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Trump says Robert Mueller should not testify to Congress
jerry99 comments on May 6, 2019:
Chuck Schumer: First @realDonaldTrump repeatedly tried to fire Mueller Then he refused to be interviewed by Mueller Now he’s trying to silence Mueller For a man who constantly proclaims his innocence, @realDonaldTrump is acting awfully guilty Mueller must testify publicly before Congress Donald J. Trump: testify. Are they looking for a redo because they hated seeing the strong NO COLLUSION conclusion? There was no crime, except on the other side (incredibly not covered in the Report), and NO OBSTRUCTION. Bob Mueller should not testify. No redos for the Dems!
The latest school shooting happened near my home.
jerry99 comments on May 9, 2019:
We’ve lost our moral compass. Our laws are supposed to protect children, not threaten them.
Sarah Sanders set a record! yay!! She hasn’t held a Press Conference in 58 days, a modern ...
jerry99 comments on May 10, 2019:
The plus is that there are fewer lies being publicized by this administration. You have to look at his twitter feeds or pep rallies if you want to get them. And why are we paying her salary?
I have not been very active lately due to illness, I have developed a condition called essential ...
jerry99 comments on May 10, 2019:
Sorry for your difficulties. I hope things get better for you soon. Good luck!
Why Progressives HAVE TO Vote for ANY Democrat Who Wins the Nomination in 2020
jerry99 comments on May 12, 2019:
Amazingly, there are still way too many so-called progressives who can't see any difference between Trump and a moderate Dem - see below. So like many of the the Bernie Bros last time, they'd rather throw their vote away than support Biden, the clear front-runner at this moment. I'll actively support anyone who gets the Dem nomination. This is too important to to let your hurt feelings at not getting your way destroy our democracy. See If you haven't learned anything from Trump's presidency so far, then there's really no hope for you.
Religion is the greatest irony man has ever invented...
jerry99 comments on May 14, 2019:
Uh, so this never happened. But my best guess is that it's a reference to a proposed, rather insane bill that is unlikely to pass. See ** A Texas bill would allow the death penalty for patients who get abortions ** But it's Texas and from a Republican, so it's not crazy to think this could happen. Maybe it's time that the normal people in Texas (and my brother lives there so I'm sure there are at least a few) to start throwing out Repub lunatics. The real danger IMO is that this is another step towards normalizing anti-women legislation in hopes of getting something in front of the Supreme Court that could be used to challenge Roe v. Wade. For reference: "A bill recently introduced in Texas would make it possible for women to get the death penalty for having abortions. The bill would criminalize all abortions, with no exceptions for rape or incest, and would make it possible to charge a woman with homicide for having the procedure, according to the Washington Post. The state of Texas allows capital punishment for homicide. Rep. Tony Tinderholt, a Republican state legislator who introduced the bill, says it would make people “consider the repercussions” of having sex. “My bill simply accomplishes one goal,” Tinderholt said in a statement to media on Wednesday. “It brings equal treatment for unborn human beings under the law.” The bill, which was discussed at a hearing on Monday, is unlikely to pass. And it falls far outside the mainstream of the anti-abortion movement, which has generally opposed punishing women for having abortions. “I am absolutely appalled by any proposal that would suggest prosecuting a woman for seeking an abortion or obtaining an abortion,” Catherine Glenn Foster, president of the anti-abortion group Americans United for Life, told Vox. But the bill may be part of a larger drive by abortion opponents to introduce laws that could lead to a challenge to Roe v. Wade. And reproductive rights activists fear that Tinderholt’s proposal is a preview of what could happen if the landmark abortion decision is overturned. “Clearly it is a terrifying example of the lengths the anti-choice GOP are willing to go to punish women,” Adrienne Kimmell, the vice president of communications and strategic research at NARAL Pro-Choice America, told Vox."
Here's a couple of good ones And they say we are the party of hate I don't remember seeing our ...
jerry99 comments on May 14, 2019:
Some time back a question came up in Quora that I found slightly interesting.
jerry99 comments on May 16, 2019:
Occam's razor
Pope Francis Guilty of “Heresy,” Catholic Scholars Claim in “Historic” Letter | David Gee | ...
jerry99 comments on May 16, 2019:
“This crime is committed when a Catholic knowingly and persistently denies something which he knows that the Church teaches to be revealed by God.” IOW he sometimes chooses reality over fantasy. I'd also like to know how they figure out what's been "revealed by god"?
Facebook busts Israel-based campaign to disrupt elections [] Russia's got company!
jerry99 comments on May 16, 2019:
** Hey, just what is reality anyway? ** "Although Facebook said the individuals behind the network attempted to conceal their identities, it discovered that many were linked to the Archimedes Group, a Tel Aviv-based political consulting and lobbying firm that publicly boasts of its social media skills and ability to “change reality.” “It’s a real communications firm making money through the dissemination of fake news,” said Graham Brookie, director of the Digital Forensic Research Lab at the Atlantic Council, a think tank collaborating with Facebook to expose and explain disinformation campaigns. He called Archimedes’ commercialization of tactics more commonly tied to governments, like Russia, an emerging--and worrying--trend in the global spread of social media disinformation. “These efforts go well beyond what is acceptable in free and democratic societies,” Brookie said. Gleicher described the pages as conducting “coordinated inauthentic behavior,” with accounts posting on behalf of certain political candidates, smearing their opponents and presenting as legitimate local news organizations peddling supposedly leaked information. “Our team assessed that because this group is primarily organized to conduct deceptive behavior, we are removing them from the platform and blocking them from coming back,” he added. The activity appeared focused on Sub-Saharan African countries but was also scattered in parts of Southeast Asia and Latin America, what Brookie called a “staggering diversity of regions” that pointed to the group’s sophistication. The fake pages, pushing a steady stream of political news, racked up 2.8 million followers. Thousands of people expressed interest in attending at least one of the nine events organized by those behind the pages. Facebook could not confirm whether any of the events actually occurred. Some 5,000 accounts joined one or more of the fake groups. Gleicher said the misleading accounts primarily aimed to influence people in Nigeria, Senegal, Togo, Angola, Niger and Tunisia."
College Democrats Protest New DCCC Vendor Policy - The Atlantic
jerry99 comments on May 17, 2019:
Seems like AOC and others in 2016 showed that you could beat incumbents if your message connected with voters needs and desires, but nobody gets a free pass.
Evolution deniers are the worst
jerry99 comments on May 18, 2019:
Yeah, well how to you explain Republicans?
Resurfaced Video Shows Bernie Sanders Criticizing Media for Not Covering Climate Change in 1989 ...
jerry99 comments on May 19, 2019:
Rachel Carson, Silent Spring, 1962
Crimes Against Humanity per the United Nations
jerry99 comments on May 19, 2019:
Trump has always opposed the UN and globalism, so no surprise he doesn't support the UN on human rights. Hey, America First!
Advice from anyone else who owns or owned rental properties.
jerry99 comments on May 19, 2019:
Do you really want to spend a lot of your retirement dealing with routine maintenance problems and difficult tenants?
jerry99 comments on May 19, 2019:
I'm always skeptical of the more outrageous claims even if they're connected to Trump. People should include links so we can look up the facts. In this case, it appears that the claims are likely to be true and that there is even additional outrage to be had, according to Snopes: Jason Miller, who served as a campaign surrogate for President Donald Trump and political analyst on CNN, has been accused of slipping a woman a pill that induced an abortion, according to a 14 September 2018 court filing in a custody case. ... The court filing, which can be viewed as embedded in a 21 September 2018 story published by Splinter News, was signed by Miller’s ex-girlfriend and fellow Trump campaign staffer A.J. Delgado, who in July 2017 gave birth to a son fathered by Miller. (Delgado had an affair with the married Miller during the 2016 election.) In the filing, Delgado seeks a psychological evaluation of Miller and expresses concern for their son’s safety because Miller has unsupervised visits with the child. According to the document, Miller began an affair with a Florida stripper in 2012, whom he impregnated. Miller is accused of giving the pregnant woman smoothie drink containing an abortion-inducing drug without her knowledge. As a result the woman, identified only as “Jane Doe” in the filing, reportedly became violently ill to the point of requiring hospitalization and lost the baby.
My favorite TV show ended (sob), but other fans are also having a hard time saying goodbye to 'Big ...
jerry99 comments on May 19, 2019:
There's probably no really good way to end a tv series after 12 years but this wasn't awful, maybe a bit too predictable and sentimental, that's all.
'And the world, I'll turn it inside out': Cold open of SNL's season finale features Alec Baldwin as ...
jerry99 comments on May 19, 2019:
Saw it. Didn't find it funny -- too much reality for my taste. Great Queen song of course, though I like the Foxes/Dr Who version much more!
This deserves repeating again far too outrageous
jerry99 comments on May 20, 2019:
It'd be nice if white women started voting for candidates who care about women's rights.
Billionaire shocks graduating class by wiping out their student loans
jerry99 comments on May 20, 2019:
Yeah, there's a lot more to say. The US can't depend on a few billionaires to solve the problem of getting higher education for all who are able -- we need take that funding away from the profit-driven vultures and bring it back to the non-profits and government agencies who are responsible to the public.
jerry99 comments on May 20, 2019:
You really nailed it there.
Christian TV Host Rick Wiles: We Will Impose Christian Rule In This Country | Michael Stone
jerry99 comments on May 21, 2019:
Or as Republicans call it, the good old days.
Why are the the western countries silent and blind against what Saudi Arabia do and why they do not ...
jerry99 comments on May 22, 2019:
Aside from oil and money, I think for some politicians they're viewed as a stabilizing force in a very volatile region so we turn a blind eye to their religious fanaticism and brutality. We couldn't even get our government to admit that an vicious murderer like MBS did anything wrong because it might impact our weapons sales.
I can't help but admire Amash's succinct and clear twitter threads.
jerry99 comments on May 23, 2019:
How is it possible that Michael Cohen, Paul Manafort and others in Trump's circle are in jail while Trump is not only free but still gets to appoint judges and other high-level positions?
MASKS ... should Agnositc allow people to hide behind avatars and masks?
jerry99 comments on May 26, 2019:
I guess there might be legitimate reasons why some folks, especially women, might prefer to keep their identity hidden -- fear of stalkers, embarrassment about being on a dating site, straying from their partners, and so on. Even so, my assumption is that they probably believe they're unattractive, at least with respect to potential dating possibilities. I'd just say, at this point you may as well put it out there and take your chances.
I'm curious about what people on this site feel about the simulation hypothesis.
jerry99 comments on May 27, 2019:
It kinda explains why there's so much crazy shit in the world. When the game gets boring, it's time to throw in a new earthquake or asteroid strike or maybe a crazy-ass president.
White campground manager pulls gun on black couple having picnic in viral video - AOL News
jerry99 comments on May 31, 2019:
Mississippi goddamn!
Trump says U.
jerry99 comments on May 31, 2019:
It's all about his tiny dick.
No Middle ground. Let's get 'er done. []
jerry99 comments on Jun 4, 2019:
This is how Democrats lose elections. Alienating the vast number of independents and moderates is not a winning strategy.
"The TAPS Act has all the earmarks of a paranoid police state that considers everyone a potential ...
jerry99 comments on Jun 4, 2019:
Orwell was an optimist.
Government argues for halt to youth climate lawsuit, saying there is no constitutional right to a ...
jerry99 comments on Jun 5, 2019:
Next thing those young trouble-makers will be demanding is clean air and clean water. The nerve!
Trump on impeachment and Nixon: ‘He left. I don’t leave.’ - POLITICO
jerry99 comments on Jun 11, 2019:
Remember when they used to say about Nixon & Clinton, "it's not the crime, it's the cover-up." Apparently with Trump, it's not anything at all! WTF happened to the cover-up being what gets you convicted???
Unbelievable! ATF agents searching for thousands of guns stolen from their facility before they ...
jerry99 comments on Jun 13, 2019:
Wow, what a monumental fuckup! People need to go to prison for extended hard time.
Zoo boat proof!
jerry99 comments on Jun 17, 2019:
Noah saw the extreme case of climate change I guess.
Has Trump lost any of his base?
jerry99 comments on Jun 19, 2019:
The question isn't how will Trump win, it's how will the Dems manage to blow a sure thing again!? My bet is that it will be by alienating the moderates and independents.
Sarah Huckabee Sanders Wants You to Know She Was Not Impressed
jerry99 comments on Jun 19, 2019:
Bret Stephens: Worse is always possible in this administration. But Sanders set a benchmark for awfulness that was a thing to behold. It wasn’t simply that she spun the news or shaded the truth, which many people in her position have been known to do. It wasn’t even that she lied, though she did that with abandon. It was that sneer of hers, the consciously curled lip, which seemed practiced before a mirror, that communicated bottomless contempt for individual journalists, for the profession of journalism itself and for the very idea of truth-as-such. She combined the sincerity of Elmer Gantry with the moral outlook of Raskolnikov. And there will be future spokesmen who will model themselves accordingly.
Trump EPA finalizes rollback of key Obama climate rule that targeted coal plants - The Washington ...
jerry99 comments on Jun 19, 2019:
"The EPA also said the new rules could result in 1,400 more premature deaths by 2030 than the Obama-era plan." Wouldn't want to interfere with profits!
So he didn't realize that people would die if he attacked 3 sites (not sights!) until 10 minutes ...
jerry99 comments on Jun 21, 2019:
Twitter comments: You called it off because Putin, your boss, demanded it. You don’t give a shit about human life and we know you didn’t think about the people that might die. You’re literally murdering children at the border right now! None of this is true. Not one fucking bit. No General would say “150 will die sir.” Putin said don’t attack. You got scared and backed off. Impeach the motherfucker. Ill go one step further. If you truly believe this, no matter what side you are on politically, you are truly a moron. Hate me all you want and make soy comments or whatever. But if you truly believe this, you are a dummy. Don’t forget that. This is a man that cannot close an umbrella and now he is the Bill Pullman from Independence Day? Many many people are saying that closing an Umbrella is the hardest thing anyone's ever done, believe me! You’ll never be 1% of the man Obama was. Imagine if Obama ordered an air strike and then cancelled 10 minutes before like Trump did? The GOP would be calling Obama a coward and calling for him to be impeached! Trump ended the Iran deal simply because the black President Trump hated had made the deal that was working. Iran was NOT in violation of the deal when Trump ended it 2018. This is all because of Trump's obsession with erasing Obama's legacy! Yes, let's put the lives of military personnel on the line to protect our egos. This isn't 5th grade recess. You're a weak, unstable, dangerous man who isn't mentally or intellectually fit to make decisions involving life and death of people you couldn't care less about. You've weakened& ridiculed us on the world stage and your hatred and crimes against humanity are breeding terrorists This should be hilarious, instead it's terrifying. My 11 year old can write better, more convincing stories than this. He also knows how to spell "sites".
[] Bill O' Reilly hurts himself by dropping the bomb of historically racist white men.
jerry99 comments on Jun 25, 2019:
O'Reilly posted a stupid tweet which people delighted in correcting. See photo!
Make America Great Again - Wikipedia
jerry99 comments on Jun 26, 2019:
For 2020, it's Make America Groan Again!
DEMOCRATIC DEBATE Just a placeholder for discussion: I felt Warren was short-changed on ...
jerry99 comments on Jun 26, 2019:
Oops, I was wrong: CNN #DemDebate talk times: Booker: 10 min, 55 sec O'Rourke: 10 min, 39 sec Warren: 9 min, 17 sec Castro: 8 min, 52 sec Klobuchar: 8 min, 25 sec Gabbard: 7 min, 22 sec Ryan: 7 min, 21 sec Delaney: 6 min, 49 sec de Blasio: 5 min, 40 sec Inslee: 4 min, 52 sec
DEMOCRATIC DEBATE Just a placeholder for discussion: I felt Warren was short-changed on ...
jerry99 comments on Jun 27, 2019:
Wash Post has a summary of winners and losers: Winners Elizabeth Warren: The Massachusetts senator went into the debate with the biggest target on her back as the highest-polling candidate onstage. But she largely skated. Other candidates didn’t seem to have the appetite to put her on the spot. After the first question, Sen. Amy Klobuchar (D-Minn.), Former Texas congressman Beto O’Rourke and Sen. Cory Booker (D-N.J.) all got a chance to offer differences with Warren on her proposals — free college, a huge tax increase on the wealthy, and breaking up big companies, respectively. None of them took the bait, with only Klobuchar offering a quibble — the idea that taxpayers pay for rich kids’ tuition — and even she didn’t actually tie that to Warren’s proposal. From that point on, Warren got a pass. And she used her platform to do what she has done to great effect on the campaign trail: talk about her bold, liberal policy ideas. It’s about the best she could have hoped for after being slotted onto the Joe Biden- and Bernie Sanders-free debate stage Julián Castro: For someone on the periphery of much of the 2020 debate, he made a splash. He made a strong statement about the father and daughter who drowned earlier this week in the Rio Grande, saying everyone should be “pissed off” about it. Later, after a joust with O’Rourke on immigration, other candidates emphasized their agreement with Castro. It’s a great sign when other candidates are straining to show they agree with you. Bill de Blasio: Since making a late entry into the 2020 field, the New York mayor has been the butt of more than a few jokes in D.C. and New York media. He’s also by far the most unpopular candidate in the field. But he was on his game: He cut in to get more time. He talked about having hard conversations with his black son. He talked about his dad’s PTSD, which eventually led to suicide. And he made perhaps the most far-reaching case for government activism outside of Warren — exactly as he wanted. Raise-your-hand questions: Candidates hate having to answer questions with yes-or-no answers, but sometimes moderators must make them. Good news: You can get all of them to do it at once! The NBC moderators asked the 10 candidates onstage whether their health care plans would get rid of private insurance in favor of single-payer health care. Only Warren and de Blasio raised their hand. Then they all discussed the details. It worked — and it can continue to for the right kind of question. Klobuchar’s one-liners: The overall picture wasn’t a resounding success for her, but a couple of lines landed well: one well-improvised and one clearly planned. When Washington Gov. Jay Inslee talked about being the only candidate to sign into law a...
If the Vatican cared more for the quality of life and less about the sanctity of life, the world ...
jerry99 comments on Jul 3, 2019:
Old news but still relevant!
Trump’s celebration of himself is the perfect reminder of why he must leave - The Washington Post
jerry99 comments on Jul 4, 2019:
Qasim Rashid, Esq. What $92M on a Military Parade CAN buy: •920M meals for the hungry •1 year tuition for 9200 students •1 year rent for 6400 homeless •Opioid rehab for 6300 ppl •Adoption of 2600 orphans •Suicide prevention for 22 Vets/day What a $22M Military parade CANNOT buy: •Respect
Trump’s celebration of himself is the perfect reminder of why he must leave - The Washington Post
jerry99 comments on Jul 4, 2019:
Travis Allen: The Trump family has no history of military service in over 5 generations, 150 years and two World Wars. Let that sink in. #BoycottTrump4thOfJuly
Jingoistic Military Fetishization Is as American as Bald Eagle McNuggets – Consortiumnews
jerry99 comments on Jul 5, 2019:
Give us a break -- it's less than half of us.
My grandchildren recently started attending some sort or required class to become catholic.
jerry99 comments on Jul 6, 2019:
Books -- good books, and lots of them: Mark Twain, Kurt Vonnegut, Catch-22, science fiction, science, poetry, ...
How to Start Your Own Country: 14 Steps (with Pictures) - wikiHow
jerry99 comments on Jul 9, 2019:
I’d be happy to live in the Blue States of America.
jerry99 comments on Jul 11, 2019:
By back, I think you mean undermine.
jerry99 comments on Jul 12, 2019:
Nicely said.
New York times Headline :Acosta Resigns as Trump’s Labor Secretary After Epstein Plea Deal ...
jerry99 comments on Jul 12, 2019:
@paulwaldman1 take on Acosta's resignation: "Despite having enabled an accused serial child rapist to skate away from his crimes, Acosta may have been one of the *better* Trump appointees. That’s what a disaster this administration has been."
Trump tells progressive freshman congresswomen to 'go back' to their 'broken and crime infested' ...
jerry99 comments on Jul 14, 2019:
And not one Repub speaks up to say this is unAmerican and racist!
Priorities!!! Rick Wilson: 1/ There's a very passionate reaction to @realDonaldTrump's racisty...
jerry99 comments on Jul 14, 2019:
Dan Rather: ‏This president's cruelty is matched by the cowardice of his enablers, who inflict just as much damage on this nation and its ideals. Men and women in elected office shouldn't get a presumption of normalcy. They must answer for their silence in the face of bigotry and misogyny.
Want a multilingual president?
jerry99 comments on Jul 17, 2019:
Is this some sort of criticism that you don’t believe he’s sufficiently fluent? Do you have any reason for thinking that and, if so, why does it matter?
Elon Musk & Nuralink: share your thoughts. Go! []
jerry99 comments on Jul 19, 2019:
Hard to believe he's going to have human trials later this year.
The instagram influemcer of yore? Paul Krassner Dead: Yippies Founder Was 87 – Variety
jerry99 comments on Jul 22, 2019:
Sad news. I had a subscription to The Realist in college in the 60's and loved their anti-war etc. take on things. My daughter sold off most of my collection a couple of years ago.
Locked inside my car. Can't get out. Car alarm blaring.
jerry99 comments on Jul 24, 2019:
It seems like criminally bad design to have doors that can't be opened from the inside in certain circumstances. What if there's a fire? Building codes require two exits to avoid the possibility of being trapped inside for just that reason.
Generally, as perhaps too often said before, I'm a broad church skeptic, and have little interest in...
jerry99 comments on Jul 25, 2019:
Sounds like you're describing Repubs.
I needed this reminder today.
jerry99 comments on Jul 29, 2019:
Lily Tomlin: “Forgiveness means giving up all hope for a better past.”
Who's watching the debate? I'm not, I can just get the highlights tomorrow (and the next day).
jerry99 comments on Jul 30, 2019:
I’m getting pretty pissed off at the circular firing squad approach to picking a presidential candidate. And I can’t stand the reporters heavy-handed attempts at moderation. All that aside, it hurts me to see so many excellent people doing such a shitty job of convincing people they should be president. I still think Elizabeth Warren has the best shot. I also think the younger candidates need to develop a great deal more experience before they tackle the presidency. *Sigh* but nobody asked for my opinion.
jerry99 comments on Jul 31, 2019:
I thought Buttigieg did a great job last night and I think he'd make a great president, but not for another 20 years or so when he's developed more experience in the world besides his tours in the Mideast and working as a small town mayor.
jerry99 comments on Aug 1, 2019:
Good article. I agree though I'm enjoying watching Marianne Williamson's other-worldly approach to politics. I hope she sticks around somehow. I'd also add these candidates who I like, but I think are past their expiration date: Bill de Blasio, Cory Booker, Julian Castro, Tulsi Gabbard, and Andrew Yang.
A rare 2,000-year-old scroll about the early years of Buddhism is made public []
jerry99 comments on Aug 1, 2019:
That's still 500 years or so after the time of the Buddha so there was plenty of opportunity for people to put their own spin on his words. Still, it's pretty amazing that it exists at all.
Trump Orders Navy to Strip Medals From Prosecutors in War Crimes Trial
jerry99 comments on Aug 2, 2019:
The message is clear: dare to criticize or even just disagree with him and he'll do everything he can to destroy your career, your reputation, your business, your family, everything! And he'll never forget even the slightest thing. Idiots who gave him this much power should be deeply ashamed!
jerry99 comments on Aug 4, 2019:
Florida Man!
Atheist friendly communities or countries
jerry99 comments on Aug 4, 2019:
Big cities tend to be a lot more diverse and tolerant (though maybe not in Saudi Arabia).
No good asshole doesn’t care.
jerry99 comments on Aug 4, 2019:
A man needs a break after a hard day at the tweeter machine!
jerry99 comments on Aug 8, 2019:
Years from now people will wonder how we could not realize we had put a massive criminal enterprise in charge of our country.
Isn’t there clear evidence that the supreme something that created the universe is an unjust ...
jerry99 comments on Aug 10, 2019:
Isn’t there clear evidence that Santa Claus just wants to keep little kids in line with bribes and threats? You better watch out!
So why did Epstein commit suicide? [] I wonder what his motivation was?
jerry99 comments on Aug 10, 2019:
Just my best guess, but I think he was a coward who could only prey on those much weaker than himself, so it seems likely to me that he killed himself as a way of avoiding punishment.
So why did Epstein commit suicide? [] I wonder what his motivation was?
jerry99 comments on Aug 11, 2019:
Interesting that a large majority of assumed agnostics/atheists (9 to 3 at the moment) embrace a conspiracy theory without any evidence. But then, we live at a time when the US president is also retweeting a conspiracy theory without any facts: Donald J. Trump Retweeted Terrence K. Williams Died of SUICIDE on 24/7 SUICIDE WATCH ? Yeah right! How does that happen #JefferyEpstein had information on Bill Clinton & now he’s dead I see #TrumpBodyCount trending but we know who did this! RT if you’re not Surprised #EpsteinSuicide #ClintonBodyCount #ClintonCrimeFamily ** Maybe Jesus flew down and did it! **
Retired ‘Navy SEAL’ praising Trump on Fox News was a fake - The Washington Post
jerry99 comments on Aug 12, 2019:
Fox's corruptness is underscored by the fact that it took them 10 days to remove the false claim to heroism. When are they called to account for being a party to Stolen Valor? "Don Shipley, a retired SEAL, told the Navy Times that he contacted Fox on Oct. 9, the day after the story ran. But the story was still on the news outlet’s Facebook page on Oct. 19. By then it had amassed 1.5 million views."
Reality of Assault Rifles and why they don't belong on Civilian Hands. []
jerry99 comments on Aug 14, 2019:
Insane that these are legally available to anyone with a few hundred bucks to spare.
Totally Unqualified to be Secretary of Education
jerry99 comments on Aug 14, 2019:
That's what makes her qualified!
What we're up against
jerry99 comments on Aug 14, 2019:
Asha Rangappa To be fair when I’m down in the dumps and feel like no one likes me I go shopping ...
jerry99 comments on Aug 16, 2019:
Sounds good to me. I have a feeling that if they become a state their Congress reps will likely swing to the left.
Let us all learn some Yiddish
jerry99 comments on Aug 16, 2019:
I'm gonna need a few translations.
The FDA Is Literally Warning People Not to Drink Bleach Now
jerry99 comments on Aug 16, 2019:
Not sure how, but I suspect this has something to do with Trump. Also: Trooper finds parked driver playing Pokemon Go on 8 phones A Washington state trooper who pulled over to help what he thought was a disabled vehicle found something else instead: The driver had eight phones simultaneously playing the video game Pokemon Go. Seen on Axios newsletter
jerry99 comments on Aug 19, 2019:
I confess that I don’t always speak up. A couple of times with particularly stupid women, I reacted by abruptly turning my back and walking away. Other times, I’ve spoken up and exited.
I am the chosen ONE
jerry99 comments on Aug 21, 2019:
** Gah! I didn't realize that was a literal quote!!! ** ‘I am the Chosen One,’ Trump proclaims as he defends trade war with China Also "Just hours after accusing Jewish people who vote for Democrats of “disloyalty” (which drew widespread condemnation), President Trump quoted a controversial radio host who called him the “King of Israel” and “the second coming of God,” in the latest of a series of inflammatory comments about Jews. In his tweet, Trump thanked Wayne Allyn Root, considered a “conspiracy theorist” by the Washington Post and others, for the tweets, calling them “very nice words.” Trump followed his tweets by saying “I am the chosen one” during an interview with White House reporters. He was referring to his role in managing the trade war with China. #DisloyalToTrump and #KingofIsrael soon began to trend on Twitter." ** We all knew he was insane, we just didn't realize how far gone! **
Donald Trump’s Last 24 Hours Have Been Particularly Stupid And Offensive And Weird
jerry99 comments on Aug 24, 2019:
That's the headline every damn day!
Trump Says He Was Joking When He Called Himself ‘The Chosen One’
jerry99 comments on Aug 24, 2019:
That what Sarah Sanders said every time he got caught saying something stupid or false.
Elizabeth Warren speaks in Seattle
jerry99 comments on Aug 25, 2019:
Start watching around 38:00 -- she has a plan for that! -- End lobbying as we know it -- Block the revolving door between Wall St. and Washington -- Make every single person who runs for federal office put their tax returns online ...
Effort seems meaningless and egotistical at best.
jerry99 comments on Aug 27, 2019:
Good luck making a living with that approach.
Last Starhopper test flight.
jerry99 comments on Aug 29, 2019:
Hard to believe a giant soup can can fly!
jerry99 comments on Aug 29, 2019:
This is where we are as a country: children have to be educated on dealing with ICE raids and how to evade mass shootings at school. What a sad commentary!
I mentioned Agnostic.
jerry99 comments on Aug 30, 2019:
I can't imagine having posts so interesting that I'd want to hassle with Google Translate. I already skip over 90+% of what's here.
jerry99 comments on Aug 30, 2019:
Sounds more like an amalgam of a few stories to make a point. No biggie, they all do that. Reagan would occasionally mix up movie plots with historical anecdotes. Trump did it too, perhaps on purpose, talking about immigrant invaders.
Deportation will likely end her life. Tell me again. How wonderful capitalism is. []
jerry99 comments on Aug 30, 2019:
The cruelty is the point. This has a Stephen Miller stink all over it.
If Americans want to understand Israel, they should think of 1950s Alabama, with an air force
jerry99 comments on Aug 31, 2019:
Looks like I accidentally wandered into a Reichsparteitag.
[] Sad News! - Valerie Harper of Rhoda and Mary Tyler Moore Show dies at 80!
jerry99 comments on Aug 31, 2019:
Sad, but dying at 80 isn't really a tragedy. Tragic that she apparently lived in a lot of pain the last few years.
How come the Dislike emoji was changed? :(
jerry99 comments on Sep 1, 2019:
It looks like the neutral face in the drop-down menu but shows up as the angry red face in the list.
Thoughts and prayers
jerry99 comments on Sep 1, 2019:
Donald J. Trump Retweeted The White House “On behalf of all Americans, I’d like to express my deepest sympathies and sorrow for the victims and their families. We ask God to comfort and heal those who are suffering and we hope that there will be a full and quick recovery of the injured.“
For anyone who needs this little reminder.
jerry99 comments on Sep 1, 2019:
Here’s the real Leonard Cohen quote, from “Anthem”: Ring the bells that still can ring Forget your perfect offering There is a crack, a crack in everything That’s how the light gets in. And the real Hemingway, from A Farewell to Arms: If people bring so much courage to this world the world has to kill them to break them, so of course it kills them. The world breaks every one and afterward many are strong at the broken places. But those that will not break it kills. It kills the very good and the very gentle and the very brave impartially. If you are none of these you can be sure it will kill you too but there will be no special hurry.
A 14 year old with a gun.
jerry99 comments on Sep 3, 2019:
I think I finally get the Crimson Tide reference.
If you believe in world peace, community, free expression, compassion and empathy, music, poetry and...
jerry99 comments on Sep 6, 2019:
Whatever became of them?
Anyone know what happened to @AmiSue?
jerry99 comments on Sep 8, 2019:
Well damn!
One thing that I have noticed is that people seem to be a lot less DIY these days than when I was a ...
jerry99 comments on Sep 9, 2019:
Unfortunately it turns out that it's cheaper to replace something than to repair it. Thus our enormous garbage problems!
Now I'm not a betting man... but I found this interesting. []
jerry99 comments on Sep 11, 2019:
Sorry to say, this looks realistic to me. The only way the Dems win is if they all unify behind the nominee. But they're Dems so it seems unlikely!
"After 9/11, America was so outraged by the deaths of thousands of innocent American civilians over ...
jerry99 comments on Sep 11, 2019:
It was insane to attack Iraq and not the other one of the two countries responsible, Saudi Arabia. It was also insane to stay in Afghanistan after achieving our primary objective. But otherwise, how would we justify spending most of our resources on the military?


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