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This idea that because white men get what they want, men in general do, is wrong and IMO, dangerous!...
Deanervin comments on Oct 7, 2018:
Indeed white folk do have supremacy but there is a layer above of financial supremacy that not all whites are privvy to.
genessa replies on Oct 7, 2018:
@redbai i don't think you GOT it. did you not read the part about "that not all whites are privy to"? and nobody here is denying the evils of white supremacy. all we're arguing with is the concept that (pardon the pun) it trumps all evils. it's not a pain contest! g
This idea that because white men get what they want, men in general do, is wrong and IMO, dangerous!...
genessa comments on Oct 7, 2018:
white supremacy and patriarchy are not mutually exclusive. white supremacy's being a huge problem doesn't mean patriarchy isn't also one. g
genessa replies on Oct 7, 2018:
@PolyWolf haha beat you to it :-)) i knew that's what you were referring to. now watch, you'll be told you missed the point. anyone who disagrees is obviously too stupid to get it, right? feh! :-)) g
This idea that because white men get what they want, men in general do, is wrong and IMO, dangerous!...
genessa comments on Oct 7, 2018:
white supremacy and patriarchy are not mutually exclusive. white supremacy's being a huge problem doesn't mean patriarchy isn't also one. g
genessa replies on Oct 7, 2018:
@redbai every time i disagree with someone i am told i missed the point. it's kind of an arrogant response to being disagreed with. you're so right that if someone disagrees with you, OBVIOUSLY they just didn't GET it. i did not miss your point. i disagreed with it -- not all of it but much of it. and to answer your question to poly, you said the problem is white supremacy not patriarchy. that is where you denied intersectionality. g
My answer to the question, If not God and no afterlife what is the purpose for your life.
genessa comments on Oct 7, 2018:
so how does what you want for your family relate to there being an afterlife? i don't get it. it's good to be a good person; what has an afterlife got to do with it? g
genessa replies on Oct 7, 2018:
@paul1967 yes i see, yes that is fine. calling it an afterlife will confuse people, you know, since we already have such deeply embedded definitions for that. but you have described one of the major beliefs of judaism, which is that we live on in the memories of those who knew us, not just their memories but in their behavior and the effect you have had on them, not just your family and the families they create but even on strangers, depending on how wide your reach is. we say "we will remember them" and we mean "we will be remembered by them" as well, not only literally remembering the person, but carrying on whatever that person did that was good. i say "we" because culturally i am still jewish even though i am an atheist, i don't throw out the baby with the bathwater! g
I am very afraid that even though many of us hope for and expect a blue wave in November, the ...
powder comments on Oct 7, 2018:
You are paranoid. If you're worried about foreign interference, there are many tails wagging the American dog before Russia. Saudi Arabia, Israel for starters. Accusations against Russia concern using social media to influence voter sentiment. There is no claim they directly hacked voting ...
genessa replies on Oct 7, 2018:
israel? give me a break. both parties? give me a bigger break. and you're calling pasha paranoid! g
The king can do no wrong? oops... wrong! g
JanGarber comments on Oct 7, 2018:
Drumpf want to be king.
genessa replies on Oct 7, 2018:
king if not emperor. emperor if not god. he's delusional. g
This idea that because white men get what they want, men in general do, is wrong and IMO, dangerous!...
genessa comments on Oct 7, 2018:
white supremacy and patriarchy are not mutually exclusive. white supremacy's being a huge problem doesn't mean patriarchy isn't also one. g
genessa replies on Oct 7, 2018:
@PolyWolf oh we have a few lol. we sure do! they tend to support one another too, these problems. g
Will this finally put and end to guilty by accusation? Not likely. The mob is to stupid.
genessa comments on Oct 7, 2018:
are you talking about kavanaugh? he wasn't guilty by accusation. he appeared to be guilty (there was no actual investigation much less a trial) by virtue of the evidence, including but not limited to the fact that ford gave her information to her repesentative before kavanaugh became the nominee; ...
genessa replies on Oct 7, 2018:
@myownmind can you clarify, because your point was not clear at all. that is why i asked you which you meant. g
Should There be a Columbus Day?
genessa comments on Oct 7, 2018:
there is no columbus day in minnesota. it's native american day or something like that. i like that. g
genessa replies on Oct 7, 2018:
@NoMagicCookie good! this is the whole state though. i am well pleased about it. g
A progressive scientific mind should have a healthy balance of skepticism and imagination.
genessa comments on Oct 7, 2018:
that's nice, and someone may take you up on it, but you know what? being clever enough to realize there are no gods doesn't necessarily mean being willing, after (in my case) 51 years of atheism, to devote whole bunches of time and energy to rehashing it, or reinventing the wheel, or proving ...
genessa replies on Oct 7, 2018:
@jrome043 yes, of course, i know all that. maybe i would just call it something else... and no, creativity doesn't help. i still don't see them on the same scale. i understand how you see them that way, based on the example, but i still don't. i will try to think of a different word... or something. g
I just left Christianity, and they talk a lot about this "darkness" that Jesus delivered them from.
genessa comments on Oct 7, 2018:
in judaism, you cannot be delivered from a darkness of that sort because, for one thing, there isn't any -- no original sin, and no concept of someone removing from you the sins you've committed, either by confession or by dying on a cross for you, for example. also no fear of hell (except in ...
genessa replies on Oct 7, 2018:
@BongoCat oh yes, them and more. they weren't alone but they were relentless. g
If there is no God, who is the next strongest? AKA Who is the most powerful person alive?
genessa comments on Oct 7, 2018:
there are all different kinds of power. no one is omnipotent. atheism is not a matter of thinking there was a god and he got deposed (and someone steps into his shoes). it's the recognition that there is no such person, no such thing and no such power. g
genessa replies on Oct 7, 2018:
@x0lineage0x whatever. g
If there is no God, who is the next strongest? AKA Who is the most powerful person alive?
genessa comments on Oct 7, 2018:
there are all different kinds of power. no one is omnipotent. atheism is not a matter of thinking there was a god and he got deposed (and someone steps into his shoes). it's the recognition that there is no such person, no such thing and no such power. g
genessa replies on Oct 7, 2018:
@x0lineage0x well, if you don't think i read the question and thought, then it is YOU who are so off base and wrong. don't assume things about me just because you don't like my answer. it's a thought-out and honest answer and it's in response to what you posted. your response to my response is one of those "you missed my point" responses that really mean "you disagreed with me and since that's impossible because i'm always right, you must not have understood." that is pretty arrogant. feel free to disagree with my disagreeing with you, but don't go telling me what i did or did not read and whether or not i gave it proper thought. g
I found this meme on my page but could not comment on it as it was in a group to which i do not, and...
Charlene comments on Oct 7, 2018:
Gee, think about how he's gonna fuck up Their wives, daughters and daughters lives for 40 years and Trample the Constitution and Bill of Rights.
genessa replies on Oct 7, 2018:
unless we vote blue in such numbers that even gerrymandering can't counteract it, and we take back both houses and impeach that rapist's sorry ass. (which one, you ask? well, yes! but we start with kavanaugh, because otherwise he just protects trump.) g
Curiousity has gotten the best of me. Why do people like a post that they haven't read?
genessa comments on Oct 7, 2018:
they get a point or two for doing that. g
genessa replies on Oct 7, 2018:
@Lincoln55 oh as soon as i get over whatever this is that is killing my throat... i can hardly think while i'm sick. but i will post some more :-)) thank you for asking! g
I was talking politics earlier today.
genessa comments on Oct 7, 2018:
some are. some aren't. things to check: 1. what they say. 2. what they do. do these match what you believe and do they match each other? not all politicians are liars. they may exaggerate; they may even believe their exaggerations. many are liars, and worse. judge them as individuals... ...
genessa replies on Oct 7, 2018:
@jacpod i know for a fact that some pols are not in it for themselves because i know some personally, and i might add that i wish i did not have to let the donald anywhere near my country! g
Reality In Review: Part Three Reality and Free Will… What?
genessa comments on Sep 29, 2018:
"... if you are actually a colony of organisms, each of which have no free will (i.e. – your body cells hence tissues, organs and organ systems), then “You”, the total collective of those organisms that lack free will, can’t have free will." that is by no means a given. MANY things are ...
genessa replies on Oct 7, 2018:
@johnprytz fine. we're not conscious. it's all a dream. we're just walking trees. g
Kavanaugh confirmed! Justice prevails!
gater comments on Oct 6, 2018:
Im so glad that the Senate could see through the left wing lies!
genessa replies on Oct 7, 2018:
oh PLEASE. g
Curiousity has gotten the best of me. Why do people like a post that they haven't read?
genessa comments on Oct 7, 2018:
they get a point or two for doing that. g
genessa replies on Oct 7, 2018:
@Lincoln55 it's silly. i see people making stupid posts, and i mean really stupid, NO content, just for points too! g
Guys ask why women are so pissed off.
ColdFax comments on Sep 29, 2018:
Bullshit ! That's how we all stay safe from any crime. Your paranoid! You need to back away from the #MeToo for a short.
genessa replies on Oct 7, 2018:
so... you make sure not to wear high heels, do you, sir? i am glad for you. you check your back seat before you get in a car? how much thought do you give this? do you by any chance know how much more likely a woman is to be assaulted, sexually or otherwise, than a man? it might be worth checking that out before you make a further fool of yourself. g
What made it hard to have faith in a god?
genessa comments on Oct 6, 2018:
nothing made it hard to have faith in a god. i just realized that there were none. that's all. g
genessa replies on Oct 7, 2018:
@ValJ lol gmta! omg did i just type chat speak? g
I found this meme on my page but could not comment on it as it was in a group to which i do not, and...
EricJones comments on Oct 7, 2018:
And don't forget how the republicans refused to even talk to Judge Garland, Pres Obamas choice to replace the late Justice Scalia.
genessa replies on Oct 7, 2018:
i was telling my guy a little while ago: if i had no conscience and could get away with shooting just one person, and was given the choice between trump and mcconnell, i'd shoot mcconnell. lucky for him i have a conscience. g
Of the many things that the last week has shown is the need for term limits.
genessa comments on Oct 6, 2018:
no. term limits will simply mean that no one with any experience remains in congress. there already ARE term limits: it's called elections. use them. fight gerrymandering so they mean something. g
genessa replies on Oct 7, 2018:
@Secretguy i don't know. ask holder and obama. they've had some success with the gerrymandering issue since the 2016 election. kavanaugh will make it more difficult. the only other thing that can work in our favor is voting. so take as many people as you can to the polls! then we'll know how that works out. g
I found this meme on my page but could not comment on it as it was in a group to which i do not, and...
Jolanta comments on Oct 6, 2018:
Hi, I just joined that group so I can post things to it. I wonder how long I will last there after they figure out that I am a conservative social democrat, which I state from the beginning.
genessa replies on Oct 6, 2018:
@Jolanta best you can do. look, if you raise doubt in even ONE of them that's a good thing. g
I found this meme on my page but could not comment on it as it was in a group to which i do not, and...
Jolanta comments on Oct 6, 2018:
Hi, I just joined that group so I can post things to it. I wonder how long I will last there after they figure out that I am a conservative social democrat, which I state from the beginning.
genessa replies on Oct 6, 2018:
@Jolanta true enough. i hope it works out. it's just that what they say is so vile... this meme, for example. g
I found this meme on my page but could not comment on it as it was in a group to which i do not, and...
Jolanta comments on Oct 6, 2018:
Hi, I just joined that group so I can post things to it. I wonder how long I will last there after they figure out that I am a conservative social democrat, which I state from the beginning.
genessa replies on Oct 6, 2018:
@Jolanta that long? optimist rofl g
I found this meme on my page but could not comment on it as it was in a group to which i do not, and...
Jolanta comments on Oct 6, 2018:
Hi, I just joined that group so I can post things to it. I wonder how long I will last there after they figure out that I am a conservative social democrat, which I state from the beginning.
genessa replies on Oct 6, 2018:
good luck! g
One of the arguments made by the religious, is that religion/scripture is the source of our ...
genessa comments on Oct 6, 2018:
you haven't seen the arguments against that? i've MADE the arguments against that. one doesn't need a big inconsistent fat book to be moral. morality comes from within. a lawbook isn't a morality book. there may be coinciding principles but that doesn't make them the same thing. g
genessa replies on Oct 6, 2018:
@rob2691 i have heard that too. it's kind of obvious, actually. g
I still have some that I bought back in 1973, do you still have your old Tupperware?
genessa comments on Oct 6, 2018:
not i! i'll tell you what, though: when i finish up a tub of butter spread, i don't throw away the tub. it's great for leftovers, cut-up fruit, just about anything, frozen, refrigerated or room-temperature (like flour or noodles or lentils). why buy it when you already have something just as ...
genessa replies on Oct 6, 2018:
@Sheannutt i don't have much choice about buying things in plastic but at least i am reusing them and not throwing them out. g
I had got to thinking about Thanksgiving and what it means and the story we were told as kids was ...
genessa comments on Oct 5, 2018:
we already have that kind of day for native americans on october 12, which used to be columbus day, at least here in minnesota. thanksgiving can be translated into a general awareness that some of us have it good and others of us don't; we don't have to celebrate the story (i never did). g
genessa replies on Oct 6, 2018:
@AShep82 here in mn, october 12 is renamed something like that. i forget what it has been renamed but along those lines. it sure isn't columbus day! g
Relative Reality The same reality can be quite different from the perspective of two different ...
genessa comments on Oct 2, 2018:
it matters if you're trying to accomplish something either alone while thwarted by those with a different perception of reality, or in concert with others who cannot agree with pertinent perceptions of yours. otherwise, not so much. g
genessa replies on Oct 6, 2018:
@johnprytz i cannot speak for you. for myself, i don't know. do i have to decide now? g
Reality In Review: Part Three Reality and Free Will… What?
genessa comments on Sep 29, 2018:
"... if you are actually a colony of organisms, each of which have no free will (i.e. – your body cells hence tissues, organs and organ systems), then “You”, the total collective of those organisms that lack free will, can’t have free will." that is by no means a given. MANY things are ...
genessa replies on Oct 6, 2018:
@johnprytz i grew. so did you. even the donald did, albeit not intellectually or morally. g
20 years WOW !!! ?
Dhiltong comments on Oct 5, 2018:
Right there is one of the main reasons we don't have as many manufacturing jobs these days......
genessa replies on Oct 5, 2018:
@Dhiltong yes such as automation. but outsourcing is still the biggest issue because instead of using fewer people, companies could make more product. that becomes moot when the workers are all in thailand or wherever. g
20 years WOW !!! ?
Dhiltong comments on Oct 5, 2018:
Right there is one of the main reasons we don't have as many manufacturing jobs these days......
genessa replies on Oct 5, 2018:
no it's not. that's not the reason at all. it's not even always automation, though that plays a role. the main reason is that corporations outsource their labor by building factories in third-world countries where they can utilize virtual slave labor. g
This Kavanaugh confirmation has shed some light on these FBI investigative background checks for me.
rogueflyer comments on Oct 5, 2018:
This "investigation" was a sham. trump engineered the instruction to the FBI in a limited manner to enhance the view that there is no corroboration of Fords claim. I can't believe the Democratic Senators fell into this trap and are only now aware of what was done. Most of these Senators are ...
genessa replies on Oct 5, 2018:
@rogueflyer they did! they were, and still are, outraged. they've appeared on tv saying so, they've said so on the floor of the senate, they've been interviewed saying so -- none of which changes anything because until we vote them into majority in november, they don't even have the powers they would have if the republicans were actually a political party instead of a criminal organization. my guy and i sent in our absentee ballots yesterday (i'd voted last week but we got someone to witness them yesterday; he could have witnessed for me if his hands didn't shake so much). g
Atheist political party
genessa comments on Oct 5, 2018:
in canada? no clue. in the united states? at the moment, we still have seven states that wouldn't let an atheist run for office. g
genessa replies on Oct 5, 2018:
@maxhyde as we have seen, some of the judges are nuts too. g
This Kavanaugh confirmation has shed some light on these FBI investigative background checks for me.
genessa comments on Oct 5, 2018:
the skeletons are the least of kavanaugh's problems. he's unfit on every possible level, from temperament to extreme beliefs to disregard for the rule of law or the concept of justice to being a misogynistic pig (my apologies to pigs). g
genessa replies on Oct 5, 2018:
@bingst oh hell yes! but one thing at a time. well okay, 100 things at a time. kavanaugh is rather an immediate issue! we can let out a breath, take another one in and tackle the next batch after scotching the confirmation. g
This Kavanaugh confirmation has shed some light on these FBI investigative background checks for me.
rogueflyer comments on Oct 5, 2018:
This "investigation" was a sham. trump engineered the instruction to the FBI in a limited manner to enhance the view that there is no corroboration of Fords claim. I can't believe the Democratic Senators fell into this trap and are only now aware of what was done. Most of these Senators are ...
genessa replies on Oct 5, 2018:
in what way did they fall into a trap? did they have the power to make the fbi do their bidding? they're not in control of the senate. they knew as soon as trump opened his mouth what was happening. i don't understand why you think they didn't. but what the hell were they supposed to DO about it that they didn't do? they protested loudly and clearly and publicly. they tried talking to their republican counterparts. it is not TRUE that they are only now aware of what was done; they were saying it all along. why are you blaming the democrats for what the republicans have done? that makes NO sense. g
This is just one example of voter suppression, in this case in alabama but i have heard of this all ...
snytiger6 comments on Oct 3, 2018:
This kind of thing is just the update to the old poll taxes. The purpose is the same. To prevent non-white persons from voting. What isnt' mentioned is that many persons affected also cant' afford the cost of the ID required to vote. Thus, a new poll tax by default.
genessa replies on Oct 5, 2018:
@snytiger6 exactly! and even those who have their birth certificates in hand have to find a way to the nearest dmv, which may be 50 miles away, because the accessible ones have been closed. people with cars and time to do that will be fine; the ones who rely on public transportation and have to work during dmv hours won't (you can't take buses, even if they exist, 50 miles each way during lunch hour, which is usually only half an hour anyway!) g
I find it to be interesting, from a psychological standpoint, that the people who get the most upset...
genessa comments on Oct 5, 2018:
sometimes being polite is inappropriate behavior. g
genessa replies on Oct 5, 2018:
@Simon1 oh but you're doing such a good job of it yourself. NOT. bye. g
Have you all seen the movie "RBG" about Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg, the Notorious RBG! IT is so ...
genessa comments on Oct 5, 2018:
i had no chance to see it and i really wanted to, too! i don't get out much. g
genessa replies on Oct 5, 2018:
@ArtzyNrdRpeBunny thanks but not going to rent anything right now. i am not in a position to do so. g
Have you all seen the movie "RBG" about Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg, the Notorious RBG! IT is so ...
genessa comments on Oct 5, 2018:
i had no chance to see it and i really wanted to, too! i don't get out much. g
genessa replies on Oct 5, 2018:
@ArtzyNrdRpeBunny i do not have hulu. g
I find it to be interesting, from a psychological standpoint, that the people who get the most upset...
genessa comments on Oct 5, 2018:
sometimes being polite is inappropriate behavior. g
genessa replies on Oct 5, 2018:
@Simon1 in no way, shape or form did your point get proven; in no way, shape or form was it even evident that THAT was your point! either way, nothing you said proved anything. g
I find it to be interesting, from a psychological standpoint, that the people who get the most upset...
genessa comments on Oct 5, 2018:
sometimes being polite is inappropriate behavior. g
genessa replies on Oct 5, 2018:
@Simon1 yes, tangents, last time i looked, were not illegal. anyway, different situation from WHAT? you said never. that did open the door to examples that counter that. so mine was extreme. it made its point. g
We fund people with pets and having difficulty taking care of them due to financial problem.
genessa comments on Oct 5, 2018:
can you be specific about what you mean by caring for the animals? do you mean as in taking animals away from poor or sick people or helping poor or sick people take care of their animals? g
genessa replies on Oct 5, 2018:
@BissellPetFdn that, then, is a good thing. g
Are christmas decorations out in your local shops or is it only an Australian curse?
genessa comments on Oct 5, 2018:
i don't get out much but i did actually get taken into a couple of retail outlets three days ago, and there was hallowe'en everywhere, no christmas in sight. g
genessa replies on Oct 5, 2018:
@MsDemeanour i can only speak for the few shops i saw locally. g
I find it to be interesting, from a psychological standpoint, that the people who get the most upset...
genessa comments on Oct 5, 2018:
sometimes being polite is inappropriate behavior. g
genessa replies on Oct 5, 2018:
@Simon1 decent people don't always have other decent people to sort their problems out with. if a nazi is holding a gun on you and ordering you into the gas chambers, you need a new tactic even if, and especially if, you're a decent person. yes, being polite IS sometimes inappropriate. g
Relative Reality The same reality can be quite different from the perspective of two different ...
genessa comments on Oct 2, 2018:
it matters if you're trying to accomplish something either alone while thwarted by those with a different perception of reality, or in concert with others who cannot agree with pertinent perceptions of yours. otherwise, not so much. g
genessa replies on Oct 5, 2018:
@johnprytz okay so you are changing from saying i, individually, personally, would probably like being agreed with all the time, which isn't true, to most people, since you got it wrong. no acknowledgement that you were wrong about me. and the donald isn't like most people. if he is like most people, i want to change species. g
i have missed russell davies for years now.
MarvelAnn comments on Oct 5, 2018:
The Moffatt thing is hard. He wrote some of the best episodes, but he also wrote nearly all of the worst. I also hold hom solely responsible for the entire Clara debacle. Chibnall has amazing credentials as a showrunner, continuity must be his priority. There are lots of other writers that are more ...
genessa replies on Oct 5, 2018:
i WOULD be interested to know whether a thousand-plus-year-old doctor gets her period. i mean, we don't actually know how gallifreyans reproduce, so it may be moot, but it did cross my mind. g
Name a scary movie ??
genessa comments on Sep 29, 2018:
all night? how about for decades! the manchurian candidate, the original. scariest movie ever. g
genessa replies on Oct 5, 2018:
@PenLOP we sure are. g
Reality In Review: Part Three Reality and Free Will… What?
genessa comments on Sep 29, 2018:
"... if you are actually a colony of organisms, each of which have no free will (i.e. – your body cells hence tissues, organs and organ systems), then “You”, the total collective of those organisms that lack free will, can’t have free will." that is by no means a given. MANY things are ...
genessa replies on Oct 5, 2018:
@johnprytz are we chemical compounds? we are greater than the sum of our parts. i wasn't using a science dictionary. i used an ordinary one. g
I find it to be interesting, from a psychological standpoint, that the people who get the most upset...
genessa comments on Oct 5, 2018:
sometimes being polite is inappropriate behavior. g
genessa replies on Oct 5, 2018:
@PolyWolf 'blush g
I find it to be interesting, from a psychological standpoint, that the people who get the most upset...
genessa comments on Oct 5, 2018:
sometimes being polite is inappropriate behavior. g
genessa replies on Oct 5, 2018:
@PolyWolf women are always being told they don't smile enough, too. g
brentan comments on Oct 4, 2018:
I think they are necessary to combat the spiritual malaise in society caused by the spiritual vacuum. I hope they stay in place until viable alternatives are set in place to give meaning to life and reasons to be just.
genessa replies on Oct 5, 2018:
@brentan well it's good we're not angry anyway. g
brentan comments on Oct 4, 2018:
I think they are necessary to combat the spiritual malaise in society caused by the spiritual vacuum. I hope they stay in place until viable alternatives are set in place to give meaning to life and reasons to be just.
genessa replies on Oct 5, 2018:
@brentan i don't need a dictionary to tell me my take on spirituality. if that is how you define things that have been defined many different ways, fine. to me it's religion light. and i am not angry at religion. i think it's silly and sometimes destructive; i'm not angry at the concept. you don't have to be angry not to believe in something. g
i have missed russell davies for years now.
mikecagain comments on Oct 5, 2018:
I always have high expectations going into each new doctor, but try my best to temper them. Regardless how everything else turns out, I know the shows always find a way to be fun. I admit, I am really looking forward to seeing how all the changes unfold.
genessa replies on Oct 5, 2018:
me too, however it plays out! g
brentan comments on Oct 4, 2018:
I think they are necessary to combat the spiritual malaise in society caused by the spiritual vacuum. I hope they stay in place until viable alternatives are set in place to give meaning to life and reasons to be just.
genessa replies on Oct 4, 2018:
@brentan you think i don't know what malaise is? i certainly shouldn't argue with someone who makes ridiculous assumptions about me. did you not see that i questions SPIRITUAL malaise, not malaise? why should i argue with someone who reads to carelessly? and spirituality IS religion light. your not agreeing with me on that point doesn't mean i am ignorant. it means we disagree. words DO have to be understood to form a basis for discussion. you most certainly did not understand mine. g
Friends I find myself confuzzled.
PolyComrade comments on Oct 4, 2018:
Yeah, if someone is that serious about zodiac signs they probably believe a lot off other goofy shit too. Perhaps you should consider yourself lucky that this happened now before you invested time and energy into building a relationship
genessa replies on Oct 4, 2018:
@josh23452 it's been around for a long time. it's probably not going anywhere any time soon. g
brentan comments on Oct 4, 2018:
I think they are necessary to combat the spiritual malaise in society caused by the spiritual vacuum. I hope they stay in place until viable alternatives are set in place to give meaning to life and reasons to be just.
genessa replies on Oct 4, 2018:
they do not combat spiritual malaise, whatever that is (i am not in favor of so-called spirituality anyway -- i think it's "religion light"). if anything they cause it. g
It's been a while since I posted on here.
genessa comments on Oct 4, 2018:
i don't understand what christian values are. are people who have never been christian devoid of morals or ethics? why do they even have to be called christian values? are they not human values? i have never been christian a day in my life, and i have ethics and morals. why do these have to be ...
genessa replies on Oct 4, 2018:
i will add something: if jesus existed, more or less as described (by people who never met him, possibly because he didn't exist, possibly just because he'd been dead a few decades when they were born) he was jewish. what he is said to have preached is recognizable to anyone who knows ANYTHING about judaism as jewish values. so how come no one talks about jewish values? g
Leftees gone nuts:::: A scientist presents his scientific findings to a group of scientists who find...
Amisja comments on Oct 4, 2018:
His speech was offensive and incorrect. Just the day after a Canadian woman was granted the Nobel prize for science. What you fail to understand is that for women of my ...
genessa replies on Oct 4, 2018:
and hypatia! let's not forget hypatia! (and hedy lamarr while we're at it.) g
Leftees gone nuts:::: A scientist presents his scientific findings to a group of scientists who find...
p-nullifidian comments on Oct 4, 2018:
Isn't that a clue to what, exactly? That Strumia is correct in his assertion that 'physics was built by men' and that women are demanding jobs in science without being qualified, resulting in men being discriminated against? Or do you believe it's a clue to some other underlying issue?
genessa replies on Oct 4, 2018:
can you please give me even one example of a woman demanding a job in science without being qualified... or even one example of a woman demanding a job in science at all? g
That's an invasion of privacy! Did I give you my f king number?.... Trump =ass
genessa comments on Oct 3, 2018:
i guess i am lucky my phone is broken. g
genessa replies on Oct 4, 2018:
@DUCHESSA my phone's being broken is definitely not my call. i can't afford a new phone. being broke is also definitely not my call. but recognizing trump for the dangerous buffoon he is -- that, i agree, is definitely my call. g
Relative Reality The same reality can be quite different from the perspective of two different ...
genessa comments on Oct 2, 2018:
it matters if you're trying to accomplish something either alone while thwarted by those with a different perception of reality, or in concert with others who cannot agree with pertinent perceptions of yours. otherwise, not so much. g
genessa replies on Oct 4, 2018:
@johnprytz put it a third way: i really don't care whether you agree with me. if everyone agreed with me, that would be spooky, and not necessarily better than if everyone dissed me. g
Reality In Review: Part Three Reality and Free Will… What?
genessa comments on Sep 29, 2018:
"... if you are actually a colony of organisms, each of which have no free will (i.e. – your body cells hence tissues, organs and organ systems), then “You”, the total collective of those organisms that lack free will, can’t have free will." that is by no means a given. MANY things are ...
genessa replies on Oct 4, 2018:
@johnprytz why? is salt representative of all combinations? because one item is not greater than the sum of its parts, does that mean none may be? by the way, there are two definitions for catalyst. g
The existing/non existing Universe
genessa comments on Oct 3, 2018:
yeah. none of that is precisely what scientists are currently thinking. no one talks about the expanding wave of existence being time passing. they're talking about space-time, and some are thinking the big bang wasn't the beginning, that something happened before it. and there is no such thing ...
genessa replies on Oct 4, 2018:
@phoenixone1 i'm actually very tired, i listen to the science channel on a regular basis (albeit not while the doctor who marathon is on, as it is now) and thanks for the video but i have other sources, yes? g
The existing/non existing Universe
genessa comments on Oct 3, 2018:
yeah. none of that is precisely what scientists are currently thinking. no one talks about the expanding wave of existence being time passing. they're talking about space-time, and some are thinking the big bang wasn't the beginning, that something happened before it. and there is no such thing ...
genessa replies on Oct 4, 2018:
@phoenixone1 my brain is already in pieces, but i am not sure it gives me an advantage. g
My second job is at a facility that allows many tourists and homeless people to use it's toilets ,I ...
maturin1919 comments on Oct 3, 2018:
Why is everything racism to you?
genessa replies on Oct 3, 2018:
why is obvious racism invisible to you, one could ask. i see it a lot, and i see it from the point of view of a white person, though there are whole swathes of people who don't see jews as white (i am not talking about religion now, and it does not good to say "but jews are not a race" because there are people who think it IS, hell, there isn't even such a thing, anthropologically, as race, but people still judge each other by it, so let's not even go there lol). so for all intents and purposes i am white. and i see racism from the peculiar point of view of having other white people think it's okay to express their racism, anti-black views to me, because of my light skin. obviously i'm going to go along with that, right? except, to their surprise, i don't. this is racism that gets reinforced among racist by each other, and i won't go along with it one bit. but i see it so often that i know it's not imaginary, so when someone asks, how come you see racism everywhere... ha, it's because it's everywhere! g
I have nothing against vegans, per se.
Drsmash253 comments on Oct 3, 2018:
Live and Let Live, right
genessa replies on Oct 3, 2018:
yep just like religion! you can think, gosh, that's silly, or worse than silly, but if they're not hurting anyone else, it's their business! and it doesn't make them stupid, either (assuming i'm even right about veganism, or religion for that matter). people are not 100 percent stupid or 100 percent smart. people compartmentalize a LOT. g
I've found through my life that this is the rule rather than the exception with feverent ...
genessa comments on Sep 30, 2018:
ferverent? anyway i have met muslims and not a single one of them is this way. g
genessa replies on Oct 3, 2018:
@Dmej114 you know, the people who want to behead all infidels or insulters? they're no more muslims than the westboro baptists are christians. i am not defending religion. i am defending people. terrorists USE religious people; they themselves have no interest in islam except as a way to control their followers. (note how christian televangelists don't behave the way they ask their flock the behave either.) g
I've found through my life that this is the rule rather than the exception with feverent ...
genessa comments on Sep 30, 2018:
ferverent? anyway i have met muslims and not a single one of them is this way. g
genessa replies on Oct 3, 2018:
@Dmej114 go meet more muslims lol. g
That's an invasion of privacy! Did I give you my f king number?.... Trump =ass
genessa comments on Oct 3, 2018:
i guess i am lucky my phone is broken. g
genessa replies on Oct 3, 2018:
@DUCHESSA well it is broken whether i want it to be or not. but if there is a real disaster, trump, who IS a disaster, will be the last to know about it anyway. g
New age beliefs common with relgious/non religious americans []
DavidLaDeau comments on Oct 3, 2018:
Very few give much thought to their religious beliefs or bother to investigate them. So it comes as no surprise. The interesting thing here to me is the reaffirmation that the uneducated, female, and democrats tend to have more New Age beliefs. I evidently according to these demographics had a ...
genessa replies on Oct 3, 2018:
@DavidLaDeau okay. g
New age beliefs common with relgious/non religious americans []
DavidLaDeau comments on Oct 3, 2018:
Very few give much thought to their religious beliefs or bother to investigate them. So it comes as no surprise. The interesting thing here to me is the reaffirmation that the uneducated, female, and democrats tend to have more New Age beliefs. I evidently according to these demographics had a ...
genessa replies on Oct 3, 2018:
this is not true of democrats i know, and i know/meet an awful lot of democrats! g
Well, about two hours ago my guy got hauled off to the e.
genessa comments on Oct 3, 2018:
update: he's sleeping, which i should also be, and dehydrated, which neither of us should be (i'm not), and has an i.v. in with fluids. second time dehydrated and in hospital in three weeks. no tests have come back yet so i am going to try to crash. i expect there will be a message awaiting me ...
genessa replies on Oct 3, 2018:
@Mike1947 i know that and you know that but he is that horse you can lead to water and not force to drink it. come on over and knock some sense into him for me! g
I wonder if the presidential alert caused any car accidents.
genessa comments on Oct 3, 2018:
i don't text. i don't read texts. i don't have an alert set for texts. the president can text me every minute of every day and i won't know it. g
genessa replies on Oct 3, 2018:
@MsAl it wouldn't be so bad if he were actually a president except by title. still.... g
Something I find interesting, members on here trying to encourage conformity without realizing it.
genessa comments on Oct 3, 2018:
i have never seen anyone publicly asking others to do that except in one group. i can't speak for what people ask in private messages. now, if you're on the dating side of this site, it's natural to want some info. if not, it's nobody's business how much or little you choose to share. g
genessa replies on Oct 3, 2018:
@demifeministgal either of those. if you say you are open to dating, you can expect to be asked questions! it's natural. some people don't know what proper boundaries are, but that's true anywhere. i was solicited recently to tell ALL about myself, and not only does my profile clearly say i am here for the community, but i mentioned to the guy i was making dinner for my GUY, and that i was NOT AVAILABLE, and TAKEN, and he still wanted to be my "very close friend." i told him off. i didn't even have to block him. he hasn't bothered me since i told him off. so there will still be clueless folks, perhaps, but things should ease up if you take off the bit about being open to dating. hey, if you meet someone and you're compatible and both available, you can still date even if you don't announce it on your profile, right? g
Well, about two hours ago my guy got hauled off to the e.
genessa comments on Oct 3, 2018:
update: he's sleeping, which i should also be, and dehydrated, which neither of us should be (i'm not), and has an i.v. in with fluids. second time dehydrated and in hospital in three weeks. no tests have come back yet so i am going to try to crash. i expect there will be a message awaiting me ...
genessa replies on Oct 3, 2018:
@Mike1947 we don't have that. we have no transportation. we are trying to get some help. we're both disabled. i am now giving him water like mad but he refuses it. his salt intake is normal. i make my own seasoned salt with only one third of it being salt, either kosher or sea salt. he shouldn't be deficient in it, nor overindulging either. next week we may be able to get someone to bring us gatorade but right now that is not an option. he is home, by the way. still all congested, apparently no longer dehydrated, but he'll be that way again if he continues to be stubborn. g
I wonder if the presidential alert caused any car accidents.
genessa comments on Oct 3, 2018:
i don't text. i don't read texts. i don't have an alert set for texts. the president can text me every minute of every day and i won't know it. g
genessa replies on Oct 3, 2018:
@MsAl my phone, which is broken at the moment, is capable of texting and receiving texts. it can do it. i just do not. i guess its being broken lets me off the hook. i am miffed about its being broken, by the way. i use it for making and receiving phone calls, and occasionally taking pictures (not selfies). i find that convenient. g
Do you believe it's unethical to eat meat?
genessa comments on Sep 8, 2018:
i do not believe it is unethical to eat meat. we are omnivores, as a species. there are unethical ways to produce meat and i am against that. every vegan i have ever personally know has become ill from being a vegan and had to stop. every single one. i know someone who has been a vegetarian ...
genessa replies on Oct 3, 2018:
@Gooniesnvrdie good! me neither! g
Do you believe it's unethical to eat meat?
genessa comments on Sep 8, 2018:
i do not believe it is unethical to eat meat. we are omnivores, as a species. there are unethical ways to produce meat and i am against that. every vegan i have ever personally know has become ill from being a vegan and had to stop. every single one. i know someone who has been a vegetarian ...
genessa replies on Oct 3, 2018:
@Gooniesnvrdie i didn't say you said it. we can go back and forth like this for a while but i wasn't attacking you, actually. can we drop the taking-stuff-personally and just read what i said, which didn't accuse you of anything, just used your oreo thing as an example? PLEASE? you were talking about vegans who do that stuff and i'm not even a vegetarian. i like meat. i don't eat 90 percent meat in each meal like some people do but i incorporate it into a mostly vegetable-based meal. i think the amount i serve is proper. and i'm not saying you said i said you said i said you said i... i'm not even talking about you! i'm just responding to you! not everything is a FIGHT! g
This is just one example of voter suppression, in this case in alabama but i have heard of this all ...
snytiger6 comments on Oct 3, 2018:
This kind of thing is just the update to the old poll taxes. The purpose is the same. To prevent non-white persons from voting. What isnt' mentioned is that many persons affected also cant' afford the cost of the ID required to vote. Thus, a new poll tax by default.
genessa replies on Oct 3, 2018:
oh yeah, and some places are trying to bring poll taxes back! i mean in terms of cash up front, instead of hiding it in the guise of hard-to-get i.d.s. actually, though states that require the hard-to-get i.d.s justify that by claiming they're free, so the cost of the i.d. itself, just the i.d. and not everything you need in order to get it, is nil. but the actuality is, you DO need to spend time, money and energy you might not have to get to the part where they give you the free i.d. g
Ask first. that is rather the point! g
snytiger6 comments on Oct 3, 2018:
It is good when personal boundaries are defined... even if a few people won't like the limitations that puts on them.
genessa replies on Oct 3, 2018:
yep. i am not concerned with the delicate feefees of the incel community. g
Do you believe it's unethical to eat meat?
JeezumsCripes comments on Jun 18, 2018:
I don't think it's unethical, strictly from the standpoint of the fact that almost every living thing on the planet needs to consume another living thing to survive. Sometimes, when I intellectualize what I'm doing when I'm eating a piece of chicken, it kind of weirds me out that I'm eating the ...
genessa replies on Oct 3, 2018:
plants scream, actually. i think americans in particular eat too much meat but that doesn't mean one would be healthier eating NO animal products. i think we were meant to be the omnivores we are. that doesn't mean we have to eat veal, or imprisoned chickens. everyone wants to make things just black and white. very little in life is black and white. g
Do you believe it's unethical to eat meat?
genessa comments on Sep 8, 2018:
i do not believe it is unethical to eat meat. we are omnivores, as a species. there are unethical ways to produce meat and i am against that. every vegan i have ever personally know has become ill from being a vegan and had to stop. every single one. i know someone who has been a vegetarian ...
genessa replies on Oct 3, 2018:
@Gooniesnvrdie i don't eat stuff that isn't actual food. i hate oreos, am not tempted by them. i have to be feeling pretty low to crave a potato chip, and even then i'd rather make my own, preferably from sweet potatoes. not wanting to be vegan is not an automatic indicator of stupidity, or gullibility, or any relationship whatsoever to the food industry, even as an audience for it. g
Here is George Clooney's response after Trump accused him of being a "Hollywood elite.
bingst comments on Oct 3, 2018:
Hahaha. That is some cool shit. Do you have a source for this?
genessa replies on Oct 3, 2018:
@RavenCT lol because he just came home so now i can't sleep until i find out if he's okay. g
Here is George Clooney's response after Trump accused him of being a "Hollywood elite.
bingst comments on Oct 3, 2018:
Hahaha. That is some cool shit. Do you have a source for this?
genessa replies on Oct 3, 2018:
@RavenCT the huffpo credited the daily beast with the interview and linked to it. it's always best to go to the original. if huffo is good and they used the beast as their source, then the beast was a good source! g
Here is George Clooney's response after Trump accused him of being a "Hollywood elite.
Xuande comments on Oct 3, 2018:
Clooney 2020!
genessa replies on Oct 3, 2018:
@Xuande good! i have seen people do this for real! it's weird lol g
Here is George Clooney's response after Trump accused him of being a "Hollywood elite.
bingst comments on Oct 3, 2018:
Hahaha. That is some cool shit. Do you have a source for this?
genessa replies on Oct 3, 2018:
@RavenCT huffpo just excerpts the daily beast interview. it doesn't have all of the above. g
Here is George Clooney's response after Trump accused him of being a "Hollywood elite.
Xuande comments on Oct 3, 2018:
Clooney 2020!
genessa replies on Oct 3, 2018:
lol every time someone says something smart, someone proposes him or her for president! it's a rather specialized job, which is an odd thing to say since its requirements are also so expansive. let's not get carried away here! g
This is just one example of voter suppression, in this case in alabama but i have heard of this all ...
Marine comments on Oct 3, 2018:
They only want the wealthy to vote.
genessa replies on Oct 3, 2018:
old, white, male, christian and wealthy. g
Here is George Clooney's response after Trump accused him of being a "Hollywood elite.
bingst comments on Oct 3, 2018:
Hahaha. That is some cool shit. Do you have a source for this?
genessa replies on Oct 3, 2018:
it is an excerpt, more than halfway down, from this daily beast interview. i have not yet read the interview in its entirety; i got the excerpt from a friend. when i wake up (again) and my eyes work i will read the whole thing, but here it is for your reading pleasure: g
Here is George Clooney's response after Trump accused him of being a "Hollywood elite.
Lucy_Fehr comments on Oct 3, 2018:
Your first sentence clearly indicates that the following words are Clooney's so you're good.
genessa replies on Oct 3, 2018:
lol those words are not mine either, but yes, you are correct to perceive they're not his. i copied and pasted from a friend, then corrected a typo she had there, but as you can see, when i type i do not use initial caps. anyway, the important thing is, you could tell which words were his even though i didn't bother to correct the punctuation of the quotation itself. most people don't even know how to do that so i figured it'd fly and i am SOOOOO sleepy! g
Michelle O.
brentan comments on Oct 3, 2018:
Vote Michelle for same old. Vote Bernie for social democracy.
genessa replies on Oct 3, 2018:
@Leafhead she was electable in 2016. she got almost three million more votes than trump did. the hard feelings were all artificially stimulated. but neither of them is running in 2020. it'll probably be someone currently completely off the radar. but if even it's bugs bunny, the ghost of bella abzug or a used piece of toilet paper, as long as whoever it is runs blue, s/he/it has my vote. i am sick of the criminals. g
Michelle O.
genessa comments on Oct 3, 2018:
she's wonderful but she has made it VERY clear she wants nothing to do with running for office. meanwhile if we don't have a big blue wave next month, there won't be anything approaching an honest election in 2020 and it won't matter who's running. g
genessa replies on Oct 3, 2018:
@Leafhead yes, gerrymandering in a BIG way. holder and obama are working their asses off to get that turned around. by the way, holder has said he is thinking of running. that's not a rumor; i heard him say it! g
The meaning of life.
genessa comments on Oct 3, 2018:
i don't understand why we have to redefine god, which already has a range of meanings all having to do with deities. i'm not god, i'm not part of god. god's not broken into pieces. there just aren't any gods. there's nobody to "put" us in anything. this is life, not a vacation. this all sounds...
genessa replies on Oct 3, 2018:
@richabuck not really. i see no indication of the possibility of any gods. i really don't. and... actually i've heard this stuff before. i appreciate your intentions, but i still disagree. g
Michelle O.
brentan comments on Oct 3, 2018:
Vote Michelle for same old. Vote Bernie for social democracy.
genessa replies on Oct 3, 2018:
@Leafhead thank you but i am not cool because i cannot drive. i WISH i could get people to the polls and to where they could get i.d. i am encouraging others to do it. but i cannot do it. thank you for thinking so, but i must not let you think me better than i am! and yes hillary. she is much maligned. there has been a campaign of lies against her for 30 or more years. i am sick of people falling for it. she probably won't run, so don't worry, but she deserves to be president and i wish we deserved as good a president as she would be. g
Do you believe it's unethical to eat meat?
genessa comments on Sep 8, 2018:
i do not believe it is unethical to eat meat. we are omnivores, as a species. there are unethical ways to produce meat and i am against that. every vegan i have ever personally know has become ill from being a vegan and had to stop. every single one. i know someone who has been a vegetarian ...
genessa replies on Oct 3, 2018:
@Gooniesnvrdie b12 is not generally found in plant foods. if it is found in animals because they eat plants (i am taking your word for this) then the vitamin comes from some kind of processing that takes place in the animal when they eat the plants, not from the plants themselves. i stand by what i said about not wanting, or needing, to take pills or shots to make my diet complete. g
Michelle O.
genessa comments on Oct 3, 2018:
she's wonderful but she has made it VERY clear she wants nothing to do with running for office. meanwhile if we don't have a big blue wave next month, there won't be anything approaching an honest election in 2020 and it won't matter who's running. g
genessa replies on Oct 3, 2018:
@Leafhead russian fraud but yes also voter suppression. for one SMALL example:
Michelle O.
brentan comments on Oct 3, 2018:
Vote Michelle for same old. Vote Bernie for social democracy.
genessa replies on Oct 3, 2018:
@Leafhead i have voted already. all i have to do is help my guy, whose hand shakes and who is not internet savvy, fill out his ballot, explaining to him what i learned about the candidates, and then mail them both in. we always vote absentee; we never know how we'll be on election day. in fact he got rushed to the e.r. this morning. what if that happened on election day? good thing we have our ballots in hand! g


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