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Has anyone seen Man From Earth?
AncientNight comments on Mar 18, 2018:
I read a book with the same premise. It might have been the same story. In the book, he wasn't sure how old he really was, because he didn't keep track of it for the first 2-3,000 years. He estimated his age at between 10-12,000. It was a really thought provoking book. I think that the author would ...
jerry99 replies on Mar 19, 2018:
Jerome Bixby wrote the story used for this movie.
Has anyone seen Man From Earth?
jerry99 comments on Mar 16, 2018:
Yes, it was a wonderful movie, well-written and well-acted. A sequel was released recently, "The Man from Earth: Holocene" which I found disappointing. And there's a TV series possibly in the works.
jerry99 replies on Mar 16, 2018:
I got it from their Kickstarter campaign. I think the DVD is available.
Ruth Bader Ginsburg: 85 and no signs she'll retire from Supreme Court
jerry99 comments on Mar 15, 2018:
She's wonderful but should have retired during the Obama admin. Too damn old!
jerry99 replies on Mar 15, 2018:
Hell, of course it applies to men! We don’t need Trump appointing more right-wing ideologues! I thought all of the likely last presidential candidates were too damn old: Hillary, Bernie, Trump, Biden, ... I’m 72 and I know what it’s like!
Are we living in a computer simulation?
Lovecraft comments on Feb 22, 2018:
Kinda irrelevant. interesting, but irrelevant lol. its the problem of solipsism, but its not really a problem, since whether or not life is real we all seem to be experiencing it the same way, objects are permanent even when you leave the room. you could all be figments of my imagination, but it ...
jerry99 replies on Feb 23, 2018:
Yes, of course. We don't go around murdering people because they might just be a simulation. Still, I think keeping the possibility in mind gives us a bit more perspective on what really matters: finding happiness and adding to other people's happiness. Also, we can laugh at ourselves a bit more easily when we screw-up.
Are we living in a computer simulation?
mordant comments on Feb 22, 2018:
If we are in a simulation I don't see that as relevant because it's not actionable. What are we going to do, escape the simulation? Reality is "experienced as real", and that's for practical purposes the same thing as "real". So to me the mechanism by which reality comes to us is rather beside...
jerry99 replies on Feb 23, 2018:
Yes, why not try to break out of the simulation? Or maybe we could find a way to communicate with the operator, say put up a notice that says "please make me young, beautiful, smart and wealthy." Or is that what they call praying to god? :)
Are we living in a computer simulation?
KKGator comments on Feb 22, 2018:
I think that's as much bullshit as there being an all-powerful deity.
jerry99 replies on Feb 22, 2018:
If we were part of a simulation then I guess the entity running it would fit most definitions of a supreme being: all-knowing and all-powerful. I'd like to think that such an entity could still lose control of its creation and not be so omnipotent. Also, some thinkers have speculated on simulations being able to create more simulations. So, we couldn't even tell how deep we were in the simulation hierarchy if there were such a thing!
I'd like to have my morning coffee and web surf just one day without being assaulted with another ...
Akfishlady comments on Feb 13, 2018:
I hear that. I just kind of tune out, do yoga THEN face that hurdle.
jerry99 replies on Feb 13, 2018:
I’ll give that a shot, thanks.
I'd like to have my morning coffee and web surf just one day without being assaulted with another ...
Charlene comments on Feb 13, 2018:
Add some Bourbon to your takes the Drumpf edge off..
jerry99 replies on Feb 13, 2018:
Sure, but there goes the whole morning!
I'd like to have my morning coffee and web surf just one day without being assaulted with another ...
Jack-of-scythes comments on Feb 13, 2018:
jerry99 replies on Feb 13, 2018:
Nah, too wired!


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