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Taken in 2015 just before all my hair was shaved off for charity. The girls at work thought it would be a terrific hoot to have me with pink hair, I thought it may as well be a mohawk if we're going all in :-)


Movie Star Crush
ipdg77 comments on Apr 27, 2018:
I had a crush on Candice Bergman many moons ago :-)
Why do we all overthink dating?
ipdg77 comments on Apr 27, 2018:
For me personally it's because I'm a bit of a twat :-)
It's after midnight here, and so it is officially my birthday.
ipdg77 comments on Apr 27, 2018:
Have a great birthday, whatever you do with it :-)
What saying represents the way you see your world?
ipdg77 comments on Apr 27, 2018:
See it's you again :-o Oh yes the reason I'm here :-) If you can keep your head when all around you are losing theirs, you clearly don't understand the gravity of the situation :-)
Should I stay or should I go ?
ipdg77 comments on Apr 27, 2018:
I'd rather 'Rock The Casbah' :-)
Should I get rid of my Xtian bed?
ipdg77 comments on Apr 27, 2018:
Burn it!!!!!!!! Seriously, it's just a f---ing bed :-)
Happy Friday! Bottoms up!?❤️
ipdg77 comments on Apr 27, 2018:
Put your bottom away, I'm old enough to be your dad! lol :-)
Hey ya.
ipdg77 comments on Apr 27, 2018:
Welcome along :-)
No perfect anything. Change my mind.
ipdg77 comments on Apr 27, 2018:
The main riff in 'Smoke On The Water' :-)
So here is a question.
ipdg77 comments on Apr 27, 2018:
Blimey I don't really notice. I see certain people more than others, like you for example, but just assume you're here when I am, interested in the same things or just quite vocal and want to get involved :-)
Can you call your life a succesful life till now?
ipdg77 comments on Apr 27, 2018:
On balance yes, there have been a few cock ups along the way but I'm happy with my lot for the most part :-)
Rock music fans, please share your experience with tribute bands.
ipdg77 comments on Apr 27, 2018:
I view tribute acts as fans of the band and it's just a way of sharing the music. Some are better than others of course and there really isn't anything like the real thing :-)
Your thoughts on loud music in a restaurant?
ipdg77 comments on Apr 27, 2018:
Currently in the hospital.
ipdg77 comments on Apr 27, 2018:
Fuck! Glad to hear you're ok, :-)
Can we forgive humans for being human?
ipdg77 comments on Apr 27, 2018:
To answer the header is I think we can forgive humans for being human but not for being f---ing stupid :-) Although for a lot that's kind of goes hand in hand!
Ending phone conversations with loved ones is always awkward for me.
ipdg77 comments on Apr 27, 2018:
What are the best ways you know to help someone build self esteem?
ipdg77 comments on Apr 27, 2018:
What you said but just include them, or at least try, just being part of a group can be a beginning :-)
Is anyone else getting this in msgs or just me? 2 separate msgs. I know I'm not blocked.
ipdg77 comments on Apr 27, 2018:
Haven't seen it on here, I'm using a laptop, I think there's an app but don't use it. If there is an issue give @admin a shout :-)
Could the "show likes" button be on posts as well as comments?
ipdg77 comments on Apr 27, 2018:
I think the like button was on posts as well as comments before :-)
Hello everyone, I am new here and I am so glad this group is here.
ipdg77 comments on Apr 27, 2018:
Welcome to the group. It's good to hear that your diagnosis has helped you make some sense of what's gone before. For some though it opens a can of worms (apologies for the analogy, they don't always make sense to someone with ASC) I started this group because my eldest daughter has Aspergers and I work with adults with autism so wanted somewhere for people to go to vent/talk/find out...whatever they need. And also for me to try and understand the condition better from the experts, those that have the condition :-)
Debating Atheism
ipdg77 comments on Apr 21, 2018:
I'm not a debater but wouldn't mind a crack at it. But I would be careful to not pick on a heavyweight first off, learn my craft, learn how to debate and not just shout my opinions at someone and get in touch with or check out Matt Dillahunty to get some tips :-)
What are your thoughts on existentialism?
ipdg77 comments on Apr 21, 2018:
It's a really tough word to spell :-)
What is your greatest resource of meaning in life?
ipdg77 comments on Apr 21, 2018:
My daughters :-)
What film would you say is under-appreciated?
ipdg77 comments on Apr 21, 2018:
Soylent Green. It's never on the TV and rarely gets a mention, I think there's some great stuff in it and knowing the back story a little bit one of the scenes in particular is very poignant :-)
Do you check off qualities in a potential partner like you would groceries on a grocery list?
ipdg77 comments on Apr 21, 2018:
No never, it starts with 'fancying' someone. One can and does fancy the oddest people so having a shopping list is, for me at least, a waste of time :-)
Welcome to this new group for experienced members!
ipdg77 comments on Apr 21, 2018:
The Senate? Can't we have a House of Lords & Lasses? :-)
How come none of the trolls are coming after me?
ipdg77 comments on Apr 21, 2018:
You get wise, you get yourself to church......Oh Bollocks, that's from the Blues Bros, oh well, I tried.
Lost in Translation
ipdg77 comments on Apr 21, 2018:
I must be a bit thick, you've never struck me as a bitch, I think you're quite entertaining and look forward to seeing you on here. :-)
69 Visitors and no one says 'hello'
ipdg77 comments on Apr 21, 2018:
I tried to say 'Hi' but you have to put in at least 28 characters, .........really?! :-)
Hi ho hi ho.
ipdg77 comments on Apr 21, 2018:
Enjoy (If that's the right word?) :-)
Do we need simple OOPS! and OUCH! signals?
ipdg77 comments on Apr 21, 2018:
I wouldn't worry about it. I would hope that most people would just ask for clarification rather than just be offended and posting an answer will probably piss someone off especially if it's a tad controversial. btw They're called emojis, my 11 year old just explained it d'oh!
In your opinion what is the most likely thing that could halt human progress?
ipdg77 comments on Apr 21, 2018:
Who reading this would be interested in a Group for LIBERAL ATHEISTS?
ipdg77 comments on Apr 21, 2018:
Don't ask, just form the group Build it, they will come :-)
Do you have wonderful ex or current in-laws?
ipdg77 comments on Apr 21, 2018:
Movies of your life
ipdg77 comments on Apr 21, 2018:
'I'm going to have to science the shit out of this' :-)
are you afraid of death?
ipdg77 comments on Apr 21, 2018:
No not especially, I'll be more peeved than anything as I'll always have things I've yet to do.
God's will
ipdg77 comments on Apr 21, 2018:
I don't think it's all that different to 'For christ's/god's sake', 'It's in the lap of the gods', 'god knows' and so on. The god bit is meaningless so it doesn't matter
Weekend Plans
ipdg77 comments on Apr 21, 2018:
So far, build a couple of planters, out of recycled wood, for the front of the house (Done) get some plants in (Done) Have a new pipe fitted to the back of the loo (Done) Pick up daughter (Done) Watch FA Cup semi on the TV (Done) Slob about, drink coffee and eat my daughter's orioles (Doing) Car boot sale in the morning (To do) Go swimming (To do) fanny about on here (Ongoing)
Am I the only atheist that doesn’t smoke pot?
ipdg77 comments on Apr 21, 2018:
No you're not :-)
Delete or Ignore?
ipdg77 comments on Apr 21, 2018:
Delete and block :-)
Do you have nicknames for your pets?
ipdg77 comments on Apr 20, 2018:
I had a cat called Kramer, named after Tommy Kramer of the Vikings and he was a Tom, but he was called Big Mogs. Also had a dog called Trapper, named after Trapper Mash from Mash and he was called Splodge. Come to think of it, don't know why we gave the animals names in the first place we never used them lol
What, in your opinion, is the greatest invention in human history?
ipdg77 comments on Apr 20, 2018:
An update on my previous answer. The bacon sandwich :-)
Christians on this website
ipdg77 comments on Apr 20, 2018:
I haven't met any that I know of. Perhaps they feel like they've sneaked into the enemy camp and so armed with their copy of Sun Tzu's Art of War they'll know how best to defeat us?
Do you raise your kids atheist?
ipdg77 comments on Apr 20, 2018:
Hopefully I am teaching my kids how to think not what to think. If I get it right then they'll be ok :-)
What, in your opinion, is the greatest invention in human history?
ipdg77 comments on Apr 20, 2018:
The back scratcher (Bliss!)
ipdg77 comments on Apr 20, 2018:
A variety of things will make me look at a post, someone who's liked a comment, someone who sends me a message, someone who's different, or I'm just being nosey lol It can be a dating site, there seem to be quite a few who have met up and done the 'date' thing so I guess it works in that regard but i would say it's more community if I had to choose.
How do you handle rude people when you've tried your best to accommodate them?
ipdg77 comments on Apr 20, 2018:
If I'm in my usual easy going mood then I ignore them, if not a 'Piss Off!' will usually come forth :-)
Sexy pics or not?
ipdg77 comments on Apr 20, 2018:
I don't think a sexy post of me is possible even with modern technology and special effects. But if I could and it attarcted somone, preferably female, then fine by me lol
What are you most looking for in a relationship? Just your 1 Thing
ipdg77 comments on Apr 20, 2018:
A pulse!
Do your family and friends think you're going to hell?
ipdg77 comments on Apr 20, 2018:
I doubt it :-)
Selfies and pics
ipdg77 comments on Apr 20, 2018:
My phone can't do it so I don't. I wouldn't anyway because I look like shit in photos, but then again perhaps I just look like me and I look like shit generally :-)
Do you self-identify as a nerd?
ipdg77 comments on Apr 20, 2018:
I don't think I'm nerdy but I can be pedantic :-) which is totally different of course but just thought I'd say it :-)
Name something men need to stop doing.
ipdg77 comments on Apr 20, 2018:
Scratching their balls in public - just a thought :-)
3 Mirrors
ipdg77 comments on Apr 20, 2018:
Sense of humour, intellect and the need for rampaging sex!
Bob Seger We've got tonight []
ipdg77 comments on Apr 20, 2018:
Superb, I was playing some of his stuff only yesterday :-)
Rocky Horror Picture Show
ipdg77 comments on Apr 20, 2018:
It's got to be done :-)
Sweet home alabama Lynyrd Skynyrd []
ipdg77 comments on Apr 20, 2018:
Good call :-)
Boulevard by Jackson Browne []
ipdg77 comments on Apr 20, 2018:
Don't get enough Jackson Browne :-)
Stones - Beggar's Banquet []
ipdg77 comments on Apr 20, 2018:
Very nice :-)
Best Film God: Who and Why?
ipdg77 comments on Apr 20, 2018:
This was about god but he wasn't actually in it....The Prophecy Christopher Walken played a great but demented Angel Gabriel and Viggi Mortenson played a pretty cool Lucifer
What would be considered religion bashing?
ipdg77 comments on Apr 20, 2018:
A interesting question. Is saying religion is cobblers religion bashing? Who cares lol It's all rubbish, I can't say otherwise, if that's construed as bashing then so be it but seriously (sort of) it's just a different opinion.
I.Q. testing
ipdg77 comments on Apr 20, 2018:
In my experience you can do a taster, for free, to give you an idea then you pay to find out for real :-)
What is your favorite genre of books and what was the last thing you read?
ipdg77 comments on Apr 20, 2018:
Usually Sci-fi but am reading some NDT at the moment and have just started Thomas Paine's The Age Of Reason
Where Does Religion Come From?
ipdg77 comments on Apr 20, 2018:
I like Christopher Hitchens take on this. God didn't show up in China where they could write and keep a record of this, he turns up in the most god forsaken shit hole on earth full of illiterate people that nobody else gave a toss about.
I had a great conversation with a Brit last night who was unaware of how religious the US was.
ipdg77 comments on Apr 20, 2018:
Come to the UK, we don't give a toss. When people find out I'm an atheist their response is.....whatever lol
"What are your goals in life?"
ipdg77 comments on Apr 20, 2018:
To leave my girls a few quid and teach them the ability to think for themselves, shuffle off this mortal coil with a bank balance of Zero, and get my name in the local paper for for having Fucking Aida by Ian Dury played at my funeral :-)
Nazareth Razamanaz [] Fuckin rock!!!
ipdg77 comments on Apr 20, 2018:
Stop it!!! I'll have to get my vinyl out soon lol
Nazareth.. This Flight Tonight.. [] Happy 4/20... memories
ipdg77 comments on Apr 20, 2018:
Always loved Nazareth, thx for the reminder :-)
Christianity is NOT a religion, I’m told.
ipdg77 comments on Apr 20, 2018:
Christianity is not a religion. It is a group name for the all the spin offs from Catholicism starting in 323AD, at the council of Nicea I believe, when the Greek Authodoxy started. And no I'm not a religious nut case, I got this from studying history. And by the way @DaveSchumacher it is all crazy bullshit, you should hear the reason why the church split in the first case :-)
What is your impression of Unitarian Universalist?
ipdg77 comments on Apr 20, 2018:
I'm sorry I don't do impressions
Do "nice guys" complain too much about dating, relationships, and love (or lack thereof)?
ipdg77 comments on Apr 20, 2018:
This one doesn't :-)
My recommendations are: 1) An American in Paris 2) Key Largo 3) 12 Angry Men Best Place to ...
ipdg77 comments on Apr 20, 2018:
1. Casablanca 2. Singin' In The Rain 3. Hunt The Bismarck
Why is trump appointing people with no science backround to science posts?
ipdg77 comments on Apr 20, 2018:
Because he's a twat!
Happy Ask an Atheist Day.
ipdg77 comments on Apr 20, 2018:
Nobody asked me a damn thing. People in the UK are like...whatever lol
Ever been called ugly or some other mean spirited slur to your face?
ipdg77 comments on Apr 20, 2018:
My ex called me a scruffy, fat, lazy bastard who didn't do anything. Does that count? :-)
When is too late to start looking for a life partner?
ipdg77 comments on Apr 20, 2018:
F--- knows, a partner would be nice, I'll worry about the details as we go along lol
Have you settled on being single?
ipdg77 comments on Apr 20, 2018:
To answer the leading question the answer is yes. I don't see me hooking up with anybody, as far as I'm aware I'm intelligent etc etc but not fanciable, just the way it is :-)
Just joined! Thought I'd say hello : )
ipdg77 comments on Apr 20, 2018:
Hi, welcome aboard :-)
When/how did doubt about God's existence occur?
ipdg77 comments on Apr 20, 2018:
I was brought up a Catholic, and the first time I heard that not going to church was a mortal sin like murder is, I thought wow! that sounds like a load of crap to me. It festered from there :-)
If you were forced to put together an atheist "church" service on Sunday, what would your "sermon"...
ipdg77 comments on Apr 20, 2018:
I think a sermon about burning in hell for being an atheist followed by hymn No 666 Highway To Hell
Where do you feel most comfortable going on Sundays mornings?
ipdg77 comments on Apr 19, 2018:
What is your number one favorite food? I love Indian.
ipdg77 comments on Apr 19, 2018:
I like a variety of foods and cuisine but anyone who can slip a bacon sarny into their repetoire gets my vote :-)
If you believe in reincarnation, I think instead of "RIP" your tombstone should say "BRB".
ipdg77 comments on Apr 19, 2018:
Or to be totally trendy l8r :-)
What are your 3 go to categories when you log on? All the categories are marked new.
ipdg77 comments on Apr 19, 2018:
The bell icon first, messages next, then..........see who's joined or commented in my autism group :-) Then I get to rest of you lot :-)
Do you believe in Karma?
ipdg77 comments on Apr 19, 2018:
Sort of....maybe. I kinda go with what goes around comes around but that's the law of averages really. Haven't really helped the argument here lol
Good Morning everybody. ? Hope you have a wonderful day! ???
ipdg77 comments on Apr 19, 2018:
Likewise :-)
Who would you like to go back in time and meet?
ipdg77 comments on Apr 19, 2018:
I'd go back in time to find the first person who ate a sprout and said 'Yummy', I would eliminate them so they couldn't spread the ghastly message that a sprout is somehow OK!!!!!!
As a former Jehovah's Witness, I'm curious how this community views the group.
ipdg77 comments on Apr 19, 2018:
To borrow a line from The Life Of Brian....'They're mmmmmad sir'
Leo Moracchioli anyone? []
ipdg77 comments on Apr 15, 2018:
Love this cover and loads of his other stuff ;-)
Who else is spring cleaning?
ipdg77 comments on Apr 14, 2018:
I don't have much space so keeping loads of crud isn't really an option. But photos from my marriage are in a box, the girls might like them and as I tell my daughter it wasn't all crap, well not at the start anyway. As for clothes, if it hasn't been worn in a year it gets tossed, either out or to a charity shop. Music stays, cant throw that out. :-)
Who else is spring cleaning?
ipdg77 comments on Apr 14, 2018:
I don't have much space so keeping loads of crud isn't really an option. But photos from my marriage are in a box, the girls might like them and as I tell my daughter it wasn't all crap, well not at the start anyway. As for clothes, if it hasn't been worn in a year it gets tossed, either out or to a charity shop. Music stays, can throw that out. :-)
How do you style your hair everyday?
ipdg77 comments on Apr 14, 2018:
I have a No1, that's one up from bald if it doesn't translate. I do nothing with it, when it grows it gets fluffy, as my daughter likes to tell me when she rubs her hand on it, then it's time for another No1 :-)
What is the Origin of the Universe?
ipdg77 comments on Apr 14, 2018:
I couldn't do the poll 'cos my answer wasn't an option. The furthest we can go back thus far is the big bang (and all the bits round that), what happened to cause that is.............I don't know.
I love this live version.
ipdg77 comments on Apr 14, 2018:
Great band, great song :-)
Do you remember your first favorite song?
ipdg77 comments on Apr 14, 2018:
What a really good question. It was probably this :-)
What's a song that either gets you up and dancing or has you harmonizing along with it?
ipdg77 comments on Apr 14, 2018:
Well I sing along to this, it gets me up to turn the radio up as loud as it will go and I get to have a go on my air guitar so don't know if it counts......but what the hell!
What is you favorite Beatles song?
ipdg77 comments on Apr 14, 2018:
I don't know if it's my absolute favourite but it's the one I always wanted to hear on the radio if they were going to play a Beatles song but it doesn't often get an airing. So I guess it probably is then lol
Name the two musical performers and/or bands which you find the most innovative.
ipdg77 comments on Apr 14, 2018:
The Bonzo Dog Doo Dah Band
I'm in love with Amy Pond. ❤️❤️❤️
ipdg77 comments on Apr 14, 2018:
Oh yeah, she's a cutey :-)
Who's your favourite Doctor and why?
ipdg77 comments on Apr 14, 2018:
I kind of like them all but did have a bit of trouble with Sylvester McCoy, but I suppose I've got a reason to like each one. Hartnell was my first Doctor, Pertwee was the one when I really got to understand it a bit, Tennent 'cos he was good but an honourable mention goes to Ecclestone who revived the role brilliantly.


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Taken in 2015 just after I shaved all my hair off to raise money for cancer support
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My daughters phone gave me an 'Ozzy' sort of look
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Taken in 2016 at Download, three days of rock, metal and thrash, fantastic. Don't know who the grumpy cow is behind me, she obviously didn't like the rain!
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Taken a couple of years ago, 2016/7, playing on a rope swing with my daughter
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I'm sporting a beard at the mo', taken June 2018, I'm not as grumpy as I look.
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F***ing selfies in a mirror, taken 2018
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Beachcombing on the Isle of Wight - Sept 2018
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My niece and I - Isle of Wight Sept 2018
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One of the Indestructibles and a pretty hideous look but my daughter thinks it's a hoot!  
Agnostic, Atheist, Humanist, Secularist, Skeptic, Freethinker
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