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Hydrogen Bomb, How It Works []
glennlab comments on Feb 12, 2020:
Had to watch this one since it is one of my areas of expertise, Lots and lots of stuff missing and outdated.
U b y's to not
glennlab comments on Feb 12, 2020:
Haven't had a V in so long the D has applied for unemployment.
No one will ever know.
glennlab comments on Feb 12, 2020:
Damn the camo is good. lol
The horrible sound...
glennlab comments on Feb 12, 2020:
Way funnier than it should have been
at least 10 characters
glennlab comments on Feb 12, 2020:
It would be much funnier if it wasn't so true.
Took me a moment...
glennlab comments on Feb 12, 2020:
taking me longer than a moment
Good morning, I've had two cups now. Have a great day. ☕☕🤗
glennlab comments on Feb 12, 2020:
Doesn't it feel good to live life without religion?
glennlab comments on Feb 12, 2020:
welcome back
Who here has ever had one, or even seen one?🤔
glennlab comments on Feb 12, 2020:
It seems familiar.
glennlab comments on Feb 12, 2020:
Always like hearing this one.
Yup lap dog
glennlab comments on Feb 12, 2020:
Why footstools have made a huge comeback.
Car maintenance 101.
glennlab comments on Feb 11, 2020:
I hope not.
Good news and bad news.
glennlab comments on Feb 11, 2020:
Glad to hear that you are better, sorry to hear about your ordeal.
Found out where it came from! Lol!!!
glennlab comments on Feb 11, 2020:
What do you do when your uncle steals your spot? Sit on him 🤣🤣🤣🤣
glennlab comments on Feb 11, 2020:
somebody's got a lap warmer or two or four.
There are no words
glennlab comments on Feb 11, 2020:
Still with the invisible box.
Warning signs
glennlab comments on Feb 11, 2020:
finally warning signs that people might pay attention to.
Anybody else remember thinking when a young person , man I will never make it to 60 or saying man I ...
glennlab comments on Feb 11, 2020:
I thought 35 was the end of fun. At 65, There is still a lot of fun to go.
Wisconsin strip club.
glennlab comments on Feb 11, 2020:
Me too.
Priest says child rape is ok while refusing service to legislators who defend abortion
glennlab comments on Feb 11, 2020:
Stop looking at me! Lol
glennlab comments on Feb 10, 2020:
That's the reason you don't look out the window in the 7/11
You kiss your daughter with that mouth?
glennlab comments on Feb 10, 2020:
From the look on the baby's face he can still smell Ron's penis.
WT...... He shows up in the weirdest places! Lol
glennlab comments on Feb 10, 2020:
That's bloody funny.
Makes No Sense Whatsoever!
glennlab comments on Feb 10, 2020:
Pence would be fabulous leading a gay pride parade
I just caught myself thinking about the coffee that I'm going to make in the morning.
glennlab comments on Feb 10, 2020:
I set mine up a little earlier than normal, so I'm good to go now.
Can you tell which ones my favorite? 😌
glennlab comments on Feb 10, 2020:
I'm just going to say you're a good grandmother.
Tots and pears.
glennlab comments on Feb 10, 2020:
Hard to believe, seems like just last eon.
I'm not a huge fan of heavy metal but I really love Disturbed's version of Sounds of Silence.
glennlab comments on Feb 10, 2020:
Really good
This maybe a new one that I just saw in my feed. []
glennlab comments on Feb 10, 2020:
I don't see any activity yet, and she is upfront about being from Russia, bears some watching.
I'm in trouble.
glennlab comments on Feb 10, 2020:
Sorry about your bad news, wishing you the best.
How often do you masturbate?
glennlab comments on Feb 10, 2020:
Let's address your real question, Do you have a problem? It is only a problem if it keeps you from doing other things that need to be done. Sex (of any type) can be used as a mood altering drug and is dealt with the same way in therapy.
glennlab comments on Feb 10, 2020:
First time I've heard this, interesting.
OPEN LATE Illinois regulators are allowing marijuana businesses to stay open longer to serve ...
glennlab comments on Feb 10, 2020:
As states expand their markets, it will require more adjustments until they finally get it right. Alcohol has been re-legal since 1933 and we are still tweaking the rules on it.
I just read a post that the economy is performing better than it has in the last 70 years.
glennlab comments on Feb 10, 2020:
The economy is on life support at this point, I can show all kinds of good things if you borrow $1 trillion and give it away. The economy is doing great for the top.01 %, very good for the top 2%, good for the top 10%, and poor for everyone else. Actual employment is at a 40 year low, under employment is near record levels, the gig economy has transfered the risks to the workers and profits to the overlords. I could go on, but suffice it to say that I disagree with the poster that said the economy is performing better than it has in the last 70 years. The largest problem with statements like that is the definitions of what they mean.
Take that! Lol
glennlab comments on Feb 10, 2020:
It was between love and laugh, so I flipped a coin
A new low for Dr.
glennlab comments on Feb 10, 2020:
The reason they say nice things is they like to eat regular meals and sleep indoors. If there was even an inkling of dissent they would be fired faster than a LTC that told the truth under oath.
Some truth in this
glennlab comments on Feb 10, 2020:
and if you don't pay attention to it, the last.
Here are the odds I'd vote for Lying Donald
glennlab comments on Feb 10, 2020:
Looks just like my diagram
Just thinking.
glennlab comments on Feb 10, 2020:
The devil is just the flip side of god, don't feel a need to believe in either or explain my non belief.
Attention! This is not a political group. Please don't endorse any politicians here. Thanks
glennlab comments on Feb 10, 2020:
Thanks, Ron. People should realize that there are political groups for that.
Emotional support animal.
glennlab comments on Feb 10, 2020:
I'll take two so that it is not overworked.
I am doing this new challenge this year.
glennlab comments on Feb 10, 2020:
Next year I'll do the 3 day challenge.
Just heard this on the radio, I know it's been posted before but some newer members may not have ...
glennlab comments on Feb 10, 2020:
Erie, melancholy ballad. Loved the music, hated the tragedy.
[] The Troggs. - on tour, Stockholm 1981. I really liked this English band,
glennlab comments on Feb 10, 2020:
I haven't thought about this group in ages, Thanks!
Why does the USA need immigrants?
glennlab comments on Feb 10, 2020:
Gosh, perhaps if Einstein and Fermi had stayed in their countries, they could have reshaped history so you could be living under a fascist dictatorship. How closed minded and xenophobic can you be?
Putting together an Ikea flatpack...
glennlab comments on Feb 9, 2020:
we sent this drawing down to the fabrication branch and it took two days before we got back a" WTF dude?"
Spirit - I Got A Line On You []
glennlab comments on Feb 9, 2020:
Haven't heard this one in a while, thanks.
Uh oh, bad news...
glennlab comments on Feb 9, 2020:
I'm fucked.
I actually saw this on Facebook this morning. Can't verify. [].
glennlab comments on Feb 9, 2020:
This is a common overprint technology. Full and partial sheets of bills are available from the bureau of engraving and can be legally overprinted. The sheets are sold at a premium, then the printing process adds more cost, packaging and advertising for a very limited market. Not my cup of tea, but completely legal.
Naughty piggie
glennlab comments on Feb 9, 2020:
That is not necessarily bad, going to get some frog legs too.
Got him on that one
glennlab comments on Feb 9, 2020:
He'd have to get a lobotomy first to dumb down enough.
267 days until Halloween 🎃🖤
glennlab comments on Feb 9, 2020:
She can sit on my roof even when it's not Halloween.
Hello, I just joined this group.
glennlab comments on Feb 9, 2020:
Until my last renter/roommate died I had never lived completely alone. (I"m 65 and he died last year) I didn't realize how I kept letting people move in for "just a few days" was my way to keep from being alone. The last year has been a huge learning experience, from cleaning and cooking to sleeping patterns. I'm ok with just being friends now and don't jump in too quick and I try not to see all the reasons why it won't work. Sorry for your experience and hope this was some help. Love yourself first.
Trump Calls on Congress to Expunge His Impeachment Talking to reporters on the White House ...
glennlab comments on Feb 9, 2020:
Maybe we can tell Hinkley that Trump is fucking Jodie Foster and send him out.
Squeak squeak🤣😂
glennlab comments on Feb 9, 2020:
And the old feather beds that just had slats since they were soft enough without springs. On the ones with springs, you couldn't shift your weight without making noise.
A gaggle of memes
glennlab comments on Feb 9, 2020:
Good ones
I will always respect Romney for his vote on Impeachment.
glennlab comments on Feb 8, 2020:
Romney is playing the long game, he is more popular in Utah than Joe Smith and they have already started running Mormon backed commercials praising him in Utah.
A comment on the news about idiotstick saying Pelosi broke the law tearing up his diatribe.
glennlab comments on Feb 8, 2020:
I figured she was too smart to do the very thing that Trump has been known to do on a regular basis.
Alrighty then.
glennlab comments on Feb 8, 2020:
Quiet night alone?
The one thing that Lying Donald need worry about!
glennlab comments on Feb 8, 2020:
or a third grader.
Just a few rare political ones
glennlab comments on Feb 8, 2020:
Getting that BS ready for the composter.
Hey, wait a minute
glennlab comments on Feb 8, 2020:
What if you had never asked that question?
Looks good
glennlab comments on Feb 8, 2020:
No thin mints?
Encouraging box
glennlab comments on Feb 8, 2020:
too late.
Would put a damper on those family vacations...unless it was the Adams Family
glennlab comments on Feb 8, 2020:
sounds like a plan
Where is Erik?
glennlab comments on Feb 8, 2020:
some big ones there.
Need the java!
glennlab comments on Feb 8, 2020:
yes it is.
UPDATE: She was found safe around 4am in Vegas and will be on her way home today.
glennlab comments on Feb 8, 2020:
It can be very disheartening when a loved one is in trouble, Wishing her a safe trip back home.
Lol it's that time again!!!
glennlab comments on Feb 8, 2020:
Not much different from any other spectator sport. If they can put up with my football and Olympics, I'll gladly watch Westminster with them.
Happy Saturday! Online friendships.
glennlab comments on Feb 8, 2020:
I have people I first met on line that I feel are friends, I also like meeting those same people in person when it is possible. I've met several people on this site that I never would have been able to know much less become friends with. So yes I do consider people I've never met and only interacted with on line to be friends.
What did you do there? []
glennlab comments on Feb 8, 2020:
Haven't heard this in a while, thanks.
Anyone got a spare fck to give for poor Rush cause I'm all out
glennlab comments on Feb 8, 2020:
I won't believe it is advanced until i see him curled up in a fetal position begging for death, trying to make peace with a god that doesn't exist. The nice thing about not being a christian is that I don't have to pretend that he is forgiven for the hate that he spread.
Cute kitties
glennlab comments on Feb 8, 2020:
face plant.
Harry and the dog
glennlab comments on Feb 8, 2020:
good ones
Today is my birthday. I am happy to be here and hope for 30 more years!
glennlab comments on Feb 8, 2020:
Happy Birthday
glennlab comments on Feb 8, 2020:
really funny, like this one too both are really short reads
Eat Shit Trump -Thats Whats in the Pie!!!!!
glennlab comments on Feb 8, 2020:
got to give us a little more
Well I finally did it and I have moved to Texas and will begin with a new life
glennlab comments on Feb 7, 2020:
Welcome to Texas, I'm in dallas. Good luck!
Where did the early women suffragists get their radical ideas about equality for women?
glennlab comments on Feb 7, 2020:
The Iroquois were one of the contributors, the the womens movement dates back to the Egyptians, Greeks, Romans and others. Each time women got into positions of power, it did not take long for the powerful men to shut them down. The American women's movement had fits and starts from before the republic was formed. The men in power discovered that if they gave ONE of the things the movement wanted, it would lose momentum that would take decades to restore.
So, its been about a month since she physically moved out and about a year since she moved on ...
glennlab comments on Feb 7, 2020:
Hold off on the puppy until you are in a good place, don't want to have a rebound puppy.
Vindictive bastard.
glennlab comments on Feb 7, 2020:
The party of Lincoln is dead, the party of Trump killed it
The Donald went down to Georgia...
glennlab comments on Feb 7, 2020:
Not funny at all.
Gordon Sondland has now been fired also
glennlab comments on Feb 7, 2020:
So it's going to be a lot worse than anyone on the right predicted. He paid $1million for that job.
Alternative Atheist or Agnostic Sites
glennlab comments on Feb 7, 2020:
I found this one by chance, so if you find one that's good, let me know.
[] Queen. - Bohemian Rhapsody.
glennlab comments on Feb 7, 2020:
Always like hearing this one.
glennlab comments on Feb 7, 2020:
What other lies? Everytime he opens that sewer in his face he spouts lies, I can't even watch him anymore.
Please welcome @Jetty who has just joined the group. Feel free to post your Rock music choices.
glennlab comments on Feb 7, 2020:
Welcome @Jetty look forward to your contributions.
This is Nox and our new family member, Imperio.
glennlab comments on Feb 7, 2020:
You have their attention.
Too true...
glennlab comments on Feb 7, 2020:
I've got to think about this one.
Only if you over-indulge.
glennlab comments on Feb 7, 2020:
Vindman's brother fired from the NSC.
glennlab comments on Feb 7, 2020:
We have one here in Texas that we are going to do our best to make unemployed.
As usual, I can't get the link. Cheap phone.
glennlab comments on Feb 7, 2020:
I discovered Chanterelle mushrooms while hiking last year. I wonder what they taste like?
glennlab comments on Feb 7, 2020:
I have not gone mushroom hunting since I moved from the PNW. The old rule of thumb is there are only two types of mushroomers, old ones and bold ones. My last attempt at simply reading almost cost me a very upset stomach. One family has no known poisonous members, lycopodia, however there is a imitator that causes stomach distress. Always have someone that knows what they are looking at evaluate the actual mushrooms. Pick 5-10 and have them evaluated.
Ah. Come on ? Do you really think so ? It is the weekend you know .
glennlab comments on Feb 7, 2020:
I've had that coffee, it tastes like gasoline.
Do we resisters need to arm ourselves with pistols and automatic guns to protect us against trump's ...
glennlab comments on Feb 7, 2020:
I am afraid you may be correct, but I hope that cooler heads prevail. I can see violent clashes during the run up to the 2020 elections.
The view out my dining room and guest room windows today.
glennlab comments on Feb 7, 2020:
Wow, your grass is white! Good pics, all kidding aside.
I'm new here, so still trying to figure out how this works.
glennlab comments on Feb 7, 2020:
Limbaugh winning freedom medal
glennlab comments on Feb 7, 2020:
He gave it to Limbaugh because Epstien is dead.
Am I practicing bias conformation if I ask, do all the drug addicts you have known try to make up ...
glennlab comments on Feb 7, 2020:
What came first, the chicken or the egg? Drugs reduce inhibitions, so they may have been closet racists before and now don't care to hide it anymore? I've known several addicts and each one was just as different as other people. So I would say that the drugs were incidental to their assholeness.
glennlab comments on Feb 7, 2020:
not available US.


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