2018:
@JBD1017 he didn't act like a creep... and he might not have been trying to kill me. i mean obviously he wasn't, or i'd be dead. but it was close enough for rock n roll and he obviously couldn't help himself. g
Donna Zuckerberg: ‘Social media has elevated misogyny to new levels of violence’ | Books | The ...
genessa comments on Nov 13, 2018:
no. i don't agree at all. i think social media has just given it a platform, as it gives everything a platform, including the fight AGAINST misogyny. the right wing has elevated misogyny to new levels of real violence, as if the levels weren't high, real and violent enough before. men are not ...
genessa replies on Nov 13, 2018:
@tnorman1236 no, they don't. but those of us who fight it do. and you've just given a good counter to your own argument, for these bubbleheads will find confirmation wherever they go (whether it's there or not). g


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