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glennlab comments on Nov 1, 2022:
I couldn't say it better
[] And I am done
glennlab comments on Nov 1, 2022:
She is oblivious
[] I ll say accurate 😂😂😂
glennlab comments on Nov 1, 2022:
Then he'd eat your face when you were late with supper.
[] I will like to vomit now pls , may I have the bucket pls ? 🤢🤢
glennlab comments on Nov 1, 2022:
You can say we weren't warned
[] Also true 😂😂😂😂
glennlab comments on Nov 1, 2022:
And then when he finally goes, he's at death's door with something that could have been cured.
[] ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️
glennlab comments on Nov 1, 2022:
Your puppy size.
[] Poor baby ♥️😂♥️♥️♥️😂
glennlab comments on Nov 1, 2022:
I laughed a little too hard.
glennlab comments on Nov 1, 2022:
Like that is going to encourage you to let him loose.
[] True story 🙄🦇🙄😂😂
glennlab comments on Nov 1, 2022:
Nurses, you have to admire their expectation of energy if they don't have life threatening events in front of them.
The following post is meant to be a joke of the sorts, so don't take my Halloween prank to heart too...
glennlab comments on Nov 1, 2022:
Neither by themselves are scary, I grew up in rural Louisiana, You were taught gun safety in 4H, cub scouts and school. Every gun was loaded and not a toy. You ONLY took it when you intended to use it and you only took the gun that was for the job you were doing. You never carried it for show.
Some damn Cops just don't get it!
glennlab comments on Oct 31, 2022:
Like the cop could read that.
Anybody got trick or treaters? Micky Ds at Halloween!
glennlab comments on Oct 31, 2022:
Another reason not to eat there.
I try to be kind and practice my shut up, but sometimes!
glennlab comments on Oct 31, 2022:
I know how you feel.
Do you like poetry? Lol...
glennlab comments on Oct 31, 2022:
Don't eat the salad!
That's the honest truth...
glennlab comments on Oct 31, 2022:
or better yet an indecent one.
Meanwhile in the South among church goers
glennlab comments on Oct 31, 2022:
That's a pornhub story if I ever heard one.
Concerts, rallies, fairs, festivals... I am out.
glennlab comments on Oct 31, 2022:
Should have worn an adult diaper or stayed home.
Isn't that the question?
glennlab comments on Oct 31, 2022:
It's crashing anyhow, so let it die a natural death.
After this one, I'll just let myself out. Bad pun
glennlab comments on Oct 31, 2022:
If I'm going to Hell, it may be for this one.
It's been a long time since we made fun of him
glennlab comments on Oct 31, 2022:
Son of a Bush AKA Shrub
Happy Monday or Halloween, or whatever!
glennlab comments on Oct 31, 2022:
The honey coocoo is way too scary
My nephew Brett sent us this photo of his cat for Halloween...
glennlab comments on Oct 31, 2022:
Do you know his blood type, he may be needing a transfusion if he keeps that up.
glennlab comments on Oct 31, 2022:
That poor board gets around
Hello. Newbie here👋 I came from the Philippines 🇵🇭 I specialized in history✍️
glennlab comments on Oct 31, 2022:
Thought this crowd would enjoy this type of humor .
glennlab comments on Oct 30, 2022:
Looks like you have too much energy
Never thought of it!!
glennlab comments on Oct 30, 2022:
Strange bedfellows
Aussies must be laughing.
glennlab comments on Oct 30, 2022:
No seems to want to name cities something new. Unles it is New York, New Brunsfels, New London and so on,
Happy Halloween
glennlab comments on Oct 29, 2022:
lil punkin
Be Smart - The Unbelievable Story of Earth’s Most Epic Flood []
glennlab comments on Oct 29, 2022:
At the Spokane World's Fair (Expo 74) they had an animation story talking about this, it gave you a whole new perspective when you traveled through the area.
A face you would just love to smash!!
glennlab comments on Oct 29, 2022:
If I ever need a place to take a dump, that face is it.
The wash your hands after you touch peppers guy died today. []
glennlab comments on Oct 28, 2022:
Jerry was one of a kind,
It’s “wear something pink for Breast Cancer Awareness Day” at work.
glennlab comments on Oct 28, 2022:
If you're going to donate, donate to actual women's health organizations or actual research organizations and not just front organizations that spend money to make money and nothing else.
Making fun of teens. 😆
glennlab comments on Oct 28, 2022:
Good comparison.
glennlab comments on Oct 28, 2022:
got to take the bad with the good.
Great question....
glennlab comments on Oct 28, 2022:
Hold on, I'm coming
Shot across the bow...
glennlab comments on Oct 28, 2022:
The war on Christmas is over, Walmart and Amazon won.
President Biden has something to say about the hypocrites in the Repug Party.
glennlab comments on Oct 27, 2022:
The hypocrisy is unbelievable.
The new consort attorney for the Ex No 45. Will they break up if he doesn't pay for her service?
glennlab comments on Oct 27, 2022:
I hope she knows a good defense lawyer.
Breaking news from England!!!
glennlab comments on Oct 27, 2022:
At least someone at 10 Downing is doing their job.
The History Channel.
glennlab comments on Oct 27, 2022:
Just because you can't explain it doesn't mean aliens.
Another "cock-up" for the town planners to sort out then? :-D
glennlab comments on Oct 27, 2022:
looks good to me.
How many are dying from excruciating pains right now? 😆
glennlab comments on Oct 27, 2022:
That's just cruel, I can see heads explode.
Smokers who quit, particularly at young ages, show much lower mortality rates than those who ...
glennlab comments on Oct 27, 2022:
Glad I never smoked
Hope you all are having a good night!
glennlab comments on Oct 26, 2022:
pure gold
I don't know about you but this has put me right off piercings forever! :-D
glennlab comments on Oct 26, 2022:
Wait until he gets the bill if he thinks he's in pain now.
Just because Hallowe’en is coming up….
glennlab comments on Oct 26, 2022:
I didn't discover meatloaf until the 90s but I fell in love with his work.
Prospective jurors in the case against Trump's business say 'I don't like him,' and call Trump a ...
glennlab comments on Oct 25, 2022:
It's not looking good for team trump.
My prayer...
glennlab comments on Oct 25, 2022:
and your favorite politician, Mitch McConnel
Responding to non contributing responses & trolling by offensive members - an alternative to ...
glennlab comments on Oct 25, 2022:
So you are going to bad mouth two of the few people that haven't blocked you
@starmrio looks like a scammer.
glennlab comments on Oct 25, 2022:
We had two more from Rosston TX, that makes about 20 from an unincorporated village of about 100 people
A two year olds best friend. Tried to correct but couldn’t turn the photo.
glennlab comments on Oct 25, 2022:
My son learned to walk using our husky for balance
farm bird in an item of clothing.
glennlab comments on Oct 25, 2022:
cock in a sock
I'm an adult now.
glennlab comments on Oct 25, 2022:
Seems legit
The Animals. - Baby Let Me Take You Home…1964. []
glennlab comments on Oct 25, 2022:
I don't remember this song, thanks for posting
Goodnight, I'm exhausted!
glennlab comments on Oct 25, 2022:
It is really hard to pick just one to comment on.
Just so some Americans can read that not everyone agrees with them.
glennlab comments on Oct 24, 2022:
What makes you think that Americans don't know that there are varying opinions? Just because I don't agree with something, doesn't mean that I am unaware of differing opinions.
It can be extremely entertaining.
glennlab comments on Oct 24, 2022:
These are two of my favorite buffalo, the first because it's my shot, the second is self explanatory
It is snowing right now, earlier today I had to rush and collect what I could from the garden.
glennlab comments on Oct 24, 2022:
Sorry about your turkey, but it looks like you were able to save a little bounty from the garden.
Aka soap 😆
glennlab comments on Oct 24, 2022:
The more hair you have, the more care it takes, when mine all fell out it made it really easy to take care of, but I had to moisturize and put sunscreen on until it came back.
The second person in 2 days have asked me to get a messenger called Telegram which is an unsecured ...
glennlab comments on Oct 24, 2022:
I had one ask me if I had cash app. BIG nope.
Justice Thomas agrees to halt Graham testimony in Georgia election probe [thehill.
glennlab comments on Oct 24, 2022:
I have no faith at all in Thomas doing the right thing, so it looks like Lindsey gets off.
Now, in an open letter(opens in new tab) to the Biden administration published Oct.
glennlab comments on Oct 24, 2022:
I wonder if they will take the measures necessary to protect them?
He wants to be a catstronaut.
glennlab comments on Oct 24, 2022:
wonder how high he'll jump when it pops.
Moscow Mitch Monster: Brought to you by... S.teve Bannon S.tephen Miller S.teven Mnuchin
glennlab comments on Oct 24, 2022:
h yuck
Does he look like a doctor? My scammer alert is twitching.
glennlab comments on Oct 24, 2022:
I would trust your instincts on this one.
Beau of the Fifth Column - Let's talk about Social Security shenanigans.... []
glennlab comments on Oct 24, 2022:
Republicans have been trying to destroy SS since it was passed.
Beau of the Fifth Column - Let's talk about mobilization, Putin, and sleeping.
glennlab comments on Oct 24, 2022:
Putin is careful to parse his words. He was part of the old communist party that always told the truth as they defined truth. Their definition was that anything that farther the cause was the truth.
Beau of the Fifth Column - Let's talk about snow crabs.... []
glennlab comments on Oct 24, 2022:
Climate change is real and it's economic impact is being felt from the Gulf to the arctic Circle.
MSNBC - Watch All In With Chris Hayes Highlights: Oct. 17 []
glennlab comments on Oct 24, 2022:
He still sees jews as the other.
Beau of the Fifth Column - Let's talk about whistles, DOD policy, and what's next.
glennlab comments on Oct 24, 2022:
Losing bases really impacts an area.
Beau of the Fifth Column - Let's talk about gas prices, crabs, and water.... []
glennlab comments on Oct 24, 2022:
Basic Economics, most people won't take the time to understand it.
Rafael Cruz decided it would be a great idea to watch the Astros play the Yankees in the Bronx.
glennlab comments on Oct 24, 2022:
It does my heart good to see Cancum Ted be recognized for what he is. When the going gets tough, Ted flees to warmer climes.
AFTER HIS ONE TERM IN OFFICE HE CONTINUES THE "LONG-CON" Since leaving office, former President ...
glennlab comments on Oct 24, 2022:
Con men got to con.
Are you feeling tired of endless analysis and specuation?
glennlab comments on Oct 23, 2022:
He could simply have stated that after an exhaustive search we have no idea where the phase keep'em barefoot and pregnant comes from and it appears in some form in other than English cultures dating from the 1500s.
I spit my soda out at this one lol
glennlab comments on Oct 22, 2022:
I bet he smelled delicious
glennlab comments on Oct 22, 2022:
Pre seasoned.
Happy MAGAween, y'all! LOL
glennlab comments on Oct 21, 2022:
The "girls" look like someone farted. And Donnie looks like he is proud of farting.
Nothing wrong with a little something just for me. LOL
glennlab comments on Oct 21, 2022:
That is one rough fruitstand.
Smells a little like antelope, but somehow wrong. And I ain't lion.
glennlab comments on Oct 21, 2022:
Poor Charlie Brown.
Oh boy.
glennlab comments on Oct 21, 2022:
The cray-cray runs deep in that duo.
Is marriage overrated?
glennlab comments on Oct 20, 2022:
changed her name and cleaned up his profile
I wonder what they'd do if I asked for some foamy shit on the top.
glennlab comments on Oct 20, 2022:
Good set
Competing with Trump
glennlab comments on Oct 20, 2022:
How many blonds does it take to ruin a country?
Ok, who had the one with no onions?
glennlab comments on Oct 20, 2022:
That is one great cat.
Just added
glennlab comments on Oct 20, 2022:
one of the drawbacks of the parliamentary process.
You all are invited!!!
glennlab comments on Oct 20, 2022:
oh no
Fall and Halloween cartoon fest.
glennlab comments on Oct 20, 2022:
Hard to pick a favorite, but twister is a classic.
I'd go with a nice malbec, but that's just me.
glennlab comments on Oct 20, 2022:
Now that is really hell.
My dog Moby.
glennlab comments on Oct 20, 2022:
not a whole dog in the bunch
Lauren Boebert just had her ass handed to her by Chelsea Handler: [youtube.
glennlab comments on Oct 19, 2022:
If the republicans win, we will have even more Boeberts to deal with.
Is marriage overrated?
glennlab comments on Oct 19, 2022:
It really depends. Some people need a contractual obligation in order to feel committed, some don't. In property situations, it can protect the rights both parties and is better than simple verbal agreements. It is beneficial for tax purposes, child rearing, other societal tasks.
“What kind of sorcery is this?” 😂 []
glennlab comments on Oct 19, 2022:
Pretty soon she is going to be all wet when she knocks the bottle over to investigate the bubble.
Wednesday morning cuteness
glennlab comments on Oct 19, 2022:
She looks so adorable
glennlab comments on Oct 18, 2022:
Not sure I even want to comment.
Black cat boogie.
glennlab comments on Oct 18, 2022:
Had me laughing.
Follow me for more ideas!!!
glennlab comments on Oct 18, 2022:
Talk about a sausage fest
Gathered over my weekend:
glennlab comments on Oct 18, 2022:
Hard to pick a favorite, all are good.
An obvious case of "who DIDN'T done it?'
glennlab comments on Oct 17, 2022:
Well, pretty likely that the butler did do it.
Trump Says He Wants Marjorie Taylor Greene in His Next Administration [rollingstone.
glennlab comments on Oct 17, 2022:
Answer me this...
glennlab comments on Oct 17, 2022:


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