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True professionials
glennlab comments on May 4, 2019:
NO. just no.
Do you see it?
glennlab comments on May 4, 2019:
Yoda! The force is with you.
A guy can dream.....
glennlab comments on May 3, 2019:
Poor devil.....
glennlab comments on May 3, 2019:
They get easier as you progress. Try not to miss or word will get out.
Had to think for minute...
glennlab comments on May 3, 2019:
Love is just around the corner. lol
Would everybody be in favor of going back to the old way of voting and do it by paper ballot, and if...
glennlab comments on May 3, 2019:
I favor an electronic system with a paper trail. Either a paper printout or optical scanner. as long as there are paper records available for recount purposes.
Hey fellow Texans! Glad to know there are like-minded people in this great state.
glennlab comments on May 3, 2019:
Where at in east Texas? Welcome to the group.
People always ask why my ex and I broke up and I always say that it’s because I stopped believing ...
glennlab comments on May 3, 2019:
My wife and I divorced after 32 years, when someone asks either of us, unless they are very close, we just say it wasn't working. we never even told my son the reasons.
Antivaxers- fighting over population one child at a time!
glennlab comments on May 3, 2019:
Darwinism is a bitch if you are on the less fit side.
Saved the best cheese for last! 🧀🧀🧀🧀
glennlab comments on May 3, 2019:
Happy Friday! A little cheese! 🧀🧀🧀🧀
glennlab comments on May 3, 2019:
You keep it up and your computer is going to freeze in a pun. (bad rendition of our mothers and pouty face child)
Maybe it'll work.
glennlab comments on May 3, 2019:
Future preacher and future pawn?
Hi there.
glennlab comments on May 3, 2019:
2 is my favorite, what is yours?
glennlab comments on May 3, 2019:
With my tinnitus, I have to have a fan on to drown out the noise.
Nancy Pelosi called Mitch McConnell the Grim Reaper of good legislation.
glennlab comments on May 3, 2019:
Mitch the bitch.
At the risk of boring everyone with more of my flowers - here are a few more shots taken after this ...
glennlab comments on May 3, 2019:
Fucking scientists.....
glennlab comments on May 3, 2019:
Batteries will go dead in 15 minutes over here.
Hindsight is 20/20....
glennlab comments on May 3, 2019:
don't worry, they have to dismiss for lack of evidence.
Tomorrow is the first big bazaar of the season.
glennlab comments on May 2, 2019:
Love them both.
Saturday, May 4th, as most of you (who aren't puppy kicking abominations) know, is the most sacred ...
glennlab comments on May 2, 2019:
Thankfully, I have an all day birthday party to attend. Have fun.
Today was my day, so these are some shots that made me happy
glennlab comments on May 2, 2019:
cute mops, and are you showing off your ass? lol
Definitely not going there
glennlab comments on May 2, 2019:
Not my family.
Get the fuck outta here
glennlab comments on May 2, 2019:
They really fucked up with that 3 in 1 BS.
Today's cheese 🧀🧀🧀🧀
glennlab comments on May 2, 2019:
Ok there's the cheese
Men over 30 ...
glennlab comments on May 2, 2019:
Not cheesy enough
I check my spam folder fairly often and keep it cleaned out.
glennlab comments on May 2, 2019:
You fit their profile? lol most likely you were in their latest batch of purchased email addresses. twice.
Dog texts vs cat texts
glennlab comments on May 2, 2019:
So very cute
glennlab comments on May 2, 2019:
He's not lying.
Spiritual inspiration
glennlab comments on May 2, 2019:
One of my favorite sayings is " I slept like god during the holocaust."
And what happens if I do?
glennlab comments on May 2, 2019:
Sexual Harassment Bear?
Pictures at a music fest.
glennlab comments on May 2, 2019:
@captnron59 is that your smoke trail?
Anything but that!
glennlab comments on May 2, 2019:
shouldn't have left it where they could find it.
Well I never, have you?
glennlab comments on May 2, 2019:
don't remember that one.
Anyone else roast their own coffee from green coffee beans?
glennlab comments on May 2, 2019:
no. I only grind some of mine. timing on the roast seems it would really be a pain.
I'm so old🤔
glennlab comments on May 2, 2019:
You're not old at all, you can still remember that stuff.
Troubles now
glennlab comments on May 2, 2019:
and that's how the fight started.
Password choices.
glennlab comments on May 2, 2019:
and when he used "my pull out game" his 8 kids asked why he was crying when it said too weak.
Yes. Yes I do....
glennlab comments on May 2, 2019:
That's the reason there are no longer mirrors in the bedroom.
Be careful of cliches...
glennlab comments on May 2, 2019:
What doesn't kill you can still hurt like hell.
Today’s small assortment.
glennlab comments on May 2, 2019:
4 was really good.
Is it possible for a conservative christian and a athiest to make a marriage work, raise kids and be...
glennlab comments on May 1, 2019:
It didn't work for me.
Extra cheese 🧀🧀🧀🧀 (LOL)
glennlab comments on May 1, 2019:
They're so bad, that they're good. lol
Always my pick for, "who would you have dinner with?" question.
glennlab comments on May 1, 2019:
if I could speak French or Latin, he would be very high on my list.
After three visits with each other last year, two in Michigan and one in Kentucky, @EllenDale and I ...
glennlab comments on May 1, 2019:
Great news.
Barr splutters, deflects in viral questioning by Kamala Harris [sfgate.
glennlab comments on May 1, 2019:
I watched a lot of the hearing, Barr absolutely refused to answer direct questions. He non answered by answering questions not asked.
Saw the doctor and Chiropractor today.
glennlab comments on May 1, 2019:
Be careful and get better soon.
Big Hair !!!
glennlab comments on May 1, 2019:
That was the "Don't touch my hair" hairdo.
The real problem...
glennlab comments on May 1, 2019:
You could have used Trump for all four examples.
Get your sun screen out.. its time to bond with the bugs and flowers.
glennlab comments on May 1, 2019:
You obviously have never seen the critters and mean plants we have in Texas.
glennlab comments on May 1, 2019:
Someone asked if i was getting any on the side, I replied that it has been so long, that I didn't even know they had moved it.
My dogs would say this.
glennlab comments on May 1, 2019:
They get really irritated when you close the lid to the water bowl.
I have several questions, but I don't think I want the answers to any of them...
glennlab comments on May 1, 2019:
Florida man sprints into the lead.
Welcome to @EricTrommater @Fartwink and @phoenixlives.
glennlab comments on May 1, 2019:
Welcome all.
I think the biggest problem I have with online dating is that reading a profile and then reading ...
glennlab comments on May 1, 2019:
I have to agree, there is so much more you can discover about a person in a few minutes than all of their messages.
Sad but true (not’s a joke, don’t lecture me please)
glennlab comments on May 1, 2019:
Life's a bitch.
If we could just tell the truth up front... :)
glennlab comments on May 1, 2019:
Sound like a catch to me. Rather hear it upfront.
Not going up that creek.
glennlab comments on May 1, 2019:
Be sure to take your own paddles if you go.
This presidency is going to be made into a movie in a few years.
glennlab comments on May 1, 2019:
They already did the prequill "Idiocracy"
Please Help !!
glennlab comments on May 1, 2019:
coffee..hope that helps, but somehow I doubt it.
Tell me, Group. Is this going just a little too far for Halloween?
glennlab comments on May 1, 2019:
nah, ask his therapist in 20 years.
One, two, three cats....See em?
glennlab comments on May 1, 2019:
what you doing, mommy?
Ark Encounter Asks Twitter Followers What They Learned While Visiting Ken Ham’s Monument to ...
glennlab comments on May 1, 2019:
really interesting.
They are masters of revenge, or are they?
glennlab comments on Apr 30, 2019:
and it will be crap in the shoes.
True dat.
glennlab comments on Apr 30, 2019:
I did that about half way to La. this past weekend to discover no phone.
Doesn’t quite look like Elsa.
glennlab comments on Apr 30, 2019:
about 3 more year experience to get them even close.
Remember Pixy Stix? 😊
glennlab comments on Apr 30, 2019:
koolaide in a straw, with extra sugar.
What's your opinion on this chandelier, from back in the day? 🤔
glennlab comments on Apr 30, 2019:
@sheannutt I was wrong, similar, but not the same
Distance yourself from people you talk to on line for a short time an then the M word comes out ...
glennlab comments on Apr 30, 2019:
??? what is the M word?
My first post.
glennlab comments on Apr 30, 2019:
Looks good.
Today's cheese 🧀🧀🧀🧀
glennlab comments on Apr 30, 2019:
that really was cheesy.
Beards are sexy...but they definitely don’t make you a man lol
glennlab comments on Apr 30, 2019:
But you can tell that a man shaves immediately. lol
That would be interesting.
glennlab comments on Apr 30, 2019:
That's dark.
Another first and last date. Want to hear about it?
glennlab comments on Apr 30, 2019:
bullet dodged. He either didn't listen or didn't care, either one is a red flag.
Wrong rocks.....
glennlab comments on Apr 30, 2019:
Mine do, I change rocks into green paper.
When my ex and I were still together and fighting about religion, he said according to my atheism ...
glennlab comments on Apr 30, 2019:
if you need religion to tell you right from wrong, you lack empathy.
Attitude is everything 😆😆😆 so how was your day?
glennlab comments on Apr 30, 2019:
Got several things done today, so it was good.
See what happens when you leave the door open?
glennlab comments on Apr 30, 2019:
cat hammock.
Good morning! Moving right on to question number 5 .
glennlab comments on Apr 30, 2019:
last night to myself, can't remember to someone else.
Does anyone keep a coffee maker in their master bedroom?
glennlab comments on Apr 30, 2019:
Yes! to the pure genius or addiction.
Only a few will get this?
glennlab comments on Apr 30, 2019:
read the original short story when it first came out.
Who is participating in World Naked Gardening Day? []
glennlab comments on Apr 30, 2019:
For my houseplants, otherwise see @Cast1es and @zoohome
glennlab comments on Apr 30, 2019:
Good Afternoon Everybody! While I was busy packing I was suspended.
glennlab comments on Apr 30, 2019:
Welcome back, glad they were able to straighten it out.
So I'll just post memes until I get caught....
glennlab comments on Apr 30, 2019:
I never do, so I don't.
Facts matter. trump incites violence.
glennlab comments on Apr 30, 2019:
The numbers as applied to a population of over 300 million are so small as to be insignificant. I think the fear factor is a major misleader.
If I don't have bad luck, I have no luck at all.
glennlab comments on Apr 30, 2019:
reminds me of my great aunt Fanny, got pregnant at 54. Talk about hitting the loaded chamber.
Accurate photo of the Texas mosquito
glennlab comments on Apr 30, 2019:
That is one nasty creature, you captured her essence.
Create the caption for this pic!
glennlab comments on Apr 30, 2019:
Nice ass, but don't move.
Chasing flies...
glennlab comments on Apr 30, 2019:
not that old, can still find the fly swatter.
These two pics popped up in my memories on Facebook.
glennlab comments on Apr 30, 2019:
love the frosted frame. It works great for BW
I remember these came with a way to use the box as a cereal bowl, leaked like hell. lol
glennlab comments on Apr 30, 2019:
special K was always the last one at my house.
Lucy's Grand Old Party!
glennlab comments on Apr 30, 2019:
The first liar doesn't stand a chance, neo-classical econ has never worked, except for some of the very rich.
the strange thing about getting old is that i look in the mirror & can't really believe i'm as old ...
glennlab comments on Apr 29, 2019:
They told me the end was near and to get my affairs in order, 2001, still around, short but round. lol
Trump has passed the 10,000 mark for number of falsehoods.
glennlab comments on Apr 29, 2019:
He said he was going to be the best, none of his followers thought it would be at racking up lies that can be disproven almost as soon as he utters them.
Great to know.
glennlab comments on Apr 29, 2019:
It would have been so much easier if Europe had left the UK, they are used to losing shit that way.
Smelly cat, smelly cat ...
glennlab comments on Apr 29, 2019:
You got skunked.
Can I help?? 😸
glennlab comments on Apr 29, 2019:
He knows there is something there he wants, gonna guess fish.
The struggle of hungry bewbies is real!
glennlab comments on Apr 29, 2019:
boobie corn, one of my favorites, but I prefer to pluck it out one piece at a time, grapes are even better.
A terrifying story.
glennlab comments on Apr 29, 2019:
Now we'll never get them to sleep.
At the Lily Pond in Mill Creek Park, Youngstown, Ohio
glennlab comments on Apr 29, 2019:
Very good.


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My son's Masters in Economics 2016
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My son's wedding Aug 2021
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