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Taken in 2015 just before all my hair was shaved off for charity. The girls at work thought it would be a terrific hoot to have me with pink hair, I thought it may as well be a mohawk if we're going all in :-)
How often do you swear?
ashley44 comments on Feb 26, 2018:
I was born and raised in New York City, so swearing comes naturally to me. The comedian Lewis Black is the one who said that in NYC the word "fuck" is like a comma. I'm 73 years old and frankly I don't give a damn if someone doesn't like my swearing!
ipdg77 replies on Feb 27, 2018:
@ashley44 I've checked him out, he's really good :-)
Anything people would like to know about me? Looking to be a more active member????
Akfishlady comments on Feb 27, 2018:
Try getting involved in some of the conversations. Once you interact, we will ask more questions and you will learn about us too. Jump right in, the water is fine.
ipdg77 replies on Feb 27, 2018:
Right on, stick some stuff out there, people will respond :-)
How often do you swear?
ashley44 comments on Feb 26, 2018:
I was born and raised in New York City, so swearing comes naturally to me. The comedian Lewis Black is the one who said that in NYC the word "fuck" is like a comma. I'm 73 years old and frankly I don't give a damn if someone doesn't like my swearing!
ipdg77 replies on Feb 27, 2018:
Thx Ashley, I didn't know where the fuck/comma quote came from :-)
Why, if two wrongs don't make a right, do two negatives make a positive in mathematics?
Akfishlady comments on Feb 26, 2018:
But 3 lefts make a right, so you never know.
ipdg77 replies on Feb 26, 2018:
You beat me to it lol
If you could pick any historical period to live in,what would it be?
Crimson67 comments on Feb 26, 2018:
As an outspoken woman, any time period other than this one would have likely seen me burnt at the stake so I'm good with this one.
ipdg77 replies on Feb 26, 2018:
Girls, go back to Sparta, they loved their women, well they loved them to be well fit so they could give birth to the next generation of Spartan warriors but they looked after you :-)
What's your favourite riff/lick/intro ever?
btroje comments on Feb 26, 2018:
unfortunately not available in the US
ipdg77 replies on Feb 26, 2018:
There's plenty of riff compilations on Youtube, sorry this link didn't work
What are you favourite roadtriping/driving music or albums?
Crimson67 comments on Feb 21, 2018:
I road trip a lot and my musical tastes are all over the map. It has to be something we can sing along with or something upbeat. No slow music, no country music. Sirius radio actually has a "Road Trip" station that I listen to when I get tired of what is on my thumb drive.
ipdg77 replies on Feb 25, 2018:
I'll have to see if I can't find it on the internet, I suspect the signal won't reach here lol
What are you favourite roadtriping/driving music or albums?
kmdskit3 comments on Feb 21, 2018:
Still haven't heard a better driving song than 'Radar Love' by Golden Earing.
ipdg77 replies on Feb 25, 2018:
@kmdskit3 A lot less rocky but a seminal musical period would be Autobahn
What are you favourite roadtriping/driving music or albums?
LimeySteve comments on Feb 21, 2018:
Pink Floyd. Always Pink Floyd.
ipdg77 replies on Feb 25, 2018:
@Sacha Gotta love some Yes
What are you favourite roadtriping/driving music or albums?
DanBraden comments on Feb 21, 2018:
Anything bob seeger
ipdg77 replies on Feb 25, 2018:
Good shout Dan :-)
What are you favourite roadtriping/driving music or albums?
kmdskit3 comments on Feb 21, 2018:
Still haven't heard a better driving song than 'Radar Love' by Golden Earing.
ipdg77 replies on Feb 25, 2018:
I agree but 2-4-6-8 Motorway gets the job done too :-)
What are you favourite roadtriping/driving music or albums?
Hicks66 comments on Feb 21, 2018:
Road Trip Mix: Deep Purple - Machine Head, Golden Earring - Moon Tan, Motorhead - Iron Fist, White Zombie - La Sexorcisto, Alice Cooper - Billion Dollar Babies, Mollie Hatchet - Beating the Odds, Black Sabbath - Sabotage, Ministry - Psalm 69.... eh..I think you get the idea.
ipdg77 replies on Feb 25, 2018:
Can I come too :-)
I'm involved with two community groups which have adults with learning disabilities.
btroje comments on Feb 24, 2018:
I like the yellow one. I was waiting for some pics!
ipdg77 replies on Feb 25, 2018:
I've got some more recent ones on my computer at work, I'll try and get them on here during the week :-)
I'm involved with two community groups which have adults with learning disabilities.
TebuhoMulala comments on Feb 25, 2018:
Wow Great works you are doing . Tell me more about it . I also work with kids mainly orphans with disability in Zambia Africa .
ipdg77 replies on Feb 25, 2018:
Hi, I work for the local council but one group we do is with a housing provider for people with additional support needs, and the other one is run by me to give people some work skills, skills that we take for granted like getting up and arriving on time. It's really easy for me as I love working with wood, something I've only really been doing, thru work, over the past couple of years. I get as much out of it as anyone but then hopefully my enthusiasm rubs off :-)
Artist Erik Ravelo puts children on The Cross for controversial project
ipdg77 comments on Feb 24, 2018:
F*** me, this twat is one sick puppy
ipdg77 replies on Feb 25, 2018:
@Gert I will admit I was a bit hasty in my condemnation of this guy (see earlier comment) but having followed your link he does have a very 'unique' way of making a visual impression.
Are there any flat Earth believers among us?
ipdg77 comments on Feb 25, 2018:
I thought the earth was flat until I saw the sun when I was a day old!
ipdg77 replies on Feb 25, 2018:
@paul1967 Hear hear! Love Dr Tyson. I really liked his reply when asked about flat earth theory and he said 'You just can't pull stuff out of your ass and call it science'.
How should Jediism be considered in terms of religion/spirituality?
SamKerry comments on Feb 25, 2018:
As a joke when asked which religion I believe in after I tell them that I don't believe in god. Edit: I chose Jedi as my religion 2 censuses ago. I chose "no religion" in the last one so that atheists could e counted accurately.
ipdg77 replies on Feb 25, 2018:
RE: The edit Ditto lol
Where are you from
ipdg77 comments on Feb 24, 2018:
I live on an Island, off an Island off the north west of Europe. Better known as the Isle of Wight :-)
ipdg77 replies on Feb 24, 2018:
@Akfishlady Yes it is :-)
Artist Erik Ravelo puts children on The Cross for controversial project
ipdg77 comments on Feb 24, 2018:
F*** me, this twat is one sick puppy
ipdg77 replies on Feb 24, 2018:
@Crimson67 OK, I thought he was just promoting something gross not trying to open up a needed bit of discourse.
God was looking out for me this morning.
ipdg77 comments on Feb 24, 2018:
And how can this be? For he is the Kwisatz Haderach! (You'll need to have read Dune)
ipdg77 replies on Feb 24, 2018:
@Rugglesby I've read all the books too and watch the film on a regular basis, never seen a copy of the board game though :-)
Would like to brainstorm ideas for our website's cover text.
ipdg77 comments on Feb 24, 2018:
So you're after a mission statement? I'll get back to you. I wonder about wanting a wider audience, I would have thought the entire heathen world was wide enough but obviously social media is the way to take global (repeatedly) I joined because you came up on my Facebook feed, not sure why ...
ipdg77 replies on Feb 24, 2018:
@Admin Out of the two options you attached I prefer the left hand one, the one with more in the title. I wonder if the site is trying to be too much too soon, I've seen a few comments re dating, that people are too far away, I appreciate it would take time but does the site have the member depth to make that a realistic option yet? Or could the dating section be a separate area, again I know cost and admin is probably a consideration. With regards to trying to encapsulate what the site is about I'd keep plugging away on here, there are some good ideas about a variety of things, your own site may be your best resource but I think you already know that :-) And while you're hear, I've only been hear a week or two but thoroughly enjoy the site, keep up the good work :-)
15 or so years ago I worked with a couple of very pleasant ladies who were Jehovah's Witnesses.
bjporcella comments on Feb 24, 2018:
The ignorance of believers is at times amazing. I suspect that as you didn't come across as "Christian" they had no other box to put you in.
ipdg77 replies on Feb 24, 2018:
You could be right, I hadn't thought in quite that way :-)
The Story of my life.
kmdskit3 comments on Feb 24, 2018:
Is he saying you look dom?
ipdg77 replies on Feb 24, 2018:
In my humble opinion that's exactly what he means, he's after one thing and was putting his toe in the water :-)
The Story of my life.
ipdg77 comments on Feb 24, 2018:
The story of MY life Hello Miss. I am 57, separated, white (well more beige/pink really), one tat and one redundant piercing, very short or no hair which is grey if it grows, bloodshot eyes and I'm really not skinny. I will say this, I'm a place you get water from, not a virgin and I can be ...
ipdg77 replies on Feb 24, 2018:
@Crimson67 My daughter told me today that she'd really like to go to the Paris Olympics in 2024, looks like my coffee with Crimson kitty may get diverted lol
USL Preseason starts tomorrow! Packing all our flags, chairs, coolers and other accessories into ...
ipdg77 comments on Feb 23, 2018:
ipdg77 replies on Feb 23, 2018:
@Crimson67 Thx Crimson
Are you getting any?
sandyw1952 comments on Feb 19, 2018:
Been so long you'd have to brush the cobwebs away first.
ipdg77 replies on Feb 21, 2018:
Thanks Sandy, that did make me laugh :-)
What is it you like about
KKGator comments on Feb 20, 2018:
A redsux fan? We can't be friends.
ipdg77 replies on Feb 20, 2018:
@KKGator Yankees? I luv you x
What is it you like about
emilyvilhorror comments on Feb 20, 2018:
I love that people seem educated on here and responses to posts don't make you want to cringe. I look forward to seeing how people respond to stuff! I do feel like an oddball on here for actually liking sports,
ipdg77 replies on Feb 20, 2018:
I love sports but I'm not defined by it but if you want to chat sports go right ahead :-)
Hi all, run a woodwork group for adults with learning difficulties, mental health concerns, autism ...
hankster comments on Feb 19, 2018:
worthy efforts. carry on with it.
ipdg77 replies on Feb 19, 2018:
Thx for saying but I just do it 'cos I really enjoy it :-)
Men... bald is not a bad thing?
IAMGROOT comments on Feb 19, 2018:
If you're bald man (like I am), just shave it all of and don't pretend. I've never really enjoyed being bald, but I've learned to accept it. I shave my entire head once a week and maintain a trimmed mustache and goatee. It's more difficult for women due to social "norms."
ipdg77 replies on Feb 19, 2018:
I have little or no hair out of choice. If I do let it grow to a normal length it's been likened to Ken Barlow out of Coronation St. That probably won't mean anything to non UK members but it's not a good look!
How do you socialize?
ipdg77 comments on Feb 19, 2018:
There aren't any groups anywhere near where I live, I do all my atheist stuff online
ipdg77 replies on Feb 19, 2018:
@MaryRoa I live in the UK on the Isle of Wight, it really isn't a militant hot bed of anything lol
Personality Test
ipdg77 comments on Feb 18, 2018:
What the f*** is a Twizzler?
ipdg77 replies on Feb 18, 2018:
@Charlene Thx, and redvines?
TheIrishTexan comments on Feb 18, 2018:
Honestly there are some verry beautiful women on here but just like every other dating site there are 100 men to 1 woman so the chances are nil.
ipdg77 replies on Feb 18, 2018:
They're not nil! They're 1 in a 100 lol
HippieChick58 comments on Feb 18, 2018:
Faint hearts never won fair ladies. Speak out if you are attracted. I've felt some attraction and then see they're over 500 miles away and that just won't work for me.
ipdg77 replies on Feb 18, 2018:
That's it in a nutshell. There's one lady on here who I think is v nice indeed but she's 3,500 (approx) miles away so I wouldn't embarrass her by saying anything, I might appear stalker like otherwise.
Unusual Expressions II - Cockney Rhyming Slang
Treasurehunter comments on Feb 18, 2018:
Thanks for the link. Are Cockneys an endangered species or are they now extinct?
ipdg77 replies on Feb 18, 2018:
@Tiffanny A sherbet is also an alcoholic drink, as in 'going out for a sherbet',
Unusual Expressions II - Cockney Rhyming Slang
Tiffanny comments on Feb 18, 2018:
My dogs are Barking! love that one. Pen and Ink! ..You stink. Your avin a bubble bath....Laugh Oily rag....Fag ermm in English that means a cigarette lol Love rhyming slang.
ipdg77 replies on Feb 18, 2018:
Many moons ago I had an American guy in fits when I told him 'bumming a fag' was actually about scrounging a cigarette :-)
Unusual Expressions II - Cockney Rhyming Slang
Treasurehunter comments on Feb 18, 2018:
Thanks for the link. Are Cockneys an endangered species or are they now extinct?
ipdg77 replies on Feb 18, 2018:
@Treasurehunter The current Pearly King & Queen do turn up at various events but it doesn't carry the same interest as in years gone by. The Notting Hill Carnival seems to get bigger every year, the last I heard it was the biggest carnival in the world outside Rio but there must be many cities that would dispute this.
Unusual Expressions II - Cockney Rhyming Slang
Treasurehunter comments on Feb 18, 2018:
Thanks for the link. Are Cockneys an endangered species or are they now extinct?
ipdg77 replies on Feb 18, 2018:
Probably endangered, the definition would still apply, born within the sound of Bow Bells, but as a cultural thing it's very different to when my mum grew up in the east end of London, Areas change, population is more mobile and diverse etc
Unusual expressions.
HeathenFarmer comments on Feb 18, 2018:
My father had one that I have never others use, he would use it when someone usually one of his son's or grandsons would be continuously getting up and then sitting down again at the table or while sitting on the couch. It was; "Jesus boy your up and down like a minister's prick."
ipdg77 replies on Feb 18, 2018:
A similar one to that is 'Up and down like a whore's drawers'
I thought this group would stir shit up, and it has.
ipdg77 comments on Feb 17, 2018:
Now I appreciate there are many caveats to this and I come from and live in a country with very strict gun laws but..........the simple truth is less guns means less shootings, i.e. no guns no shootings. There are simply too many guns floating around which means the likelihood of one falling into ...
ipdg77 replies on Feb 17, 2018:
@jayneonacobb You know what you're absolutely right. In your country it is your right to own a gun and with a bit more paperwork it is in mine too, But I'm happy to have my 'freedom' impinged upon to save a life or two.
Level 5 Yay Level 6 there's a reckoning coming :-)
sandyw1952 comments on Feb 16, 2018:
Hey, I was a 5 first. I'll race you to 6!
ipdg77 replies on Feb 17, 2018:
You're on! :-)
Level 5 Yay Level 6 there's a reckoning coming :-)
silvereyes comments on Feb 16, 2018:
yay you! :) I like your profile picture. You look so happy.
ipdg77 replies on Feb 17, 2018:
Hi Silvereyes, thx for the comment, I was playing on a rope swing in the woods with my daughter, she took the pic and I played up to it. Happy is exactly the word :-)
Original sin
ipdg77 comments on Feb 16, 2018:
It doesn't but I'm obviously missing the humour as I don't get the photo bit
ipdg77 replies on Feb 16, 2018:
@Obnoxious I replied because you asked the question, I'd be genuinely interested in how it can affect someone
So spill the beans Crimson, who do you support?
Crimson67 comments on Feb 16, 2018:
My son's local youth club. Louisville City FC (USL) Never been a fan of MLS (too much love of business and not enough love of the game) Arsenal (because it is my son's favorite team) PSG (because I have a crush on Neymar)
ipdg77 replies on Feb 16, 2018:
@Crimson67 It's ok to say your liking for men's football is more about watching fit men run about than the actual nuances and technicalities of the game lol That's why I like rhythmic gymnastics!!!!! Ooops - Only kidding lol
What is your definition of God?
KKGator comments on Feb 2, 2018:
A complete load of horseshit made up by people who didn't know any better. Perpetuated by people who SHOULD know better.
ipdg77 replies on Feb 16, 2018:
Succinctly put :-)
So spill the beans Crimson, who do you support?
Crimson67 comments on Feb 16, 2018:
My son's local youth club. Louisville City FC (USL) Never been a fan of MLS (too much love of business and not enough love of the game) Arsenal (because it is my son's favorite team) PSG (because I have a crush on Neymar)
ipdg77 replies on Feb 16, 2018:
I wasn't surprised that Arsenal were in there, Gooners get everywhere!!!!! But I don't have an equivalent for your Neymar crush, maybe I should watch more women's football lol I never really supported them but thought the New York Cosmos was a great name :-)
I'll Pray for you. Building bridges between Theist and Atheist.
ipdg77 comments on Feb 16, 2018:
Your response was the same as I would give. If someone prayed for me I would be appreciative for the thought. I can't pray for anybody or anything but that doesn't mean I can't keep them in my thoughts and wish them well. Compassion should be an integral part of the human condition irrespective of ...
ipdg77 replies on Feb 16, 2018:
@Ktcyan Thanks :-)
So is there anyone on this site that likes heavier music? Tell me your favorite bands!
xamountofstars comments on Feb 13, 2018:
Do these count? (Serious question.)
ipdg77 replies on Feb 14, 2018:
So is there anyone on this site that likes heavier music? Tell me your favorite bands!
Gohan comments on Feb 13, 2018:
My favorite bands are Avenged Sevenfold, Metallica, Halestorm, Texas Hippie Coalition, Sevendust, Disturbed, Korn, Tool, etc..
ipdg77 replies on Feb 13, 2018:
Sounds good to me \m/
How much of a heretic are you?
Lysistrata comments on Feb 12, 2018:
Baptized, raised, confirmed Catholic. I now regard them as one of the most destructive forces ever unleashed on humanity.
ipdg77 replies on Feb 13, 2018:
Ditto :-)
I love the idea of man going to Mars, or anywhere else in the cosmos for that matter, but colonising...
Jnei comments on Feb 11, 2018:
It's the nearest planet we could potentially colonise in the not-too-distant future, however, which makes it a logical first step and the most convenient one should we need to vacate Earth in a hurry. To do so, we'd need to create environments habitable by humans; the easiest way to do this would be...
ipdg77 replies on Feb 11, 2018:
Thx for replying. I get the idea of using Mars to iron out a lot of issues around humans in space, colonising an alien world and developing habitats and even terraforming but to colonise as an end unto itself, I'm not so sure. It;s probably how the mass media project it which means it's no where near what the real rationale is lol
Do you believe in “ true love” is that such a thing ?
ipdg77 comments on Feb 11, 2018:
Assuming you're talking about boy/girl love I would say yes. Life may seem to muddy the waters around it but I would generally agree :-)
ipdg77 replies on Feb 11, 2018:
@Donotbelieve I was using it as an example but no I'm not, far from it given experience from friends and family, I was trying to distinguish it from parental love for example :-)
Dating after 50
ipdg77 comments on Feb 11, 2018:
I think you just about summed it up lol I would also add, and I'm not being sexist as I've only seen female profiles, there is usually of huge list of what they don't like, thus the bar is set so high it's no wonder they don't have anyone. The other one that amuses/irritates me is that prospective...
ipdg77 replies on Feb 11, 2018:
@witchymom lol love the practicality and pragmatism, maybe i should try that......if I could be bothered :-)
Sceptical as usual
SweetHarp comments on Feb 9, 2018:
What are you skeptical about? What are your reservations?
ipdg77 replies on Feb 9, 2018:
Thx for the question. I'm skeptical that I can spell! But also about whether this site will be worthwhile, will people actually have sensible conversations and dialigue, is there genuine possibilities for meeting someone or will it amount to nothing? Your question would suggest a positive start so much obliged :-)


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Taken in 2015 just after I shaved all my hair off to raise money for cancer support
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My daughters phone gave me an 'Ozzy' sort of look
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Taken in 2016 at Download, three days of rock, metal and thrash, fantastic. Don't know who the grumpy cow is behind me, she obviously didn't like the rain!
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Taken a couple of years ago, 2016/7, playing on a rope swing with my daughter
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I'm sporting a beard at the mo', taken June 2018, I'm not as grumpy as I look.
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F***ing selfies in a mirror, taken 2018
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Beachcombing on the Isle of Wight - Sept 2018
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My niece and I - Isle of Wight Sept 2018
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One of the Indestructibles and a pretty hideous look but my daughter thinks it's a hoot!  
Agnostic, Atheist, Humanist, Secularist, Skeptic, Freethinker
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