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Such a good match!
glennlab comments on May 10, 2021:
perfect match
Cat campfire tales...
glennlab comments on May 10, 2021:
I swear I fed them
What the idiots don't realize
glennlab comments on May 10, 2021:
I keep my card with my passport, If I have to travel anywhere I will take both with me. I carry my passport whenever I travel in case i happen to lose my wallet, the passport will allow me to continue my travels,
'It makes us look like idiots': Arizona Republican admits he was wrong to support 'ridiculous' vote ...
glennlab comments on May 10, 2021:
He will soon be drummed from the party unless they wake up.
& by the way, I'm going to need bail money...
glennlab comments on May 10, 2021:
can't please everybody.
Or, people of color, or the working class, or...
glennlab comments on May 10, 2021:
Unless you are actually a multi millionaire, pretty much everyone else, not just women.
Stunning Calcite on Scolecite crystals From India
glennlab comments on May 10, 2021:
glennlab comments on May 9, 2021:
Raise their taxes to 1950s levels
Good question. Best answer...
glennlab comments on May 9, 2021:
bird parts
A true statement
glennlab comments on May 9, 2021:
Unless you are a know nothing conservative.
Blessed silence at last
glennlab comments on May 9, 2021:
Yes we have. But the PTSD from the last 4 years remains
Happen to you also
glennlab comments on May 9, 2021:
You mean my first name wasn't Sargent?
I can't either
glennlab comments on May 9, 2021:
none found, none to give,
Or 31, or 41, or...
glennlab comments on May 9, 2021:
I've become more of a night owl as I have gotten older, I tell people not to call me before 10 am, but if you call at night, I'm good until 2 am
A great example of the Scientific Method...
glennlab comments on May 9, 2021:
If they know that killed him, that means that someone was watching and counting. Bill, do you have anything you want to tell us?
Happy Mother's day, you mothers! 😊💙
glennlab comments on May 9, 2021:
Ask a silly question...
Happy Mother's Day...
glennlab comments on May 9, 2021:
Are you sure? lol
Happy Mother’s Day everyone!
glennlab comments on May 9, 2021:
Happy Mother's day!!
Has anyone else notice, that you have to click on photos these days, to stop them being fuzzy ?
glennlab comments on May 9, 2021:
It was one of the updates that didn't work for the users.
I am a bit late but what a wonderful weekend at the coast.
glennlab comments on May 9, 2021:
I am so jealous
I agree. 😆
glennlab comments on May 9, 2021:
one, but darker
glennlab comments on May 9, 2021:
You picking on 2021? it is marginally better than 2020 so far.
Some classic art memes... LOL😛😅
glennlab comments on May 9, 2021:
great explanations of the masters.
Has anyone else made Moonshine?
glennlab comments on May 8, 2021:
I make wine, we used to run a still in the lab .
Sprinkling some more memes
glennlab comments on May 8, 2021:
you just keep them coming.
The best memes I could find this week
glennlab comments on May 8, 2021:
good set.
Trump’s Legal Hurricane! Giuliani Raid Has 45 ‘Scared’ | The Beat With Ari Melber | MSNBC ...
glennlab comments on May 7, 2021:
Do I here the theme song from "Flipper" roiling to a crescendo.
A question to the senate.
glennlab comments on May 7, 2021:
there is a tag for sarcasm, if it's not clear, tag it, just a suggestion
As it should be...(asshole!)
glennlab comments on May 7, 2021:
serves him right
Unusual gardening technique
glennlab comments on May 7, 2021:
the pun is strong with this one
Hahaha ... 😛😜
glennlab comments on May 7, 2021:
good ones lol
Living Room ...
glennlab comments on May 7, 2021:
got me
Random nonsense ... 😛
glennlab comments on May 7, 2021:
groan. but keep it up
Today's cheese ... 🧀 🧀 🧀 🧀
glennlab comments on May 7, 2021:
nice set
I’m being moved to the rehab center this evening.
glennlab comments on May 7, 2021:
Wishing you a speedy recovery
UNMASKED & ENTITLED at NORDSTROM RACK!! Please subscribe to my channel!! Thanks - YouTube
glennlab comments on May 7, 2021:
poke the bear a little, I guess she did.
Does anyone remember?
glennlab comments on May 7, 2021:
Next time don't pay for sex when the cops are watching
Uh-oh. 😆
glennlab comments on May 7, 2021:
good idea to check an see if your meme was already posted today.
& it works every time...
glennlab comments on May 7, 2021:
both of them
glennlab comments on May 7, 2021:
The credit card companies were able to claw back some of it, the banks may get pennies on the dollar. The ignorant slobs may or may not get reimbursed depending on whether they file a claim or not. As of now, none are being notified.
Good to the last drop.
glennlab comments on May 7, 2021:
Drip, Drip, scrunch.
One job...
glennlab comments on May 7, 2021:
He caught it, what more do you want?
Because... why not.
glennlab comments on May 7, 2021:
I don't run anywhere anymore. If you see me jogging look for what is chasing me.
I've got mine booked... finally.
glennlab comments on May 7, 2021:
Got mine, still isolating.
It's not even midnight yet but I have to wake up early for work!
glennlab comments on May 7, 2021:
3 AM always sneaks up on me.
They do that
glennlab comments on May 7, 2021:
Dive bomber alert!
Yup found him
glennlab comments on May 6, 2021:
ROTC special
My mind is seldom quiet, so when it is...
glennlab comments on May 6, 2021:
Just keep looking ahead and don't act suspicious
Deb Haaland: 'Unfortunate' That Rick Santorum Doesn't Know Native American History | HuffPost
glennlab comments on May 6, 2021:
I believe we have reached the point where both definitions are equal Santorum 1. The frothy mix of lube and fecal matter that is sometimes the byproduct of anal sex. 2. Senator Rick Santorum.
This couple will be together for awhile...
glennlab comments on May 6, 2021:
got to know your limits and how to get around them
Small children, etc. ...
glennlab comments on May 6, 2021:
Yoga pants are my favorite truth tellers. At least on someone else.
Random stuff ...
glennlab comments on May 6, 2021:
1. Hot mail 2. Not going to touch it 3. Newly single, going to the church social
Indeed! .....
glennlab comments on May 6, 2021:
I used to be accused of being a bomb thrower when the dinner conversation went to politics.
This is SOOOOO Midwest-y ...
glennlab comments on May 6, 2021:
better than the New Jersey, single person, couple, small family, large family.
While in church ...
glennlab comments on May 6, 2021:
Kid has the right stuff
Meow Trek.
glennlab comments on May 6, 2021:
Really catty
A little cheese .... 🧀 🧀 🧀 🧀
glennlab comments on May 6, 2021:
Not as cheezy as you're known for, good to see you back posting. keep up the good work
Please "LIKE" all of Phxbillcee's & Marrionville's post's that they may reach 100,000 points so ...
glennlab comments on May 6, 2021:
Been doing it before he even left, still do
Groaner coming at you lmao
glennlab comments on May 6, 2021:
I'll give you your groan. lol
Hello gardeners! I know most of you are getting your gardens going.
glennlab comments on May 6, 2021:
I have the beginnings of beans, my tomatoes have set fruit, I've been getting squash for a little over a week, but my other plants are still reeling from our strange weather this year. The freeze in Feb. nearly wiped out my loquat and fig trees, and killed all my pomegranate trees.
I find this to be spot on
glennlab comments on May 6, 2021:
Certainly seems that way
glennlab comments on May 6, 2021:
It's 1939 somewhere
Anti-Ben Shapiro comic
glennlab comments on May 6, 2021:
I manage to avoid ever seeing or hearing him except when someone here puts him up
His twin brother
glennlab comments on May 6, 2021:
The one on the left is the ugly twin
A dad joke alert! (I feel like I owe you an apology for this one...😂)
glennlab comments on May 6, 2021:
I'm going to bed before midnight for a change because I am exhausted.
glennlab comments on May 6, 2021:
My neighbor has a raccoon under his house and I have a opossum under mine, they can be irritating at times.
Yes he did
glennlab comments on May 6, 2021:
His day is coming
(Well, it is "non-invasive" in one sense, but I wonder about the acid left behind.
glennlab comments on May 5, 2021:
This sounds like the early reports on fracking. All upside without looking at the possible downside effects and whether they are better or worse than the current ones. It looks a lot like industry funded experiments.
Family of woman shot by cop during Capitol riot says it was murder
glennlab comments on May 5, 2021:
Commit a felony. get killed as you are attempting to commit another, and your family sues. I see where she got her entitlement.
Why are small dogs more aggressive than larger ones:[]
glennlab comments on May 5, 2021:
I would say that they are taking after Karen their owner, it's not the dog, it is a result of their treatment
Have a Happy Cinco de Mayo!
glennlab comments on May 5, 2021:
nailed it
Sounds reasonable
glennlab comments on May 5, 2021:
I like my fruits and grains fermented and distilled. Some fruit is best if just fermented.
I just hit Level 9.8, only 160K until Level 10!!! LOL
glennlab comments on May 5, 2021:
I'm only 9.5, the last year without travel has really racked up points.
The old Covid memes
glennlab comments on May 5, 2021:
Yep to all.
Top ten from my FB friends - slow week 😣
glennlab comments on May 5, 2021:
Great set
Just in case you were looking for a couple of good cocks to look at.
glennlab comments on May 5, 2021:
what about big black cocks
glennlab comments on May 5, 2021:
It's all he can afford.
Isn't it ironic...
glennlab comments on May 5, 2021:
Cinco de Mayo is simply the last of the immigrant holidays, No Columbus Day (Italian), St Patrick's Day (Irish) Mardi Gras ( French) and I'm sure more all of whom were not considered white by the Anglos.
Was religion an old form of government?
glennlab comments on May 5, 2021:
Prior to the 18th century government controlled the church or the church controlled the government dating back to at least 5000 BCE
In case you had any doubts about why anyone objects to those who kneel during the national anthem.
glennlab comments on May 5, 2021:
I shared this one with one of my clergy friends, she put it in her newsletter this week. It really shows the injustice,
Very brain damaged
glennlab comments on May 5, 2021:
Not fair, he was brain damaged before covid
You're gonna have a bad day.
glennlab comments on May 5, 2021:
How long to get that garlic taste out of the machine? asking for a friend.
That is a good point
glennlab comments on May 5, 2021:
Throwing down the gauntlet!
Timing seems about right...
glennlab comments on May 5, 2021:
timing is everything
glennlab comments on May 5, 2021:
I was afraid they would make an exception for tweety, glad they didn't.
But isn’t the covfefe and flavored bleach great?
glennlab comments on May 5, 2021:
I'd say neither of either
Yeah can't wait
glennlab comments on May 5, 2021:
It's not going to end well
This look familiar
glennlab comments on May 5, 2021:
Good morning!
glennlab comments on May 5, 2021:
Bacon, YES!
The joys of being a parent! Lol
glennlab comments on May 5, 2021:
As long as it's still attached, that's ok.
Ugh!!!! 🙄🙄🙄🤣🤣🤣🤣
glennlab comments on May 5, 2021:
good set
You can stop now...
glennlab comments on May 5, 2021:
I'm, going to keep on scrolling, I still haven't found what I was looking for.
May the Fourth (what's left of it) be with you!
glennlab comments on May 4, 2021:
Han hits home with me, I can still do the liturgy by heart.
Can't say this often enough, I guess.
glennlab comments on May 4, 2021:
how about
Sounds like a fun place lol
glennlab comments on May 4, 2021:
Get your fudge there.
Biden: The Oval Office Desk Chair Still Smells Like KFC Farts
glennlab comments on May 4, 2021:
It will take a long time to eliminate all that gas bag left.
Meme dump, I'm exhausted!
glennlab comments on May 4, 2021:
good healthy dump. lol
Happy fourth
glennlab comments on May 4, 2021:
Yoda doodle
Happy cuatro de mayo
glennlab comments on May 4, 2021:
Looking a little pastry there.
Couple people here might want to take a shot at answering this one after all the GQP is a ...
glennlab comments on May 4, 2021:
Many just joined it or supported its actions.


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My son's Masters in Economics 2016
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My son's wedding Aug 2021
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