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KY Congressman Claims Violent Overthrow of US Govt OK if 30-40% Approve In a video posted to ...
glennlab comments on Feb 14, 2022:
There must be something in the water in KY, I hazard to guess one of the distilleries has a massive leak.
Getting back to yoga, and these wonderful values:
glennlab comments on Feb 14, 2022:
I almost lost my breath.
Ya gotta hand it to them, they understand merchandising.
glennlab comments on Feb 13, 2022:
The rumor was she slept her way to the top, quite a big deal in a family company.
In today’s world, yeah. πŸ˜€
glennlab comments on Feb 13, 2022:
Got to give that a try
Those Puritans were so romantic.
glennlab comments on Feb 13, 2022:
good collection
"Bdub bdub bdub, confefe" that's all folks(just saved ya fifty smackers)
glennlab comments on Feb 13, 2022:
Wouldn't have it if it was a gift and they taped a $100 bill to it. Ok I'd take the hundred and recycle the book
This literally happened to me yesterday
glennlab comments on Feb 13, 2022:
that's the reason I have a scoop that is big enough it only takes 2 to fill the basket
I came across this today and laughed out loud in the parking lot lol
glennlab comments on Feb 13, 2022:
How would they know?
[] Oh well . πŸ¦‡πŸ¦‡πŸ¦‡πŸ¦‡πŸ¦‡πŸ¦‡πŸ¦‡πŸ¦‡πŸ¦‡
glennlab comments on Feb 13, 2022:
You at work?
[] I live w this πŸ™„πŸ˜‚πŸ™„♥️♥️♥️
glennlab comments on Feb 13, 2022:
I could see that happening
Laughs or tears , u tell me []
glennlab comments on Feb 13, 2022:
not sure, he has some valid points, so both
[] Go go , go go ♥οΈπŸ™Œ♥οΈπŸ™Œ♥οΈπŸ™Œ♥οΈπŸ™Œ♥️
glennlab comments on Feb 13, 2022:
If he were bigger, I could see Mr Diego doing it.
I said what I said πŸ™ŒπŸ™ŒπŸ¦‡πŸ¦‡πŸ˜‚ []
glennlab comments on Feb 13, 2022:
lol, he was really looking for a dog, not a woman.
[] Oh the loyalty πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚it hurts πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
glennlab comments on Feb 13, 2022:
It’s hell to grow old!
glennlab comments on Feb 13, 2022:
Describes it pretty well
You know what? OCD just doesn’t play fair, man.. 😫
glennlab comments on Feb 12, 2022:
That used to work for me, but I've lost the sense of shame my grandmother instilled in me.
Where’s the beef?
glennlab comments on Feb 12, 2022:
Did it, you're a 5
Where’s the beef?
glennlab comments on Feb 12, 2022:
first pic was taken with a long lenses
Where’s the beef?
glennlab comments on Feb 12, 2022:
Not even going to try it
Where’s the beef?
glennlab comments on Feb 12, 2022:
Where’s the beef?
glennlab comments on Feb 12, 2022:
I have the body of a god
At the urging of @SookieSue , I'm returning to the fold. How the hell are you all?
glennlab comments on Feb 12, 2022:
Welcome back
So, I just got back here and I hear my BF did too! WELCOME BACK @MaryChristmas ! Geez… I forgot ...
glennlab comments on Feb 12, 2022:
Welcome back @marychristmas, getting to be old home week
So, I just got back here and I hear my BF did too! WELCOME BACK @MaryChristmas ! Geez… I forgot ...
glennlab comments on Feb 12, 2022:
All great suggestions
So, what groups are fun?
glennlab comments on Feb 12, 2022:
I like memes R us, just for laughs, 50s+, progressives, socialist and blacklives matter, single mingles chat
In case anyone is counting.
glennlab comments on Feb 12, 2022:
just eating it up
Not so much a meme as it is truth…
glennlab comments on Feb 12, 2022:
get a hold of yourself, or the alter boy
I enjoyed all of these at the time, but they would be hard pressed to make it today
glennlab comments on Feb 11, 2022:
I remember being disappointed when I saw Blazing Saddles on late night tv recently and they had edited it
I just had to share so she can make you smile too!!
glennlab comments on Feb 11, 2022:
She's going to be as handful in a bit.
Enjoy the earworm
glennlab comments on Feb 11, 2022:
Well done, now I've got that song banging around in my head.
Cats will be!
glennlab comments on Feb 11, 2022:
Of course not
Staff in the White House residence would find the toilet clogged.
glennlab comments on Feb 11, 2022:
It is going to interesting to see if this will finally be his Nixon tapes moment.
Tell me I was wrong...
glennlab comments on Feb 11, 2022:
on the right!
Too accurate to be funny?
glennlab comments on Feb 11, 2022:
I know several of these
Messages from God. πŸ˜†
glennlab comments on Feb 11, 2022:
Oh god, that's funny
They don't care! Lol
glennlab comments on Feb 11, 2022:
stolen for my cat collection
It’s a GOP eat GOP world. []
glennlab comments on Feb 11, 2022:
So he physically stole more documents than Hillary was accused of deleting from her private server. Anyone who has dealt with classified material, knows that they must be in a locked safe unless they are in use. He'll never be prosecuted for it, but he should be.
missed the doggie
glennlab comments on Feb 11, 2022:
Considering that natural red heads are only about 3% of the total population, that means that almost 1/3 have blue eyes. oh, and I missed the dog the first time.
Glenn, this one's a followup for you!
glennlab comments on Feb 11, 2022:
Yep, wouldn't have it any other way
Where’s the beef?
glennlab comments on Feb 10, 2022:
for the foodies
Where’s the beef?
glennlab comments on Feb 10, 2022:
I laughed way too hard at this one.
Where’s the beef?
glennlab comments on Feb 10, 2022:
I've got my methods
Where’s the beef?
glennlab comments on Feb 10, 2022:
take your pick
Where’s the beef?
glennlab comments on Feb 10, 2022:
Poor baby.
Where’s the beef?
glennlab comments on Feb 10, 2022:
After giving all the attention to the cats
Where’s the beef?
glennlab comments on Feb 10, 2022:
Butt, butt that's got to hurt.
Where’s the beef?
glennlab comments on Feb 10, 2022:
Just wait
Where’s the beef?
glennlab comments on Feb 10, 2022:
Karen started early
Where’s the beef?
glennlab comments on Feb 10, 2022:
Starting some doggy ones
Where’s the beef?
glennlab comments on Feb 10, 2022:
a little role reversal
Where’s the beef?
glennlab comments on Feb 10, 2022:
How about you?
Where’s the beef?
glennlab comments on Feb 10, 2022:
You know it
Where’s the beef?
glennlab comments on Feb 10, 2022:
Dance the night away
Washington State Senate OKs ban on sales of gun ammunition magazines with more than 10 rounds.
glennlab comments on Feb 10, 2022:
Nothing stops a person from having multiple magazines, I've always maintained that if you need that many bullets you must be one super lousy shot.
Where’s the beef?
glennlab comments on Feb 10, 2022:
Beatles cat
Where’s the beef?
glennlab comments on Feb 10, 2022:
Say whaaat?
Where’s the beef?
glennlab comments on Feb 10, 2022:
some feels
Where’s the beef?
glennlab comments on Feb 10, 2022:
Where’s the beef?
glennlab comments on Feb 10, 2022:
Cats have good buddies too
Where’s the beef?
glennlab comments on Feb 10, 2022:
Been there
Where’s the beef?
glennlab comments on Feb 10, 2022:
There will be retributions
Where’s the beef?
glennlab comments on Feb 10, 2022:
Helping a friend here, join in
Where’s the beef?
glennlab comments on Feb 10, 2022:
The reason cats can't be CEOs
Where’s the beef?
glennlab comments on Feb 10, 2022:
They forgot the leather gloves , long sleeved shirt and band aides
Where’s the beef?
glennlab comments on Feb 10, 2022:
I can relate
Where’s the beef?
glennlab comments on Feb 10, 2022:
cat's back
Where’s the beef?
glennlab comments on Feb 10, 2022:
I'm feeling a little catty
Where’s the beef?
glennlab comments on Feb 10, 2022:
Where’s the beef?
glennlab comments on Feb 10, 2022:
Sue is an old time member that has come back, she is currently slogging through the lower levels, lets post responses to this meme to get her up a few levels.
Nerdy Valentines cards for you 😊 []
glennlab comments on Feb 10, 2022:
Nerdy, yes, cute yes
I wish!!!!
glennlab comments on Feb 10, 2022:
That day can't come soon enough
Ohio Republican Mayor Warns Ice Fishing Leads to Prostitution Republican Mayor Craig Shubert of ...
glennlab comments on Feb 10, 2022:
he can take it in the bass
“Over 70 percent of the people who died of Covid died on Medicare and some people want ...
glennlab comments on Feb 9, 2022:
Probably because over 70 % of those that died were over 65. Goes to show that MIT has has lowered their standards.
American Mardi Gras King cake.
glennlab comments on Feb 8, 2022:
I'm no baker, so that was my reason for not having a recipe. Even growing up in Mardi Gras country, I seldom saw a king cake that had been homemade.
I've learned something that I have long heard about but had never experienced myself until recently.
glennlab comments on Feb 8, 2022:
My brother-in-law recently passed, The families and friends are spread all across the country. We are trying to make plans for sometime in the spring for a memorial service, The logistics suck. Sorry for your loss.
Yes, we are!
glennlab comments on Feb 8, 2022:
You sure?
Robert Reich will be teaching his undergraduate course titled Wealth and Poverty every week for 14 ...
glennlab comments on Feb 8, 2022:
And it is FREE!
Hey! wassssssuuuuppp? You losers been busy? πŸ˜‰
glennlab comments on Feb 8, 2022:
I'd take it to the hospital, he looks bad.
Released in 1977, so may be a bit before some started paying attention to music
glennlab comments on Feb 8, 2022:
In case you don't remember
And I do...
glennlab comments on Feb 8, 2022:
This came up on my fb feed.
glennlab comments on Feb 8, 2022:
People forget that most of the colonization was done by corporations, for the benefit of the crowns. Hudson Bay Co, East India Company and others would move in first, then the governments would move in to "protect" the investment. The governments were major shareholders. Queen Elizabeth formed the first corporation after seeing the mistakes that Spain made. there is a whole history lesson that is glossed over.
Donald Trump, thief, liar, cheat and a leader of the Rethuglican Party, held up a mirror to the ...
glennlab comments on Feb 8, 2022:
With the latest RNC meeting the conversion is complete. They have gone from Richard Nixon's Southern strategy to attract George Wallace's followers in the American Party to the actual embodiment of George Wallace's American Party.
French President Emmanuel Macron meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin. What the hell?
glennlab comments on Feb 8, 2022:
This is the photo op table. During normal negotiations both sides of the table would be filled with aids and translators.
So, It's been a few years, my old account is gone and I can't figure out how to message anyone.
glennlab comments on Feb 8, 2022:
Welcome back
I got the winning bid on a condo! In thirty days the bank will own almost all of it again though my...
glennlab comments on Feb 8, 2022:
Congrats and enjoy
Some people like love mud
glennlab comments on Feb 7, 2022:
Like this?
Happy to be of service
glennlab comments on Feb 7, 2022:
got several
Not a coffee fan!
glennlab comments on Feb 7, 2022:
Anyone recognize this tablet?
glennlab comments on Feb 7, 2022:
flip it, lol
Donald Trump, thief: []
glennlab comments on Feb 7, 2022:
Once a grifter, always a grifter
Comparative educational achievements.
glennlab comments on Feb 7, 2022:
We only have his word that he could, and we know how good his word is.
Let's get this straight
glennlab comments on Feb 7, 2022:
Ted Cruz Wants Truckers to ‘Starve-Out’ People in Vancouver With Empty Shelves Former ...
glennlab comments on Feb 7, 2022:
Ran as a Mexican- American when he was still a Canadian citizen with Cuban parents
Ted Nugent Calls Bruce Springsteen "Dirtbag," Says He Supports "Communists" - iHeart
glennlab comments on Feb 6, 2022:
Who cares what shit in the pants thinks?
So it appears that we either have a sensitive snowflake crying buckets on the shoulders of an ...
glennlab comments on Feb 6, 2022:
A little more on what happened may be in order. I can see your disillusionment, but I can't read your mind about what happened.
I have enjoyed Some Grey Bloke for years now, and can always get a laugh from watching it.
glennlab comments on Feb 6, 2022:
good one
If you say "Bloody Mary" in Texas, 3 times fast, Brett Kavanough appears with a drink cart.
glennlab comments on Feb 6, 2022:
lil teddy
What it means to be British, aptly said []
glennlab comments on Feb 6, 2022:
Poor R2D2! πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
glennlab comments on Feb 6, 2022:
made it
Poor R2D2! πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
glennlab comments on Feb 6, 2022:


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My son's Masters in Economics 2016
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My son's wedding Aug 2021
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