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She's looking for the idea white guy! I hope she chooses wisely. []
glennlab comments on Aug 4, 2024:
I just hope she's looking for the best person
What do you think of my new trailer...
glennlab comments on Aug 3, 2024:
How's it do on hills? with a head wind?
Hell-0 people reading my post here.
glennlab comments on Aug 3, 2024:
Saturday morning cuteness
glennlab comments on Aug 3, 2024:
@hippiechick58 is going to love these
They found it! The source of the first predatory lenders.
glennlab comments on Aug 3, 2024:
Only bad thing about articles like this,is I spend another 15 minutes reading the other articles. Good find.
These guys would like to bugger the Tangerine Turd ... I didn't know he was into that sort of thing.
glennlab comments on Aug 2, 2024:
I guess they like fat asses.
When is this madness going to end? Lol!!!
glennlab comments on Aug 2, 2024:
Nov 5th.
Loser McLoserface, Trump paid 20 grand to have fake union members at a "pro union rally" ...
glennlab comments on Aug 1, 2024:
Looks like he forgot to get them to sign an NDA,
I'm the previous old release, stable but a just a little bit obsolete. LOL
glennlab comments on Aug 1, 2024:
good set
Don't judge those old men by wht they look like now, many have paid their dues.
glennlab comments on Aug 1, 2024:
My old work vehicle, 6 gatling guns and a 105 howitzer were the tools, and a couple of seconds of ammunition.
So many single people out there stop wondering why.
glennlab comments on Aug 1, 2024:
But I need to do something with my hands lol
Sometimes I worry about the direction the human race is going....
glennlab comments on Aug 1, 2024:
one more
Sometimes I worry about the direction the human race is going....
glennlab comments on Aug 1, 2024:
Well a few more
Sometimes I worry about the direction the human race is going....
glennlab comments on Aug 1, 2024:
I got nothin'
I say we start a gofundme account for this guy…
glennlab comments on Jul 30, 2024:
Chop his dick off, don't want to take a chance of it breaking.
From Facebook My wife and I were watching Who Wants To Be A Millionaire while we were in bed.
glennlab comments on Jul 30, 2024:
I actually lol ed. good ones.
Go figure...
glennlab comments on Jul 30, 2024:
both cute
In your face holy rollers! Substitute the coffee there for some Vodka or Red Cat for me please...
glennlab comments on Jul 30, 2024:
and a little coffee
In your face holy rollers! Substitute the coffee there for some Vodka or Red Cat for me please...
glennlab comments on Jul 30, 2024:
Food can be fun.
I heard that is against the law to name a a candidate w/o a primary.
glennlab comments on Jul 29, 2024:
I joined just to answer this question, then I'll leave. There is no requirement for any party to hold a primary. Each party sets their own rules. Each state sets its own rules for ballot access. The states have a "drop dead date" the date after which no changes can be made to ballot submissions, normally 60 days prior to the election. Each party that has ballot access submits, the names of their candidates and electors to the Secretary of State or their equivalent prior to the drop dead date. Parties without ballot access must normally submit a fee and a petition as required by state law to be included on the ballot. They typically have an earlier drop dead date since the signatures have to be verified. So far no candidates have been certified to the states, though Trump/Vance has been selected by the GOP. The DNC will hold a called convention to meet the drop dead date for Ohio. The Libertarian Party selected Oliver/Maat with ballot access in 37 states. Primaries are a modern vehicle for nomination, previously the caucus system was used almost exclusively. The rules can change every two years by congress, state legislatures, and the parties.
Got a laugh out of the following story.
glennlab comments on Jul 29, 2024:
Put whatever emoji you want, there are so many that you can use.
I confirmed Donny said this.
glennlab comments on Jul 29, 2024:
He's such a forward thinker lol
I confirmed Donny said this.
glennlab comments on Jul 29, 2024:
He doesn't have the highest morals.
I don't believe him....
glennlab comments on Jul 29, 2024:
He's right, he didn't say it, he sang it.
Better yet please excuse him from the entire election…
glennlab comments on Jul 29, 2024:
This time he didn't even have to buy the X-rays.
Hi all.
glennlab comments on Jul 29, 2024:
If something is clearly either marked as satire or fiction, I have no problem with it. It is when it tries to pretend to be factual that it crosses the line. Context makes all the difference.
Speaking strictly for myself, the opening ceremony of the Olympics did not insult me.
glennlab comments on Jul 28, 2024:
I just stumbled over this.
I just made a post in academic and got a FUTURE tag at the bottom stating "This post will go live in...
glennlab comments on Jul 28, 2024:
Your link doesn't work for me so they may not post it until later. They have been doing some site work.
Just a few I found today!
glennlab comments on Jul 28, 2024:
Vance when you just need to fill a spot on your ticket
Just a few I found today!
glennlab comments on Jul 28, 2024:
JD Vance the new Sarah Palin
Oh well, he tried...
glennlab comments on Jul 28, 2024:
Bad bee suit.
Speaking strictly for myself, the opening ceremony of the Olympics did not insult me.
glennlab comments on Jul 28, 2024:
I saw nothing offensive and believe it was a reference to Baccus, the Greek god of wine and debauchery /fertility. Davinci painting was not historically accurate, so even if it was satire, it deserved it.
Trump tells supporters they won’t have to vote in the future: ‘It’ll be fixed!’: ...
glennlab comments on Jul 27, 2024:
Most sane people would not cheer having their voting rights being removed, but they are MAGA.
Hey there, hi… []
glennlab comments on Jul 27, 2024:
The magats making comedy everyday!!!
glennlab comments on Jul 27, 2024:
I guess we have found out how the U-tube generation's past is going to come back to haunt them. Look out Tik Tokers nothing ever disappears from the internet and your days are coming.
Good Morning!!! Hope everyone is having a good day!!!
glennlab comments on Jul 27, 2024:
It's really bad when your fake name has worse warrants than your real name.
Yeah, yeah, I've heard it all before.
glennlab comments on Jul 27, 2024:
Based on the time stamp, it looks like this post came too early, too.
Yup. That’s pretty much how it goes.
glennlab comments on Jul 27, 2024:
You give in easy. also.
Food for thought...
glennlab comments on Jul 27, 2024:
AC/DC - Highway To Hell…live at River Plate, 2009… []
glennlab comments on Jul 27, 2024:
Song will always remind me of little nickie. Some movies and songs just gel.
Is this true?
glennlab comments on Jul 26, 2024:
None of these things make any difference. Plenty of change their names, Using an exaggerated childhood to buff up your resume for politics happens all the time, changing your name when you get married, well normally that's just a woman thing, but wtf. I am more concerned with his record as a Senator, businessman, and non-profit leader all of which are not too good.
Gonna have to pay the junkman to haul that stuff away.
glennlab comments on Jul 26, 2024:
Great businessman that only went bankrupt six or seven times. Miss Lidnsey and her cats.
Friday Special Squint eyes to see Marilyn Monroe
glennlab comments on Jul 26, 2024:
too much work when you can just google
A red-neck was kept awake every night by his neighbors dog, eventually he snapped and told his wife ...
glennlab comments on Jul 26, 2024:
Shopping today.
A red-neck was kept awake every night by his neighbors dog, eventually he snapped and told his wife ...
glennlab comments on Jul 26, 2024:
Redneck car opening.
A red-neck was kept awake every night by his neighbors dog, eventually he snapped and told his wife ...
glennlab comments on Jul 26, 2024:
latest development in handicap ramps.
A red-neck was kept awake every night by his neighbors dog, eventually he snapped and told his wife ...
glennlab comments on Jul 26, 2024:
Gotta love redneck engineering,
Good doggie!
glennlab comments on Jul 25, 2024:
I wonder if it will keep him from licking himself.
White House condemns protesters for burning American flags in DC -- The Hill
glennlab comments on Jul 25, 2024:
Burning the American flag has long been protected speech, but 1. you must own the flag or have permission of its owner 2. It must be done in a safe manner. It doesn't look as if these people did either of those. There are no need for additional laws, felony theft along with arson laws should be enough. Removal of the flag and replacement can also be prosecuted under malicious mischief and theft statutes. One of the first rules of protesting is to bring your own stuff.
Everyone knows
glennlab comments on Jul 25, 2024:
Love the maxi pad ear, I still want to see the REAL medical report.
That alphabet is for the birds..
glennlab comments on Jul 25, 2024:
Good ones
Stop that right now, mister!
glennlab comments on Jul 25, 2024:
On point.
I have some serious doubts about the orange idiots VP
glennlab comments on Jul 25, 2024:
I think it is great that they nominated Vance. He is probably the most unlikeable person other than donnie Jr. that he could have chosen. He has more baggage than a 747.
Of all the memes in all the world you walk into mine!
glennlab comments on Jul 24, 2024:
meme alert 9
Of all the memes in all the world you walk into mine!
glennlab comments on Jul 24, 2024:
meme alert 8
Of all the memes in all the world you walk into mine!
glennlab comments on Jul 24, 2024:
meme alert 7
Of all the memes in all the world you walk into mine!
glennlab comments on Jul 24, 2024:
meme alert 6
Of all the memes in all the world you walk into mine!
glennlab comments on Jul 24, 2024:
meme alert 5
Of all the memes in all the world you walk into mine!
glennlab comments on Jul 24, 2024:
meme alert 4
Of all the memes in all the world you walk into mine!
glennlab comments on Jul 24, 2024:
meme alert 3
Of all the memes in all the world you walk into mine!
glennlab comments on Jul 24, 2024:
meme alert 2
Of all the memes in all the world you walk into mine!
glennlab comments on Jul 24, 2024:
meme alert 1
Of all the memes in all the world you walk into mine!
glennlab comments on Jul 24, 2024:
You posted this while I was on the road
it says here that god created man in his own image, does that mean god had a foreskin?
glennlab comments on Jul 24, 2024:
Not god
it says here that god created man in his own image, does that mean god had a foreskin?
glennlab comments on Jul 24, 2024:
Four years ago,never forget.
it says here that god created man in his own image, does that mean god had a foreskin?
glennlab comments on Jul 24, 2024:
*Sure* He's god's choice
it says here that god created man in his own image, does that mean god had a foreskin?
glennlab comments on Jul 24, 2024:
argument lost
it says here that god created man in his own image, does that mean god had a foreskin?
glennlab comments on Jul 24, 2024:
Toxic god
it says here that god created man in his own image, does that mean god had a foreskin?
glennlab comments on Jul 24, 2024:
Stone god.
it says here that god created man in his own image, does that mean god had a foreskin?
glennlab comments on Jul 24, 2024:
it says here that god created man in his own image, does that mean god had a foreskin?
glennlab comments on Jul 24, 2024:
No argument
it says here that god created man in his own image, does that mean god had a foreskin?
glennlab comments on Jul 24, 2024:
it says here that god created man in his own image, does that mean god had a foreskin?
glennlab comments on Jul 24, 2024:
Just say no, lol
it says here that god created man in his own image, does that mean god had a foreskin?
glennlab comments on Jul 24, 2024:
How fucked up
it says here that god created man in his own image, does that mean god had a foreskin?
glennlab comments on Jul 24, 2024:
calling it what it is.
it says here that god created man in his own image, does that mean god had a foreskin?
glennlab comments on Jul 24, 2024:
false attributes.
it says here that god created man in his own image, does that mean god had a foreskin?
glennlab comments on Jul 24, 2024:
Trust in god, lol.
it says here that god created man in his own image, does that mean god had a foreskin?
glennlab comments on Jul 24, 2024:
God's plan.
it says here that god created man in his own image, does that mean god had a foreskin?
glennlab comments on Jul 24, 2024:
nuff said.
it says here that god created man in his own image, does that mean god had a foreskin?
glennlab comments on Jul 24, 2024:
Another striking question.
it says here that god created man in his own image, does that mean god had a foreskin?
glennlab comments on Jul 24, 2024:
gods' evolution
Well, I've reached the dizzy height of level 4.
glennlab comments on Jul 24, 2024:
head over to just for laughs for more
Well, I've reached the dizzy height of level 4.
glennlab comments on Jul 24, 2024:
Lets go for points
it says here that god created man in his own image, does that mean god had a foreskin?
glennlab comments on Jul 24, 2024:
Exactly how do you get male converts by telling them to lop off part of their dick?
Fair is fair, after all.
glennlab comments on Jul 24, 2024:
Just call them like they are, good set.
Definitely NOT the father of the year.
glennlab comments on Jul 24, 2024:
happy monday
So many diverse and vibrant conservatives to bash, so little time....
glennlab comments on Jul 24, 2024:
Talk about backing the wrong horse.
Uncle Donald is a racist: []
glennlab comments on Jul 24, 2024:
He has always been a racist, and this account fits squarely in with the rest of the verified reports of his actions.
I can receive messages but I can't reply! 🙄🙄🙄
glennlab comments on Jul 24, 2024:
One more time, in order to use the message function. 1.Delete all the messages between the two of you 2. Go to the person's profile page. 3. click on the message function there. 4. Type your message and send. So far this is the only work around that works. If you are going to continue to communicate I suggest you exchange emails, throw away emails, or phone numbers.
Whatta bunch of crybabies!!?!!🤠 []
glennlab comments on Jul 24, 2024:
Since the party does not have a nominee until the convention, and the DNC and RNC can change their ballot entries up until the deadline for ballot printing, they are wasting money and time. Many states do not even have a vote for president, but instead for the elector for president. Damned armatures that flunked civics.
Number 5 is so true.
glennlab comments on Jul 23, 2024:
Have you been spying on me?
That would be worth watching.
glennlab comments on Jul 23, 2024:
Fox wouldn't need stage lights for its "newscast".
It is the sorry about that shit lil donnie, hope you rot in jail edition
glennlab comments on Jul 23, 2024:
I don't want Trump to drop out, I want him to be beaten so badly that it scares the shit out of his grandchildren. I want to see him disgraced and imprisoned. I want to see him pay for stealing secrets and giving them to America's enemies. I want to see justice done.
So how did you like working for Trump? []
glennlab comments on Jul 23, 2024:
Those that worked closest with him with real experience in business and gov call it like it is.
WASHINGTON (The Borowitz Report)—In a feisty kickoff to her presidential campaign, Vice President ...
glennlab comments on Jul 23, 2024:
Going for the bone spur deferment from the debate.
It's all a matter of context, Forrest.
glennlab comments on Jul 23, 2024:
Their ideas don't track true, do they?
The only really useful thing about JD from the arsehole's perspective.
glennlab comments on Jul 23, 2024:
Vance should have asked that question before he sold his soul to DJT for chump change,
Don't, just don't!!!
glennlab comments on Jul 23, 2024:
I like to answer ," I'm great, but I'll get better", makes them stop and think about what they just heard.
Available in two designs
glennlab comments on Jul 22, 2024:
Priest will make the sign of the cross before butt fucking you.
I can receive messages but I can't reply! 🙄🙄🙄
glennlab comments on Jul 22, 2024:
Damned new crop of musicians are light weight. Send her to the Hank Williams, George Jones,Doors, Rolling Stones, Janis Joplin, Amy Winehouse school of music and entertainment drinking school.


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